Chapter 69: Cannon fodder gunner's counterattack

Lu Shijin instinctively felt that there was something strange in Jin Jingyao's words.

He has changed his pen name, even if Jin Jingyao happened to see the little yellow mosquito he wrote, but how did Jin Jingyao know that he was the author of the little yellow mosquito?

Is it difficult?

Lu Shijin thought of a possibility, and quickly secretly asked 711 for verification.

"Convenience store, he has recovered his memory? Know who I am?" Lu Shijin was a little excited.

711: "Impossible, no matter how unstable 211 is, it's impossible to do something as simple as erasing the host's memory, and if Jin Jingyao has memories, he should have contacted you long ago, why do you pretend you don't know each other? ?"

Lu Shijin thought that what 711 said was reasonable, and decided to first test what happened to Jin Jingyao.

"Do you know who I am?" Lu Shijin asked hesitantly.

Jin Jingyao seemed to think his question was funny, pursed his lips and smiled: "Could it be that Mr. Lu has been a shooter for so long that he even forgot who he was?"

"In addition to being Wang Lizhi's gunman, what else?" Lu Shijin asked with gritted teeth.

Jin Jingyao looked at him and blinked twice, probably because he couldn't figure out why Lu Shijin's attitude suddenly became abnormal, he frowned and hesitated.

"Aren't you still the author of "Affectionate Male Support System (Doujin?"

Lu Shijin's heart began to beat wildly, and he asked in a hurried tone, "How did you know?"

"So you mean this," Jin Jingyao smiled lightly, "It's very simple, just check the author's ip address, your ip address is exactly the same as Wang Lizhi's, but the article can't be written by Wang Lizhi, so it's very Obviously, the author can only be you."

Lu Shijin: "..." It turned out to be like this, oh, I was almost happy for nothing.

Jin Jingyao looked at Lu Shijin in a daze, and explained, "I said just now that the subject matter of the pseudonym can be changed, but the style of writing is the brand of the author. As long as you are familiar with the author's style of writing, you can tell at a glance who wrote it. I have seen you give Wang All the novels written by inspirational ghostwriters, so after seeing the fanfiction you published, I recognized your style of writing, and your pseudonym 'Jin Shilu', read in reverse, is 'Lu Shijin', so I guessed that it was you who treated me It's not difficult to say."

"Then you... still asked me to customize the little yellow mosquito?" Lu Shijin sat on the bed behind him, "What kind of special hobby is this?"

"It's just for fun," Jin Jingyao took off his wig, rubbed his hair, and said nonchalantly, "I've been in the fandom circle for so long, and I've always seen other people write about my fans, BG-oriented, BL-oriented, and There are three-dimensional stars and two-dimensional characters, but most of them can’t satisfy me, so it’s better for me to customize a fandom for myself, exactly according to my requirements, isn’t it good?”

Lu Shijin never thought that this would be the reason, but the current Jin Jingyao is not the Jin Jingyao who was addicted to the second dimension in the past. I am afraid that his curiosity is the main reason.

Lu Shijin suddenly thought of a key point, "Then what you said just now, do you want someone to act with you?"

"I have this plan. I have read your outline. It is very interesting. I think if you produce a set of cosplay photos of a private house, it will be very meaningful to collect. But I have not decided who will play the other protagonist," Jin Jingyao opened the middle door, Walking in front of Lu Shijin, looking down at him, he asked with a smile, "As the original author, do you have any good advice?"

"...You take my fanfiction and take a cosplay photo?" Lu Shijin felt blood rushing to his forehead, and his eyes widened in disbelief, "You know, this is a little yellow mosquito! Do you still want to shoot that kind of film? Can't it?"

Jin Jingyao burst out laughing, and seemed to find Lu Shijin's serious attitude amusing.

"It's just taking cos photos, and you don't need real swords and guns. This is art, please don't look at it with **** eyes."

Lu Shijin laughed angrily. He didn't know that the person he knew was so artistic.

Doing H color is said to be playing art. The dog man not only wants to scum Wang Lizhi, but also wants to green him!

The man is reliable, the sow will go up to the tree!

Very good, can play, then let it go more than anyone else.

Lu Shijin crossed his legs and moved forward. The dark suit pants wrapped his perfectly shaped thighs, making them straight and long.

"You're right, this is art, and art has no distinction between high and low," he stretched his legs directly to Jin Jingyao's feet, and asked with a smile, "I can help Mr. Jin for reference, but I don't know about Mr. Jin. Do you have a choice in mind?"

"Don't worry," Jin Jingyao glanced down at Lu Shijin's long legs, his eyes flashed with admiration, then raised his eyes and said with a smile, "Wait until you write the article first, and then it won't be too late. Now The most urgent task is to set up Wang Lizhi first."

Lu Shijin said deliberately, "Actually, with your position of power, Mr. President, it is not easy to become a small writer. Why do you take so much trouble?"

The corner of Jin Jingyao's mouth tickled lightly, "It's like a game of cat and mouse, after the cat catches the mouse, it will not kill the mouse immediately, but will play with the mouse until the mouse is frightened and exhausted, and then bites to death again, That's interesting."

"Alas, cats are so cruel, and mice are so pitiful." Lu Shijin sighed in a pretentious manner.

Jin Jingyao bent down, his eyes were level with Lu Shijin, and Lu Shijin's appearance was reflected in his ink eyes, and he asked softly, "Then do you want to be a mouse or a cat?"

"I don't want to do it at all." Lu Shijin approached him, their nose tip to nose tip, their breaths intertwined, Lu Shijin's voice was faint, "If a good person doesn't do it, why do you want to be a cat and a mouse? cat people."

Jin Jingyao stared at Lu Shijin's eyes silently for a few seconds, then straightened his waist to distance himself from him, clapped his hands and laughed and said, "That's right! Yes, if you are a beast, you must be a cat teaser!"

"If Mr. Jin has nothing else to do, then I'll go back first." Lu Shijin stood up and was about to leave. When Jin Jingyao heard that he was leaving, his expression was a little regretful, "So soon? Are you leaving after chatting for a while?"

Lu Shijin said lightly: "I've been waiting for a long time. I'm afraid that Wang Lizhi will be suspicious. He looks at me closely."

Jin Jingyao seemed a little reluctant, "I'll send you out."

"No need," Lu Shijin looked at Jin Jingyao from the beginning to the end, "If you look like you are disheveled, if you are seen outside, you would think that you and I did something in the room."

"Are you afraid of being misunderstood by others, or of being misunderstood by Wang Lizhi?" Although Lu Shijin refused him to send him away, Jin Jingyao still followed behind him and asked.

Lu Shijin turned his head, tilted his head, winked and smiled, "I'm afraid that I will misunderstand-misunderstand that Mr. Jin, you mean that to me."

Jin Jingyao laughed, neither admitting nor denying it.

The man's smile made Lu Shijin's teeth itch. He didn't think Jin Jingyao's ambiguous attitude towards him was because of love at first sight.

So Jin Jingyao teased him from the first time they met, there is only one reason - that is really scum!

Lu Shijin opened the door calmly and walked out. He could feel Jin Jingyao's burning gaze falling on his back, but Lu Shijin didn't look back.

Dealing with a scumbag is to make him get what he wants, so that he can keep interested in you all the time.

After Jin Jingyao and Wang Lizhi finished the cosplay together, Jin Jingyao began to invite Wang Lizhi to have dinner often, and he usually took special care of Wang Lizhi at work.

Jin Jingyao's special treatment made Wang Lizhi think "he seems to be interested in me", and he was overjoyed.

When he returned home to face Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin's dull and boring face also made him more and more annoyed, and he wanted to get rid of Lu Shijin in his dreams.

Fortunately, the novel that Lu Shijin is writing is about to come to an end. Wang Lizhi plans to wait until the end of the novel, when Lu Shijin completely loses its use value, and then showdown with Lu Shijin. The big deal is to pay a huge hush fee to make Lu Shijin keep his mouth shut forever.

Wang Lizhi is confident that Lu Shijin will not turn his back on himself. This is the money that Lu Shijin can't make from writing broken novels in his whole life, not a fool.

Of course, Lu Shijin knew what Wang Lizhi's idea was, and he also knew why Jin Jingyao frequently showed his favor to Wang Lizhi.

Stepping into the quagmire of a person who was already in a quagmire would not seem to make much difference to others.

But if you lift a person to the cloud first, and then let him fall into the quagmire, it will make him more painful than killing that person.

It took Lu Shijin two weeks to finish the draft of Jin Jingyao's customized article. After sending it, Jin Jingyao only replied the word "not bad" and didn't say anything more.

A day later, the cos photo of Jin Jingyao and Wang Lizhi's collaboration was also posted on the Internet, arousing heated discussions among Wang Lizhi's book fans and Jin Jingyao's fans.

Most of the comments praised that Jin Jingyao played both sides of Gu Chaoxing perfectly, and some commented that Wang Lizhi and Jin Jingyao had a sense of CP.

Although the photos sent out were all refined, Wang Lizhi was still bleak in front of Jin Jingyao.

Lu Shijin is very suspicious of those comments saying that the two people have a sense of CP. Wang Lizhi is looking for the navy to brag, trying to hold himself as high as Jin Jingyao.

But even if Wang Lizhi is a bright pearl, but Jin Jingyao is the scorching sun and bright moon in the sky, no matter how bright the pearl is, how can it compete with the sun and the moon?

Less than five minutes after the cos photo was sent, Wang Lizhi forwarded the comment and liked the train, and also interacted with @jinjingyao, but Jin Jingyao just replied politely and did not express more closeness.

Unexpectedly, Jin Jingyao actually promoted the customized text that Lu Shijin wrote to him.

Because it is a small yellow mosquito, it cannot be released all. Jin Jingyao just intercepted a few fragrant but not astringent clips and released them, indicating that the author is @金世路大, and blew Lu Shijin's trumpet vest to the sky.

The attraction of the little yellow mosquito is much more than the cos photo.

Immediately, all the fans' attention was focused on the fanfiction. Where did they remember any cos photos, they followed the clues and found the works column of Jinshilu, and they shifted their positions to read the masterpieces of Jinshilu.

Jin Jingyao's riotous operation made Wang Lizhi's lungs explode with anger, but of course Wang Lizhi would not pour his anger on Jin Jingyao. superior.

"Where did this pheasant author come from in this world?" Wang Lizhi slapped the sofa angrily while swiping Weibo. "Where did Jin Jingyao find something that wrote a little yellow mosquito and couldn't get on the stage?"

Lu Shijin watched Wang Lizhi jump, and sneered secretly, sorry, the author of this pheasant is your father and me.

Wang Lizhi kept complaining: "Jin Jingyao still asked him to write custom essays? Is there something wrong with his vision? I can write it too, why doesn't he come to me?!"

Lu Shijin ignored Wang Lizhi's complaint, and went into his room to leave Wang Lizhi complaining in the living room alone.

He turned on the computer, logged on to the website, and found that there were hundreds of comments under his article, and the collection was also growing rapidly, all from Jin Jingyao's side.

There are also a lot of private messages in the background. After knowing that the author accepted the custom fancier, many people asked Lu Shijin whether he was still accepting orders.

Among them, the private messages of several people caught Lu Shijin's attention.

A person claimed to be an actor, graduated from a major, and was the first in the department when he was in school.

But after graduation, he saw that other classmates were becoming popular one after another, but he was the only one who was still tepid after nearly ten years of acting.

Ten years after his debut, he can only play an unimportant supporting role in film and television dramas, and the best role he has taken over is only the second male lead.

He said in a private message that he dreamed of being the number one male, and he became an instant hit.

But he knows that he is not too young, and new people in the entertainment industry are coming out in large numbers. It is almost an extravagant hope for him to be popular at his age.

So he hoped that Lu Shijin could help him write a fanfiction, and let him be the first male lead in the fanfiction once and become popular once, which would also be considered a fulfillment of his acting dream over the years.

Another person is a businessman.

He said that he has been in business for decades and has worked hard to earn a large business. He has a gentle and virtuous wife and a pair of lovely children.

He made money without forgetting to give back to the society, and he never failed in charity and public welfare. He used to be a well-known charitable entrepreneur in their local area.

It should be a happy family situation, but he didn't want to lose his family business and owe a lot of wages to the workers because he trusted his partner by mistake.

In order not to let the creditors disturb his family, he could only reluctantly divorce his wife, separate from his favorite wife and children, and leave to work in a foreign land for a living.

He has never forgotten the debts he owes, and has successively repaid the money he earned from working over the years to the workers.

But the amount of debt he owes is huge, and he doesn't know how long he will have to live like this, nor how long he can last.

He doesn't understand why he has been a good person and a good deed all his life, but why there is no good reward, so he wants to find Lu Shijin to customize a fanart, and wants to have a good ending in the book.

At the end of the message, the businessman carefully asked how much it would cost to customize a fanfiction. If the price was very expensive, he might not be able to afford it. It was considered that he disturbed the author, and the tone made people feel very sad.

The last person is just an ordinary full-time housewife.

She said in a private letter that she used to be a high-level white-collar worker. She had delayed falling in love because of her career struggles, and finally became an older leftover girl and was urged to marry by her family.

Later, I met a blind date, and after a brief understanding, the two got married.

Getting married in a hurry is followed by endless troubles and torture.

She was found to be pregnant soon after the marriage, and her husband's family forced her to quit her high-paying job in order to give her peace of mind to raise her baby.

During the pregnancy, her husband and in-law's family treated her well, but when the child was born and found out that it was a baby girl, the faces of her husband and in-law's family changed.

When the child was born, no one helped her, so she could only take care of it herself and gave up looking for a job again.

Without income, she has no status at home. Her husband never helps her to take care of her children.

She wanted to divorce countless times, but her family persuaded her to endure for the sake of her children, saying that she had no job and had a child at her age, and that no one would want her after leaving her current husband.

Recently, she found out that her husband was having an affair. Under the dispute, her husband domestically abused her.

In such a desperate day, she had countless thoughts of jumping downstairs with her child.

She said she felt like she was going to die, and if time could come back, she would rather die alone than marry hastily.

She hopes that the author can help her write a fanfiction, correct her mistakes at that key choice point, and make her regrets go away.

After reading these private messages, Lu Shijin felt a lot.

Everyone's life is not perfect, and many people's lives are full of misfortune and setbacks, and for some people, living is the greatest pain for them.

There is no chance of life being repeated, but in the novel, they can take solace by imagining that they live another life.

The story of these three people is just a microcosm of the various forms of sentient beings who are struggling with life.

Efforts are not recognized, good people are not rewarded, and the status of women is unequal. It has never been an isolated case.

On the other hand, Wang Inspirational, ignorant and ignorant, relying on cheating and cheating to enjoy the pursuit of millions of people, how can this kind of garbage become a winner in life?

Is there really no justice in the world?

Lu Shijin sneered, it's not that it's unfair, it's just that he didn't meet me.

Lu Shijin returned messages to the three people and took orders for their customized texts. The prices were different accordingly. Although the actors were not popular, they still earned a lot, so they were more expensive than bankrupt businessmen and full-time women.

The three of them just wanted to find a place to tell their stories to vent their emotions, and didn't have much hope that Lu Shijin would take their orders. After receiving the reply, they were all grateful to Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin asked for their basic information, and then asked 711 to investigate these people.

After the 711 investigation, the situation was generally similar to what they had described, and Lu Shijin began to make arrangements.

His plan is to change the fate of these people while helping them write fanfiction. He can also take the opportunity to heat up the vest of "The Road of the World".

First of all, starting with the actor, Lu Shijin found out that the actor's name is Zhang Hao. He has good appearance and acting skills, works hard as a person, and has a good reputation among his peers.

Judging from the resume, since his debut, he has participated in twenty or thirty TV series and movies, ranging from dragon roles with only one or two lines to the male No. 2 who does not have a lot of dramas. His acting skills are obviously online, but he is very popular. not get up.

Some people have worked hard all their lives, but have been mediocre all their lives. It is not that they are not good, but that they lack an opportunity.

Zhang Hao is not without the potential of fire, he is one less Bole.

Lu Shijin didn't know anyone in the entertainment industry, so he couldn't find a Bole in the entertainment industry for Zhang Hao to discover his potential.

It suddenly occurred to me that although Jin Jingyao is in the mixed circle, as the president of a cultural company, he should always know people in the entertainment circle, right?

Lu Shijin thought for a while, the only one he knew who might be able to help was Jin Jingyao, so he planned to find Jin Jingyao.

Having said that, since the last time we met him at the hotel, the two have never seen each other again, and Jin Jingyao has never contacted him again.

Lu Shijin was drumming in his heart, wouldn't he find someone, but Jin Jingyao didn't want to see him?

Lu Shijin grinded his teeth, hehe, he dares!

Lu Shijin sent a message to Jin Jingyao, expressing his desire to meet.

After sending the message, he fidgeted with his phone for ten minutes, and finally got a reply from Jin Jingyao.

Jin Jingyao said yes, but it was still about the same room in the hotel where we met last time.

Lu Shijin made a random excuse to hide Wang Lizhi, and secretly went to meet Jin Jingyao.

He didn't understand why every time Jin Jingyao asked him out, he always made an appointment in the hotel, not to talk about things, but to open a room.

If he really opened a room, he would recognize it, but he didn't, which made him go up and down every time, and he was not happy.

When Lu Shijin arrived at the hotel, he first went to the front desk to explain his intention, but Jin Jingyao seemed to have explained the front desk first, and the lady at the front desk directly gave him a room card.

When the door was opened, Jin Jingyao was already sitting inside.

Today, he was dressed in a business suit, shirt and tie. He took off his suit jacket and hung it on the sofa. The navy blue shirt clearly outlined the man's plump muscles, which seemed abstinent but was actually sexy.

"Why did you think of meeting me?" Jin Jingyao put down the magazine in his hand and looked at Lu Shijin with a smile.

Lu Shijin looked around the room, confirmed that there was no third person, and said straight to the point: "I want to ask you for help."

"What's the matter?" Jin Jingyao asked.

Lu Shijin said coldly: "Didn't you say last time that you wanted to help me replace Wang Lizhi? Did you forget what you said if you haven't contacted me for so long?"

Jin Jingyao smiled: "Of course I didn't forget it. There is a reason for not contacting you. During this time, I have often been with Wang Lizhi. If I look for you again, I'm afraid he will find out."

"Wang Lizhi is convinced that you are interested in him," Lu Shijin sneered, "I am thinking about how to get rid of me."

"So why did you come to me this time?" Jin Jingyao picked up the kettle on the coffee table and poured a glass of water for Lu Shijin, "Shouldn't you just come to me to be jealous?"

Lu Shijin smiled instead of anger, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where did you see that I was jealous?"

Jin Jingyao pulled his lips, not arguing with him: "Okay, let's get down to business."

"I have a plan to completely trample Wang Lizhi under his feet," Lu Shijin said. "Even if Wang Lizhi beats him down, no one will believe him."

Jin Jingyao blinked his eyes to express curiosity: "Please speak."

Lu Shijin briefly explained the plan once, and after Jin Jingyao heard it, he raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

"You mean," Jin Jingyao loosened his tie, "you want to write a custom article for other people, and then make the plot in the article real, change the fate of these people and deify yourself at the same time?"

Lu Shijin: "Yes."

Jin Jingyao picked up the cup and took a sip of water, "It's interesting. What about me?"

Lu Shijin was inexplicable, "What's wrong with you?"

Jin Jingyao slowly unbuttoned his collar, his **** Adam's apple rolled up and down, Zhan Mou looked at Lu Shijin playfully, and said word by word, "I also want to play real."