Jun Li left the Shen family. Apart from Shen Shao, he had no relatives or friends on land. He didn't know where he was going, and he had nowhere to go.

He wandered the streets in despair, with the words Shen Shao said just now echoing in his mind.

"My most disgusting creature is a merman, your tail, your scales, every time I see it, it makes me sick to my stomach..."

"If your blood was useful to me before, I wouldn't even look at you!"

Shen Shao used to be so gentle to him, which made him feel the warmth and love that he had never felt in the icy sea.

These days around Shen Shao, even in dreams, are full of sweetness and happiness.

It wasn't that he never thought that Shen Shao was with him, maybe he had the intention of taking advantage of it.

But Junli kept lying to himself, even if Shen Shao had a little love for him, everything he did for Shen Shao would be worth it.

But Shen Shao ruthlessly shattered Jun Li's dream today and told him personally that he didn't love him at all.

Not only that, but Shen Shao hated him and thought he was disgusting.

It rained unconsciously in the sky, and there were few pedestrians on the streets in the middle of the night.

Jun Li wandered around aimlessly, like a lonely ghost.

Unconsciously, he walked to a remote alley, which is the back alley of a bar street in the red light district. In the middle of the night, drunken alcoholics often haunt.

Jun Li walked with his head sullen, not noticing that a person came out of the front door and bumped into that person.

"Damn, don't you have eyes when you walk? Are you in a hurry to be shot?" The man was dressed in a smoky manner, full of alcohol, his eyes were erratic and he knew that he had drank a lot of alcohol. After getting Peugeot, his heart suddenly rose, and he changed his words, "Yo, my little brother is good-looking, are you here to play alone? Do you want my brother to accompany you?"

As he said that, he stretched out his salty pig's hand to touch Junli's face to wipe the oil.

"Go away." Jun Li blocked the man's hand and said coldly.

"Yo, I'm quite temperamental, brother, I like to be angry! How about it? Go have a few drinks with brother? Brother has something fun to play with you hehehe." The man rubbed his hands with a wretched smile and dripping eyes. Yoyo circled around Jun Li, greedily looking at Jun Li's face that was better-looking than a woman, and he had already begun to be distracted.

Damn, I earned this time, and I can actually meet such a superb!

Jun Li is in a bad mood now, ignoring the man and walking forward, "I'm not free, go away."

The man saw that Jun Li looked very young and was alone. He had already regarded Jun Li as a piece of fat to his lips, and of course he refused to give up.

"Don't go, you bumped into me, don't you want to go without paying Lao Tzu? How easy is it!" The man put his hands in front of Jun Li and stared at Jun Li, "Little brother, I'm looking at you. When I am young, my brother is reluctant to use force with you, if you are acquainted, follow me obediently, otherwise..."

Although Jun Li has a soft temper, after all, he has been used to being pampered since he was a child. In the sea, who doesn't look at Jun Yu's face and let him have a few points, where has he suffered such grievances.

He is now full of resentment and anger, and is trying to find a way to vent. Since this hooligan came to the door by himself, it can only be said that he unfortunately hit the muzzle of the little mermaid.

"Otherwise what?" Jun Li asked in a gloomy tone.

"Otherwise," the hooligan touched his nose, and stretched out his hand to pinch Junli's face with a wicked smile, "you're going to suffer some hardships—what the hell! Ahhhh!"

Jun Li grabbed the rogue's wrist with one hand, and when he broke it lightly, he heard the sound of the bones "clicking" out of place. The rogue's expression was twisted in pain, and he howled like a pig.

Although Jun Li looks weak and has not yet evolved, the mermaid lives in the deep sea all the year round, and the muscles are well developed, and the strength is much stronger than that of adult males.

He's not even afraid of tiger sharks, and it's easy to deal with a mere drunk.

"Tell me, what are you going to make me suffer?" Jun Li was on the verge of anger, but his face was expressionless, and his tone was cold and not warm.

"No no no no no!" The hooligan didn't expect the little guy to be so powerful, regretted that he had overlooked and provoked someone he couldn't provoked, and said, "Forget it, I won't care about you, I don't want you to make amends, right? Now, let go now!"

With hatred in Jun Li's eyes, he suddenly asked sharply, "Do you humans bully the soft and fear the hard? Do you think I'm easy to bully?!"

The hooligan was in a cold sweat and woke up a little from the alcohol. He shook his head repeatedly and wailed: "No! Little brother, please forgive me! Oh no, you are my grandfather, let go! My hand is about to break! "

Jun Li sneered, sharp fingernails grew out of the hand grasping the man's wrist, and the color of the amber pupils staring at the man gradually became darker and colder.

At the same time, scales glowing with blue light slowly grew on his face, and in the dark night he looked like Shura who came out of hell.

"Ghost! Ghost!" Seeing Jun Li's terrifying appearance, all the gangsters who were still domineering just now were all woken up, screaming with trembling voices, and ignoring his own wrists and holding them in Jun Li's hands, no matter what. He struggled recklessly.

At this moment, if he had a knife in his hand, I'm afraid he would want to swing the knife and break his wrist to escape!

Jun Li let go of the man's wrist, grabbed the man's collar directly, looked indifferent, and punched the man's face hard.

"Shameless! Scum! Dirty! Dirty! Let you bully the soft and fear the hard, and let you get angry! It's not as good as a pig and a dog, you don't deserve to be a man, you go to death!"

Jun Li punched and scolded, and the sharp nails scratched the gangster's face with scars. The gangster was beaten with only gas out but not in, and it looked terrible.

But Jun Li was still not relieved. After a dozen punches, he directly grabbed the rogue's neck. Looking at the rogue's miserable state, bloodthirsty pleasure appeared in his eyes, and the breath in his heart finally let out a little bit of relief.

"Enough, if you fight again, you will be killed."

Just when Jun Li raised his fist to break the bridge of the rogue's nose, his arm was suddenly pulled.

Jun Li turned his head to look at the person who came, and when he found out that it was Jun Yu, he froze for a moment, and he didn't consciously let go of the hand that was holding the rogue's neck.

"Big brother..." The insults and grievances he received tonight all came to his mind the moment he saw his close relatives. Jun Li changed back to his normal appearance, and rushed to Jun Yu with red eyes, choked up and said, "Big brother... I'm sorry. ...I was wrong, I shouldn't have run to land without telling you."

"Just know it's wrong," Jun Yu gently touched Jun Li's head, seeing Jun Li like this, without asking why, he said softly, "Go back with me."

Jun Li nodded vigorously, hugged Jun Yu tightly, silently shedding tears in Jun Yu's arms, saying goodbye to this fruitless love in his heart.

"Wait a minute, just leave like this? What about the person who was beaten to death by your brother?" Lu Shijin interrupted Junyu Junli's brotherly love inappropriately, and asked embarrassingly.

Jun Yu glanced at the hooligan on the ground like he was looking at garbage, "He was not killed, it is already our greatest kindness."

Lu Shijin: "..." The mermaid is really ferocious, you can't mess with anyone!

"Mr. Lu?" Jun Li recognized Lu Shijin's voice, raised his head from Jun Yu's arms, wiped his tears, looked at Jun Yu and then at Lu Shijin in confusion, "Why did you come with my elder brother?"

"That... Your eldest brother came to look for you, and it's on my head. Since it's your eldest brother, of course I have to treat him well, so I'll bring him here to play. Who would have thought of meeting him? Hahaha, You said it was a coincidence!" Lu Shijin lied without blushing, and asked Jun Li pretending to be concerned, "By the way, why are you here alone at night? Didn't Shen Shao come with you?"

Hearing the word "Shen Shao", the little mermaid felt heartbroken, and was no longer in the mood to explore the relationship between Jun Yu and Lu Shijin. She shook her head dejectedly, and said in a low voice, "We broke up, please don't in the future. Mention him in front of me."

Lu Shijin pretended to be surprised and said "Ah", then paused and said, "It's very late, why don't you go to my house for one night first? Let's talk about other things tomorrow?"

Jun Yu made a decision first with an "um". Jun Li was upset now, so he naturally listened to his brother, so the three returned to Lu Shijin's villa.

Back at home, Lu Shijin felt that there should be something to talk about between Jun Yu and Jun Li. He was an outsider who was inconvenient to listen, so he gave them the space on the first floor and went up to the second floor by himself.

There was nothing to do anyway, Lu Shijin went to the bathroom to take a shower, humming a song while taking a bath, the corners of his mouth couldn't help turning up.

711: "Host, you seem to be in a good mood."

"Of course," Lu Shijin whistled twice, patted his stomach, and said cheerfully, "Jun Li is going back to the sea with his brother soon, and I can take this thing out of my stomach, I can't be in a bad mood. ?"

711 hehe said: "But, if Jun Li goes back to the sea, what will he and Shen Shao do? Have you ever thought that this play can't go on? Let me remind you that the plot completion of this play is three of the audience's delight. One part of it hasn't arrived yet, as soon as tonight's episode is over, many viewers are shouting abuse and want to give up the show, so don't you fail to complete the task by then."

"What are you panicking about?" Lu Shijin spread his hands indifferently, "it's not the end, even if Jun Li goes back, I have a way to get him back. Now, as long as I can remove the egg from my stomach, I can do anything. The plot is slowly coming to an end, you still don't believe me?"

711: "Believe, of course I believe it, but I didn't mean to pour cold water on you. After my observation over the past few days, Jun Yu may not be willing to help you get the eggs out of your stomach in the end."

Lu Shijin was taken aback, "Why?"

711 laughed twice: "It's not obvious, he likes you, maybe he wants you to go back with him to be the mermaid queen."

Lu Shijin: "...you don't scare me."

711: "Tsk, bystanders are clear, don't believe it, pull it down."

Lu Shijin was a little flustered by what 711 said. Looking back on Jun Yu's performance in the past two days, it seemed that, as 711 said, this dead mermaid seemed to like him.

Why, because this dead mermaid looks like a mermaid, but it is a human under the skin!

When he is in estrus, he would rather hold back than find a female mermaid to mate, which shows that he still rejects the union with a mermaid in his heart.

And Jun Yu doesn't seem to like women either, so there is only one creature that can help him solve the estrus period, and that is a man.

Lu Shi felt a chill on his back in the future, he couldn't help shivering, and hugged himself tightly. When it was over, he seemed to be stared at by a comrade fish.

After taking a shower, Lu Shijin went out of the room. He stood on the stairs and probed his head to observe the situation on the first floor. He didn't hear any sound, thinking that the two brothers had finished talking and went back to the room to rest.

After a reminder from 711, Lu Shijin is now eager to know what Jun Yu is thinking.

If it was as 711 guessed, he didn't want to take the mermaid egg out of his stomach at all, so he had to make plans earlier.

That's why Lu Shijin decided to take a side-knock first and explore Jun Yu's tone of voice.

When I went downstairs, I couldn't see the fish, but the direction of the swimming pool sounded like there was a rush of water.

Lu Shijin thought that Jun Yu was inside again, so he walked towards the swimming pool, only to find out that it was not Jun Yu but Jun Li when he got there.

Jun Li changed into a mermaid form, sitting on the edge of the pool with his fish tail soaked in the water.

Unlike Jun Yu's, the scales on Jun Li's tail are blue, the color is like the sky and the sea, and it is also a beautiful tail.

But Jun Li's actions were shocking. Lu Shijin walked over and saw that Jun Li was pulling his fish scales piece by piece!

It was said that several scales with silver mermaid blood had been scattered, which was shocking.

While Jun Li was still trying to pull out, Lu Shijin quickly stopped him, "What are you doing?! Crazy?"

Jun Li's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his lips were bitten with blood, but he still said stubbornly, "Don't worry about it."

The pain of a mermaid is ten times or even a hundred times stronger than that of a human being. When a thin needle is poked in the finger, Jun Yu feels pain, not to mention the pain of peeling scales attached to flesh and blood? !

Lu Shijin felt pain just looking at Jun Li's **** tail after being pulled out of scales.

Lu Shijin persuaded bitterly: "You abuse Shen Shao like this and don't know, he won't care, and he won't feel distressed. You will only make your brother worry about you, do you know?"

Jun Li's expression was indifferent, different from the little mermaid who used to be shy when he spoke. He said lightly: "The body is my own, how I treat myself is my business, and it has nothing to do with anyone. But don't tell me. My brother, don't worry, I can't die with just such a little injury."

Lu Shijin knew that what happened to Shen Shao should be a big blow to Jun Li. He has a certain responsibility for Jun Li's transformation into what he is now.

"I know you're uncomfortable, but it's not your fault, you don't need to punish yourself by taking other people's faults." Lu Shijin let go of Jun Li's hand, crouched down beside him, and looked at him lovingly, "Shen Shao he I'm not sincere to you, I'm just using you, why can't you see it through? He doesn't deserve your love, you deserve a better person, understand?"

Jun Li turned his head slowly, and looked at Lu Shijin with a deep look, "How do you know that Shen Shao is using me?"

"Your brother just told me." Lu Shijin made up a reason.

Jun Li's eyes turned cold: "I never told him that Shen Shao used me."

Lu Shijin was at a loss for words. He thought that these two brothers had been chattering for so long, and they should have explained the cause and effect. Why didn't Jun Li mention it to Jun Yu?

Lu Shijin pondered for a while with a guilty conscience, "Okay, I confess, it wasn't your brother who told me, I guessed it myself."

Jun Li's face was full of distrust, his eyes narrowed, and his tone was dangerous: "How did you guess?"

Damn, as expected, if there is a brother, there must be a younger brother. The little mermaid's expression now, and the way Jun Yu threatens him, are carved out of the same mold!

With a calm expression, Lu Shijin said calmly, "Do you remember the day you found out that Shen Shao was ill, I was there? He wanted to use my mouth to tell you about his condition, but I guessed it that day, so I deliberately didn't say."

"Why didn't you say it?" The scheming little mermaid didn't understand.

Lu Shijin smiled sarcastically, "Speaking from my mouth, he can relieve his guilt towards you, do you understand? He has already made up his mind to use you to help him heal. See Shen Shao's person clearly, but unfortunately you were carried away by love at that time and couldn't listen to what other people said."

Jun Li temporarily believed what Lu Shijin said, lowered his head, and looked lonely and sad.

"I don't know, he is taking advantage of me," Jun Li said in a hoarse voice, "but as long as he loves me a little bit, even if he is with me for the purpose of taking advantage, I am willing. But why does he even Are you too lazy to cheat? I hate it so much..."

Lu Shijin seized the opportunity to fan the flames, "What are you going to do next? Are you going directly back to the sea with your brother?"

Jun Li shook his head blankly, "I don't know, I don't want to go back, but I don't know where I can go, I'm not reconciled."

Lu Shijin asked, "You don't want to go back? Do you still love Shen Shao? Do you still have fantasies about him?"

Jun Li was silent, and swept the fish tail soaked in the swimming pool, messing up the calm water, just like his troubled heart right now.

Lu Shijin knew it in his heart. It seemed that the little mermaid was so determined to Shen Shao that he couldn't get over it for a while.

"Then do you want to take revenge on Shen Shao? Let him regret what he did to you?" Lu Shijin coaxed softly, Jun Li really took the bait, and winked with interest, "What do you mean?"

Lu Shijin smiled slightly and said: "The classic revenge scumbag routine, attracting Shen Shao to make him fall in love with you, and after he can't extricate himself, then you dump him again and let him also taste the taste of being abandoned, what do you think? How?"

Jun Li hesitated and looked at Lu Shijin cautiously, "Aren't you Shen Shao's good friend? Why do you want to help me?"

"Hey," Lu Shijin said with open arms, "I can't stand what he did. It's the responsibility of revenge on scumbags, and it's just to make him realize his mistakes, not to kill him."

Jun Li's expression was a little loose, and he seemed to be persuaded by Lu Shijin. He lowered his eyes and thought for a while, "But what can I do to make him fall in love with me? I used to be with him every day, and I couldn't make him fall in love with me. confidence."

"It's simple, how to make him fall in love with you can be given to me, as long as you're willing." Lu Shijin patted Jun Li's shoulder with a smile, "However, this matter has to be kept secret from your brother, so he can't know it. Otherwise he will have to object again."

"Can't let me know what?"

Jun Yu's voice came out suddenly, and Lu Shi's mind was jolted when he heard it.

"I didn't say anything! You didn't hear anything!" Lu Shijin and Jun Li winked, signaling him to keep it secret.

Jun Li understood and put on an innocent expression, "It's nothing, brother, why did you come here suddenly and don't say a word, you almost scared me."

Jun Yu pursed his lips coldly, "You two are acting stupid for me, aren't you?" He glanced at the scales on the ground that hadn't had time to destroy the corpse, his face suddenly darkened, "What is this?"

Jun Li turned his tail to the side, trying to hide the wound, "No, it's nothing, I just lost a few scales."

"You can, you have learned to abuse yourself for love." Of course Jun Yu didn't believe Jun Li's clumsy excuse, and sneered again and again, "Do you still remember your origin? How can there be such a cowardly and incompetent descendant as you in the land of mermaids?! "

"Comrade Xiaoyu, Xiaoli has also been deceived. He's already sad enough, so don't scold him anymore." Lu Shijin acted as a peacemaker, stood between the two brothers, and persuaded, "I just talked to him after passing through. After a detailed discussion, he has fully realized his mistake and will never make it again next time!"

"And next time?" Jun Yu laughed.

Lu Shijin waved his hand quickly: "No, no, no!"

"Okay, you two don't act in front of me, I heard everything you said just now," Jun Yu glanced at Lu Shijin mockingly, "The mermaid has a keen sense of hearing, you said so loudly, I could hear it in the living room for a long time. Clearly."

Lu Shijin: "…"

Jun Yu looked at Jun Li, "You haven't given up on that human, have you?"

Jun Li shrugged his shoulders in fear, and said dutifully, "No, no... I'll die, I'll give up..."

"I don't actually object to you being with him," Jun Yu interrupted Jun Li and said leisurely, "I just object to you evolving into a female mermaid to be with him."

Lu Shijin and Jun Li were puzzled by Jun Yu's words, and stared blankly at Jun Yu waiting for his next words.

Jun Yu raised his chin coldly and arrogantly, and looked at one person and one fish with contempt, "The rule of thumb in the underwater world is that the weak will eat the strong. Stop, we mermaids are the kings of the sea, and only others obey our will. If you like something, you have to fight for it yourself and make it your property, instead of passively following in other people's footsteps, understand? ?"

Jun Li seemed to understand but not understand, "Brother, what do you mean...?"

"Didn't you fall in love with that human being?" Jun Yu said in an encouraging tone, "Then grab him back, let him be inseparable from you, let him belong to you alone, and can only exist with you from now on."

Jun Li pondered for a while, and gradually a look of excitement appeared in his eyes. He nodded to Jun Yu and said, "Brother, I know what to do!"

Jun Yu looked at his brother who finally turned his head and smiled with relief, "Very good."

Lu Shijin was frightened when he listened to the conversation between the brothers, and he understood what Jun Yu meant.

Jun Li evolved into a female to stay with Shen Shao and stay on land to be with her husband and teach children, no way.

Jun Li evolved into a male to be with Shen Shao and **** Shen Shao back into the sea, yes.

Holy crap, is this still a double-standard dog? Oh no, it's a double standard fish!

Lu Shijin immediately sympathized with Shen Shao, I just wanted you to regret it, but the two brothers wanted you to have a little mermaid!