Yu Jun handed the box to Lu Shijin, "For you."

Lu Shijin took it, took out the pearl from the box, and weighed it in his hand. The tentacles were warm, and it was indeed the texture of pearls.

He was still a little in disbelief, and raised it to the front of his eyes and observed it carefully, and even sneaked a fingernail while Yu Jun was not paying attention. The surface of the pearl was smooth, and no trace could be seen.

Holy crap, is it true? !

Lu Shijin stuffed the pearls back into the box, feeling that his values ​​had been refreshed, and he began to believe in the story of the janitor.

"That Yu Jun, what do you do at home? Why do you often give pearls to others?" Lu Shijin was good at judging the size of a pigeon's egg, "So big?"

"It's not very often. Someone helped me, so I should reciprocate it." Yu Jun said with a light expression, "It's not a valuable thing anyway. Pearls as big as this are everywhere in my house."

Lu Shijin: "..." He understands! This is the second generation of the rich fool who runs a pearl farm at home!

Yu Jun's eyes fell on the box in Lu Shijin's hand, "But it's rare to see it as big as yours."

Lu Shi was flattered.

People brought such an expensive gift to the door, and they were embarrassed to let people stand by the door.

Lu Shijin welcomed Yu Jun into the living room and asked the family robot to bring tea.

Lu Shijin brought a cup of hot tea to Yu Jun, "Come, drink tea."

Yu Jun picked up the cup and put it under his nose to smell it. He didn't seem to like the scent of tea, so he put down the cup, but thanked Lu Shijin anyway.

Lu Shijin sat down beside Yu Jun, then put the pearl box on the coffee table, and said embarrassedly: "Actually, I was just joking with you that day, I didn't really want your things, your pearl is too precious, I think The one at the last exhibition was worth more than 100 million, right? I won’t be rewarded without merit, I can’t accept such a valuable thing, but I’ll take it from your heart, how about we become friends in the future?”

Yu Jun: "I didn't give you this for nothing. Actually, I came to you because I wanted to ask you for help."

"Oh? Ask me for help?" Lu Shijin asked with interest, "What are you busy with?"

Yu Jun slowly turned his head and met Shanglu Shijin's eyes, blue eyes that were unfathomable.

"Help me find someone."

Lu Shijin asked curiously, "A man or a woman? Who is yours?"

Yu Jun: "It's my younger brother, who is fifteen years old in a month."

Lu Shijin asked again: "Did you get lost? Why can't you find him?"

Yu Jun's eyes turned cold, his thin lips parted lightly: "Run away from home."

Lu Shijin smiled to show his understanding, "A fifteen-year-old child is in the period of rebellion. Maybe he will go back after two days after running away from home. By the way, what does your brother look like? Do you have any pictures?"

"There is no photo, but I know who took him away." Yu Jun bowed his head and bent his lips, a strange smile appeared in his smile.

"If you know who you're going with, wouldn't it be better?" Lu Shijin didn't notice Yu Jun's micro-expression, and eagerly helped with advice, "You can call the police directly, or find out who that person is, and ask him for it. people."

"I think so too." Yu Jun stared at Lu Shijin with a faint gaze. Lu Shijin's back was chilled by his inexplicable eyes, so he quietly raised his **** and moved back, "Why do you look at me like that?"

Yu Jun retracted his gaze, raised his wrist and tapped twice.

A light screen appeared out of thin air with a photo on it, and a cool blue supercar appeared on the screen.

Lu Shijin felt that this sports car was a bit familiar, very much like the one parked under his feet on the first floor.

Take a closer look at the license plate number, it's his car!

Thinking back to the information Yu Jun revealed just now, he came to find his younger brother, a fifteen-year-old boy who ran away from home...

What the hell! Heck!

Lu Shijin's scalp was numb, and he bounced off the sofa like a frightened bird, and took a few steps back.

"Who the **** are you?!"

"It's a pity, I'm not human." Yu Jun got up slowly, his smile widened, revealing a set of gloomy white teeth, "Friend, haven't you been looking for me and want to see me? Why do you see me now, what you look like? But you look so scared?"

Yu Jun made his words so straightforward, how could Lu Shijin still not understand.

Unexpectedly, the mermaid king who has been looking for so long is actually far away in the horizon!

Lu Shijin's hands and feet are cold, and the alarm bell rings in his head. Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy. Lu Shijin turns around decisively and runs away first.

But Yu Jun was much faster than him. Lu Shijin just took two steps forward when he felt a tingling pain in the back of his neck.

Then the numbness spread all over his body, and he didn't even have a chance to resist, so he lost consciousness and fainted.

When he woke up again, Lu Shijin was still lying on the sofa in the living room at home. He felt that Yu Jun was still sitting opposite him, so he woke up and pretended not to be awake.

He was glad that he was still alive without being stabbed in his stomach, but what happened to his stomach a little bloated?

Lu Shijin roared and shouted 711 in his head: "Convenience store! Is it still alive? Can you make a sound when you are alive?! Do you know that your master is going to be killed?"

711: "Come here! I've been here all the time!"

"You don't know that Yu Jun is the mermaid king all the time? What's the use of me wanting you?!" Lu Shijin just felt that he was too ignorant, Yu Jun, Jun Yu, he had never thought about this!

711: "I really don't know... I can't scan the true identity of this person. I always thought he was just a passerby in the plot!"

Isn't it Lu Shijin? Didn't he say that the mermaid king was outrageous? How can he become a handsome guy with a handsome face?

Isn't this Arabian Nights? !

Lu Shijin was puzzled: "Why can't you scan it?"

711: "It is possible that he is also a tasker, and he has a system on his body that blocks information, so I can't scan it."

Lu Shijin: "There will be two missionaries in a plot?"

711: "This possibility is not ruled out, and it has indeed happened before."

Lu Shijin: "If that's the case, then how?"

711: "It doesn't matter, just complete their respective tasks."

Lu Shijin thought for a while, Yu Jun, no, now the Mermaid King's original name should be called "Jun Yu", what would be his mission?

711: "Should I send a signal to test it? If Jun Yu has a binding system on his body, he will definitely be able to receive my information."

"Don't," Lu Shijin cautiously stopped 711, "What if his mission conflicts with mine? I'm under the control of others now. If he's against me, I can't even resist."

When 711 thought about it, what Lu Shijin thought made sense, "Then what are we going to do next?"

Lu Shijin was helpless, "He hasn't done anything to me yet, so let's find a way to drag it and see what he wants."

"How long will it take? Do you want me to help you open your eyes?" Jun Yu's voice was cold.

Lu Shijin opened his eyes quickly, he wanted to sit up, but his body seemed to be numb, so he could only try to move his body and shrink into the sofa.

"Are you looking for Jun Li? But Jun Li is not with me. If you want to find him, I can take you there now."

Jun Yu: "I won't look for him for now, I'll look for you."

Lu Shijin smiled bitterly: "What are you doing with me?"

Jun Yu snorted coldly, "Didn't you send Jun Li to that man?"

Lu Shijin defended: "I am also kind. He begged me with tears in his eyes. I can't bear to refuse."

Jun Yu stood up and stomped in front of Lu Shijin step by step, with a stern face born with the power of a king.

He looked down at Lu Shijin with a contemptuous tone: "Your so-called good intentions may have hurt his life, are you good intentions? You are pushing him into the fire pit. Mermaid and human are combined, and there will be no good results. If Jun Li If something goes wrong, you are the accomplice."

"How could it be, Shen Shao is a good man and won't hurt Jun Li." Lu Shijin could only pretend not to know and defend his friend.

"Good man?" Jun Yu sneered disdainfully, "Don't think I don't know, Shen Shao has a terminal illness, and Jun Li is the medicine for him! Jun Li is young and ignorant of world affairs, I'm not as easy to deceive as him! If If you still choose to continue to protect your friend, then I will send you to **** first, and you will wait for him in hell."

Lu Shijin felt Jun Yu's aura oppressing him, and this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

"Convenience store, can I kill this fish?" Lu Shijin asked through gritted teeth.

711: "No... I tried it, and the card attack didn't work for him."

Lu Shijin burst into tears: Could it be that God wants to kill me this time!

"Then what do you think?" Lu Shijin blinked and looked at Jun Yu pitifully, "Before this, I didn't even know that Jun Li is a mermaid, and those who don't know are innocent, can't you give me a chance to repent? ?"

Jun Yu snorted coldly, "The reason why you are still alive is that I am giving you a chance, or do you think I am willing to waste my words with you?"

Lu Shijin was MMP in his heart, and his mouth was full of gratitude, "Thank you for not bothering with me a lot, what are your orders now? I will definitely help you, and I will definitely go through fire and water!"

Jun Yu: "I want you to help me expose Shen Shao's true face and let Jun Li cut him off."

"Shen Shao's true face?" Lu Shijin pretended not to know, "What is his true face?"

Jun Yu said, "You don't need to ask, just do as I say."

"OK, no problem!" Lu Shijin asked tentatively, "Let me ask again, you are so talented, why don't you expose Shen Shao's true face yourself? Why do you have to do it?"

Jun Yu: "If I come forward, Jun Li may think that I am deliberately targeting Shen Shao, but it will arouse his rebellious psychology. So I need someone to come forward on my behalf. As Shen Shao's friend, what you say, Jun Li will believe a little bit, you are the most suitable candidate."

Lu Shijin laughed dryly, and Rainbow Fart said, "So that's the case, you are really wise, witty and decisive!"

After listening to Jun Yu's words, Lu Shijin could already conclude that there must be something strange about Jun Yu.

According to the original plot, after Jun Yu learned that Jun Li disobeyed his order to be with humans, he found Jun Li himself angrily, and there was no such twists and turns now.

It is precisely because Jun Yu directly interfered with Jun Li and Shen Shao's feelings that their brothers turned against each other.

Therefore, it is very likely that Jun Yu already knew in advance what would happen in the future, so he changed a euphemistic way to prevent Jun Li and Shen Shao from being together.

Jun Yu's purpose is to prevent the protagonist from being together, while Lu Shijin's task is to help the protagonist be together.

That being said, the goals of the two are really contradictory.

If Jun Yu is really the tasker, then Lu Shijin can't reveal himself.

"That... I have already agreed to your conditions, can you release the anesthetic on my body first?" Lu Shijin observed Jun Yu's face and asked cautiously.

Jun Yu: "That's a jellyfish thorn. There is no antidote, and the poison will dissipate after a while."

Lu Shijin had to continue to lie down, while Jun Yu began to check around Lu Shijin's house.

"Can I ask you a question?" Lu Shijin was lying in boredom and had nothing to say. "Didn't you say that male mermaids are... sturdy? Why don't you look the same?"

This question has been bothering Lu Shijin for a long time, and he especially wants to know the answer.

Jun Yu suddenly emerged from behind the sofa and looked down at Lu Shijin's face condescendingly.

"It has been said that the intelligence of mermaids is beyond your human imagination. What's so difficult about being a disguise? You are so curious, do you want to see my true face?"

"Don't, don't, don't!" Lu Shijin shook his head and said sincerely, "I'm not curious, not curious, not curious at all."

Please forgive me, I'm afraid of hot eyes.

Jun Yu sneered, as if mocking Lu Shijin's cowardice.

Then announced: "You have cleaned up here fairly well, and I will live here until the matter is settled."

"What?" Lu Shijin couldn't accept it, although he was paralyzed, he still raised his neck excitedly to express his dissatisfaction, "You just shoot a pearl with millions of dollars, where can you find a place to live with me? "

"I need to verify my identity elsewhere. I haven't found a valid identity to cover it yet." Jun Yu said calmly.

Lu Shijin: "Where did your personal terminal come from?"

Jun Yu: "Two pearls were exchanged on the black market."

Lu Shijin: "..." So the mermaid king is actually a black family? Can I call the police and take him away?

Jun Yu seemed to have anticipated what Lu Shijin was thinking, and suddenly appeared again, looking at him sarcastically, "I advise you not to think of any bad tricks, you are my slave now, if you annoy me, I will just move my finger. It can make your life worse than death."

Lu Shijin's eyelids jumped, "Wait, why did I become your slave?"

Jun Yu pointed to Lu Shijin's stomach, "Look at your stomach."

Lu Shijin raised his head reluctantly and glanced at his belly. He was wearing a white T-shirt, and through the thin fabric, he found that there was a spot on his belly that was shining.

Lu Shijin looked horrified, and didn't know where the strength came from, he struggled to sit up, "Damn it! What is this?!"

"The pearl I gave you." Jun Yu said gloomily.

Lu Shijin glanced at the coffee table. The box containing the pearls was open, but the pearls inside were missing. Could it be—

"You you you you you!" Lu Shijin felt that he was about to suffocate, and pointed at Jun Yu with trembling fingers, "You said the pearl is in my stomach?!"

Jun Yu nodded casually.

Lu Shijin: "..." I want to kill people, oh no, kill fish!

Jun Yu put his arms on the back of the sofa, looked at Lu Shijin and smiled, "That's not actually a pearl."

Lu Shijin was about to cry, and asked hopelessly, "What is that?"

"Aren't you the most afraid of giving birth to a little mermaid for a male mermaid?" Jun Yu said slowly, "It's actually the embryo of a mermaid. I put it in your stomach to absorb your nutrients and grow, and when it grows up, It will break your stomach and get out of it, interesting."

Lu Shijin "Gulu" swallowed a large mouthful of saliva, closed his eyes and said dullly, "You just shark me."

"But you don't have to worry, it's still dormant, as long as I don't urge it, it won't pose a threat to you now." Jun Yu squinted and smiled, "As long as you listen to me, wait until I succeed in killing Jun Li. After you bring it back, you will take it out for you."

Lu Shijin's heart collapsed. Damn, the mermaid is so **** perverted! The mermaid king is a pervert in a pervert!

"The last question," Lu Shijin said with tears in his eyes, "how did you put this thing in my stomach?"

Jun Yu frowned, as if he couldn't bear it, "Do you have to know a truth that you may not be able to bear?"

"Okay, you don't need to talk about it." Lu Shijin's buttocks tightened, and he lay down heavily on the sofa, wishing to die on the spot, "Let me die."

Lu Shijin didn't notice the corners of Jun Yu's slightly raised mouth, this human being is very interesting.

Jun Yu lived in Lu Shijin's house dignifiedly, not only occupied Lu Shijin's bedroom and drove him to the guest room to sleep, but also occupied the swimming pool of Lu Shijin's house.

Mermaids like water. Although Jun Yu left the ocean and went ashore, he also needs water to nourish his original body. He has to swim in the swimming pool several times a day.

Every time he swims, Lu Shijin is forbidden to approach, but Lu Shijin thinks Jun Yu thinks too much, he doesn't want to see a big ugly fish fluttering in the water.

Lu Shijin picked up his clothes, looked in the mirror, and touched his belly that glowed from time to time, very sad.

This kind of feeling is like having a ticking time bomb in my stomach, and he can't remove the bomb himself, it's really **** bad.

So he secretly made a video call to Jun Li, hoping to persuade Jun Li to leave Shen Shao early and follow his brother back to the sea, so that he would not have to give birth to a little mermaid.

But as soon as the phone was connected, Jun Li told Lu Shijin some desperate news.

"Mr. Lu, I'm with Mr. Shen!" The little mermaid was full of joy and excitement just falling in love, and couldn't wait to find someone to share his happiness with.

Lu Shijin was afraid that he would laugh and cry, and said dryly, "Have you told your family about your time with Shen Shao?"

Jun Li raised his chin and said proudly, "I can make decisions about my own affairs, and I don't need others to help me make decisions."

Lu Shijin laughed twice without laughing. Generally, children who can say such willful words have never been beaten by society.

When they are beaten, they will know how deep the water is in society, the kind that can drown mermaids!

"I still think you're too hasty. How long have you known Shen Shao and how much do you know about him?" With an egg in his stomach, Lu Shijin didn't care about being a gentleman anymore, and spoke ill of others behind Shen Shao's back. , "Let me tell you, my friend of 20 years with Shen Shao, he is..."

"What's wrong with me?" A deep male voice was suddenly inserted in the video, and Lu Shijin immediately changed his words when he heard it, "Shen Shao is definitely a good man, gentle and dedicated, handsome and rich, and most importantly, he will hurt Man, I think the two of you will be happy together."

Shen Shao's face appeared in the picture, looking at Lu Shijin with a smile but not a smile, "I didn't expect my image in your heart to be so tall, thank you for helping me speak kind words in front of Xiaoli."

"No way, you are so good in the first place." Jun Li raised his head and looked up at Shen Shao sweetly, the admiration and admiration in his eyes almost overflowing.

Shen Shao rubbed Jun Li's head and smiled dotingly, "For you, I will always have room for improvement."

Lu Shijin watched the video and the two showed their love like no one else was there, but he was alone, desolate, and his little heart, which was already riddled with holes, suffered 10,000 real injuries.

"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first." Lu Shijin said sourly.

"Wait a minute," Shen Shao's face completely occupied the video screen, although he had a smile on his lips, but there was no smile in his eyes, "If there is nothing important in the future, you and Xiaoli should not contact in private, although I I know you won't have anything, but I'm afraid I'll be jealous."

Lu Shijin's eyes also became cold, and he raised his eyebrows, "Got it."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Shijin's distress increased a lot.

Shen Shao is taking Jun Li very seriously now, and Jun Li, the love brain, is even more convinced of Shen Shao.

It seems that trying to provoke the relationship between the two is really not an easy task.

You have to think of other ways to let Jun Li see Shen Shao's true intentions.

Lu Shijin was bored in the room for a day, feeling a little hungry, opened the door and went out to go downstairs to find something to eat.

Jun Yu's stay at Lu Shijin's house is not fixed, and he often goes out and does not know what he is doing.

Silently downstairs, Lu Shijin took it for granted that Jun Yu was not there.

He rummaged through the refrigerator to order something to eat, and took it to the living room to prepare it while watching TV.

The news on TV, the hostess is reporting the news about the mermaid.

"Good evening, everyone. It's the season of mermaid estrus recently. Please don't go to the beach recently to avoid being attacked by mermaids..."

What the hostess said was quite euphemistic, using the word "attack", Lu Shijin scoffed, and it was true to avoid being "done by strong women" by mermaids.

After Lu Shijin finished eating, he stretched and rubbed his round belly. He stayed at home for the past few days without exercising, and the flesh on his belly grew a lot.

Why don't you go for a swim while the ugly thing isn't around, he hasn't swam for a long time.

It's pitiful, obviously he is the master here, but he seems to be under the fence of others, when will such a hard life be a head!

As soon as he said go, Lu Shijin took off his clothes and walked into the room with the swimming pool with only a pair of swimming trunks left, but was surprised to find that there was an unknown creature lying on the shore of the swimming pool!

The upper body of the unknown creature was the lean and sturdy body of a man, and the lower body was fishtail-shaped.

The entire fish tail was covered with white and pearly scales, and the tail fins slapped the surface of the water leisurely, rolling up the water mischievously.

Above the swimming pool is a glass window that leads directly to the roof. It is already night, the bright moon is in the sky, and the moonlight shines through the glass window, coating the fish's tail with a layer of bright silver, as if carved from fine suet white jade. .

No matter how beautiful an adjective is to be used on this fish tail, it is holy and elegant, and cannot be stained.

Lu Shijin was immediately attracted by the indescribably beautiful fish tail, and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

so perfect! Just like a dream fish!

He unconsciously approached the fish in his dream step by step. The mermaid was lying on her side on the shore with her back to Lu Shijin, and seemed to be resting, so she didn't notice Lu Shijin's approach.

Lu Shijin walked carefully to the mermaid, and looked at the mermaid's face with his head probed. When he saw Jun Yu's face, his eyes widened in surprise, and he forgot to breathe in an instant.

Hey, isn't it ugly?

No, how could it be ugly, look at this tail, it's a flawless work of art created by God!

Jun Yu seemed to be asleep, but gradually, his tail stopped moving.

Lu Shijin stared at the beautiful white fish tail, his hands were itchy, and he couldn't help but want to touch it, wondering what it would feel like to touch it.

See you soon, the first time I see a real mermaid, I just touch it, just touch it!

Lu Shijin was about to strike when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a scale protruding above the fish tail, as if it was stuck, which seemed out of place with the neatly closed circle of scales around it.

Lu Shijin has committed obsessive-compulsive disorder. How can a perfect artwork be flawed?

So he kindly pressed the scale with his hand, trying to press it back to its original place.

He didn't press it the first time, and there seemed to be something hard under the scales, so Lu Shijin used some force and pressed it a second time.

"What are you doing?" The sleeping mermaid suddenly woke up, looking at the daring human being touching his "reverse scale" with a dark face.

"Are you awake?" Lu Shijin smiled friendly, "Look, you have a scale that came out here, let me press it back for you."

As he said that, he directly patted the scales with his hand. The tentacles were warm and moist, but it was not as cold as he imagined, and it felt good.

But it's strange, why the scales that are opened can't be photographed no matter how much he shoots, instead it seems to be pushed by something, and it opens even more?

Seeing Jun Yu's face getting darker and darker, Lu Shijin's brows lingered with suffocation, the smile slowly solidified on his face, and suddenly there was an ominous premonition...

The author has something to say:

Jinjin: Are you hiding something treasure under the scales?

Jun Yu: Do you want to see it?