The underside of the half-opened scale was pitch black, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

But no matter what it was, Lu Shijin always had a hunch that if the contents were released, something terrible would happen!

"Ahahaha, it seems that your scales don't want to go down. It has a personality and personality, so let it go." Lu Shijin retracted his paws, smiled dryly, and stood up slowly, "By the way, I suddenly I remembered that I had a stomachache today, and it is not suitable to go into the water, then I will go first, you continue to swim, this pool will be yours from now on."

After saying that, he turned around and wanted to slip, but after taking two steps, he felt that a slippery and cold object was tightly wrapped around his calf.

Lu Shijin looked down and saw that the thing wrapped around his leg was none other than Jun Yu's tail fin!

Lu Shijin's scalp was numb, and he suddenly felt that he was going to suffer.

And his hunch was right, Jun Yu's caudal fin rolled up Lu Shijin's calf around his waist, and then moved to the side, Lu Shijin jumped into the air and was thrown into the pool!

Lu Shijin took a few sips of water, used his hands and feet together, and tried his best to get his head out of the water.

"Your Majesty! Mermaid King! If you have something to say, don't do it! No, don't move your tail!"

Jun Yu also slid into the swimming pool, his tail tightly wrapped around Lu Shijin's legs, and the iron arms of his upper body cut Lu Shijin's fluttering hands behind him, not giving the humans who touched his scales a chance to escape.

An icy, ghostly voice resounded from the back of Lu Shijin's head.

"You know what you just touched? How dare you?"

Lu Shijin was in tears. I didn't know it just now, but I probably guessed it now. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't dare to touch it if I had the courage!

Curiosity killed the cat, cheapness killed people!

"I don't know." Lu Shijin decided to beat him to death and said confidently, "What's the matter? Isn't it just a scale on your body? Can't you touch it? It's too stingy? Come on, I'll touch it for you too. Come on, let's get even, shall we?"

"Even?" Jun Yu laughed, "Don't you know that the mermaid is in heat recently?"

Lu Shijin shook his head seriously.

Jun Yu asked again, "You've been studying mermaids for so long, but you don't know the body structure of mermaids?"

Lu Shijin still shook his head and answered seriously, "I haven't had time to see it yet, maybe you can let me go and let me go upstairs to study it, and then I'll discuss it with you."

"Playing stupid with me?" Jun Yu dragged Lu Shijin back, turned his upper body to the front to face Lu Shijin, his blue eyes gloomy, "Have the courage to tease but not the courage to admit it, do you not consider the consequences when you do things?"

Lu Shijin blinked and pretended to be stupid: "What the **** are you talking about? I just saw a scale card on your body and wanted to press it back for you. How could you be provoking you? Don't put your hat on me."

Jun Yu sneered, and suddenly his tail pulled Lu Shijin into his arms. Although he was soaked in cold water, Lu Shijin could feel the fiery temperature on the mermaid.

"What do you want?!" Lu Shijin's eyes widened in horror, fearing that the mermaid who was in estrus would lose his mind and force himself on.

Jun Yuxie raised the corners of his mouth and coaxed in a low voice, "Want to know what's under my scales?"

Lu Shijin shook his head violently, I don't want to, I don't want to at all!

Jun Yu ignored Lu Shijin's wishes and said coldly, "Do you know what the mermaid is thinking about when he is in heat? You have to pay the price for the consequences of your provocation."

Lu Shijin had heard that mermaids are sexually promiscuous. Although there is only one estrus period in a year, it lasts for a month.

During this month, the mermaid can't do anything, and only wants to find a mate to mate to give birth to the little mermaid.

No wonder Jun Yu has been out early and home late these days! It was to do that kind of thing!

I heard that in recent years, more and more female mermaids are reluctant to mate with male mermaids. As a result, in order to meet the needs of estrus, male mermaids do not avoid meat and vegetables, and some even male humans!

Oh, God! How could he be so unlucky, just when Jun Yu's beastly hair was hit? !

Lu Shijin looked at Jun Yu's gloomy eyes as if he was going to eat people, swallowed, and couldn't help pinching his legs.

Although the other side's mermaid form is good-looking, he still can't accept being caught by a mermaid.

Lu Shijin made a plan in his heart. If this dead fish dares to overpower the king, he will fight with him!

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, took it into his head, and deliberately said in an indifferent tone, "Oh, it turns out that you are in estrus, do you need me to help you solve it?"

Jun Yu frowned, as if he did not expect Lu Shijin to have this attitude.

Shouldn't he be trembling and begging for mercy, begging himself to let him go?

"You said it earlier, I'm not the kind of person who can't let go," Lu Shijin said with a smile, "Just right, I haven't tried to be with a mermaid yet, besides, your tail is so beautiful and your face is so handsome. , or the dignified Mermaid King, I still earned it."

Jun Yu: "…"

When Lu Shijin saw that Jun Yu's face was a little subtle, he knew that his move was right.

He twisted his body and took the initiative to stick it on Jun Yu's chest, "Come on, do you want to do it directly in the water or do it up? Change back to a human body or just keep this shape? I can do it~ But I'm still more I like the way you are now." He stared at Jun Yu's fish tail, "your tail is so beautiful!"

Jun Yu's expression immediately became disgusting, and he didn't give Lu Shijin a chance to rub against him. With a big tail flick, he picked up Lu Shijin from the water and threw it back to the shore, with the word "go away" attached.

Lu Shijin successfully escaped the danger and kept his virginity.

Lu Shijin returned to his room, immediately locked the door, leaned his back on the door panel, his heartbeat was so fast that it seemed to pop out of his chest.

What is stimulation? That's called excitement!

What is wit? That's called wit!

He escaped unscathed without any risk, and Lu Shijin was soaked all over.

Half of it was because I just came up from the pool, and half of it was because I was sweating from fright.

After calming down slowly, Lu Shijin lay back on the bed, opened the terminal and searched the Internet for information about the mermaid's body structure.

Only by learning more about mermaids and knowing more about mermaids, can we avoid such thrilling occurrences as today in the future.

I don't know, the world is amazing.

It turned out that the mermaid's organ was hidden under the scales, and the scales were opened when needed, so his guess was good. He really touched Jun Yu's big treasure just now, no wonder his reaction was so big.

Lu Shijin looked at his hands without words, Miss Zuo, you are dirty...

The information on the webpage is graded. If it is browsed by minors, the introduction to the physiological structure of the mermaid will only be a few lines of simple descriptions.

But if you are an adult, you can click on the link next to it to see a more detailed and intuitive picture introduction.

Lu Shijin became curious again, hesitated for a while, and clicked on the picture link.

After seeing the picture of the mermaid opening its scales, the mouth opened into an "O" shape.

Holy crap, how the **** can this be so big? Is that human being? !

Oh, I'm so naive, mermaids aren't human in the first place.

Lu Shijin turned off the picture at a glance, but the shock brought by the picture could not be ignored even if he wanted to ignore it in his mind.

Lu Shijin collapsed on the bed weakly, he needs a new brain that has never seen the scales of a mermaid!

The consequence of being too curious is that Lu Shi's dreams that night are all being pressed by a big white and flawless tail to do indescribable things.

Not only that, but he also dreamed that after doing something indescribable, Big Tail lay eggs in his stomach.

Those eggs hatched out of their shells and hatched into little mermaids. Holding hands, they kept calling "Dad, Daddy" around him. It was so terrifying!

"Don't come here! Don't come here! Go away! Go away!" Lu Shijin was dancing in his sleep, waving in front of him, as if to drive away something.

Lu Shijin didn't wake up from the nightmare until he heard constant knocking on the door outside in the dream.

Reflexively touched his forehead, sweating coldly, he quickly lifted the quilt to check his stomach, and found that the ball just flickered from time to time, and there was no sign of turning into a little mermaid, so he was relieved.

No, it can't go on like this.

Lu Shijin gritted his teeth and thought, Jun Yu must take Jun Li away as soon as possible, so that this nightmarish day can end.

"It's early in the morning, what's the matter?" Lu Shijin got up and went to open the door, not surprised that Jun Yu was standing at the door.

Jun Yu's face was ugly, with a strong sense of getting up, "You have been screaming and screaming all night, don't you know?"

The mermaid lives in the sea and has a keen sense of hearing. Lu Shijin and Junyu's room are separated by a wall. When Lu Shi said something in his sleep tonight, Junyu could hear it clearly.

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes in his heart, if it wasn't for you, how could I have nightmares!

His face was full of guilt, "I'm sorry to disturb your rest. I'll try my best to pay attention in the future. Do you have anything else to do? If not, I want to close the door and change clothes."

Jun Yu said coolly, "There is something else."

Lu Shijin kept smiling, "Please speak."

Jun Yu asked blankly, "When are you going to tell Jun Li the true face of Shen Shao?"

"Do you think if I told Jun Li like this, would he believe it?" Lu Shijin said, "We don't have any evidence, how could Jun Li believe what I said?"

Jun Yu glanced at Lu Shijin with a "you're really useless" look: "You won't think of a way?"

Lu Shijin continued to smile, his hand on the handle behind the door was so strong that his veins were exposed.

Dead fish, stinky fish, remember it for your father, one day, I will get this debt back!

"Thinking," Lu Shijin burst out from between his teeth, "I'm thinking."

Jun Yu leaned against the door, holding his chest with both hands, waiting for Lu Shijin to come up with something good.

However, his expression did not look very hopeful, and he even turned his head to the side and yawned boredly.

"I thought of it!" Lu Shijin suddenly announced, and Jun Yu asked calmly, "What did you think of?"

Lu Shijin's eyes lit up, and he clenched his fist in one hand, "Didn't Shen Shao just want to use Jun Li to cure his illness? Just imagine, if there is another way to cure Shen Shao's illness, since Shen Shao doesn't love Jun Li, then of course he will not continue to be with Jun Li! Jun Li can't see Shen Shao's intentions clearly, right?"

Jun Yu raised his eyebrows and thought for a long time, as if he felt that what Lu Shijin said made sense, his brows stretched, and he looked at Lu Shijin with interest, "Continue to talk."

Lu Shijin said, "So, what we have to do is to cure Shen Shao!"

Jun Yu seemed to find it ridiculous, with sarcasm in his eyes, "He has an incurable disease. It's easier said than done to cure him."

"I mean, it doesn't need to be cured," Lu Shijin blinked, "Just make Shen Shao convinced that his illness can be cured, right?"

Jun Yu was suspicious: "What do you mean?"

Lu Shijin smiled slyly, so and so, so and so, after telling Jun Yu all his thoughts, he made a preliminary plan.

In Shen Shao's laboratory, the staff were following the boss's instructions and working overtime to develop new drugs.

Shen Shao spent the rest of his time in the laboratory, except for the daily office in the Shen's Group Building.

It used to be his only hope for survival, but now it's different. There is a little mermaid by his side.

Shen Shao once communicated with a top expert in the field of life sciences, and the expert told Shen Shao a new discovery of his.

Mermaids live a long life because the blood flowing in their bodies contains a unique substance that can help prolong their lifespan.

If this substance can be extracted from the blood of mermaid and made into medicine, human beings can also prolong their life.

However, mermaids are rare, and the blood of mermaids is even more precious, and the findings of experts cannot be used in practice.

Since knowing that mermaid blood might be able to cure his illness, Shen Shao began to secretly arrange people to search for mermaid secretly.

But the mermaid lives in the deep sea and is hard to find.

Moreover, the merman, whether male or female, has a very strong temperament. If it is not voluntary, the merman who has lost his freedom would rather die than be imprisoned and become an experiment.

So after looking for the mermaid for so long, Shen Shao has been in vain.

Until that day when Shen Shao drove by the beach and found Jun Li lying on the beach, Shen Shao knew that his chance had come.

Jun Li is still a mermaid that has not evolved, so Shen Shao is not in a hurry to reveal his purpose.

He took Jun Li home to take care of him with utmost care and tenderness.

After Jun Li recovered, Shen Shao sent Jun Li back to the sea.

He is not worried that the little mermaid will never return, because after getting along with him these days, he is confident that the little mermaid has been deeply attracted by him and cannot help falling in love with him.

Sure enough, in less than a month, Jun Li came back to find him.

At this time, as long as he pretends to let Jun Li know about his condition inadvertently, the innocent little mermaid will willingly become his experiment.

Shen Shao's well-designed plan turned out to be a success.

No one wants to live. From Shen Shao's knowledge that he has a terminal illness, he may not survive past the age of forty. Every day in his life after that, his goal is to survive.

Even if it was just a little bit of hope, he would hold it tightly in his hands, unwilling to let it go.

But now, as long as he waits another month, when Jun Li passes the evolution period, he will be able to get the precious mermaid blood, and there is hope that his disease can be cured!

As for the little mermaid, Shen Shao thought, if the blood of the mermaid can really cure his illness, then he wouldn't mind marrying a mermaid as his wife.

After all, Jun Li loves him so much, and only sincerity is the most difficult to find in the world.

But does he love Jun Li? Shen Shao once asked himself this question, but he couldn't find the answer.

He has been buried in the laboratory all these years, one day he can't find a medicine for himself, and one day he dare not imagine what the future will be like.

Getting married and having children was not in his plan.

If you can't cure your own disease, you can only live to forty years old at most, what's the point of marrying a wife and having children?

The wife will be saddened by his passing, and the children will inherit the curse of untimely death, but it's another tragic cycle.

So Shen Shao couldn't be sure of his feelings for Jun Li, only that Jun Li was his medicine and his hope.

Shen Shao was sitting in a trance before going to work. If he felt tired, he would just sit at the desk and let his mind wander.

Shen Shao had a very handsome face. His skin was very white because he couldn't see the light in the laboratory all the year round. When he wore glasses, there was a thick bookish air.

When I sit and meditate, I don't look like a wealthy family or a scientific researcher, but more like a poet with a melancholy temperament.

Such a man is born with a fatal attraction.

Lu Shijin knocked on the door of Shen Shao's office, interrupting Shen Shao's thoughts.

Shen Shao shouted "Come in", and seeing that it was Lu Shijin, Xiao Xiao was surprised, "Why are you here?"

Lu Shijin put his hand on the door, stepped in with only one foot, and gestured to leave, "You don't welcome me? Then I can go."

Shen Shao smiled and waved to Lu Shijin, "Welcome, why not welcome. It's just that you're not interested in me here. This is the first time you've come here on your own initiative."

"I'm here to bring you some good news, do you want to hear it?" Lu Shijin sat down across from Shen Shao's desk carelessly, his eyes smug.

Shen Shao adjusted his glasses and asked indifferently, "What good news?"

"I found someone, he might be able to cure your disease!" Lu Shijin lowered his voice and pretended to be mysterious.

Shen Shao's expression froze for a moment, she raised her eyes and stared at Lu Shijin in disbelief, "What did you say?"

"I said," Lu Shijin increased his tone, "I found someone who might be able to cure you!"

Shen Shao hesitated for half a second, then smiled lightly, "Didn't you meet a liar? It took me so many years to cure my disease, how could you just find someone to cure it? ."

Lu Shijin said solemnly: "He is a master, not a liar! It took me a lot of hard work to find out, and I have verified that he has indeed cured a lot of intractable diseases! You can show him, Wan Wan Can one family treat it? Even if it can’t be cured, we won’t suffer, right?”

"Don't be naive, I know my disease myself, and with the current medical technology, it can't be cured at all." Shen Shao took off his glasses, put them on the table, and rubbed his eyebrows, "Nowadays, I know You are kind, but I've been very busy recently, so don't make trouble for me."

"I know if you don't believe me, yes, I'll pass you the information of the master. Anyway, the choice is yours, you can do it yourself." Lu Shijin passed the information to Shen Shao through the terminal, and then walked out with an unhappy face. Shen Shao's office.

"Why don't you persuade Shen Shao anymore? What if he doesn't believe what you said at all, and he doesn't even read the information?" 711 asked curiously.

"He will definitely see it." Lu Shijin raised the corner of his mouth confidently, "People who are dying will not let go of a straw, which is why some people go to the doctor in a hurry. Shen Shao is still not sure about the mermaid blood. Does it work for his illness, so he doesn't miss a chance to cure him."

711 asked worriedly: "Are you really going to dismantle Shen Shao? Are you not afraid that your mission will not be completed?"

"Don't panic, our first task now is to get rid of the stuff in my stomach first, and then," Lu Shijin grinded his back molars, his eyes became cold, "revenge for vengeance and vengeance for vengeance."

Lu Shijin sent the so-called master's information to Shen Shao's mailbox.

As soon as Shen Shao turned on the computer, he received a notification of unread emails. He opened his mailbox and originally wanted to drag the emails directly into the trash, but when the cursor hovered over the email name, he hesitated.

Shen Shao is not a person who believes in fate. It can be seen from his obsession with curing his own illness that he believes in people and will conquer heaven.

Even if there was only a 0.00001% chance of curing his disease, Shen Shao didn't want to miss it.

So after ten seconds, Shen Shao clicked on the email and browsed the contents.

According to the introduction, this is a master of traditional Chinese medicine, specializing in acupuncture and moxibustion, and there are many examples of intractable diseases that he has cured with acupuncture and moxibustion.

In this era, with advanced medical technology, most diseases can be cured by machines once and for all. The diagnosis and treatment method of "seeing, hearing, asking, and knowing" like traditional Chinese medicine has long been eliminated by the times, so Shen Shao never thought that traditional Chinese medicine can cure his own diseases.

Shen Shao was cautious and entered the cases cured by the master of traditional Chinese medicine into the global networked case database to search. The results of the search were very shocking to him.

These cases are actually real, and they were all cured by this master of traditional Chinese medicine?

Shen Shao couldn't help being stunned after reading all the content. Could it be that Chinese medicine is really so magical?

But in fact, there is no master of traditional Chinese medicine at all, and the information that Shen Shao sees has been tampered with by the 711 invasion of the medical record system.

Lu Shijin left Shen Shao's laboratory and got into his car, where Jun Yu had been waiting for him.

"He watched?" Jun Yu asked.

Lu Shijin shook his head, "I don't know."

Jun Yu asserted: "So it was a failure."

Lu Shijin raised his index finger and shook it, "That's not necessarily true."

Jun Yu asked: "He doesn't even look at it, how can your plan be implemented?"

Lu Shijin looked relaxed: "I don't know if he looks at it now, but I think he will definitely watch it, do you bet?"

Jun Yu: "What are you betting on?"

Lu Shijin said with a smile: "If I win, will you take the things out of my stomach?"

Jun Yu stared at him for a few seconds, then turned his head and said ruthlessly, "No."

"Damn, you, no, why are you like this?" Lu Shijin thumped the steering wheel in an aura, "What do you mean by stuffing your cub in my stomach? You can't use other methods if you want to control me? Does it have to be like this? I'm not pregnant before marriage, I'm pregnant before sex!"

Jun Yu was unmoved, noticed the flashing light on his wrist, and said in a low voice, "Shut up, there's a strange call coming in."

Lu Shijin glanced at the caller ID, fell silent, and gestured to Jun Yu to answer the phone.

Jun Yu cleared his throat first, then tapped his wrist, and said solemnly, "Hello? Who is it?"

After hesitating for a second, he said tentatively, "Hello, is this Master Yu?"

The author has something to say:

Lies are not advocated, it is only for the needs of the plot, Chinese medicine does not cure all diseases, go to the hospital if you are sick, don't listen to the remedies (a reminder from an author who has a strong desire to survive)