"Thank you for sending me here so that I can see him again."

A voice that was as crisp and sweet as the impact of jade, pulled Lu Shijin's slack mind back into his body.

Lu Shijin opened his eyes after receiving the information about the world's plot, and looked at the boy in front of him blankly.

The boy looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, with clear eyebrows, fair skin as white as pearls on the seabed, lips as red as blood coral, and a pair of eyes that lightly faded into amber, glowing with radiance.

His hair was brown and slightly curled, and he looked like a handsome mulatto.

The boy's name is Jun Li, and he is the protagonist in this plot. He looks like a normal human child, but he is actually a mermaid.

This show is a sci-fi fairy tale, and the background of the story is the future of parallel time and space.

The rulers on land are humans who walk on two legs, while the overlords in the ocean are mermaids that have the same ancestor as humans, and evolved from some ancient ape-men who entered the seabed to live.

Mermaid's upper body is in human form, and the lower body has a strong fish tail, which helps them swim unimpeded in the ocean.

Not only that, if the mermaid returns to the land, the fish tail can also become the legs to support them to walk like a human.

They have super-high intelligence that is not inferior to human beings, can communicate with all creatures under the sea, and have an average lifespan of three hundred years.

Mermaids established their own civilization in the sea and ruled all life under the sea. Humans call it "the country of mermaids".

However, a weakness of the mermaid is that their reproductive ability is extremely poor, and a female mermaid may only produce one offspring in her lifetime.

Before the age of fifteen, mermaids are male and female, and have two sets of reproductive organs in their bodies.

When they are fifteen years old, the body of the mermaid is fully developed, and the mermaid can choose to evolve into a female or a male according to their own preferences.

The upper body of the female mermaid is similar to that of a human woman, with breathtaking beauty and singing voice, and is the most attractive stunner under the sea.

Male mermaids are mostly ugly in appearance, with horns on their foreheads, scales on their faces, gills on their cheeks, fangs, and ferocious temperaments.

Mermaids have high intelligence and naturally know how to distinguish between beauty and ugliness.

Everyone has a love for beauty, and most mermaids choose to evolve into beautiful females at the age of fifteen.

But these female merman do not like ugly males, and if it is not for the purpose of reproduction, they are reluctant to mate with savage male merman.

Until a long time ago, a female mermaid was washed ashore by the tide, fainted on the beach and was rescued by a human man.

Just like in the fairy tale, the mermaid sister and the human brother fell in love at first sight and fell in love across races.

To the surprise of all humans and mermaids, it didn't take long for the mermaid to become pregnant. Ten months later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

After an authoritative medical test, the baby boy born by this mermaid and a human has the same DNA sequence as a human, and he is a real person!

It is no wonder that mermaids and humans have the same ancestor, and it is reasonable to be able to mate and give birth to offspring.

But no one has tried this before with mermaids, which undoubtedly opened up a new world view for these two races.

More and more human men are eager to find a female mermaid as a partner. Having a beautiful mermaid wife is not only worth showing off, but also a status symbol.

And more and more mermaids choose to evolve into females, but after they evolve into females, they refuse to mate with their male counterparts.

Compared with the ugly and savage male mermaid, human men are handsome and gentle, gentle and polite. What woman does not like such a partner?

And the life span of a mermaid is four or five times that of an ordinary human, which means that a female mermaid can have several human partners in her life.

Therefore, mermaids often go ashore and choose a human man to spend their whole life after they evolve into females.

The choice of female mermaids has led to a crisis of lower and lower fertility rates within the mermaid race.

After a few decades, the number of mermaids has decreased sharply, and the remaining mermaids living on the bottom of the sea realize that if the same kind of mermaid is allowed to come ashore and combine with humans, the mermaid will face the danger of extinction.

So the mermaid king issued a decree to send troops to patrol the coast and prohibit female mermaids from going ashore. If a female mermaid is found to be in love with a human, the female mermaid will be executed for treason.

Jun Li is the only younger brother of the Mermaid King, and he will be fifteen years old in three months to complete the gender evolution.

A month ago, Jun Li accidentally broke into Tiger Shark's territory when he was out to play.

Tiger sharks are also one of the most ferocious animals in the ocean. At that time, Jun Li was not fully developed, and there was no one else around to protect him, so his fighting power was negligible in front of the huge tiger sharks.

The tiger shark took Jun Li as food, chased Jun Li and bit him. Jun Li tried desperately to avoid it, and finally had no choice but to swim into the shallow sea area and was washed ashore by the tide.

And because he was bitten by a tiger shark in the process of escaping, the tail of the fish was seriously injured, and he was unable to swim back to the deep sea again, so he could only lie on the beach and wait to die.

At this time, a human man happened to pass by and found Jun Li lying on the beach with blood on his legs, naked, and took Jun Li away for treatment.

This human man is another protagonist, Shen Shao, the sole heir of the Shen Group, one of the world's top 500, worth hundreds of billions.

Shen Shao rescued Jun Li, kept Jun Li in his villa, and took care of Jun Li himself until the wound on his leg was completely healed.

During this process, Jun Li slowly fell in love with this handsome and gentle human man, and secretly made up his mind to evolve into a female mermaid in the future to be with Shen Shao.

Shen Shao knew that Jun Li was a mermaid, and after Jun Li was healed, he sent him back to the sea.

With full of reluctance, Jun Li swam back to the deep sea, but he missed his lover on the ground day and night.

Finally, he couldn't restrain his love for Shen Shao, and when the mermaid soldiers patrolling the coast were unprepared, he quietly slipped to the land.

The little mermaid Junli has no experience of living on land, and he doesn't know where to find Shen Shao.

Just when he was at a loss, he met Lu Shijin's character, Shen Shao's friend, a **** from a wealthy family.

However, Lu Shijin was not interested in Jun Li, who still looked like an underage kid. He heard that Jun Li was looking for Shen Shao, so he helped the little mermaid.

Lu Shijin didn't expect Jun Li to be a mermaid. When he saw Jun Li again after a few months, Jun Li had already evolved, and she had become a gorgeous beauty.

When Lu Shijin looked at the mermaid he helped in the past, his heart was pounding.

Yes, the moment he saw Jun Li again, Lu Shijin couldn't help falling in love with her.

However, the story is not as good as the fairy tale tells.

Shen Shao has a family genetic disease, most of the Shen family will die young, and the longest living is only forty years old.

Forty years of human beings, for the long-lived mermaid, only accounts for a very small part of their life.

In addition to being the heir to the Shen Group, Shen Shao is also a scientific researcher who is obsessed with biological research, specializing in marine life.

There are many creatures in the ocean that live much longer than humans. If we can crack the genetic code of their longevity, we may be able to help humans break through the lifespan limit.

Shen Shao was nearly 30 years old, and in the best case, there would only be ten years left for him.

So he desperately wanted to find a way to prolong his life.

Jun Li loves Shen Shao deeply, and after learning about Shen Shao's situation, he voluntarily becomes the research object of Shen Shao.

It is not pleasant to be treated as a research subject. In addition to inserting various tubes on the body every day, blood tests are often drawn.

Jun Li's body is getting weaker day by day, and Lu Shijin is anxious in his eyes.

Lu Shijin understood that to tell Shen Shao to stop his research was to let him die, so he could only keep persuading Jun Li to leave Shen Shao, but Jun Li said that she was willing to do all this.

Lu Shijin had no choice but to silently guard Jun Li's side.

At this time, anxious because of Jun Li's disappearance, the Mermaid King, who was looking for traces of Jun Li on the seabed, finally learned of Jun Li's whereabouts.

After learning that Jun Li evolved into a female mermaid for a human man, and even became a test object for that human man, the mermaid king was furious.

The mermaid king came ashore from the seabed aggressively, trying to take Jun Li away.

But Jun Li pressed her to death and begged her brother to let her stay by Shen Shao's side.

Lu Shijin was afraid that Jun Li would really hurt himself. Although the mermaid king looked disgusting, he also endured the fear and stopped in front of Jun Li, so that the mermaid king would not take her away.

And when the mermaid king knew that it was this human who brought Jun Li to Shen Shao with his own hands, the mermaid king spread his anger on Lu Shijin.

The poor Lu Shi was stabbed in the stomach by the sharp claws of the Mermaid King before he came back to his senses... He couldn't rest his eyes!

When Lu Shijin learned the truth, tears almost fell.

"Convenience store, you idiot! What is the ending of my TM? Can you be a little more cannon fodder?" Lu Shijin felt a chill in his stomach, and couldn't help but frantically complained, "Why didn't the two protagonists elope and fall in love? I am the only one. The male supporting role has to bear the wrath of the Mermaid King??? What did I do wrong???"

711: "The plot needs it. You personally sent Jun Li to Shen Shao's side, and because your death intensified the conflict between Jun Li and the Mermaid King, and promoted the development of the plot, you deserved to die!"

Lu Shijin: "I'll go to you ¥#%..."

The timeline at this moment is the beginning of the story of Lu Shijin sending Jun Li to Shen Shao's side.

"I have decided that I will always stay by Mr. Shen's side and repay him for saving my life."

The little mermaid's face showed a little shyness. Although it has not fully evolved into a female, Jun Li's appearance is good enough, and there is a kind of androgynous neutral beauty.

"Would you like to think about it again?" Lu Shijin looked at Jun Li sincerely and said seriously, "I think you can still save it."

"Ah?" The little mermaid didn't understand, "What did you say?"

Lu Shijin: "I mean, you don't know Shen Shao's character. What if he is a romantic radish, or a hypocrite with corrupt morals, who is not worthy of your entrustment for life? You don't think carefully anymore?"

Jun Li's fair face showed a blush from anger, "I don't allow you to say that Mr. Shen! Mr. Shen is the gentlest, most considerate, kindest and best person I have ever met! He will never be Like you said!"

Lu Shijin: "I'm just talking casually, don't get excited."

The little mermaid is now in love with the brain and is completely reluctant to persuade.

"Mr. Lu, thank you for helping me find Mr. Shen, but it's my business to choose. I hope you don't speculate about Mr. Shen in the future." Jun Li bowed to Lu Shijin as a thank you, "I'm leaving, goodbye."

Before Lu Shijin could keep him, the little mermaid disappeared.

Lu Shijin raised his head and glanced at a high-rise building next to him. The four characters "Shen's Group" stood on the roof, dazzling in the sunlight.

Shen Shao's office is on the top floor.

The later story of this play is that in order to take Jun Li away, the mermaid king constantly destroys the relationship between Jun Li and Shen Shao, but Jun Li's love for Shen Shao is extraordinarily firm, and no one can shake it.

Finally, in order to prolong Shen Shao's life, Jun Li took Shen Shao into the deep sea.

She learned of a secret method handed down from ancient times by a mermaid tribe, that mermaids can sacrifice themselves to prolong the life of human beings.

The way is to exchange blood, to exchange the blood of the mermaid with humans, which is equivalent to sharing half of the lifespan of the mermaid with humans.

In this way, Shen Shao would not die young and be able to grow old with her.

Lu Shijin looked at the glass window outside Shen Shao's office, his eyes were deep and thoughtful.

Does Shen Shao love Jun Li, or just the mermaid blood in Jun Li's body?

I am afraid that only Shen Shao knows this answer.

However, the most urgent task now is not to explore this problem, but to find a way to save lives.

Lu Shijin's heart sank when he thought that he would end up being pierced by that ugly mermaid king with a claw.

If he really died in such a humiliating way according to the original plot, then is he still Lu Shijin?

So he decided that he had to kill the mermaid king before he came to him.

This not only solves the trouble of interfering with their love for the two protagonists, but also saves their lives. The best of both worlds is wonderful!

Lu Shijin had a plan in mind, got on his blue Ferrari, stepped on the accelerator to the end, and sped away.

"Boss! Something seems to have hit us online! It's a big guy!"

Lu Shijin immediately took off his sunglasses, got off the yacht reclining chair, walked quickly to the railing, and commanded, "Come and take a look!"

After sending the little mermaid to Shen Shao's side, Lu Shijin has not been idle these days.

He organized a marine salvage team called Going Out to Sea Fishing. In fact, the members of the salvage team were all mercenaries, and the yacht was also fully armed with real guns and live ammunition, just looking for the trace of the mermaid king.

Jun Li was gone, and the Mermaid King naturally wanted to look for him everywhere, so Lu Shijin secretly took Jun Li's clothes and spread Jun Li's breath at sea to see if he could lead the Mermaid King to appear.

A net was placed all around the yacht, and the net was electrified. As long as any creatures approached, they would be stunned.

However, in the past few days, the mermaid king has not been found, but a lot of fish, shrimp and crabs have been caught. Lu Shijin is almost tired of seafood, and he has not seen the shadow of the mermaid king.

Two people were responsible for salvaging the net, and the others pointed their guns at the sea surface. According to Lu Shijin's order to them, if a male mermaid was caught, no matter who it was, they would be killed.

"It's really heavy, it seems that it really looks like a mermaid?"

Lu Shijin got nervous when he heard it, and urged: "Hurry up and take a look. Others pay attention, listen to my instructions, and be on call at any time!"

The fishing net was pulled up little by little, and the unknown object was entangled in layers by the fishing net. It looked like a person, but in order to avoid harming innocent people, Lu Shijin did not immediately order the shooting.

"It's caught! Boss, open it and see?"

Lu Shijin: "Open."

"Then boss, step back. I heard that male mermaids are ferocious. It would be bad if they hurt you."

Someone sneered: "How fierce can you be more fierce than the gun in Lao Tzu's hand? If he dares to resist, Lao Tzu will sweep him into a sieve!"

"Don't talk nonsense," Lu Shijin took two steps back cautiously, and waved his hand, "Open!"

Two people ripped apart the layers of fishing nets, one from the top and the other from the bottom.

"Hey, it's not a mermaid, this seems to be a person?"

The person who picked it up from the bottom saw a pair of long legs that belonged to human beings and reported it truthfully.

"Really a person? What the hell, how could someone bump into us online?"

The person who picked it up from below pulled out a human head and was startled.

"I'll take a look, I'll take a look." Lu Shijin walked over in three steps, the man's body was bound by a fishing net, only his head and feet were exposed.

A grown man, with his eyes closed, he looks better than a movie star.

The bridge of the nose is high, the eye sockets are deep, and the hair is brown and slightly curly, and he feels like a foreigner.

"Where did this man come from? I don't think he has diving equipment on him?"

"Did you swim here?"

"Silly X, this is the deep sea, can you swim for me to see?"

"Could it be a mermaid?"

"You're really stupid when you say you're stupid. Have you ever attended a biology class in elementary school? Would a mermaid look like him?"

Lu Shijin, who never attended elementary school and never took a biology class, asked curiously, "Can't it be?"

"...No, boss, look at this man, he should be in his thirties, right? It must have evolved at the age of a mermaid. If it is a female, it should be a beautiful woman, and if it is a male, it is even more impossible. , I've seen the male mermaid in elementary school textbooks and on TV, and it's a horrible looking creature, oh my god, I've never seen a creature that looks uglier than a male mermaid!"

Lu Shijin glanced at the man on the ground, he was not a mermaid king after a long time, and was suddenly disappointed.

"Then hurry up and see if this person is alive or dead, hurry up and save me, don't kill me on this ship, you won't be able to tell when the time comes."

Lu Shijin put on his sunglasses and was about to lie back on his reclining chair when someone suddenly called out.

"Hey! He's awake!"

The man who was tied in the fishing net below his head and above his legs slowly sat up, opened his eyes, and his pupils were actually the same blue color as the sea.

"Hey brother, you can, tell me, how did you swim to us?"

The man blinked in confusion, as if he didn't understand what those people were saying.

"Look, his eyes are blue, is he a foreigner? hello? howareyou? whereareyoufrom?"

The man turned his head and stared coldly at the man who spoke bad English. The man shuddered inexplicably when he stared at him, and couldn't help cursing, "Damn, your eyes are so fierce that you want to eat people? If I hadn't fished you out , you just feed the sharks, you know?"

"Who are you?" The man looked around, glanced at everyone's faces, and finally spoke.

"So you can understand what we said. We came out to fish. You hit our power grid. We saved you, you know?"

The man snorted coldly: "Save me? The government has long banned the use of the power grid for fishing. If you didn't use the power grid illegally, how could I have been corona."

"Hey, why are you so ignorant? Do you believe I'll throw you back into the sea?"

"Okay, don't be around, just go to work." Lu Shijin lowered his head, his eyes peeking out from behind the sunglasses, looking at the man from unknown origin, "It's our fault to use the power grid, I'll apologize to you, but what? , you are on our ship now, if you don't want to stay, please do it yourself, if you want to stay, then keep your mouth shut, do you think?"

The man was silent, staring coldly at Lu Shijin, but Lu Shijin didn't hesitate, and glared back, "Aren't you convinced? If you're not convinced, you can jump back into the sea now, and I will never leave you."

The man turned his head and looked away, and said coldly, "Is there any clothes? I want to wear clothes."

Lu Shijin snorted coldly, waved his hand and asked his subordinates to take the man to change his clothes.

The man was still wearing a fishing net, so he could move his legs and neck, but he refused to be supported by others, and moved into the cabin with such small steps.

There was a chef specially invited by Lu Shijin on the yacht to grill seafood for him. Lu Shijin was bored waiting to catch the Mermaid King, so he picked up a bunch of grilled squid and took a bite, and then picked up the "Mermaid Encyclopedia" on the table to supplement the knowledge of mermaids. .

After all, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be able to fight a hundred battles.

"The number of mermaids is becoming increasingly rare. Since male mermaids discovered that female humans can give birth to mermaid offspring, there have been repeated incidents of male mermaids harassing human females in coastal areas. Once the mermaid mating period, male mermaids will go ashore to find women to forcibly mate with them. They have sex, and once a woman is pregnant with a male mermaid child, she cannot undergo an abortion to stop the pregnancy, so women must be extra careful when they go to the beach..."

After reading this paragraph, Lu Shijin couldn't help but sigh: "Damn it, the male mermaid is too perverted. Fortunately, I am a man, not a woman, so don't worry about being caught by ugly things to give birth to a little mermaid."

"Not necessarily."

A cool voice came from his ears, and Lu Shijin put down the book and turned to see who was speaking. It turned out to be the unidentified man they rescued just now.

The man finished changing his clothes, like a walking human-shaped hanger.

Tall and long legs, with a standard nine-headed body and a fit body, just a simple white shirt and black pants, he wore the charm of an international top fashion model.

If Lu Shijin hadn't just read the popular science map of the male mermaid, he would have thought that he had found a male mermaid in the sea.

Moreover, the man had blue eyes with the same color as Pei Yin, which made Lu Shijin feel familiar.

"What do you mean?" Lu Shijin asked suspiciously.

The man raised his chin, looked at the vast and boundless sea in the distance, and said in a low and slow voice.

"The wisdom of mermaids is far beyond human imagination. Not long ago, mermaids have developed a way to impregnate male humans. In the future, male humans can also conceive children of male mermaids."

The author has something to say:

Jinjin: The complexity of the world is far beyond my imagination QAQ