Lu Shijin rented a place temporarily and set it up like a medical clinic, just waiting for the big fish to take the bait.

The next day, Shen Shao arrived at the place where he had agreed to meet with Jun Yu, and saw Jun Yu in a white coat.

Jun Yu's face was cold and solemn, and when he put his hands into the bag, he was already strong, and he was born with a convincing charm.

Looking at it this way, don't say it, it really looks like that.

In this era, fewer and fewer people study Chinese medicine, and almost all Chinese medicine is lost. Therefore, although Shen Shao is well versed in medical theory, his understanding of this aspect is also very limited.

We only know what is the theoretical basis of yin and yang and five behaviors in traditional Chinese medicine, and the general treatment methods include traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage and other means.

In short, it sounds like there is no scientific basis, and it is mysterious, but it cannot be denied that before the major breakthroughs in medical technology began to take off, Chinese medicine was also an important medical discipline.

According to what Lu Shijin taught him, Jun Yu said some obscure and specious terms of Chinese medicine. Judging from Shen Shao's expression, he knew that he was confused and could not understand at all.

"Master Yu, do you think my illness can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine?" Shen Shao was impatient, interrupting Jun Yu, who was reciting his lines, and asked bluntly.

Jun Yu pretended to ponder deeply, "Whether it can be cured, we have to look at it first. You stretch out your hand, and I will take the pulse for you."

Shen Shao stretched out his hand suspiciously, Jun Yu stretched out **** to press Shen Shao's pulse, turned his head and closed his eyes, sometimes frowning and sometimes easing his brows, with an unpredictable expression.

And Lu Shijin could see every move of the two of them clearly through the monitor. He deeply felt that with Jun Yu's acting skills, if he had a moustache on his chin, he would be an old Chinese medicine doctor.

This tasker is also a showman.

"Well, I almost know the cause of your disease." Jun Yu retracted his hand and said, "The meridians are affected by the evil and enter the viscera, the blood vessels are blocked, and the qi and blood are abnormal, resulting in the internal generation of dampness. Do you have a lot of dreams at night and sweat frequently, often on your hands and feet? Cold and feeling exhausted?"

As soon as Shen Shao heard Jun Yu said every point, the expression that had been a little suspicious just now suddenly became awe-inspiring.

"Yes, you are really amazing, so you got everything right."

Jun Yu smiled lightly, and said slowly, "Miao Zan, just basic skills, not worth mentioning."

Jun Yu's modesty made Shen Shao feel good, and he trusted Jun Yu's ability.

He asked nervously: "Master Yu, do you think there is any hope for my disease to be cured?"

"Your disease can't be cured all at once, you have to take care of it slowly. In addition to traditional Chinese medicine, you have to supplement it with acupuncture to help you clear the meridians." Jun Yu pointed to the side, "Well, there is a bed there. You take off your clothes and lie down first, and then I will give you acupuncture once, if you feel it works, we will specify the next diagnosis and treatment plan, what do you think?"

Shen Shao also wanted to try whether Chinese medicine is so magical. Anyway, let this Master Yu try it once and it won't hurt. If it doesn't work, it's a big deal.

Shen Shao nodded: "Okay, just listen to the master."

"You drink a glass of water first." Shen Shao was about to undress and lie on the bed, when Jun Yu suddenly came over with a glass of water, Shen Shao didn't understand, "Why drink water?"

"You may sweat during the acupuncture process, so drink some water to replenish the water first." Jun Yu explained seriously.

Shen Shao didn't suspect him, took the water glass and drank it, not noticing the coldness that flashed across Jun Yu's eyes.

"You lie down and rest for a while, and I'll ask the assistant to prepare the tools for acupuncture." Jun Yu left the room after speaking.

Shen Shao lay on his stomach and waited for a while, suddenly felt his eyelids a little heavy, a burst of drowsiness came up, and he fell asleep unknowingly.

Lu Shijin, who had been monitoring the movement in the consultation room, confirmed that Shen Shao was really asleep, and then re-entered the room with Jun Yu.

Jun Yu is not a master of traditional Chinese medicine, and of course he doesn't know acupuncture, so he can only make Shen Shao dizzy first, and when he wakes up, he directly tells him that he has finished acupuncture.

"Just like this, I can't fool Shen Shao. He has become a good doctor after a long illness, and he knows more about medicine than us." Lu Shijin touched his chin and looked at Shen Shao, who was asleep, "He can only treat us if he sees a little effect. Believe it or not."

Jun Yu agreed with an "um", "What can you do?"

Lu Shijin frowned, and pressed his forehead twice with his fingers. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed across his mind, and his face turned to Jun Yu.

"Isn't the blood of your mermaid able to cure his disease? Why don't you feed him some of your blood? Anyway, we just want him to believe that Chinese medicine is effective in curing his disease, and we don't really want to cure him."

Jun Yu pondered for a while, although the method Lu Shijin said was not very reliable, but at present, there is indeed no better way.

Jun Yu nodded in agreement, "Yes, let's try it first."

Lu Shijin didn't talk nonsense, took a measuring cup, and pulled out a silver needle and handed it to Jun Yu, motioning him to **** his finger and squeeze out some blood.

Jun Yu took the silver needle and pointed the tip of the needle at his finger. The tip of the silver needle trembled, but it failed to pierce into the flesh after all.

Lu Shijin frowned, and asked Jun Yu incredulously, "No, is your dignified mermaid king afraid of pain?"

Jun Yu's face darkened, "How could I be afraid of pain, you don't know how precious mermaid blood is, I feel distressed."

Lu Shijin: "..."

Shen Shao was about to wake up after groaning like this.

Since Jun Yu couldn't get his hands on him, Lu Shijin took the silver needle from his hand decisively, grabbed Jun Yu's finger tightly with one hand, and pierced the needle neatly, accompanied by Jun Yu's "Muffled hum. ', the blood beads came out.

Strange, the mermaid blood is actually silver.

Jun Yu's brows were furrowed tightly, as if he was suffering from some great pain.

Lu Shijin said gloatingly: "If you get it, don't pretend. Can a wound as big as the tip of a needle hurt you like this?"

Jun Yu glanced at him coldly, "Mermaids live in the deep sea, and their senses are dozens or even a hundred times more sensitive than humans."

Lu Shijin's action of squeezing the blood pearls paused, so the pain should have been magnified, it turned out to be really painful.

Seeing that he had squeezed half a cup of blood, Lu Shijin stopped squeezing blood, took a tissue and gently wiped off the blood on Jun Yu's fingertips, raised his hand to his mouth and blew.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you mermaids are sensitive to pain. Let me blow it for you. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt anymore." Lu Shijin shouted for Jun Yu seriously, but Jun Yu was scalded as quickly as possible. He pulled out his hand, snorted coldly, turned his face away, "Childish."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes at the back of Jun Yu's head, cut, the dog bit Lu Dongbin, he didn't know the good heart.

Lu Shijin fed Shen Shao the small half cup of precious mermaid blood. After calculating the time, Shen Shao should wake up, and he left the consultation room.

After about a quarter of an hour, Shen Shao slowly woke up and found that he was wearing a piece of clothing on his back, while Jun Yu was packing the acupuncture equipment beside him.

"What's wrong with me?" Shen Shao shook his head, a little confused.

Jun Yu said softly, "Have you been feeling tired a lot recently? I just added some calming medicine to your water, but you fell asleep unexpectedly."

Shen Shao slowly got up from the bed, moved his lower and upper body, and found that there was no pain from acupuncture.

"Then when do we start acupuncture?"

"It's over." Jun Yu put his hands in his pockets and said with concern, "How about you hurry up?"

"It's over?" Shen Shao was startled, he didn't feel anything, it was over?

Jun Yu smiled and explained: "The needles I use are very thin, and there will only be a slight pain when the needles are pierced. When the needles are pulled out, there will be no feeling at all."

"Really? Master Yu is really skilled in medicine." Shen Shao slowly put on his clothes, with a perfunctory smile on his face, obviously not believing what Jun Yu said.

He is not a fool, he can fool people with just a few words.

No matter how tired he was, he couldn't lie down for a while and fell asleep. He said it was acupuncture, but he didn't feel anything on his back, obviously he was playing tricks.

Shen Shao thought about it in his heart and decided that Jun Yu was a liar, but he didn't show it immediately on his face, exposing Jun Yu's deception.

Jun Yu could see that Shen Shao had doubts about himself, but his face was still calm, "This time after the treatment, you can go back and observe for two days. If you feel that your health has improved, come to me again, and we will agree on a diagnosis and treatment plan. "

Shen Shao buttoned the last button, shook hands with Jun Yu, and said quietly, "Okay, thank you for your trouble. If you can cure me, I will definitely reward you with money in the future."

After Shen Shao left, Lu Shijin returned to the consultation room.

"How? Did he believe it?" Lu Shijin asked with concern.

Jun Yu took off his white coat and changed back to his own clothes, "How low do you think his IQ must be to believe in such a flawed deception?"

Lu Shijin shook his finger, "I tell you, sometimes the simpler the trick, the easier it is to be fooled, it doesn't matter if we don't know acupuncture, it doesn't matter if you are not a master of traditional Chinese medicine, as long as your blood is effective in curing Shen Shao's disease , our plan was successful.”

"I hope so." Jun Yu shrugged hopelessly, changed his clothes and opened the door.

Lu Shijin followed behind him and asked, "Where are you going?"

Jun Yu replied coldly: "It has nothing to do with you."

Lu Shijin suddenly remembered that the mermaid was in heat recently, and speculated that Jun Yu was probably going back to the sea to find the female mermaid.

Lu Shijin suddenly felt sympathy for Jun Yu. While going back to the sea to find a partner, he also came to the shore to find his younger brother. It's really not easy to be a mermaid king.

After leaving the consultation room, Lu Shijin went home directly, guessing that Shen Shao should be home too, so he called him.

"How is it, have you read the information about the Chinese medicine master I introduced to you?" Lu Shijin asked deliberately.

Shen Shao's face looked a little stinky: "No, it's just a liar, whoever believes it is stupid."

Lu Shijin was secretly happy, it seemed that classmate Shen felt that he had been deceived and was unhappy.

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, "Okay, since you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do. I'll pay attention to see if there are other famous doctors."

Shen Shao was noncommittal, the two chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

After a busy day, Lu Shijin was tired and sleepy, so he went back to his room to sleep without having time to eat.

When he woke up, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

His stomach was hungry and deflated, Lu Shijin went downstairs to find something to eat, and before he got to the kitchen, he heard a huge sound from the direction of the swimming pool, like a heavy object falling into the water.

Lu Shijin followed the sound to check the situation, and across the distance, he saw Jun Yu, who had turned into a mermaid, lying on his back and floating on the water, motionless.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Shijin approached the shore without knowing why, and called Jun Yu's name twice, but Jun Yu still didn't respond at all.

"Hey! Hey! What's wrong with you? Damn it, don't be scary!"

Jun Yu floated in the middle of the swimming pool, Lu Shijin couldn't see the specific situation, worried that something had happened, and he didn't take off his clothes, so he jumped into the swimming pool and swam towards Jun Yu.

"Damn it, the mermaid shouldn't be drowned in water, right? Comrade Xiaoyu, wake up!" Lu Shijin patted Junyu's face and found that the temperature on Junyu's face was terrifyingly hot, and it was flushing abnormally. Immediately, his eyes moved down his body, and he found that the scale he accidentally touched that day turned up again!

Lu Shijin: ! ! !

Lu Shijin hurriedly swam back, keeping a certain distance from Jun Yu, for fear that Jun Yu would suddenly open his eyes and rush towards him with wild beasts.

Lu Shijin splashed water on Jun Yu tentatively, "Hey, hey, wake up, why don't you go to the female mermaid when you're in heat? Why come back? If you don't wake up, I won't care about you!"

Jun Yu didn't respond, and Lu Shijin didn't know what to do for a while. He was afraid that Jun Yu would really be drowned in the water, and he couldn't really ignore him, so he had to be brave enough to drag the fish ashore first.

The mermaid's tail is very heavy, and it took Lu Shijin's efforts to drag Jun Yu up, and he was almost tired.

"Convenience store, check what happened to this dead fish?"

711 searched for information about the estrus period of the mermaid, and guessed: "It seems that it is because the estrus period cannot be relieved, and it is held back like this."

"What?" Lu Shijin asked with a black face. "You mean, he was stunned by himself? Wait, wait, didn't he go to the female mermaid when he was in heat?"

711: "I don't know if you've called me, but it's true that it's true. Mermaids have only one estrus period a year, which also means that when they're in estrus, the demand is stronger than any other time. If If they are not satisfied at this time, they will be very uncomfortable, ranging from depression to death."

Lu Shijin looked at Jun Yu, who was lying on the ground, with complicated eyes. The usually indomitable mermaid king now has his eyes closed, his chest heaving violently, and he looks particularly helpless.

"Nice! It's great! Let this dead fish suffocate! I don't need to be angry with him!" Lu Shijin suddenly figured it out, stood up and clapped his hands, feeling very comfortable, "Let you be like this! A dead fish stuffed a little mermaid in my stomach, the retribution is coming, hahahaha! I don't bother to care about him, what a love!"

711: "But..."

Lu Shijin was impatient: "But what is it?"

711: "But if he dies, how can you get the eggs out of your stomach?"

Lu Shijin's happy smile gradually solidified on his face, turning into pain, "Yes, damn, he can't die yet!"

Lu Shijin squatted down again and shook Jun Yu's body vigorously, "If you want to die, take the eggs out of my stomach before you die! Don't drag me down!"

Jun Yu was shaken by Lu Shijin and seemed to be a little conscious, grabbing Lu Shijin's arm off guard, dragging him down, turning over and pressing him under him.

"Fuck! What are you doing!" Lu Shijin was overwhelmed by the sudden change, thinking that Jun Yu was awake, but Jun Yu still closed his eyes, just instinctively rubbed his tail against Lu Shijin's body.

Lu Shijin fought hard, but the mermaid's strength was much stronger than that of humans. The more Lu Shijin resisted, the more excited Jun Yu seemed to be, and the dawdling became stronger and stronger, until Lu Shijin felt that the scales seemed to be completely opened, and there was a terrible Something touched his thigh, and his scalp was numb, and he didn't dare to move.

Lu Shijin: "Convenience store save me!"

711: "How about you try to relieve him?"

Lu Shijin refused: "I'm not a mermaid, how can I help him?!"

711 laughed twice: "You forgot, in addition to female mermaids, women can also."

Lu Shijin: "Then I'm not a woman either!"

711: "Men and women are similar."

Lu Shijin's pupils trembled: " have learned badly about the convenience store, you are no longer the pure convenience store you used to be!"

711 is righteous: "Those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to Mo are black, have you heard of it?"

Lu Shijin wanted to cry but had no tears, no ** said.

No way, he was pinned down by Jun Yu, the strength of the dead mermaid was stronger than that of an ox, and Lu Shijin couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

And it seemed that Jun Yu didn't want to let him go at all, the whole tail was on Lu Shijin's leg, and it was difficult for him to move.

Fuck it! If you want to keep your innocence, you have to make sacrifices!

Lu Shijin closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. He reached down with his hand and touched a scale that was opened. When he touched something under the scale, Lu Shijin took a deep breath. Is it so terrifying?

Lu Shijin closed his eyes and moved his hands while chatting with 711 to divert his attention.

"Convenience store, you said that the dead fish are in estrus, why don't you go to the female mermaid and have to endure it until it explodes?"

711: "Maybe you didn't find something you like?"

Lu Shijin sneered: "It's really picky, I'm afraid it's true that no one likes him."

711: "But I think he looks pretty good."

"I mean temper!" Lu Shijin said indignantly, "narcissism, arrogance, irritability, paranoia!"

711: "I think it may be like this. Since he is the tasker, he must have a soul as a person. Will he endure it because he can't bear to mate with a mermaid?"

Lu Shijin thought for a while, and felt that 711's guess was reasonable, "I can't rule out this possibility, but he doesn't want to engage with mermaids, so I'll do it? Haven't you learned how to do what Confucius would do to others?? "

711 sighed and said sympathetically, "Host, please bear with it, who calls your opponent stronger than us? Since you can't resist, why not learn to enjoy it?"

"I enjoy you#%&... Damn, how long will it take for him to recover? I've done all kinds of tricks. No matter how bad he is, my hand is about to break!"

Lu Shijin was cursing, and was about to open his eyes and look down to take a look at what was going on, when suddenly a magnified face came close, and the mermaid's cold lips were suddenly pressed against Lu Shijin's mouth.

Lu Shijin: 0.0! ! !

Being caught off guard by a strong kiss, Lu Shijin's hand reflexively clenched tightly, and then he heard a satisfied murmur from the mermaid's throat...

After being pressed by the relieved mermaid for a while, Lu Shijin gradually came to his senses, and angrily pushed the mermaid away from him.

"Did you wake up a long time ago?!" Lu Shijin rubbed his sore wrist and was so angry that he was so angry, "Is it intentional? Despicable and shameless!"

Jun Yu Youyou opened his eyes, and sat up from the ground, his big tail swung, and the scale that was just opened has returned to its original position.

His face didn't change and his heart didn't beat, and his tone was very casual: "I didn't wake up before, but I woke up later."

Lu Shijin has never seen such a brazen person, ahhh, fish!

How could he be so embarrassed to pretend to be dizzy and let others "pull" him? Strong kiss!

Lu Shijin was so angry that the muscles on his face were shaking, but because there was still an egg in his stomach, he couldn't tear his face with Jun Yu, so he could only hold back the food in his stomach!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa me **** me off! One day I'm going to chop this fish! Braised fish! steamed fish! Boiled fish! Pickled fish!

Lu Shijin walked to the pool angrily, put his hands in the water to wash back and forth, and stared at Jun Yu with murderous eyes.

"Don't look at me like that," Jun Yu said with a satisfied look on his face, raised his thin eyelids, and said lightly, "I did faint just now, so thank you for helping me."

Lu Shijin smiled but didn't smile: "Haha, it turns out that you mermaids repay the benefactor like this, it's an eye-opener for me."

"If you help me, I will repay you." Jun Yu looked at Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin thought of what Jun Yu had given to the two old masters who showed him the way Zhuzhu, and his back felt a little cold.

"You, you, you!" Lu Shijin hugged his stomach, his facial expression almost distorted, "Don't you want to give me another pearl?!"

"No." Jun Yu smiled slightly, lowered his head and pulled out a white scale from his tail, then the tail changed into legs and walked towards Lu Shijin.

Jun Yu changed directly from the form of a mermaid to a human body. He just came up from the pool, of course, without clothes.

Lu Shijin didn't mean to look at it, he just glanced at it casually, and Jun Yu in human form was pleasing to the eye.

He comforted himself in his heart, forget it, it doesn't make much difference whether it is a human or a fish, so it's just like having a slap with someone else.

Jun Yu handed Lu Shijin the scales plucked from himself, with a charitable tone, "Give it."

"What is this?" Lu Shijin didn't pick it up. Even if it wasn't a pearl, what would a fish scale be?

"Thank you." Jun Yu said.

Lu Shijin twitched the corners of his eyes, took the fish scales and held them in front of his eyes and glanced at them repeatedly. Although it looked pretty, it was useless.

"You take this as a thank you gift? What can I use it for? Is it money or cooking?"

Jun Yu's face darkened and he sneered: "Superficial and ignorant, do you know what it means to give the other party's own fish scales in the mermaid kingdom?"

Lu Shijin didn't understand and asked, "What?"

Jun Yu frowned and observed Lu Shijin's appearance. He didn't seem to know, it didn't look like he was pretending.

Jun Yu said lightly: "Forget it, since I gave it to you, you can keep it well. You will know what it means in the future."

Lu Shijin snorted to express his disdain, "Cut, it's a mystery, if you give it, I have to ask for it? I don't mind taking it back."

"No, no, if you give it, there is no reason to take it back." Jun Yu turned his head unnaturally, the lines on the side of his face were a little tight, and his tone was not cold and threatening, "If you dare not or dare to throw it, I will Just push the embryo in your belly to develop, and you can measure it yourself."