Chapter 73: Cannon fodder gunner's counterattack

At first, someone discovered that Wang Lizhi was serializing a new article, and the style of painting suddenly changed.

The old-fashioned style of writing suddenly turned into a novice, there were many typos and sick sentences, the plot changed bluntly, and the character of the protagonist was obviously broken.

Many readers have followed Wang Lizhi's writing from the very beginning. After so many years, they are very familiar with the author's writing style. Of course, such an obvious change cannot be concealed from them.

First of all, some readers have constantly pointed out that the author's recent update level has dropped sharply in Wang Lizhi's comment area. I hope the author can give a reasonable explanation and give an explanation to the readers who follow the update.

However, Wang Lizhi did not reply to the readers from beginning to end, and then some people began to rhythm in the comment area, questioning whether the author changed his writing.

Wang Lizhi still did not reply or explain, and even directly interrupted the new serialized article.

This attitude of pretending to be dead completely angered readers. How much I loved it at first, how ruthless it is now to get out of the pit and step back.

The comment area is full of scolding, and Wang Lizhi's Weibo comment area is also filled with gunpowder, things are getting worse and worse, and readers have complained Wang Lizhi to the platinum website.

The person in charge of the website was helpless, contacted Wang Lizhi himself, and asked him what happened recently. Such an irresponsible attitude may affect his popularity and prestige accumulated over the years.

Wang Lizhi just said lightly that he was ill recently and that his state was not right. He would explain it to the readers in person when he got better, but he still did not take any action.

After talking on the phone with the person in charge of the website, Wang Lizhi threw away the phone and buried his face in his hands in pain.

After tearing up with Lu Shijin, of course Lu Shijin refused to continue to write updates for him, so the latest updates were written by Wang Lizhi himself.

But since Lu Shijin became a popular player for him, he has long stopped writing. For him, the amount of updates of seven or eight thousand a day is more difficult than grinding an iron pestle into a needle.

Not to mention a large number of brain cells died, and a lot of hair was pulled out.

Often sitting in front of the computer for a day can barely scrape together the amount of updates.

But after it was posted on the website, readers were also dissatisfied with various nitpicking.

Wang Lizhi was angry and anxious, and a bunch of blisters burned on his mouth, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't even eat.

Wang Lizhi thought about it, it was not the way to wait like this, so he picked up the phone and called Jin Jingyao.

After the call was connected, he asked anxiously, "How is it? Hasn't Lu Shijin given a definite answer yet?"

Jin Jingyao said calmly: "Don't worry, I'm still negotiating with him, and he hasn't exposed the matter for a while, so it's fine."

Wang Lizhi is not all because he is afraid that Lu Shijin will shake things out in a hurry. The biggest trouble now is that he can't write and update it himself.

If Lu Shijin can't continue to help him write, at his level, sooner or later, he will be exposed.

So now he is eager to solve Lu Shijin's matter, and find another gunman to help him ghostwriting.

Wang Lizhi: "Help me tell him that no matter how much money he wants, I can satisfy him, as long as he keeps his mouth shut and promises not to say anything."

"How can that be done? It's obviously his fault. How can there be any reason for victims to pay the perpetrators?" Jin Jingyao pretended to be angry for Wang Lizhi. disturb your life."

When Wang Lizhi heard it, he was afraid that Jin Jingyao would push Lu Shijin into a hurry, and Lu Shijin fought with him in a fit of anger.

He said anxiously: "Don't! After all, he helped me once, and I don't want to be too ugly. Talk to him and don't hurt me."

"Okay, I will, sigh, you are too soft-hearted." Jin Jingyao changed the conversation, "By the way, what happened to your latest novel, the website director and I reported that I received a lot of readers' comments about you. complaint."

Wang Lizhi said: "There have been too many things recently, which have affected my creative performance. It doesn't matter, just wait for me to adjust my emotions."

Jin Jingyao: "Then you are fine, wait for my good news."

After talking on the phone with Jin Jingyao, Wang Lizhi did not feel at ease, but became more flustered.

In the past, when he was a little transparent, he used Guozhao to force Lu Shijin to write for himself, and he was not afraid that Lu Shijin would turn against him.

But it's different now, he has become the author of the great god, how could he be willing to give up his hard-earned status, status, and wealth to become a temporary gas with Lu Shijin.

Wang Lizhi couldn't sit still, no, he couldn't just sit and wait for Jin Jingyao's result, he had to talk to Lu Shijin in person.

But is Lu Shijin willing to talk to him?

Wang Lizhi called Lu Shijin without hope, but Lu Shijin actually answered.

"" Wang Lizhi wanted to talk to Lu Shijin with a full stomach, but when it came time to say it, he didn't know where to start, he hesitated for a long time, "I didn't expect that you would still be willing to answer my call. "

Lu Shijin didn't go around with him, "What's the matter with you calling me?"

Wang Lizhi: "Yes, yes, I can't tell you clearly on the phone. Would you like to make an appointment to meet and chat?"

Lu Shijin was silent for a while, "Okay, see you at the old local coffee shop at three o'clock."

Lu Shijin's happiness made Wang Lizhi a little relieved. As long as Lu Shijin was willing to meet him, then everything could be turned around.

It is already one o'clock in the afternoon, and there are only two hours left before meeting with Lu Shijin.

Wang Lizhi hurriedly began to count all the available liquidity on hand, and also borrowed 5 million from Wang Jinzhao, adding a total of 30 million to a card.

Thirty million, this is a number that many people can't earn in a lifetime, enough for a person to live the rest of his life without worry.

With this card, Wang Lizhi had the confidence to negotiate when he went to the appointment.

Wang Lizhi went to the coffee shop first and waited. After a while, Lu Shijin arrived late.

Unlike Wang Lizhi, who can't hide dark circles even with liquid foundation, Lu Shijin, who is nourished by a man, looks radiant and radiant.

"Come here, take a seat, I'll order you your favorite American style." Wang Lizhi diligently brought the coffee to Lu Shijin with a smile on his face.

Lu Shijin didn't move the coffee, and said straight to the point: "I don't have much time, so just say something."

Wang Lizhi sat back in his seat awkwardly, "I just... want you to keep the secret between us."

"Secret?" Lu Shijin deliberately pretended not to understand, "What secret?"

Although Wang Lizhi is thick-skinned, he still can't help his face when he wants him to speak out about the scandals he has done.

"You helped me as a shooter. As long as you don't talk about it, it's all yours."

Wang Lizhi put the bank card on the table and pushed it in front of Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin lowered his eyes, glanced at the bank card casually, and chuckled: "Want to spend money to seal my mouth? How much is it? I guess, five million? Fifteen?"

Wang Lizhi said calmly, "30 million."

"Thirty million?" Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, "It's unbelievable that you are willing to invest your money."

Wang Lizhi thinks that his bargaining chips are rich enough. Ordinary people can't be moved when they see 30 million yuan. Lu Shijin is also a mortal. He doesn't believe that Lu Shijin can be indifferent in the face of 30 million yuan.

"With these 30 million yuan, it's enough for you to jump out of the Internet circle and do anything else."

Lu Shijin laughed and said, "It turns out that not only did he want to keep my mouth shut, but he also wanted to force me out of the circle."

He picked up the banking industry on the table, swiped it between his fingertips, and looked at Wang Lizhi with a mocking arc at the corners of his mouth. Suddenly, his fingers were hard, and the bank card was folded in half in his hand.

"You!" Wang Lizhi was both shocked and angry. He was shocked that Lu Shijin didn't take 30 million in his eyes, and he was angry that Lu Shijin really didn't plan to reconcile with him.

"What are you, Wang Lizhi, can you count the money I've made for you over the years?" Lu Shijin released his hand, the bank card fell on the table, making a crisp sound, Lu Shijin turned a blind eye, his eyes clenched coldly Wang Lizhi's pale face, "30 million want to send me, what do you think of me? A beggar who lets you give alms?"

"Then what do you think?" Wang Lizhi gritted his teeth and said with an ugly face, "Please ask yourself, you have helped me a lot over the years, but I have never treated you badly, do you really want to fall out with me? What good will it do to you if you destroy me? Don't think that if you expose me, you will be able to protect yourself. The shooter is an accomplice. If this matter is shaken out, no one will sympathize with you, understand? If you are conservative This secret, there are still 30 million to take, will you count this account?!"

"Yeah, I don't know how to settle accounts, but your accounts are very clear." Lu Shijin said coldly, "Then do you understand that everything you have now depends on me? What do you mean? You didn't treat me badly, but when you made a lot of money, you leaked something from your fingers to give it to me, right? Wang Lizhi, you still don't understand the situation? You have no bargaining chip with me, whether it's cheating Still ghostwriting, any crime is enough to nail you to the pillar of shame for a lifetime, and the glory and wealth you use now will turn into a bubble!"

Wang Lizhi's face was pale and pale, and he could barely hold himself up with his hands on the sofa, and his eyes begged: "Do you have to make trouble with me in this field? Brother Lu, I beg you, as long as you keep this Secret, I can promise you anything you want!"

"Really?" Lu Shijin smiled leisurely, "You can promise me anything I want?"

Wang Lizhi nodded frantically, fearing that Lu Shijin would not believe his sincerity.

Lu Shijin tapped his fingers on the table and said casually: "Well, first of all, you and the public admit that all your previous works were not written by you, and then apologize to all those who were deceived by you."

"What?!" Wang Lizhi's eyes widened in disbelief, and his volume rose involuntarily because of excitement, causing the guests next to him to look at him, but he couldn't care so much, blushed and said, "You asked me to do this. , and what's the difference between destroying me?!"

Lu Shijin said coldly: "Destroy you? Where do you start? I just let you know what kind of person you were originally, and let you return to the original you. How can this be called destroying you? Could it be that you were killed? Fans have been boasting for a long time, and you can't tell the difference between reality and falsehood. Do you feel that these are all earned by yourself? I can keep my mouth shut, but I want you to stand up and admit your despicable behavior in the past! At that time, if your readers are still willing to forgive you, you can prove that you can also take care of this bowl of online articles on your own, and I have absolutely nothing to say."

"Lu Shijin!" Wang Lizhi patted the table, "Don't go too far!"

"There are more things that I haven't finished yet," Lu Shijin didn't want to see Wang Lizhi's angry and ugly face, he twisted his wrist and said, "I'll give you three days, if I haven't read it after three days. When your apology comes, I'll tell you all about you."

"If I'm finished, then you'll be ruined too! You're a social threat and you don't have a job, so you can make some money by typing a few words," Wang Lizhi did not give up, intimidating and threatening, "You exposed me, and it broke. Is your own life worth it? Don't forget, we used to be grasshoppers on a rope.

Lu Shijin stood up and looked down at Wang Lizhi condescendingly.

"Don't be complacent!" Wang Lizhi's eyes suddenly became fierce, "I will definitely bite you to death and not let go! Even if you die, I will pull you on the back!"

"Please." Lu Shijin stepped out of his seat and left without looking back.

When Lu Shijin left, Wang Lizhi could no longer bear the huge pressure, his shoulders collapsed, and his face was as gray as a grief.

Lu Shijin didn't want to let him go, what should he do?

Wang Lizhi can imagine how nasty he will be scolded on the Internet if things are exposed.

It may also be blocked by the entire industry, and even those IPs he sold will be boycotted.

At that time, the film and television party will not ask for liquidated damages from itself, will it? How does he pay? What does he pay for? !

It's over, it's over, it's over... The matter has come to this point, and Wang Lizhi can only think of the two despairing words "finished".

Can anyone save him now?

He really didn't want to give up the fame and wealth that he finally got!

Jin Jingyao, yes, and Jin Jingyao!

In an instant, Wang Lizhi remembered this last straw.

He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket with trembling hands, and was about to call Jin Jingyao to ask him to save him, but he didn't expect Lu Shijin to return.

"Wang Lizhi," Lu Shijin glanced at the mobile phone in Wang Lizhi's hand, "Who do you want to ask for help?"

"Want to take care of you?!" Wang Lizhi glared at him fiercely, wishing he could bite a piece of meat off Lu Shijin.

"I don't care, and I'm too lazy to care." Lu Shijin raised his hand, raised a small object in his hand, and threw it to Wang Lizhi, "I just forgot to give this to you, now, I hope you will do it after listening to it. Decide whether to make the call or not."

Wang Lizhi frowned and stared at the thing, which seemed to be a recording pen.

What is Lu Shijin selling?

But he didn't want to show his timidity in front of Lu Shijin, so he pretended to be calm with a cold face, "Are you done? Get out when you're done."

"Heh," Lu Shijin sneered, "Do you think I want to talk to you? If I didn't want to see how wonderful your expression is, if a despicable and shameless villain like you would say one more word to you, I would be disgusted. "

"Get out!" Wang Lizhi was furious, he took a cup and threw it at Lu Shijin's feet, "Get out of my way!"

The waiter in the store heard the sound and followed the sound, "Sir, please don't make a loud noise and affect other guests. If you do this again, please leave."

"My friend has mania, I suggest you call the police and deal with it." Lu Shijin explained to the waiter with a smile.

The surrounding guests also began to point at Wang Lizhi, and there were many discussions. Wang Lizhi was like a man behind his back. He didn't want to stay in the same environment as Lu Shijin for a second. He pushed the waiter away and ran out.

When he walked to the bustling street, Wang Lizhi couldn't calm down. When he left, he didn't forget to take the recording pen that Lu Shijin gave him. He was curious about what was inside.

Wang Lizhi turned on the recorder and put it in his ear, listening while walking.

However, his own voice came from the recorder.

"I had a high fever once, and I could only use the sick code for the attendance award. When Lu Shijin saw it, he offered to help me write today's update. I am afraid that the quality of the updates from this status code cannot be guaranteed, so I agreed to him when I was confused."

"I didn't expect that this one-time ghostwriting would become the reason for Lu Shijin to threaten me. Over the years, he used this to threaten me not to break up with him, and he often asked me for money and asked me to help him arrange work. I really I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have been obsessed with my mind for a while, and promised him to let him ghostwrite for me, it was my fault..."

After listening to Wang Lizhi, he stiffened in place as if struck by lightning.

In the recording pen, it is the conversation between him and Jin Jingyao in the high-level club, and this recording has been processed, and there is no Jin Jingyao's voice, only Wang Lizhi's voice!

Under the huge blow, Wang Lizhi almost fainted. How did Lu Shijin get this recording? !

Wang Lizhi finally figured out everything, so, is Jin Jingyao with Lu Shijin?

Jin Jingyao approached him just to ask him to find evidence of Lu Shijin's ghostwriting!

The last life-saving straw was also broken, and the string in Wang Lizhi's heart that had been stretched to the limit could no longer be stretched, and it broke.

Because of despair, all his strength was taken away, and he finally sat down on the ground feebly, crying and laughing under the watchful eyes of passers-by watching the play, like crazy!

Two days later, on the last day of the three-day period given by Lu Shijin, Wang Lizhi published a long Weibo on Weibo.

In the long Weibo, he claimed to admit to all readers a mistake he had made.

But he just repeated what he and Jin Jingyao had said lightly.

He only admitted that Lu Shijin ghostwritten him once, and promised to donate all the proceeds from the novel Lu Shijin wrote for him to charity.

He also said that because he broke up with Lu Shijin during this period, the emotional instability affected the quality of the update. He asked for forgiveness from the readers and give him a chance to reform.

At the same time, Lu Shijin in Jin Jingyao's apartment, of course, also saw Wang Lizhi's apology statement.

"Look, I'll just say that Wang Lizhi can't easily admit to the unfortunate things he's done," Jin Jingyao exchanged glances with Lu Shijin after finishing his Weibo, and shrugged helplessly.

Lu Shijin snorted coldly: "A person like him can't shed tears without seeing the coffin."

"Tsk tsk, look," Jin Jingyao turned the ipad screen towards Lu Shijin, "Did he accuse him of the comments? The most popular comments have a clear style and are obviously inviting sailors."

Lu Shijin glanced.

【People can not escape from doing wrong? Pen is able to stand up and admit his mistakes, he is responsible, and he is a man! If you make a mistake, you can correct it, it's no big deal, and support Penta as always! 】

[Although ghostwriting is not desirable, the starting point is also to be responsible to the readers. As long as you admit your mistakes, you are still a good boy. I believe that with a big pen, it will get better and better. Come on with a big pen! 】

[I have been chasing it since the first book of Pen University. I like Pen University's attitude towards writing, and I will support it forever! 】

Under the control of the water army, the words "forgive", "understand" and "support" appear more and more in the comments of netizens.

Wang Lizhi is very good at manipulating people's hearts. First, he sincerely admits a trivial mistake, but pays a huge price to make up for the small mistake. Then he sells it off, so as to arouse the sympathy of netizens, and the readers will naturally be tolerant. Ghostwriting thing.

After reading the comments, Lu Shijin sneered twice, picked up the phone and called Wang Lizhi.

Wang Lizhi picked it up quickly and said bluntly, "I have already admitted as you said, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied?" Lu Shijin laughed instead of anger, "Do you think I will be satisfied with your non-painful apology statement? Wang Lizhi, are you feeling dizzy?"

"Lu Shijin, don't think that you can completely overthrow me if you get my recording, dream!" Wang Lizhi also sneered, "You only wrote for me once, and you asked for it yourself, and then you used it to blackmail me. Me, this is the truth! Now that you hooked up with Jin Jingyao, it was you who cheated first. I'm not afraid that you will make a big issue. If it does, I'll just show the netizens the face of your adulterer!"

Lu Shijin: "You're just relying on me that I don't have the evidence I've ghostwritten for you, right?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about. I don't care about the past with you. It's easy to get together. If you still dare to spread rumors and slander, you should wait to receive my lawyer's letter!" Wang Lizhi behaved well this time. Many, he was afraid of Lu Shijin's phone recording, no matter what Lu Shijin said to him, he would never admit it.

"Very good, I've learned to be smart." Lu Shijin chuckled, "Since you don't want to do what I ask, then I don't need to be polite to you, Wang Lizhi, you have to do a good job of bearing the consequences for your cleverness. Prepare."

Wang Lizhi hung up the phone directly. He had already made up his mind to stubbornly refuse to admit it. The big deal would be to lose his reputation. It would be better to gamble that Lu Shijin had no other evidence in his hand, and he said that no one would believe him.

"Have you thought of a countermeasure?" Seeing Lu Shijin's calm expression, Jin Jingyao guessed that Lu Shijin must have a countermeasure.

Lu Shijin pulled his lips slightly, tapped a few times on the tablet, and logged into the Weibo account registered under the vest name "Jinshilu".

[@金世路:@一风画You said that you only asked someone to write for you once, so what happened to the 126th chapter of your new article? 】

There was Jin Jingyao's promotion before, and the Weibo account "Jinshilu" also attracted a lot of fans' attention. As soon as Lu Shijin's Weibo was posted, the comment area exploded.

【what happened? Am I going to the wrong place? In this world, there are still melons in Luda and Penda? 】

[Excited rooster croaking for eating melons! 】

【Chapter 126 What happened? Is there a Sherlock Holmes to solve the case? 】

【I came back after reading it! I watched it ten times! Blind spot found! In the first eleven paragraphs of this chapter, the first words at the beginning of each paragraph are linked together: "I am the way of the world. This article is written by me"! ! ! 】

【Fuck? ? ? Looking for a vulgar pen to ghostwriter in this world? What an astonishing melon this is! The melon fields are harvested! 】

[This dramatic reversal, this melon is so delicious! 】

[How to explain such a hard hammer, waiting for a vulgar pen. 】

[What else to explain, my face was swollen, and the car rolled over hahahaha! 】