Lu Shijin quickly helped Jun Yu from the ground to the sofa, checked Jun Yu's situation carefully, and found that he just fainted and it was not a big problem, so he was relieved.

He looked at Jun Yu's unfamiliar yet familiar face, with mixed feelings in his internal organs.

Having experienced the previous three worlds, at first Lu Shijin was just with Huo Lian in the mentality of playing casually. Later, they met by mistake in the second world, and then they got to know each other in the third world.

In the past, it was like a dream.

In the previous world, Lu Shijin personally erased the tooth marks on Xu Yifan's body, and no longer insisted on relying on the marks to find his lover.

He believes that as long as two people love each other, even if they cross thousands of mountains and rivers, even if they cross the past and the future, they will meet again after all.

711 once told him that Jun Yu is just a soul who has no original consciousness and serves the plot.

Lu Shijin originally thought that only he remembered everything between them, so he planned to finish all the tasks as soon as possible, and when they could get the final reward, they could return to reality together.

Unexpectedly, Jun Yu would have completed the task before him, remembered everything, and made a wish to the Lord God to accompany him through the next world.

The sweet and sour taste enveloped Lu Shijin's heart, making him want to cry bitterly, but couldn't help but want to laugh happily.

It turned out that he also loves me and misses me just as I treat him.

The two of them have different identities and different faces in each world, but they are always attracted to each other every time.

Maybe this is called destiny.

Lu Shijin stared at Jun Yu, suddenly eager to know what the soul in this body was originally called and what it originally looked like.

Will they fall in love with each other in the future when they meet each other with their true colors and identities?

"211, you said you erased Jun Yu's memory? Does he not remember who he is now?" Lu Shijin asked.

211: "Yes. It is illegal to have two missionaries in a plot. If you keep your memory, if the plot collapses because of this, the consequences will be disastrous."

Lu Shijin: "Then, as the system he is bound to, you should know his true identity and origin, right?"

211 hesitated for a moment, "I know I know, but this is classified and I can't tell others."

711: "Host, I can attest to this, our system can only serve one host, and cannot disclose information about our host to other systems or hosts."

Lu Shijin smiled, "It's okay, I'm just asking casually, I don't have to know. By the way, since I'm bound to the 'affectionate male support' system, what system is Jun Yu bound to?"

Before 211 could report his home, Lu Shijin interrupted him again.

"Wait, let me guess," Lu Shijin thought about Jun Yu's performance and said confidently, "Is the villain correcting the system? From a bad brother who was originally inhumane, to now guiding his younger brother to the right Good brother of the road?"

211: "...No."

711 interjected: "Host, you don't know, this second brother of mine is unstable because of his unstable performance. He is not a system with a fixed mode like ours. He will randomly change tasks in each world, so he is not sure at all. What pattern does he become in each plot?"

Lu Shijin: "...Is it so casual?" I feel sorry for my husband.

211 laughed and said: "No way, who knows that the host will make such a wish, other systems are performing tasks, and I am free, so the Lord God sent me here, although I am unstable, but I am also very powerful Is it good!"

"So what system do you have now?" Lu Shijin had a bad feeling.

211 proudly announces: "The villain's looting and looting system!"

Lu Shijin: "??? What do you rob? What love do you plunder? What the hell?"

211: "The host's mission this time is to capture a person who doesn't love him, and force him to fall in love with him by means of means. When the target of the attack falls in love with the host, this mission will be completed."

Lu Shijin immediately said, "Then his task has now been completed, and I have fallen in love with him. Is this okay?"

211: "No way."

Lu Shijin was puzzled: "Why not?"

211: "The focus of this mission is on the word 'force'. Taking the initiative to fall in love can't be counted. The cool thing about grabbing and robbing is the process. What's the point of love coming too fast?"

Lu Shijin: ... I knew that this is also a piece of shit!

"Am I the target of Jun Yu's strategy?" Lu Shijin asked.

211: "Yes, the host fell in love with you as soon as he came up from the sea, and you are not interested in him, which is in line with the setting of the target of the attack."

It was boring before, because even if Lu Shijin wanted to break his head, he would never have thought that his husband would suddenly become a tasker and come back to find him.

But now it's different, since he knows that Jun Yu is the one he loves, he can't be indifferent anymore.

Lu Shijin understood that if he wanted to help Jun Yu complete the task now, no matter how much Jun Yu showed his love, he would have to die.

With this process, the task is completed.

Lu Shijin looked at his lovely and charming husband again and again, and it was hard to say anything.

It seems a little difficult for him to pretend he doesn't love him.

211: "And I want to remind you that although you already know of my existence, you can't tell the truth to my host, otherwise it will be considered cheating, and the mission of this world will be voided."

Lu Shijin sneered: "I don't want to know whether you exist or not. It's your own instability that made me hear your voice. Blame me? Why should I cover it up for you?"

When 211 saw that the threat could not be fulfilled, it turned into a pitiful tone and asked 711 for help.

"Seventh brother, if the Lord God knows that I have been discovered by other hosts, he will definitely recreate me. I rarely have the opportunity to perform a mission. I don't want to die before I get out of school! You have to help me. !"

"Oh, your seventh brother will be pitiful, didn't you just talk hard with me?" Lu Shijin said deliberately, "You are so unstable, who knows what else will go wrong in the future, I wish that **** would transfer you. Go back and change to another reliable system."

211 is anxious: "Seventh brother! Your host is bullying me!"

711 came out in a good old voice and said, "Well, host, as long as you don't tell Jun Yu the truth, every time you change the world in the future, I will let 211 contact us privately, so that you will know who is the tasker, it's better than us Destinations are found all over the world, right?"

211 hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, I can give you a hint!"

"Really?" Lu Shijin didn't really want to embarrass 211. Now that he was guaranteed, he accepted it as soon as it was good, "Then it's just because of the convenience store's face, it won't embarrass you anymore, we will be on the same boat in the future! "

211 dog-leggedly agreed.

Jun Yu has been in a coma for a long time and hasn't woken up yet, and Lu Shi will regret whether he was too hard just now.

But even if he was unconscious, it just gave him time to think about what to do next.

His own task is to achieve full plot completion and audience coolness, while Jun Yu's task is to **** and rob, domineering and love.

But now that he already knew Jun Yu's mission, it shouldn't be difficult to accomplish with his cooperation.

So let's take a look at what's going on with Jun Li and Shen Shao.

Lu Shijin asked 711 to call up the live broadcast screen, showing that Jun Li had arrived at Shen's house.

It was already late at night, and it was raining lightly outside the window. In the room, Shen Shao fell into a deep sleep.

During this time, he relied on alcohol to numb his brain, so that he could force himself to sleep for an hour and a half.

But once the alcohol loses its potency, he will be terrorized by nightmares, and he will never be able to sleep again, and he will keep his eyes open until dawn.

Just when he fell into an unknown dream and didn't know what to do, he suddenly heard a beautiful song.

Such as resentment, such as crying, such as complaining.

The dream suddenly changed, and Shen Shao found himself rowing a boat in a vast ocean. He rowed and rowed in the direction of the singing following the beautiful singing.

Until the singing became clearer and clearer, Shen Shao finally saw who was singing.

It was a mermaid, lying on his side on the reef, his beautiful tail flapping the waves carelessly in the moonlight, and his long hair like seaweed thick and curly covered the luolu's beautiful upper body.

Seeing that Shen Shao was approaching, the mermaid showed a breathtaking smile to Shen Shao.

"You are finally here," said the merman.

Shen Shao suddenly realized that he was floating on the ocean, just to find him, and rowed harder towards the mermaid.

But he didn't realize that there was a reef around him. The bottom of the boat hit a reef, and the icy sea water came up quickly, and the boat slowly sank with Shen Shao.

The sea water submerged above Shen Shao's head. He desperately waved his hand to call for help, but no matter how much he opened his mouth, he couldn't make a sound.

The mermaid was not far away, but he had no intention of saving Shen Shao, a mocking smile appeared on his beautiful face, and his voice was pleasant but full of resentment.

"Go to hell, you deserve it."

The real feeling of suffocation in the dream woke Shen Shao. He opened his eyes and lay on the bed, breathing heavily, and suddenly found that in addition to the ticking rain outside the window, there seemed to be a faint mix of the song he heard in the dream just now, and his heart beat faster. .

Shen Shao jumped out of bed and walked to the window and opened the window.

His room was facing the outdoor swimming pool downstairs. It was dark outside, and there were raindrops blocking his view. All he could see was something swimming in the swimming pool, and there were ripples on the water.

Shen Shao thought of a possibility, his heart was shaking, and he didn't even bother to put on his shoes, so he ran down the stairs barefoot and rushed to the swimming pool.

The first thing that catches the eye is a huge fish tail. The tail is covered with dark blue scales, which blends in with the thick night. The color is darker but reflects the waves on the water from time to time.

The fish tail swayed on the water, and the upper body of the mermaid was hidden under the water and could not be seen clearly.

Shen Shao didn't have time to think, and shouted to the bottom of the water: "Jun Li? Is that you? Are you back?"

The fish tail suddenly slammed on the water for a while, Jun Li's upper body floated up from the bottom of the water by buoyancy, and he looked at Shen Shao on the shore silently across the distance of a swimming pool.

Shen Shao raised his hand to wipe the rain off his face, so that Jun Li could see more clearly.

After seeing it clearly, he couldn't help but be stunned. Judging from the facial contour, Jun Li was right, but it was far from the one in Shen Shao's dream.

Jun Li still has the short hair of a boy, his facial features have become more profound and handsome, his arms are slender and powerful, and his upper body is naked, revealing a thin chest.

There is no long curly hair like seaweed, and the upper body is not a plump and enchanting female body.

Shen Shao was a little confused, has Jun Li completed his evolution? But why does it not have the characteristics of a female mermaid?

"Mr. Shen, long time no see." Jun Li's voice faded from childishness, and it was deep and magnetic. He greeted Shen Shao with a smile, but his eyes were as cold as rain.

"Xiao Li, you are finally back, and you are finally willing to see me." Shen Shao temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, he wanted to explain to Jun Li first.

Jun Li swung his tail, swam towards Shen Shao, and sighed softly, "As long as you are still here, of course I will come back."

Shen Shao was overjoyed when he heard the words, thinking that Jun Li missed him as much as he missed him.

"Little Li, I'm so glad you're back. I've been looking for you before, but I can't find it. You're back to the sea, right?"

"Looking for me?" Jun Li rested his elbows on the shore, supported his chin and looked up at Shen Shao, "Why are you looking for me?"

Shen Shao squatted down and stared at Jun Li, "Because I regret it, Xiao Li, I owe you an apology, everything was my fault before, now I understand, I can only be with the person I love. The days are colorful, otherwise, even if you live to be a hundred and a thousand years old, your life will be bleak."

Jun Li narrowed his eyes, "Do you love me?"

Shen Shao nodded solemnly and reached out to touch Jun Li's face.

"Even if I become a male mermaid, do you still love me?" Jun Li asked with a smile.

Shen Shao's outstretched hand stopped an inch away from Jun Li's face.

"What? Male, male mermaid?" Shen Shao seemed to have encountered some incomprehensible problem, and blinked ignorantly, the rain beads fell from his eyelashes, and his face instantly became uglier than crying.

Jun Li turned over and changed his hands to hold his chin, his tail swaying leisurely in the water behind him.

His tone was as innocent as before, "What's wrong? Didn't you say you love me? Don't you love me when you hear that I've become a male mermaid?"

"No, no, but why?" Shen Shao squatted a little unsteadily, kneeling on the ground with one knee trying to hold his body from shaking, "Didn't you say before that you wanted to evolve into a female? Why did you become a male?"

Jun Li: "Because I want a love with a pure purpose, you see, you loved my blood more than me before, if I evolve into a female, will you love the beauty of the female mermaid more than me? "

Shen Shao hurriedly denied: "Of course I won't!"

"It's a pity that I was fooled once, I'm afraid," Jun Li propped up his upper body and approached Shen Shao a little, "My brother said that human beings are very cunning, and there are thousands of thoughts that are simply unpredictable, I was fooled once, After a long lesson, I won't let myself be stupid again for the second time."

Shen Shao: "..."

It's still raining, and it's getting bigger and bigger.

Shen Shao didn't hold an umbrella, his whole body was soaked in the rain, and the coolness on his body slowly spread into his heart.

Looking at Jun Li again, although he was smiling, why did his expression seem strange, and Shen Shao couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

"Xiao Li, I..." Shen Shao opened his mouth, not knowing what to say next, he never thought that Jun Li would become a male mermaid, and he always imagined Jun Li as a female body in the future .

But now that Jun Li has become a male mermaid, and he is a man, should they still be together?

Shen Shao hesitated.

"Look at you, don't you dare?" Jun Li saw Shen Shao's hesitation and sneered, "What else do you say love me, if you really love me, shouldn't it be that no matter what I become, you always Won't you hesitate? So, you're still lying to me! In that case, let me help you make a choice!"

"What do you want to do? Xiao Li, don't..." Shen Shao sensed the danger and quickly stood up and wanted to step back, but Jun Li had already climbed up from the water and turned into a human form to approach Shen Shao step by step.

Jun Li's slender and straight body was bathed in the rainy night, and his muscles were tense and full of wild power.

His eyes were pale and cold, staring at Shen Shao, emitting a hunting signal.

Shen Shao met Shang Junli's eyes, and his brain made a judgment spontaneously-he couldn't escape.

The plot progressed here, and the audience's coolness broke out.

[The little white flower is sick and tender, so touching! Our little Li is no longer the former little Li, but now it is Niu Hulu Li! 】

【That's it! I can't even accept gender, how dare I say I love you! Xiao Li, don't believe the words of scumbags! 】

【what! Stimulate! Go on, Xiao Li! Throw the scumbag down and take possession of him fiercely! Fill him up! Let him give you a little mermaid! 】

【I love counterattack! It is still the love between men that is worth seeing, if I dare to be sorry, I will **** you hehehehehehe]

[From a scumbag to a scumbag, what do you think about Comrade Shen Shao? 】

[Shen Shao: Don't ask, I just can't stand it because Lao Gong is too big~]

[Shen Shao: Don't ask, just ask is to discover the new continent, the back is more cool than the front~]

[Sisters barrage driving 666, I made up the picture in my brain! 】

The weak scholar who has been in the laboratory all the year round is the opponent of the master fish in the sea, Jun Li barely has any effort to control Shen Shao and carry it upstairs.

As a man, Shen Shao's self-esteem made him unable to hold his face and shout in front of Jun Li, trying to reason with Jun Li in a good voice.

"Little Li, calm down. It's not that I don't love you, it's just that I need time to accept it. Give me some time, and I'll think about it, okay?"

Jun Li turned a deaf ear, threw Shen Shao on the bed, bullied himself on it, and smiled evilly, "I'll give you time to think about it, you'll have a long time to think about it before letting you conceive my offspring."

"..." Shen Shao lost his language ability, and at the same time was terrified, "!!!"

"I also want to give you a gift," Jun Li said in a low voice, wrapping a string of ornaments around Shen Shao's hand, "This is the scale I shed when I evolved, didn't you say you thought it was disgusting? Because of your words, I wanted to pull out the scales on my body piece by piece, but then I figured out why I can only accommodate you and not you. Shouldn’t love be fair? You Say yes?"

Shen Shao finally understood that Jun Li could no longer listen to any explanation, and he came back with only one purpose, that is to get himself.

Shen Shao began to struggle violently, Jun Li smiled at his panicked expression, "Don't waste your efforts, my scales are stronger than steel cables, you can't break free. Shen Shao, you say you regret it, you Say you love me, now, it's time to verify the truth."

"Jun Li, don't..." Shen Shao closed his eyes in despair, Jun Li gently touched Shen Shao's face, started kissing from Shen Shao's eyebrows, and said stubbornly, "You want it."

When Lu Shijin saw this, he didn't continue to read it, because the content behind it was not suitable for children.

He felt some sympathy for Shen Shao, but felt that Shen Shao deserved it.

When he went to Shen's house to comfort Shen Shao that day, Shen Shao clearly said that no matter what Jun Li becomes, he is willing to be with Jun Li.

The words that day were still in my ears, but when Jun Li came back, Shen Shao forgot what he said.

But in the final analysis, what kind of relationship will develop between the two is their own business, and others can only be spectators.

Just after watching the development of Jun Li and Shen Shao, Jun Yu, who was lying on the sofa, groaned in a low voice, as if there were signs of awakening.

Lu Shijin immediately wanted to go over and help him up, but as soon as he took a step, he suddenly remembered Jun Yu's task of robbing him, and he stopped.

Jun Yu opened his eyes, rubbed the place on his head that was smashed by Lu Shijin just now, sat up slowly, and looked at Shang Lu Shijin indifferently.

"You are very good, you dare to attack me." Jun Yu stood up with a dark face, gritted his teeth and said, "Have you thought about the consequences of angering me?"

Lu Shijin pretended to be afraid and took a step back, roaring with a straight face: "Don't come here! Even if you get my people, you won't get my heart!"

Jun Yu pinched Lu Shijin's chin and twitched the corners of his mouth: "When I get your person, your heart will naturally also belong to me."

Lu Shijin supported his forehead in his heart, what kind of sin is he doing? He wants to accompany Jun Yu in such a **** drama!

Jun Yu continued to threaten: "Don't forget that you now have my descendants in your belly. No matter where you run away, I can find you. You can't escape from my palm. If you dare to resist, I will put you You are imprisoned in the deep sea, so that you can only see me in your life."

Lu Shijin looked stubborn and asked the classic line: "There are so many people in the world, why is it me?!"

Jun Yu smiled casually, and said lightly, "I don't know why. The first time I saw you, I wanted you. Maybe this is fate."

After hearing this, Lu Shijin didn't show the mountains and dew on his face, but his heart was sweet. It was indeed destined. He could still fall in love with me at first sight after losing his memory. How romantic!

Jun Yu found that Lu Shijin was stunned, felt that his dignity was being despised, his eyes turned cold, and he kissed Lu Shijin's lips fiercely.

Lu Shijin was dazed by the kiss, and he only remembered that Jun Yu was his favorite person, and he still remembered what he had to resist.

Unconsciously, he reached out and hugged Jun Yu's back, giving him a warm response.

However, Jun Yu noticed Lu Shijin's initiative, but parted his lips, frowning and looking at Lu Shijin with an intoxicated face: "Aren't you unwilling?"

Lu Shijin was at a loss: "Huh?"

"I don't want you to move your tongue?" Jun Yu asked unhappily.

Lu Shijin: "..." It's too difficult for me.