Chapter 62: true fairy tale (over)

Taking advantage of the Mermaid National Day, Jun Yu and Jun Li were not at home that day, Shen Shao led Lu Shi Jin to sneak into the equipment warehouse under the palace and drove off a submarine.

Fortunately, the submarine made by the mermaid has been completely artificial intelligence, and does not require complicated manual operations. It only needs to unlock the access rights with fingerprints and issue an instruction to start.

The last time the two escaped was the stupidest way of relying only on human power, but this time it was different, they used science and technology.

Submarines are more than a hundred times faster than humans. I believe they can float to the surface in less than an hour.

However, Shen Shao didn't know that Lu Shijin was wearing a tracker. As soon as they left the palace, Jun Yu noticed it.

However, at this moment, the mermaids were all gathered to celebrate the National Day. As the ruler of a country, Jun Yu was unable to leave immediately due to the occasion, so he asked Jun Li to leave first to chase the two.

When Jun Li heard the news that Shen Shao had escaped again, he was shocked and angry.

He thought that Shen Shao was already pregnant with his child, he should have accepted his fate, and would stay by his side obediently from now on.

It turned out that the obedience and obedience these days were just a disguise to make him take it lightly.

Shen Shao was just waiting for the day when he had a chance to escape!

Jun Li's heart suddenly cooled down, and his hard work for so long could not change Shen Shao's sincerity.

It seems that Shen Shao is really unwilling to be with him who has become a male mermaid, all this is just his wishful thinking.

It's ridiculous that he actually believed Shen Shao's words that he loved him. Is it true that human love is so fickle and cheap? !

Jun Li, full of anger and disappointment, drove the submarine at full speed and chased in the direction where Shen Shao and Lu Shijin fled.

Shen Shao didn't encounter any pursuers along the way. The display showed that they were less than five kilometers away before they could reach the surface of the sea.

But who would have thought, before he was happy for a few seconds, he heard Jun Li's gloomy voice from outside the submarine warehouse.

"Shen Shao, I know that you are inside. Before I get angry, I advise you to stop and go back with me." Jun Li warned.

Shen Shao and Lu Shijin looked at each other, and Lu Shijin pretended to be surprised in order to clarify that he had nothing to do with him: "How did he find us? How did he come so quickly? What are we going to do now?"

Lu Shijin asked a series of questions, but Shen Shao had no idea for a while.

Jun Li's submarine is already chasing him from behind. If he is caught by him again this time, I am afraid that his trust level with him has dropped to a negative number, and he will only be watched more closely in the future. !

Shen Shao gritted his teeth and decided that no matter what this time, he had to fight it out, and immediately issued an order to the control program to move forward at full speed!

Jun Li saw that Shen Shao's submarine didn't mean to stop, but instead accelerated, and stopped talking nonsense, and rushed to catch up with full horsepower.

Lu Shijin is a little strange, how come only Jun Li but not Jun Yu?

If Jun Yu didn't come, what's the point of him trying to escape this time?

He saw Shen Shao's hands on his stomach, his face was pale, he stepped forward and asked: "Are you all right? Don't worry, he won't be able to catch up in a while, you sit down first and don't move the fetal gas."

Shen Shao stared nervously at the screen, a small red dot was speeding toward them, and the distance was getting closer.

And every time he got closer, Shen Shao's face became paler.

He clenched his fists on the console and muttered in a low voice, "Even if I die this time, I will never go back with him!"

Lu Shijin didn't expect Shen Shao to be so extreme, for fear of angering him and the situation getting out of hand, Wen Sheng persuaded: "I'm still pregnant with a child, so what if Jun Li gets angry again, it certainly won't hurt you. ."

"Did he hurt me too little? He trapped me in this dark seabed, which is the biggest damage to me." Shen Shao said coldly.

It can be seen from Shen Shao who tried every means to study medicine in the past and was obsessed with curing his own disease. Shen Shao has a very tough temper. After identifying one thing, he will not turn his back if he doesn't hit the south wall.

So this time Jun Li disregarded Shen Shao's wishes and forcibly took him to the land of mermaids, which violated Shen Shao's minefield.

"You don't have any nostalgia for Jun Li anymore?" Lu Shijin asked tentatively.

Shen Shao was silent for a moment, and said, "I'm a human, I don't belong here, I have the life I want to live, and no one can control it. If he doesn't understand this, there will be no possibility for me and him."

Of course Lu Shijin knew that what Shen Shao said was angry.

Although Shen Shao wanted to leave Jun Li wholeheartedly, it had been so long, and the two of them even had children. How could it be possible that they would not have feelings for each other.

It's just that Shen Shao didn't give him time to adapt after Qi Junli evolved into a male mermaid, but instead tied him to his side with tough means.

He later asked himself whether he would accept Jun Li who became a male mermaid in the end, and the answer was yes.

He spent the first half of his life working hard to live a good life, and it was rare to meet someone who fell in love with him, which added a lot of color to his boring life.

Although the other party was a mermaid, Shen Shao was ready to spend the rest of his life with Jun Li.

It's just that Jun Li should never have used this method.

Shen Shao is a proud person, who would rather die than become someone's vassal.

And Jun Li was hurt by Shen Shao once. Under Jun Yu's instigation, his emotional outlook was distorted, from a dedicated personality to a demanding personality.

He thought that as long as Shen Shao was trapped by his side, he would be able to make Shen Shao fall in love with him.

And the more Shen Shao wanted to escape, Jun Li would think that Shen Shao didn't love him at all.

The two of them have come this far, and it is really wrong. If they want to unravel the knot, I am afraid that it will take a lot of trouble.

Lu Shijin was thinking wildly when suddenly he heard Jun Li's voice: "Stop! Stop! There are sharks in front of you, you will be in danger in the past!"

This season is when the sharks are mating, and the sharks swim in groups, and if other creatures pass by, they will be attacked by them.

Although Shen Shao and Lu Shijin were riding on a submarine with a hard case, those big guys didn't care. If they angered them, Lu Shijin would face the impact of countless sharp fangs and a behemoth weighing several tons.

However, Shen Shao had already seen the sun shining into the sea. If he stopped or made a detour, Jun Li would overtake him, and his plan would fail.

And now, as long as they pass through the shark group above their heads, they can successfully land on the shore. They have been studying hard for so long, aren't they just waiting for this moment?

"Shen Shao, I told you to stop! Do you hear me?" There was panic in Jun Li's voice. Shen Shao heard his warning, but the speed of the submarine did not stop. Jun Li had a vague premonition of Shen Shao. what to do.

And Lu Shijin also saw the resolute look on Shen Shao's face, and quickly persuaded: "Shen Shao, let's listen to Jun Li and stop, it's too dangerous, you still have children, we can't take risks!"

"There won't be a second chance," Shen Shao said resolutely, "I must escape, if not, I would rather be buried in the belly of a fish than live like a prison! Nowadays, you are sure You don't want to be treated like a criminal, do you? Let's bet on it!"

Shen Shao became stubborn, and the eight horses couldn't pull back. Lu Shijin had no choice but to go crazy with him.

"Stop! Stop! Did you hear me! Don't go over there, Shen Shao!"

Jun Li watched their submarine accelerate towards the sharks, his voice was trembling, and he only hated that his submarine was too slow to stop them.

A male shark with a length of more than ten meters first discovered the figure of the submarine. The displeasure of being disturbed made it violent and bloodthirsty, and it swam towards the submarine with red eyes.

Then, several more male sharks saw the submarine, and the sensitivity of the mating period made them just want to rip to shreds all creatures and objects that dared to approach them.

Sharks are one of the most ruthless and tyrannical predators on the seafloor, and the prey they target will never escape their fangs.

And this time, Lu Shijin and Shen Shao faced the encirclement and suppression of five or six sharks at the same time.

Their submarines are just ordinary vehicles without weapons, so they can only hide from sharks and cannot fight back, so they are undoubtedly at a disadvantage.

Shen Shao hurriedly manipulated the submarine to avoid the shark's impact, but where could the submarine be nimble with sharks who were used to running rampant in the ocean.

Several sharks took turns slapping the submarine with their huge tails, and from time to time they dashed forward and rammed the submarine with their teeth.

The submarine went up and down, left and right, Lu Shijin felt like a ball, being kicked around, his bones were about to fall apart.

He was not bad, but Shen Shao's situation was even more dangerous. Shen Shao had a big belly and couldn't stand the bumps at all.

Lu Shijin was afraid that something would happen to him, so he staggered over and pressed Shen Shao on the safe seat to hold him steady.

Although Jun Li was behind, but after all, it was not too far away, so he couldn't arrive immediately.

Suddenly, a red light lit up in the submarine cabin, and a sharp alarm sounded. When Lu Shijin saw it, seawater was pouring in from the top of the cabin. It turned out that a hole was pierced by a shark's teeth!

"Damn, if you stay here, if you don't get bitten by a shark, you'll be drowned!" Lu Shijin cursed lowly, took over from Shen Shao and started to maneuver the submarine to avoid the shark, while discussing with 711 in his mind, "Wait if it's true. There is no way, I will open the cabin door and Shen Shao to escape, you can try to protect Shen Shao, he and the child in his stomach can't be in trouble."

711: "Okay, I understand!"

The sharks found the breakthrough, and they all started to bite at the hole above the submarine. The sea water rushed in, and it didn't cross the waists of Lu Shijin and Shen Shao in an instant.

"No way, we have to leave." Lu Shijin threw the diving equipment to Shen Shao for him to put on, opened the hatch while the sharks' attention was on the submarine, and the two swam out quietly.

However, Shen Shao had a big belly and swam slowly. Before swimming very far, he was discovered by a shark.

The shark found its prey and was so excited that it swam towards Shen Shao as quickly as lightning, and when it opened its mouth to swallow Shen Shao, fortunately, Jun Li arrived!

Jun Li's submarine was a military type with missiles on it, but he was afraid that the explosion would hurt Shen Shao, so he didn't dare to fire rashly. He used torpedoes to drive away the rest of the sharks, then opened the hatch and turned into a mermaid and rushed towards Shen Shao. past.

Just in time to save Shen Shao from the shark's mouth!

"Why do you do this? Do you know how dangerous this is?! Even if you don't think about yourself, what about the child? Don't you care about the child?!" Jun Li hugged Shen Shao, her pale eyes overflowing In pain, he gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Shao! You just don't want to be with me, you'd rather die?!"

For the rest of Shen Shao's life after the robbery, his anger has not yet eased. Unlike mermaids, people can talk in water. Shen Shao just stared at Jun Li with stubborn eyes and silently expressed his attitude.

Jun Li stared at him for a while, still unable to accept why Shen Shao would rather die than stay by his side.

Could it be that he was just being affectionate all the time, that Shen Shao had no love for him anymore?

Jun Li slammed his eyes closed and smiled miserably, and said dumbly: "Okay, I understand, I let you go, satisfied?"

The two of them were entangled there, forgetting that there was a shark eyeing them.

Lu Shijin, who swam far away, turned his head to look, and almost missed his eyes.

The shark was rapidly approaching Jun Li and Shen Shao, but Jun Li and Shen Shao stared at each other ecstatically, not noticing the dangerous approach at all.

Lu Shijin only hated that he couldn't open his mouth in the water, and couldn't loudly remind the two of them that they were in danger.

At this time, 711 reminded him: "Host! If the two protagonists die, the plot will collapse, and our mission will be in vain!"

"Damn, you still need to tell me? Can I not know?" Lu Shijin was cruel, "You, find a way to attract that dog shark, and I will be responsible for attracting it!"

711 anxiously said: "Then what do you do? You can't swim past a shark!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" Lu Shijin had naturally put his personal safety aside when he made this decision, but now nothing is more important than keeping Shen Shao and Jun Li's lives.

711 sent out a sound wave that could attract sharks, successfully diverting the shark's attention to Lu Shijin.

The shark turned around, staring at Lu Shijin with terrifying eyes, and swam towards him.

Lu Shijin didn't think he could swim through a shark with thin arms and thin legs, so he simply gave up resistance, lamenting that he didn't expect to die in the belly of a shark instead of dying at the hands of the mermaid king this time.

If he dies, Jun Li and Shen Shao can restore their old friendship, and this life will not be in vain, but if Jun Li and Shen Shao break up, then his death will be wronged!

In the flash of light and flint, the shark was already close at hand. Just when Lu Shijin thought he was doomed and closed his eyes to prepare for the feeling of being pierced by the shark's teeth, he suddenly felt light, and he was caught by a hand and swam quickly towards the Away, dodged the huge mouth of the shark!

Lu Shijin opened his eyes and saw a handsome face that was very familiar, but his face was darker than ink at the moment. In addition to the ecstasy of escaping death, surging love swept through his heart.

The shark was eaten by human sharks one after another, and was already on the verge of rage.

However, it also found that the other side had two strong male mermaids that were not easy to mess with, so it didn't dare to rush in, just swam around the four of them twice, and then swam back to the group angrily.

Lu Shijin clenched his fist and tapped Jun Yu's shoulder, and regardless of the salty sea water pouring into his mouth, he opened his mouth and said vaguely, "Bastard, why are you here!"

Jun Yu's face was calm, without the slightest smile, "Don't you want to escape? Then why are you expecting me to come? Look back, I won't break your legs, so that you dare to escape again—"

What time has it been, and Lu Shijin couldn't listen to this kind of tyranny's declaration. Without saying a word, he kissed Jun Yu and asked him to hold back the rest of the threat.

"Host host, my second brother sent me a message saying that the mission on its side is about to be completed, let you make persistent efforts!" 711 dutifully appeared to report the progress of the mission.

Lu Shijin breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, I almost sacrificed my life. If I can't finish it, then I can't do anything about it."

Unlike Lu Shijin and Jun Yu, who were tired, Shen Shao and Jun Li were a little miserable.

Shen Shao and Lu Shijin's submarine had been bitten by a shark, and the four got on the submarine that Jun Li drove over.

"You two, it's interesting to play this kind of runaway game every three days? Last time it was two hours, this time one hour, how long are you going to play next time?" While sneering and giving the order to return, Jun Li suddenly interrupted him, "Brother, turn around and don't go back."

"What?" Jun Yu was stunned.

"Send them back." After Jun Li finished speaking, he walked to the corner and sat down without looking at Shen Shao.

The two hadn't spoken since they got on the submarine. I'm afraid this time, Shen Shao's determination to escape even if he didn't want to die scared Jun Li and made him cold.

Since they can't keep it, it's better to let each other live.

Jun Yu looked at his younger brother and Shen Shao a few times, but said nothing. After re-ordering to move towards the sea, his eyes signaled Lu Shijin to come to the side to speak.

"What happened to them?" Jun Yu asked in a low voice.

Lu Shijin briefly told Jun Yu what happened. Jun Yu frowned, glanced in Shen Shao's direction, and said coldly, "I think he's crazy. After Jun Li left, he was looking for Jun Li. It's him who keeps saying that no matter what Jun Li becomes, he still loves him, are you humans all so fickle?"

"He's not crazy." Lu Shijin said, "It's just that the love he wants is different from what Jun Li gave."

"Why is it different?" Jun Yu asked.

Lu Shijin: "Jun Li is not love, but possessive."

Jun Yu raised his eyebrows, "Did you think the same as Shen Shao? Blame me for bringing you here?"

"I blame you and I don't blame you." Lu Shijin hooked his lips, looked at Jun Yu and continued, "Apart from bringing me into your world, you didn't force me to do anything else that I didn't want to do. , so... if you can understand what true love is like, I am also willing to continue to be with you."

"Real love?" Jun Yu frowned, "What is that?"

"It's about freedom, equality, mutual respect, not being forced or restricted by others." Lu Shijin deliberately raised the volume so that Jun Li who was sitting in the corner could hear it, "Don't think that you are always tied to each other. Together that is love, true love requires trust and understanding, otherwise pressing too hard will only push the other party further, understand?"

Jun Yu listened, his eyes were thoughtful, he looked at Jun Li again, sitting there with his head down, although he couldn't see the expression on his face, but Lu Shijin knew that his words would definitely inspire Jun Li. .

But how much time was left for the mermaid brothers to think about, because the submarine had already surfaced.

Through the glass window, finally saw the long-lost sunshine.

This made Lu Shijin and Shen Shao, who had been living on land and bathed in the sun, feel like they were reborn.

After Jun Yu and Jun Li sent Lu Shijin and Shen Shao back to shore, they did not follow them.

Lu Shijin first sent Shen Shao back to Shen's house. When Shen Shao's mother saw her son who had been missing for more than half a year suddenly come back, she was still in the image of a big belly, and she almost didn't freak out.

Lu Shijin saw that Shen Shao's mental state was not good, so she first placed Shen Shao to rest, and then told the old man about what had happened in the past half a year with Shen's mother. It could be seen from Shen's mother's expression that she felt What Lu Shijin said seemed like a fantasy.

But Shen Shao was indeed pregnant. Even if Shen's mother thought it was unbelievable, she could only accept the fact that her son could conceive and give birth.

In order to prevent this incident from spreading out, Shen Shao entered his own sanatorium to raise a child before giving birth.

Lu Shijin often goes to see him. Shen Shao's words and deeds are very normal, just like before, but he almost never mentions Jun Li on his own initiative, as if Jun Li never existed.

However, the more you avoid it, the more you care about it.

Mother Shen told Lu Shijin that Shen Shao kept a large fish tank in the bedroom, and kept many fish with beautiful tails in it.

When Shen Shao looked at those goldfish, who was thinking?

Is it me who was once raised in a mermaid palace like a fish in a fish tank, or is it Jun Li who is thinking that her tail is more beautiful than a goldfish?

Only Shen Shao knew the answer.

Jun Li seemed to have evaporated in the world and never appeared on land again. Even when Jun Yu came to Lu Shijin, he rarely mentioned Jun Li's situation to Lu Shijin.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time for Shen Shao to give birth.

With Shen Shao, there were only Lu Shijin and Shen's mother.

When Shen Shao was pushed into the delivery room, his eyes kept staring at the end of the corridor. He closed his eyes only after the door of the operating room was closed and no one was seen there.

Shen Shao gave birth to a healthy little mermaid. When the little mermaid was first born, it would not change into an adult form. The top was a chubby baby's body, and the bottom was a small, tender, pink transparent fish tail. Jelly-like, so cute.

However, from birth to childbirth, Jun Li has never appeared.

Lu Shijin could see that Shen Shao had been waiting for Jun Li, but he was unresolved and refused to say it clearly.

When Jun Yu came up from the sea to find Lu Shijin again, Lu Shijin couldn't help asking Jun Yu about Jun Li's current situation.

Lu Shijin is upset for Shen Shao: "What's the matter? Shen Shao has even given birth to a child, so Jun Li, the father, can't just take a look?"

Jun Yu: "Didn't Shen Shao want to run away and didn't want to be with Jun Li? Now Jun Li has fulfilled his wish, sent him back, and won't bother him anymore. Why are you dissatisfied? ?"

Lu Shijin: "It's obviously two different things, right? Shen Shao has Jun Li in his heart. As long as Jun Li is willing to admit his mistakes at the time, can Shen Shao not forgive him? Your brother is really cruel, what Shen Shao is born is He can ignore his children, cold-blooded animals!"

"You people's minds are too complicated," Jun Yu clicked his tongue twice, expressing his helplessness, "When we were together, we tried to escape, but we couldn't see it when we were separated, and we were too cruel. What should we do?"

Lu Shijin snorted coldly: "If you think your brother is justified, then don't come to see me at all. You two brothers have a nest of snakes and rats. Maybe you will be more ruthless to me than your brother to Shen Shao in the future."

"That won't do," Jun Yu hugged Lu Shijin like a rogue, rubbing against his neck like a big dog, "I don't care how they get along, it's impossible for me to leave you anyway, if you blame me for tying you to the Haili, you can also tie me up now, and you are not allowed to go anywhere in your house, can you relieve your anger?"

Lu Shijin was amused by him, and Jun Yu rolled on the sofa with him. The two rubbed their ears and temples for a while, and Jun Yu suddenly said:

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. Jun Li is neither cruel nor cold-blooded. He doesn't see Shen Shao, it's a punishment for himself. Believe it or not, he has been silently guarding Shen Shao where we can't see it. Father and son?"

Will it be so?

Lu Shijin will be skeptical, but as long as Shen Shao and Jun Li are not reunited for a day, he and Jun Yu can stay together in this world for a day.

So he wasn't in a hurry to get an answer.