It was almost time for the closing time of the exhibition hall, and the number of people in the exhibition hall gradually decreased. Lu Shijin also planned to leave, so he said goodbye to Yu Jun.

"I'm almost done, do you want to continue watching?"

Yu Jun: "Don't watch it, there's nothing to see."

This man seems to always speak in this indomitable tone, but he has a noble and arrogant temperament, which makes people feel that his words and deeds seem to be born like this.

If someone else talked to Lu Shijin in this tone, Lu Shijin would probably beat him to the ground and let him understand how to write the words "talk well".

But I don't know why, he just doesn't hate Yu Jun, on the contrary, he thinks he is a bit interesting.

Lu Shijin said with a friendly smile, "It's also a kind of fate to meet you here today. Would you like to exchange contact information?"

Although this person talked a little bit, but for the sake of his research on mermaids, which might help him in the future, Lu Shijin decided to make this friend first.

"Okay." Unexpectedly, Yu Jun agreed this time without hesitation.

Yu Jun raised his wrist, tapped it twice, and opened the personal terminal.

But obviously he is not good at using this, the operation is a bit clumsy, and he can't call the page for adding contacts.

"Come on," Lu Shijin opened his personal terminal, and after a few simple clicks, he jumped to the contact page, "What's your number?"

Yu Jun lowered his eyes as if recalling something. Lu Shijin couldn't wait for Yu Jun to report his number, so he looked up at him strangely, "No, brother, you can't even remember your own terminal number?"

Yu Jun's expression was hesitant: "Can't you?"

Lu Shijin: "...are you from Earth?"

The personal terminal number is equivalent to an ID card, and each person has a unique number, which is a proof of identity.

I can't remember my phone number and understand, I can't remember my ID card, it's really incredible.

Yu Jun lowered his head and said nothing, stubbornly fiddling with his personal terminal, as if he had to find the string of codes.

Lu Shijin stood aside and watched it for a while, but he couldn't bear it any longer. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hold Yu Jun's hand and clicked on the bottom right of the interface.

"See, click here to check the personal terminal number, what are you blinding about?"

Yu Jun immediately withdrew his hand, as if he had been burned by something, and an offended displeasure appeared on his face.

"Do not touch me."

The kindness to help ended up being disliked, and Lu Shijin was almost speechless, "You think I want to touch you? Is it because you can't find your terminal number while standing here for a long time? Wait," Lu Shijin frowned, as if thinking After understanding something, he smiled instead of getting angry, "You just don't want to give me the contact information, right? Are you playing with me here?"

"No, I'm just not very familiar with how to operate this thing." Yu Jun denied lightly.

Of course Lu Shijin doesn't believe it. A personal terminal is equivalent to a mobile phone, something that even a four- or five-year-old child can play. Would an adult with the surname Yu be unfamiliar?

Isn't this a show to entertain him! He actually stood here with Yu Jun for so long with his true feelings, what a **** mental retardation!

Lu Shijin no longer wanted to deal with Yu Jun, he sneered and left.

"Wait a minute," Yu Jun caught up with him in a few steps, "Isn't the contact information added?"

Lu Shijin greeted with swear words in an angry manner: "Is it fun to entertain Lao Tzu with your X size?"

Yu Jun raised his eyebrows, as if he couldn't bear to hear Lu Shijin's words, "Why are you so rude?"

"I have more rude words, do you want to hear them?" Lu Shijin glared at Yu Jun, and threw the sentence "neuropathy" and strode away.

After leaving the exhibition hall, Lu Shijin was about to go to the parking lot when someone grabbed his arm.

Looking back, Yu Jun was chasing after him.

"What are you doing? Let go, did you hear? Are you sick?" Lu Shijin moved twice, but he didn't break free from Yu Jun's control, and his anger rose, "I don't have time to waste with you, don't let go. I called security!"

Unmoved by Lu Shijin's threat, Yu Jun put his wrist in front of Lu Shijin and said persistently, "Add me."

Lu Shijin's eyes twitched fiercely: "..."

Is this guy really sick? Or the sick one?

Not only delusional, narcissistic, but also paranoid?

Didn't he escape from a mental hospital? Are there any violent tendencies?

He can't afford a mentally ill person, he can do anything when he's crazy!

"I said buddy, what do you want?" Lu Shijin drooped his face, with an expression of resignation, "Can you change someone else to be crazy? I'm afraid of you, will you succeed?"

Yu Jun raised his hand in front of Lu Shijin's eyes, but he repeated those two words, adding a little more tone: "Add me."

"..." Lu Shijin wiped the sweat from his forehead, but had no choice but to compromise, "Yes, add, I add you, can't I add it? Can you let me go first?"

Yu Jun let go of his hand, Lu Shijin quickly tapped his wrist a few times, entered Yu Jun's terminal number, searched for his account, and sent a friend request.

"It's been added, you can always let me go now, right?" Lu Shi later regretted that he didn't read the almanac when he went out today, and he was insane.

"How can I find you after adding it?" Yu Jun studied the interface, but still couldn't do it.

Lu Shijin demonstrated each operation for him, "You click this, click this again, and you can talk to me. Click here for the video, do you understand?"

Yu Jun understood the process and nodded with satisfaction: "Well, I understand."

Lu Shijin shook his head, he didn't even have the strength to sigh, "It's good to understand, then bye."

Yu Jun smiled and said, "Goodbye."

Lu Shijin turned his head and left, goodbye ghost, never see you again, I will delete you when I get home!

But Lu Shijin received a call from Shen Shao before he could get home, and temporarily forgot about deleting Yu Jun's contact information.

This was the first time that Shen Shao took the initiative to contact his friend after Lu Shijin came through.

"Where are you? Come to my lab quickly."

Shen Shao's voice sounded very wrong, his breathing was rapid, and there was a weak energy.

Lu Shijin felt strange and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Shen Shao didn't say anything in detail, just said "you'll know when you're here, hurry up", and then hung up the phone.

Lu Shijin felt inexplicable, but when the male protagonist called him, he could only do as he did.

Lu Shijin turned the front of the car directly and drove in the direction of Shen Shao's laboratory.

Lu Shijin has the access card of Shen Shao's laboratory, and the experimenters also know Lu Shijin and know that he is their friend of President Shen, so Lu Shijin has an unobstructed way.

Finding Shen Shao's office, Lu Shijin pushed the door in and found Shen Shao lying motionless on the desk.

"Shen Shao?" Lu Shijin went around behind Shen Shao, patted him, and tried to wake him up, "Wake up, what's the matter with you?"

Shen Shao moved slightly, and reluctantly raised his head and glanced at Lu Shijin, "You are here, I just injected myself with drugs, you help me record the symptoms."

Lu Shijin was startled, "What drug did you inject yourself?"

Shen Shao: "The new drug developed in the laboratory can cure my disease."

Shen Shao has set up a laboratory to develop drugs in order to treat his family's genetic diseases.

Every time a drug is developed, he will test it on himself.

As his friend, Lu Shijin was one of the few people who knew that he had a genetic disease.

So every time Shen Shao tried a drug, Lu Shijin would come over to help him record his reaction.

It's not the first time that Shen Shao and Lu Shijin have done this kind of thing, and thanks to Shen Shao's protagonist halo, they didn't kill themselves after all the tossing.

Lu Shijin took the record board and pen on the table angrily, "You really don't want to die. You dare to try any medicine on yourself."

A self-deprecating smile appeared on Shen Shao's handsome and slightly pale face, "I'll try it only if I'm dying. Don't worry, these drugs have been tested on animals before they are tested on me, and they won't kill anyone."

Lu Shijin sighed: "It's a three-point poisonous medicine. You can't toss yourself like this if you can't die."

Shen Shao didn't say anything and closed his eyes, "Let's start."

Lu Shijin began to check Shen Shao's heartbeat and pulse, recorded the physiological reactions after taking the medicine, and opened Shen Shao's eyelids to observe his pupils.

"The heartbeat and pulse are still normal, do you feel any discomfort?" Lu Shijin asked.

Shen Shao's eyelids moved, and he whispered, "I feel chest tightness and panting, and my stomach is a little uncomfortable."

It's not that Lu Shijin doesn't know how to be a doctor, so he can only record Shen Shao's situation, and let him judge for himself when he recovers.

"What about the medicines injected before? Has the reaction eased?" Lu Shijin asked again.

Shen Shao nodded, Lu Shijin sketched on the record board, and the record was completed.

Lu Shijin threw the board and pen aside, and helped Shen Shao up against the back of the chair, "You should be glad that you have a great life. Sooner or later, you will be able to play yourself to death."

Shen Shao smiled lightly, "If I can't cure myself, death is just a matter of time for me, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Lu Shijin can also understand Shen Shao, who suffers from a family genetic disease and is destined to live beyond the age of forty. This disease is like a curse, like a knife hanging from Shen Shao's neck that will fall at any time. No one can Take it in equanimity.

Shen Shao was in his prime, he had done nothing wrong, and he was facing the threat of death at a young age.

God seems to be fair, and he has given everyone the right to live.

It's so unfair, some people live long for evil, and some people do good but don't end well.

"You sent Jun Li to see me?" Shen Shao rested for a while, and suddenly asked Lu Shijin aloud.

Lu Shijin: "Yes."

Shen Shao opened his eyes slightly and glanced at the clock on the table, "Has he mentioned his origin to you?"

Lu Shijin: "No, why?"

Shen Shao closed his eyes again, "It's nothing."

Lu Shijin is the most annoying person who is half-speaking, so he simply picks out the words: "What do you think about Jun Li?"

"What are you thinking?" Shen Shao asked back.

Lu Shijin said, "Don't think I can't see it. That kid Junli only had to engrave on his face the words that he likes you, Shen Shao. Are you still pretending to be stupid with me?"

Shen Shao sneered softly: "You also know that he is just a child, what can I think of a child?"

Lu Shijin asked, "You don't like him? Then why are you keeping him by your side?"

Shen Shao raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, looking a little tired, "As long as he doesn't interfere with me, it doesn't matter if he wants to be by my side. If he drives him away, won't it hurt his heart?"

Lu Shijin slandered, listen to this holy father-like rhetoric, if I hadn't known the development of the plot, I would have believed your nonsense.

Lu Shijin waited for a while, made sure that Shen Shao was fine, stood up and said, "Are you feeling better? If it's better, I'll leave."

Shen Shao frowned and shook his head: "Wait a while, I'm still a little sick."

Lu Shijin: "Can I just call a doctor for you?"

"No, the doctor may not know as much as I do, so I can't help you." Shen Shao stood up slowly with the table supported, and suddenly covered his mouth, as if he couldn't help but vomit, and quickly rushed into the washroom behind him. room.

At the same time, the door of the office opened, Lu Shijin looked at the door, and it turned out to be Jun Li.

"Why are you here?" Lu Shijin felt strange that Shen Shao's laboratory was kept secret, and Jun Li was able to come in here.

"I'll see Mr. Shen, what's wrong with him?" Jun Li came in just in time to see Shen Shao rushing into the bathroom, and was a little surprised.

Lu Shijin walked in front of Jun Li, blocked his sight with his body, and decorated Taiping with a smile: "It's nothing, he just went to the toilet. This is not a place for children, you go out first."

Jun Li was suspicious, and stepped over Lu Shijin's shoulder to look in the direction of the bathroom.

At this time, there was a sound of things falling to the ground in the bathroom, Jun Li was anxious, and immediately pushed Lu Shijin away and ran over to Shen Xu.

"Mr. Shen, what's wrong with you?" Jun Li rushed in and found Shen Shao lying on the ground, his voice trembling with shock, "Don't scare me, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay," Shen Shao tried to stand up with his hands on the ground, but because of his weakness, he staggered and was about to fall down again. Thanks to Jun Li's quick eyes and hands, he didn't fall down again. Shen Shao looked at Jun Li. Forced to smile, "Why are you here?"

"I'm coming to see you, tell me first, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Jun Li's face turned pale with red eyes, as if he was ready to cry.

"I'm fine, don't ask more." Shen Shao turned his face aside, not intending to tell Jun Li the truth.

Of course Jun Li didn't believe it, Shen Shao's face was as pale as paper, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead, how could he be fine as he said.

Jun Li suddenly turned to Lu Shijin and asked solemnly, "Mr. Lu, please tell me, is Mr. Shen ill?"

Lu Shijin leaned on the door and watched, and was suddenly asked by Jun Li. Before he could open his mouth, he heard Shen Shao shouting sharply, "Don't tell him!"

Lu Shijin: "…"

In fact, he didn't want to tell the little mermaid the truth at first, and the little mermaid asked him, he could completely shirk his ignorance.

But when Shen Shao said this, it was like telling Jun Li that he was an insider, and Lu Shijin couldn't stay out of it now.

"Mr. Lu, please tell me, what's wrong with him? Is he sick? Is it serious?"

Jun Li stared at Lu Shijin with tears in his eyes, looking like he was about to cry, making Lu Shijin feel that if he didn't tell him the truth, it would be a very bad crime.

Lu Shijin said politely: "Shen Shao is ill, but don't worry, it's not as serious as you think. He's like this because he took the wrong medicine."

"Really?" Jun Li looked at Shen Shao in disbelief, a smile appeared on Shen Shao's pale face, and nodded to comfort Jun Li, "Yes, that's what he said, don't worry, I'm really fine. ."

When Shen Shao said this, Jun Li's doubts deepened.

The more you say that you are fine, the more you mean that there must be something wrong!

Jun Li kept shaking his head, "I don't believe it, you must be lying to me. Mr. Shen, you helped me save me at the beginning, and now if you are really sick, I can help you too. Wouldn't it be good for me to repay you? Tell me Is the truth okay? I'm really worried about you!"

Shen Shao lowered his head and said nothing, which made Jun Li firm up his guess that Shen Shao must be very ill, so he kept it from him!

"Mr. Lu, can you tell me? You are his friend, so you must hope that he will get better, right? There are some diseases that you humans can't cure, but maybe my people can. Let's find a way together, okay?"

Lu Shijin suddenly wanted to understand the purpose of Shen Shao calling him here today.

There are some words that Shen Shao can't say by himself, if it comes out of his mouth, it will arouse Jun Li's sympathy even more.

And it wasn't Shen Shao who said it himself, then Jun Li volunteered to be Shen Shao's experimental subject after learning the truth, and Shen Shao could also relieve a little sense of guilt and guilt.

Lu Shijin glanced coldly at Shen Shao's face, the corners of his mouth twitched lightly, the surname Shen's method is clever, and his scheming is really deep.

Shen Shao wanted to use Lu Shijin as a chess piece, but of course Lu Shijin couldn't be as simple as he wanted.

"Xiao Li, you heard it too, it's not that I don't want to say it, it's Shen Shao who won't let me talk about it. As a friend, I have to help him keep a secret, so don't make it difficult for me." Lu Shijin raised his hands with an innocent look on his face. Seeing Shen Shao frown twice, he was secretly proud.

Shen Shao patted Jun Li on the shoulder, and said understandingly: "Xiao Li, don't be embarrassed now, let's go, the place is too crowded, let's go out and talk."

Lu Shijin stepped aside to make room for the two protagonists to perform. Shen Shao sat down behind the desk and began to tell Jun Li about his illness.

Lu Shijin watched from the sidelines, wanting to applaud Shen Shao's superb acting skills several times.

A gentle and handsome sick man, who is terminally ill, but still fights the disease tenaciously, which can arouse people's sympathy and desire for protection.

Sure enough, Jun Li was very excited after hearing this, and said that he would definitely help Shen Shao cure his illness.

The two protagonists held each other's hands and looked at each other with tears in their eyes. There was nothing like Lu Shijin's supporting role. Lu Shijin shut the door for them both knowingly and left the laboratory.

I believe that soon, when Jun Li has fully evolved, Jun Li will offer to be Shen Shao's experimental subject.

And Lu Shijin's nightmare, the ugly mermaid king is finally coming.

After failing to take the initiative to find the mermaid king, Lu Shijin did not give up.

Anyway, the mermaid king will appear sooner or later, so just kill the mermaid king before the mermaid king kills himself.

But 711 did not support Lu Shijin to do so.

The Mermaid King is a major villain in the show, and is the key figure in obstructing the path of love between the two protagonists. Without the Mermaid King, how could the value of the love between the protagonists be highlighted?

Lu Shijin said: "It's simple, the task of obstructing their love is handed over to me? Anyway, it's not the first time I've killed the villain."

711: "That time, I didn't go online in time, and an accident happened! You can't do it again this time. God knows if a villain dies, what will the plot be changed by you?!"

Lu Shijin: "Anyway, it's impossible for me to die so uselessly. As long as he appears, I'll fight him to death!"

Two days later, when Lu Shijin was about to forget about Yu Jun, he suddenly received a video call from Yu Jun on his personal terminal.

The men in the video are still in suits and leather shoes, their hair is meticulously combed, and they are completely elite.

"Hello, did I bother you?"

In the video, Yu Jun stood up straight with his head held high and his chest upright. Except for his eyes and mouth, other parts remained motionless. Lu Shijin thought he was in a video with a painting.

"Why did you think of calling me?" Lu Shijin had an ominous premonition that he was being targeted by a neuropathy?

Yu Jun said, "You said last time that you wanted pearls. I brought them from home. If it is convenient, I can send them to you."

"Pearl?" Lu Shijin blinked, finally remembering that when they met two days ago, he joked about asking Yu Jun about pearls.

Of course, Lu Shijin didn't believe that Yu Jun could get a pearl the size of an egg and give it to himself for nothing.

Obviously, this neuropathy may have been delusional again, fantasizing that there is a pearl mine at home.

Maybe the so-called pearl is sent as a pebble.

However, Lu Shijin has been in a panic recently. Since Yu Jun came to the door himself, he would play with this neurotic.

"Okay, thank you so much. I will send you the location of my home. Did you send it in person or how to get it?"

Yu Jun said, "I will deliver it myself."

Lu Shijin smiled brightly: "That's the best, I'll wait for you at home, you gave me such a big gift, and I have to entertain you well."

After hanging up the video call, Lu Shijin lay on the sofa and waited for Lezi to find him.

He was bored and turned on the TV to see if there were any interesting programs to pass the time, and happened to see a treasure appraiser program identifying pearls.

The pearl was about the size of a pigeon egg, smooth and round, with a faint pink sheen, and it was superb at first glance.

The treasure holder was an old man who was guarding the gate in the parking lot. Once he saw a man circling around as if he was lost, so he eagerly stepped forward to help guide him, and the man gave him this pearl as a thank you. present.

The old man had never seen such a big pearl before. He thought it was a bag of glass beads for five yuan on the ground, and when he went back, he threw it to his grandson to play with.

Who knew that one day a guest came to the house as a guest. The guest was in the jewelry business, and he immediately recognized that the pearl was very valuable, so the old man brought the pearl to the treasure appraising show, and asked the experts to help. Is this pearl a treasure or a fake?

Experts have verified that this pink pearl is a real natural pearl from the deep sea, worth more than two million.

Lu Shijin watched it with relish, and while watching it, he complained that the show of the future era was also so fake.

If you help people to just point the way, you can get a pearl worth millions. If there is such a good thing, everyone should stop working and go to the street every day to help people guide the way.

Obviously, this old man was hired by the show team. It really insults the IQ of the audience.

Halfway through the show, Lu Shijin heard the doorbell, turned on the monitor at the door and saw that Yu Jun was really standing at his door.

Lu Shijin didn't order the home robot to look at the door, but jumped up from the sofa and went to open the door for Yu Jun in person.

"XiKeXiKe, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I'm afraid you won't be able to find your way. I'm thinking about calling you to pick you up." Lu Shijin invited Yu Jun into the house with a smile on his face.

"Well, I almost didn't find it. Fortunately, an uncle showed me the way." Yu Jun said.

Lu Shijin remembered the legendary story of the parking lot janitor he just saw on TV, and casually said jokingly, "Then have you thanked the uncle well? With your status, you should at least give a tip to show it?"

Yu Jun walked into the door and looked around Lu Shijin: "Yes, I wanted to give him pearls, but he seemed to think that my pearls were fake and refused, so I gave him the money and he accepted it."

After listening to this, Lu Shijin laughed: "Comrade Xiaoyu, you are really talented in telling stories! If I hadn't just watched TV, I would have believed it, hahaha, ha, ha... What the hell?!"

The last laugh got smaller and smaller until it turned into exclamation.

Just because Yu Jun opened the box he brought and handed it to Lu Shijin.

There was really a pink pearl the size of an egg in the box. The color was crystal clear. Except for the size, it was exactly the same as the one Lu Shijin saw on TV just now!

The author has something to say:

Master Guiding: I feel like I lost millions.