Chapter 47: Idol, your character is broken

Xu Yifan suddenly turned around and took the shower from Lu Shijin's hand, threw it on the ground, then grabbed Lu Shijin's shoulder and pushed the boy towards the glass door of the bathroom.

Lu Shijin opened his eyes wide and looked at Xu Yifan who was close at hand, a mess in his mind.

A voice in his head told him he shouldn't.

But as long as a pair of Xu Yifan's deep eyes met, he could not help but fall into it and lost his ability to think.

"You broke up with your two boyfriends?"


Lu Shijin thought that Xu Yifan was going to pounce on him, but who knew that the other party just moved his Adam's apple and asked such a sentence without thinking.

Xu Yifan repeated it coldly: "Answer me."

Reason finally returned to his mind, Lu Shijin forcefully closed his eyes and opened them again, "No, no."

"So, do you want to step on three boats now?" Xu Yifan's eyes were full of irony, and his voice was cold, "Go out."

Lu Shijin wanted to go out, but Xu Yifan didn't want to let go of his shoulders.

"Let go of me first, before I can go out." Lu Shijin twisted his shoulders slightly, trying to get rid of Xu Yifan's hand, but was pushed harder against the wall by Xu Yifan.

Lu Shijin looked up at Xu Yifan in amazement, unable to guess the man's mind.

It was him who let himself out, but what does he mean by not letting go now?

"Break up with them and..." He didn't go on.

The man's black hair was messy, and water beads kept sliding down his forehead to his chin.

This handsome face will not change in the face of countless audiences under the stage and the focus of the spotlight. At this moment, the eyelashes are constantly trembling slightly, revealing the tension in my heart.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Lu Shijin raised his hand to wipe his face, lowered his head and let out a breath, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry", there is no need to ask any more, the answer is already obvious.

Xu Yifan let go of him without saying a word.

Lu Shijin, who was free, did not feel relaxed in his heart, but seemed to be pressing down on a mountain, so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

Lu Shijin opened the glass door and walked out, wrapped in a dry towel and left the bathroom.

After returning to his room, he didn't even bother to dry his body, and lay on his back on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling above his head.

After this night, Lu Shijin determined that Xu Yifan was interested in him.

And Lu Shijin felt as if he was also attracted to Xu Yifan, but he couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

He thought that he was not seeing a philandering man who loved him, but he couldn't control his heart and his emotions.

"Lu Shijin, big scumbag." Lu Shijin put his arm across his eyes and scolded himself.

I feel sorry for Pei Yin and I feel sorry for Xu Yifan.

"Don't talk about yourself like that, the host, there's nothing wrong with liking someone." The warm-hearted little angel 711 came out to enlighten Lu Shijin.

"It's right to like one person, but I like two people." Lu Shijin said listlessly.

711: "It doesn't matter, anyway, Pei Yin is not here in this world, it doesn't matter if you and Xu Yifan fall in love, when the task is completed, it will be the next world, and it will be a new beginning!"

Lu Shijin: " can think about it."

711: "In our business, this is much more common. I once took a host, and it was in the first world that I thought I had met the unique true love in my life, and I decided to protect my lover like a jade. What happened? The second one In the world, he met another 'true love', I took him ten worlds, and he changed ten 'true loves', so there is really no need to dwell on the previous relationship, what if the next one is better?"

Lu Shijin interrupted 711: "Convenience store."

711: "Huh?"

Lu Shijin: "You scumbag system."

711: "..."

"I'm asking you about the convenience store," Lu Shijin suddenly thought of a wonderful idea, and asked excitedly, "Can I open a harem?"

711: "What do you mean?"

Lu Shijin asked a little embarrassedly: "After completing all the tasks, can I be with Pei Yin and Xu Yifan at the same time?"

711: "!!! You were so embarrassed to call me scum just now! Your idea is out of the sky!"

"I just asked casually," Lu Shijin asked expectantly, "Is it alright?"

"Of course not!" 711 sternly refused.

Lu Shijin: "Why? Didn't you say you can satisfy any of my wishes?"

711: "Your wish is not in line with the core values! The most important thing is that you can't pass the trial!"

Lu Shijin: "...Actually, I've always been curious, your audit standards come from LJJ, right??"

711: "What is LJJ?"

Lu Shijin: "One cannot describe below the neck, and the ending can only be a 1V1 novel website."

711: "That's good, this is a high level of consciousness!"

Lu Shijin: Smile.jpg, I just hate that the system he is bound to is not the Haitang standard, otherwise he will be embracing left and right instead of being in a dilemma.

It seems that he can only choose to live up to one person.


"What? You want to quit the group?" Brother Shen, Lu Shijin's agent, heard Lu Shijin's words, widened his eyes in disbelief, and threw the document in his hand on the desk with a bang, "You know what you're talking about. Is it?! Your group is now in a critical period of ascension, you are leaving the group at this time?!"

"Brother Shen, don't be in a hurry to get angry, I didn't say that I would retire immediately." Lu Shijin said, "I will continue to participate in the current itinerary, and I will retire when the company finds someone who can replace me. Can you see? How much should the termination fee be?

The agent listened to Lu Shijin's sincerity, and his anger subsided.

The agent sighed and persuaded Lu Shijin earnestly: "It's not about the termination fee, but why did you quit the group? Do you know how many boy groups have appeared in the entertainment industry every year, and how many boy groups have just debuted and faced problems? Has it been disbanded? Your STORM has achieved the same results now, which is not easy, and the company is very optimistic about you, and you will definitely have a bright future in the future! If you quit the group, you will cut off your own development, and you will regret it in the future!"

Lu Shijin: "I understand all these principles, but I don't think I am suitable for the way of the showbiz."

The agent clapped the table and said angrily, "What's not suitable for? Many directors and producers have praised you as the most talented artist! Why are you not confident? That's all I've said, brother might as well tell you more about it. At the end of the day, the company has decided to support you strongly, except Xu Yifan is you in your group, what are you dissatisfied with?"

Lu Shijin: "Thank you Brother Shen for your care and the company's cultivation."

Agent: "Then do you still want to leave the group?"

Lu Shijin was silent and stated his position.

The manager understood, but was so angry that he covered his chest and kept breathing deeply to prevent himself from doing anything violent.

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door outside the office. The manager felt that if he continued to chat with Lu Shijin, he would probably be mad at him, so he let people outside come in.

Coincidentally, the person who came in was Xu Yifan.

Why is he here now! Lu Shijin turned his face awkwardly to avoid looking at Xu Yifan.

Seeing that it was Xu Yifan, the agent's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had found a savior, he hurriedly beckoned Xu Yifan to come over.

"Fan, come and help me persuade the youngest of your family. I don't know what's going on. Yesterday was fine. Today, I'm arguing with me to leave the group." The agent thought of something, suspiciously on Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan Looking back and forth, "Isn't there a conflict in your group?"

Lu Shijin waved his hand quickly: "No, no, we have a good relationship, and we have never had any conflicts."

The agent said suspiciously: "If you haven't had any conflicts, why did you leave the group? Don't say that you feel that you are not suitable for this kind of bullshit. I have been in the entertainment industry for so many years, which one is the truth and which one is false. I can tell the difference, don't fool me with this reason! If you can't tell me a reason that can convince me, I will definitely not agree with you to leave the group!"

"You want to leave the group?" Xu Yifan turned to Lu Shijin and asked blankly, "Why?"

Lu Shijin replied casually: "No reason, I just don't want to be an artist."

Xu Yifan: "You said that the stage is your dream, why did you suddenly give up?"

Lu Shijin felt a little helpless. Others don't know why. Don't you know?

You can't have feelings in the team, that's what you said at the beginning.

Now Xu Yifan is interested in him, and he also has a good impression of Xu Yifan. Not to mention that he violated the company's regulations, Lu Shijin didn't want to betray Pei Yin and Xu Yifan together.

So instead of embarrassing both of them by staying, it's better for him to quit the group, out of sight and out of sight, which is good for everyone.

"Everyone can change. The stage was my dream in the past, but now I feel that the stage is not suitable for me. Isn't it normal to have other ideas?" Lu Shijin said plausibly, "I won't cause trouble to other members and the company. , I will explain to the fans when the group is due, it's my personal reason."

Xu Yifan: "I don't agree."

Lu Shijin: "..." Please! What kind of trouble do you disagree with!

The agent seemed to have found a supporter and immediately made a decision: "I don't agree either! Xiao Lu, you are still young and immature, do you know how much the termination fee is? Well, call your family over, Let’s discuss together, if they also support you to leave the group, then the company has nothing to say!”

Lu Shijin had no choice but to leave the agent first and then think of other ways.

After training in the evening and returning to the dormitory, after washing up and going to bed, Lu Shijin swiped his phone for a while and was ready to sleep when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Lu Shijin got up and opened the door, Xu Yifan was standing outside.

"Brother Fan? Is there something wrong so late?" Lu Shijin saw who it was, clenched the door handle behind the door, and only opened the door with a half-person-wide slit, not intending to let Xu Yifan in.

"Yes," Xu Yifan glanced behind Lu Shijin and asked lightly, "Are you sure you want me to stand here and talk to you?"

"If it's not urgent," Lu Shijin stood motionless at the door, "Why don't we talk about it tomorrow?"

Lu Shijin is now particularly afraid of being alone with Xu Yifan. As soon as he gets close to Xu Yifan, his heart beats faster, not to mention being alone and widowed in the same room in the middle of the night.

He was not afraid of what Xu Yifan would do to him, he was afraid that he would accidentally reveal his "true feelings".

"It must be finished today." As if expecting that Lu Shijin would close the door, Xu Yifan put his hand on the door in advance, not giving Lu Shijin a chance to escape.

Lu Shijin can only open the door to let people in.

Fortunately, Xu Yifan didn't do anything too much after he came in. He just stood behind the door and didn't plan to take a step forward.

"Why do you want to quit the group?" Xu Yifan asked straight to the point.

Lu Shijin sat on the bed, took the pillow and hugged it to his chest, "I've already said the reason during the day."

Xu Yifan obviously didn't believe it.

The man stood in the dimly lit corner, his emotions and expressions could not be clearly seen on his face, and asked faintly, "Is it because of me?"

"No," Lu Shijin denied, "it's not because of you, don't think about it."

Xu Yifan snorted softly, "As soon as last night's events are over, you said you would quit the group today, why did you make me think so much?"

"It's not because of last night..." Lu Shijin tried to find other excuses, but Xu Yifan didn't have the patience to listen to his sophistry, "I admit that I have a good impression of you, but it's more out of curiosity."

Lu Shijin was stunned, "curious?"

"Well." Ivan Xu paused and said, "You are the first person to approach me, and your behavior is always a little unexpected, so I am curious about you."

Lu Shijin was a little confused, "Then you kissed me in the hot spring that day because of curiosity?"

Xu Yifan coughed unnaturally, "Yes, as you said, I have never been in a relationship, so when I heard what you said that day, I would inevitably be curious about the kiss. I was impulsive that day. I kissed you, and I felt it was wrong afterwards, and I never found a chance to apologize to you, sorry."

"No, it's okay, don't say I'm sorry." Lu Shijin suddenly felt a little lost in his heart, and pretended to be free and easy to smile, "I'm not relieved."

Lu Shijin has been in two love affairs, and he is a veteran of the love scene. How could he not know that Xu Yifan said that he was giving two people a step down.

So he pretended to believe Xu Yifan's explanation.

Xu Yifan: "And last night in the bathroom, I was just joking with you, I didn't really let you break up with your boyfriends."

Boyfriends "men" Lu Shijin suddenly regretted that he should not be quick and quick, and now his image of two boats can't be erased.

Lu Shijin: "I know, I actually... I was joking with you before, I didn't date two people at the same time..."

"You don't have to explain this to me," Xu Yifan interrupted him lightly. "Who do you want to associate with, and how many people you want to associate with, is your freedom. I have no right to interfere and will not interfere in the future."

Lu Shijin was very confused and didn't know what to say, so he said "thank you" to Xu Yifan in a daze, and regretted it immediately after saying it.

Damn, why should I say thank you?

Thank him for not interfering in my love life?

Xu Yifan continued: "So don't be troubled because of me, let alone because I gave up your dream."

Xu Yifan's voice was a bit astringent, and Lu Shijin felt a little sour when he heard it.

"Okay, I see." Lu Shijin hugged the pillow tightly on his chest, wanting to ignore the feeling of loss in his heart, and said in a hoarse voice, "Brother Fan, we will still be good teammates in the future, right?"

"Yes, good teammate." Xu Yifan moved and opened the door behind him, "Have a good rest, I'm leaving."

Xu Yifan went out, and after the door closed with a click, the room returned to silence.

Lu Shijin was no longer sleepy, and rolled on the bed with the quilt in his arms.

"Good teammate? Good brother?" Lu Shijin said to himself, "The ghost wants to be your good team friend and brother, so he kisses me because of curiosity. Will anyone believe me if I say such a lame reason?"

"If you ask what love is in the world, you won't be able to resist it if you teach it directly." 711 recited a limerick sourly.

"Ahhhhh convenience store, I'm uncomfortable, I'm so uncomfortable, why do I feel so bored after hearing Xu Yifan's words?" Lu Shijin bit the quilt, "I feel like I've lost my love."

711: "Be awake, how could you be brokenhearted if you're not in love at all?"

Lu Shijin beat his chest and sighed up to the sky: "You don't understand, some love ends before they start."

Lu Shijin had been rolling on the bed until three in the morning and couldn't fall asleep, so he simply opened the trumpet on his mobile phone and swiped Weibo to numb his brain.

After refreshing the home page, a video clip Weibo with a like "Ilu has you" popped up. The blogger's name is "Ordinary Life", and the like time is displayed one minute ago.

Isn't this the sensible CP fan from last time, who still hasn't slept at three o'clock, and is still watching CP videos of him and Xu Yifan.

Also an insomniac from Tianya, Lu Shijin decided to talk to ordinary life.

lululu: [Jimei, haven't you slept yet? 】

Ordinary life: [? 】

lululu: [I saw the Weibo you just liked, it seems that you really like ylyn, and you are still browsing their videos so late. 】

Ordinary life: [I can't sleep and just brush, I brushed it for the last time. 】

lululu: [? ? ? Why is it the last time? 】

Ordinary life: [It's all fake, you can't deceive yourself any more. 】

lululu: […]

Lu Shijin felt that he had been shot in the chest, and it would be fine if he lost his love. Did he witness the fans' removal with his own eyes again?

I'm so **** sick! ! ! Huge **** uncomfortable! ! !

lululu: [Why? 】

Ordinary life: [It's not that the real CP will disperse sooner or later, get out of the pit early to avoid emotional waste. 】

lululu: [How can you be sure that people are not real? Can't you have a little dream, Jimei? Be careful when removing powder, your idol needs you! 】

Ordinary life has stopped talking, and I don't know if it's really lost or offline.

Lu Shijin really couldn't sleep, not only Xu Yifan "abandoned" him, but even the fans abandoned him.

He just fell in love with two people with one heart, what did he do wrong?

Lu Shijin decided to go to Tao Qinghong's Weibo and rewatch all the videos of him and Xu Yifan to soothe his wounded heart!


Lu Shijin's plan to leave the group has been put on hold for the time being, and the group is still conducting normal activities.

The contract between Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan was also put on hold at the same time. Many black fans criticized Lu Shijin on the Internet for relying on blood-sucking Xu Yifan to gain popularity. As soon as there were signs of fire, they turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone. It is a joke that Yilu has you.

At first, the CP fans also refuted the black fans, but gradually, they also found that the interaction between Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan was indeed less and less.

As a result, there are more and more rumors about the discord between the two on the Internet. Fans of Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan also began to pinch each other on Weibo under the rhythm of caring people.

The brokerage company wanted to refute some rumors on the Internet, so they arranged a live interview for STORM.

On the day of the interview, the six people entered the live broadcast room on time, and the live broadcast room had long been guarded by hundreds of thousands of fans, and as the live broadcast started, the number of fans pouring into the live broadcast room increased.

[Look at it, ylyn is really dismantled, the two people are sitting at a distance of 108,000 miles, and it is clear that they ignore each other! 】

【Are your blood-sucking teammates cool? I heard that lsj wants to leave the group, please leave! 】

[Can dyj be more sour? Today, my family relies on strength to stand in the C position, and I refuse to accept it. 】

[Is GGDD really in conflict? Alas, those who chased after him all the way, it was really uncomfortable to see them like this now. 】

The host is a boy. After the introduction, the formal interview session begins.

The questions asked are all fan messages collected from the Internet, but they are actually designed by the company.

Host: "Then let's start now. The first question, let me see, is for our youngest."

When Lu Shijin heard the host call his name, he sat up straight.

The host looked at him with a smile and asked, "This question is very interesting. It's about personal feelings. Fans want to know, what does our youngest Jinjin think about the artist's relationship?"

Lu Shijin subconsciously glanced at Xu Yifan, who was sitting next to the host, and quickly looked away.

He thought about it and said, "If you really meet a very suitable person, I think it's okay for an artist to fall in love."

Host: "Then have you ever thought about when to fall in love?"

Lu Shijin said with a smile: "A senior once warned me that my age is the time to fight for my career. When it comes to dating, life is still long, and there will be opportunities in the future. I think he is right, and I I think if I fall in love, it will make fans sad, so I don't have this plan for the time being."

Host: "It seems that the youngest brother is very enlightened, a very qualified idol~"

[Hahahahaha lsj refutes rumors online that they are not in love, have ylyn's CP fans heard it? 】

[Yeyeye today, I'm a fan of the New Year, and I have long felt that CP fans are ex, YY is so energetic all day long, it stinks! 】

[The CP that I have been chasing for so long is gone, my mentality collapsed 1551]

【Come on today! Go ahead and do business! Business fans have arrived~]

After Lu Shijin finished speaking, he withdrew his gaze without seeing Xu Yifan's expression.

The next few questions the host asked were all watched by Lu Shijin. Lu Shijin was responsible for smiling and occasionally nodding and applauding when his teammates answered questions.

When it was time to ask Xu Yifan, the host turned over the card in his hand and glanced at the question to Xu Yifan.

"The question about Xu Yifan is that everyone knows that you have a tattoo with a phoenix pattern on your shoulder, but you have never explained the origin of the tattoo. Fans want to know, does this tattoo have any special meaning to you?"

Lu Shijin sat farthest from Xu Yifan, and pricked up his ears to listen to Xu Yifan's answer.

"No special meaning." Xu Yifan patted the shoulder on the side with the tattoo. "I have a birthmark on my shoulder. The tattoo is just to cover the birthmark, but I don't advocate tattoos. Don't try it lightly."

The host did not continue to ask questions after hearing the words.

But the speaker had no intention of listening, and Lu Shijin thought of a hypothesis, and a light suddenly flashed in his mind that seemed to be shrouded in fog.

Actually... Is there a birthmark under the tattoo? What kind of birthmark would that be? !

The author has something to say:

Jin Jin before discovering the teeth marks: Brother Fan, you are a good person, but I have already fallen in love with someone else, so I can't accept you.

Jin Jin after discovering the teeth marks: The only thing I love, Brother Fan, is you!

Fanfan: Do you think I will believe it?

I've seen a lot of Wife Chasing Crematorium. Do you want to see Husband Chasing Crematorium? (#^.^#)