Chapter 68: Cannon fodder gunner's counterattack

The location for the shoot was a hotel, and when we got there, the photographer, make-up artist and prop artist were already there on call.

This time, the role of Jin Jingyao's cos is a character in Wang Lizhi's previous Xianxia cultivation novel that was also popular.

Since it is a novel of Xianxia Cultivation, the background is of course ancient, the characters are also dressed in ancient costumes, and they have to wear hair caps, so it is really troublesome to put on makeup.

The role of Jin Jingyao's cos is Gu Chaoxing, a handsome man who likes to wear red clothes.

Gu Chaoxing was originally from a prestigious family, devoted himself to the Tao, and was a man of chivalry. Later, he was set up to collude with the demon world by accident. Since then, he has not been tolerated by the righteous way. It also made him see the hypocrisy of these self-proclaimed and controversial people of the righteous way.

Since it was said that he colluded with the devil world, he simply went from the Tao to the devil, and justified the hats that those people gave him.

It proves that even if he falls into the devil and never becomes an immortal, he can step on their heads, which is a height they can never reach.

Meiqiang's miserable character has brought Gu Chaoxing's villain a lot of popularity. The limelight once overshadowed the novel's male protagonist. There have long been fans of the book who have been leaving messages to Jin Jingyao on Weibo, asking Jin to make a set of Gu Chaoxing's cos. Photo, Jin Jingyao has not responded before.

It was not until Wang Lizhi signed a platinum contract that Jin Jingyao announced that Gu Chaoxing would be included in the plan.

Today, Jin Jingyao's cosplay has two costumes, one is Gu Chaoxing before becoming a demon, a handsome fairy with immortal awe, and the other is Gu Chaoxing after becoming a demon, and the evil and charming devil with white hair and red clothes.

Wang Lizhi's guest appearance is of course the male protagonist, a book-wearer with golden fingers, the classic ordinary X-silk counterattack of an adult winner in life. No surprise.

Jin Jingyao and Wang Lizhi went to the room to put on makeup. Lu Shijin stood there and looked like a lot of work, so he sat on the sofa in the living room outside and watched TV.

Wang Lizhi was just a cameo, with simple makeup and hair, and it didn't take long before he finished his makeup and changed his clothes and came out.

From the way he strutted and chin up, he knew that he was quite satisfied with his look today.

Wang Lizhi walked to Lu Shijin with fluttering clothes and turned around to show off, "Brother Lu, do you look good?"

Lu Shijin looked away from the TV and glanced at Wang Lizhi.

Wang Lizhi has a good foundation, and with the skillful hands of makeup artists and stylists, Wang Lizhi has been transformed into a handsome young man in ancient costumes in Tsing Yi and black hair tied at the top.

It's just that no matter how similar the appearance is, there are some things that exist in the bones that can't be pretended.

Wang Lizhi was born in the market, and he has no self-discipline. He does not show the noble temperament of the ancient noble son, but looks like a second-generation ancestor who is ignorant and incompetent.

Lu Shijin pulled the corners of his mouth perfunctorily and nodded, "Good-looking."

After speaking, he turned his attention to the TV screen. He would rather watch the animal world than Wang Lizhi, who looks like a dog.

Wang Lizhi is feeling good about himself, of course it doesn't matter to Lu Shijin's attitude, he is narcissistic in front of the mirror.

After about half an hour, Jin Jingyao finally finished putting on his makeup and walked out of the dressing room.

As soon as Jin Jingyao came out, Wang Lizhi and Lu Shijin's eyes focused on him at the same time.

The white clothes are elegant, the face is like a crown of jade, the ink is like a waterfall, and the gestures are full of immortal energy. Isn't this a clear and bright immortal who came out of the book and doesn't eat the fireworks of the world? !

Wang Lizhi's eyes were straightened, and he unabashedly exuded infatuation, which was set off by his current dress, just like a **** attracted by the beauty of beauty.

Although Wang Lizhi's cosplay is the protagonist, in front of Jin Jingyao, he has no momentum and is turned to ashes in seconds.

Lu Shijin looked at Jin Jingyao with appreciation of course, but he was much more reserved, but he would not like to stick his eyes on Jin Jingyao like Wang Lizhi.

This is his man, with clothes and no clothes, what kind of surprise he has never seen before.

But it is true that he has never seen a handsome man in ancient costume. When he saw Jin Jingyao wearing this suit, his heart skipped a beat. .

However, Lu Shijin pretended to be indifferent, just glanced at Jin Jingyao lightly, and returned his gaze calmly with a smile of approval.

Jin Jingyao was a little surprised when he didn't see the same astonishing look in Lu Shijin's eyes, but he just narrowed his eyebrows slightly, and then he joked with others as usual.

"President, you really deserve to be a giant in the cos circle, this outfit is so handsome that it bursts!" Wang Lizhi's eyes lingered on Jin Jingyao, he hurriedly offered rainbow farts, and his Adam's apple rolled obviously.

Jin Jingyao smiled slightly and said gently, "Thank you, Gu Chaoxing's temperament was filthy before he entered the devil. I was worried that I would not be able to control this character well. Now that I can get the praise of the original author, I can rest assured."

When Wang Lizhi heard Jin Jingyao's words, he threw his sleeves and smiled smugly: "Where are you, President, you are very handsome, Gu Chaoxing is just a villain, it is his honor to be cosplayed by you!"

Wang Lizhi, this straw bag, forgot everything when he saw Jin Jingyao's fat.

To compliment Jin Jingyao by stepping on the character in his book, only a person like Wang Lizhi can do it.

But yes, after all, it's not a character he created by himself, and he won't take it seriously, so naturally he doesn't feel anything wrong with devaluing it.

When Jin Jingyao heard Wang Lizhi's words, he looked down and was slightly unhappy.

"Looking at the big pen, you seem to dislike Gu Chaoxing, the villain?" Jin Jingyao asked.

Wang Lizhi was stunned for a moment, and murmured, "No."

Jin Jingyao smiled relievedly, straightened his clothes, and asked in a chatty manner: "When the fans urged me to go out as Gu Chaoxing's cosplay, I went to read your novel, how did you feel about Gu Chaoxing, a double-sided character full of tragic and contradictory characters? I am very interested in the design, can you tell me about it?"

"Ah? This..." Wang Lizhi was at a loss for words, the novel was not written by him from beginning to end, what can he think of Gu Chaoxing, let alone any creative process, he hesitated for a while before saying, "This is , This book was written very early, how did Gu and Gu Chaoxing set up at that time, I, I have forgotten."

Lu Shijin didn't turn his eyes on the TV. After hearing Wang Lizhi's explanation, he curled his lips in disdain.

"Really?" Jin Jingyao glanced at Wang Lizhi with a half-smile but didn't ask aggressively, "That's really a pity."

After chatting for a while, the photographer came over to indicate that the equipment and debugging were ready, and the shooting could start.

"Then let's do the solo part first. I just sat with makeup on for too long and my body was stiff, so I moved around." Jin Jingyao suggested.

Naturally, Wang Lizhi had no objection. He followed the photographer into the shooting room, and only Lu Shijin and Jin Jingyao were left in the living room.

"Mr. Lu won't follow up to have a look?" Jin Jingyao walked to Lu Shijin's side and asked with a smile.

Lu Shijin shook his head and refused, "No, I can't help, so I won't go in and cause trouble for the staff."

Jin Jingyao sat down beside him, "What are you looking at? Animal World?"

"Well," Lu Shijin said calmly, "this issue is about African lions."

Jin Jingyao watched with Lu Shijin with great interest, "Is the lion entering estrus?"

"Yeah, didn't you see the courtship?" Lu Shijin pointed to the screen, and suddenly realized that something was wrong, "Hey, these two seem to be male lions?"

Jin Jingyao couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect that there are males who are interested in males in the animal world? Doesn't it mean that lions have a strong sense of territory? There can only be one male lion in a territory, but looking at the lingering energy of these two lions, it seems that they are very affectionate. what."

Lu Shijin also smiled, "The world is full of wonders, and it's not surprising to encounter one or two **** lions occasionally."

"I heard that Mr. Lu is working in Bi Da's studio now?" Jin Jingyao's topic changed, "I don't know what you usually do?"

Lu Shijin: "Responsible for sorting and proofreading documents."

"Isn't that overkill?" Jin Jingyao pulled out the fan from nowhere, and fanned it casually, "Doing these simple tasks will only bury your talent."

"Oh? How did Mr. Jin know that I am talented?" Lu Shijin turned his face and looked at Jin Jingyao with a smile, "You look down on me too much. I am an idler, what kind of talent can I have."

Jin Jingyao shook his fan, "Don't belittle yourself. Most of the people who work in writing are arrogant and arrogant. If Mr. Lu can be admired by a big pen, you must have something special about you."

Lu Shijin: "Then can't he be blind?"

"Even if he's blind," Jin Jingyao put the fan in his hand and patted it twice, raising his eyebrows, "but I'm not blind, I can see that Mr. Lu is talented, and he's definitely not someone who is willing to live under others, right? ?"

After going around for a long time, he finally got to the point. Lu Shijin didn't go around in circles with him, and said bluntly, "Even if I don't want to be under someone else, so what, that person crushed me to death, and I still have a chance to turn over?"

"Why not?" Jin Jingyao tapped Lu Shijin's thigh with the handle of the fan, and said in a low voice, "If you find the right backer, you will be right around the corner as soon as you turn around. It depends on whether Mr. Lu has the ambition to fight for himself."

"Then ask Mr. Jin to teach me, who am I going to look for as a backer?" Lu Shijin leaned back on the sofa, squinting at Jin Jingyao casually with the pillows in his hands, "and even if I go to him, I am an uneasy little transparent, Why does he help me?"

"Mr. Lu's worry is also justified," Jin Jingyao said with a smile, "now is a society of interests, and no one will do things that are not beneficial. Whether it is reliable or not depends on how much chips Mr. Lu has in his own hands, see if you can Let it go."

"What if you can get out?" Lu Shijin asked calmly.

Jin Jingyao's hand reached through the collar of his clothes, took out a card that seemed to be a hotel room card, held the card between his two fingers, and slowly put it into the pocket of Lu Shijin's shirt on his chest.

His movements were deliberately slow, and the bottom edge of the card was separated by a thin shirt, sliding down tightly against the skin on his chest, and even accidentally scratched on Lu Shijin's extremely sensitive spot, provoking him His body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Lu Shijin raised his head suddenly, just to meet Jin Jingyao's dark ink pupils, the man seemed very satisfied to see Lu Shijin's reaction, the corners of his mouth twitched, his eyes flashed with a playful light, and then he released his fingers and mercifully moved the room. The card was put into Lu Shijin's pocket.

Come on, you dare to be a hooligan in broad daylight, it's very promising!

"If you can spare it," Jin Jingyao said slowly, "maybe when you have time, go to this place and have a good chat."

Lu Shijin said without a smile: "Which serious person would go to a hotel to open a room to talk about things?"

Jin Jingyao held the handle of the fan and buckled his chin twice, "Yes, that must be a serious person." He tilted his head and smiled brightly at Lu Shijin, his eyebrows with cos makeup were vivid, looking forward to his appearance, "Then Do you still dare to go?"

Lu Shijin also smiled at him, pretending to be mysterious: "Guess what?"

"I've finished filming, the president is here." Wang Lizhi came out of the filming room and accidentally saw the two people sitting on the sofa looking at each other and laughing, revealing an ambiguous atmosphere, and he began to respond in his heart, but Without showing it on his face, he said quietly, "What are you talking about? Are you so happy?"

"We're talking about lions," Jin Jingyao turned his head and pointed at the screen, before saying lightly, "two male lions mating, do you think it's funny?"

Wang Lizhi laughed dryly, "Is that so? It's the first time I've heard of it. Oh, by the way, President, come in quickly, the photographer is ready."

Jin Jingyao didn't say anything. He stood up and walked slowly to the photography room. Wang Lizhi sat down where Jin Jingyao had just sat, and said coldly, "Brother Lu, are you familiar with Jin Jingyao?"

"I don't know, this is the second time we meet, what's wrong?" Lu Shijin pretended to be confused.

Wang Lizhi stared at Lu Shijin's face for a long time, but Lu Shijin looked calm, not like there was a ghost in his heart, so Wang Lizhi dispelled his doubts a little.

Wang Lizhi said sourly: "But why do I think he is very unusual to you?"

"Not ordinary? What's not ordinary?" Lu Shijin chuckled, "I was confused by what you said."

"When did he have your contact information?" Wang Lizhi asked.

Lu Shijin: "I'm already a platinum employee. He's a CEO. What's the difficulty in finding out the contact information of his subordinates?"

Wang Lizhi still insisted: "But the two of you only met once before and didn't say a few words, so why did he call you over today?"

"You make it clear that he didn't call me here to accompany you?" Lu Shijin said impatiently, "He's trying to please you, not me. We were just casually joking, don't we have to be the two of us? Sitting here like an enemy and ignoring no one, are you satisfied? What the **** are you suspicious of?"

Wang Lizhi frowned and thought for a while. What Lu Shijin said did make sense. Is it really like what Lu Shijin said, Jin Jingyao did all this to please him?

Thinking of this, Wang Lizhi began to feel good about himself again. Thinking about it too, Lu Shijin was just a foil beside him. He was the one who was shining brightly and attracting attention.

If Jin Jingyao doesn't please who else will he please? It seemed that he thought too much.

"Brother Lu, don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting you, I'm just..." Wang Lizhi moved his **** to get closer to Lu Shijin, and apologized to Lu Shijin in a soft tone, "I'm not afraid that Jin Jingyao has ulterior motives for you, I care about you too much. Now, I'm worried that you will be taken away, so that's why..."

"Okay, don't talk about it," Lu Shijin was afraid that he would vomit disgustingly if he listened again, and interrupted Wang Lizhi, "It's a little boring here, I'll go out to get some breath."

Lu Shijin went out of the room, and when he went to a place where no one was around, he took out the key card from his shirt pocket. It was the hotel where they were today. Looking at the room number, it seemed that the room was on the 23rd floor.

Lu Shijin took the elevator to the 23rd floor, found his room, swiped his room card and walked in.

It's a luxurious business suite, but now there is no one else except Lu Shijin.

The words Jin Jingyao said just now hinted that he wanted Lu Shijin to betray Wang Lizhi.

Lu Shijin is not surprised, because Jin Jingyao also has a system, so it is not surprising to know the original plot in advance, and to know what kind of scum Wang Lizhi is inside.

Since the two have the same goals, there is no need to beat around the bush.

How about the protagonist, what about the protagonist's halo, their husbands join forces, are they afraid that they will not be able to deal with a rotten person like Wang Lizhi?

There is no need to pick that day to be free. Jin Jingyao has been teasing him again and again. If he doesn't respond, what if Jin Jingyao thinks he is a serious person and turns away?

Lu Shijin simply went straight into the bedroom, lay down on the bed, and waited for Jin Jingyao to come over.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Lu Shijin fell asleep. He heard the phone ringing dimly, and it was Wang Lizhi who called.

"Brother Lu, it's time to go back, where are you?"

Lu Shijin: "Oh, I have something to do. I'll go home later."

Wang Lizhi: "What's the matter? You didn't tell me anything."

Lu Shijin: "Family matters, it doesn't matter."

Wang Lizhi: "Okay, then I'll go back first, be careful yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Shijin knew that the shooting downstairs was over, so he sent a message to Jin Jingyao, telling Jin Jingyao that he was waiting for him on the 23rd floor of the hotel.

Jin Jingyao didn't reply, Lu Shijin thought he didn't look at his phone so he didn't notice.

Just when I was thinking about whether to make a phone call, there was a sound of the door opening.

Lu Shijin was agitated, and quickly got up from the bed, hurriedly spread out the quilt and pillow, and then walked out.

Walking out of the bedroom door, Jin Jingyao just came in, Lu Shijin was stunned in place after seeing Jin Jingyao's appearance.

Jin Jingyao didn't change his cos clothes, he walked in in red clothes like fire, his waist-length white hair was tied behind his head by a hosta, and a belt around his waist was wrapped around the man's narrow waist, showing both a thin waist and a beautiful appearance. The legs appear long, highlighting his perfectly proportioned figure.

Jin Jingyao was not surprised to see Lu Shijin, his eyes looking at Lu Shijin were deep and evil, his red lips lightly parted, and teased: "What's wrong? I can't move my eyes when I see it? I didn't see you looking right downstairs just now. Look me in the eye."

Nonsense, the Gu Chaoxing who just pretended to be a gentleman like a jade, but now Gu Chaoxing is pretending to be an evil, charming and maddened Demon Venerable, can it be the same?

Lu Shijin slandered, and sure enough, he still doesn't like the style of a gentleman like Qianqian, this kind of coquettish **** seems to be energetic.

"Have you seen the message I sent you?" Lu Shijin asked, "Why don't you reply."

Jin Jingyao smiled and said, "I saw your message saying that you have arrived at the room. I'm afraid you will be in a hurry. I didn't even change my clothes, and I hurried over after removing my makeup. Where do I have time to reply?"

Lu Shijin: "..."

Jin Jingyao unbuttoned his belt as he walked in, "I thought you would have to think about it for a few days before contacting me, but I didn't expect you to turn around and come here. It seems that Mr. Lu wants to understand what I said."

Lu Shijin watched Jin Jingyao undress without hesitation in front of him, his throat suddenly became dry, he cleared his throat with a cough, and then he recovered his voice.

"What Mr. Jin said to me today gave me a lot of inspiration." Lu Shijin said straight to the point, "I don't want to be submissive to others, can you help me?"

"Of course I want to help you, otherwise why do you think I let you come here?"

Jin Jingyao looked back and hooked his lips at him. He had already taken off his outer robe. Inside was a white broad robe. Without the restraint of the belt, the neckline opened directly to his waist, revealing the strong muscles inside.

With this face and this body, as long as he wanted to, with Gogo fingers, countless men and women would willingly crawl under his feet, just to get his favor.

"What does Mr. Jin want me to do?" Lu Shijin asked.

Jin Jingyao sat down in front of the dressing table, began to remove the makeup on his face, and said lightly: "The pen name can be changed, the style can be changed, but the style of writing that is the author's personal characteristics can't be changed. Wang Lizhi's first This novel is quite different from what he wrote later, but it is very similar to your previous pseudonym, so those of his books were not written by him, the real author is you, right?"

Lu Shijin said frankly, "Yes."

Jin Jingyao smiled, "Although I don't know why you are a shooter for him, I understand that no author is willing to waste his efforts on others, so please cooperate with me."

Lu Shijin: "How do you want to cooperate?"

Jin Jingyao said with a smile: "We will expose Wang Lizhi's true face together."

Lu Shijin also smiled, not eager to agree, but to find a way to set Jin Jingyao's words.

"But why do you do this? He is your newly signed author. If his true identity is revealed, your company will suffer huge losses."

"If you say I'm here to help you for the sake of justice, don't say you don't believe it, even I don't believe it." Jin Jingyao smiled lightly, "But the truth is this, I can't stand Wang Lizhi's actions, sympathy What happened to you, how about I help you replace Wang Lizhi?"

Lu Shijin understood what Jin Jingyao meant. He wanted to replace the protagonist in this world, so that he could kick Wang Lizhi away. As another protagonist, he didn't need to have a relationship with the despicable villain.

Lu Shijin put his arms around his chest and stood behind Jin Jingyao, curled his lips slightly, and said, "There is no free lunch in the world, Mr. Jin helped me like this, but I can't do anything for Mr. Jin, and I'm afraid this unequal partnership cannot be maintained either. long."

"Why can't you do anything for me?" Jin Jingyao didn't look back, looked at Lu Shijin in the mirror, his eyes lifted up, and his smile deepened, "Didn't you just take my order for custom texts?"

"What?" Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment. After realizing what was going on, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and asked incredulously, "That cat-loving cat ear! Is that you?! I rely on you? You actually made a little yellow mosquito for yourself?!"

Jin Jingyao stood up, lacquer eyes grabbed Lu Shijin, "Not only do you want to customize, but also want to find someone to play, who do you think is suitable?"