Chapter 63: True Fairy Tale (Extra)

After the child was born, Shen Shao asked the doctor to keep the umbilical cord blood for him.

Jun Li had told Shen Shao about the way to cure his illness before, and Shen Shao cured his own illness by relying on the umbilical cord blood of the newborn.

Not only did Shen Shao have a child, but because of this child, he also got a new life.

Shen Shao named the child Shen Han and nicknamed Xiaoli.

Like other little mermaids, Xiaoli can't complete gender evolution until he is fifteen years old, so Shen Shao doesn't know whether he has a son or a daughter.

When he was ten months old, he finally turned his little tail into legs. The little mermaid in human form looked no different from a human baby.

It's just that the little mermaid still doesn't know how to control this change stably. If he is hungry or wet, when he is crying, he will not be able to control his legs into fish tails.

Shen Shao has changed from a scientific research boss who spends all day in the laboratory to a single parent who studies parenting classics assiduously. He is both a father and a mother, learning little by little how to raise children.

Fortunately, the little mermaid has a very good temperament. It seems that it is not easy to know her father, and she is rarely noisy, so it is much easier to handle than ordinary children.

Shen Shao usually still has a job and can't let go of the company and take care of the children at home.

Shen Shao's mother was not in good health. Although Xiaoli was well behaved, she was still a baby without the ability to take care of herself. Shen Shao's mother couldn't take care of her alone.

Shen Shao intends to ask Yuesao to help Mother Shen take care of Xiaoli.

Although it is not uncommon for female mermaids to intermarry with humans to give birth to offspring in this era, it is still the first thing in human society that humans give birth to mermaids.

In order not to attract the attention of the outside world, Shen Shao's selection of confinement sisters was extremely strict. She had to pass the test of character, be strict in her mouth, and be loyal and reliable.

Shen Shao chose a Yuesao with more than ten years of experience. She was capable, but for some reason, Xiaoli, who was never afraid of strangers, was the only one who refused to ask Yuesao to hug him. Cry, no matter how to coax you can not coax.

Shen Shao had no choice but to dismiss the confinement sister-in-law and choose another one to invite home.

Yuesao changed one after another, but Xiaoli didn't want to get close to any of them, which made the whole family stumped.

Suddenly someone from the housekeeping company asked if it was Xiaoli who contradicted women's contact, and asked Shen Shao if he wanted to try a male confinement sister-in-law.

Shen Shao had no choice but to try it out and ask the housekeeping company to send the confinement lady to the house for an interview.

The housekeeping company sent three male confinement sisters at one time for Shen Shao to choose. Shen Shao read their resumes, and they all graduated from housekeeping majors.

Two of the three were plain-looking, with smooth eyebrows and eyes, and looked like honest people, while the other boy seemed extremely out of place to stand between the two.

He doesn't look like a housekeeper, but looks like those little idols who came out of the draft. He has handsome features, especially a pair of eyes, which is smart and energetic.

Shen Shao noticed several times that the boy was peeking at him intentionally or unintentionally.

For a golden bachelor like Shen Shao, I don't know how many people usually give him good luck.

He has long been accustomed to being coveted by others, never giving those people half a glance.

Shen Shao gave a discount to the boy's favorability in his heart, and excluded the boy from the shortlist.

But who knew that, among the three, Xiaoli only wanted the boy to hug him. When the boy stretched out his hand to Xiaoli, Xiaoli twisted his body from his grandmother's arms and couldn't wait to open his hands to the boy to ask for him. hug.

Xiaoli not only giggled in the boy's arms, but also hugged the boy's neck and refused to let go.

Shen Shao and Shen's mother were very surprised when they saw this, Xiao Li had never been so warm to other people they met for the first time.

Shen Shao had to send away the other two male confinement sisters he liked, leaving the most handsome one.

It doesn't matter whether he looks good or not, who makes his baby like it.

The boy introduced himself as Ai Luo. He had just graduated from a university majoring in home economics for one year and had one year of work experience.

Mother Shen saw that Ai Luo was clean-looking, and it was rare that Xiao Li was willing to be close to him, and she had a good impression of Ai Luo in her heart.

Both the child and the mother liked it, and Shen Shao didn't say anything anymore. He lightly told Ai Luo that as long as he did his part, he would never treat him badly. Ai Luo nodded and agreed.

When the two of them were talking, Shen Shao didn't even look at Ai Luo twice, and directly put on a refusal attitude. If Ai Luo was smart enough, he shouldn't think about it in the future.

Ai Luo lived in the Shen family, and when Shen Shao was away, he and Shen's mother took care of Xiao Li.

Ai Luo looked young, but she was very experienced in taking care of children. She took care of Xiao Li in every aspect. Mother Shen was very satisfied with Ai Luo, and she praised Ai Luo for her ability in front of Shen Shao.

Every time Shen Shao listened to it, he didn't have any reaction, but when he paid Ai Luo a salary at the end of the month, he also gave a generous bonus.

One weekend, Shen Shao didn't go to work and rested at home. Shen's mother asked the old sister to go out for beauty treatments, leaving Shen Shao, Ai Luo and the children at home.

When Shen Shao was at home, he took care of Xiaoli himself, and he seldom took care of others.

Children have to get enough sleep to grow fast. In the afternoon, Shen Shao was going to coax the children to sleep as usual, but recently Xiaoli got used to Ai Luo coaxing him to sleep.

In the end, Ai Luo hugged Xiaoli from Shen Shao's hand, put the child to sleep and carried him to the baby room for placement, while Shen Shao went to the study to work.

Two hours later, Shen Shao came out of the study after finishing his official duties. He didn't see Xiaoli, so he went to the baby room to look for the child.

Opening the door lightly, Xiaoli was sleeping soundly in the crib, while Ai Luo was lying on the side of the crib and fell asleep too. He did not forget to coax the child in his sleep, and patted Xiaoli's quilt from time to time.

Shen Shao walked gently to the child's bed, and found that there were some drums under Xiaoli's quilt. When he opened it, he saw that the two little fat legs had disappeared, turning into small fishtails with pink colors.

It should be wet, and there is no time to change the diaper, and the little mermaid is in its original shape.

Shen Shao picked up Xiaoli and put it on the other side of the bed, ready to change the child's diaper when the fish tail changed back.

Just at this moment, Ai Luo clapped his hands in the air and failed to capture the child. He was so frightened that he immediately woke up. When he opened his eyes, he wanted to find the child, but unexpectedly, he raised his head and met a pair of deep black eyes.

"Mr. Shen, it's you." Ai Luo breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Shen Shao was changing Xiao Li's diaper, he quickly stood up and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I just fell asleep, so let me change it."

"No, I'll do it myself." Shen Shao coldly blocked Ai Luo's outstretched hand and took a wet towel to help the child clean his body.

The child didn't know what was going on today. He was so sleepy that he didn't wake up after changing the diaper.

And Shen Shao was busy with work recently, and he often had to go home late at night, when Xiao Li had already fallen asleep.

He felt that he spent less time with the child, so he simply sat down by the bed, wanting to spend more time with the child.

Shen Shao didn't let Ai Luo go out, but he didn't pay any attention to him. Ai Luo could only stand aside cautiously.

Too quiet and a little embarrassed, Ai Luo took a deep breath and had nothing to say: "It can be seen that Mr. Shen really loves children."

Shen Shao said "um" and said lightly, "There are no parents who don't love their children."

Ai Luo still rarely heard that Shen Shao was willing to talk to him. He blinked and asked boldly, "Mr. Shen, I have been with you for so long and I have seen you alone taking care of Xiaoli, why haven't I seen your lover?"

Shen Shao looked down at the cute sleeping face of the little mermaid, and was silent for a while before saying, "I don't have a lover."

A strange color flashed in Ai Luo's eyes, and he lowered his head to cover up: "Is that so, I was the one who talked too much, sorry Mr. Shen."

Shen Shao showed no expression, "It's okay, it's not a secret."

"Then..." Ai Luo hesitated and asked, "Has Mr. Shen thought about finding a mother for Xiaoli? It is better for children to grow up in a sound family environment, which is beneficial to their physical and mental health."

Shen Shao turned his head and looked at Ai Luo with a half-smiling smile, "Do you think that if I raise Xiaoli alone, Xiaoli will be unhealthy both physically and mentally in the future?"

Ai Luo felt guilty by him, lowered his head to avoid Shen Shao's eyes, and said, "No, that's not what I meant, I just gave advice from a professional perspective. If Mr. Shen doesn't like listening to it, just treat it as if I didn't say it. Bar."

"It's enough for Xiaoli to have me," Shen Shao looked back and said indifferently, "Me too."

He was serious about his words, and he didn't know whether he was speaking to himself or to someone else.

Time flies, when Xiaoli was one year old, Shen Shao's mother felt that Shen Shao could not live with the child all her life, and she wanted to help Shen Shao find a partner.

But Shen's mother is not sure about Shen Shao's current sexual orientation. Logically speaking, Shen Shao liked women before, but what happened before, her son even gave birth to a child, would she still like women?

Mother Shen hesitated for several days, and finally made up her mind to ask Shen Shao what she thought.

Shen Shao didn't object to Shen's mother wanting to help him find a partner, nor did it stipulate whether the object he was looking for was male or female, he only had one request.

If you like children, you will be good to them in the future, and treat Xiaoli like your own.

For a wealthy family like the Shen family, men and women who want to climb Gaozhi are like crucian carp crossing the river, not to mention that Shen Shao has one child, even if Shen Shao has ten children, thousands of those people are willing to be stepmothers and stepfathers for Shen Shao's children.

With her son's personal approval, Shen's mother immediately opened up.

In the circle of noble ladies, there are a lot of good friends with Shen's mother. Before, they knew that Shen Shao had a family genetic disease and might not live long, so they didn't introduce it. Now that Shen Shao's disease is cured, everyone is eager to help and recommend.

Among so many candidates, Shen's mother took a fancy to a young lady who was right in line with the Shen family.

The lady surnamed Fang was said to be very gentle and generous, and she was also highly educated. She was a female doctor who studied medicine, and she matched Shen Shaozheng in terms of conditions.

The most important thing is that Miss Fang is of the DINK family and has no plans to have children. If she gets married, she will definitely regard Xiaoli as her own.

Mother Shen met with Miss Fang first, and Miss Fang was very satisfied in all aspects. After returning, she began to arrange a blind date between Shen Shao and Miss Fang.

At dinner that day, Mother Shen told Shen Shao about Miss Fang's situation at the dinner table, and asked Shen Shao if she would like to meet.

Shen Shao said, "Let's meet then. If you can chat with this Miss Fang, you don't have to look at anything else. Make sure that Xiaoli doesn't have any notes yet."

Mother Shen was overjoyed when she saw that her son, who had always been critical, didn't object, and she said yes again and again.

On the other hand, Ai Luo, who was feeding Xiao Li next to him, heard the mother and son's conversation. His hand shook and the spoon fell to the ground. Mother Shen heard the sound and turned her head: "What's wrong, Xiao Ai?"

"It's nothing, the spoon fell," Ai Luo picked up the spoon and stood up, accidentally kicked the chair behind him, hurriedly lifted the chair, and hurriedly bowed to Mother Shen and Shen Shao, "I'm sorry. Excuse me, let me wash the spoon."

Mother Shen whispered to Shen Shao strangely: "Xiao Ai is usually very stable, what's the matter today? I can't even feed a meal.

Shen Shao glanced at Ai Luo's back, who seemed to be a little flustered. He didn't reply to Shen's mother's words, but the corners of his mouth turned up and down invisibly.

Having made an appointment with Miss Fang, Shen Shao deliberately spent the morning carefully selecting the clothes to wear for the appointment.

When Shen Shao came out of the locker room after dressing, Ai Luo just happened to pass by the door of the locker room with Xiaoli in his arms.

Shen Shao's suit was straight and high-spirited, and he was still as handsome as before, fascinating thousands of girls.

Ai Luo stared at Shen Shao, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Shen is dressed so grandly today, he must attach great importance to the date with Miss Fang."

Shen Shao calmly tightened his tie, stretched out his hand and scratched Xiaoli's chin, Xiaoli was teased by his father and laughed, and Shen Shao smiled too.

"It's not important, how can we find a mother for our Xiaoli to come back?"

Ai Luo's face turned pale, and his body turned around, as if he didn't want Shen Shao to touch the child.

He said dryly, "Mr. Shen, have you ever heard of a saying? If you have a stepmother, you will have a stepfather. What if you marry Miss Fang home and she treats Xiaoli badly?"

Shen Shao said lightly: "No, Miss Fang is Dink, she has no plans to have children, so even if she can't treat Xiaoli as her own, she will never treat Xiaoli badly."

Ai Luo's tone was a little anxious, "But what if Xiaoli doesn't like Miss Fang as his mother? You have to respect the child's wishes, right?"

Shen Shao snorted softly, "Xiaoli is only one year old, so his wishes are of reference value? And didn't you persuade me to give Xiaoli a healthy family environment before?"

"That's..." Ai Luo was speechless, pursed his lower lip, and said with an unnatural expression, "No matter what, the stepmother is definitely not as good as the real mother."

"Then do you know where Xiaoli's mother is?" Shen Shao asked with a sneer.

Ai Luo stopped talking, hugged Xiaoli and walked forward with a sullen head, and said angrily, "Then I wish you a successful blind date, Mr. Shen, and love at first sight with Miss Fang!"

Shen Shao saw that the appointed time was coming, and he didn't bother to tell Eluodo, so he left the house and rushed to the restaurant that he had made an appointment with with Miss Fang.

When I got to the restaurant, I saw Miss Fang, and she was just like what Mother Shen said, gentle, virtuous, and generous, and she was indeed a suitable wife to marry home.

Miss Fang naturally also fell in love with the handsome and rich Shen Shao. She is a straightforward person. She told Shen Shao directly that she admired him very much, and asked Shen Shao if she was interested in her. If so, now You can try to communicate.

Shen Shao smiled, but before he could speak, suddenly the personal terminal indicated that there was a call from home.

Shen Shao was worried that it was about Xiaoli, so he greeted Miss Fang and walked to the side to answer the phone.

It was Ai Luo's voice, very anxious: "Mr. Shen, Xiao Li doesn't know what's wrong, he keeps crying, and I can't coax him no matter what."

Shen Shao: "What's the matter? I was fine before I left."

Ai Luo: "I don't know either, maybe I caught a cold, why don't you come back and have a look?"

Shen Shao's heart is Xiaoli, and he doesn't have the heart to date anymore, "Well, I'll be right back."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Shao and Miss Fang explained the situation of the child. Miss Fang was considerate and hurriedly said that the child was important, she was not in the way, and urged Shen Shao to go home to see the child quickly.

Shen Shao hurried back in a hurry, but saw Ai Luo sitting on the sofa, while Xiao Li was lying quietly beside his lap at the tax bureau. He couldn't stop crying like Ai Luo said on the phone just now.

"What's the matter? Didn't it mean that Xiaoli was sick?" Shen Shao walked over and carefully observed Xiaoli's situation, and found that the child was obviously doing well.

Ai Luo: "Before I called you, the child really cried non-stop. I tried to coax it to no avail, but I don't know what happened. He stopped crying just now. Do you think it's strange?"

"Strange?" Shen Shao sneered, "I think someone is doing something wrong?"

Ai Luo blinked innocently, as if he didn't understand, and asked him left and right: "How is your date with Miss Fang? I called you just now in a hurry, did I disturb you? Miss Fang will Won't I have an opinion on you?"

"Miss Fang is very considerate and won't mind this." Shen Shao said calmly, "and we are both very satisfied with each other, and we have made an appointment to discuss marriage when we meet next time."

Ai Luo widened his eyes and said in shock: "So soon? You guys are talking about marriage after meeting for the first time?"

Shen Shao: "The top priority now is that I lack a wife and Xiaoli lacks a mother. Miss Fang is the right choice."

"Xiaoli doesn't lack him!" Ai Luo murmured with pain flashing in his eyes, "He doesn't lack."

"You're just a confinement sister-in-law hired by our family, aren't you being too lenient?" Shen Shao's tone became cold and his face darkened.

Ai Luo stood up from the sofa, clenched his fists and asked restrainedly, "Do you like her?"

Shen Shao: "I can't say whether I like it or not at the first meeting."

Ai Luo: "I don't like it, you want to marry her?"

"As long as it is suitable, feelings can be cultivated slowly." Shen Shao said.

Ai Luo suddenly said: "Then do you like me?"

"What did you say?" Shen Shao looked at Ai Luo in disbelief as if he had heard a joke, "Are you crazy?"

Ai Luo's breathing slowed down. He stared into Shen Shao's eyes and said word by word, "Can we slowly cultivate our relationship?"

Shen Shao's mouth twitched, "Sorry, I don't think we are suitable."

"What's not suitable?" Ai Luo asked stubbornly, "Xiao Li likes me very much, definitely more than that Miss Fang, and I also take good care of Xiao Li. Isn't it the most suitable for me to raise Xiao Li with you? Candidate? Even if you don't like me, but you don't like Miss Fang, why can't you choose me?"

Shen Shao looked at Ai Luo for a while, and seemed to think that this person was unreasonable. He had nothing to say, turned his head and walked towards the study.

Ai Luo chased after a few steps from behind, grabbed Shen Shao's hand, "Don't go."

"Let go." Shen Shao didn't look back, his tone was cold.

"Don't let it go," Ai Luo said resentfully, "if you let go, you will find a stepmother for Xiaoli."

"What does it have to do with you if I can find a stepmother for Xiaoli?" Shen Shao asked back.

"It's related, it's related..." Ai Luo said incoherently, "Anyway, you can't find a stepmother for Xiaoli. What if she abuses Xiaoli?"

Shen Shao: "Miss Fang is a famous lady, I believe she won't."

"Then I don't agree either!" Ai Luo grabbed Shen Shao's hand and pulled Shen Shao around. Shen Shao looked at him indifferently, "Why don't you agree? Who do you think you are?"

Ai Luo's lips trembled, but he finally chose to remain silent.

Shen Shao snorted coldly, and shook off Ai Luo's hand and went upstairs. Ai Luo followed step by step, watching Shen Shao walk into the study and closed the door.

Ai Luo stood at the door of the study for a while, but never had the courage to open the door and walk in.

After a while, Ai Luo remembered that Xiao Li was still asleep on the sofa downstairs, worried that the child would cry when he woke up and couldn't find an adult, so he prepared to go downstairs.

As soon as he reached the stairs, a hand suddenly grabbed his arm from behind, preventing Ai Luo from going downstairs.

Of course Ai Luo knew who it was, and he was overjoyed, but before he could see Shen Shao's expression clearly, he was punched in the face.

"Who the **** do you think you are? Why the **** don't you agree? Come and leave if you want. What do you think I am here?" Shen Shao pushed Ai Luo to the ground, and straddled him. , punched him mercilessly, "Bastard! Why don't you agree? I just want to marry someone else, if you still have a conscience, go away and don't let me see you again!"

"I can't do it!" Ai Luo didn't resist, letting Shen Shao's fist fall on him, trying to sit up and hug Shen Shao, roaring in pain, "I won't leave you, even if you kill me, I will No way...Shen Shao, I don't ask you to forgive me, I don't ask you to love me, just let me stay with you and Xiaoli, even if it's just a servant to take care of you, I'm willing...but you don't want to marry Are others okay? I really can't accept it!"

"Won't you leave?" Shen Shao stopped, grabbed Ai Luo's collar and questioned, "Where the **** were you when I gave birth to Xiaoli? Less than a month after I gave birth, I almost died during the operation. Where the **** were you when you were on stage? Now that you know you've come back to recognize your relatives?"

Ai Luo smiled wryly and wept, "I'm here, I've always been."

Shen Shao was stunned, "What?"

Ai Luo, also known as Jun Li, said slowly: "I've always been by your side, but I'm just afraid that you don't want to see me, so I dare not stand in front of you with my true face. I was there when you were born, and I pretended to be The nurse went to the delivery room with you. I was there when you had surgery. I personally pushed you into the operating room. You don't know. I looked at you in pain, and my heart was about to break. If an accident happens, I really can't live."

He took a deep breath, hugged Shen Shao tightly, and continued: "But I don't dare to recognize you, I'm afraid you don't want to see me, you would rather die than be with me, so I can only choose There is another way to approach you. But I overestimated myself. When I heard that you were going to marry someone else and let my children recognize someone else as a mother, I couldn't help it. Shen Shao, it was all my fault before, I used the wrong way to love you, will you let me make up for you? Don't drive me away, you treat me as a piece of furniture and decoration in your home, don't want me, please..."

"Who doesn't want you anymore? Who wants to drive you away?" Shen Shao said in a hoarse voice after a long time, "If I really don't want you, I would have driven you out as early as the first time we met. Who can you deceive with your disguise?"

Jun Li raised his head abruptly, his eyes filled with ecstasy, "Really?"

Shen Shao turned his face to prevent Jun Li from seeing his reddened eyes, and pushed him to feign anger, "Fake, get out of here."

"No!" Jun Li wanted to laugh, but pulled the wound on the corner of his mouth that was just punched by Shen Shao. He didn't care about the pain, and said happily, "You recognized me a long time ago, didn't you? You didn't drive me away, it means you are still willing to be with me, right? I won't leave, I won't leave, even if you drive me away this time, I won't leave you!"

"Stupid fish," Shen Shao wanted to keep his face expressionless, but after all, he couldn't resist Jun Li's enthusiasm. The corners of his eyes were wet and sparkling. He looked at Jun Li and asked helplessly, "Do you know what love is?"

Jun Li leaned into the corner of his eyes and sucked away Shen Shaojiang's unshed tears, "I didn't understand it before, but now I don't understand it, please teach me, I'm willing to spend my whole life learning, okay?"

Shen Shao looked at Jun Li for a long time, sighed softly, and finally kissed him unbearably.