"Damn it, it's too perverted!" Lu Shijin got goosebumps when he heard it, suddenly remembered something, and looked at the man suspiciously, "Wait, you said that the mermaid has developed a method to make men pregnant? How did you know that? ?"

"Of course I have my way to know." The man glanced at the other people on the yacht who were patrolling near the boat's edge with weapons, and asked Lu Shijin, "Do you still bring so many weapons for fishing?"

"Oh, you said this," Lu Shijin said lightly, "I didn't hear that there were sea monsters in the vicinity, why don't you bring some more guys just in case? We have a fishing license and are running a business. Look, These are all the seafood I caught, just baked, do you eat them?"

Lu Shijin took two skewers of grilled shrimp and grilled fish and handed them to the man. The man's nostrils closed, as if he smelled it and thought it was good, so he took it and tried to take a bite.

"Delicious, right? I invited the chef of a five-star hotel to bake it. If you think it's okay to eat, I'll get you some to take home to eat when you disembark later, except for these fish, shrimp and crabs. , and some seafood I've never seen before..."

Lu Shijin enthusiastically introduced the type of seafood he caught to the man, but when he looked up, he found that the iron stick in the man's hand was empty.

"Is it delicious?" Lu Shijin asked blankly.

The man showed a satisfied expression, "It's okay."

Lu Shijin couldn't help but say, "Don't you spit out shrimp shells when you eat shrimp?"

The man gave him a strange look, "Why do you spit out the shell when you eat shrimp?"

Lu Shijin thought to himself that it would be rude to point fingers at other people's living habits. He laughed dryly and nodded in agreement, "That's right, it's okay if you don't vomit if you don't vomit."

Seeing the man licking the corner of his mouth, Lu Shijin seemed to have nothing to do, and handed him several skewers of grilled seafood.

Men are open to all who come, and they open their bows with one hand and one string left and right. Although they are neither elegant nor ugly, they are all eaten up in a while.

Lu Shijin said jokingly, "Brother, have you not eaten for a few days?"

"No," the man returned to his expression as if he was almighty after eating, "it's just that I haven't eaten food with fireworks for a long time, and I miss it a little."

Lu Shijin couldn't help laughing: "Could it be that you are an immortal who doesn't eat fireworks on earth?"

The man glanced at him, and seemed to think Lu Shijin's question was ridiculous, so he didn't bother to answer it at all.

The man pointed to the other people on the boat and asked, "There are only these people on this boat?"

"Yeah," Lu Shijin said, "what's the matter?"

The man said indifferently: "It's nothing, just ask."

Lu Shijin was a little curious about the man's origin, and couldn't help but ask, "By the way, brother, what do you call him?"

Man: "Yu Jun."

"How did you come to the deep sea area alone?" Lu Shijin asked again.

Yu Jun said: "I went out with the scientific research boat to investigate, and accidentally hit your power grid while diving."

Lu Shijin said suspiciously: "You go into the sea naked without a diving suit?"

Yu Jun lowered his head and glanced at Lu Shijin contemptuously, and asked back, "Is it a personal habit?"

Lu Shijin: "..."

I regret bringing him up a bit. I should throw this defiant arrogant into the sea and feed the sharks. I think you are crazy!

"By the way, you said you came out with the scientific research ship, what are you investigating?" Lu Shijin asked in a different topic.

Yu Jun sat down on the reclining chair next to Lu Shijin, his long legs folded on the reclining chair, his posture was more casual than that of the yacht's owner, Lu Shijin.

"Mermaid." Yu Jun said softly.

Mermaid! It seems that this surname Yu is a professional!

Lu Shijin suddenly became interested and asked eagerly, "Then do you know how to find the Mermaid King?"

"The Mermaid King?" Yu Jun turned his head and asked with a half-smile, "Why are you looking for the Mermaid King?"

Lu Shijin said solemnly: "It's nothing, I just heard that the mermaid king is the most powerful mermaid, I just want to see."

Yu Jun suddenly pointed to Lu Shijin's subordinates, and said with a sneer, "You people, shouldn't you be trying to catch the Mermaid King?"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!" Lu Shijin waved his hands in a hurry to deny Sanlian, and said sternly, "Humans and mermaids have been friendly for generations, why am I catching the mermaid king? Besides, it's the mermaid king, so it's one. King of the country, right? We are the only ones who can catch it? You look down on us too much!"

The corner of Yu Jun's mouth twitched sarcastically, "You have self-knowledge."

Lu Shijin guessed that Yu Jun may be engaged in scientific research, and the research field is likely to be mermaid.

If there is a big scientific researcher who can give pointers on how to catch the mermaid, it will be better than those laymen who are looking for a needle in a haystack to find the mermaid king.

So Lu Shijin planned to have a good relationship with Yu Jun, and then let Yu Jun help him catch the Mermaid King.

Lu Shijin leaned halfway on the armrest, leaned in the direction of Yu Jun, and asked with a kind smile, "Comrade Xiaoyu, you specialize in mermaid research, right?"

"What?" Yu Jun neither admitted nor denied it.

Lu Shijin blinked, "Have you seen the Mermaid King?"

Yu Jun stared into Lu Shijin's eyes and smiled, "You asked the right person, I have seen it before."

Lu Shijin widened his eyes and asked in surprise, "Really?!"

Yu Jun raised his chin and said "um" proudly.

"What does the mermaid king look like?" Lu Shijin grabbed the cup behind him and took a sip of beer to hide his excitement. It's great, and finally I see some hope!

Yu Jun didn't answer and asked, "What do you think the mermaid king should look like?"

Lu Shijin pondered for a while, picked up the "Mermaid Encyclopedia" on his lap, flipped through it and said, "According to the description in the book, male mermaids are very hideous, this is because their ugly appearance can help them shock the ocean. The other creatures in it, based on the inference that the uglier they are, the stronger they are, I think the Mermaid King should be the ugliest and scariest among the mermaids! Are you right?"

"Yes, you are right." Yu Jun raised his mouth, "but the mermaid king is so scary, why do you want to see him? I also heard that the mermaid king is very fierce and can eat people, are you not afraid of being eaten by him? "

Lu Shijin swallowed, patted the armrest angrily and said, "Damn it, I guessed it earlier, he must eat people! Otherwise, how could it be possible to kill people without blinking?!"

"Murder without blinking?" Yu Jun narrowed his eyes in confusion, "Who did he kill?"

Lu Shijin waved his hand, "It's nothing, nothing. But Xiaoyu, have you really seen the Mermaid King?"

Yu Jun looked calm, "Do I have to lie to you?"

Lu Shijin still couldn't fully believe what Yu Jun said, and asked cautiously, "Where did you meet him?"

Yu Jun: "I once saw a mermaid king with his army patrolling in the sea during a scientific expedition at sea."

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Lu Shijin asked.

Yu Jun looked at Lu Shijin like a fool, "Of course not. Mermaids and humans have an agreement to coexist peacefully. Even if the mermaid king is fierce, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes in his heart, don't kill innocent people indiscriminately? Ha ha.

That is you don't know that the person sitting in front of you will be stabbed in the stomach by the mermaid king in the future.

"Then do you know what the Mermaid King likes?" Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, "For example, what does he like to eat? Where does he often appear in the seas?"

"Of course, the mermaid king can only eat food from the sea when he lives under the sea, and he doesn't like to eat anything..." Having said this, Yu Jun paused, because he smelled the garlic oysters roasted by the chef next to him, and moved to the side. Take a look.

When Lu Shijin saw Yu Jun's little gesture, he understood it, and he greeted the chef to bring over the roasted oysters with minced garlic.

"Come here, eat it while it's hot, it's just caught, but it's fresh!"

Lu Shijin took apart a pair of disposable chopsticks and handed them to Yu Jun. Yu Jun didn't pick up the chopsticks, but he didn't refuse. He just took a raw oyster and poured it into his mouth.

"Comrade Xiaoyu is very forthright." Lu Shijin was amused by the way Yu Jun was eating. He was obviously human-like, and eating was too rude.

Yu Jun didn't stop after eating five oysters in a row, and his fingers got a lot of seafood juice.

The man's ten fingers are slender and the joints are distinct, and his beautiful hands are stained with filth, which is a bit unpleasant. Lu Shijin enthusiastically handed Yu Jun a towel and asked him to wipe his hands.

"You said just now that the mermaid king doesn't particularly like to eat, right?" Lu Shijin continued to ask.

"The grilled oysters are not bad." Yu Jun said inexplicably.

Lu Shijin said cheerfully and generously: "Do you like it? Then I'll get off the boat later and I'll let them pack the oysters for you to take back."

Yu Jun quietly refused: "No need, there are a lot of things like this in my family."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, it seemed that Comrade Xiaoyu didn't understand the phrase "eating people's mouths softly", and the tone of his speech was still very hard.

But he doesn't mind, who makes himself want from others.

Lu Shijin: "Let's continue, do you know where the mermaid king often haunts?"

"This is not necessarily the case. The entire sea is the territory of the Mermaid King. He can go wherever he wants, and the trail is uncertain." Yu Jun replied.

Lu Shijin didn't give up: "Is there no place he will always go?"

Yu Jun thought for a while and said, "Yes."

Lu Shijin's eyes lit up, and he patted the armrest, "Where?!"

Yu Jun: "April is the season for mermaids to start looking for mates to mate. At that time, all the mermaids will gather in a reef area for mating, and the mermaid king is no exception."

"Hey, does the mermaid king also rely on this method to court? He hasn't found a partner yet?" Lu Shijin muttered to himself, holding his chin, "I thought the mermaid king was the same as the emperor, with three thousand beauties in the harem."

Yu Jun snorted coldly: "Mermaids are a thousand years earlier than humans in their pursuit of freedom and equality. Every mermaid has the right to choose a partner. Even a mermaid king cannot force a female mermaid to marry him."

"I see!" Lu Shijin put down his hands and smiled gloatingly, "It must be because the mermaid king is too ugly, so no female mermaid is willing to give him a little mermaid! Haha, it turns out that the mermaid king is still a single dog!"

"You forgot what I said? Now, except for female mermaids, human beings, both male and female, can give birth to male mermaids," Yu Jun sneered sullenly, squinting at Lu Shijin, "If what you just said was heard by the mermaid king, then Aren't you afraid that he will drag you to the bottom of the sea and let you give birth to a little mermaid?"

Lu Shijin shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands to show that he didn't care, "I'm not afraid, you let him come, I'm afraid he won't come, look at the equipment on my ship, if he dares to come, I'll let him go. ."

After Lu Shijin finished speaking, he noticed that Yu Jun's face was obviously gloomy, feeling strange.

After that, no matter what question Lu Shijin asked Yu Jun again, Yu Jun refused to say a word to Lu Shijin again, which made Lu Shijin inexplicable.

Lu Shijin thought about it, he didn't say anything to offend him, why did he show his face?

Sure enough, people who engage in scientific research have a very strange temper!

Squatting at sea from morning to night, another day without harvest, Lu Shijin ordered his men to sail back.

On the shore, Yu Jun naturally parted ways with them.

Lu Shijin asked people to prepare a large bag of seafood to bring back to Yu Jun, but Yu Jun didn't want it.

Yu Jun's attitude is alienated, and Lu Shijin is not a person who likes to be in love and stick to others' cold ass, so he didn't mention the matter of asking Yu Jun to help him find the Mermaid King.

Although he had a good impression of this man who was fished out of the sea at first sight.

Not for anything else, but for Yu Jun's azure blue eyes.


Lu Shijin went out to sea for more than half a month, let alone the mermaid king, he never even saw the tip of the mermaid's tail once.

He gave up continuing to search for the Mermaid King aimlessly, and chose to change his plan, targeting the little mermaid Junli.

After all, as long as the little mermaid is persuaded to return to the sea, won't the mermaid king come ashore?

What? You said the little mermaid went back, what should Shen Shao do?

The protagonist can talk about love slowly, but Lu Shijin has only one life.

He didn't want to be approached by the outrageous mermaid king to settle accounts.

Lu Shijin spent a lot of words to finally ask the little mermaid out for coffee.

The little mermaid is approaching the evolutionary stage. At this stage, the little mermaid will be more sensitive and fragile. Anything a little heavier will cause them to be anxious and sad.

So Lu Shijin could only euphemistically persuade the little mermaid to leave.

Lu Shijin pushed the latte brought by the waiter to Jun Li, "The coffee in this coffee shop is very good, you can try it."

Jun Li picked up the coffee cup and put his nose to the mouth of the cup to smell it. After smelling the slightly bitter aroma of coffee, he frowned in disgust and put down the cup.

Jun Li shook his head, "I don't drink this, it's too bitter, why do you like to drink such a bitter drink that your tongue tingles?"

"But Shen Shao likes coffee the most. He drinks at least three cups of coffee a day when he works." Lu Shijin said earnestly, "Look, he likes coffee, but you don't. There are many contradictions between you, how can you Are you sure that Shen Shao is the most suitable person for you?"

"Really? Mr. Shen likes this drink?"

Jun Li frowned and stared at the coffee cup in front of him for a long time. Suddenly, his brows loosened as if he had made up his mind. He took a big sip from the cup and put it in his mouth to experience the taste of coffee.

Although the bitterness of the coffee still made him feel uncomfortable, when he thought that it was something Shen Shao liked, he could force himself to get used to it.

The little mermaid swallowed the coffee and said seriously, "As long as it is anything Mr. Shen likes, I will try to like it."

"..." Lu Shijin's eyes twitched, he laughed dryly, and mumbled in a low voice, "Love is really blinding."

Jun Li is doing his job well, with his hands on his lap, like a good student who listens carefully to the teacher's lectures in class.

"Mr. Lu, what's the matter with you looking for me?"

"I came out with you to ask you how you are getting along with Shen Shao recently." Lu Shijin took a sip of coffee and turned his mind.

The little mermaid now loves Shen Shao deeply, and he can't persuade him to leave with just a few words. It seems that he has to work hard from Shen Shao's side.

Jun Li smiled sweetly, "Very good, Mr. Shen treats me very well, he doesn't dislike me at all for the presumption that I suddenly come to the door, and he is willing to take me in."

Lu Shijin sneered in his heart, nonsense, he knew that you were a mermaid, and he was waiting for you to take the initiative to be his experiment, how could it be bad for you.

"Mr. Shen knows that I like water, and he built a swimming pool for me at home so that I can swim every day. Oh, by the way, he knows that I like ice cream, he bought me a lot of ice cream, and he will tell stories to me every night. I heard, he is so gentle, and I am so happy to be with him~" When the little mermaid mentioned Shen Shao, the chatterbox seemed to be opened, and he babbled endlessly.

Lu Shijin listened with one ear but not the other, and suddenly interrupted him: "Jun Li, I don't think you are very old, are there any other people in your family?"

Jun Li was stunned for a moment, as if thinking of something terrible, his face paled for a moment.

"Yes," the little mermaid muttered with her head lowered, "I also have a brother."

Lu Shijin: "Then you ran out alone, does your brother know?"

Jun Li shook his head and said worriedly: "He doesn't know, if he knew, he would definitely not allow me to be with Mr. Shen. And my brother is a particularly strong and domineering person. If he knew that I was here, he would definitely He will send someone to take me back! No, I can't let him find me, I want to stay with Mr. Shen!"

Lu Shijin sighed, "How long have you known Shen Shao, and you made your brother angry because of him? You don't even want family for love?"

"Why can't we have both family and love?"

Jun Li's eyes were red, and his sensitive psychology in the evolutionary period made him always sentimental these days. It's not that he didn't feel sorry for his brother who loved him, but he was even more reluctant to leave Shen Shao.

There is no sin in love, but my brother insists on prohibiting the intermarriage of mermaids and humans.

If he chooses to go back to the sea, he will lose his love.

If he chooses to stay by Shen Shao's side, he will betray his country and lose his qualification to return to the sea.

Jun Li stood up and bowed to Lu Shijin, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, I'm very confused. I want to go back first."

Lu Shijin didn't expect that his few words would make the little mermaid so sad. He couldn't bear it, and asked with concern, "Do you need me to take you back?"

"No, I can go back by myself."

Jun Li seemed to be in a bad mood, but he insisted that Lu Shijin should not send him away, and Lu Shijin could only watch Jun Li leave worriedly.

After meeting the little mermaid, Lu Shijin heard that there was a jewelry exhibition nearby, and he was bored anyway, so he planned to go to the exhibition to pass the time.

All the natural gemstones on display at the exhibition, there are many valuable treasures, dizzying to see.

Introductions of various gems were projected on the walls of the hall. Lu Shijin stopped and watched for a while, and just put the introduction of a deep-sea pearl the size of an egg.

This deep-sea pearl was sold by a mysterious seller not long ago, and was auctioned by an internationally renowned jewelry company at a sky-high price.

The pearls in the video are round and crystal clear, exuding a soft and dazzling brilliance. This is the first time that Lu Shijin has seen such a large pearl, so he can't help but take a second glance.

"Does it look good?" A male voice suddenly asked.

Lu Shijin casually added: "It's good-looking." He turned around and saw that it was Yu Jun.

Different from the embarrassment that was wrapped in fishing nets when he first saw him at sea, Yu Jun, who appeared here today, was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, with a personable demeanor, and his temperament seemed to belong to the upper class.

"Why is it you again?" Lu Shijin paused, realizing that it was a little rude to say that, and changed his words, "I mean, what a coincidence, we met again?"

Yu Jun didn't look at him, his eyes fixed on the pearls on the screen.

"Like it?"

"Ah? Are you asking me?" Lu Shijin tilted his head and thought about it, "Is it alright, I just think it's rare, such a big pearl is really rare."

Yu Jun said lightly: "Is it rare? We have a bunch of these things in our house. If you like it, I will give you one next time."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, unable to believe what he heard.

What a big breath! Really dare to say anything! No drafts for bragging! Don't be afraid of the wind flashing your tongue!

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes and said cooperatively, "Okay, then I'll be waiting for your pearl, remember to give me one as big as an egg."

Yu Jun actually nodded, and Lu Shijin suddenly felt that this man might have lost his mind.

"Apart from a bunch of egg-sized pearls, do you have anything else in your house? Can you give me some too?"

Lu Shijin set a trap for Yu Jun with bad intentions.

Yu Jun's back was straight, his hands were behind his back, and he said proudly, "Yes, a man-high red coral, a fist-sized diamond, and a lot of antique porcelain, gold and silver jewelry, which one do you prefer?"

Lu Shijin was overjoyed and laughed regardless of his image: "Comrade Xiaoyu, if you are telling a joke, then congratulations, you succeeded in making me laugh hahahaha, a diamond with a big fist, why don't you say that your family has a diamond mine? Haha, you are so funny!"

Yu Jun looked at Lu Shijin coldly and smiled, "Don't believe it? If you don't believe it, you can go home with me and have a look."

"Okay, where is your home?" Lu Shijin stopped laughing and asked, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes.

Yu Jun twitched his lips, and suddenly turned around to look directly into Lu Shijin's eyes, silently making a two-word mouth shape, "Under the sea."

Lu Shijin didn't understand, "What did you say?"

Yu Jun smiled, "It's nothing, I can't take you home for the time being."

Lu Shijin: "Why?"

Yu Jun: "Our rule here is to only bring lovers home."

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, and when he understood, he couldn't help but feel a little shy. Damn, this kid seems to be teasing me?

"By the way, Comrade Xiaoyu, why are you here? Didn't you go to the sea to investigate your mermaid?" Lu Shijin asked coldly.

Yu Jun said leisurely: "No, it's the season of mermaids in heat recently. Mermaids in this season are more sensitive, irritable and irritable. If they encounter them, they will attack them."

"So that's the case." Lu Shijin was secretly glad that he didn't continue to go out to sea to find the mermaid king. If he broke into the mermaid's territory, wouldn't he be caught by ugly things to give birth to a little mermaid? Thinking about it feels infiltrating.

"Are you still looking for the Mermaid King?" Yu Jun asked him.

Lu Shijin answered truthfully: "No, I can't find it at all. I haven't even seen the scales of a human fish. Do you think the mermaid king has self-knowledge and knows that he is too ugly, so he hides in the deep sea and doesn't come out to be scary?"

Yu Jun's face darkened, but it quickly changed to normal.

"You are very interesting. If the mermaid king sees you, I think he will like you very much." Yu Jun's tone was inexplicably gloomy.

Lu Shijin said triumphantly, "Really? That mermaid king is very insightful. I admire him. If I can see him, I will definitely invite him to dinner and worship him."

Hehe, who wouldn't brag? You dare to brag that there is a diamond mine at home, then I'll brag that me and the mermaid king are brothers, isn't it too much?

"I hope you can still have such a poor mouth when you see the Mermaid King." Yu Jun said with a smile.

Lu Shijin shrugged and spread out his hands, not panic at all.

Anyway, even if the mermaid king came ashore, it was only to find his brother, not to find him, nor to come to him to give birth to a little mermaid. What was he afraid of?

Hee hee, being sloppy for a while and refreshing, always being sloppy all the time.

The author has something to say:

Although it has been said before, let me stress it again, all the small world protagonists do not have children.

But there will be other merman babies in this world, if you mind, you can skip it.