Lu Shijin and Shen Shao were forcibly brought back to the land of mermaids in the deep sea by the brothers Jun Yu and Jun Li.

It was a world that human beings had never been to before, hidden under layers of rock 10,000 meters below the surface of the sea.

There is no seawater here, except that there is no sun and no plants can grow, and the others are almost no different from those on land. Mermaids have established their own kingdoms and civilizations here.

The mermaid will live in human form every day here. Although the number of mermaids is far less than that of humans, they are far more united than humans.

Over thousands of years, they have evolved to the top of the food chain in the ocean world and become the most intelligent creatures in the ocean.

They developed science and technology on the seabed and worked together to build the country. If Lu Shijin had not seen it with his own eyes, he would never have imagined that there is such a magical and prosperous world under the seabed.

Mermaids and marine animals have lived together for thousands of years, and have a very thorough understanding of these creatures that have existed on the seabed since ancient times.

Therefore, mermaids are at least hundreds of years ahead of human beings in the technology of life science.

Therefore, in order to expand the population and multiply, it is not surprising that the mermaids can develop a method to make male humans pregnant.

It was only when I saw other male mermaids in the Mermaid Kingdom that I realized that the male mermaids now look like the encyclopedias written by humans.

A female merman and a man can give birth to human babies, and a male merman and a woman can also give birth to a little merman.

These little mermaids born by humans will inherit the beauty of their mothers.

Jun Yu and Jun Li's mother was a beautiful human woman who was accidentally rescued at sea by their father, the previous Mermaid King.

It's no wonder that when Lu Shijin first saw Jun Yu at sea, he didn't associate him with the male mermaid at all.

The number of mermaids is scarce, so the place where labor is needed has been completely replaced by AI robots.

The mermaid king's palace is very big, but only the mermaid king and his younger brother live. Except for the two of them, there are only cold robots.

But it was different now. In addition to the two mermaids, there were two more people in the palace.

Lu Shijin and Shen Shao were the only two humans in the land of mermaids. Jun Yu sent his men to put artificial gills and bionic webs on them so that they could swim in the sea like mermaids.

However, they don't usually have the opportunity to leave the Mermaid Country to go to the ocean above. They are locked in Jun Yu's palace, and usually even their freedom of entry and exit is restricted, and they are only in contact with the two mermaids, Jun Yu and Jun Li.

Lu Shijin is okay, although he was forcibly kidnapped by Jun Yu, but after he knew who Jun Yu was, he didn't conflict in his heart, he just pretended to be unwilling.

But Shen Shao is different. He has not yet come out of the blow of the gentle and cute little mermaid suddenly evolving into a male mermaid, and he can't accept that he is pressed by a male mermaid every day, threatening him to give birth to a little mermaid.

Give birth to a little mermaid? What a joke! What is his dignity as a man?

Since coming here, Shen Shao has never stopped wanting to escape for a moment, and often encourages Lu Shijin to escape with him.

This day, Jun Yu and Jun Li both went out for inspection. They were not in the palace. Shen Shao avoided the AI ​​patrolling in the palace and slipped into Lu Shijin's room.

Lu Shijin was leisurely sunbathing, when he saw Shen Shao, he was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

Unlike Lu Shijin, who was full of red and full of energy, Shen Shao's face was full of worry, but his spirit seemed to be much better than before.

Shen Shao first apologized with remorse: "Nowadays, this time, it was I who implicated you and caused you to be kidnapped here by the mermaid. I'm sorry for these humiliations."

Lu Shijin smiled with a guilty conscience, "It's okay, don't blame yourself too much, it's not your fault, who would have thought that these mermaids would be so arrogant and domineering, the most important thing for us now is to live, it's okay to suffer a little grievance Big deal."

"No!" Shen Shao said with a sad face, "We can't sit still, who knows what else they will do to us?!"

Lu Shijin: "Then... what do you mean?"

Shen Shao's eyes were firm, and he stared at Lu Shijin, "We must find a way to escape and escape from the claws of those two mermaids!"

Lu Shijin blinked, it sounded a bit interesting.

He was "robbed" by Jun Yu, and if he escaped and was caught back, it seemed more in line with his character.

"What are your plans?" Lu Shijin asked with interest.

Shen Shao said, "Look for an opportunity to stun them both, and then we run away together."

Lu Shijin: "Why are you dizzy?"

Shen Shao took out a potion bottle with a blue potion and gave it to Lu Shijin, "This is a potion I made by sneaking into the laboratory quietly. Just a little bit can make people dizzy. You just put this thing in the water, Lie Junyu to drink, I guarantee that he will not wake up all day and night, and then we will be able to take the opportunity to escape."

As expected of a big man who is engaged in scientific research, he can dispense a bottle of Ecstasy at will.

However, Lu Shijin was more attentive. He took the potion and asked suspiciously, "It's really just a drug? It can't be some kind of poison, right?"

Shen Shao: "If it's poison, I don't have to spend so much trouble, I just go down to the water source of the mermaid, and it's done."

"Hehehe, I just asked casually," Lu Shijin said, "I just think that although they tied us here, they didn't hurt us after all, and they didn't deserve to die."

Shen Shao looked at Lu Shijin and asked solemnly, "Could it be that you have a genuine affection for Jun Yu?"

"No!" Lu Shijin quickly waved his hand to deny, "Absolutely not! How is it possible! That dead mermaid is temperamental, arrogant and narcissistic, how can I be sincere to him?"

Shen Shao breathed a sigh of relief: "It would be good if it wasn't."

"Speaking of which," Lu Shijin asked tentatively, "don't you have any feelings for Jun Li?"

As soon as Shen Shao heard Jun Li's name, his face flushed with anger, and he said angrily: "He ignored my wishes and couldn't help but say that he really loves me by taking me to such a place where the sun does not see the light of day? He also... He also forced me to do something like that with him, asking me to give him!"

Shen Shao paused for a while, as if it was hard to say anything, but in the end he was too embarrassed to finish his sentence, "It's so deceiving!"

Of course Lu Shijin understood what Shen Shao was talking about, and sighed to comfort him: "I feel the same way as you are suffering. Well, I will listen to you. You set the time, I will cooperate with you, and then escape together."

Shen Shao patted Lu Shijin's shoulder with relief, "Okay, I'm the one who implicated you this time, and I'll definitely take you out safely."

Lu Shijin smiled hypocritically, but secretly said sorry to Shen Shao in his heart.

He didn't really want to escape, and he couldn't help Shen Shao leave Jun Li, so he could only sell Shen Shao.

That night, when the four of them had dinner together, Shen Shao suddenly proposed to drink.

In order to make Shen Shao and Lu Shijin get used to life under the sea, Jun Yu bought a lot of food for human beings to store in the palace, including various wines of course.

Although Jun Li did not allow Shen Shao to leave him, he still obeyed Shen Shao.

Since Shen Shao came here, he has looked like a virtuous and virtuous woman who can't do anything. He even went on a hunger strike a few days ago. This was the first time he said what he wanted to eat.

Jun Li thought that Shen Shao wanted to open it, and was secretly happy, and took out a bottle of good wine to celebrate.

Shen Shao and Lu Shijin winked, and Lu Shijin nodded slightly knowingly, indicating that he would act in a timely manner.

Shen Shao and Lu Shijin both knew that the mermaid could not drink enough, and planned to get them drunk first and then drugged them, so as to increase the chance of successful escape under the double insurance.

Shen Shao and Lu Shijin persuaded Jun Li and Jun Yu to drink half a glass of high-concentration liquor each. After drinking, the eyes of the two mermaids became blurred.

Seeing that Jun Yu and Jun Li were drunk, Shen Shao poured two glasses of water and asked them to sober up, but while the two mermaids were not paying attention, he quietly poured the drug into the water, and then handed a cup to Lu Shijin, asking him to feed him. Jun Yu drink it.

Lu Shijin pretended to agree, but when Shen Shao turned around to feed Jun Li a drink of water, he only fed Jun Yu two mouthfuls of water mixed with the drug, and he threw the rest on the tablecloth.

When the drug attacked, the two mermaids fell asleep on the table, with a successful smile on Shen Shao's face, and said to Lu Shijin in mouth shape, "Let's go."

There are several gates inside and outside the mermaid's palace, but as witty as Shen Shao, he has long since knocked out the passphrase from Jun Li's mouth, so he and Lu Shijin left the palace unimpeded and fled towards the deep sea above.

Although Lu Shijin and Shen Shao could breathe freely in the sea with the help of artificial gills and bionic fins, their swimming speed and physical strength were not comparable to mermaids.

At a depth of 10,000 meters, coupled with the pressure and resistance brought by the water, it is impossible to reach the sea surface within a dozen hours.

Such a long dive was a huge challenge for their physical strength. Two hours later, they swam less than two nautical miles.

On Jun Yu's side, Lu Shijin didn't feed him much water. He woke up every two hours, and was furious when he found that his unconscious brother and the two were gone.

He rescued Jun Li first. After Jun Li found out that Shen Shao had escaped, he didn't say a word, but his eyes were terrifyingly gloomy, and there seemed to be huge waves brewing inside.

In fact, there are many submarines parked under Jun Yu's palace. Unfortunately, neither Lu Shijin nor Shen Shao can drive. If they could escape with the help of the submarine, they would probably have arrived ashore by now.

When Jun Yu adjusted the surveillance and found that the two left empty-handed, he was slightly relieved, and immediately drove the submarine to chase people with Jun Li.

In order to swim ashore earlier, Shen Shao did not dare to rest even if he was exhausted from swimming.

Comparatively speaking, Lu Shijin is more leisurely now, stopping and traveling, and looking at the scenery in the sea from time to time. It is not like fleeing, but diving.

Shen Shao was slowed down by Lu Shijin, but he had no choice but to swim for a while, stop and wait for him to catch up, and then go upstream.

It's a pity that before the two of them could swim to half the depth of the sea, Jun Yu and Jun Li chased after them aggressively in the submarine.

Shen Shao and Lu Shijin looked at each other. Although they were speechless, Lu Shijin saw despair in Shen Shao's eyes, and he immediately pretended to be panicked.

The submarine warehouse opened, and Jun Yu and Jun Li turned into mermaids and swam out.

Poor Shen Shao saw Jun Li like a rabbit seeing an eagle, he turned his head and fled, but how could he swim past Jun Li?

Jun Li stopped in front of Shen Shao with a flick of his tail, stared at Shen Shao coldly with frost in his eyes, and then directly hugged Shen Shao by the waist, dragging the person to swim somewhere.

Lu Shijin watched the entangled figures of the two gradually disappear into the deep sea, and silently mourned for Shen Shao in his heart.

It wasn't until his back touched a cold body that he regained his senses, and his own situation was a little bad.

However, Jun Yu did not drag him to swim elsewhere, but brought the person back to the submarine.

"Heh, want to escape?" Jun Yu changed back to human form, and pressed Lu Shijin directly on the submarine's warehouse board, his tone was gloomy, "This is all my territory, do you think you can escape? Over your own strength."

Lu Shijin thought that if I didn't release the water, I'm afraid you would faint until tomorrow, when I would have gone ashore long ago.

However, he remembered that he would always act reluctantly, and complained angrily: "Yes, I just want to leave here! Leave you! You lunatic! Shameless villain! Even if you imprison me here, Can't get my heart! You don't deserve it!"

"It seems that I have been too indulgent to you recently," Jun Yu's fingertips touched Lu Shijin's cheek as if vaguely, and said with a smile, "Do you know where Jun Li took Shen Shao?"

Lu Shijin turned his head to avoid his hand, as if he disliked Jun Yu's touch, "How would I know!"

Jun Yu laughed, "The place they are going is the hotbed of the seabed, where the seawater temperature is most suitable for our mermaid to reproduce. Guess what are they going to do?"

Lu Shijin swallowed his saliva, what a pervert.

"Do you want to go too?" Jun Yu asked coldly.

Lu Shijin shook his head violently to express that he didn't want to, Jun Yu seemed to have expected Lu Shijin's reaction long ago, and snorted contemptuously.

"I thought you were so stubborn that you had already prepared to bear the consequences of running away and being discovered. You said that you didn't want to give birth, I can leave it to you, but don't try to challenge my patience. Next time you dare to escape, I will take You take it there, understand?"

Lu Shijin glared at him, "Despicable! Shameless! What are you trying to do by trapping me here?"

"Naturally I like you so I keep you by my side." Jun Yu said softly.

"But I'll never like someone who forces me, no, it's a mermaid!" Lu Shijin gritted his teeth.

"Really?" Jun Yu knelt between Lu Shijin's legs and smiled evilly, "But your body tells me that you are lying."

Male mermaids are gifted and will automatically secrete fluids to help them mate with females smoothly and reduce female discomfort.

So without much effort, Lu Shijin lost his position.

"If you don't like it," Jun Yu asked, biting Lu Shijin's lips, "if you don't like it, why are you blushing? What are you gasping for?"

Lu Shijin felt ashamed, raised his hand to cover his eyes and scolded: "Shut up bastard, that's not liking, that's...that's tiring!"

Jun Yu pinched Lu Shijin's waist punishingly, causing Lu Shijin to clamp his legs involuntarily. Jun Yu grinned like he had succeeded in a prank, "How dare you not admit it so tightly? Duplicitous little liar."

The mermaid was extremely powerful, and Jun Yu pressed Lu Shijin's shoulder, leaving him nowhere to run, and coerced him while "doing evil".

"Don't like it? Don't call it out."

"Don't twist your waist."

"Don't strangle me."

Lu Shijin got angry and shouted loudly, "I'm not a blow-up doll!"

Lu Shijin was holding back hard, the end of his eyes were red, and the physiological tears couldn't stop flowing.

He felt that he would be schizophrenic if he continued to act, and he was going to ascend to heaven, but he had to pretend to be forced to not cooperate.

Don't allow this, don't allow that, God, why is it so difficult to have a harmonious X life?

The submarine drove back slowly. The price of this escape was that Lu Shijin was "ravaged" by the hateful mermaid in various poses for a long time.

When he was exhausted and groggy and about to fall asleep, he felt a cold object being put on his ankle.

"What did you put on me?" Lu Shijin reluctantly opened his eyes to take a look.

It was a silver metal anklet. After Lu Shijin saw it clearly, he raised his foot and put it on Jun Yu.

"Anklecuffs? Do you **** think I'm a prisoner? Take them off for me!"

Jun Yu grabbed Lu Shijin's feet to prevent him from moving, and sneered: "Prisoners are not treated so well, if I treat you as a prisoner, I will directly lock you on the bed with a chain instead of wearing this thing for you. "

"What the **** is this?" Lu Shijin asked suspiciously.

Jun Yu said lightly: "Tracker, whether you are in the sea or on land, as long as you are still on this planet, no matter where you flee, I can find you. Don't try to solve it, this thing only recognizes me. Fingerprints, and extremely strong, the explosives are constantly blowing up."

Lu Shijin closed his eyes helplessly, forget it, even if he took the blame for himself.

Damn, it shouldn't have been involved in Shen Shao's escape plan in the first place!

After Lu Shijin went back, he thought of his pain. It was not the way to continue acting like this. He had to find an opportunity to "fall in love" with Jun Yu, so that he could complete the task of the 211 system.

As for the tasks on his own side, the completion of the plot and the coolness of the audience are about to reach full, and they are close to the door.

It has been a month since I saw Shen Shao again.

Jun Li finally took Shen Shao back to the palace and announced that Shen Shao was pregnant with his flesh and blood.

Shen Shao looked like everything was normal, and he didn't want to live and die as Lu Shijin imagined.

On the contrary, he seems to have accepted his fate, accepting the fact that he has become Jun Li's ban, and is pregnant with a little mermaid.

Lu Shijin admired Shen Shao's inner strength. If it were him, he would have perished with the stinky fish who dared to make him have a big belly.

There is also Shen Shao's disease. Jun Li has found a way to cure Shen Shao's disease. There is no need to exchange blood between them. As long as the umbilical cord blood of the future newborn is transfused to Shen Shao, Shen Shao's disease can be cured.

Therefore, even in order to cure his own disease, Shen Shao had to keep the child in his womb.

Jun Li and Shen Shao seem to be heading for a happy ending, but the situation on Lu Shijin and Jun Li has been delayed.

Since the last lesson, Jun Yu took Lu Shijin more seriously, and didn't give him a chance to be a demon at all.

Just when Lu Shijin was at a loss, Shen Shao, who was already pregnant and had a big belly, came to the door again.

"Your belly is so big, you should take good care of your baby, don't you just walk around?" Lu Shijin helped Shen Shao to sit down and looked at Shen Shao's belly, feeling complicated.

Shen Shao said indifferently: "It's okay, my body is not as weak as you think."

After it was revealed that the two had plotted to escape last time, Jun Li would not let Shen Shao and Lu Shijin meet to prevent them from escaping again.

This time, while Jun Li was not at home, Shen Shao could sneak over to have a word with Lu Shijin.

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Lu Shijin poured a glass of water for the pregnant husband and sat down beside Shen Shao.

Shen Shao took out a small box from his pocket and opened it to Lu Shijin, "I copied Jun Li's fingerprints while he was asleep, and with his fingerprints, we can unlock the submarine below, this time we sit Submarines go, as long as we get back to shore, I have a way to make them never find us."

Lu Shijin's buttocks crooked, and he almost didn't sit on the ground. He leaned on the armrest of the chair and barely sat still, and said with a dry smile: "Why, are you still thinking of running away? But you are pregnant, what should I do with the child?"

"I can take the child alone after birth. In fact, it's good to have this child. My illness can be cured without relying on a mermaid." Shen Shao said calmly.

Lu Shijin: "...What about Jun Li?"

Shen Shao looked at him strangely, "What Junli?"

Lu Shijin asked hesitantly, "You have two children, you still want to leave him? You really don't love him anymore?"

"Life is precious, and love is more expensive. If it is for freedom, both can be thrown away. Until now, I finally understand the meaning of these words." Shen Shao stood up with his waist supported, and asked Lu Shijin excitedly. , "Would you like to be imprisoned here forever? Live such dark days? Would you love someone who ignores your wishes and forces you to do things you don't want to do? If you don't want to go with me, neither will I. Force. The day after tomorrow, they will not be at home for the Mermaid National Day, Jun Yu and Jun Li, there is only one chance, you can consider it yourself."

"Don't get excited first, don't move the fetal gas, I didn't say I don't want to go with you, just..." Lu Shijin thought about it, but still didn't tell Shen Shao about wearing a tracker on his feet, otherwise Shen Shao would know I definitely won't take him with me.

Perhaps, Shen Shao's escape this time will be an opportunity for him and Jun Yu?

After all, running with the ball is such a **** drama, the audience will never get tired of watching it. When the time comes, if the wife-chasing crematorium is arranged, will the coolness value be filled all at once?

In this way, on the one hand, his task can be completed, and on the other hand, he can create conflicts between him and Jun Yu, and maybe he can find a logical excuse to fall in love with Jun Yu.

It's just that Shen Shao is going to suffer again. He was sold by him last time, and he has to be sold again this time.

Jun Li is no longer the innocent little mermaid he used to be. The consequence of Shen Shao's escape last time was that he was taken by the angry Jun Li to give birth to a little mermaid. What will happen this time?

Lu Shijin couldn't bear to think about it, and he didn't dare to think about it.

Lu Shijin glanced at Shen Shao guiltily, silently said sorry in his heart, then nodded decisively, "Okay, I'll go with you!"