Chapter 70: Cannon fodder gunner's counterattack

The dog man is exuding his charm again, oh no, he is playing up his scumbag essence again, and is flirting.

Although Jin Jingyao is bound to the scum attack system, he may just do this to complete the task.

But when Lu Shi saw him interpret the word "slag" vividly and vividly, his mood was somewhat subtle.

Could it be that this person is really a scumbag? It feels like a true character, right?

Lu Shijin calmed down, raised his head to meet Jin Jingyao's eyes, and said without a smile, "Do you want to play for real? It seems a bit difficult."

"What's wrong?" Jin Jingyao frowned slightly, expressing grievance.

"Other people's dreams are serious dreams that conform to core values, but yours," Lu Shijin touched his chin with one hand, "Cat ears, binding, ntr, high altitude...whatever, I'm afraid it's not very harmonious, right?"

Jin Jingyao smiled half-heartedly: "These are all written by you, do you feel disharmony now? Don't you think it's funny that these words are spoken from the mouth of one of your authors who wrote about yellow mosquitoes? Everyone else can dream come true, to I can't do it here, I think the author is obviously eccentric."

Dog man, has you been wronged!

"It's unreasonable for the president to say that," Lu Shijin took a sip of water and said calmly, "I can think of a way to make other people's dreams come true. Where can I find someone to make your dreams come true?"

"There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there are people who are willing to think about it, there will always be a way. And at the beginning of the script, the routine is not often that the person with the same name and surname as the character enters the book?" Jin Jingyao blinked, " Do you think that I will one day enter into the fanfiction you wrote for me?"

Lu Shijin pulled his lips perfunctorily, "I'm afraid the president is too addicted to the second dimension. How could such a trivial thing happen in the real world."

"Why is it impossible? There are many things in this world that scientists can't explain clearly. Maybe one day, if you travel through time and space, you will be able to come back to life." Jin Jingyao suddenly approached Lu Shijin and said in a low voice, "Oh yes, I also I heard that there are two kinds of people who are the easiest to wear the script, one is the person with the same name and surname as the character, and the other seems to be the author who wrote the script? Mr. Lu, are you afraid?"

Lu Shijin was indifferent to Jin Jingyao's sudden approach, and asked, "What are you afraid of?"

Jin Jingyao lowered his eyes, his eyes lingered from Lu Shijin's plump earlobes to his fair neck, and said quietly, "Put into the fanfiction you wrote for me, and then..."

He didn't say anything about the rest, just clicked on it, giving Lu Shijin room to imagine.

Lu Shijin's indifferent expression finally changed, he turned his head not to be outdone and brought his face closer to Jin Jingyao, and let out a light breath, "After so many detours, it turns out that you liked me and wanted me to accompany you through the book. '?"

"Mr. Lu is really a smart person," Jin Jingyao's eyes moved to Lu Shijin's plump lips, his tongue pressed against his cheek, "a smart person should understand a truth, ask others, and don't pay a price, how can others help for no reason? you?"

The man's eyes showed an undisguised interest in Lu Shijin. He leaned his upper body sideways and tied his tie loosely to the unbuttoned shirt. As long as Lu Shijin looked down, he could see under the man's shirt. sexy.

Lu Shijin turned a blind eye to the male hormones emanating from the man's body, and said reservedly, "I thought we were in a cooperative relationship."

Lu Shijin's calmness aroused Jin Jingyao's desire to conquer. He said, "I remember you said that an equal partnership can last for a long time, but I don't think we are equal."

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows: "Didn't I write a custom text for you?"

Jin Jingyao whispered: "I gave the money, and the money and the goods are gone."

"So you're waiting for me here?" Lu Shijin smiled, twisting his neck and moving his lower joints, "Tell me, what do you want?"

Jin Jingyao smiled lightly: "There is another kind of cooperative relationship that can last a long time, do you want to know?"

Lu Shijin didn't listen to him continue to sell off, "You mean, support relationship?"

Jin Jingyao said with a "tsk", "It's easy to talk to a smart person, and it's on point. I can't help you to bring down Wang Lizhi, right? This is the best way to maintain our relationship that I can think of. Good way."

Lu Shijin turned his body on his side, bent his elbows on the back of the sofa, and looked at Jin Jingyao with a smile on his head.

"Wang Lizhi is 0, you should know, so I am 1."

Jin Jingyao also looked at him in the same way as Lu Shijin looked, and confidently curled his lips, "It's a coincidence, so do I."

Lu Shijin: "What should we do then?"

Jin Jingyao frowned, pretending to be distressed, "How about... Bibi's size? Who is older and who will speak?"

Dog man, there's no end to the show.

"That's not necessary," Lu Shijin lowered his eyes and glanced at the man's suit pants. "With the conditions of the president, I won't suffer if you are 0."

Jin Jingyao: "So, promise?"

"Who else did you take care of before?" Lu Shijin didn't answer the question.

"I haven't tried it before," Jin Jingyao moved his elbow to Lu Shijin's side, "You are the first."

Lu Shijin didn't buy it, and asked, "Will there be a second or third?"

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Jin Jingyao paused, Lu Shijin nodded, then he continued with a slight smile, "I can't guarantee it, but whether there will be a second or third, it depends on the performance of the first one. …”

Before he finished speaking, Lu Shijin suddenly reached out and grabbed Jin Jingyao's tie, pulled him towards him, then tilted his head and bit the man's lips.

Jin Jingyao's heart skipped a beat, and when he reacted, his eyes darkened, he closed his eyes and clasped the back of Lu Shijin's head to deepen the kiss.

In the quiet room, there was only the heavy breathing of the two and the faint sound of water, and the kiss ended after a long time.

"Are you satisfied with your performance?" Although his lips parted, Lu Shijin didn't loosen Jin Jingyao's tie, hooking the hem of the tie and wrapping it around his fingers.

"Just like that?" Jin Jingyao licked the corners of his mouth, still unsure, "I'm afraid I can't be completely satisfied."

Lu Shijin put one leg on the sofa, rubbed his knees forward against the man intentionally or unintentionally, and asked lazily, "Do you want something more exciting?" you lock you? 】

Jin Jingyao's heart jumped, and the light in his eyes was all too familiar to Lu Shi.

Jin Jingyao didn't say a word, grabbed Lu Shijin's back waist, raised his butt, and wanted to press him on the sofa, but Lu Shijin blocked the two of them with his knees, preventing Jin Jingyao from leaning over.

"What's the hurry? It was just a deposit just now," Lu Shijin loosened Jin Jingyao's tie and smiled leisurely, "Help me settle Zhang Hao's matter first, and then pay the balance."

Jin Jingyao sat back and crossed Erlang's legs, "What if you default on your debt?"

"How could that be?" Lu Shijin wiped his lips with his thumb. "For someone like the president, I earn money for prostituting for free. How could I default on my debt?"

When Jin Jingyao heard that he was very happy, he put a palm on Lu Shijin's thigh and squeezed, "Then I'll be waiting for you."


Jin Jingyao really said what he said. Lu Shijin had just finished writing the fanfiction of the businessman and the full-time housewife, and Jin Jingyao had already arranged everything according to the plot in the novel.

Starting with the businessman, Lu Shijin did not arrange a happy life for him from the very beginning, as the businessman deceived himself and demanded.

Lu Shijin arranged in the novel that after the businessman went bankrupt, he inadvertently helped an old man who was the chairman of a multinational company.

The chairman learned what happened to the businessman, and was very sympathetic to the businessman's experience. He recruited the businessman to his company. After a period of investigation, he determined that the businessman was a worthy talent, and entrusted him with an important task.

In the end, the businessman was more and more used, and he took the position of an executive. He finally paid off his debts, remarried his wife, and returned to normal life.

Jin Jingyao secretly inspected the businessman's behavior. Although his talents may not be the best, he is more down-to-earth and hardworking. Even though he went bankrupt and carried a whole body of debt, he did not feel depressed because of it.

So he went to ask an executive of a multinational group who was a family friend of the Jin family, and told him about the businessman. I asked him to test the character of the businessman first, as it was written in the novel. A businessman is assigned a position in the group.

Things went so smoothly that the businessman never dreamed that the things in the novel would one day come true.

The businessman sent a long private letter to Lu Shijin to thank him, saying that if he hadn’t seen the novel written by Lu Shijin giving him a glimmer of hope, he might not be able to hold on long ago. He said that Lu Shijin was the savior of his family. Yes, you must give him a chance to repay Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin simply replied to him, telling the businessman that he did not give up his attitude towards life, so fate would not give up on him.

Then there is the full-time housewife. Lu Shijin learned about the housewife's family. As she said, her husband's family is not a thing.

The in-laws are bitter and mean, and they want a grandson to inherit the family. When they see their daughter-in-law giving birth to a daughter, they change their face. When the granddaughter is just six months old, she urges her son to have a second child.

The housewife's husband is a mother-in-law, and naturally, he only obeys his parents.

But the housewife had no one to help take care of a child, and she was already devastated, and she could see the face of her husband's family. Of course, she refused to reproduce, and spread the family tragedy to another child.

So, the parents-in-law began to push their son to go out to find a woman to give birth to a grandson for their family, relying on the daughter-in-law to bring a daughter, and without a job, she could not leave their house, so she was so confident.

Lu Shijin wrote in a fanfiction for the housewife that the housewife decided to divorce her husband in order to give her daughter a healthy growth environment.

Her husband's family scoffed at her decision, not believing that she would dare to leave their house.

The housewife tried to send her resume to the industry company she used to work in. She had no expectation that someone would hire her, a single mother with a child, but she soon received a reply from the HR of a leading company in the industry, inviting her to participate in the interview.

The housewife frankly explained her situation to the interviewer during the interview. Because she still has to take care of her daughter, she cannot work overtime often. If the company cannot accept that she cannot be hired, she can fully understand.

Unexpectedly, after listening to the interviewer, he admired her courage and honesty, and was very satisfied with her previous work experience. He sent her an offer on the spot and told her that before the child was young, she could not leave her mother. You can come home from get off work an hour earlier to take care of the children.

Financially independent, the housewife has the confidence to divorce her husband. She resolutely divorced her husband and started a new life despite the opposition of her parents.

Changing the fate of a housewife is actually similar to that of a businessman. Jin Jingyao came forward to find a relationship and arranged a job for the housewife.

Of course, the housewife, like the previous businessman, is grateful to Lu Shijin. Lu Shijin encouraged her to work hard and not be pessimistic about her relationship because of a previous failed marriage.

Older leftover women or single mothers should not be discriminated against. Women must respect themselves, maintain financial independence, and keep their eyes open. I believe that in the future, they will find someone who loves her and loves her.

After the businessman and the housewife are settled, the rest is how to make actor Zhang Hao popular.

After half a month, Jin Jingyao told Lu Shijin that he knew a big-name director and he was looking for actors for a big-budget movie.

The director had set a hotel for casting, and he had passed the news to Zhang Hao's agent in advance, and Zhang Hao should be there for the audition.

Jin Jingyao has already greeted the director in advance. If Zhang Hao passes the audition, although it is impossible to directly arrange the male lead for Zhang Hao, it is already the dream of many actors to be the second male lead in such a big director and production. Good thing.

On the day of Zhang Hao's audition, Jin Jingyao asked Lu Shijin to meet at the hotel where the crew was located. Anyway, Zhang Hao didn't know them, so they could see how Zhang Hao's acting skills were.

Lu Shijin went, but what surprised Jin Jingyao was that Lu Shijin came with Wang Lizhi.

"President, why are you here too?" Wang Lizhi saw Jin Jingyao's sports car at the entrance of the hotel. He was not sure at first, but when he entered the lobby and saw Jin Jingyao himself, he was pleasantly surprised, "It's a coincidence, you came here because Is there a problem?"

Jin Jingyao glanced at Lu Shijin, who was watching a good show while holding back a smile behind Wang Lizhi, and smiled reluctantly at Wang Lizhi: "Director Zhang is casting here, I'll take a look."

"I also came to find Director Zhang," Wang Lizhi raised his chin and couldn't wait to show off, "Director Zhang liked a novel of mine and wanted to make it into a movie, so he made an appointment to talk about the script."

Jin Jingyao nodded perfunctorily, "It's really a coincidence, then let's go upstairs, the audition should have already started."

As soon as Wang Lizhi saw Jin Jingyao, he forgot Lu Shijin and kept talking around Jin Jingyao. For a while, he boasted about his novels and got a big lead. A bunch of actors robbed their heads for the role of his work, and then said that he wanted to personally Investing as a director to make his own works, ask Jin Jingyao if it is feasible.

It bothers Jin Jingyao so much that he can't wait to knock Wang Lizhi unconscious with a hammer to make him shut up.

When the crew interviewed and met the director, Wang Lizhi finally turned his attention away from Jin Jingyao.

While Wang Lizhi was not paying attention, Jin Jingyao turned his head and exchanged a helpless look with Lu Shijin. Lu Shijin sneered silently, thinking that you deserve it.

The director was interviewing for actors, so the three of them just said hello and sat aside to wait.

Finally, it was Zhang Hao's turn to interview, and a tall and thin young man with fair skin walked in from outside.

The facial features are not the most outstanding in the entertainment circle where beautiful and handsome guys gather, but after watching it for a long time, it is very attractive, which makes people feel comfortable and has some audience relationship.

For the first time interviewing such a big-name director, Zhang Hao was a little nervous. He only saw the director and didn't notice anyone else.

After he introduced himself, the director let him start acting.

Zhang Hao is nervous, but after so many years of acting, his basic skills are solid, and he has a good grasp of the characters' emotions.

After the performance, although the director did not show special satisfaction on his face, there was indeed nothing wrong with him.

"Zhang Hao should have no problem taking this role."

After watching Zhang Hao's performance, Jin Jingyao said in a low voice, he originally said it to Lu Shijin, but Wang Lizhi thought that Jin Jingyao was talking to himself, and when he heard Jin Jingyao's exaggeration, his heart suddenly became sour.

"I don't think so. The acting is just like that. In Director Zhang's play, the second male lead must at least be an A-list star. I have never seen this actor before. How could Director Zhang use an 18-line actor?"

Jin Jingyao smiled lightly, "A lot of the superstars were just runners before they became popular. The 18th line may not always be the 18th line. If they can meet Bole, the 18th line will turn into the top class, and there are many such things. ."

Wang Lizhi listened to Jin Jingyao speaking for a young actor, he couldn't help but criticize Zhang Hao, who had no injustice and no hatred, and sarcastically said: "It also depends on whether he has this fate, there are times in life and there is no time in life. Force. But I don't think Director Zhang is very satisfied with Zhang Hao. I think he may not have this fate. "

"That's right," Jin Jingyao turned his head and glanced at Wang Lizhi with a half-smile, "It's rare to see a chance to meet a weathered dragon like a pen."

Wang Lizhi couldn't hear the irony that Jin Jingyao was saying, and smiled proudly: "It's a coincidence that I too, but readers like it, it's just a treat."

"Excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom." Jin Jingyao was too lazy to talk nonsense with Wang Lizhi, and stood up to leave.

Before leaving, he gave Lu Shijin a wink. Lu Shijin understood what he meant, but his face remained silent.

As soon as Jin Jingyao left, Wang Lizhi felt bored, yawned and said, "Fortunately, Brother Lu, you accompany me here, otherwise it would be too boring to just sit here."

Lu Shijin said deliberately: "Look at this, it won't be better in two or three hours, or talk to the director, let's come again next time."

"That's not possible. You know how big Director Zhang is. If my novel can be turned into a movie by him, my value will definitely increase. In the future, other IPs can be sold more expensively." Wang Lizhi whispered, "So, the director of the world is the biggest, if only I could be the director."

"I'm going to smoke a cigarette outside." Lu Shijin didn't want to anymore, he just made an excuse to get away.

Wang Lizhi whispered: "Why do you have to leave, come back soon after smoking, I'm bored sitting here alone."

Lu Shijin and Jin Jingyao both left, only Wang Lizhi did not dare to leave. He was afraid that if the director could not find him, he would leave a bad impression on the director.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Shijin and Jin Jingyao were given the opportunity to get along alone.

Lu Shijin walked slowly to the bathroom at the end of the corridor, probed in and glanced, but didn't hear any sound inside, thought no one was going to turn around, and was suddenly pushed in from behind.

Just hearing the door slammed shut, Lu Shijin was pushed behind the door before he could stand firm.

There is no one else except Jin Jingyao who dares to be so courageous, so Lu Shijin is not panicked, his expression is very calm.

"Why is he here?" Jin Jingyao frowned impatiently, and said with disgust, "It's in the way."

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Shijin asked with a smile.

Jin Jingyao raised his chin and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "What do you think? I've worked hard for you to finish things, isn't it time for you to pay off your debts?"

Lu Shijin sneered coldly, and guessed that you were not at ease.

Jin Jingyao rubbed Lu Shijin's chin, the smooth skin touch made him very infatuated, and said in a hoarse voice, "The room upstairs is already open, you can think of a way to get rid of him."

"When we come together, we naturally have to go back together." Lu Shijin said solemnly.

Jin Jingyao chuckled lightly, and quietly put a hand behind Lu Shijin's waist, lingering on it threateningly.

"It seems that you really don't plan to accept the account? Or, are you playing a hard-to-get game with me?"

Lu Shijin's desire to hang Jin Jingyao's appetite was seen through by him, and he said generously: "There is a saying that it is too easy to get, but you don't know how to cherish it. What if you get tired of playing with me one day and throw it aside?"

Jin Jingyao smiled evilly: "Then you have to play to know if you are tired of playing, right?"

Listen, is this what people say? What a dog man says can be made into a scumbag quote!

Lu Shijin raised his lips: "Okay, how do you want to play?"

Jin Jingyao looked around the bathroom, "There's no one here, why not...?"

Before he could finish speaking, the door behind him was knocked twice.

Wang Lizhi's voice came in, "Why is the door of the bathroom closed? Is there anyone inside? President, are you inside?"

"Damn, why did he come here?" Jin Jingyao, who was interrupted, cursed in a low voice. He had no choice but to send Wang Lizhi away first, but he couldn't let Wang Lizhi see the two of them together, so he looked at him. He motioned Lu Shijin to hide in the compartment, so that he could open the door to deal with Wang Lizhi.

But Lu Shijin didn't move after accepting his eyes. Instead, he got close to Jin Jingyao and whispered in his ear, "Isn't it meant to be exciting? Isn't it exciting enough now?"

Jin Jingyao understood what Lu Shijin meant, his Adam's apple rolled, and his heart was struggling.

If he did as Lu Shijin said, in case Wang Lizhi found out, his mission would not be completed.

But he was so moved by what Lu Shijin said, separated by a door, flirting at the risk of being discovered, and playing with his heartbeat, but it was so **** exciting.

Lu Shijin's hand had already slid over the man's metal belt buckle, and he began to untie it flexibly. He stared at Jin Jingyao without blinking, biting his lower lip, his expression full of provocation, as if he was silently asking him "" dare".

Scumbag Quotations 1: When peony flowers die, it is also romantic to be a ghost.

Jin Jingyao was so tickled by Lu Shijin that his mind became hot, and X worm got on his head, and directly dragged Lu Shijin into the compartment together.

He quickly locked the door, then pressed Lu Shijin against the wall and kissed it hard.

Regardless of whether it is a task or not, Jin Jingyao decided that even if Wang Lizhi came in and demolished the door, he would have to clean up the annoying little goblin Lu Shijin first!

The author has something to say:

You are scumbags, you are scumbags, more scumbags than anyone else!