Chapter 64: Cannon fodder gunner's counterattack

Jun Yu has long been envious of the little mermaid from Shen Shao's family, his own nephew, and seeing Xiaoli so cute, he couldn't help but feel itching. bother.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Shen Shao and Jun Li to reconcile, and after the big happy ending, the audience coolness value and the plot completion level reached full, and the task of this world was finally completed. Lu Shijin and Jun Yu can learn from this world. send away.

Knowing that he and Jun Yu will definitely meet again in the next world, so this time, there is not much reluctance to part with Lu Shi. I just hope that in the next world, 211 will not make any more fuss, and he will be thankful that he has come up with a stupid task.

The mermaid world slowly turned into a bubble and pulled away from Lu Shijin's consciousness. When he opened his eyes again that day, he had come to another world.

The plot information of this world flooded into his mind like a tide.

This is a modern workplace drama. It is based on the popularity of online novels and the rapid development of online literature. It tells the story of a technical secondary school student named Wang Lizhi who had a poor life. He couldn't find a good job because he didn't have a diploma. When I arrived on the web, I discovered my talent in web texts.

One book became a god, and Wang Lizhi became famous in one fell swoop. Wang Lizhi went from a junior high school student who no one watched to the best-selling author of online literature, a big film and television copyright IP owner, and has tens of millions of die-hard book fans on various platforms for him. Waving the flag and shouting, from then on, X silk counterattacked and became one of the winners in life.

The story sounds like an ordinary shuangwen standard supporting road, but now people are impetuous, and the audience loves to buy these brainless shuangwen shuang dramas.

But what the audience sees is only the tip of the iceberg of the story that the screenwriter wants them to see. More, those filthy currents hidden under the iceberg that have not been exposed.

Lu Shijin's role is Wang Lizhi's enlightenment mentor when he first came into contact with online texts and knew nothing about the field of online texts.

Lu Shijin is also a writer of online novels. He lives a simple life. When he was in college, other classmates were busy dating and playing games, and his only hobbies were reading novels and writing novels.

After graduating from university, Lu Shijin suffered from social phobia and did not want to go out to work and meet people, so he chose to write online articles full-time as soon as he graduated from university.

He has been writing online articles since his freshman year. Although his achievements are not so outstanding among many online writers, he is better than diligent.

The requirement that Lu Shijin set for himself is to update 10,000 words every day, 365 days a year, almost all year round. He has also accumulated a small group of book fans to support him through updating and diligence.

Wang Lizhi and Lu Shijin met in a literary forum.

Wang Lizhi stopped studying after graduating from secondary school. He is the only son in the family, and his parents dote on him.

Once on the Internet, I stumbled across a piece of news saying that a certain writer's work was favored by a film and television company, bought the copyright for tens of millions, and suddenly became a millionaire.

After reading the news, Wang Lizhi had an idea, but he was just writing stories. Others could write and he could write. Others could make tens of millions, but why couldn't he make tens of millions?

Just sitting in front of the computer and typing on the keyboard, the money comes easily and easily, isn't it the most suitable job for him?

Although Wang Lizhi has a low level of education, he has a very active mind.

It was the first time he came into contact with the field of online literature, and he didn't know the depth of the water in the industry, so he thought of finding someone to lead him, so as to avoid detours.

And Lu Shijin has no friends. In addition to communicating with readers, he is just soaking in various forums to blow water. Once he posted a post and accidentally explained his writing information in detail. Wang Lizhi, a caring person, found Lu Shijin's vest.

In fact, among the authors who wrote articles on the literary website he signed, Lu Shijin can only be regarded as a little transparent, but in the eyes of Wang Lizhi, who is not even a little transparent, he is already a great figure.

Wang Lizhi cracked Lu Shijin's vest, but he didn't directly find Lu Shijin to express his true purpose.

He began to pay attention to Lu Shijin's news all the time. As soon as he found out which post Lu Shijin appeared in, he immediately went to get close to Lu Shijin intentionally or unintentionally, and complimented Lu Shijin openly and secretly for his profound insights in writing. He must be a profound god.

Apart from chasing readers of his own articles, Lu Shijin has never been complimented or touted by others anywhere else, and it is only when the other party doesn't know who he is.

Everyone has vanity. Lu Shijin is dizzy by Wang Lizhi's flattery every day. He also has a good impression of this unfamiliar netizen, and his interaction with Wang Lizhi is increasing day by day.

Wang Lizhi estimated that the time was almost up, and one day he pretended to mention it to Lu Shijin unintentionally, and wanted to learn to write online articles.

At that time, Lu Shijin had regarded Wang Lizhi as a friend. If his friend wanted to take the path of writing articles, it was of course his duty to help him guide him.

Lu Shijin gave Wang Lizhi all the online writing skills, writing experience and some rules of the novel website that he summed up.

But Wang Lizhi had never written a novel before, and when he was in school, his language proficiency could only be said to be barely able to speak clearly in writing.

Moreover, he is young and has no life experience, social experience, writing pattern and vision is inevitably narrow.

Wang Lizhi seemed to understand the skills Lu Shijin said, and he began to realize that writing novels was not as easy as he thought.

Half a month later, according to the method taught by Lu Shijin, Wang Lizhi wrote a first draft of 30,000 words for Lu Shijin to see, and asked him if he might be signed by the website.

After reading it, Lu Shijin felt that Wang Lizhi's writing was really indescribable. He tried his best to pile up rhetoric, write some obscure oranges, and wanted to increase the depth of the article, but some of them were suspected of being anti-dogs.

Although online novels are fast food literature, they don’t pay much attention to writing. As long as their brains are good, readers of elementary school students’ writing will also find it cool, but Wang Lizhi’s brains are also very general, and they still stay on the topics of street stall literature more than ten years ago. Above, let alone signing a contract at the beginning, I am afraid that the editor will be too lazy to read the first two lines at a glance.

Lu Shijin listed in detail the various faults of Wang Lizhi's articles, and began to guide Wang Lizhi to change the text, teaching him how to write and control the rhythm to catch the readers' attention. Don't even bother to write.

With Lu Shijin's tireless efforts, after another half month, Wang Lizhi finally wrote an eye-catching beginning, and excitedly showed it to Lu Shijin.

After reading it, Lu Shijin praised Wang Lizhi's writing progress on the surface, but he knew that Wang Lizhi's level was not enough to meet the signing requirements of the novel website, and the hope of passing the signing was very slim.

Lu Shijin saw that Wang Lizhi was really interested in the field of online literature, and he was very humble and hardworking. He couldn't bear to attack Wang Lizhi's enthusiasm. After praising him, he only said that the novel theme may not be suitable for the market trend. I hope Wang Lizhi can do it. Add some hot elements that fit the audience's taste into it.

I haven't read a few of Wang's inspirational novels, so I don't know what hot themes and hot elements are, so I can only ask Lu Shijin for advice.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Shijin asked Wang Lizhi if he was really determined to take a job in the Internet, and Wang Lizhi gave a positive answer.

Lu Shijin directly threw an outline and the beginning of the text that he had written before, but he was not satisfied with it, to Wang Lizhi, and asked him to revise it and go to the editor to apply for a contract.

The outline may not be very satisfactory to Lu Shijin, who has high self-demands, but it is more than enough to meet the signing standards.

Sure enough, shortly after Wang Lizhi applied for the signature, he got the news that the editor agreed to sign the contract.

Wang Lizhi was overjoyed. It was the first time that he worked so **** one thing. He spent more time in school than before. Now that he signed the contract, it was finally not in vain.

However, signing a contract is only the first step in eating online. Most of them are low-level writers who have written hundreds of thousands or millions of words after signing the contract, and can't even make money from takeaways.

This also made Wang Lizhi firm in his intention to hold on to the big tree of Lu Shijin. Since Lu Shijin can help him sign a contract, he will definitely be able to make money with him in the future.

After signing the contract, Wang Lizhi officially embarked on the road of online writing according to the outline given to him by Lu Shijin.

However, no matter from all walks of life, as soon as newcomers enter, how can they just mix like a duck to water.

The new author did not expose or recommend it in the early stage, and the articles written were not read by few readers at all.

Wang Lizhi has written hundreds of thousands of words, but it has always been in stand-alone mode. He complained to Lu Shijin all day that the data was too cold, and the website editor was snobbish and did not recommend him the list.

Lu Shijin is a soft-hearted person, and he knows that it is not easy for a newcomer to get started in the early days, so he tried to recommend Wang Lizhi's novels in his readership.

Lu Shijin's quality is good, and the update speed is also fast. His readers follow the link to read Wang Lizhi's article because they can trust the author's vision. After finding out that he is a new author, although Wang Lizhi's writing is not good, there are still Many kind and enthusiastic readers left encouraging comments.

This is the first time that Wang Lizhi has seen so many readers read his articles, and he is still praising him in the comment area, which greatly satisfies his vanity.

Wang Lizhi tasted the sweetness brought by someone's recommendation, and found that after Lu Shijin made a good relationship with the author of the great **** who has a collection of more than 100,000 articles on the same site, his mind was again on the idea of ​​asking Lu Shijin to ask the great **** to help him recommend it.

Lu Shijin doesn't like to ask for help. He and the Great God could have been friends of gentlemen. If he asks the Great God for help, he will owe other people's favor, and this friendship will be mixed with interests, so he rejected Wang Lizhi.

But Wang Lizhi kept sending him news that he was selling miserably, saying that his family was poor and his family was sick and owed a lot of debt. He desperately wanted to make money to reduce the burden on the family. Seeing that he was only a few hundred collections away from making money on the shelves. , I hope that Lu Shijin will help him again this time, looking at the past relationship.

In the end, Lu Shijin was still entangled by Wang Lizhi and had the cheek to ask the Great God for help. The Great God was a straightforward person. When Lu Shijin opened his mouth, he happily agreed without saying anything, which made Lu Shijin even more uncomfortable.

The reader base of Dashen is much more transparent than that of Lu Shijin. With Dashen's recommendation, Wang Lizhi's article data rushed up at once. The editor found that Wang Lizhi's article may have potential, and gave a good recommendation list. .

It is also unbelievable to say that Wang Lizhi's writing is not much better than that of elementary school students, relying on the outline of Lu Shijin, coupled with his own wild imagination, the articles he wrote make readers feel thunderous, but he can't help it. If you want to watch it, it is called "Lei Shuang" for short.

I don't know if Wang Lizhi was lucky or not, but he really hit the reader's point of view.

Since his article was recommended by the great god, the collection and income have been rising all the way. In addition, the website has just introduced a policy to support new writers. Wang Lizhi's novels have really achieved good results, and they are almost catching up with Lu Shijin's best score. this novel.

Wang Lizhi's emergence among new writers has attracted the attention of a marketing company.

This marketing company will select some potential authors, sign marketing plans with them, help them market articles on various platforms, and make big data. When authors become famous, they profit.

And because new writers have no foundation, and the price of signing them is relatively low, it is the first choice for marketing companies.

The marketing company approached Wang Lizhi and proposed to cooperate. Wang Lizhi wanted to be popular in his dreams, so he naturally agreed.

But he overestimated his level. The success of the first novel, apart from a certain chance accident, the complete outline given by Lu Shijin was the most critical part.

Relying on Wang Lizhi's own level, let alone a novel with hundreds of thousands of words and millions of words, it would be difficult for him to write a short story of tens of thousands of words with a passing level.

But Wang Lizhi signed a contract with a marketing company. If Wang Lizhi could not write a novel that satisfied them, not only would he not be able to get the money he invested as marketing funds, but he would also have to pay the marketing company liquidated damages. in a hurry.

Wang Lizhi was desperate, and he could only ask for Lu Shijin, the only one he knew and trusted in the circle.

Wang Lizhi wants Lu Shijin to help him write another outline. The money earned by then will be three or seven points as much as Lu Shijin, and he will be three Lu Shijin seven.

Although Lu Shijin was fearful, he was not stupid. Wang Lizhi clearly wanted to be a gunman for him. Lu Shijin wrote well by himself, but of course he refused to agree.

This time it is about the bottom line of morality. No matter how much Wang Lizhi begged, Lu Shijin remained unmoved.

Wang Lizhi made a plan after failing to make a plan. First, he pretended to apologize to Lu Shijin. He should not have made such a request with his friends. Then he proposed to come to the city where Lu Shijin is located, saying that Lu Shijin helped him a lot and wanted to invite Lu Shijin to eat. A meal is both a plea and a thank you.

Lu Shijin saw Wang Lizhi's sincere attitude and realized his mistake. He rarely made a good friend, so he didn't bother with him, and agreed to Wang Lizhi's proposal.

Wang Lizhi soon came to look for Lu Shijin, only to find out when they met that Wang Lizhi was quite good-looking and belonged to the handsome young man among ordinary people.

Lu Shijin is two years older than Wang Lizhi. As soon as Wang Lizhi met, he kept calling Lu Shijin "brother, brother", and he was not as unfamiliar as the first time they met.

People with social phobia, on the one hand, are afraid of contact with people, on the other hand, they are very envious of those social experts who are good at interacting with people and have both sides.

Therefore, Lu Shijin was very fond of Wang Lizhi, who met him for the first time, and was not wary at all.

Lu Shijin's carelessness gave Wang inspirational opportunities.

After the two of them finished their meal, Wang Lizhi proposed to spend a night in the house that Lu Shijin rented on the pretext that the hotel was too expensive and he was reluctant to spend money.

Lu Shijin was the host, and he was too embarrassed to refuse, so he took Wang Lizhi back to the rental house.

The two drank a lot of alcohol during their meal. On the way back, Wang Lizhi went to the convenience store to buy a dozen beers, and said with a smile that he wanted to stay with his good friends without getting drunk.

Lu Shijin didn't suspect him, he just had a chat with his good friends. How could he expect that he had stepped into the trap designed by Wang Lizhi.

That night, the two of them had a good time drinking, and they didn't know how much they drank.

When he woke up the next day, when Lu Shijin saw Wang Lizhi lying naked on his bed, he was so frightened that he almost rolled off the bed.

After Wang Lizhi woke up, he was more calm about what happened last night than Lu Shijin. He didn't hide the marks on his body. He told Lu Shijin like no one else that he had a good impression of Lu Shijin when chatting online. When we met once, I felt that Lu Shijin was a good person, and asked Lu Shijin if he wanted to try a partner.

Although Lu Shijin has long known that he is a crook, he is afraid of interacting with people, let alone hanging out in the **** circle. He has lived for more than 20 years and has never been in love.

Wang Lizhi saw that Lu Shijin was hesitant, and said with a smile, "You put me to sleep, and you still don't plan to take responsibility?"

To be honest, Wang Lizhi's looks are actually in line with Lu Shijin's appetite, and Wang Lizhi's ability to speak well, as well as his enthusiastic and unrestrained personality, are the type that Lu Shijin likes.

What's more, it was indeed his drunkenness that put him to sleep, and Lu Shijin was too embarrassed to not take responsibility, so he agreed to associate with Wang Lizhi.

With the relationship of a boyfriend, Wang Lizhi made more requests to Lu Shijin to help him be a gunman.

But Lu Shijin still doesn't want to violate his bottom line. He can instruct Wang Lizhi on how to write the text, but it is impossible for him to write for him.

However, Wang Lizhi has already tasted the sweetness of unearned benefits, how could he be willing to compromise easily.

Who would have thought that Wang Lizhi actually took out the fruit photos of him and Lu Shijin taken last night, and threatened that if Lu Shijin did not agree to his conditions, he would put these fruit photos on Weibo, causing Lu Shijin to lose his reputation.

After the threat, he pretended to be pitiful, and said aggrievedly that he had given people to Lu Shijin. How could Lu Shijin be so cruel to him? As long as Lu Shijin helped him this time, not only would they be fine, but there would also be countless money and money. Isn't it the best of both worlds to get fame and fortune?

Lu Shijin couldn't believe that Wang Lizhi still kept this hand. It turns out that all the foundations and good feelings are fake. To design himself to help Wang Lizhi be a shooter is the real purpose of Wang Lizhi!

But even if Lu Shijin understood the truth now, it would be too late to regret it.

It was he who made friends carelessly at the beginning, and he brought the wolf into the house last night. In order to get those fruit photos, now Lu Shijin has to agree to Wang Lizhi's conditions.

In this way, Wang Lizhi relied on Lu Shijin to help him as a gunman behind his back, and cooperated with the marketing company to build himself into a character of a genius writer who became a god. Especially Wang Lizhi is good-looking, and the marketing company He packaged him as an idol in the online literary world, attracting countless diehard fans to support him.

Every time I go to Wang Lizhi's signing meeting, it is full of people, and the scene is comparable to some entertainment stars.

Cooperating with marketing companies, most of the money earned flows into the wallets of marketing companies, which is not a long-term solution after all.

It didn't take long for Wang Lizhi to decide to set up his own studio. It happened that a large cultural company wanted to sign a contract with Wang Lizhi. Of course Wang Lizhi could not ask for it.

Of course, Wang Lizhi has not forgotten Lu Shijin, who has been quietly giving behind him for so many years and has worked hard and made great achievements.

He has never concealed his relationship with Lu Shijin. He has always claimed that Lu Shijin is a boyfriend outside his circle. On the one hand, he can better control Lu Shijin. On the other hand, it also pushes Lu Shijin to the forefront. Together, we will be prosperous, and we will lose together.

But how could the ambitious Wang Lizhi pin all his hopes on Lu Shijin? If Lu Shijin runs out of inspiration one day and can't write, or Lu Shijin is determined to tear his face with him, wouldn't he be finished.

Therefore, Wang Lizhi began to look for new goals that could help him maintain his existing reputation and status, wealth and glory, and were more valuable than Lu Shijin.

This time, he set his sights on his immediate boss, Jin Jingyao, a young and promising cultural company president from an extraordinary background.

"It's really... The world is so big that you can meet any shameless dog. Why can this idiot be the protagonist? Did the person who wrote this script also found a shooter?" Lu Shijin accepted the plot and was directly angry Laughed.

711: "Of course not! How should I put it, what the script wants to show is just the cool point, it doesn't care how the cool point came about. Just like this world, the audience just wants to see what a X Si Ming looks like on the surface. Those who come back to the top of their lives, they don't care what's going on behind the scenes."

"I have doubts about the appreciation level of this audience." Lu Shijin said with a sneer, "but fortunately they met me, so let me tell them what the correct three views are."

"Xiao Lu, have you recorded these documents? Why are you so slow, you're about to get off work, don't make us work overtime with you!"

A thin female voice pulled Lu Shijin's sanity from the memory back to reality, Lu Shijin slowly raised his head and glanced at the woman who was speaking.

"Why are you staring at me? What's the point of you if you can't finish your work?" The woman rolled her eyes and sneered in disdain, "Don't think that if you have something to do with the pen, you can be lazy in the company, our company doesn't Raising idle people's waste."

The "big pen" in women's mouth is Wang Lizhi. Wang Lizhi's pen name is "a vulgar pen", and his readers and fans usually call him "big pen".

Wang Lizhi signed a contract with Platinum Culture, and the studio was handed over to the people of Platinum Culture, while Lu Shijin was arranged by him to do an innocuous job. The most important job was to help him as a gunman.

However, other people don't know the inside story, and they all think that Lu Shijin is a soft fan who relies on Wang's inspirational relationship and does not want to make progress. He didn't break up with Lu Shijin, but ended up being sucked by such a soft-hearted man.

There are several female employees in the company who are die-hard fans of Wang Lizhi, and they all fight for Wang Lizhi in private.

Lu Shijin doesn't like interacting with people, and he is not good at quarreling with people, so the cynicism towards these women should only be inaudible.

But his concession and forbearance would only make others gain an inch. When the woman saw that Lu Shijin didn't speak, she thought that he knew that he was right and didn't dare to argue with her, and suddenly he became more arrogant, and the words he said were more difficult to hear.

"Some people, who obviously have hands and feet, have to be parasites to **** people's blood. If I were ashamed, I would have slapped my head to death! How dare you come out to meet people, don't you think?"

"That's right, people who are shameless are invincible. Is this shameless thicker than the city wall?"

"Who makes people have a good boyfriend?"

"Okay, I haven't gone home after get off work. What are you chatting about here? Do you want to stay and work overtime?"

A man walked in from outside the office, and the acerbic expressions of the women with broken mouths immediately changed to smiling faces, and greeted them with a smile.

"Bi Da is back, we are about to get off work, we are just joking with Xiao Lu, and we will leave soon."

Wang Lizhi waved his hand, smiled and said, "Okay, let's go, go home when it's time to go home, go to the date when it's time to go."

Seeing that Wang Lizhi didn't mean to blame them, those women turned to look at Lu Shijin with a smug smile.

Lu Shijin met their mocking gaze and twitched the corners of his mouth coldly.

Wang Lizhi walked to Lu Shijin's seat, noticed Lu Shijin's face, patted Lu Shijin on the shoulder and comforted: "Brother Lu, don't be angry, they are just joking with you."

"Just kidding? That's a joke if I think it's funny." Lu Shijin retracted his gaze, and fell coolly on Wang Lizhi's smiling face, "Can't you tell the definition of a joke from a personal attack?"

Wang Lizhi's face froze, but he quickly regained his smile, winked at Lu Shijin, and motioned him not to make a big issue, "Brother Lu, what's wrong with you today? Why are you so angry? Alright, alright, I'll take you tonight. Would you like to have a French meal? I heard that there is a French restaurant in the city center…”

"Wang Lizhi, are these women more important or boyfriends?" Lu Shijin interrupted him blankly, and Wang Lizhi was stunned, "What?"

"If you think they are important, then I'll go," Lu Shijin sneered softly. "If you think it's impossible without me, then you'll let them go. Do you understand what I mean?"

The author has something to say:

The scum is only one chapter, and the next plot will soon cause extreme comfort (#^.^#)