Lu Shijin guessed right. After two days, Shen Shao contacted Jun Yu again, saying that after returning home, he found that his physical condition had improved. On the phone, he praised Master Yu for his excellent medical skills, and hoped to discuss it with Jun Yu. Follow-up treatment options.

Big fish finally took the bait, and the next plan was to make Shen Shao make up his mind to cut off contact with Jun Li.

Shen Shao came to the clinic for the third time, and already believed in Jun Yu's ability.

Although he would fall asleep before each acupuncture, he has no memory of the acupuncture process.

But it cannot be denied that he has worked hard for more than ten years before, and has developed countless drugs and tested them countless times on himself.

It's not that Shen Shao wasn't curious about what method Jun Yu used to treat his illness, but no matter what method, as long as it worked, it was a good method.

Moreover, the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine itself is mysterious and mysterious, and there were rumors that qigong could cure diseases before, perhaps the method of Jun Yu is probably the same.

"Master Yu, how many courses do you think it will take to cure my illness?" Shen Shao's eyes were full of anticipation. After all, it was a nightmare that had haunted him for nearly 30 years, and he was about to come out of the nightmare. will be excited.

"Since you are willing to believe me, then I will definitely do my best to cure you." Jun Yu said with a deep expression, "But it needs your cooperation."

"Of course, I will definitely cooperate." Shen Shao took out a gold card from his bag, put it on the table and pushed it in front of Jun Yu, smiled and said, "Master Yu, this is a little of my heart, you two times before They are all treating me free of charge, and I should have said it long ago. These are just the first paragraphs, if you can cure me completely, Master, I will definitely give a more generous reward in the future.”

Not getting paid might make Shen Shao doubt his intentions, and not owing money to doing things would make Shen Shao feel at ease.

So Jun Yu didn't refuse, took the gold card and threw it into the drawer.

"But it's disrespectful, if that's the case, then I'll accept it."

Shen Shao watched Jun Li accept his card, and the corners of his mouth twitched in satisfaction, completely relieved.

Shen Shao: "Master wants me to cooperate, but I don't know what to do?"

Jun Yu pondered: "It will take at least two years for your disease to be cured. Even if it is cured, it will take a lifetime to recuperate your body."

Shen Shao nodded again and again, "I understand, I will."

"One more thing," Jun Yu looked at Shen Shao and said solemnly, "You have to abstain from sex, and you can't do things of love between men and women in the future."

Shen Shao's smile froze for a while, a little stunned, "Why is this?"

Jun Yu said slowly: "Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to qi. You have insufficient qi and blood, and doing things in bed will only let your qi leak out, so wouldn't the qi that I give you make up for nothing? If you want to be cured, sacrifice is inevitable. Of course, I know that it is human nature to love a man and a woman. If you can't accept my advice, you might as well ask someone else."

With that said, Jun Yu took out the gold card he just accepted from the drawer, handed it to Shen Shao, and gave Shen Shao the right to decide whether to cure or not.

Shen Shao frowned and pondered for a moment, then closed his eyes and seemed to make up his mind. He pushed back Jun Yu's hand and said with a firm look and a very solemn tone.

"No, Master Yu, I believe in you, I will do whatever you want me to do, everything is up to you."

Jun Yu smiled happily, "That's good, since Mr. Shen has made such a statement, I will definitely live up to your trust. I will formulate a treatment plan in the next two days and send it to you for review. If there is no problem, I will start from next week. , we started treatment."

Shen Shao is a highly educated social elite, Jun Yu's rudimentary deception is full of loopholes, and he should not be easily fooled.

But he was eager to save himself. After Jun Yu fed him two times of mermaid blood, Shen Shao was blinded by the effect of the mermaid blood without knowing it, and he believed in Jun Yu without a doubt.

This is why in the age of underdeveloped natural science, so many great scientists, after finding no reasonable explanation for certain laws, summed it all up into illusory theology.

But now, in Shen Shao's eyes, Jun Yu is the **** who can save him.

Shen Shao left the consultation room with full of hope. Lu Shijin felt that his plan had succeeded more than half. He couldn't help but be happy when he thought that he was one step closer to breaking away from Jun Yu, the dead mermaid.

Jun Yu has been following him for the past two days, and Lu Shijin can't show too much happiness in front of Jun Yu.

The two had dinner at a restaurant outside. Lu Shijin was happy and ordered an expensive bottle of red wine to celebrate.

The waiter quickly brought the wine bottle over, poured it into the decanter and woke up for a while, then poured Jun Yu and Lu Shijin a glass each and put them in their hands.

"Why do you drink?" Jun Yu asked strangely, raising his glass.

Lu Shijin replied without changing his face: "If you want to drink it, drink it. There is no reason. This is a 20-year-old red wine. You can also try it."

Jun Yu took a sip, and seemed to think that the wine tasted good, as expected of the best wine that has been treasured for 20 years, with a hint of admiration on the corner of his eyes and brows.

Half a cup soon bottomed out, Jun Yu picked up the decanter and poured another half cup for himself, gulugulu and finished it after a few sips, this greedy look like he hadn't had a drink in his life.

Lu Shijin couldn't help but say, "Drink slowly, wine is catchy but easy to drink."

Jun Yu put down the cup and said indifferently, "It's okay, it's just one cup."

Lu Shijin asked clearly: "You mermaids live in the sea, so you shouldn't be able to drink a bar?"

"Of course," Jun Yu seemed to have heard a joke and looked at Lu Shijin with "how could you ask such a stupid question", "The sea is full of sea water, how could there be alcohol?"

Lu Shijin, who has been despised, regrets it very much. Damn, I shouldn't ask too much, what nonsense is there with the dead fish?

Lu Shijin only drank one-third of a bottle of red wine, and the rest went into Jun Yu's stomach. When he walked out of the restaurant, Jun Yu's eyes were a little blurry, showing he was drunk.

Lu Shijin is gloating on misfortune, making you greedy for cups and becoming a drunken fish, right? It's best to be drunk and unconscious, and then leave you on the road back and let you sleep on the road.

Lu Shijin couldn't drive after drinking. Fortunately, the sports car can be set to automatic driving mode, and Lu Shijin does not need to operate it himself.

As soon as Jun Yu got in the car, he leaned on the back of the seat and closed his eyes and fell asleep. It would take an hour to get home, and Lu Shijin was bored, so he lowered his head and played games on his personal terminal to kill time.

However, before he finished the game, he suddenly felt a movement on Jun Yu's side. He turned his head and saw that Jun Yu had actually turned into a mermaid. The huge fish tail was squeezed on the passenger seat, and the tail fin kept swinging and flapping. on the windshield.

Lu Shijin was stunned, "What the hell? The mermaid will show its true shape after drinking? Are you Bai Suzhen?"

Turning into a mermaid is not the worst thing, but the worst thing is that Lu Shijin found that the scales in Jun Yu's place seemed to be opening again, and suddenly he even had the heart to jump from the car.

Excuse me, do mermaids have **** after drinking? !

"Hey, hey, Comrade Xiaoyu, can you still hear me?" Lu Shijin poked Junyu's arm, thinking secretly what the chances are that if Junyu is thrown out of the car and he doesn't turn against him.

Jun Yu opened his eyes, but his eyes were not clear, and his eyes were red, as if he was trying his best to endure something.

"Send me to the beach." Jun Yu said in a hoarse voice.

As soon as Lu Shijin heard this, he immediately changed his driving route, "Okay, okay, go now, be patient, you will be there soon!"

Great, Lu Shijin breathed a sigh of relief, the dead mermaid was going back to the sea!

They were just close to the sea, and it only took a quarter of an hour for the car to drive at full speed.

But Jun Yu is obviously on the verge of enduring the limit, he can't even wait for a quarter of an hour, and has already torn off all his clothes.

Lu Shijin glanced at it and admired secretly. The figure above is very good, and the tail below is very beautiful. In short, everything is perfect. Even if the race is different, it is attractive enough to human beings.

Lu Shijin shrank to the car door, looked straight ahead without looking sideways, trying to ignore the influence of the male mermaid beside him.


The car drove to the beach and stopped. It was dead of night. There was no one on the empty beach. Except for the light from the headlights, it was pitch black.

Fog has begun to form on the sea, and it is mysterious and dangerous to see the situation on the sea.

The sound of the tide hitting the beach could be heard in the car. Lu Shijin came back to his senses, turned his head and said to Jun Yu as a matter of course: "It's already here, then you can go over by yourself."

"How do I get there?" The merman's blue eyes stared at Lu Shijin, his big tail twitched lightly.

Lu Shijin understood when he thought about it, yes, Jun Yu doesn't have long legs now, and of course he can't walk into the sea on his own. He thought about the picture of a beautiful mermaid crawling on the ground with sand on its tail, which seemed a bit unpleasant.

"Then you can change your legs back, so you can pass." Lu Shijin said.

Jun Yu said in a low voice, "The current situation cannot be changed back."

Lu Shijin understood, Jun Yu's meaning was obvious, that he wanted to carry him by himself.

Seeing Jun Yu's expression, he seemed to endure very hard, Lu Shijin thought, forget it, send the Buddha to the west, in order to avoid what happened last time, it would be safer to throw this rutted mermaid into the sea.

Lu Shijin opened the car door and got out of the car, went around to the co-pilot's side to open the door, bent down and put one hand behind Jun Yu and the other under Jun Yu's tail, and hugged the mermaid horizontally.

"'re really heavy, do you know that?" Lu Shijin used all his strength to force Jun Yu out, gritted his teeth, and hugged the mermaid with one foot deep and one shallow, and walked towards the beach.

Jun Yu hugged Lu Shijin's neck and stared intently at Lu Shijin's profile.

Mermaids have excellent eyesight and can see anything within 100 meters even in the dark.

The corners of the human's mouth were tightly pursed, apparently holding him very hard, frowning as if reluctantly.

The corners of Jun Yu's mouth twitched quietly, and he wrapped his arms around Lu Shijin's neck a little tighter.

"It's here, I'm exhausted." Lu Shijin didn't take off his shoes or clothes, and didn't stop until he reached the place where the sea water was over his knees. He turned his head and asked Junyu, "Is it alright here? I'm afraid to go further. The tide carried me into the sea."

Jun Yu: "With me here, what are you afraid of even if you get involved in the sea?"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, "No, I don't want to get wet, I'll let you down."

Jun Yu made a light "um" sound, and Lu Shijin let go without pity and threw Jun Yu into the sea.

The mermaid waved its tail and slowly swam to the depths of the sea.

Lu Shijin originally wanted to go back, but inadvertently glanced forward.

It just so happened that the moon appeared from behind the clouds, and the bright moonlight shone down, sparkling, and instantly illuminated the sea.

A silvery fish tail turned up from the bottom of the sea, drawing a stunning curve on the boundless sea, noble and pure like a crescent moon rising from the bottom of the sea.

Mermaids are elves in the sea. They are as mysterious as the sea, but also full of charm. In the deep sea that humans cannot reach, they can swim freely and swim through the waves.

The creator is really ingenious, creating such a beautiful creature as a mermaid.

Lu Shijin was instantly attracted by Jun Yu swimming in the sea and couldn't look away.

Suddenly, Lu Shijin heard a beautiful singing voice. Before that, any kind of voice he had heard was not as beautiful as this voice.

The mermaid's singing has a seductive appeal, making people unconsciously forget where they are, and just want to indulge in this song.

When Lu Shijin woke up, Jun Yu had already taken people into the depths of the sea.

Surrounded by over-the-top sea water, Lu Shijin panicked, but Jun Yu hugged him tightly. With Jun Yu's traction, Lu Shijin felt as if he had also become a mermaid and could swim freely in the sea.

For a while, he dived into the unfathomable bottom of the sea in a thrilling manner, and then rose up and floated on the sea. The surroundings were quiet and silent, as if there were only him and Junyu between the heaven and the earth.

"Is it fun?" Jun Yu carried Lu Shijin up from the bottom of the sea and asked him with a smile.

Lu Shijin was having fun, smiling brightly, "Fun! Exciting!"

Jun Yu: "Is there anything more exciting, do you want to play?"

Lu Shijin was addicted to playing, and he forgot his fear of the deep sea. He said loudly, "Come on, what's more exciting, just go!"

Jun Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, hugged Lu Shijin's waist, and swung the huge fish tail under the water, actually taking Lu Shijin into the air!

The two rose into the air and fell straight to the bottom of the sea. Jun Yu swung the fish tail and took the landing to the bottom of the sea.

Under the water, Lu Shijin stared at Jun Yu nervously with wide eyes, feeling that his heartbeat couldn't keep up with Jun Yu's swimming speed.

What is he going to do? Where are you taking me?

Humans are different from mermaids and cannot breathe freely underwater. The fear caused by lack of oxygen soon lingered in Lu Shijin's heart.

Lu Shijin patted Jun Yu's shoulder hard, shook his head and signaled that he couldn't breathe, and asked Jun Yu to stop and take him back to swim.

But Jun Yu turned a blind eye and kept going downstream without stopping.

Lu Shijin heard a voice ringing in his ear.

"Want oxygen? It's here." A breathtaking smile appeared on the handsome merman's face, and he pointed a finger to his lips.

Lu Shijin finally understood, where is this mermaid, it's clearly a sea monster!

Tempt yourself into a trap he carefully laid out!

In order to survive, Lu Shijin could only close his eyes and put on the mermaid's lips.

Fortunately, Jun Yu was not stingy, a steady stream of oxygen flowed into Lu Shijin's mouth, and at the same time, his tongue was flexibly stirring every part of his mouth.

Damn, why do you feel suffocated the more you kiss?

The heartbeat is faster than ever, and the brain is losing the ability to think. In addition to the boundless sea water, there is the pervasive breath of mermaids.

Jun Yu was finally willing to bring Lu Shijin to the surface, their lips and tongues parted, Lu Shijin took a deep breath of the fresh air, stared at Jun Yu fiercely, and complained silently.

"Don't look at me like this, you said you wanted to play exciting." Jun Yu said without changing his face.

Lu Shijin's breathing became easier, "Is the excitement so fun? You almost murdered me!"

Jun Yu: "Obviously I saved you."

Lu Shijin snorted coldly: "It's obviously a hooligan."

Jun Yu smiled, "If I'm really a hooligan, it's more than that."

Lu Shijin stopped talking, because he remembered that he was facing a mermaid who was opening its scales, and this was Jun Yu's territory. If he wanted to do something, he couldn't resist.

"I don't want to swim anymore, I want to go back to shore." Lu Shijin asked weakly.

"Okay," Jun Yu said mercifully, "but I'm feeling a little uncomfortable right now, and maybe I won't change back when I get back to shore."

As he said that, he curled up Lu Shijin's legs with the tip of his tail in a suggestive way.

Lu Shijin: "…"

When the mermaid is arrogant, it is really nothing to do, and the mermaid in heat is even more arrogant.

"Go back to shore, go back to shore and I'll help you!"

In order to adapt to human life and to make Shen Shao sad, Jun Li, who has never seen fire since childhood, learned to recognize human food and to cook delicious food.

Even if the things he made at the beginning could not be eaten at all, even if he always accidentally cut his own hands when cutting vegetables, and the pain caused his tears to fall, Jun Li did not give up.

Anything is worth it as long as it is for the one you love.

Hard work pays off, and after coming to Shen Shao's house for a month, Jun Li was finally able to cook a meal well.

But he made dinner today and wanted to wait for Shen Shao to come back to eat together, but he didn't wait for anyone to come home.

It wasn't until the dishes were cold, and he was about to fall asleep on the sofa, that he heard the door open.

"You're back, have you eaten dinner?" Although it was inevitable that he had some complaints after waiting for a long time, as soon as he saw Shen Shao, Jun Li immediately forgot his unhappiness, and only had joy in his heart.

Shen Shao lowered his head to change his shoes, and said in a low voice, "Eat."

"I've already eaten it." Jun Li's face flashed disappointment, and he smiled again, coquettishly, "Would you like to eat with me? I haven't eaten it yet, I made the dishes myself, auntie. Say what you like to eat."

Shen Shao didn't look at Jun Li, when Jun Li reached out his hand to touch him, he turned slightly and avoided Jun Li's hand.

"I'm full and I don't want to eat."

Jun Li was keenly aware of Shen Shao's estrangement, and did not understand why Shen Shao, who had always been soft-spoken and asked for anything, suddenly changed his attitude.

"What's wrong with you?" Jun Li stood there, a little overwhelmed, "What did I do wrong, did you get mad at me?"

"Not angry." Shen Shao pursed his lower lip tightly, took a deep breath, lowered his eyes and said softly, "Xiao Li, let's break up."

Jun Li blinked blankly, "Why?"

Shen Shao turned his face sideways, "We're not suitable, I can't give you happiness, I'm sorry."

"Why do you say that all of a sudden?" Jun Li couldn't accept it for a while, and tears flowed down immediately, "Did something happen? Don't be like this. Yesterday was fine, but today you say it's inappropriate to break up, I don't believe it, you're sure Something is hiding from me!"

"Yes, I'm hiding something from you." Shen Shao clenched his fist tightly, and finally glanced at the pale little mermaid, "I'm with you, not because I like you, just because I'm sick, and You are a mermaid, you can cure me!"

Jun Li took a step back and shook his body.

Shen Shao laughed at himself, "You know now, right? I have ulterior motives with you, just use you."

"Actually... I already knew it." Jun Li had a sad expression and forced a smile, "But I don't blame you, you saved me and treated me so well, as long as you can save you, don't say it's my blood, even if you If you want my life, I will too."

When Shen Shao heard the words, pain flashed in his eyes, but it was fleeting, and he suddenly said sharply: "Are you stupid? I save you, treat you well, that's because you are useful to me, so I do that! That's not liking , not because of love! How can there be such a stupid mermaid in the world? Do you believe what they say?"

"Yes, I'm stupid, but I just like you, I can't control my own heart, what can I do?" Jun Li timidly reached out and grabbed Shen Shao's sleeve, tugging gently, with a full tone. Begging, "Shen Shao, I don't blame you, and you don't want me, okay? Without me, who will cure your disease?"

The more Jun Li was like this, the more Shen Shao felt that he was despicable, and he indifferently pulled out his sleeve from Jun Li's hand.

"I don't need you anymore. I have found another way to cure the disease, and you have lost use value to me."

Jun Li couldn't believe it, her little white face was already covered with tears, and she looked pitiful.

"You're lying to me, aren't you? How is that possible? You've been working hard for so long and you haven't cured yourself. How could you suddenly find it if you find it? Shen Shao... I don't believe it! There must be other reasons!"

"Do you want me to make it clear?" Shen Shao rolled his throat and let out a breath, as if he had made up his mind. He raised his eyes and looked at Jun Li coldly, with a cruel tick at the corner of his mouth, "I never thought of Looking for a mermaid as a partner, my most disgusting creature is a mermaid, your tail, your scales, every time I see it, it makes me sick to my stomach! Are you satisfied with this reason? So as soon as I find another cure, I can't wait to dump you, otherwise your blood was useful to me before, I wouldn't even look at you! Now, if you still have any sense of shame, please leave my house immediately!"

Shen Shao has already said all his words for this sake. Even if Jun Li is willing to be humbled and wronged for love, he can't stand the humiliation of the person he loves so much.

Jun Li looked at Shen Shao for the last time in disappointment. After confirming that he didn't see any nostalgia on the man's face, he covered his face and cried bitterly, opened the door and rushed out.

After a long time, Shen Shao, who was standing at the door in the same posture, slowly recovered.

He stared blankly at the closed door, the huge room was silent, and he finally realized that Jun Li would never come back.

Shen Shao suddenly felt that a piece of his heart was hollowed out, and he didn't know what to do or what would happen tomorrow.

He walked around the room aimlessly, and when he walked to the restaurant, he caught a glimpse of a table of dishes that were already cold, and remembered Jun Lilin's desperate eyes before he left.

Like crazy, he swept all the dishes on the table to the ground, thinking that he would be able to obliterate Jun Li's shadow from his heart.