Chapter 66: Cannon fodder gunner's counterattack

Lu Shijin hurriedly hurried and finally finished writing the update before zero o'clock.

The novel he wrote for Wang Lizhi is a typical male-french-style novel with a standard theme, a standard dark-style stallion and a big male protagonist. Will fall in love with the male protagonist, be crazy for him, and bang against the wall for him.

And Xu is because the author of this little yellow mosquito attached to Lu Shijin is too strong. In the process of writing updates, Lu Shijin can't control his hands on the keyboard and wants to write some colorful plots.

Thanks to the Harmony System 711 reminder, writing this way would probably be blocked by the website, so Lu Shijin barely suppressed the power of the flood in his body.

Until he finished writing the update for Wang Lizhi, Lu Shijin still didn't want to stop typing on the keyboard.

Thoughts are inherently free and should not be restrained, the more restrained they are, the more they will bounce back.

The author of this little yellow mosquito attached to Lu Shijin once wrote a little yellow mosquito that is famous for its fragrance, but because of the website's clean water policy, he has nowhere to use his skills, which leads to too much depression. the meaning of.

"Convenience store, you're a fool again, what author did you choose for me, your head is full of yellow waste!" Lu Shijin's hands were itchy, and the pictures in his mind were too exciting, causing him to feel a little hot.

711: "Oops, sorry, you asked me to choose whatever I want, and I'll just pick it. Who would have guessed that it would be someone who writes about Little Yellow Mosquito."

Lu Shijin: "Then you quickly replace me with another person. If this continues, I may die from excessive brain supplementation!"

711: "Once this card is used, the duration is 72 hours and cannot be changed."

Lu Shijin: "...Poor."

711 laughed dryly: "I think, would it be good for him to vent? If he wants to write, let him write it happily, maybe it will be better?"

Lu Shijin couldn't think of any other better way, so he could only try according to what 711 said, and a dead horse should be a living horse doctor.

But to write Little Yellow Mosquito, you have to have material, and you have to think about the structure of the story and the plot of the characters, which is very cumbersome.

Lu Shijin racked his brains for a long time, and suddenly had an idea. Isn't the story that happened to him the best material?

Which story between him and Huo Lian, Pei Yin, Xu Yifan and Jun Yu was not exciting enough? What else are you thinking of?

And you can write it down as a souvenir! Best of both worlds!

Write! Just write and write!

Lu Shijin's thoughts were like a spring, and he had the talent of being a writer of Little Yellow Mosquito. The keyboard crackled, and there were four thousand words in an hour without a pause!

After writing nearly 10,000 words in the last two hours, Lu Shijin felt that the enthusiasm of the author of Little Yellow Mosquito subsided a little, and finally stopped.

What Lu Shijin wrote were the stories he had with Huo Lian in the first world.

Since it is a small yellow mosquito, of course, there is only one purpose, then try to make color.

At the beginning of the 10,000-character, the two protagonists in it came twice with real swords and real guns. In addition, there were many ambiguous scenes, scenes and so on.

This has to be put in the past, and Lu Shijin would never have imagined that one day he would produce his own fan food.

After writing it, Lu Shijin read it from beginning to end, feeling both ashamed and unspeakable excitement.

Not to mention, although the author of Little Yellow Mosquito wrote Little Yellow Mosquito, the writing is really good. The description and description, the fragrant scenes are vivid on the paper, which makes people think.

Lu Shijin's blood boiled more and more as he looked at it, and the bits and pieces of the past poured in one after another. Just reading these words can make him recall the happiness that Huo Lian once brought him.

Lu Shijin stood up in front of the computer, rushed into the bathroom with a strange posture, turned the faucet to the side of all the cold water, and took a shower for a quarter of an hour before calming down the impulse.

No wonder the little yellow mosquito is banned, it's so fragrant, who the **** can stand it?

But is it wrong for adults to watch what adults should watch? That's right.

The author of Little Yellow Mosquito wrote the story of him and Huo Lian so well, doesn't he think that he has buried other people's talents too much?

Lele alone is not as good as everyone. Lu Shijin decided to upload the article he just wrote to a website that only adults can read, so that the talents of the author of Little Yellow Mosquito can be used.

Lu Shijin found the adult literature website. The registered author was about to publish an article, but he hesitated when he took a pseudonym, not knowing what to call it.

It was impossible for him to use Wang Lizhi's pen name, nor the original owner's pen name. After thinking about it for a while, he casually typed a homophonic "Jin Shi Lu" with his name reversed as the pen name to complete the registration.

Before the article is published, it is necessary to choose a book title. Lu Shijin is too lazy to think about any literary and artistic title. Combined with his own reality, he simply and rudely chooses "Affectionate Male Matching System (Doujin, and then divides 10,000 words into three chapters and posted them.

After doing all this, it was almost three o'clock in the morning, and Lu Shijin turned off the computer and went back to bed to rest.

The next day when I opened my eyes, my first thought was to turn on the computer and see how the article he posted last night went.

Unexpectedly, after only one night, dozens of readers have collected Lu Shijin's article, and there are more than a dozen comments praising the author for his good writing, please update.

Now most of the authors who write about the little yellow mosquito are generating electricity for love and cannot make money, so there are fewer and fewer authors willing to write about the little yellow mosquito to produce food, which suffocates the readers. I saw an article published by the little yellow mosquito. , just as happy as the discovery of a new continent.

Especially Lu Shijin's article is decent, readers will spontaneously help to publicize and support it. Before noon, Lu Shijin's article has hundreds of favorites, and the rally is getting faster and faster, and there are many more comments. .

【Is your wife a new writer? Very well written! Come on, my wife~ I will give my wife some flowers~]

【Too beautiful! Knock the bowl and more! Rolling all over the place for an update! 】

[Please ask the wife for the update time, I will stay in this pit and not go away, please don’t let my wife update it stably! 】

[Madam, is this a fanfiction? But I can't find the book "Affectionate Male Support System", I really want to read it, where can I read it? 】

[Want to see +1, cry for the beautiful love between Lu Lu and Uncle~]

【The wife is simply a treasure! The wife who likes to write fangirls the most! Has your wife considered writing about other fans? 】

[Wow too much food, I will always support my wife! The author has been favorited! Please update more! 】

After reading the comments of the readers one by one, Lu Shijin suddenly understood why Wang Lizhi became more and more floating.

After all, who doesn't like listening to rainbow farts, and who doesn't like being touted?

The readers were too enthusiastic, so Lu Shijin picked out a few comments to reply.

After writing the comments and refreshing the next page, Lu Shijin saw that the latest comments had a small icon in front of them, and when he looked at the comments again, it seemed that a reader was giving him a reward.

[Reader Nijingguang Zhai threw a deep-water torpedo at the author Jinshilu, and threw a torpedo to blow up the author, don't be lazy, go and code! 】

[Reader Rijing Guangzhai threw a deep-water torpedo to the author Jinshilu, the water depth of Peach Blossom Lake is thousands of feet, not as good as torpedo to send you love! 】

[Reader Nijingguang Zhai threw a deep-water torpedo to the author Jinshilu, a wonderful stroke of flowers, reward a deep-water torpedo! 】


This is called "Rijing Guangzhai", and the reader whose name sounds strange, is very generous. He directly dropped 10 deep-water torpedoes worth 1,000 yuan each in the article, and it was very cold. I didn't say it, like an emotionless mine-smashing machine.

You must know that the pseudonym Lu Shijin has just been registered, and the article has only been published for three chapters.

Lu Shijin judged that this reader named "Rijing Guangzhai" either really loves the little yellow mosquito, or is stupid and has a lot of money.

Lu Shijin originally just planned to post it casually to share and play. He never thought about whether he would continue to update it, nor did he expect readers to be so enthusiastic, and local tyrant readers gave him so many rewards.

Now he is embarrassed to cheat, so he has to bite the bullet and reply to the reader, "I won't cheat, but the update time is unstable, thank you for your support~"

With the assurance that Lu Shijin would not cheat on the text, the enthusiasm of the readers is getting higher and higher.

This is an adult reading website. Most of the readers are working parties with a certain economic foundation, and several readers have rewarded Lu Shijin to encourage him.

Lu Shijin never thought that he would become a little yellow mosquito author, or write a little yellow mosquito of his own colleagues. It is really impermanent.

So Lu Shijin began to write updates for Wang Lizhi as a gunman, while serializing Little Yellow Mosquito on his new vest "Jinshilu".

And he found that writing Little Yellow Mosquito not only made him feel good, but also gained the enthusiastic rainbow farts from readers, which made him a little happy.


On the day that Platinum Culture Group held the author conference, Wang Lizhi and Lu Shijin came to the scene together.

As the main coffee, Wang Lizhi had to speak on stage, and the seat was naturally arranged in the front row by the organizer.

And he couldn't take Lu Shijin with him, so he asked the staff to arrange Lu Shijin in the back seat to watch the ceremony, and repeatedly told him not to walk around.

Lu Shijin had no objection, and sat down obediently in a position where he couldn't see the faces on the rostrum.

The people sitting around him seemed to be some professional fans who came to support the scene. They were responsible for giving warm applause when the great writers spoke on the stage to avoid the cold scene.

In other words, except for Lu Shijin, the other people sitting next to him are not the author.

Lu Shijin looked around and sneered in his heart. Wang Lizhi's arrangements were really thorough. Even if he arranged for him to sit here, even if he wanted to find someone to chat with, he couldn't find it.

However, the purpose of his visit was not to find someone to chat with, but to meet the legendary young, handsome and outstanding platinum president, Jin Jingyao.

Soon the conference started, and as the host, the first person to speak was Jin Jingyao.

But Lu Shijin's position was too far back, there were so many people in front of him, no matter how hard he stretched his neck, he couldn't see exactly what Jin Jingyao looked like with his eyes wide open.

"This little brother, are you also a fan of Jin Jingyao?"

A passerby next to Lu Shijin asked curiously when she saw Lu Shijin's appearance.

"Ah? You said me?" Lu Shijin retracted his neck and pointed at himself.

The lady smiled and nodded.

"I'm not." Lu Shijin shook his head in denial.

The young lady asked suspiciously: "You are not his fan, so why are you excited about Jin Jingyao coming on stage? Oh, it's alright, you admit that no one will laugh at you, look at the people around you, most of the people sitting here are It's for Jin Jingyao."

Lu Shijin was a little speechless, and pointed in the direction of Jin Jingyao on the stage: "Isn't he a president? Why does the president have fans?"

The young lady burst out laughing, "No, you really don't know or pretend you don't?"

Lu Shijin felt that things were not simple, so he pretended to be humbly asking for advice, and politely asked the young lady for advice.

"I really don't know, Jin Jingyao is not an entertainer, why does the president of a company have fans?"

Seeing that Lu Shijin asked the question seriously, it didn't seem like she was pretending, so she enthusiastically explained the reason to him.

It turns out that Jin Jingyao is not only the president of Platinum Culture, but also a fandom boss.

Jin Jingyao has liked two-dimensional things since he was a child. Before taking over the platinum culture, he was a well-known coser in the fandom. Because of his outstanding appearance and the high quality of his cosplay, he was very popular among fans of the fandom.

After taking over Platinum Culture, apart from managing the company, Jin Jingyao has never let go of his career in the fandom.

Moreover, Platinum Culture is a comprehensive group integrating a reading platform, a literary IP cultivation platform, a film and television culture company, and digital media. Every operation project is closely related to the second dimension, which gives Jin Jingyao room to play.

Jin Jingyao has produced many cos works of popular dramas launched by Platinum Culture. Some of the works are even more popular than the actors who play the role in the film and television dramas adapted from novels.

Jin Jingyao's cos style is ever-changing, and there are even some women's cos works.

Jin Jingyao's fans have edited a lot of Jin Jingyao's CP videos with other people and put them on the video website. Jin Jingyao's fellow humanities are also emerging one after another. With the joint efforts of fans, the three words "Jin Jingyao" have become popular in the fandom.

All in all, Jin Jingyao is the "all-match male god" in the fandom. It can also be said that the president of Platinum Culture, if he doesn't want to be the president and makes his debut directly, his popularity will not lose to the first-line traffic.

"Well, these are all works by Jin Jingyao, aren't they beautiful in the prosperous world?" Miss Sister shared the photos in her mobile phone with Lu Shijin, with a rippling smile on her face, "Our male **** Jingyao is really excellent, and he can No one is more perfect than him when he is the CEO! So do you want to consider becoming a fan of Jin Jingyao? I will give you Amway, my male god! Let’s invest in Jin Jingyao together.

"Haha, haha..." Lu Shijin was a little dumbfounded by Miss Sister's sudden enthusiasm, but don't say, the photos in Miss Sister's hands are really **** exciting!

The person in the photo has a face with sharp edges and corners like a knife and axe, deep and three-dimensional facial features, perfect body proportions, a monkey waist, wide shoulders and long legs, just like the characters who came out of the anime, handsome and not like a real person.

Lu Shijin knew that general cosplay photos were refined. He didn't know how much Jin Jingyao's photos had been edited, but the skin was there, and the real person would definitely not be too bad.

Lu Shijin felt a little sour after listening to Miss Sister's introduction.

Come on, his husband is actually a heartthrob in this life?

But what he grieved was just a cannon fodder male supporting role who helped people become a gunman. The identities of the two were too different, right? !

Just thinking about it, after Jin Jingyao's speech, the hall suddenly burst into warm applause, especially the young lady next to Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin was worried that she would slap his hand off.

After Jin Jingyao spoke, Wang Lizhi came to power.

Unexpectedly, Wang Lizhi's popularity was also quite high, and the applause from everyone was very loud.

Seeing that Miss Sister was still applauding desperately, Lu Shijin asked her, "You applaud so hard, are you also his fan?"

"I'm a big book fan," the young lady stopped applauding and said with a smile, "Don't you know? Jin Jingyao's next cos work is about the characters in the big book. I also heard that Jin Jingyao still I invited Bi Da to make a cameo, and when the two male gods join forces, I'm really looking forward to it! And don't you think Bi Da is also handsome? I think he and Jin Jingyao stand very well together!"

Like a fart.

Lu Shijin spat in his heart, and he has made a plan. He will never let Wang Lizhi get close to Jin Jingyao and defile his husband.

Also out cos together, bah, I think it is beautiful!

Look, I don't put you in the book, let you be the main character!

The big writers finished their speeches one by one, and the author conference came to an end. Except for the main participants, everyone else left the venue.

In the evening, Platinum Culture also arranged a banquet at the hotel and invited all the famous writers who attended to the banquet. As a matter of course, Lu Shijin asked Wang Lizhi to take him with him.

Wang Lizhi went there for the purpose of connecting with Jin Jingyao. With Lu Shijin standing in the way, how could he approach Jin Jingyao?

"Aren't you very reluctant to participate in this kind of reception banquet?" Wang Lizhi coaxed him, "Actually, it's nothing fun, it's just a group of people bragging and flattering each other, you definitely won't like this kind of occasion, and you won't be happy when you go there, so you should go back first. Come home, I will go home immediately after I finish here."

"But I want to go," Lu Shijin said stubbornly, "I don't want to go home alone, the house is deserted and boring, you take me there, even if you put me in the corner to watch, I won't disturb you."

Wang Lizhi said whatever he wanted, Lu Shijin just refused to leave, so he couldn't help but lose his patience and asked in a suppressed anger, "What's wrong with you recently? I think you've suddenly become so strange. You used to hate dealing with people the most, so why do you have to deal with people today? I'm going, are you trying to spy on me?"

"Why do you think I'm trying to spy on you?" Lu Shijin asked back, "Is it a good thing that I would like to have more contact with the society? Why are you so objectionable to me participating in the society and not letting me go with you? Or are you really sorry? my business?"

Wang Lizhi's eyes changed when he looked at Lu Shijin. He used to be as dumb as a gourd with a saw mouth. Today, oh no, it should be said that in the past two days, he suddenly became sharper.

After some questioning, he was left speechless.

Wang Lizhi was helpless, who told him that he couldn't tear his face with Lu Shijin, so he could only put aside the plan to hook up with Jin Jingyao for the time being.

It's just that he was very unwilling to waste such a good opportunity in vain. It seems that he has to step up and get rid of the burden of Lu Shijin.

Wang Lizhi rushed to the landing and said angrily: "It's alright, if you want to follow, then follow, but you should keep your eyes open and see what I will do to make you sorry!"

The dinner began, and the guests began to enter.

Wang Lizhi is the newly signed great author of Platinum Culture. He sits at the main table with a group of executives, and between the cups and cups, those executives compliment Wang Lizhi endlessly, which makes his face bloom with smiles.

Lu Shijin was sitting in a remote corner, watching the situation on the main table with a cold eye.

I don't know if these executives who were born in famous schools and have a master's degree or above, if they know that they are flattering and flattering, they are just a technical secondary school student who only cheats without learning and skills, will they regret it.

The banquet had started for half an hour, and Jin Jingyao was long in coming.

He was wearing a dark blue haute couture suit with a hand-cut suit on him, which perfectly showed the advantages of a man's figure, but also appeared to be full of energy and good manners.

As soon as Jin Jingyao came in, he was the focus of the audience. Even the writers who were accustomed to being touted by readers, and some arrogant writers, could not help but look at this perfect male **** with envy or admiration.

After Jin Jingyao came in, he only politely greeted the guests at the first few tables, and then sat down on the main table, and his seat happened to be next to Wang Lizhi.

Lu Shijin's seat was in the farthest corner, and Jin Jingyao didn't even look at him.

Lu Shijin watched silently, jealousy in his heart raging, although he knew that Jin Jingyao's personality was like this, and it had nothing to do with his husband, but he still wanted to knock Jin Jingyao out and take him away now, so that he would not want to be seen by others.

Especially that **** Wang Lizhi!

Jin Jingyao is the official match of Wang Lizhi in the original plot, and Jin Jingyao is bound to the ancient scum attack system. As the name suggests, the most critical part of the task is to scum Wang Lizhi, so it is inevitable to play with Wang Lizhi.

Wang Lizhi sat next to Jin Jingyao, not knowing what Jin Jingyao said to him, Wang Lizhi smiled so much that the corners of his mouth almost reached the base of his ears, and the lines on his forehead could catch flies!

Smile, laugh happily while you can laugh now, Lu Shijin's teeth are itchy, there will be times when you cry in the future.

Jin Jingyao and Wang Lizhi have been eyeing each other all night, and Lu Shijin has been just a lemon all night.

Finally, when the banquet was over and the table was almost gone, Wang Lizhi reluctantly stood up and said goodbye to Jin Jingyao.

Lu Shijin saw the opportunity and walked over, pretending to ignore Jin Jingyao, and urging Wang Lizhi in a low voice: "Let's go, it's already very late, if you don't go home, it's too late to update."

Jin Jingyao glanced at Lu Shijin and asked Wang Lizhi with interest, "Who is this?"

Before Wang Lizhi could speak, he was robbed by Lu Shijin: "I'm his boyfriend."

Hearing this, Jin Jingyao raised his eyebrows slightly, and tugged the corners of his mouth without a trace, looking at Wang Lizhi as if asking for proof.

When Lu Shijin met, Wang Lizhi couldn't deny it, so he could only nod his head in embarrassment.

"You have a good eye for picking up a boyfriend, and you are a good match." Jin Jingyao stood up and politely extended his hand to Lu Shijin, "Hello, I'm Jin Jingyao, what's your name?"

"Lu Shijin."

Lu Shijin stretched out his hand and shook it with him. He originally planned to take his hand back just because he wanted to. He didn't expect Jin Jingyao to hold his hand tightly and scratched it in his palm, full of teasing. It cannot be unintentional.

Lu Shijin raised his head in surprise and met Jin Jingyao's deep and interesting gaze, which was not the way to look at a stranger.

If you haven't gotten involved with Wang Lizhi, you will be a scum first?

The author has something to say:

Little Yellow Mosquito and cos circle boss, there are too many materials to write, hehehe