Chapter 65: Cannon fodder gunner's counterattack

Lu Shijin is not good at communication and even less good at words, and he has a gentle personality, rarely when he speaks as harshly as today.

It's not that Wang Lizhi didn't know that most of the other employees in the studio looked down on Lu Shijin, but as the boss of the studio, he would not blame him even if he saw those employees bullying Lu Shijin.

He would only turn one eye and close one eye, dismiss those people lightly, and comfort Lu Shijin with kind words, saying that he had just signed a contract with Platinum, and that it was too harsh to treat the employees who were not good at Platinum. Now, when they gain a firm foothold in Platinum, they will definitely give Lu Shijin a head start.

Wang Lizhi's inaction is undoubtedly a connivance to those people, which further encourages them to bully Lu Shijin in the office.

Wang Lizhi did it on purpose, of course. He was happy to see Lu Shijin being isolated by everyone, so that Lu Shijin could only rely on him for a choice, so that he could better control Lu Shijin.

It's a pity that he didn't know that the Lu Shijin sitting in front of him now was not the "Lu Shijin" who could be rubbed and squashed by him.

"Brother Lu, the girls are just joking with you, isn't that so?" Wang Lizhi turned his head and lowered his voice to warn you, "Didn't I tell you, don't call me my real name outside? That's it? , A few jokes, it's a big deal, don't bother with a group of women."

After Wang Lizhi became famous for writing novels, he began to be a cultural person with connotations. He despised his name "Wang Lizhi" for being rustic. He never mentioned his real name to others, and never allowed others to call him his birthright. This is his One of the taboos.

Wang Lizhi's face became gloomy, and he was already a little impatient. He waved to the women who were standing at the door watching the play, "It's alright, let's go, Brother Lu is just joking with you."

"I'm not kidding," Lu Shijin leaned against the back of the chair with his arms in his arms, Erlang's legs raised, and raised his eyebrows to look at Wang Lizhi, "They say I'm an idler waste, they say I eat soft rice and **** your blood, do I eat it? Soft rice, is it trash, you know best, why don't you explain it to me?"

"What to explain? What's the good explanation for these gossips? Can't you just ignore them?" Wang Lizhi insisted, "If you say something well, if you are serious, you will lose. It doesn't matter what you are like, as long as I understand it. You and I believe that you're ok if you don't?"

"No, I'm sorry, I don't like being scolded in the spine, so I'll leave it here today," Lu Shijin raised his finger and pointed at the long-tongued women standing at the door, pulling his lips, "In the future, this office will have They don't have me, and I don't have them, Wang Lizhi, think about who to choose."

Those women couldn't stop, their eyebrows stood upright, and their nail-painted hands could not wait to point to Lu Shijin's nose to curse.

"Hey! The surname is Lu, who do you think you are? Why did you let Bi Da fire us?"

"That is, how old are you? We are regular platinum employees. If you say that you are fired, you will be fired? What are you, bah!"

"The pen is big, there is something I wanted to say for a long time, what kind of person can't you find under such conditions, and how can you find such a person?"

The harsher the long-tongued women scolded, the deeper the smile on Lu Shijin's face, but in his eyes without a smile, his eyes were cold, waiting to see how Wang Lizhi would deal with it.

"Don't talk about it!" Wang Lizhi glared at the women with a livid face. When the women saw the idol's anger, they didn't dare to say any more, and just kept rolling their eyes at Lu Shijin.

"Do you have to make it difficult for me?" Wang Lizhi bent down and asked Lu Shijin in a low voice through gritted teeth.

Lu Shijin sneered and asked: "I made it difficult for you? You figure it out, I'm a victim, and you tell the victim that it's difficult for you? Okay, since that's the case, you don't have to make it difficult, I'll go, you can do it Stay and continue to be your good guy."

Lu Shijin stood up without looking at Wang Lizhi, put his hands in his trouser pockets, raised his legs and left.

Wang Lizhi hadn't found a new backer at this time, so it was naturally impossible to turn against Lu Shijin, so he hurried up to stop Lu Shijin.

"Why stop me?" Lu Shijin didn't have a good face, "You want to be a good person, I will fulfill you, what do you want from me?"

"Enough, can you stop being childish? Don't you just want me to stand up for you?" Wang Lizhi took a deep breath, with a persecuted helplessness on his face, turned back to the women and said, "You guys Listen, Brother Lu is the person who helped me the most when I was in the most difficult time. I love him, cherish him, and appreciate him very much. It's not what you think, he is an idler raised by me! In the future! If anyone makes me hear any more rumors, even if it is a regular employee of Platinum, send me a resignation letter to the Human Resources Department!"

Wang Lizhi defended Lu Shijin, not only did he not deter those women who were babbling, but made them more resentful of Lu Shijin and felt more distressed for Wang Lizhi.

Their family is so good, they are famous and they don't forget their old friends. A person who values ​​love and righteousness is eaten to death by a soft-boiled man. God has no eyes!

Damn soft fans, to even threaten to expel them by breaking up, it's really abominable!

"Are you satisfied now?" Wang Lizhi asked Lu Shijin with a cold face.

Lu Shijin chuckled, "That's it?"

"Then what else do you want?!" Wang Lizhi stared at Lu Shijin with warning eyes.

"You haven't turned 30 yet, why do you have such a bad memory? I said just now, either open them or I'll go, don't you understand?"

Lu Shijin was determined to make Wang Lizhi not a human inside or outside, so how could he be satisfied with such a small degree of rebuke.

The original owner is a soft persimmon who can be pinched by others. He is obviously the real owner of Wang Lizhi's works, but he allows Wang Lizhi to take up all the glory that does not belong to him, but he is ridiculed by others as a soft eater.

But he, Lu Shijin, is not the original owner, so he will not swallow his anger and let Wang Lizhi be complacent.

Wang Lizhi's face was extremely ugly. He was new to Platinum. If he really fired those Platinum employees for Lu Shijin's sake, how would he behave after being spread out?

Wang Lizhi was so angry that he wanted to maintain his demeanor so that he could not attack, and blamed all his anger on Lu Shijin.

It was obvious that Lu Shijin had endured the harsh words before, what the **** is going crazy today? Are you trying to embarrass him on purpose? !

Lu Shijin watched the wonderful expression change on Wang Lizhi's face with a cold eye. Just when the scene was deadlocked, someone came in at the door.

"What are you doing here? Don't you want to go home and stay to work overtime?" That person was the vice president of human resources at Platinum Headquarters. There was a quarrel in the office here, and someone with discernment had already tipped off the vice president. .

After listening to the details, the vice president guessed that Wang Lizhi had just arrived, and he couldn't bear to deal with the platinum employees, so he came over to deal with the matter in person.

The vice president said sternly: "You women, why don't you leave work and stay here to chew your tongue? Don't call it a big one. I think it's just the quality of our platinum employees! It seems that our corporate culture has not been in place yet, so that's it. , since you don't want to go home, then simply stay, read the employee handbook carefully, and write a review letter to me before you leave! In addition, everyone will deduct half a month's performance salary, did you hear that? ?!"

Seeing that the vice president was angry, those women did not dare to make a sound, and returned to their seats with their heads lowered.

After the vice president had dealt with the long-tongued woman, he walked over to Wang Inspirational and said cheerfully: "The pen is big, it makes you laugh, these employees are all bullies and afraid of hardships. You are just too kind to them, so you indulge them to be lawless. In the future, if they If you dare to do this, just tell me and I'll help you deal with it."

"Thank you, Mr. Li." Wang Lizhi was still angry and smiled reluctantly.

The vice president looked at Lu Shijin, smiled kindly and comforted: "Little Lu, they are all short-haired and short-sighted, don't bother with them, I have already punished them, they must have learned a lesson, you see, It's up to my face, okay?"

Lu Shijin just wanted to embarrass Wang Lizhi. The executives all said so, so he didn't need to put on the air and offend others, so he nodded.

"That's right, we are already a family, so we should be peaceful." The vice president smiled. "It's getting late, and I have to go home from get off work to accompany my wife and children. You can do it yourself."

After the vice president left, Lu Shijin and Wang Lizhi also left the company and returned home. In the car that Wang Lizhi drove, Lu Shijin sat in the co-pilot, and Wang Lizhi didn't say a word to Lu Shijin all the way.

Lu Shijin couldn't get what he wanted. A social scum like Wang Lizhi felt disgusting to say one more word to him.

"Convenience store, has 211 contacted you?" Lu Shijin looked sideways out the window, pretended to close his eyes, and communicated with 711.

"We got in touch," 711 said. "Guess what's your husband's identity this time?"

Lu Shijin thought about it. In this plot, he currently knows two people, one is Wang Lizhi, and the other is Jin Jingyao, the president of Platinum Culture, who is only known by his name.

Lu Shijin answered casually, "Jin Jingyao?"

711: "Yes! Host, you are so smart! You guessed it right at once! Congratulations!"

"Fuck you, stop blowing rainbow farts, congratulations on your size, is this something to be happy about? Damn, who can't, why is it?" Lu Shijin thought that Wang Lizhi would be with Jin Jingyao in the future, and he felt like It was as uncomfortable as eating a fly, he would never allow this to happen.

But... What if the 211 scumbag system randomly came to the task, what kind of affectionate male lead system, Jin Jingyao and Wang Lizhi had to be together to complete the task, then what should I do?

Lu Shijin's head is very big, and he asks without any hope: "What kind of system is 211 random this time, do you know?"

711: "This is the second piece of good news I want to tell you, 211 randomly got the 'Gu Zao Scum Attack System' this time!"

Lu Shijin: "...I know the scum attack, why is Guzao?"

711 said incessantly: "The so-called 'ancient early' is **** and cruel. The most important point is that there is a lot of meat."

Lu Shijin: "...I suspect you are playing a hooligan, but I have no evidence."

711: "Hey hey, this is a good system. Jin Jingyao is bound to this system. Don't listen to this name, it's not very good, but it's a great thing for you!"

"Where's the good?" Lu Shijin was puzzled.

711 explained: "Slag attack, it means that Jin Jingyao will definitely **** Wang Lizhi, and he will torture Wang Lizhi to the death. Think about it, host, won't your chance come?"

Lu Shijin suddenly realized, and said happily: "Yes! That's right! You can do it at convenience stores. When did you have such a smart head?"

711 laughed and said, "I've been with you for so long, and I've learned a little bit."

After the host and the system finished blowing rainbow farts to each other, Lu Shijin first thought of a preliminary plan in his mind.

In any case, now that he knows that Jin Jingyao is his man, he can't afford a **** like Wang Lizhi for nothing.

When he got home, Wang Lizhi's face didn't soften, he put on a stinky face, as if Lu Shijin owed him 80 million.

Lu Shijin thought about it, and now it's not time to tear his face directly with Wang Lizhi, he has to stabilize Wang Lizhi first.

When he is paralyzed, he can give him a fatal blow.

"Okay, don't be angry," it was already dinner time, Lu Shijin opened the refrigerator to see if there was something to cook with, and said to Wang Lizhi, "You also heard how ugly those people are, I'm not good at talking to people. Others quarrel, but they can't quarrel with them, I just want you to help me out, you are my boyfriend, shouldn't you?"

Wang Lizhi: "It's not that I don't want to help you vent your anger, but I also point to occasions and targets. We have just arrived at Platinum. If people just say a few words and I will fire them, what will others think of me?"

Lu Shijin laughed secretly that Wang Lizhi was a fool, but it was also true that all the glorious achievements he had achieved today were obtained by stealing. He was not confident, and he had a guilty conscience.

Lu Shijin took out two eggs and a bag of green vegetables from the refrigerator, and prepared a simple meal for dinner. He didn't want to make a table of good vegetables for nothing, Wang Lizhi.

"What do you think of you?" Lu Shijin said while busy in the kitchen, "You are a god-level writer who they hired to cooperate with a high salary. How much dividends will they earn if you sell an IP? They will only compliment you and please you, how could it be? It's embarrassing you because you dealt with a few employees who made mistakes? Isn't this self-defeating? You're just too careful, for fear of offending people, but you have to know that you are the one they can't afford to offend."

After listening to Lu Shijin's remarks, Wang Lizhi thought about it for a while, but he really made sense. Yes, he is a great **** and an idol in the online literary world. With so many fans behind him supporting him, why worry about a few mouths Broken tongued woman?

Wang Lizhi was blown away by Lu Shijin, and he also forgot the unpleasantness in the company just now. He can't live without Lu Shijin at this stage, so there is no need to make the relationship between the two stiff for such trivial matters.

"If they mock you again in the future, tell me in private and I will clean them up." Wang Lizhi went to the cooking table and offered to help, took a bowl to Lu Shijin, and said, "But don't let me down like today. It's on, do you know?"

Lu Shijin didn't bother to look at him, so he said "um" lightly and didn't let him get close to him, "You let me go, I'll fish out the noodles."

"I always feel that you are a little different today," Wang Lizhi thought that Lu Shijin was still dissatisfied with himself, and deliberately jokingly tried to ease the atmosphere, "You rarely speak so much at one time, and this afternoon in the company as well, I never saw each other. It really surprises me that you have such a big temper."

Lu Shijin groaned inwardly, this was unexpected, then I'm afraid you will continue to be surprised in the future, inspirational classmate.

"I just don't want to talk, it doesn't mean I can't talk," Lu Shijin turned his head and glanced at Wang Lizhi indifferently, "I just don't want to lose my temper, it doesn't mean I don't have a temper. Clay figurines have three points of anger, not to mention me A living person?"

Wang Lizhi touched his nose awkwardly, laughed twice, took the bowl in Lu Shijin's hand and brought it to the restaurant.

The two faced each other in silence across the table, and when the noodles were finished, Wang Lizhi suddenly said, "I shouldn't come back for dinner tomorrow night. You can go home after work."

"What's the matter?" Lu Shijin asked casually for the purpose of grasping Wang Lizhi's whereabouts.

Wang Lizhi said: "Tomorrow there is an author conference at Platinum, I will attend."

Lu Shijin put down his chopsticks and asked leisurely, "Then there should be a lot of famous authors?"

Wang Lizhi: "Well, Platinum is the leader in the industry. As long as the author can be named, he will be there."

The corner of Lu Shijin's mouth tickled lightly, and he didn't know if Wang Lizhi, who had little ink in his stomach, would feel embarrassed sitting among these people.

Oh, he thought about it too much. Of course, a despicable and shameless person like Wang Lizhi would not be ashamed.

However, at the author conference held by Platinum Culture, Jin Jingyao, as the president, will definitely appear?

Thinking of meeting his sweetheart, Lu Shijin unconsciously showed a knowing smile.

"Why are you laughing like that?" Wang Lizhi frowned, always feeling that today's Lu Shijin is full of weirdness.

In the past, Lu Shijin's expression was dull, and his whole person was very boring. He had never seen an angry and well-organized Lu Shijin like today.

"Why am I smiling? Are you blinded?" Lu Shijin raised his head, expressionless.

Wang Lizhi: "..."

"Since it's an author conference, can you take me there?" Lu Shijin asked.

"You're going?" Wang Lizhi said in surprise, "Don't you never like going to crowded places?"

Lu Shijin said lightly: "I'm also the author, so I'm inevitably curious about this kind of occasion where all the authors gather together, and I want to meet the world, can't I?"

"But..." Wang Lizhi hesitated to agree.

Since forcing Lu Shijin to be a shooter for him, Wang Lizhi has taken Lu Shijin's friendship circle seriously. Whoever Lu Shijin meets and chats with every day has to be meticulous about everything, for fear that Lu Shijin will tell them about them. other people.

Wang Lizhi is still sober, and knows who he is thanks to for what he has today, so he has never treated Lu Shijin badly when he makes money, and he is never stingy in what he should give.

So Lu Shijin also seems to have accepted to be a gunman for him. After so long, he has never mentioned this to anyone.

But on the day of the author conference, there were a lot of people. Wang Lizhi wanted to socialize, so he couldn't take care of Lu Shijin. Although he didn't think that Lu Shijin would talk nonsense, he still didn't worry about Lu Shijin's contact with other people out of prudence.

But before he could think of an excuse, Lu Shijin had already rushed in front of him and said, "Don't worry, I don't know anyone and I won't talk nonsense. If you're afraid, you can find someone to follow me."

Wang Lizhi was stunned when Lu Shijin saw through his mind, "I didn't mean that."

Lu Shijin smiled, "Then what do you mean?"

"You can go if you want," Wang Lizhi smiled with a guilty conscience, "I am also the author of the main promotion of platinum, so I can still get an invitation letter."

After getting the promise, Lu Shijin didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Wang Lizhi. He just picked up his bowl and took it to the kitchen to wash it, leaving Wang Lizhi dumbfounded at his bowl.

At night, the two slept in separate rooms.

Although the two had the status of boyfriends, they never had a relationship except for the night when they had **** after drinking.

In fact, Lu Shijin and Wang Lizhi are both good looking, and they are definitely an enviable pair in the **** circle.

In addition to taking advantage of Lu Shijin, Wang Lizhi actually likes him a bit. There is such a handsome boyfriend who can be a shooter for him. To be honest, it is hard to find a lantern.

So it's not that Wang Lizhi never thought of doing a fake show with Lu Shijin. On the one hand, it satisfies his own needs, and on the other hand, it makes it easier for him to better control Lu Shijin.

But I don't know what happened. After that night, no matter how seduced by Wang Lizhi, Lu Shijin was indifferent.

Once, Wang Lizhi was so mad that he pushed Lu Shijin directly, but no matter how hard he tried, Lu Shijin didn't respond as if he was asleep.

The person next to the pillow did not respond to him, which is a great shame for both men and women, so Wang Lizhi also gave up the idea of ​​going to bed with Lu Shijin to consolidate the relationship.

Before going to bed, Lu Shijin had to help Wang Lizhi's serialized new article to update it. In fact, how can it be said to be Wang Lizhi's article? Except for the pseudonym of the four characters "a vulgar pen", the title and punctuation of this article are all the same as those of Wang Lizhi. Wang Lizhi has nothing to do with half a dime.

"Host, do you know how to write novels?" 711 asked worriedly, "Do you need to use a gunner's card? You can summon any writers from ancient and modern China and abroad to possess you to write for you."

"No," Lu Shijin opened the word document and said confidently, "Isn't it just writing an online novel? What's the difficulty, don't forget, I used to be a reporter, and I wrote eight hundred press releases instead of one thousand. ."

711 Rainbow Fart offers: "It's great, great!"

However, the ideal is full, and the reality is cruel.

Lu Shijin sat in front of the computer for an hour, but he hadn't uttered 500 words yet.

"Damn, it's true in the world, I'm a dignified journalist who takes the documentary route and can't write fast food literature?" Lu Shijin threw the mouse away resignedly, "Convenience store, I gave up, give me a card to continue my life, hurry up, and then If I can't write it, it's too late to update it."

"Have you chosen who will be the shooter? Domestic or foreign? Gorky? Alexandre Dumas? Ba Jin? Lu Xun?" 711 asked.

Lu Shijin: "It's just an online novel. You don't need to hire such a big name. Just find a decent online article."

711 thought about it, and randomly chose an author for Lu Shijin to possess.

After the card took effect, Lu Shijin suddenly felt as if countless inspirations were pouring out of his mind, and the storyline flashed in his mind as if he had experienced it himself.

711: "How do you feel?"

"Wait," Lu Shijin held his head, "something is wrong, why do images that are not suitable for children keep popping up in my mind?"

711 glanced at the author's previous work information, "Oh, this turned out to be an author who wrote Little Yellow Mosquito."

Lu Shijin: "???"

The author has something to say:

What do you want to see in the future, let Jinjin write it for you!