Chapter 49: Idol, your character is broken

Recently, other members of STORM have discovered that the relationship between Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan, who had been ignoring each other two days ago, seems to be back to normal.

No, it cannot be said that it has returned to the past, and it is more intimate than before.

Xu Yifan has a serious cleanliness addiction, and he will never want anything that others have touched.

But the apple that Lu Shijin took a bite was too sour, so he threw it to Xu Yifan, but Xu Yifan actually finished eating it without changing his face?

Also, they often saw Lu Shi come out of Xu Yifan's room this morning!

And more! When He Yang woke up at night, he could always hear some strange sounds coming from Xu Yifan's room next door.

Man, who hasn't watched the small movie, He Yang once thought it was Xu Yifan who forgot to plug in his headphones when he was watching the small movie.

Until that morning, he saw Lu Shijin come out of Xu Yifan's room, wearing Xu Yifan's T-shirt.

And, on Lu Shijin's neck and collarbone, the ambiguous marks that the loose neckline can't stop.

"Morning, Xiao Lu~" He Yang looked at the strawberry prints and hesitated, "Why do you always sleep in Brother Fan's room these two days?"

"Morning, Brother Yang." Lu Shijin stretched his waist lazily, the hem of his T-shirt was brought up, revealing a narrow white waist of the boy, which was also covered with green and red marks, as if someone's hand was pinching it. .

He Yang's temple jumped twice, fuck, red chicken.

Lu Shijin yawned and said, "The bed partner in my room is broken and can't sleep, so I squeezed with Brother Fan these two days."

He Yang laughed dryly, thinking to himself, if you squeeze, you can still squeeze out a hickey, do you think I'm a three-year-old child?

"Little Lu," He Yang was two years older than Lu Shijin, and he always regarded Lu Shijin as his own younger brother, and couldn't help but urged, "I know that most men of our age are full of blood, and it's normal for people to have impulsiveness. But you have to be careful."

"Temperance? I'm very temperate." Lu Shijin scratched his ears and shrugged indifferently.

How could he not know temperance? The person who doesn't know the temperance is Xu Yifan, okay?

Thanks to him calling to stop in time last night, otherwise, I'm afraid Xu Yifan will have to press him for the third time, then he really doesn't want to train today.

"It's time to eat." Xu Yifan came out of the kitchen and brought out a plate with two egg and bacon sandwiches in it.

The man who had a full meal last night had a good conscience, and he knew how to make breakfast for him when he woke up in the morning.

Due to the presence of other teammates, Lu Shijin could only resist the urge to give Lao Gong a Momo, and said solemnly "Thank you, Brother Fan".

Lu Shijin gave Xu Yifan a flying eye, "I'll go brush my teeth and wash my face first, and then come back to eat."

And He Yang almost didn't lose his eyeballs. Did the sun hit the west today?

God knows that Xu Yifan, who is obsessed with cleanliness, can't accept a place full of oily smoke like a kitchen.

After they moved to this dormitory, they never saw Xu Yifan enter the kitchen.

Not only did you enter today, but also made breakfast for Lu Shijin? !

"Brother Fan, just one portion?" He Yang asked with a malicious smile, "They're all teammates, so why don't you make breakfast for Xiao Lu alone? Don't I have a share?"

Xu Yifan made Lu Shijin a cup of milk and poured himself a cup of coffee, without looking at He Yang, "No."

"Eccentric, Chi Guoguo's eccentricity!" He Yang shook his head with emotion, silently correcting himself in his heart, no, it's not eccentricity, it's adultery!

After brushing his teeth, Lu Shijin came back and sat down. He found that there were only two sandwiches on the table. He couldn't help but ask, "Just two for breakfast? No brother Yang?"

He Yang said sourly from the side: "Yes, Xiao Lu, Brother Fan is too partial. I only make it for you, and I can only smell the fragrance and eat the air."

Xu Yifan took a sip of coffee and said without emotion: "There is still toast in the kitchen, you can make it yourself if you want to eat it."

Lu Shijin blinked and realized that Xu Yifan was still eating He Yang's vinegar for the past.

At this time, if he wanted to speak for He Yang, he would just add lemon juice to the vinegar, and immediately stated his position, saying, "Yeah, Brother Yang, you can make it yourself if you want to eat it. The sandwich is very simple, just bake the toast and fry it. Eggs and bacon, all in one."

Xu Yifan raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Shijin, his eyes seemed to be approving.

What can He Yang say without the care of his teammates, he can only go into the kitchen and do it himself while sighing at the hot and cold world.

Lu Shijin took a bite of the baked soft sandwich and praised it generously: "Wow, it's delicious, Brother Fan, your craftsmanship is good."

Xu Yifan: "Not compared to you, I will only do the simplest things."

"It's simple, nothing, the most important thing is the mind," Lu Shijin rubbed his toes against Xu Yifan's thigh dishonestly under the table, and whispered, "in the future, will my husband cook it for me every day? You have to reward me for working so hard at night. Bar?"

Xu Yifan accurately clamped Lu Shijin's foot with his thigh to prevent him from retracting. Lu Shijin stared at him, not understanding what he wanted to do.

Just looking at the expression on Xu Yifan's face, it was impossible to think of what he was doing under the table.

"Work hard?" Xu Yifan's mouth twitched, his tone disdainful, "I asked you to sit up, and after you moved a few times, you screamed that you lost your strength. That's how you worked so hard."

Shit, Lu Shijin's ears burned a bit. In broad daylight early in the morning, do you want to be so explicit?

The molesting is not the opposite, and he was molested. He underestimated Xu Yifan. What ice cube face is obviously boring to the core!

"Then do you do it or not?" Lu Shijin's feet moved, and they tended to stretch upwards more and more, "I feed you at night, and you feed me in the morning, how about a fair deal?"

"Are you sure it's me who feeds you at night?" Xu Yifan asked blankly, "I've never been full once, thank you."

"Cough cough cough..." Lu Shijin choked on the milk, feeling offended.

"I made one more, who would you like to eat--" He Yang opened the kitchen door and came out, and paused halfway through his words.

From the angle he was standing, he could just see the situation under the table. The word "Yes?" was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say it.

Damn, have these two played so much?

It's still in the restaurant! And in public! Is it so exciting to flirt publicly?

When he He Ritian is dead!

Being watched by his teammates, Xu Yifan didn't panic, he let go of his thighs without changing his face, Lu Shijin quickly retracted his feet and put on slippers, sat down obediently, and pretended that nothing happened.

He Yang thought of a lyric, "I should be under the car and not in the car to see how sweet they are".

He sat silently at the other end of the table, away from the two, eating his own sandwich.

Invisibly, he was fed a big mouthful of dog food, and even the freshly baked sandwich was not fragrant.

"Brother Yang, when are we going to the training room? Can we go together?" Lu Shijin couldn't bear to see He Yang sitting there alone and asked him.

He Yang: "No, the dance teacher had a car accident and won't come to teach today."

Lu Shijin: "...Then what are you doing today? I don't think there was a notice to rush, right?"

He Yang: "Brother Shen just called and said, you can have a day off today."

Lu Shijin suddenly realized: "No wonder, I said, no one else is there!"

He Yang said quietly, "The three of them went shopping."

"Then why don't you go?" Lu Shijin asked.

He Yang: "I don't want to buy anything, I'm too lazy to move."

"Do you have any plans?" Lu Shijin turned his head to Xu Yifan and proposed enthusiastically, "How about we go out to play too?"

Xu Yifan: "Okay."

"Are you going out too?" He Yang was unhappy, "Isn't I the only one left in the dormitory?"

Lu Shijin smiled and said, "Aren't you good alone? Do whatever you want, and be free!"

He Yang twitched the corners of his mouth perfunctorily, "Hehe, happiness belongs to others, only loneliness belongs to me, let's go, let's go, just leave me as a single dog to watch the house."

After breakfast, Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan changed their clothes, put on hats and masks, and went out armed.

STORM is now a small and well-known boy group. It is often searched on Weibo and entertainment news. Many viewers know the faces of STORM members.

But as long as you don't go to crowded places, it doesn't matter if you are recognized by fans.

The two called a taxi and sat in the back row together. Xu Yifan asked Lu Shijin, "Where are you going?"

"Let's take you to meet a friend of mine," Lu Shijin told the driver the address, lowered his voice mysteriously and said to Xu Yifan, "Didn't I say before that I have a friend who likes you very much, I promised him to let him I want to meet you, he finished the college entrance examination two days ago, and it happens that we are free today, so I will take you to meet my friend, do you mind?"

Xu Yifan expressed doubts: "Do you really have such a friend?"

"Of course," Lu Shijin said with confusion in his eyes, "I told you many times, including asking for your autograph, taking your photos, etc., all for him."

Xu Yifan: "I always thought that your friend was you."

Lu Shijin was incredible: "...why?"

Xu Yifan coughed unnaturally, "It's nothing, I think too much myself."

Lu Shijin: "...So you don't think I want your autograph and photo all the time, right?! What am I drawing?"

"Picture me," Xu Yifan asked softly with playfulness in his eyes, "Isn't it?"

Lu Shijin was unconvinced and said, "Although it's true to say so now, I really didn't mean that to you at that time."

"I know," Xu Yifan was very calm, "At that time, I thought you were a nympho. When you saw one who liked the other, while making excuses to approach me, you also went to hook up with He Yang."

Lu Shijin was speechless for a while, so he was this image in Xu Yifan's eyes at that time?

Lu Shijin pushed him angrily, "You are the nympho! Your whole family is nympho! Tonight, you, sleep on the floor!"

Xu Yifan: "Yes, as long as you are not afraid of back pain, you can sleep on the floor."

"I said you were sleeping on the floor, not me!" Lu Shijin growled.

Xu Yifan raised his eyebrows lightly, "No, where do you sleep where I sleep."

The uncle of the driver who was driving in front listened to the flirtation of the young couple all the way. He has lived most of his life, and he couldn't help blushing and beating.

Mom, today's young people are too unrestrained, they dare to say anything outside.

He couldn't help coughing twice, trying to remind Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan behind them that there was a driver sitting in front of them, can you keep a low profile.

But he found it useless at all, people immersed in the two-person world simply thought he didn't exist.

When they reached their destination, the two got out of the car, and Lu Shijin called Tao Qinghong to ask where the others were.

Tao Qinghong had just finished the college entrance examination, and his study pressure was gone, and he was crazy outside every day.

"Brother Shijin? Why do you have time to call me?" Tao Qinghong was very excited to receive a call from Lu Shijin.

"I'm resting today and come to play with you," Lu Shijin asked. "Where are you now? Are you free or not?"

"I am free if I am free, but I have to wait a while. I have something to do here for the time being."

Tao Qinghong's voice was very noisy, as if he was participating in some activity outside.

"What's the matter? If it ends soon, I'll go find you as well." Lu Shijin said.

"Okay, then you come to Century Huacheng Square..." Before Tao Qinghong could finish speaking, he suddenly screamed from the phone, "Luo Yining, I love you! Luo Yining, I love you ahhhhh! "

The phone was full of hoarse screams, and Lu Shijin's ears were almost deaf, so he quickly took the phone away.

"Who is Luo Yining?" Lu Shijin turned his head and asked Xu Yifan.

Xu Yifan thought about it for a while before he remembered the name: "A rookie singer who came out of a draft some time ago, has been very popular recently."

Lu Shijin: ...So, the little fat man climbed this Luo Yining's wall again? ? ?

The heart of the star chasing boy is really fickle, and he can change when he says it changes, faster than the face of a three-year-old child!

"This is too realistic." Lu Shijin muttered to himself, "How many walls does the little fat man have?"

Xu Yifan looked at Lu Shijin blankly, and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Lu Shijin hung up the phone and sighed, "It's nothing, it seems that the little fat man doesn't have time to talk to me for the time being. I'll check where Luo Yining is doing today. Just go over there."

Lu Shijin found Luo Yining's super chat on Weibo, and saw the live picture of Fanpai's event.

Luo Yining held a signing ceremony at Century Huacheng Square today. Fans surrounded the square with a sea of ​​people, and it was too crowded.

Luckily, Lu Shijin accurately found a stalwart and majestic figure in the pictures taken by Fan, especially among a group of thin girls.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Tao Qinghong.

Tao Qinghong was tall, and he held Luo Yining's light sign very conspicuously, and it was difficult for people to ignore him.

Lu Shijin suddenly thought of a key question.

According to the original plot, Tao Qinghong was determined to lose weight in order to chase Xu Yifan, and finally succeeded in losing weight with Xu Yifan.

But the original plot has changed, Xu Yifan is now Lu Shijin's person, of course he can't allow Xu Yifan and Tao Qinghong to have anything.

Who would Tao Qinghong be determined to lose weight because of?

Could it be this Luo Yining?

Century Huacheng Square was not far from where Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan were, and it only took 15 minutes to walk there, so they didn't take a taxi, but walked there.

Lu Shijin discussed with 711 in his mind as he walked.

Lu Shijin: "Convenience store, how's the story completion and audience coolness now?"

711: "Fifty percent of the plot is complete, and the audience is 60 percent cool."

Lu Shijin: "Is the audience coolness actually 60%?"

711: "Yeah, I didn't expect that, the audience seems to like watching the little fat man chasing stars, especially when the little fat man is a CP fan of you and Xu Yifan, the coolness rises slowly, and the audience likes to watch his editing. But when the little fat man knew that it was impossible for you and Xu Yifan to come true, he moved away, and his coolness has never been improved."

Lu Shijin couldn't help but sigh: "different world, same fans."

711 has already completed the tasks of the two worlds with Lu Shijin, and completely trusts Lu Shijin's ability to repair the plot, so he is not worried at all.

"Host, what are you going to do next?"

Lu Shijin: "What else can I do? Naturally, I help the little fat man to succeed in chasing stars, but I'm not in a hurry."

711: "Why?"

Lu Shijin: "As long as the little fat man doesn't succeed in chasing the stars, the task will not be completed. If the task cannot be completed in one day, I can stay in this world with Xu Yifan for one more day, why not do it?"

711: "...So it's your plan."

Lu Shijin said as a matter of course: "Yes, please, you can't make a fat man in one bite, not to mention that he is a fat man of 250 pounds! Can you expect him to lose weight in a day?"

711: "...You didn't say that at the beginning! You still want to cheat and make Tao Qinghong lose weight all of a sudden!"

Lu Shijin smiled and said, "Then I don't know that Xu Yifan is my little prince!"

711 snorted coldly, "You still say that Tao Qinghong is fickle, and you are not much better."

Lu Shijin: "You're wrong, I'm the most dedicated, you see, this time, even if I didn't know the tooth marks on Xu Yifan's shoulder in advance, I still fell in love with him, which means that no matter what he becomes, I will treat him I have a special liking, this is all destined! I am not Tao Qinghong, I love each other when I see them."

The two arrived at Century Huacheng Square, found a coffee shop, sat in a secluded corner, and waited for Tao Qinghong to come over.

Half an hour later, Luo Yining's signing ceremony was over, Tao Qinghong rushed to the coffee shop sweating profusely, and sat down in front of Lu Shijin.

As soon as he sat down, before Lu Shijin could say hello to Tao Qinghong, Tao Qinghong raised his hand and called the waiter over.

"A cup of iced coffee, a piece of chocolate mousse cake, and a smoked pork sandwich and lemongrass and lemon shrimp..." Tao Qinghong reported a list of the names of the dishes, took time to look up and asked Lu Shijin, "Brother, do you want to eat it?"

Lu Shijin waved his hand quickly: "No, no, but can you finish it by ordering so much?"

Tao Qinghong closed the menu and handed it to the waiter, then smiled embarrassedly, "Brother, chasing stars is a manual job, in order to participate in Luo Yining's signing ceremony, I came to line up without having breakfast, and now I'm hungry enough to eat. next cow."

Looking at Tao Qinghong's huge body, he felt a headache, "Tao Tao, do you remember that you are someone who wants to lose weight?"

Tao Qinghong said earnestly, "I think so too, but I have no motivation. Before, I lost weight because I had your CP in Chasing Yilu, but unfortunately you and Xu Yifan's CP broke up, so I have no motivation."

Lu Shijin: " you blame me?"

"Of course I don't blame you, bro, I know that twisted melons are not sweet. So now I have a new wall!" Tao Qinghong took out Luo Yining's signature and showed it to Lu Shijin, "His name is Luo Yining, a human being. He looks very handsome and sings very well. He appeared when I was the most frustrated and made me find the direction of my life again! He just shook hands with me! I decided to do it for three days, no! I won't wash my hands for a week!"

"Wait wait, who said Ilu had you torn it down?" Lu Shijin pointed to Xu Yifan, who had been sitting beside him without saying a word, "Look who he is?"

Tao Qinghong looked at Xu Yifan. Although Xu Yifan was wearing a mask, as a diehard fan of Xu Yifan, Tao Qinghong immediately recognized the person just by looking at Xu Yifan's eyes.

"You are! Xu—" Tao Qinghong pointed at Xu Yifan, dumbfounded, so excited that the fat on his body shook three times.

"Shh!" Lu Shijin interrupted him, "Just know, don't call it out for others to hear."

Tao Qinghong nodded again and again, and asked Xu Yifan in a low voice in disbelief: "You are really Fanfan, no, I mean Xu Yifan?"

Xu Yifan nodded: "Hello."

Tao Qinghong smiled shyly, "Hello, hello, my name is Tao Qinghong, I used to be your fan, and I like you very much."

Lu Shijin rubbed his forehead helplessly, the little fat man was sincere and sincere, for fear that Xu Yifan would not know that he had lost his powder.

Fortunately, Xu Yifan didn't seem to mind, and there was no displeasure on his face.

When Tao Qinghong saw his former idol, his chat box suddenly opened, and he began to tell Xu Yifan about his mental journey of chasing stars: "I used to be a CP fan of you and my brother today, and I edited a lot of videos for the two of you, but it's a pity you two Later, it seemed that there was a conflict, and they didn't come out for business, and I was sad for a while!"

Xu Yifan suddenly asked, "Is your Weibo name 'Tao Tao is not Tao Tao'?"

Tao Qinghong: "Yes, yes, how do you know?"

Xu Yifan: "I've seen the videos you cut, I've seen them all, you cut them well, thank you."

Tao Qinghong opened his eyes wide in excitement, and screamed in a low voice, "Have you seen it? Really? Aaah, I'm so lucky to be flopped by an idol!"

"Wait, have you seen it?" Lu Shijin asked suspiciously, "Why didn't I know?"

Xu Yifan glanced at him lightly, "There are so many things you don't know."

Lu Shijin refused to accept it, "Then you say, what else is there that I don't know?"

Xu Yifan: "Do you like chatting with fans on a trumpet?"

Lu Shijin was surprised: "How did you know that?"

"Because, I am one of them." Xu Yifan snorted coldly, "'Ordinary life' is me."

Lu Shijin was stunned: "...What the hell?"

Xu Yifan rolled his eyes, "You didn't turn off the Weibo location, and as soon as the distance was only ten meters away from me, you knew it was you."

"Damn, **** waves hurt me!" Lu Shijin regretted his carelessness very much and stood up, "Wait, wait, so you already knew that that was my trumpet, so you still said those words to me? You said I'm worried? Where am I distracted?!"

Xu Yifan grabbed Lu Shijin's hand and pulled the person down, "If you want to settle accounts, pay attention to the influence in public."

Tao Qinghong stared blankly at the two people flirting and clasping hands, and opened his mouth wide.

"Brother Shi Jin," Tao Qinghong clenched his fists tightly, unable to hide his excitement, "So, are you two together? Did I really get it???"

Lu Shijin turned his face and admitted generously without shyness: "Yes, congratulations, it's true. But haven't you lost all your fans? It doesn't matter to you whether it's true or false now."

"Who said I've lost my fan?! Can't I re-enter after I've taken it off?" Tao Qinghong pinched his own fleshy face, as if to make sure he was dreaming, "I will always support Yilu with you ahahahahahahah. Ah! It's great, so Brother Shijin, are you going to make it public?"

"I have this plan." Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan looked at each other and said before him.

If the two publicly stated that they were together, it was bound to set off a big storm.

It's not that Xu Yifan didn't want to make his relationship public, but there were many troubles and obstacles, and he never dared to make up his mind.

But after hearing that Lu Shijin said that he wanted to make the relationship public, those concerns in his heart disappeared, and he squeezed Lu Shijin's hand, which was a silent response.

Tao Qinghong wanted to scream, but was afraid of attracting other people's attention, so he could only grit his teeth and say "yes" several times to express his excitement.

"Great! Am I the first to know this news? My God, what day is today? It's like a dream!" Tao Qinghong asked expectantly, "When are you going to make an official announcement?"

Lu Shijin: "Tao Tao, in fact, I came to see you this time, on the one hand, I want you to be a witness."

"I'm willing, I'm willing, 111,000 are willing!" Tao Qinghong nodded his head like garlic.

"After you finish listening, on the other hand, it is to make an agreement with you." Lu Shijin said, "When you succeed in losing weight, Brother Fan and I will make an official announcement."

"Ah?" Tao Qinghong was stunned for a while, wondering what the relationship between their two official announcements had to do with their weight loss.

Lu Shijin explained: "You are the first CP fan of my brother and I, and you have watched and supported Yilu you all the way, so I think making this agreement with you is very memorable, what do you think? ?"

Tao Qinghong pondered for a while, when Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan officially announced that the decision was in his hands, and immediately felt a huge pressure.

But in addition to the pressure, there seems to be a steady stream of power pouring into the body.

He is the first person to witness ylyn come true. As long as he loses weight successfully, ylyn will officially announce it. It's exciting to think about it!

"Okay! I will definitely try my best to lose weight!" Tao Qinghong made up his mind, his eyes firmly assured, "This time, I will succeed in losing weight as quickly as possible!"

"That, don't be too fast, losing weight too quickly will easily affect your health." Lu Shijin added quickly.

He was actually quite contradictory. On the one hand, he hoped that Tao Qinghong would lose weight quickly so that he could complete the task, and on the other hand, he did not want Tao Qinghong to lose weight quickly, so he wished he could stay with Xu Yifan a little longer in this world.

"Don't be too fast for how long?" Tao Qinghong asked curiously.

"Or... just one year?" Lu Shijin looked at Xu Yifan and held his lover's hand tightly.

Although a year is short, it is the best gift I can give you at the moment.