Chapter 72: Cannon fodder gunner's counterattack

Wang Lizhi gritted his teeth and secretly hated. He didn't expect that Lu Shijin and his adulterer were in the opposite room.

It is said that catching **** and catching double, such a good opportunity, of course not to be missed!

Wang Lizhi made a decisive decision and went to catch the adulterer now. The evidence is conclusive. Let's see what else Lu Shijin has to say!

Wang Lizhi was afraid that Lu Shijin's adulterer would run away, and he couldn't wait for Jin Jingyao to come back.

It was also because he was lucky that he didn't encounter the security guard all the way, and successfully arrived at the door of Lu Shijin's room. Wang Lizhi calmed down a bit.

Now he can't be in a hurry and can't be chaotic. If he knocks on the door rashly, he may be shocked. He must keep the evidence of Xialu Shi's cheating. In the future, breaking up will leave him speechless.

So Wang Lizhi took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera and switched it to video recording mode, aimed at the door, and then rang the doorbell.

After a while, Lu Shijin's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Hello, room service, did you order food delivery?" Wang Lizhi suppressed his voice and changed his voice.

Lu Shijin: "No, you sent the wrong room."

Wang Lizhi: "But the landline number of this room is displayed on the order, can you open the door to confirm it?"

There was the sound of kicking and walking at the door. Wang Lizhi was nervous and stared at the door intently.

As soon as there was a gap in the door, Wang Lizhi pushed the door with brute force and squeezed in!

Lu Shijin was caught off guard and was pushed away by Wang Lizhi. He was dazzled for a while before he could see who it was, "Damn it, who let you in!"

Wang Lizhi didn't even look at Lu Shijin, he held up his mobile phone and started searching around the room.

"Where's the adulterer? Where's the adulterer? Come out! I saw you!"

However, he searched the living room, room, bathroom, not to mention living people, not even a ghost.

"Wang Lizhi? Why are you here? What are you talking about? What adulterer?" Lu Shijin saw the person's face clearly and asked strangely after him.

Seeing that no one could be found, Wang Lizhi understood that the adulterer should have left, so he turned off the phone and turned around and gave Lu Shijin a hard look.

"Lu Shijin, don't **** with me! I saw it from the window just now. You and a wild man are inseparable! You cheated on me!"

"Are you dazzled? Me and the wild man? The window kiss is inseparable?" Lu Shijin looked at Wang Lizhi with a smile, "You are good at making up stories, but you also searched when you came in. Did you find the man?"

Wang Lizhi blushed with anger and pointed to Lu Shijin's nose, "Don't think you can get rid of people now that you're gone, I tell you, you'd better explain it honestly, otherwise it won't end!"

"It's not over?" Lu Shijin snorted coldly, "Why do you think it's not over? You have to have evidence to buckle your hat. You say that I cheated without any basis. Who can believe it?"

Wang Lizhi couldn't understand it. It took less than five minutes from when he discovered Lu Shijin's affair to when he came over. How could he just disappear out of thin air as soon as he came?

Could it be that I really drank too much just now and saw it wrongly?

No, absolutely impossible. Wang Lizhi immediately denied his suspicions. Even if he was wrong just now, it is true that Lu Shijin had an affair. Didn't he come here to find evidence today!

"Do you think I really have no evidence?" Wang Lizhi sneered, "You didn't come here to have an affair, so why are you here? Sleep in a hotel alone and chat with yourself?"

"I haven't been inspired to write a novel recently. I want to go out and think quietly and find inspiration, can't I?" Lu Shijin asked in a relaxed manner, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

Wang Lizhi: "Oh, looking for inspiration? Looking for inspiration to find a man's bed, right?"

"Wang Lizhi, you deliberately followed me here, and you said something or nothing, you just came to find fault, right?" Lu Shijin sank his face and said in a bad tone, "You suspect me of cheating, where is the evidence? Who is the target? Time and place? You don't have any of these, and you want to condemn me with just one mouth? Isn't it too hasty."

"Okay, you are plausible now, do you want evidence?" Wang Lizhi put his hands on his hips, "I will ask the manager here to check your room opening records, and then adjust the monitoring, I still don't believe I can't find you. Adulterer! I'll see what else you have to say then!"

"What's wrong? Why did you come here? Let me find it." Jin Jingyao's voice sounded at the door. He stood at the door and saw Lu Shijin who was confronting Wang Lizhi. He frowned, "Why are you here?"

As soon as Wang Lizhi saw Jin Jingyao, it was like seeing a savior. He ran over and grabbed Jin Jingyao's arm, and couldn't wait to say, "Do me a favor and let the management here help me adjust the monitoring tonight."

Jin Jingyao asked inexplicably, "Why is this?"

Wang Lizhi sneered and pointed at Lu Shijin: "He stole people behind my back, I want to find out who his adulterer is!"

"Ha, haha! Hahahaha!" Lu Shijin suddenly covered his stomach and laughed, pointing at Jin Jingyao and looking at Wang Lizhi, his eyes sarcastic, "It took a long time, so you and him came together! It's so late, but Don't say you're here to open a room for a late night snack, hehe, it's really a good show of a thief shouting and catching a thief!"

"You are talking nonsense! That's not the case!" Wang Lizhi was blocked by Lu Shijin, and he lowered his voice a little guilty, "We just meet and chat and eat normally. Because I drank too much, the president will open a room for me to rest."

"Recently, you and him have been playing with each other openly and secretly. Do you think I'm blind and can't see?" Lu Shijin sneered coldly, "You wanted to dump me and be with Jin Jingyao for a long time, right? Wang Lizhi, do you want to? If you want to break up, tell me, don't you think it's too much to play these dirty tricks?"

"What's the situation now?" Jin Jingyao interjected, "You all confused me."

Wang Lizhi was afraid that Jin Jingyao believed Lu Shijin's words and misunderstood him, so he quickly said: "President, don't listen to his nonsense, it was he who was out with a wild man, and I caught him but he didn't admit it! Please help me call the management over and monitor the Once you check it out, you'll understand everything!"

"Why bother with such a trivial matter, and the privacy of the guests is very important here, so I don't need to adjust the surveillance." Jin Jingyao patted Wang Lizhi's shoulder perfunctorily, lowered his head and whispered in his ear, "Don't forget us What are you here for, it won't end well if it gets too big."

"But..." If Wang Lizhi gave up such a good opportunity, of course he would not be reconciled. Let's not talk about whether he could hold Lu Shijin's handle. Now he and Lu Shijin are no different from tearing his face, so how could he end up.

"Wang Lizhi, after taking such a big detour, you actually want to break up with me, and then climb the high branch of Jin Jingyao, right?" Lu Shijin's eyes were frosty, "Jin Jingyao can give you a better future, but I'm in your way. So you just want to kick me away, right?"

"You fart!" Wang Lizhi gritted his teeth, "You are the one who's sorry for me first!"

"You said I cheated, who did I cheat with? Can you name a name? It's you," Lu Shijin glanced at Jin Jingyao and sneered, "your 'adulter' is standing here plainly. Wang Lizhi, you If you want to break up with me, you can, but I, Lu Shijin, are not someone who just comes and goes. I have done those things for you over the years to give you the status you are today. Do you need me to remind you? one time?"

"Shut up!" Wang Lizhi panicked, afraid that Lu Shijin would really tell the truth, he stepped forward a few steps to stop Lu Shijin, "Don't talk nonsense! What have you done? I have today all on my own! Don't slander me with slander!"

Lu Shijin twitched the corners of his mouth, "It won't be a long time, do you really think those things are yours? Forget it, you can never wake up a person pretending to be asleep."

"Lu Shijin, make it clear, what does it mean that you have the status and status of Pen Da today?" Jin Jingyao couldn't help but scold Wang Lizhi, "Everyone sees you and Pen Da, if it weren't for Pen Da. Thinking about the old love and supporting you all the way, can you have today?"

"Don't talk about it," I'm afraid that Lu Shijin would really ignore the matter of being a shooter in a fit of rage. Wang Lizhi quickly turned his head and pulled Jin Jingyao to leave, "This is me and him, or let us handle it ourselves, no Excuse me, let you see a joke, let's go."

"Wang Lizhi!" Lu Shijin called Wang Lizhi's name coldly and coldly from a distance behind, and when he heard Wang Lizhi, he couldn't help but shudder, and Lu Shijin said softly, "I'll wait for you to come back to me.

Wang Lizhi swallowed, and Jin Jingyao next to him could clearly hear a "guru", and the corner of his mouth tickled without a trace.

The two returned to their original room. Wang Lizhi quickly poured himself a glass of cold water and drank it all before calming down.

He really regrets that he shouldn't go to Lu Shijin's place to catch the adulterer. Now that the adulterer has not been caught, he himself has caused a show, and he really regrets it!

There is also Jin Jingyao, when I was looking for him, no one was there, and when there was nothing to do with him, he would pop up again, and he would give Lu Shijin a talk for nothing.

It's good now, he didn't find Lu Shijin's adulterer, he and Jin Jingyao came out to open a room, but Lu Shijin knew it.

Listening to Lu Shijin's tone just now, I'm afraid he won't let it go. If he shakes out all the secrets over the years, what will he do? !

Seeing Wang Lizhi's return, Jin Jingyao has been restless and asked with concern, "What happened? What did Lu Shijin mean? It made you afraid of this?"

Wang Lizhi glanced at Jin Jingyao, lowered his head, "Nothing."

Jin Jingyao took his shoulder and said affectionately, "If you need any help from me, feel free to speak up. Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will always stand by your side."

Wang Lizhi was a little moved when he heard Jin Jingyao's promise.

The current situation is very unfavorable to him, but if he can gain Jin Jingyao's trust and help, and have him shelter him from the wind and rain, he is not afraid that Lu Shijin can turn out the flowers.

Wang Lizhi sipped his spring and asked hesitantly, "Really? Will you always believe me?"

Jin Jingyao smiled gently, "Of course it's true. To be honest, you are the first time I have spent so much effort chasing after you. Do you need me to say more about your importance in my heart?"

Under Jin Jingyao's gentle offensive, Wang Lizhi was a little dizzy again, hesitating whether to tell Jin Jingyao.

"I've told you this way, still don't believe me?" Jin Jingyao rubbed Wang Lizhi's hair, "Aren't you willing to tell me about it?"

Wang Lizhi: "No, I'm just afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?" Jin Jingyao interrupted him, "Are you afraid that I can't help you solve the problem because I have no skills?"

Wang Lizhi shook his head sharply, "Of course I didn't mean that! Well, I said it! But you must believe that I am innocent!"

Jin Jingyao smiled slightly, "Of course, of course I believe you."

Then, Wang Lizhi told Jin Jingyao about him and Lu Shijin.

Of course, he couldn't say that he took the initiative to find Lu Shijin as the shooter, but instead, he lied and said that one day he couldn't write an update because of his illness.

He was confused at the time, so he agreed without thinking, but he didn't expect that the only time ghostwriting would give Lu Shijin a chance to blackmail him.

He actually has no relationship with Lu Shijin, but every time he mentions breaking up, Lu Shijin will threaten him with exposing ghostwriting.

Therefore, he could only swallow his anger and let Lu Shijin **** his blood.

But he was fed up with this kind of life, especially when Lu Shijin cheated behind his back recently, it was even more unbearable for him.

Tonight, he clearly saw that in the opposite room, Lu Shijin kissed a man, ran to catch the adulterer but caught nothing.

He felt that Lu Shijin would probably squeeze himself even harder, and he really didn't know what to do.

After listening to Jin Jingyao, he was silent for a moment, slapped his thigh, and said angrily: "It's just scum! It's too much! You are too bully, and you let this scum climb on your head? Why didn't you tell me earlier? ?"

Wang Lizhi said pitifully: "I'm afraid that you will despise me when you find out. It is a stain on a writer's career to find someone to write it on his behalf."

"What kind of big thing is this?" Jin Jingyao's expression was distressed, "Everyone makes mistakes, as long as they are willing to correct them and never make them again. But this is not the reason why Lu Shijin is blackmailing you. You are too soft-hearted and too bullying, so you gave the wicked a chance to take advantage of it. The opportunity! A person like him has nothing to be polite to him, and everyone should know his true colors! Let him be unable to be a human being in the future!"

"Don't!" Wang Lizhi grabbed Jin Jingyao's sleeve and shook it, "As long as I can get rid of him, let him stop pestering me in the future. After all, I acquiesced at that time, so I am also at fault."

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely help you solve this matter." Jin Jingyao stood up, "I'll go find that scum now and have a good talk with him, if he's smart enough, he should know enough is enough, otherwise , I will never let him go."

Wang Lizhi was waiting for Jin Jingyao's promise. With Jin Jingyao's backing, what was he afraid of?

"Thank you, Jingyao." Wang Lizhi raised his head and stared at Jin Jingyao affectionately and moved, "Thank you for believing in me, thank you for helping me."

Jin Jingyao smiled and comforted him: "I will go to him, no matter what method I use, I will not let him hurt you again, you are here waiting for my good news."

Wang Lizhi watched Jin Jingyao go out with hope, and as soon as he left, he ran to the window to check the movement in the opposite room.

The curtains in Lu Shijin's room were still drawn. Wang Lizhi only saw Jin Jingyao entering the room. The two seemed to go to the living room to talk about things. From his point of view, they could no longer see the situation.

Wang Lizhi could only lie on the window and wait for the result of Jin Jingyao.

In the living room of Lu Shijin's room.

He and Jin Jingyao were sitting on the sofa, and there was a small recording pen on the coffee table. The voices of Wang Lizhi and Jin Jingyao talking came from the recording pen.

After hearing this, Lu Shijin lifted his eyelids and looked at Jin Jingyao with a smile that was not a smile.

"I'm a scum? I'm a villain?"

"Of course you're not, Wang Lizhi is." Jin Jingyao kissed Lu Shijin on the face, apologizing to him, "I didn't say this on purpose to scare Wang Lizhi and make him believe me? How can you be scum, you are my heart and soul."

"Go away," Lu Shijin sneered, "Stop fooling me with sweet words. Who knows when you are facing Wang Lizhi, you are calling him all the time, scumbag."

Jin Jingyao raised his right hand and swore, "Heaven and earth conscience, that's the only thing I've ever called you."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes and didn't take it seriously, "Doesn't this sentence sound familiar to you? You said almost the same thing to Wang Lizhi just now, and the credibility is negative."

Jin Jingyao: "..." He was too difficult.

"What's going to happen next?" Jin Jingyao changed the subject and led the war from himself to Wang Lizhi, "Directly disclose the content of the recording?"

"Don't worry," Lu Shijin raised Erlang's legs and said casually, "I want to see him jumping off the wall in a hurry."

Jin Jingyao flattered with a smile: "My wife is really amazing."

Lu Shijin's brows twitched, and he turned his head with a look of disbelief in his eyes, "What's your name?"

"Wife, I think people call it that when they're in love, why?" Jin Jingyao picked up Lu Shijin's leg and put it on his thigh, beating and pinching, "You don't like me calling you that?"

Lu Shijin lowered his eyes unnaturally, turned his face back and said lightly, "As you wish."

Jin Jingyao noticed that Lu Shijin's ears were turning red, he leaned his face up and smiled slyly, "Then I'll call you that in the future? Wife? Wife?"

Lu Shijin's ears became redder, he slapped Jin Jingyao's face away with a slap, and shouted "Shut up" unbearably!

It was already the fifth world, and no one had ever called Lu Shijin that before.

Sure enough, the scumbag's seductive skills are full of tricks, one set, and what he says is like smearing honey on his mouth. No wonder Wang Lizhi was so coaxed into his head that he was willing to tell him anything.

"I won't close," Jin Jingyao put his arms around Lu Shijin, kissed his ear, and sighed in his ear, "Baby, why are you blushing? I call your wife, are you shy?"

"Shy!" Lu Shijin twisted his shoulders, trying to break free from the man's arms, "Go back quickly, or Wang Lizhi will be suspicious."

"His pig brain doesn't even think about what I'm doing with you if he breaks his head." Jin Jingyao pinched Lu Shijin's chin to turn his face, stared into his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'll call you wife, What about you, what should you call me?"

"What do you call you?" Lu Shijin was embarrassed and stared at Jin Jingyao's fiery eyes, his mind was dizzy and hot, "Are you satisfied with calling you a scumbag?"

"It's okay to be a scumbag, just add two words at the end." Jin Jingyao pressed Lu Shijin's lips and sucked gently, "You are so smart, you must know which two words are, tell me?"

"Go away, don't call." Lu Shijin gasped and refused.

"Is your mouth tough?" Jin Jingyao hooked his lips evilly, and increased the strength of his kiss, "When I kiss you softly, you can't help but scream."

Lu Shijin was pressed on the sofa by Jin Jingyao and forced to put his arms around the man's neck.

"Don't do it, you go back first." Lu Shijin's voice was soft and weak, like soaking in hot spring water.

"You see I've become like this, how can I go back?" Jin Jingyao said with a smile on his face, "Just go back so hard, what do you think Wang Lizhi will think? I'm going to talk to you about something, it's hot? Or do you want me to go back and find him? to address the need?"

"You dare!" Lu Shijin glared at Jin Jingyao when he heard the words, "If you **** dare to green me, I will castrate you, believe it or not?"

This little look of anger and resentment made Jin Jingyao feel numb in his heart.

He whispered in Lu Shijin's ear: "I believe it, I believe it. How about I teach you a way. After keeping it, even if I want to find someone else, I feel powerless."

Lu Shijin will be suspicious: "What way?"

"Drain me, hollow me out," Jin Jingyao looked at Lu Shijin with fire in his eyes and sighed, "It's better to let me die on you."


In the end, Lu Shijin didn't know if Jin Jingyao was squeezed dry, but he was squeezed dry anyway.

What's even more hateful is that Jin Jingyao actually squeezed him while holding his mobile phone to read the little yellow mosquito that Lu Shijin wrote to him.

With great interest, he played all the tricks on Lu Shijin as written in the book.

Not only that, but Jin Jingyao also forced Lu Shijin to read the most shameful lines to him, and occasionally commented on the plot of the novel.

"It's written in the book that water is played on the sofa. Is there really so much water? Huh?"

"I want to die, this is a wonderful word. Do you feel this way now?"

"'A red mole on the collarbone', let me see, baby, you really have a mole on your collarbone, did you just write it yourself?"

When Lu Shijin listened to Jin Jingyao's unbearable obscenity, he almost lost the strength to curse: "Shut up for me, say one more word, and I'll slap you."

Jin Jingyao ignored Lu Shijin's threat softer than cotton.

With more and more interest, he asked: "When you wrote this, did you fantasize about being tricked by me like this? Did you do it? Did you secretly do it yourself?"

"No! Go away!"

"No need to fantasize in the future, baby, we are really playing..."

From the sofa to the carpet, in the end, Lu Shijin couldn't stand it, urging Jin Jingyao to finish it quickly.

But Jin Jingyao said shamelessly: "It's only once, I haven't been hollowed out yet, why can't you do it?"

"Stop talking nonsense," Lu Shijin raised his neck, like a fish on the verge of dying of thirst, "hurry up."

"Then you call me?" Jin Jingyao whispered coaxingly on his earlobe.

For the sake of the overall situation, Lu Shijin could only hold back the shame in his heart, his voice was like a little milk cat without a full moon, and he weakly called out those two words.

Jin Jingyao insisted: "What? I didn't hear it clearly."

"Husband! Husband! Are you satisfied?" Lu Shijin closed his eyes and screamed recklessly. There was no shame in his voice, only joy.

The author has something to say:

Is it fragrant?