Chapter 48: Idol, your character is broken

After hearing Xu Yifan personally say that his tattoos were to cover up the birthmark, Lu Shijin began to be haunted in the following interview time.

When the host asked him a question, he didn't respond. After reminding him two or three times, Lu Shijin came back to his senses.

Fortunately, the interview was not long, and it was over after more than half an hour.

Everyone left the live broadcast room one after another, and Lu Shijin followed Xu Yifan far behind, staring at his back, thoughtfully.

After seeing the tattoo on Xu Yifan's shoulder before, he had dispelled the speculation that Xu Yifan might be Pei Yin.

But now, the conjecture about what the birthmark on Xu Yifan's shoulder looks like has re-entangled in Lu Shijin's mind like a cloud of suspicion for a long time.

Although the probability of knowing that Xu Yifan happened to be Pei Yin was slim, Lu Shijin couldn't help but take one last chance.

What if Xu Ivan is?

Isn't all the problems solved?

Hope is like a kind of fire that spreads wildly whenever it has a chance to burn.

Lu Shijin couldn't wait to know the truth.

When he got in the car and went back, Lu Shijin deliberately squeezed to sit next to Xu Yifan.

Xu Yifan frowned and glanced at him, without saying anything, he turned his head out of the window expressionlessly, not intending to have any other communication with Lu Shijin.

The car started, and the car fell silent.

After everyone else fell asleep, Lu Shijin carefully tugged at the corner of Xu Yifan's clothes, and called out "Brother Fan" in a low voice.

Xu Yifan turned his head to the side and closed his eyes, but he obviously didn't fall asleep because Lu Shijin noticed that his eyelids moved.

So he poked Xu Yifan's arm more boldly, and moved his body against it, in a pleasing tone, "Brother Fan? Didn't you fall asleep?"

Xu Yifan frowned, but still didn't open his eyes, his arms retracted a little, which seemed to contradict Lu Shijin's touch.

Small child, ignoring people.

Lu Shijin gave full play to his shameless rogue spirit, and pushed back the armrest between the two, his entire upper body almost laying on Xu Yifan's body.

"Brother Fan, I know you haven't slept," Lu Shijin lowered his voice and said triumphantly in Xu Yifan's ear, "I saw your eyelashes moving, don't ignore it, I have a question for you."

Xu Yifan finally opened his eyes and pushed Lu Shijin back with his arm, his voice was low and impatient, "Just ask, don't get so close."

Lu Shijin didn't mind Xu Yifan's indifferent attitude towards him, he glanced at Xu Yifan's shoulder, "Brother Fan, in the interview just now, you said you had a birthmark on your shoulder, right?"

Xu Yifan closed his eyes again and said "um" from his nose.

Lu Shijin quietly wrinkled his nose at the big ice face, "Can you tell me what shape your birthmark is?"

"No." Xu Yifan refused without hesitation for half a second.

Lu Shijin couldn't understand, "Why not?"

Xu Yifan replied lightly, "Personal privacy."

Lu Shijin: "…"

"How can this be considered personal privacy?" Lu Shijin didn't give up and held on to Xu Yifan's arm. If there were other people in the car, he would have just stripped off Xu Yifan's clothes, "We don't always go naked during training. Arms? Besides, we even took a bath together, which part of your body have I not seen?"

Xu Yifan opened his eyes abruptly, staring at Lu Shijin extremely coldly, motionless, without saying a word.

Lu Shijin was stared at by Xu Yifan's eyes like a stranger, so he unconsciously let go of the hand that was holding Xu Yifan's arm, and sat down in his seat angrily.

"Why are you looking at me like this? If you don't show it, don't show it."

"Lu Shijin," Xu Yifan called his name and said in a low voice, "Since some words have been made clear, don't do some actions that will make people misunderstood."

Xu Yifan rarely called Lu Shijin's full name, and suddenly pulled the distance between the two of them very far.

Lu Shijin muttered "Oh".

Xu Yifan's cold attitude, like a thorn, pierced into Lu Shijin's heart, causing a sharp pain in his heart.

He also turned his head angrily, not intending to ignore Xu Yifan any more.

Now that Xu Yifan is in trouble with him and refuses to tell him what the birthmark looks like, Lu Shijin can only think of another way.

When he returned to the dormitory at night, Lu Shijin tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't fall asleep. He was still thinking about Xu Yifan's tattoo.

Finally, he had an idea, and he sneaked to the bathroom to get a full glass of water.

After returning to the room, he poured the whole glass of water on the bed without any hesitation, and then pulled his slippers to knock on Xu Yifan's door.

Xu Yifan opened the door, saw Lu Shijin again, and asked with a cold face, "What do you want to do?"

"I didn't want to do anything," Lu Shijin curled his lips aggrievedly, "I just woke up and wanted to drink water, and I accidentally poured the water on the bed. Now the bed is wet and I have nowhere to sleep, so Brother Fan, I am now Can I squeeze with you at night? Don't worry! I sleep well! I promise not to grab the quilt or snore!"

Xu Yifan was indifferent to Lu Shijin's pretense, "If the bed is wet, you can go to the living room and sleep on the sofa."

Lu Shijin was so angry that he choked, hey, this ruthless man!

Lu Shijin secretly told himself that if you can't bear it, you will make a big plan, and raised a innocent and harmless smile at Xu Yifan, "The quilt is also wet, I can sleep on the sofa, but I don't have a quilt cover. Brother Fan, take pity on your teammates, Just stay with me for one night!"

Xu Yifan stood at the door, Ren Lu Shijin's face froze with a stiff smile, and he said coldly, "You can find other people and squeeze with them."

Lu Shijin said with a bitter face: "The others are two people in a room, and they are all small beds, how can they squeeze! And there are people snoring in those two rooms, I won't be able to sleep at night!"

Xu Yifan: "Then don't sleep."

It seemed that Xu Yifan was determined to draw a clear line with him, and Lu Shijin rolled his eyes and had a plan in mind.

He was just about to stretch his feet out and squeeze into the room and hold on, but Xu Yifan saw his intention first, and with a bang, the door closed, and Lu Shijin's nose almost hit the door!

"Xu Yifan! You are ruthless and unreasonable!" Lu Shijin slapped the door angrily twice, and almost cried with tears, "You have no sympathy for you! Are you treating your teammates like this? Is there no bed to sleep at home?!"

Xu Yifan's voice sounded far behind the door: "Do whatever you want, go back to your own room when you have enough."

"I'm not leaving yet, I'll sleep outside your door tonight!" Lu Shijin was heartbroken, and simply sat down with his back against the door, "If you have the heart to watch me freeze all night, leave me alone!"

When Lu Shijin made a noise at the door of Xu Yifan's room, the four teammates in the next room heard it and opened the door one after another to inquire about the situation.

He Yang: "Xiao Lu, why are you sitting on the ground? Why don't you go back to sleep so late?"

Lu Shijin waved his hand, "It's alright, you all go back, I have something to do with Brother Fan, wait for him to open the door for me."

Li Xiao: "Is there anything I can't talk about tomorrow? And... I don't think Brother Fan intends to open the door for you."

Lu Shijin smiled nonchalantly, and deliberately raised his voice and said to Xu Yifan who was inside, "He will definitely drive, if he doesn't, I'll sit here and wait for him to drive!"

After Lu Shijin finished speaking, he listened to the movement in the room. After listening for a while, there was no sound, and he began to beat a drum in his heart. Did Xu Yifan really leave him outside to sleep by himself?

Are you so cruel? !

Damn, I will spend it with you, and see who can spend it!

"Are you two really okay?" He Xinyi scratched the back of his head, "Didn't you have a conflict with Brother Fan?"

Lu Shijin: "No, no, you all go back to sleep. You really don't need to worry about me. Brother Fan and I are joking. He will definitely open the door for me soon."

Zhao Yue glanced suspiciously at Xu Yifan's closed door, and spread his hands out helplessly, "Then take care of yourself, it's so late, you should rest early, don't sit on the ground and catch a cold."

Lu Shijin casually gestured "OK", and the four teammates retreated to their room again.

Lu Shijin sat and waited for a while, and tentatively knocked on Xu Yifan's door twice, but there was no response from inside.

Lu Shijin sneered, "Okay, don't care about people, let's see who can afford it!"

But I don't know how long I waited, but there was still movement inside. Lu Shijin sat outside and dozed off bored, and gradually felt a little cold again.

He could only wrap his arms around himself distressedly, regretting that he should have at least brought a blanket over.

In the morning, Xu Yifan got up and opened the door to go to the bathroom to wash.

As soon as the door was opened, Lu Shijin fell to the ground along the door, with his eyes closed and there was no sign of waking up, which shocked Xu Yifan.

Xu Yifan was in a complicated mood. Did this fool really wait outside his door all night?

"Wake up." Xu Yifan squatted down and patted Lu Shijin's face, "It's dawn, go back to your room."

Lu Shijin sat outside all night and froze all night. He didn't know when he started to have a fever. His brain was hot and dizzy, and it was a mess.

"Open the door... let me in," Lu Shijin's face was flushed abnormally, his lips were white and chapped because of the fever, but he was still thinking about letting Xu Yifan open the door for him, cursing and talking nonsense, "Bastard, no conscience. Oh... open the door for me... I'm dead cold, you don't feel bad for me at all... hum..."

Xu Yifan rubbed his brows and looked at Lu Shijin, who was unconscious on the ground. He wanted to wake him up, and then asked him what he wanted him to do.

You are the one who clearly wants to draw a clear line with me, even at the expense of quitting the group.

And I have kept a distance from you as you wished, and no longer have unrealistic fantasies, but why are you entangled now?

Xu Yifan felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and he really didn't know what to do with Lu Shijin.

In the end, Xu Yifan still carried Lu Shijin back to his bed, he touched Lu Shijin's forehead, it was hot, and the burn was not low.

"What should I do with you?" Xu Yifan withdrew his hand and asked in a low voice, not knowing whether he was asking Lu Shijin or himself.

Lu Shijin slept deeply all morning, sweating profusely in the quilt, and only woke up at noon.

Feeling that a cold object was placed on his forehead, Lu Shijin slowly opened his eyes, it was Xu Yifan who was changing the ice sticks for him.

He knew that men are duplicitous guys, and they ignored them coldly last night, and now they are not hugging him to bed.

But the price paid this time was a bit high. He made himself sick, and Xu Yifan was willing to look at him.

Lu Shijin secretly wrote down the account, wait, when I confirm whether you are the person I'm looking for, I'll settle the account with you!

"Brother Fan..." Lu Shijin's voice was hoarse because of the high fever, he blinked aggrievedly, and whispered, "I want to drink water."

Xu Yifan glanced at him silently, just when Lu Shijin thought Xu Yifan was going to leave, Xu Yifan turned around and poured water.

Lu Shijin looked at Xu Yifan's back, secretly patted his heart and breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he didn't turn his face.

Xu Yifan poured the water over, and Lu Shijin didn't expect Xu Yifan to feed him with his own hands after pouring the water, so he sat up, took the cup and sipped half of it, and finally his throat became more comfortable.

"Do I have a fever?" Lu Shijin returned the cup to Xu Yifan, "What time is it?"

"It's twelve o'clock noon." Xu Yifan said.

Lu Shijin was startled, "What? It's twelve o'clock? What about the others?"

Xu Yifan: "I've gone to training, and I've asked for leave for you."

"You didn't go to training..." Lu Shijin raised his eyes and glanced at Xu Yifan uncertainly, "Did you stay here on purpose to take care of me?"

Xu Yifan didn't speak, and Lu Shijin took it as his acquiescence. Those grievances last night were instantly swept away, and his heart rejoiced.

Lu Shijin sat on the bed and folded his hands to express his thanks to Xu Yifan, "Thank you, Brother Fan, I knew you were the best, Brother Fan."

"Lu Shijin, do you think it's interesting?" Unfortunately, Xu Yifan didn't appreciate it, and asked him with a cold face, "What do you want to do by tossing yourself and me like this?"

"What I don't want to do... No, what do I want to do!" Lu Shijin looked at Xu Yifan's face and asked tentatively, "Can I see your tattoo?"

Xu Yifan's face sank, and the corners of his mouth tightened, as if he was about to endure it.

Lu Shijin waved his hand quickly, "You, don't look at me like this, don't get me wrong, I didn't want to do anything to you, I just wanted to take a look..." Xu Yifan's face became darker and darker, and the more Lu Shijin said, the less confident he became. "I have a fever, so you should satisfy a patient's wish, okay?"

After a while, Xu Yifan's chest heaved violently, and his tone was helpless: "Let me show you, can you stop in the future?"

Lu Shijin looked at him, nodded again and again, with a sincere expression.

"I promise! After reading it, I won't bother again!"

Xu Yifan is an activist, he directly lifted the hem of his sweater and pulled it up.

Lu Shijin stared intently at the man's **** movement, first the mermaid line, then the tight abdominal muscles to the firm chest muscles, and finally the upper body was completely exposed to the air.

Xu Yifan had a yellow phoenix tattooed on his shoulder, spreading his wings and soaring like a rebirth from ashes, attracting all Lu Shijin's attention at once.

Xu Yifan sat down on the bed with his back to him, so that Lu Shijin could see his tattoo clearly.

Lu Shijin was not polite, he knelt directly behind him, his hands trembled slightly, and he stroked the phoenix tattoo.

Although it was covered with paint, Lu Shijin still felt two parallel rows of marks, crescent-shaped, with a darker top and a shallower bottom, and one place was particularly deep!

In an instant, all kinds of ups and downs filled my heart.

Lu Shijin was so excited that he wanted to stand up immediately, but because he hadn't eaten for a day and was dizzy due to low blood sugar, he fell down on the bed weakly again.

He stared at Xu Yifan's tattoo, wanting to laugh and cry a little.

It turned out to be him, I felt nothing wrong, it was really him!

Destiny really likes to trick people, it is clearly in front of you, but you go around and almost miss it!

God, what kind of joke are you playing with me?

"What's wrong?" Xu Yifan noticed that Lu Shijin suddenly stopped moving behind him, and turned around to see what was going on.

Unexpectedly, he hadn't moved yet, when Lu Shijin suddenly hugged him from behind, and noticed that Lu Shijin's body seemed to be shaking, and Xu Yifan's body froze immediately.

"You? What's wrong?" Xu Yifan asked hard, trying to keep calm.

Lu Shijin didn't speak, just lowered his head, his hot lips pressed against the mark that made him fascinated.

Xu Yifan felt the soft touch, his eyes widened suddenly, and he immediately struggled to avoid Lu Shijin's kiss.

"What happened to you?!"

But Lu Shijin just hugged him tightly and didn't let go. The force of the kiss suddenly increased and changed to biting, as if he planned to bite another tooth mark on Xu Yifan's shoulder...

"What kind of tattoo do you have?" Lu Shijin bit Xu Yifan's shoulder and scolded vaguely, "I almost didn't recognize you, do you know?! I almost missed you, do you know? Egg! How dare you give me a face! I hate you!"

"His—" Xu Yifan gasped coldly after being bitten by Lu Shijin, and warned in a deep voice, "What are you getting nervous about? Let go!"

"Don't loose!" Lu Shijin hugged the man's waist tightly, biting his shoulders and then biting again, saying viciously, "You like tattoos, don't you? I'll bite another one for you here and let you tattoo! You bastard! "

Xu Yifan was baffled by Lu Shijin's sudden violence.

And depending on the situation, Lu Shijin was likely to bite a piece of meat off him, Xu Yifan quickly grabbed Lu Shijin's hand around his waist and pulled hard, breaking away from Lu Shijin's control.

Xu Yifan just turned around and wanted to throw Lu Shijin out of his room, but unexpectedly, Lu Shijin hugged his neck again, sealed his lips with a kiss, and took his breath away.

Lu Shijin randomly kissed Xu Yifan's face, from nose to cheek, and then from cheek to chin, as if he was depicting this face with his lips.

Xu Yifan didn't respond at first, trying to lean back to avoid Lu Shijin's attack.

But Lu Shijin is like a piece of candy, no matter how he shakes it, he can't get rid of it. He kisses Xu Yifan with saliva all over his face, and still can't find the point.

In the end, Xu Yifan couldn't bear it any longer, he grabbed Lu Shijin's waist and directly put him on the bed, and then he completely got rid of Lu Shijin.

Xu Yifan knelt on one foot on the bed and looked down at Lu Shijin condescendingly. The two men were breathing rapidly, their chests rising and falling at the same frequency.

"What on earth are you trying to do?" Xu Yifan asked with fire in his eyes, almost gritted his teeth.

Lu Shijin looked at him and smiled, his eyes twitched, full of provocation, "I want to **** you, okay?"

"court death."

The man's eyes were dangerous like a tiger seeing its prey.

After a brief silence, Xu Yifan leaned over and grabbed Lu Shijin's lips precisely, biting and sucking on it without pity, opening the floodgate to release the flood of emotions that could not be restrained in his heart for a long time.

Lu Shijin also hooked Xu Yifan's neck again. This time, he gave him a warm response without any scruples...

"Don't, don't... Brother, Brother Fan! My brother! Stop, stop, stop, I can't continue!"

Lu Shijin gradually felt that the fire that was aroused seemed to be unable to go out, so he quickly stepped back and begged for mercy.

Xu Yifan's eyes were bloodshot, and it seemed that he was on the verge of patience.

His eyes became darker and darker, sensing Lu Shijin's intention to escape, he quickly grabbed Lu Shijin's ankle and dragged him back.

Lu Shijin kicked his legs in a hurry, holding on to the sheets and trying to crawl forward, "Don't be impulsive, you don't have tools here, the first time you do it directly will kill people! You don't want your bed to be bloody! Next time, get down Come back when you're ready, okay?"

Xu Yifan really let go of his hand when he heard the words, Lu Shijin got a chance to breathe, and hurriedly got into the quilt and wrapped himself tightly.

Although he has also abstained from **** for a long time and really wants to relive his old dreams, his body is still an undeveloped baby, and Xu Yifan is not an experienced person. If he is allowed to act recklessly, he will not want to get out of bed tomorrow!

"First time?" Xu Yifan calmed down a little, "You say it's your first time?"

Lu Shijin touched his buttocks, feeling lingering in his heart, and said angrily, "nonsense."

Xu Yifan bent over and propped his arms on the bed, "Didn't you say that you have had two boyfriends and have experienced many battles?"

Lu Shijin looked at him silently for a few seconds, then burst out laughing, "I'm bragging to you, can't you hear it? You're too deceitful, aren't you?"

Xu Yifan frowned and loosened, as if he was considering the truth of Lu Shijin's words.

"Why are you lying to me?"

Lu Shijin blinked, "Just... I was just trying to talk quickly, bragging and pretending to be forceful, I really don't have two boyfriends at the same time, don't think about it, we eat, sleep and train together almost every day, I How can you have time to have **** with others?"

The corners of Xu Yifan's mouth were less tense, as if he believed Lu Shijin's words.

"Then what were you doing just now?" Xu Yifan glanced at his shoulder. Although he didn't bleed from the bite, the teeth marks haven't disappeared yet, "Why did you bite me?"

Lu Shijin stretched out his hand to help him rub his shoulders, and said with a smile, "Of course I like you when I bite you."

When Xu Yifan heard the word "like", his Adam's apple rolled twice.

"What did you say?"

Lu Shijin looked directly at Xu Yifan's black eyes and said seriously: "I said I like you, I like you when I bite you, and I like you when I kiss you, no matter whether you have that mark on your shoulder or not, no matter who you are and what your name is, I will I like you, I like you as a person, not some **** tooth marks!"

Xu Yifan forgot to blink and breathe when he heard Lu Shijin's endless expressions of love.

Although he half understood some words, he understood Lu Shijin's thoughts.

"What about you? Do you like me?" Lu Shijin held Xu Yifan's face in his hands and looked at himself in his eyes, "Abandon those **** rules that don't allow dating, look at your heart, and tell me, do you like me?"

Xu Yifan's eyes moved slightly, he pulled down Lu Shijin's hand on his face, leaned over and kissed Lu Shijin again.

The two kissed lingeringly for a long time, and when their lips were finally separated, Lu Shijin heard Xu Yifan making a deep "um" in his ear.

The author has something to say:

I originally wanted to write about the crematorium of chasing my husband, but when I thought about it, I am a sweet writer, how can I abuse it? !

This world is coming to an end, the next world is probably a mermaid background, do you like it?