Chapter 75: Gongdou I am a professional

"Oh my dear, this place is not where you sleep!" A shrill and unisex voice rang in Lu Shijin's ear, chattering non-stop, "My lord, it's cold here, it's not good to catch a cold. Okay, the servant will help you up, let's go back to the manor?"

Lu Shijin slowly opened his eyes, feeling a little shady on his back, propped up his hands, and looked down, it turned out that he was sleeping on a large stone slab.

Looking around again, it seems that the place he is in is a garden, surrounded by lush flowers and plants, surrounded by rockeries, and towering pavilions.

It is night now, and the lights are graceful in the distance, and it is vaguely recognizable that the buildings are of ancient style.

Looking at the person who spoke, he was dressed in ancient court costumes, a high hat, and had a white face and no beards. Although he was a man, he was full of femininity. At first glance, he looked like a eunuch.

Lu Shijin immediately understood that this time he had entered the ancient world.

711 was launched in a timely manner, transmitting all the plot lines of this world into Lu Shijin's brain.

This is a big heroine palace fighting drama advertised as inspirational for women. The heroine's name is Liu Zhenhuan. She was also born in a noble family of Zhongming Dingshi, with a scholarly family. The crime angered Longyan, the Liu family was seized, all the adult males in the family were exiled, and the women and children were not served as official slaves.

Liu Zhenhuan once changed from Miss Qianjin to the lowest servant in the palace, and was bullied by others in the palace.

This is nothing, Liu Zhenhuan has a younger brother named Liu Chengsi, who has just turned eight years old and is the only incense in the Liu family.

As everyone knows in Zhou, men who enter the palace as slaves must be cleansed, so Liu Chengsi will be punished by the palace at a young age, and he will never be able to lift his head again.

Liu Zhenhuan's mother passed away early, and she brought up the younger brother. Before Liu Zhenhuan's grandfather and father were exiled, they told Liu Zhenhuan to protect Liu Chengsi. Of course, Liu Zhenhuan couldn't just watch the one he loved the most. My brother's life was ruined.

Liu Zhenhuan has no power or power in her hands, and she can't save people by herself, but she has quite a bit of beauty, and has read poetry and books. who will take her out of the sea of ​​misery.

In the important harem, there are few foreign ministers entering and leaving, and the only men that can be seen at ordinary times are eunuchs.

Liu Zhenhuan couldn't find any other candidates, so he could only target the eunuch.

The chief **** was named Lin Yongnian, but he was in his twenties. Although he was an eunuch, he was tall and beautiful.

Many maids in the palace admire the handsome Lin Yongnian, but it is a pity that Lin Yongnian is an **** and cannot be humane.

Lin Yongnian was able to sit as the chief **** at a young age because the last chief **** was his godfather. Lin Yongnian's godfather had served three emperors through three dynasties. The new emperor recommended his godson to take the position.

The new emperor remembered that Lin Yongnian's godfather had served in the palace these years, and gave him this face, and then Lin Yongnian was able to sit on the position of the chief steward that all the servants in the harem were jealous of.

The following plots do not need to be detailed, the audience can guess. In short, Liu Zhenhuan, who has the halo of the heroine, used a little trick to attract the attention of Lin Yongnian. Lin Yongnian not only helped to save Liu Chengsi, He also took good care of Liu Zhenhuan.

With Lin Yongnian's care, Liu Zhenhuan's life in the palace was much better.

Just when Liu Zhenhuan was about to accept his fate and felt that since he had no hope of leaving the palace for the rest of his life, it would be good to have a meal with Lin Yongnian. Against the opposition of the ministers, he insisted on bringing Liu Zhenhuan, the daughter of an official, into the harem.

The imperial decree cannot be disobeyed, otherwise it will not only be raided, but also the disaster of genocide. Even if Liu Zhenhuan can't let Lin Yongnian go, he can only obey the emperor's will and become a concubine.

Liu Zhenhuan was only a young talented girl who lived at the end of the four concubines and six concubines at first, but the emperor was quite fond of Liu Zhenhuan, and she was promoted to a fifth-rank talent in less than a year. A child, Emperor Longyan Dayue, canonized Liu Zhenhuan as the third-grade Jieyu.

There are many concubines of the emperor, and they naturally feel resentful towards Liu Zhenhuan, who has suffered from the emperor's rain and dew, and jointly designed it so that Liu Zhenhuan's first child could not be kept.

After Liu Zhenhuan lost her child, she spread the rumor that Liu Zhenhuan was the daughter of a criminal and an ominous person, so she could not keep the rumors of Longyi. The queen mother strictly ordered the emperor not to favor Liu Zhenhuan any more.

The emperor was filial to his mother, and the empress dowager personally issued the decree. He was not good at disobeying the empress dowager's order.

After losing the emperor's favor and her family's defeat and unable to support Liu Zhenhuan, Liu Zhenhuan lost all support, and even a palace maid could bully her.

At this time, Lin Yongnian appeared next to Liu Zhenhuan again, drove away the people who saw her jokes for Liu Zhenhuan, and acted as Liu Zhenhuan's umbrella again.

Liu Zhenhuan was moved by Lin Yongnian's careful care, and the two rekindled their old love in the cold palace.

The result surprised Liu Zhenhuan, Lin Yongnian was actually a fake eunuch!

Lin Yongnian and Liu Zhenhuan revealed his true life experience. It turned out that he was the son of the late emperor who was drunk and was spoiled by a palace maid.

But at that time, the queen's family was powerful, and the queen was jealous. She treated the favored concubine cruelly, and everyone in the harem was in danger. Although Lin Yongnian's mother was favored, she did not dare to speak out, for fear of being given death by the queen.

As a result, who would have thought that in just one night, Lin Yongnian's mother was pregnant with a dragon child, and she was even more anxious all day long.

Fortunately, the **** in charge at that time and Lin Yongnian's mother were from the same hometown, and their ancestors brought their relatives, so Lin Yongnian's mother turned to him for help.

The chief manager pity Lin Yongnian's mother's difficulties, and secretly protected their mother and son without telling the queen, but Lin Yongnian's mother died in childbirth, leaving only Lin Yongnian to live alone in the world.

The chief manager secretly sent Lin Yongnian, who was still in the baby, out of the palace and handed it over to a friend to raise him.

Later, the old emperor died, causing a coup d'etat, the prince was killed, and the queen's family fell. The regent helped an unfavored prince who grew up in a cold palace to become a puppet emperor. The chief executive also knew too many secrets in the palace. Forced to retire and return home by the regent.

The chief executive guessed that the regent could not really let him go back to his hometown, and he would definitely kill him halfway.

They are both the emperor's heirs, but one is honored as the ninth-five, while the other can only be a servant to serve people forever.

Lin Yongnian, who learned of his life experience, was naturally unwilling to go on like this for the rest of his life, but except for the dead chief executive, no one in the world knew his life experience, and his name was destined not to enter the royal family tree.

Lin Yongnian made up his mind that even if he could not recognize his ancestors in his life, he would still be a powerful minister under one person and over ten thousand people!

Lin Yongnian told Liu Zhenhuan all his secrets, and Liu Zhenhuan, who had been disappointed with the emperor, also understood one thing. It is better to rely on her own family, husband, and children to be safe. In the harem, in order not to be bullied by others and to control one's own destiny, one must sit in the seat of the master of the harem!

Two people who have suffered so much in their hearts embraced each other for warmth. They decided to support each other and be the masters of the former harem!

After several private meetings, Liu Zhenhuan's bead was darkened, and with Lin Yongnian's flesh and blood, under Lin Yongnian's ingenious arrangement, the emperor met Liu Zhenhuan, whom he had not seen for a long time in the imperial garden. Liu Zhenhuan was more beautiful and slimmer than before. Chu Chu was so moving that he succeeded in taking away the emperor's soul.

The emperor favored Liu Zhenhuan again. A month later, Liu Zhenhuan was diagnosed with another pregnancy, and the emperor was overjoyed.

This time, even the empress dowager's decree didn't work. The emperor directly named Liu Zhenhuan as Concubine Shu, and after giving birth to the prince, he was promoted to noble concubine, and the Liu family was amnesty.

And Lu Shijin's role is the righteous brother of the current emperor Li Chong.

The current empress dowager was not favored when she was a concubine, because she gave birth to a prince and was hated by the first queen, and she was put into the cold palace by the first queen.

Li Chong grew up in a cold palace, and he was a prince, but he lived a life that was worse than ordinary people without food and clothing.

The Queen Mother has a loyal nanny who has always been by their mother and son's side.

The grandmother has a grandson, Lu Shijin. Lu Shijin's parents both died unexpectedly, so Lu Shijin has always been by his grandmother's side and grew up with Li Chong.

One winter, the weather was extremely cold, and if there was no charcoal fire, I would probably freeze to death, but those minions in the Internal Affairs Department were all snobbish eyes.

Nummy was angry, so she asked someone from the Internal Affairs Office to make a theory, but she was ridiculed by the **** on duty. The two disagreed and quarreled. During the dispute, the **** on duty pushed Numao, but she didn't stand firm. The back of his head hit the ground, and he died on the spot.

The **** on duty was afraid that the matter would be too big and would be difficult to clean up, so he hurriedly sent the charcoal fire to the cold palace and told Concubine Li Chong that the ground was slippery in winter. If they don't make it public, there will be no shortage of charcoal fires and food this winter.

Concubine Li Chong didn't know what was going on. After the people from the Internal Affairs Office left, she hugged Li Chong and Lu Shijin and cried a lot.

However, misfortunes do not come singly, the weather is cold and the ground is freezing, and after being frightened again, Xiao Jin developed a high fever that night.

And the cold palace was remote, no matter how Li Chong knocked on the door of the imperial hospital, the imperial doctor would not brave the cold wind to go to the cold palace to diagnose and treat a servant.

When the next day dawned, Xiao Jinjin had missed the best time for diagnosis and treatment. Even if the fever subsided later, his brain was burned out, and his IQ was always maintained at the age of eight.

Not taking good care of Lu Shijin made Li Chong's mother concubine blame herself. She told Li Chong that their mother and son's lives were exchanged for their mother's life.

Later, in a palace coup, the regent killed the crown prince, eradicated the queen's family, and established a new monarch among the many descendants of the previous emperor.

At this time, the regent's staff proposed that there was a prince of the late emperor in the Leng Palace, that is, Li Chong.

Li Chong's biological mother's status was low, and the mother's family was not prosperous, so the prince without foundation was the most suitable to control, so the regent supported Li Chong to ascend the throne.

After Li Chong ascended the throne, the empress dowager openly recognized Lu Shijin as his adopted son. Li Chong named Lu Shijin a county king to keep him prosperous and wealthy for the rest of his life.

"My lord, don't be self-willed. Today, the emperor has a new beauty. I guess I flipped the sign of that beauty tonight and announced that she will serve her in bed. I might not be free to see you. Why don't you go back with the servant?" The **** said in a coquettish tone. Like a child, "Is it alright for the servant to buy you candied haws to eat when you go back? There is also hibiscus cake, and the servant will let the kitchen make it for you when you go back."

Lu Shijin had almost finished accepting the plot line and setting, raised his eyes and glanced at the **** named Wang Xi, frowned and blinked.

By the way, his current personality is that of an idiot whose brain has been burned out and his IQ is like that of an eight-year-old child, so I don't blame Wang Xi for talking to him in such a tone.

"This king is fine," Lu Shijin figured out how an eight-year-old IQ child should speak, waved his sleeves, and asked Wang Xi to help him up, "Since the emperor's brother has no time to see me, let's go back, this king tomorrow Let's play with the royal brother and the queen mother again."

"That's right!" Wang Xi happily helped Lu Shijin up, "My lord is really obedient. The next time I see the Queen Mother, the servant must tell the Queen Mother how sensible the Queen Mother is, and the Queen Mother will be happy."

Lu Shijin reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth, straightened his clothes, and swaggered about to leave the palace.

"Convenience store, have you contacted 211?" Lu Shijin asked 711 as he walked.

711 came out: "I got in touch."

Lu Shijin: "Who is his role this time?"

711 said hesitantly, "It's your emperor brother."

Lu Shijin: "...what system?"

711: "The OOC system is prohibited."

Lu Shijin: "..." This is too miserable, isn't it?

The role of Li Chong is not only a cannon fodder, but also a green hat.

It has been introduced before that Li Chong took the heroine Liu Zhenhuan as his concubine, but Liu Zhenhuan put a huge green hat on Li Chong.

This is nothing, Li Chong is a puppet emperor, and he is constrained by the regent everywhere. Under the recommendation of Liu Zhenhuan, Li Chong began to favor Lin Yongnian, and wanted to train Lin Yongnian to be his crony and help him win courtiers to support him. .

As a result, Lin Yongnian flattered both sides, while helping Li Chong, and at the same time informing the regent of Li Chong's cultivation of cronies.

When the regent learned that Li Chong had such thoughts, he was furious. If it weren't for his support, Li Chong's mother and son would have died in the cold palace long ago. How could they have the opportunity to climb the treasure and enjoy the honor of the ninety-five.

Since he wanted to get out of his control, the emperor naturally couldn't stay.

Anyway, it's a puppet, and whoever is standing is not standing.

At this time, Lin Yongnian stood up and offered a plan. Concubine Liu Gui's son was still young, so wouldn't it be better to control him than Li Chong?

The prince regent took Lin Yongnian's suggestion deeply, praised Lin Yongnian greatly, and asked Lin Yongnian to find a way to get rid of the emperor, with his support.

Lin Yongnian is not stupid. In such a big event as the emperor's death, someone must be the one to take the blame. If he does it himself, there is no guarantee that the regent won't give him the blame in the end.

So Lin Yongnian moved his mind to Lu Shijin, the stupid county king.

Li Chong grew up in an environment like a cold palace, and developed a suspicious temperament. Usually, there are many guards in and out of his side. He also pays great attention to diet.

Although Li Chong was suspicious, there were only two people he trusted the most.

One is the queen mother, and the other is Lu Shijin, who grew up with him since childhood.

So Lin Yongnian moved his mind to Lu Shijin.

But although Lu Shijin is only eight years old in IQ and temperament, he doesn't buy anyone's account except Li Chong and the Queen Mother, and he is also a master who is not easy to approach.

Lin Yongnian came up with a plan. He asked Liu Zhenhuan to show his favor to Lu Shijin and gain Lu Shijin's trust.

Soon after, Lu Shijin really liked this beautiful sister-in-law who gave him a little nephew, and gradually trusted Liu Zhenhuan.

Once, Liu Zhenhuan was interested in teaching Lu Shijin how to make cakes. After Lu Shijin finished making it, he happily took it to Li Chong to taste.

Li Chong heard Lu Shijin say that he made the cakes himself, so he didn't let the servants try the poison, and praised Lu Shijin after tasting a small piece.

As a result, the emperor died violently that night. After examining the body, the imperial doctor found that it was caused by poisoning. After some investigation, it was found on Lu Shijin's head.

At this time, Concubine Liu's maid stood up and testified that the prince of the county had repeatedly molested Concubine Liu, and he must have coveted the beauty of the emperor's sister-in-law, so he poisoned the emperor.

Such a clumsy reason, under the pressure of the regent, no one dared to question it.

Poor Lu Shijin became a scapegoat, and accompanied his emperor's elder brother on the Naihe Bridge, and the emperor's only son, the son of Concubine Liu Gui, naturally became the new emperor, and Concubine Liu became the queen dowager who was under the curtain. , really became the master of the harem.

After Lu Shijin recalled Li Chong's ending, he sighed endlessly. He didn't expect that Smart I would be destroyed by the pig teammate "Lu Shijin".

And his husband not only dressed up as the short-lived emperor Li Chong, but was also stipulated by the system that he could not OCC. It was too miserable, right?

etc! A light suddenly flashed across Lu Shijin's mind, what did Wang Xi say just now?

"Wait a minute!" Lu Shijin stopped, raised his hand to signal Wang Xi to stop, "Did you just say that the emperor's brother has hired a new beauty, and turned over her brand to serve the bed tonight?"

Wang Xi: "Yes! My lord, what are you asking this for? It's a matter between their adults, you don't care, the palace gate is about to be unlocked, let's go quickly, we won't be able to get out if we don't leave. Palace."

"What's the name of that beautiful sister?" Lu Shijin asked persistently, unmoved.

Wang Xi rolled his eyes and recalled, "It seems that the surname is Liu, but I don't remember the exact name of the servant, but I only heard that she was a palace maid doing chores in Ye Ting. The emperor and the empress dowager had a dispute over this matter. What! Eehee! Your Majesty, where are you going? This is not the direction to leave the palace!"

out of the palace? Lao Gong is about to crawl on other women's beds, and he's going out of the palace!

Lu Shijin strode past in the direction of Yong'an Palace, the emperor's dormitory, in his memory. Wang Xi ran quickly and jogged to catch up with him, and opened his arms to stop him.

"My lord, where are you going?" Wang Xi asked breathlessly.

Lu Shijin: "Get out of the way! I'm going to the emperor's brother to play chess."

Wang Xi said anxiously: "My lord, it's so late, you must not disturb the emperor. You will be fine then, but the servant's head will not be kept!"

His eyebrows were about to burn, and Lu Shijin didn't bother to talk to Wang Xi, so he pushed Wang Xi away and went straight forward, no matter how crying father and mother Wang Xi was behind him.

Arriving at Yong'an Palace, the palace was brightly lit, and the guard guarding the gate saw that it was King Ningjun. Knowing that King Ningjun was the emperor's most important person, he didn't dare to stop him, so he was busy letting someone in to inform him.

Although the emperor flipped over Liu Zhenhuan's sign tonight, it would take Hai Shi to send people over from the Jingshi Room, so the emperor has not yet placed them, and is still grading the memorial in the dormitory.

As soon as he heard that Lu Shijin came over so late, Li Chong was afraid that Lu Shijin was in a hurry, so he announced that Lu Shijin would enter the hall.

Lu Shijin entered the Yongan Palace and saw Li Chong who was sitting behind the imperial case, holding a red pen and carefully correcting the memorial.

Li Chong had taken off his dragon robe, and was wearing a bright yellow nightgown. The chest of the nightgown was embroidered with a majestic golden dragon holding an orb, showing the emperor's heroic spirit.

His hair stands tall, his temples are cut like a knife, his sword eyebrows are star-shaped, his nose is dangling, and his appearance is dignified, the standard appearance of a beautiful man in ancient times.

And because he grew up in the cold palace without seeing the sun since he was a child, Li Chong's complexion was very white, and under the dim candlelight, there was a strange soft light on his face, which made people unable to look away.

"Why are you still here when it's so late?"

Hearing Lu Shijin's footsteps, Li Chong put down his imperial pen and raised his eyes with a gentle smile, which reminded Lu Shijin of an adjective - elegant and turbid Shijia son.

I also remembered a poem in the Book of Songs, "There is a bandit gentleman, such as cutting as sparring, as sharp as grinding."

His husband's ancient costume is also too good-looking, right? !

Got it, it's a heart-wrenching feeling!

"What's wrong?" Seeing Lu Shijin staring at him, Li Chong smiled again, "Don't know me?"

"Don't laugh." Lu Shijin unknowingly said what was in his heart.

Li Chong was surprised, "What?"

"No," Lu Shijin finally recovered from Li Chong's beauty, coughed and cleared his throat, "I mean..."

"I didn't teach you," Li Chong stood up, walked in front of Lu Shijin from behind the imperial case, and patted Lu Shijin's shoulder with a smile, "This time is different from the past, in front of me in the future, you can't be mine, you have to call yourself a minister Brother, say it again, I'm going to punish you."

Li Chong's voice was very nice, especially when he was talking to people in such a pleasant manner, half of his body would be numb when he heard it.

Lu Shijin looked at his husband's face that turned all beings upside down, and sighed in his heart, shouldn't someone as handsome as you be the protagonist in other TV dramas?

"My younger brother is wrong," Lu Shijin pursed his lips and said, "My younger brother can't sleep. I want to come to the emperor's brother to accompany me. No, it is my younger brother. I will play chess with my younger brother."

Li Chong curled his fingers in a funny way and scratched Lu Shijin's nose: "It's so late, what chess are you still playing? Let's play tomorrow. I'll play with you tomorrow."

"The emperor's elder brother doesn't play chess with his younger brother," Lu Shijin's eyes widened and looked at Li Chong aggrievedly.

"Who did you listen to?" Li Chong lowered his head and laughed helplessly, "How could it be? Don't think about it, no matter when, you are the most important person in my heart."

"Even if the emperor's brother has a new sister-in-law, he will still like his younger brother as before, right?" Lu Shijin raised his chin with a childish demeanor.

Li Chong nodded and promised: "Of course."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, "Is the new sister-in-law good-looking?"

Li Chong lowered his eyes and thought for a while, "It should be considered pretty."

"Better than younger brother Chen?" Lu Shijin put his face under Li Chong's eyes so that he could see himself clearly.

Lu Shijin's eyes are clear and his expression is innocent and innocent. Although his IQ is damaged, his appearance is also very handsome.

Therefore, every time Li Chong saw Lu Shijin, he felt regretful in his heart. He was supposed to be a good man with a bright future, but he was implicated by them and became an idiot. He would secretly make up his mind that he must do his best in his life. To make up for Lu Shijin, as long as he reigns for one day, Lu Shijin will be safe.

Seeing that Li Chong didn't speak, Lu Shijin stretched out his finger and poked Li Chong's chest, and urged dissatisfiedly, "Speak."

Li Chong glanced at Lu Shijin with a complicated look and poked his finger. Now that he is the honor of the ninety-five, only the childish Lu Shijin dares to poke himself with his finger.

"Of course we are the best looking today." Li Chong only thought that Lu Shijin was a child's comparison, and coaxed him with a smile.

Lu Shijin smiled happily and hugged Li Chong's arm tightly: "The emperor brother, don't ask your new sister-in-law to sit in the bed, okay? I, oh no, my brother-in-law can also sit in the bed!"

The author has something to say:

After a year, I mentioned the pen for writing nitrogen fixation again, I hope not to overturn _(:з"∠)_

The first article of the copy reading prompt said that it is 1v1, and only each other is attacked and received.

If there is a thunder point, I will say it in advance. If I don’t say it, there is no thunder. Don’t doubt it.

The original attack has nothing to do with the current attack, remember that the title of this article is God Development, it will not follow the original plot