Jun Yu took Jun Li back to the sea. The little mermaid is about to enter the evolutionary period, and the little mermaid in the evolutionary period is very sensitive and fragile, and little things can affect their emotions, so many mermaids will evolve, and their temper will be the same as the evolution. Very different before.

Before evolution, they were gentle and polite, but after evolution they may become irritable and irritable.

Those who have no sense of city before evolution may become scheming after evolution.

Lu Shijin didn't know what Jun Li would become in the end, but presumably with the protection of his brother in the sea, Jun Li would definitely survive the evolutionary period.

Jun Yu returned to the sea, so there was no such person as Master Yu on land.

What's puzzling is that Shen Shao didn't know why, but he didn't come to see Jun Yu again as agreed, as if he wasn't ready for treatment.

A few days later, Lu Shijin received a call. The other party claimed to be Shen Shao's mother, saying that Shen Shao's mental state was not very good these days, and he hoped that Lu Shijin could go to Shen's house to help persuade him.

When Lu Shijin went to Shen's house, he didn't see Shen Shao. It was Shen Shao's mother who came out to greet him.

According to Shen Shao's mother, Shen Shao was looking for someone like crazy a few days ago, but he couldn't find it after searching all over the city.

After coming back, I have been locked in my room for the past few days, and no one is allowed to go in and disturb.

Drink every day when you wake up until you get drunk.

Shen Shao's mother wiped away tears while talking. Shen Shao's father died early. She and Shen Shao's mother and son depended on each other for life. After knowing that her son also inherited the family's genetic disease, she never slept peacefully all night, worrying about her son's illness all night long. .

Some time ago, Shen Shao told her that there might be hope for her illness to be cured, and she was extremely happy. Who knew that it didn't take long for Shen Shao to suddenly become like this.

Shen Shao was already in poor health, and if he continued to torment himself like this, he was afraid that his condition would get worse.

When the white-haired person sends the black-haired person, and her son goes, she doesn't want to live anymore.

The old man is also pitiful. Lu Shijin comforted Shen Shao's mother for a while, and then said that he would ask Shen Shao's situation clearly and try his best to persuade Shen Shao's mother not to worry.

Lu Shijin knocked on Shen Shao's door, but there was no movement inside. He tried to twist the handle, but fortunately Shen Shao didn't lock it inside, so he opened the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the room, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol. Shen Shao was lying on the bed. There were several empty wine bottles scattered on the ground, and even the bed sheets were stained with large wine stains.

The shirt on Shen Shao's body was wrinkled, and he didn't know if he had not changed it for a few days. How could he still look like the jade tree in the past.

Lu Shijin only saw an alcoholic who was so drunk and sloppy.

"Shen Shao?" Lu Shijin called out Shen Shao's name tentatively, but Shen Shao didn't respond and didn't move.

Lu Shijin's brain hurts because of the smell of alcohol, so he went to the window first, opened the curtains, and opened the window to ventilate.

When the fresh air came in and the alcohol was blown away a little, the room felt like a place for people to stay.

Lu Shijin didn't wake up Shen Shao, but the light coming in from the window made Shen Shao feel dazzling.

Shen Shao frowned, but he didn't open his eyes. He probably thought that Lu Shijin was an oblivious servant, and said in a cold voice, "Who let you in, close the curtains and get out."

"Huh, are you finally awake?" Lu Shijin found a clean place on the bed to sit on, tsk tsk, "Can you tell me what you want to do when you spoil yourself like this?"

Shen Shao heard Lu Shijin's voice, turned over on the bed, covered his eyes with his palms, and said hoarsely, "Why are you here? Who asked you to come?"

"If I don't come again, your mother will be in a panic." Lu Shijin sighed, "your mother is so old, and you are a son to make her worry so much, isn't it a bit unreasonable? Come on, tell your brother, Why are you spoiling your body like this? If you really don't want to live, I won't advise you. I know you've been tired of living all these years.

Shen Shao said lightly: "You don't need to provoke me, I know my body, so I don't need to drink so much."

"There's always a reason, right? I've known you for many years, but I've never seen you like this." Lu Shijin asked deliberately, "Why, isn't it lovelorn?"

Shen Shao was silent for a while, and Lu Shijin said to himself: "It seems that I guessed right, it's Jun Li? What happened to the two of you? Wasn't it okay a while ago?"

Shen Shao slowly put down the hand covering his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling above his head.

"I broke up with him."

Lu Shijin pretended to be surprised: "Why?"

Shen Shao's voice was tired and hoarse: "I just wanted to use him from the beginning, maybe you don't know, Jun Li is actually a mermaid, and his blood gushed out a lot to cure my disease. So I am His feelings are not pure, they have purpose."

Lu Shijin: "Oh, is that so? Then why did you break up with him? What about your illness?"

Shen Shao closed his eyes, maybe he felt that it would be better to tell the things that were hidden in his heart, so he stopped hiding and slowly told the truth to Lu Shijin.

"Remember the master of traditional Chinese medicine you introduced to me? I went to him later and tried to treat him twice. The effect was good. I planned to let him treat me. It's better than letting Jun Li suffer."

Lu Shijin: "This is a good thing, so why did you break up later?"

"That master's treatment is conditional, he needs to be clear of heart and desires, and he must take care of it in this life and not indulge in the love of men and women." Shen Shao smiled wryly, "It means that even if my disease can be cured, in this life I can only I'm destined to grow old alone. I can't give Jun Li happiness, not to mention that I was not in love with him at the beginning, but approached with intentions, so I thought about it again and again and broke up with him. "

Lu Shijin pondered for a while, and said with certainty, "You regret it."

"Yes." Shen Shao didn't deny it, "I regretted it the night he left. Do you know now that people are really greedy. Once he feels loved and warmed, he will form a habit. I can't imagine, leaving With Jun Li, even if I can live a hundred years, how can I live the days without waves and no light day after day?"

No wonder Shen Shao didn't come to Jun Yu to continue the treatment. It turned out that he could not live without Jun Li.

It seems that Shen Shao actually fell in love with the little mermaid long ago, but he was blinded by his intentions and did not recognize his feelings for Jun Li.

Lu Shijin didn't expect that, since Jun Li hasn't made any moves yet, Shen Shao can't regret it anymore. Did Slag Gong regret it too quickly?

And as soon as Shen Shao finished analyzing his heart, 711 was pleasantly surprised to report to Lu Shijin that the audience coolness value that had been lowered was rising straightly!

This is not surprising. Now the audience likes to watch this kind of scum attack regretting, crying bitterly, "chasing his wife crematorium".

However... Lu Shijin is a little confused, Jun Li has become a male mermaid, can that still be called "wife-chasing crematorium"?

Lu Shijin looked at Shen Shao with a little sympathy, but he still followed Shen Shao's words and continued to ask: "Then why don't you go to him."

"I looked for him, but I couldn't find him." Shen Shao's tone was full of annoyance and regret, "I said too much to him when I broke up, I'm afraid he won't forgive me for the rest of his life. Mermaid Living in the deep sea, the ocean is so big, if he doesn't want to see me, how will I find him?"

"Have you made up your mind? Do you want to be with Junli even if you don't want to heal?" Lu Shijin asked.

"What's the use of talking about this now," Shen Shao sat up, buried his face in his palm, and laughed at himself, "I have completely lost him, or maybe this is God's punishment for me, I'm despicable, I'm selfish, use it A mermaid who truly loves me, I don't deserve Jun Li's love, and I don't deserve to be with him, so just let me fend for itself, and none of you care about me."

Lu Shijin silently sighed, "If I knew earlier, why did I have to be in the first place".

Although Shen Shao is hateful, he is also pitiful. He has an incurable disease and just wants to work hard to live.

But his mistake is that a person should not live on the pain of others, nor should he use other people's feelings for him to achieve his own goals.

Now he regrets it, but it is too late. People must pay for their mistakes.

"I ask you, if Jun Li comes back to find you and is willing to be with you, no matter what he becomes, are you still willing to accept him?" Lu Shijin hesitated and asked tentatively.

"Of course I do," Shen Shao raised his head and smiled sadly, "it's just that he's never coming back. I said so much to him, and he wouldn't forgive me."

"Don't be so sure yet," Lu Shijin coughed and cleared his throat, "Shen Shao, let me ask you a private question, do you like men?"

"What did you say?" Shen Shao thought he had been drinking too much and had hallucinations, and frowned and looked at Lu Shijin suspiciously.

Lu Shijin asked with a dry smile, "You are heterosexual, right?"

Although Shen Shao didn't understand why Lu Shijin asked such a question at this time, he still nodded.

Lu Shijin resisted the urge to hold his forehead, oh, I knew it.

"If Jun Li finally evolves into a male mermaid, are you willing to accept him?" Lu Shijin asked embarrassedly.

Shen Shao was stunned for a moment, then he snorted and said disapprovingly: "What the **** are you talking about? Xiao Li said that he would evolve into a female, and the male mermaid looks ugly. He is so cute, how could it be possible? Will it evolve into a male?"

Lu Shijin insisted: "I mean if, if Jun Li became a male mermaid, would you accept him?"

Shen Shao stared at Lu Shijin for a few seconds, remembering that he had said that no matter what Jun Li became, he was willing to accept it, so he nodded.

Lu Shijin: "..." Hero!

"I heard that it seems that mermaids have developed a method to impregnate male humans. If Jun Li becomes a male mermaid and asks you to give birth to a little mermaid, would you also like it?" Lu Shijin felt like a pervert when he asked this question. .

After hearing this, Shen Shao's eyes became slightly angry, "You don't need to test my feelings for Jun Li again and again, I can tell you for sure now, no matter what Jun Li becomes, no matter if he is a mermaid or a human, No matter if he is female or male, as long as he is still willing to be with me, I will never want him!"

Lu Shijin said "Haha" perfunctorily, looking at Shen Shao with more sympathy.

Brothers, don't be in a hurry to set up a flag, and ask for more happiness in the future.

"Okay, I believe in you. Don't be too sad. I know a friend who studies mermaids at sea. He knows how to contact mermaids. I'll go back and ask him to help. Maybe I can find Jun Li." Lu Shijin comforted him, "When you find Jun Li, you can confess your fault to him. I believe that as long as you are sincere, he will forgive you."

"Thank you for coming to see me, and thank you for being willing to listen to me. Don't worry, I'm fine," Shen Shao's eyes were still filled with sadness. It seemed that he didn't listen to Lu Shijin's advice, so he waved weakly. He waved, "You should go back early too."


Not many days after returning from the Shen family, Lu Shijin saw the brothers Jun Yu and Jun Li who had returned to the land from the bottom of the sea.

Seeing Jun Li again, Lu Shijin almost didn't recognize it.

The boy who originally looked like a doll suddenly grew into a young man full of heroic spirit.

He has grown a lot taller, he used to be a head shorter than Lu Shijin before, but now he is taller than Lu Shijin.

His facial features didn't show the childishness of a month ago, and he became as deep and charming as his brother, full of masculinity, exactly what an adult male should look like.

"Are you Jun Li?" Lu Shijin didn't dare to recognize it.

Jun Li smiled generously, "Yes, Mr. Lu, I am Jun Li."

"Damn it, mermaid evolution is comparable to plastic surgery, you are so handsome!" Lu Shijin stared at Jun Li's face, trying to find out what the little mermaid looked like a month ago on his face.

But before taking a few glances, Jun Yu stood in front of Lu Shijin to block his sight, preventing him from looking at his brother again.

"Have you seen enough?"

After not seeing him for many days, Jun Yu is still the stinky **** that Lu Shijin hates the most.

"Enough is enough," Lu Shijin smiled dryly, opened the door and welcomed the two in, "Come in and talk."

Jun Li thanked him politely, "for disturbing Mr. Lu."

"It's okay, it's still Xiao Li, you are polite." After Lu Shijin praised Jun Li, he thought that Jun Li's temper hadn't changed much after he evolved, and he looked similar to before.

"Well, a gift for you." Jun Yu took out a box and handed it to Lu Shijin. Lu Shijin took it and opened it curiously, "What is this?"

As soon as he opened it, he saw a pearl lying in the box, so scared that Lu Shijin almost threw the box out.

"It's a pearl again?!" Lu Shijin couldn't stop complaining.

"What's the matter, Mr. Lu, don't you like pearls?" Jun Li said strangely, not knowing what his brother had done, "I heard that pearls are still very expensive in the human world."

Jun Yu said coldly: "Yeah, don't you humans like this kind of shiny things? If you don't accept it, you won't give me face."

Lu Shijin took out the pearl and observed it over and over again, and asked Jun Li unconvinced, "Is it a real pearl?"

"Of course, what else could it be?" Jun Li said with a smile, "This pearl was selected by my brother and I before leaving. It is rare to see such a big one even at the bottom of the sea. Thank you for helping us. So much thought."

It would be good if it was a real pearl. Lu Shijin breathed a sigh of relief. When he raised his head, his opponent Jun Yu's eyes filled with a narrow smile. Lu Shijin understood that the dead fish was deliberately teasing him.

Lu Shijin put away the pearls who were upset at first glance, and then sat down on the sofa in the living room with the brothers.

"You are here to find Shen Shao, right?" Lu Shijin asked.

Jun Li lowered his eyes and did not speak, as if he was a little shy.

"It's not just that." After Jun Yu said lightly, Lu Shijin shifted his **** uneasily, "Is there anything else?"

"I forgot something here, come and get it back." Jun Yu said.

Lu Shijin's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he was so excited that tears almost fell.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Mermaid Dad! Did you finally remember to take the egg back from my belly?

Lu Shijin looked at Jun Yu with bright eyes, as if looking at the savior.

"Okay, it should be."

Jun Yu asked him with a half-smile, "You seem to be looking forward to it?"

Lu Shijin nodded vigorously, "Of course."

He is looking forward to the stars and the moon until today, can he not look forward to it? !

"Brother, Mr. Lu, I have something I want to leave first." Jun Li stood up and said goodbye.

After the evolution of the mermaid brother, although he was a lot calmer than before, and no longer wrote his thoughts on his face, Lu Shijin could see that he wanted to find Shen Shao.

Lu Shijin was not in a hurry to tell Jun Li what Shen Shao already knew he regretted. First, because of these words, it would be better for Shen Shao to explain to Jun Li in person.

The second is that he is also out of selfishness. The more conflicts and entanglements between the two protagonists, the audience will be happy.

Lu Shijin was also eager for Jun Li to leave. He wanted Jun Yu to help him get the eggs out of his stomach, which was faster than Jun Yu promised and sold his brother directly.

"Okay, let's go. Shen Shao has been at home recently. You can find someone when you go to his house."

After Jun Li left, Lu Shijin couldn't wait to be next to Jun Yu and said with a smile, "Let's start?"

"Are you in such a hurry?" Jun Yu looked at Lu Shijin, who had already started to undress himself, with interest, but remained motionless.

Just kidding, of course you're in a hurry, it's not you who kicked the bomb in your stomach!

"Come on, come on, hurry up!" Lu Shijin took off his shirt, revealing his smooth and flat belly, "Should I lie down or sit? It doesn't seem to be difficult for you, can you see if I stand? "

Jun Yu's eyes were complicated: "..."

Seeing that Jun Yu had been sitting still, Lu Shijin couldn't help urging: "Hey, don't just sit, you should move!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Shijin glanced down and saw that somewhere in Jun Yu's body really moved, and his pants became more and more obvious.

Lu Shijin's Adam's apple rolled with difficulty: "...I let you move, not let you move there."

Jun Yu's face did not change, and his eyes glanced at Lu Shijin without hesitation. From the protruding collarbone above, to the undeveloped but still contoured chest muscles, to the firm lower abdomen, the blue in the eyes gradually deepened, and it was about to be seen. Make waves.

"You took off like this for me to see, I must not move to show respect?" Jun Yu asked indifferently.

Damn rogue fish!

Lu Shijin hurriedly went to get the clothes thrown on the sofa and wanted to put them on, but Jun Yu was faster than him, grabbed the clothes first and threw them back, "It's all taken off, what are you wearing it for? Surprised me."

"You take the initiative, uncle, I thought you wanted to help me take out the things in my stomach before I took off my clothes, don't get me wrong!" Lu Shijin walked around the sofa and tried to save his clothes, but he suddenly stood up. Jun Yu hugged and fell down on the sofa.

Jun Yu pressed the landing now, the distance between the two faces is only a palm thick.

"Don't worry, I didn't say I wouldn't take it for you." Jun Yu hooked his lips and said, "But I have one condition."

"What conditions?" Lu Shijin asked hopelessly.

Jun Yu smiled slightly, "Follow me back to the sea and be my queen."

Lu Shijin: "???"

Jun Yu lowered his head, stroked Shang Lu Shijin's belly with one hand, his eyes were fiery, "It's your honor to be seen by the Mermaid King, you know? Man."

Lu Shijin: Who am I? Where am I? Why does the dead fish say so like the lines in the dog-blooded novel "Overbearing President Forces Love"?

"I'm honored that you are tall!" Lu Shijin was furious. Taking advantage of Junyu's unpreparedness, he took his hand out of his control and touched a glass on the coffee table next to him. go.

Jun Yu only felt a sharp pain in his head, and before the strange look in his eyes disappeared, his eyes darkened and fainted.

"What a **** mermaid king, the fighting power is just that!" Lu Shijin removed the fainted Jun Yu from his body and kicked him twice to relieve his anger.

"Hey, hey, I told you not to worry, you see, people are resisting?"

A strange voice mixed with electricity suddenly came from Lu Shijin's mind, and Lu Shijin immediately became alert: "Who? Who is talking? Is the convenience store you?"

711 went online, "No, I didn't speak, but I heard that voice too!"

Lu Shijin: "Then who else can talk in my head besides you?"

"Huh?" The electric sound appeared again, "Can you hear me?"

Lu Shijin&711: "Yes! Who are you?!"

The voice was silent for a while, as if digesting a very shocking fact.

"I am the system, codenamed '211', who are you?" it asked weakly.

711 shouted: "211? Second brother, how is it you?"

211: "You are?"

711: "I'm your brother! 711!"

211 was also excited, and the current sound became louder: "Seventh brother is you!"

Lu Shijin: "...Wait a minute, do you know each other?"

711: "I know, 211 and I are a system developed by a researcher, so it can be regarded as my younger brother."

Lu Shijin: "Shouldn't 211's brother be called 985?"

"What are you talking about, host," 711 was very happy, "Hahaha, it turned out to be a long time, the system bound to the mermaid king is you, second brother! I said earlier, the water almost flushed the Dragon King Temple!"

211: "I didn't expect it either! I'm so happy that Seventh Brother can meet you!"

Lu Shijin: "Wait, don't be too busy identifying relatives, why can I hear the voice of the system that Jun Yu is bound to?"

711: "Host, you don't know. My second brother's performance is not stable, and bugs often occur, so don't be surprised when you encounter it, no matter what happens."

Lu Shijin: "...Can you work even with unstable performance?"

711: "Yes, second brother, aren't you in the testing phase? Why did you come out to do the task?"

211 said lightly: "That's it, not long ago, the host I bound completed the task of playing a role in 100 plot worlds, and could make a wish to the Lord God, and as a result, he fell in love with a world The person who had done the task together in the room proposed to be with that person. But that person was the host of the binding system to do the task, and the two of them could not be together before the task was completed. So he proposed to accompany the host. After completing the remaining tasks together, the Lord God agreed. However, as my host, he has completed the task and recovered his memory. If the two of them are put in the same plot, if they recognize each other, it will not affect the development of the plot. , so the Lord God sent me here. Before the start of each plot, I will erase the host's memory, he will only remember that he has to complete the task, which not only satisfies his desire to accompany his lover but also does not affect the development of the plot , the best of both worlds!"

The more Lu Shijin listens, the faster his heart beats. The two taskers who appear in this plot, one is Jun Yu, and the other is him.

According to the words of 211, Jun Yu is here to accompany the person he loves to do the task, that is to say, the person Jun Yu loves can only be Lu Shijin? !

Lu Shijin looked at Jun Yu who was lying on the ground in a coma in disbelief.

So... could it be... so... he is? !