Chapter 71: Cannon fodder gunner's counterattack

Wang Lizhi knocked on the door of the bathroom for a long time outside, but there was no response from inside. What's even more strange is that the door was locked from the inside. No matter what Wang Lizhi thought, it was strange.

But with his IQ, it is impossible to think that Jin Jingyao, who he wanted to hook up with, is now in a fiery affair with his boyfriend Lu Shijin.

He hesitated at the door for a while, realizing that although the bathroom door could not be opened, it was none of his business, so he no longer struggled with how to open it.

Jin Jingyao and Lu Shijin both went out, he sat alone inside and didn't know anyone, and no one cared about him, he was utterly bored.

I waited left and right and waited for the two to come back, so I came out to find someone.

Wang Lizhi thought about it and decided to call Jin Jingyao first to ask where others were.

The phone was dialed, and it was connected, but Wang Lizhi waited until the prompt tone became blind, and did not wait for Jin Jingyao to answer the phone.

At the same time, in the toilet cubicle, Lu Shijin was turned over by Jin Jingyao against the wall, and his slacks were loose and fell to his knees.

On the other hand, Jin Jingyao was neatly dressed, except that the zipper was opened, and there was not even a single fold in his clothes.

But this is just a bathroom after all, and things between men and men are far more troublesome than between men and women.

There was nothing at hand that could help Run Hua, even though Jin Jingyao had reached the limit of his endurance, he didn't dare to mess around.

Lu Shijin was strictly asked by the man behind him to keep his legs together like standing in a military posture, and also asked him to put his hands on the wall to support his body not to lean forward.

Lu Shijin cooperated and did what he asked, because his back was to Jin Jingyao, so he couldn't see the expression on the man's face.

But from the rough breath in his ear, he could tell that Jin Jingyao was already addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself.

"Your phone is vibrating, someone is calling you."

Compared to Jin Jingyao's confusion, Lu Shijin was much calmer, and even reminded him kindly after hearing the vibrating sound of the phone in Jin Jingyao's trouser pocket.

"Don't care about him." Jin Jingyao pinched Lu Shijin's waist, realizing that the goblin hadn't been brought into the whirlpool of love at all, the man's dignity was greatly affected, and he said forcefully.

Lu Shijin squinted at him, "What if it's something important?"

Anything important can be more important than what is happening now.

Jin Jingyao patted Lu Shijin's lower back heavily, punishing him for not concentrating.

"Could it be that Wang Lizhi couldn't find you and called?" Lu Shijin tilted his head and wondered to himself.

Jin Jingyao was so angry that he directly bit Lu Shijin's earlobe, and warned in a deep voice, "Can you concentrate more?"

Lu Shijin chuckled lightly and said, "It's cool that you're not me. I already cooperate with you. Do you want me to pretend to be intoxicated to be satisfied?"

Jin Jingyao knew that he was right, and he didn't make more demands on Lu Shijin. It was business to put out the fire on him first.

After a minute, Jin Jingyao's phone stopped vibrating, presumably Wang Lizhi gave up looking for Jin Jingyao.

But there was no movement in Jin Jingyao's trouser pocket, but the phone in Lu Shijin's pocket suddenly vibrated.

Lu Shijin had a hunch that Wang Lizhi was calling. He supported the wall with one hand, took out one hand, took out his mobile phone, and looked down. It was indeed Wang Lizhi's call.

"Answer the phone." Jin Jingyao glanced at the phone and commanded in a low voice.

"You don't pick it up yourself, why do you want me to pick it up?" Lu Shijin turned his head and gave him a funny look.

Jin Jingyao moved up, his movements were full of threats, "Will you take it?"

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, okay, just pick it up.

"Hello?" Lu Shijin answered the phone and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Brother Lu, where did you go to smoke, why haven't you come back now?" Wang Lizhi asked.

"I'm here—" Lu Shijin just said two words, and the tail tone went up uncontrollably with the small gestures that the man behind him stretched out to the hand in front of him. Damn, that's what the dog man came up with!

Wang Lizhi heard the change in Lu Shijin's tone and asked suspiciously, "Where are you?"

Lu Shijin gritted his teeth and tried to ignore Jin Jingyao's prank, "I think the hotel is boring, so I went to the mall."

Wang Lizhi said vigilantly: "Walking to the mall? Then why is it so quiet over there?"

"Sir, do you need to buy a bottle of perfume for your girlfriend?" Jin Jingyao suddenly spoke in a shrill voice disguised as a female voice, lest the world be in chaos.

Lu Shijin glared back at the childish ghost, "No need, thank you, thank you!"

"I need it!" Wang Lizhi thought that he heard the voice of the counter lady in the shopping mall, so he dispelled his doubts, and hurriedly said on the other end of the phone, "It happens that my perfume is about to run out. Brother Lu, please buy a bottle for me, it's Gucci. The one I usually use at home."

"Okay." Lu Shijin agreed, but he was scolding mother in his heart. Damn, where can I buy perfume for you!

Wang Lizhi: "Then come back soon after you buy the perfume. It's boring to have no one to accompany me."

Lu Shijin made two perfunctory "hmmm" and hung up the phone.

"You're **** immature, what if he finds out?" Lu Shijin scolded angrily.

Jin Jingyao said indifferently: "Don't overestimate his IQ, this fool can't find it."

Lu Shijin couldn't get over his anger, his thighs squeezed together for a moment, only to hear that Jin Jingyao couldn't hold back a groan, and his mischievous hand also began to use force in revenge.

"Want to murder your husband?" Jin Jingyao laughed hoarsely, "But you're wrong, this thing is like cowhide candy, it looks soft, but the harder you push, the more resilient it is, you know? Just like yours."

A shameless scumbag.

Rao is Lu Shijin, who has experienced hundreds of battles, and he couldn't help blushing when he heard Jin Jingyao's metaphor.

He was wrong, he underestimated the thickness of Jin Jingyao's skin.

Some people, looking well-dressed, take off their clothes, oh no, they don't even need to take off their clothes, the nature of beasts is exposed!

Lu Shijin simply closed his eyes and gave up his resistance, letting the man be presumptuous in order to end this bathroom game that he provoked as soon as possible.


After cleaning up, the two went out from the bathroom, just in time for Jin Jingyao to call to ask his subordinates to buy perfume from the shopping mall, and the two returned to the interview room one after the other. Wang Lizhi was lying on the table, so bored that he almost fell asleep. .

"Why did you come back?" Wang Lizhi rubbed his eyes and looked up at Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin explained lightly: "I smoked another cigarette when I came back, which delayed a little time."

Wang Lizhi's nose moved, but he didn't smell the smoke on Lu Shijin, but...

Lu Shijin's eyes were a little red, and his lips were abnormally rosy, as if he had been tasted.

Wang Lizhi was full of doubts and asked tentatively, "Where's the perfume you want to bring me?"

Lu Shijin gave him the perfume bag without changing his face. After Wang Lizhi took it, he took out the receipt and glanced at it.

It was a nearby shopping mall, but the time was not right. It was twenty minutes later than the time he told Lu Shijin to buy perfume.

He is clearly at the perfume counter, but why does it take 20 minutes to check out?

"Thank you." Wang Lizhi took the perfume bag aside and didn't ask Lu Shijin the reason, but his doubts were deeper.

After another five minutes, Jin Jingyao came back, in a suit and leather shoes, full of energy, as if he was not alone in the bathroom a quarter of an hour ago.

"President, why did you go to the restroom for so long? I wanted to find you, but the restroom on this floor was locked for some reason. Did you go to the restroom on another floor?" Wang When inspirational saw Jin Jingyao, he turned his head and forgot about Lu Shijin, and asked Jin Jingyao with a smile.

"Yes, I went downstairs. I happened to meet an acquaintance downstairs and chatted a few more words." Jin Jingyao sat down as if nothing had happened, and glanced at Lu Shijin over Wang Lizhi, "By the way, I seem to have seen it just now. Mr. Lu also went out?"

Wang Lizhi rushed in front of Lu Shijin to answer: "Yes, he felt bored here and went to the mall."

Jin Jingyao pursed his lips and smiled, "I think I saw that a black car took Mr. Lu back. The shopping mall is so close, do you still need a special car?"

Wang Lizhi's smile froze on his face, someone drove Lu Shijin back? Did Lu Shijin meet with him behind his back?

Lu Shijin said lightly: "Just like you, President, I met an acquaintance when I was shopping, and he happened to give me a ride. Is there a problem?"

"Of course not, I'm just chatting casually, Mr. Lu doesn't need to be nervous." Jin Jingyao said leisurely.

"I don't understand what the president said," Lu Shijin confronted him. "Where do you see me getting nervous?"

"Okay, don't talk about it," Wang Lizhi was afraid that the two would have a disagreement and quarrel. He was caught in the middle, so he quickly came out and made a mess. "If you meet an acquaintance, it's not a big deal to show it off."

"The pen is big, you are too much love and righteousness, but I am afraid that some people are not worthy of your trust in him." Jin Jingyao sneered, "Okay, I won't talk too much here to make people disgusted. I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

"Let's go now? Why don't we have dinner together?" Wang Lizhi was a little reluctant.

Jin Jingyao glanced at Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin noticed that he was looking at himself, but did not turn his face to give him a look.

Jin Jingyao murmured softly, "Next time, I'm a little bit out of appetite today."

After Jin Jingyao left, Wang Lizhi felt very uncomfortable. Jin Jingyao's words were not groundless, were they implying that Lu Shijin betrayed him?

Wang Lizhi glanced at Lu Shijin intentionally or unintentionally, but Lu Shijin looked calm, as if he had no guilt in his heart.

The more calm Lu Shijin behaves, the deeper the doubts in Wang Lizhi's heart.

After meeting at the hotel that day, Wang Lizhi began to keep an eye on Lu Shijin's actions.

But he didn't restrict Lu Shijin's daily actions. Instead, he didn't pay attention to what Lu Shijin wanted to do, giving Lu Shijin enough freedom.

And Lu Shijin didn't let him down, he started to go out frequently, seven days a week, often three or four days a week, he didn't come back until late at night.

Wang Lizhi kept his mind, and while Lu Shijin was taking a shower, he secretly took Lu Shijin's changed clothes and checked it carefully.

Sure enough, he smelled an elegant perfume on Lu Shijin's clothes.

A touch of ambergris, a fragrance for men.

After that, as long as Lu Shi returned that night, Wang Lizhi would check his clothes.

Without exception, he smelled the perfume belonging to the same man in Lu Shijin's clothes.


"I think Lu Shijin is looking for someone outside behind my back."

Wang Lizhi found his cousin Wang Jinzhao, and told Wang Jinzhao about Lu Shijin's recent unusual performance.

Wang Jincao, like Wang Lizhi, is also an idiot who didn't finish high school. He used to be an idle gangster. Later, his cousin climbed to the sky in one step, and their family followed the chickens and dogs to the sky. Wang Jincao is now equivalent to a secretary by Wang Lizhi's side.

Wang Jintuo said in disbelief, "No way, isn't Lu Shijin a social fear? Will he still be in a relationship?"

Wang Lizhi said indignantly: "I have found evidence. Every time he comes back, he smells the same men's perfume. What else would it be if there were men outside?

"But didn't you say that he's a soft egg and can't stand up?" Wang Jinzao said, "How can he still find a relationship like this?"

"Brother, you don't understand," Wang Lizhi said with disdain. "There are three kinds of people in my circle, except 1 and 0, and 0.5. They can be above or below."

"Hey, this **** is actually eating what's in the bowl and watching what's in the pot!" Wang Jinzao believed it for seven or eight points, and he was not angry, "Brother, tell me, what do you want now? Brother supports you. !"

"Originally, I planned to get together and break up. Over the years, he followed me with no credit or hard work, and I was thinking of giving him a sum of money to compensate him well when we broke up." Wang Lizhi said coldly, "Now that he dares to Put a cuckold on me, and I don't have to be polite to him, hehe, if you want to use my money to be happy with Xiaobailian, just dream!"

"What you said, brother," Wang Jincao also expressed his injustice on behalf of Wang Lizhi, "don't give him a dime like this kind of scumbag! What are you planning to do?"

Wang Lizhi said: "I want to ask a private detective to follow Lu Shijin first and find evidence of his derailment."

"Why is it so troublesome?" Wang Jinzhao scratched his head in confusion, "Isn't it enough to just kick him?"

"No, he must take the initiative to break up," Wang Lizhi said with a sullen face, "If I break up, maybe it will give him the opportunity to spread rumors about me, which will damage my image, and the fault lies in He, he broke up, I don't have to pay compensation."

Wang Jinzhao nodded again and again: "It's still my brother, you think carefully. Well, I'll find a reliable detective agency now and investigate this turtle grandson!"

"Well, brother, I don't worry about leaving this to others. You are my closest person. I only trust you. Don't screw it up for me." Wang Lizhi urged.

Wang Jinzhao patted his chest, "Brother, don't worry! I will never make mistakes for you!"

At the same time, Jin Jingyao began to show affection to Wang Lizhi frequently. In addition to the more frequent meetings between the two in private, the interaction on Weibo also increased, and the messages to each other were specious and ambiguous.

Fans found something wrong between the two, how come there seems to be an official announcement?

After taking the cos photo together last time, Wang Lizhi and Jin Jingyao also had some CP fans. The interaction between the two on Weibo was taken for granted by CP fans as secretly rubbing sugar.

CP fans are carnival, they all think they have a real CP, and they leave messages under the two people's Weibo every day and so on.

Jin Jingyao's show made Wang Lizhi ecstatic, and the anger of being betrayed by Lu Shijin had long since been thrown into the sky.

Finally, after a date, Wang Lizhi got Jin Jingyao's own confession that he had a crush on him and wanted to be with him.

Of course, Wang Lizhi wanted 110,000 people, but before he had time to agree, Jin Jingyao said that he knew that Wang Lizhi was a person who values ​​love and righteousness.

Lu Shijin was the one who walked through the low tide with him. Wang Lizhi was afraid that he could not easily break up with Lu Shijin, so he was willing to wait until Wang Lizhi returned to being single.

Jin Jingyao was willing to wait, but Wang Lizhi couldn't wait.

If he hadn't maintained his character in front of Jin Jingyao, he wished he could immediately call Lu Shijin to say goodbye, and then happily spend time with his dream lover, Jin Jingyao.

When he went back, Wang Lizhi immediately called Wang Jinzhao and asked him how the investigation of Lu Shijin was going.

Wang Jinzhao said: "This grandson is very cautious. Every time he meets a wild man, the place is a high-end club, where the privacy is very high, and a special invitation letter is required to enter, not to mention the private detective I hired, then Security work, not even a fly can fly in!"

Wang Lizhi is very impatient. Now he wants to get rid of Lu Shijin and be with Jin Jingyao.

If you can't grasp Lu Shijin's handle for a long time, can't get rid of Lu Shijin, and there are so many bees and butterflies around Jin Jingyao, what if it takes too long and Jin Jingyao changes his mind?

Wasn't he worth the loss?

No, you can't be passive like this, you have to take the initiative to attack.

Wang Lizhi and Wang Jinzhao asked for the name and address of the high-level club that Lu Shijin often visited, and planned to go catch the traitor in person.

Not only that, he is also going to make an appointment with Jin Jingyao, so that Jin Jingyao can witness this good show with his own eyes, and maybe it will also arouse Jin Jingyao's pity for him.

One Saturday, a private detective hired by Wang Jinzhao tracked down the news that Lu Shijin was going to a high-level club again, and hurriedly reported to Wang Lizhi.

Wang Lizhi felt that the opportunity was coming, so he asked Jin Jingyao to go to the high-level club to play.

With Jin Jingyao's powerful position, it is of course not difficult to get in and out of such a high-level club, so Jin Jingyao directly agreed to Wang Lizhi's invitation.

On Saturday night, Lu Shijin really told Wang Lizhi that he had something to go out. Of course, Wang Lizhi agreed, pretending to be ignorant, but only he knew that he was full of the idea that he would soon get rid of the stumbling block and take the opportunity. The ecstasy of Jin Jingyao, the big backer.

Lu Shijin left on the front foot, and Wang Lizhi got into Jin Jingyao's car on the back foot and set off to the high-level club together.

This high-end clubhouse is dedicated to serving the upper class. In addition to dining room service, it also provides various leisure and entertainment facilities.

Because of its good privacy, this place has become a place for many rich people and lovers to meet, so it is not easy for Wang Lizhi to find out where Lu Shijin and the wild man cheated.

At the high-end club, Jin Jingyao and Wang Lizhi had dinner together, a private box for two, a romantic candlelight dinner.

In order to cultivate the atmosphere, Jin Jingyao also ordered a 82-year-old Lafite and invited Wang to drink together.

The handsome and rich male **** was sitting opposite him, showing great hospitality to himself. Just looking at Wang Lizhi couldn't help but his heart was rippling. Before Lafite could drink it, he felt that he was a little dizzy. .

"Don't pour me so much, I'm not very good at drinking."

Although I really want to have a drunken break with Jin Jingyao, it is best to have **** after drinking, but Wang Lizhi is worried that there is still business to do today, so he can only push back the plan that was pushed to Jin Jingyao.

Jin Jingyao took a sip of the wine glass, smiled and said, "It's okay to be drunk. There are many rooms here. If you are drunk, you can just rest here for the night."

Wang Lizhi swallowed his saliva, his heart was pounding, Jin Jingyao was implying himself, would we stay together tonight?

How many people dream of sleeping until Jin Jingyao? ! How many people can be favored by Jin Jingyao? !

Wang Lizhi was in a dilemma. On the one hand, Jin Jingyao's invitation to open a house, on the other hand, was to catch Lu Shijin's traitor. Both of them were golden opportunities for him. How should he choose?

never mind! Wang Lizhi was ruthless and made a decision.

It is more important to establish a relationship with Jin Jingyao first!

After all, a little Shoushou who had been empty for many years as a harem, he dreamed of being crushed by the best 1, and now the opportunity has come, how can he bear it!

"Okay, then I'll be more respectful than obedient." Wang Lizhi narrowed his eyes and looked at Jin Jingyao enthusiastically, raised his glass and drank it.

Thinking of what will happen tonight, Wang Lizhi felt that the delicious food on the table was boring, and he just wanted to finish the meal quickly and go to bed with Jin Jingyao.

After finally finishing the meal, Wang Lizhi immediately pretended to be invincible and leaned on Jin Jingyao to pretend to be drunk.

When he heard Jin Jingyao tell the manager that he wanted a room to rest, Wang Lizhi was so excited that he clinged to Jin Jingyao and tried to tease him.

Each room in the high-level clubhouse is an independent house built in Japanese style, with a large gap between each other. There are surveillance and security patrols 24 hours in the middle, which absolutely guarantees the privacy of guests.

Jin Jingyao sent Wang Lizhi to the room and helped him to rest on the sofa.

As soon as he entered the room, Wang Lizhi stopped pretending to be drunk. Seeing the dark sparks in Jin Jingyao's eyes, he really wanted to eat this man in his mouth immediately.

But Wang Lizhi still remembered that he wanted to make a good impression on the other party for the first time, so he asked Jin Jingyao euphemistically, "Would you like to take a shower first?"

Jin Jingyao took off his jacket, pulled off his tie, smiled and said, "Okay, you wash first."

"Want to be together?" Wang Lizhi almost blurted out, but fortunately, he also knew to be reserved, so he looked at Jin Jingyao affectionately and entered the bathroom.

Wang Lizhi washed quickly, and deliberately smeared a lot of shower gel to make his body fragrant.

The rest of the time, he made his own preparations in the bathroom, and then walked out of the bathroom expectantly.

But who knows, in the huge room, there is no trace of Jin Jingyao.

Wang Lizhi hurriedly called Jin Jingyao, but Jin Jingyao's cell phone was placed on the sofa and was not taken away at all.

Maybe there is something wrong with going out, and the mobile phone is all there, so it is impossible to leave.

Wang Lizhi hung up the phone and comforted himself.

Wang Lizhi walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, opened the curtains to see if Jin Jingyao was outside, but unexpectedly told him to see an unexpected scene.

It was more than ten meters away from the room where he was, and the room opposite was brightly lit.

On the curtains, there are two figures entangled and kissing each other, but the curtains are not drawn properly, and one of them's face flashes in the gap between the curtains, making Wang Lizhi look straight!

Although only half of his face was visible, he couldn't see clearly from a long distance.

But Wang Lizhi and the owner of this face have been together for more than three years, and even if he turns to ashes, he will never admit his mistake!

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