Chapter 74: Cannon Fodder Gunners Counterattack (ov

After Wang Lizhi saw the Weibo posted by "Jin Shilu", he quickly read the 126th chapter of his new serialized article, and found that it was really like what netizens said, the first few paragraphs at the beginning, the first paragraph of each paragraph. Words can be combined into a coherent sentence.

"I am the current way of life, this article is written by me", these words are like a life-threatening spell, making Wang Lizhi's scalp numb and the back of his head cold!

After Lu Shijin finished posting the questioning Weibo, he posted the long Weibo that he had written long ago.

Long Weibo wrote in detail how he helped Wang Lizhi to go online, and how he was designed by Wang Lizhi and forced to be a shooter for Wang Lizhi.

He exposed this matter, not to pray for the forgiveness of the readers, but not to help Wang Lizhi deceive people with his conscience.

Lu Shijin said that he will withdraw from the circle from now on, and will no longer write articles. He also asks Wang Lizhi to re-issue the apology statement, admit his mistakes, and apologize to all the readers and fans who have been deceived by him.

After Weibo was posted, thousands of comments were refreshed in less than a minute.

[There are still such brazen people in the world, shattering my three views! 】

[I used to be a loyal book fan of vulgar pens. I bought several sets of physical book collections at home. Now you tell me that they are all ghostwriters? Well, use it for firewood! 】

[I feel that Shilu is not a good person. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. It may be like a common saying that they fell out because of their breakup, so they came out and bit the dog, hehe. 】

In the comments, Lu Shijin's actions against Wang Lizhi were mixed, with some sympathy and sarcasm, and some even suspected that Lu Shijin used Wang Lizhi to hype himself.

At this time, several voices took the initiative to speak up for Lu Shijin, including the great author who once had a good relationship with Lu Shijin, as well as Zhang Hao, an underappreciated actor who he had helped, a businessman who was not a good man and a housewife who was raped .

The author of Great God expressed his belief in Lu Shijin's character, and praised Lu Shijin as a person who took writing seriously. If it wasn't for helplessness, he would never help others as a gunman.

The other three people expressed their gratitude to Lu Shijin publicly. If it weren't for Lu Shijin's encouragement, they would not be where they are today. They believe that such a warm and kind author will never deliberately deceive readers. I hope everyone will not attack Lu Shijin. He is also a victim.

Driven by these people, the speech gradually began to fall towards Lu Shijin, and Wang Lizhi had been in the circle for so many years, but at this moment, no one stood up to speak for him.

The authors who used to be close friends on the surface all chose to protect themselves. What is even more terrifying are the loyal readers in the past. They felt that their true feelings over the years had been fed to dogs, and they were the most vicious ones who scolded Wang Lizhi on the Internet.

Wang Lizhi finally figured out the cause and effect. It turns out that all this was designed by Lu Shijin. He really has a vicious mind!

Lu Shijin first gave him the recording on purpose, expecting that he would only admit that he asked Lu Shijin to ghostwrite it once three years ago, as the recording said.

After he posted on Weibo and told all the readers, Lu Shijin took out evidence and slapped him in the face.

Readers may tolerate their favorite authors making a mistake once or twice, but readers won't tolerate being fooled by them.

Lu Shijin did this and overturned all the trust that Wang Lizhi had established in the readers' minds.

After that, no matter what Wang Lizhi explained, no one would believe him anymore!

This is Lu Shijin's purpose. He wants to make all public opinion turn to Wang Lizhi's opposite, and let Wang Lizhi, who was once highly praised, have a taste of what it is like to be referred to by thousands of people!

"What should I do now?" Wang Jincao still couldn't figure out the situation, and urged Wang Lizhi to make up his mind, "Where did this world come from? Are you not the only shooter Lu Shijin? When did you ask him to ghostwrite? "

"Stupid! Can't you see it?" Wang Lizhi kicked his cousin, "Jin Shilu, Lu Shijin, they are all alone! He has long planned to deal with me!"

"It's alright, don't worry," Wang Jinzhao covered his butt, sweating profusely, "I'll contact the Shuijun company now and ask them to charge the review! Yes, charge the review! Those netizens are very forgetful, as long as we Don't admit it, they might forget about it after a while!"

Wang Jinjiu shook his head and picked up his mobile phone to call the Navy Company, but the answer from the other party made him furious.

"What do you mean you can't take this job? The other party is clearly framing you, do you understand? Whose money do you take to do things for whom? Do you think you have less money? Okay, they are all a group of people who see the wind and see the money. Guy, if you don't take it down, you think you're the only one with a navy, I'll find someone else!"

After listening to Wang Jinzao's words, the people from the Navy Company smiled contemptuously, "Boss, let me tell you the truth, it's not about money or not, but it's impossible for any Navy company to take over your work now, people. Hammer your evidence is harder than a hammer, who can wash you clean? Do you think everyone else is stupid? You have the time to argue with me here, why don't you think about how to wipe your **** hahaha!"

Wang Jinzhao still wanted to scold him, but the Shuijun Company didn't give him a chance, and simply hung up the phone neatly, so angry that Wang Jinzhao almost burst his eyes.

"It's okay," Wang Jinzhao himself was already anxious to become an ant on the hot pot, but he had to comfort Wang Lizhi, "If we think of other ways, there will definitely be a way..."

Wang Lizhi flipped through the comments below Weibo. The comments that originally supported him and comforted him have been suppressed by the new popular comments. Now the comment area is ridiculing him for his words.

[Can't you explain it? The pen is big? Does your face hurt? Are you ready to play dead all the time? 】

[Great God, did you forget to write an outline when you posted on Weibo? Oh, I was wrong, maybe this long Weibo was also ghostwritten by someone? 】

[The author who used to be a fan of zqsg, it turns out that the character is such a virtue, bah! What the hell! Count me blind! 】

【A vulgar pen? I think you should be called "a rotten guy"! 】

[No wonder I said that the latest update is similar to what the primary school students wrote, so this is your real level? 】

[Is it delicious to rely on the gunman to earn readers' money? Why didn't you choke to death! 】

Wang Lizhi didn't bother to turn on the function of banning comments on Weibo. These unsightly satires stabbed him in his heart like a sharp needle, silently delaying him.

He smashed the phone on the ground with all his strength, and it shattered into pieces. Wang Lizhi was spread on the seat like a pool of mud, his face was pale and his eyes were empty.

This time, it really came to a dead end.

However, what Wang Lizhi has to face is not only the verbal criticism from netizens, but also the notice of Platinum Culture and his termination of the contract. His previous works published on the Internet have been blocked by lock texts.

Angry readers launched an initiative to boycott all of Wang Lizhi's works. Readers have been complaining to the novel website, and even to the Ministry of Culture, demanding compensation for the amount they spent on buying a vulgar pen.

Other than that, it's far from over.

The bad influence has spread from the online literature circle to the entertainment circle, and the word a vulgar pen has become four words that film and television parties and investors dare not touch.

Not only have all the film and television dramas adapted from a vulgar work have been taken off the shelves, but all the projects that have been filed and started have been aborted.

Due to the losses caused by Wang Lizhi's personal behavior, of course, the film and television side cannot bear it. Several film and television companies have sued Wang Lizhi in court. The accumulated compensation amount is simply astronomical. Even if Wang Lizhi works continuously for ten lifetimes, he can't afford it !

Wang Lizhi realized all his assets and lost them. He moved from a luxury apartment to a cheap urban village, from a great author with millions of copyrights to an ordinary wage earner.

But these are just a drop in the bucket, far from enough to fill the hole he owes.

And his parents in his hometown, who don't know where those netizens found the address of his hometown, smashed the windows of his house, splashed paint on the door of his house, and posted big-character posters, scaring the old couple.

When the old couple called their son, they realized that the son had done such a shameful thing, and they were so angry that they threatened to cut off their relationship with Wang Lizhi.

Rats crossing the street, betraying relatives, and being in huge debts, Wang Lizhi can only shrink on the moldy bed in the rental house every day, and the whole person is completely useless.

He didn't dare to go out, because there were media reporters blocking him outside, and he didn't dare to go online. He didn't dare to turn on his mobile phone because he was afraid of seeing the endless abuse from those people on the Internet. loss.

Gradually, his spirit began to trance, and he began to talk to himself, imagining that he was still the author of the great **** who was sought after by thousands of people, imagining that he had written a world-shattering masterpiece and trampled all those who laughed at him.

He even fantasized that he was the protagonist of the counterattacks in the book, talking nonsense all day long. At the beginning, Wang Jinzhao was still thinking of brotherhood, and visited Wang Lizhi several times, until he discovered Wang Lizhi's spirit After the situation became more and more wrong, he ignored Wang Lizhi.

Originally it was a Su Shuang drama with X silk counterattack, but X silk not only did not counterattack, but also crazy? This makes the audience how to accept such a person as the protagonist.

711 and Lu Shijin reported on the completion of this world mission: "The plot is 30% complete, and the audience's Su Shuang is 10%... There is still a big gap between the completion of the mission."

Lu Shijin said nonchalantly, "People like Wang Lizhi are not worthy of being the protagonist in the first place, don't they have a perspective correction card? Can you change the protagonist's perspective to Jin Jingyao?"

"The scumbag perspective?" 711 hesitated, "Will the audience like this kind of protagonist?"

"Most people are greedy and fickle. It's normal to see one love the other," Lu Shijin said. "When the audience puts themselves into Jin Jingyao's perspective, they won't feel that Jin Jingyao is a scumbag."

711 dubiously used the perspective correction card, and after changing the perspective of all the plots to Jin Jingyao's perspective, as Lu Shijin said, the audience's coolness suddenly reached nearly 90%.

[Our little gold is too good, the hormones of walking, the perpetual motion of human nature, how can anyone not love it? 】

[Seeing how these people are jealous for Xiaojin is so cool! That's it, they flirt with their emotions, and they can't get you! The heartthrob loves it loves it! 】

[Xiaojin, mother doesn't allow you to show your true feelings, these people are not worthy! 】

[Is this Wang Lizhi poisonous? This kind of scum doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as our little gold, take off your dirty hands and get out! 】

[Left and right hugs and cheating are too exciting! Although it's cheaper, the surnamed Lu hum (# ̄. ̄#)]

【I! miss! Look! Customize the little yellow mosquito details! begging! Xiaojin X me! 】

[Although I don't think Lu Shijin is worthy of our family's Xiaojin, but if there is an official match, for the sake of writing a little yellow mosquito for Xiaojin, my mother reluctantly agrees~]

After watching the audience's barrage, 711 was dumbfounded: "..."

Lu Shijin sneered: "Look, what do I say? I can't be slandered by others, but I can slander others. People are such double standards."

711: "Long experience, long experience."

"Has the **** attack mission over at 211 been completed?" Lu Shijin asked.

711: "It's almost there, but there's still one last step."

Lu Shijin: "What?"

711 wanted to say it but didn't dare to say it, and finally whispered forcefully: "Abusive..."

Lu Shijin: "??? Isn't it enough to abuse Wang Inspiration?"

711: "The perspective has changed. Wang Lizhi is just a cannon fodder. Now you are the real recipient."

Lu Shijin: "You mean, Jin Jingyao is going to abuse me next, right?"

711: "…Yes."

Lu Shijin sneered silently: "Very good, I see how brave he is."

At night, Jin Jingyao came to find Lu Shijin.

As soon as he entered the door, Lu Shijin found that Jin Jingyao's face was a little wrong today, and he knew it immediately. I'm afraid he was thinking about how to abuse himself.


When it was time to go to bed at night, Jin Jingyao didn't go straight to the topic as before, but looked at Lu Shijin consciously or unintentionally, hesitating to say anything.

"Why do you look at me like that? If you have something to say, say it directly, don't grind it." Lu Shijin raised his foot and kicked Jin Jingyao.

Jin Jingyao caught Jin Jingyao's foot, kneaded it in his hand, laughed dryly, and said, "Wife, didn't you write a fanfiction before, called "Affectionate Male Supporting System"?"

"What's wrong?" Lu Shijin was a little surprised to hear him suddenly mention this.

Jin Jingyao: "I searched everywhere on the Internet, but I couldn't find any book with this name. Where did you read this book? I want to read it too. Would you recommend it to me?"

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment. Jin Jingyao was bound to a system himself, and of course he was very sensitive to the word "system". Could it be that he had doubts about the source of the "affectionate male support" system?

Lu Shijin pretended to be calm and said, "I read this book a long time ago, and I forgot where I read it. It's just so-so, so maybe it's not your thing."

Jin Jingyao slightly hooked his lips: "Forgot? You can write fanfiction, but you can forget it? So I guess, this book doesn't exist at all, right?"

Lu Shijin had a premonition that something was wrong, he wanted to sit up from the bed, and wanted to pull his feet back from Jin Jingyao's hand, but Jin Jingyao held him tighter.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Lu Shijin's heartbeat started to speed up, wouldn't it be Jin Jingyao who guessed that he was also a tasker bound to the system?

Could it be that 211, this scumbag, didn't erase Jin Jingyao's memory and reminded him?

But if Jin Jingyao really remembered it, the mission in this world would be in vain!

"What I want to say is," Jin Jingyao narrowed his eyes and stared at Lu Shijin dangerously, "I suspect that the article "Affectionate Male Supporting System" is actually..."

"What is it?" Lu Shijin swallowed and said calmly, "Don't be panting when you speak."

His heart was full of contradictions, both expecting Jin Jingyao to recognize him, but also afraid that Jin Jingyao would recognize him.

Jin Jingyao raised his eyebrows, "It's actually a fanfiction you wrote for yourself, right?"

Lu Shijin secretly rubbed and got excited: What the hell! Did he really find out? !

In the end, Jin Jingyao said again: "Tell me, who is the other protagonist in the book?"

Lu Shijin didn't understand and blinked, "What?"

Jin Jingyao snorted coldly: "Since one of the protagonists in the book is yourself, who is the other? Do you have other people you like?!"

Lu Shijin: "…"

He understood, Jin Jingyao didn't remember, he wanted to die.

After working for a long time, it turned out to be deliberately trying to find fault? Is it wrong to abuse him with the **** routine of "misunderstanding and jealousy"?

"Who do you think it is?" Lu Shijin, who had guessed what trick Jin Jingyao was trying to play, didn't immediately attack, but asked with a smile.

"Do I ask you or do you ask me?" Jin Jingyao sank his face, pretending to be unhappy, "How could I know that when you were with me, were you secretly **** after me with some wild man? ."

Lu Shijin stretched out his feet, poked Jin Jingyao's heart with his round toes, and said jokingly, "Then do you think it's possible that the you?"

"It's me?" Jin Jingyao's eyes lit up at first, but when he remembered his ultimate goal, he became cold again, "Come on, when you wrote this article, I didn't know you, how could it be me? Of course, also It can't be that scumbag Wang Lizhi, so you'd better explain honestly who that person is, otherwise—"

"How about otherwise?" Lu Shijin chuckled, put his hands behind his head, and looked at Jin Jingyao leisurely, "Are you going to break up with me? For a 'wild man' who doesn't exist? Okay, then you can go now."

Jin Jingyao: "..." Why is the development of things different from what you imagined?

What about abuse? In the face of his doubts, shouldn't Lu Shijin explain to himself sadly that he didn't betray him?

"I'm gone, you don't regret it!" Jin Jingyao got up and made a gesture to leave.

Lu Shijin raised his hand lazily, "Goodbye, let's go."

Jin Jingyao: "..." Suddenly I felt very embarrassed.

"Didn't you say you want to go? Why are you still standing there?" Lu Shijin was lying on his back with Erlang's legs crossed, shaking leisurely, "Didn't you want me to open the door for you?"

"You!" Jin Jingyao stared angrily, "Okay, you are very good, you did something wrong to me and dared to drive me away without admitting it was wrong. You are just relying on me to like you, right?!"

"Wrong, I didn't rely on you to like me," Lu Shijin lifted his eyelids and glanced at Jin Jingyao, "I didn't rely on you to not be able to do it without me."

"..." Jin Jingyao was so blocked that he couldn't say a word.

No, as a scumbag, how could it be possible to let Xiaoshoushou ride on his head to make a fortune? What's the face of that scumbag?

Lu Shijin had to be made aware of how powerful Jin Jingyao was. So many people could not ask for him. How could he not be without Lu Shijin?

go! Go now! Go without looking back! Just wait and see how Lu Shijin cried and hugged him and begged him to come back!

Jin Jingyao decided not to let Lu Shijin get too proud and lose his dignity, so he picked up his jacket and left the room without saying a word.

However, Jin Jingyao left Lu Shijin's house and stood in front of his house for three minutes, without waiting for Lu Shijin to come out to find him, nor for a phone call from Lu Shijin.

It seems that there really is another man in Xiao Yao Jingyi, that's why he doesn't care about him so much!

Jin Jingyao was so angry that he really wanted to walk away, but he couldn't sell it as if he had fallen into evil.

Lu Shijin was lying on the bed, counting casually with his fingers. When he counted to two hundred, the door really opened.

Lu Shijin raised his head and saw Jin Jingyao with a stern face. He deliberately said, "Didn't you say leave? Why did you come back?"

"Heh, I'm leaving," Jin Jingyao said coldly, "I can let you and the wild man be happy, right?"

"Are you finished yet?" Lu Shijin couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Are you addicted to being suspicious?"

"It's not over, of course it's not over," Jin Jingyao knelt on the bed aggressively, grabbed Lu Shijin's hands and pressed them on top of his head, "Man, you angered me, I will punish you!"

"Fuck off, you're an actress?" Lu Shijin raised his foot and wanted to kick Jin Jingyao away, but Jin Jingyao moved agilely and turned over and sat on top of him first, pressing his legs to keep him from moving, Lu Shijin was annoyed, "What do you want? what?"

"I'm going to punish you and write me a fanfiction." Jin Jingyao said.

Lu Shijin was inexplicable: "Didn't I already write it to you?!"

"Let's change the way of writing today," Jin Jingyao smiled wickedly. He didn't know where he found the paper and pen, and shook it proudly in his hand, "Have you ever seen a reader urging you to update online?"

Lu Shijin: "???"

Jin Jingyao leaned down and whispered in his ear, "It's just a matter of time on paper, and I know nothing about this matter. How about we write while practicing?"

In the end, Lu Shijin was successfully abused by Jin Jingyao.

But his abuse, not the heart, but the body.

"What does it feel like to be manipulated like this? Be good, write it down and read it to me."

Lu Shijin knelt on the bed, his body was sore and soft, he couldn't even hold the pen, and the words he wrote on the paper were crooked like earthworms.

But he couldn't stop. Once he stopped, he was confronted with the more crazy and more tricky "promoting methods" of men.

"Finished?" Jin Jingyao stuck his head out from Lu Shijin's shoulder, looked at a paragraph that Lu Shijin just finished, pinched his earlobe dissatisfiedly, "I can't write well, rewrite it."

Lu Shijin was unconvinced, "You only said let me write it, but you didn't say that you need to write beautifully!"

"Huh? You dare to talk back, don't you?" Jin Jingyao pressed Lu Shijin's shoulder back with malicious intent, "Do you want to share your writing experience with me more deeply?"

"Don't, don't, I'll rewrite, rewrite!" Lu Shijin couldn't bear the toss anymore, so he hurriedly begged for mercy, Jin Jingyao, like teaching a young child to read characters, reached out and grabbed Lu Shijin's hand holding the pen, coaxing in a low voice, "Baby Son, don't worry, there is time, I will accompany you to write slowly."

"I don't want to write about Little Yellow Mosquito anymore!" Lu Shijin was so "abused" that he wanted to cry without tears, and roared in his heart, "Convenience store! Hurry up and find a way to end this world!"

The author has something to say:

711: Concubine can't do it.JPG