Chapter 76: Gongdou I am a professional

Li Chong couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and put his finger on Lu Shijin's forehead, "Do you know what 'serving the bed' means?"

"My younger brother knows!" Lu Shijin rubbed his forehead in dissatisfaction and said proudly, "Wang Xi and my younger brother said that 'serving bed' means sleeping together, right?"

Li Chong nodded, his tone doting and helpless: "...That's what I mean."

"Yes, I want to sleep with the emperor's brother tonight? You forgot, we used to sleep together every night." Lu Shijin said with a frown, "but since you became emperor, You and your mother live in the palace, but I live outside the palace alone, do you not want me anymore?"

"Nonsense," Li Chong rubbed the top of Lu Shijin's head, "you will always be family with us, and neither I nor my mother will want you."

"Then why the new sister-in-law can sleep with you, but the younger brother can't?" Lu Shijin suddenly realized, "Oh, this is an idiom that Wang Xi taught me, what is it called... forget the righteousness, right?"

Li Chong: "...This little **** next to you has taught you a bunch of messes?"

Poor Wang Xi, who was terrified waiting outside the door, suddenly felt the back of his head swish.

"I don't care, I'm going to sleep with the emperor's brother today." Relying on his current personality, Lu Shijin put his clothes on the chair and sat down, looking like a rogue who couldn't be driven away by anyone.

Just at this time, an **** from the Respect Office came in and reminded: "Report to the emperor, Feng Luan Chun'en car has arrived at the gate of the palace, and Liu Meiren is still in the car." The **** raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Shi Jin, and asked in embarrassment, " Do you want her to continue waiting in the car?"

Lu Shijin raised his sleeves and akimbo, and looked at Li Chong angrily. If Li Chong dared to drive him away and let that Liu Meiren come in to sleep, he might not know whether he would do anything to kill the king.

Li Chong didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw Lu Shijin's savage appearance.

However, this stupid little brother made a mistake and solved his urgent need. He was still worried just now, what should he do when this Liu Meiren was sent over, and he couldn't really favor others.

Now that Lu Shijin is here, he just has a reason to send people away, and he doesn't know OOC yet.

After all, Li Chong is deeply under the control of his younger brother, and everything takes his younger brother first.

Li Chong waved his hand, "Okay, let the car take the people back, I don't need her to sleep tonight."

The **** was startled suddenly, looked up at Li Chong, and hurriedly lowered his head, "Yes, the servant will do it now."

The **** secretly felt sorry for Liu Zhenhuan in his heart. He had just been sealed as a beauty, but he was returned to serve the bed on the first day. This is a great shame for the concubines!

He also asked him to figure out one thing, who is the young emperor's heartache, not the little county king in front of him!

Alas, if this matter spreads throughout the harem, Liu Meiren would be embarrassed to death!

"Are you satisfied now?" Li Chong asked Lu Shijin when the **** left.

Lu Shijin nodded happily, stood up and walked to the inner bedroom, "Great, I can listen to the emperor's brother tell me stories again today!"

"Come back, go take a bath first, you are dirty, don't make my bed dirty." Li Chong pulled the person back and instructed the little **** who was waiting on the side, "Take Prince Ning to the clean room and serve carefully. "

"Yes," the little **** bent down to lead the order and walked to Lu Shijin's side, "King Ning, please come with the servant."

Lu Shijin followed the little eunuch. When he arrived at the clean room, he thought he was just washing in the tub, but he didn't expect to see a big pool.

Arrogant and extravagant, arrogant and extravagant, the emperor usually takes a bath here alone, but using such a large bath is a waste of water.

He was still sighing when two palace maids suddenly appeared next to him, one to untie Lu Shijin's belt, the other to lift Lu Shijin's collar, and the movements were so numb that Lu Shijin almost didn't react.

"What are you doing?!" Lu Shijin hurriedly closed his neckline and took two steps back to prevent the two palace maids from holding him.

The maids knew that Lu Shijin was mentally ill, and they didn't take Lu Shijin as a serious prince. They saluted and giggled and said, "Your Majesty, the servants are the maids who are responsible for bathing you. The servants will undress for you."

"I, no, this king! I don't need you to wait on me, step back!" Lu Shijin couldn't accept that there were two people watching while taking a bath, still two women! What rules do these ancients have!

The two palace maids looked at each other and smiled, but did not take Lu Shijin's order to heart.

If the maid cannot be favored by the emperor, she will be released from the palace at the age of twenty-five.

At that time, it would be nothing more than marrying a country man and living a hasty life.

Which of the women in this palace does not want to seal concubines and concubines, and fly up the branches to become phoenixes.

However, after the new emperor ascended the throne, he never entered the harem, and he was seldom served by palace maids, giving them no chance to compete for favor at all.

But this Prince Ning is different. He is a fool. If he can be favored once and enter the Prince's Mansion, even if he is a concubine, he will enjoy inexhaustible glory and wealth in his life.

Of course, the two maids didn't want to let go of such a good opportunity, so they rushed towards Lu Shijin even harder, scrambling to take off his clothes for him.

Lu Shijin dodged from left to right, dodged like a flood of beasts, his embarrassed appearance made the two palace maids smile again and again.

"Your Highness, don't hide, how can you take a bath without taking off your clothes?"

"Is the county prince shy? This is the rule in the palace, and the servants also serve the emperor like this."

"You, you all go out to this king!"

Lu Shijin's roar attracted the little **** who was guarding outside the door, "What's the matter? What's going on?"

"You!" Lu Shijin pointed at the little **** and ordered, "Call the emperor quickly!"

The little **** didn't dare not to listen, so he turned around and asked Li Chong to come over, and the two palace maids also realized that this stupid county king was not so easy to fool, and hurriedly knelt down and pleaded guilty.

Li Chong didn't know what happened to Lu Shijin, so he hurried over in his pajamas and saw two palace maids kneeling on the ground, while Lu Shijin was disheveled and his eyes were red, and he felt inexplicable.

"What's the matter again? A simple matter as simple as taking a bath can't give me peace of mind."

"Brother Emperor, they want to take off my clothes!" Lu Shijin complained aggrievedly.

Li Chong never expected this to be the reason, " can I take a bath without taking off my clothes?"

Lu Shijin: "But, but the mother told me that only the daughter-in-law can take off a man's clothes!"

Li Chong raised his lips slightly and joked: "You are only a little old, so you know how to protect your future princess like a jade?"

"Of course!" Lu Shijin raised his chin. "Also, my younger brother will be seventeen next month. Don't treat me like a child, brother emperor!"

"Yes, yes, we have grown up today," Li Chong raised his hand to signal the two maids to go down, then pointed to the little **** and said, "Since you don't want the maids to help you bathe, why not let the **** come?"

"No," Lu Shijin shook his head, and Li Chong frowned worriedly, "Don't you want to wash yourself? It's okay, I'll let people watch outside. If you have something to do, call them in. I'll go back first."

"Don't," Lu Shijin went to pull Li Chong's sleeve, "Brother Emperor, please don't go, you are too big here, there are echoes when you speak, and the younger brother is afraid."

Li Chong asked patiently, "Then what do you want?"

Lu Shijin blinked and hesitated, "How about... Brother Emperor, can you help me wash it?"

The little **** next to Li Chong was sweating on his head. This grandfather really dared to say that he asked the 95-year-old to give him a bath. Only a fool who was not afraid of the sky would dare to make such a request. Others have long since been dragged out and beheaded.

"Is that okay?" Lu Shijin shook Li Chong's sleeves and said coquettishly, "The emperor's elder brother used to help his younger brother take a bath. The younger brother likes the emperor's elder brother to rub my back the most."

Li Chong: "..." He wanted to refuse, but the younger brother's controller didn't allow it.

"Okay, I help you wash," Li Chong reluctantly compromised, turned his head to the little **** and said, "You all go down."

The little **** said hesitantly: "Your Majesty... why don't you let the servants come? You are so precious, how can you do this..."

"Go!" Lu Shijin hugged Li Chong domineeringly, "I don't want you to help me wash, I want the emperor's brother!"

"It's okay, just take a shower on the left and right, it's okay." Li Chong waved, "I'll wait outside, I'll ask you to come in again if something happens."

Everyone else left, and only Lu Shijin and Li Chong were left in the clean room.

Lu Shijin opened his arms carelessly and let Li Chong help him take off his complicated robes one by one.

In the end, it is estimated that Li Chong really felt embarrassed, so he left the underwear and trousers to help Lu Shijin take off.

"I haven't finished taking it off yet." Lu Shijin held back a smile and said deliberately.

Li Chong said solemnly: "I just said that I have grown up, how can I not know what I should do when I grow up? You can take off the rest by yourself. After taking off, go into the pool, hold it steady, and don't fall. "

Lu Shijin didn't continue to tease him, he stripped himself and walked into the bath.

There are red petals floating on the water surface, the water vapor is lingering, the water temperature is just right, and it is very comfortable to soak.

The teenager was lying on the edge of the pool, soaking in the water from the shoulders down, and the exposed porcelain white skin was whiter than the white marble underneath.

The ink hair is like a waterfall, floating behind him, the eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, and the lips are not dotted and red.

"Brother Chong," the young man called Li Chong in a soft voice, but now that no one was around, he called back to the name he used to call Li Chong, "We haven't been together for a while like we are now. You are always surrounded by people, either palace maids and eunuchs, or ministers, and you haven't played with me for a long time."

Li Chong sat down on the ground by the pool and smiled, "This time is different from the past. I am already the emperor, and I have to deal with major affairs of the country. It is impossible to play with you like before."

Lu Shijin turned over lazily, "What's so good about being an emperor, you have to be stared at by a lot of people, you can't laugh casually, you can't play casually, you can't go out of the palace casually, you're not free at all, it's better not to do it."

"Aren't you talking nonsense again?" Li Chong took a comb for Lu Shijin's hair, the boy's hair was smooth and soft, and felt very good, "Only by becoming the emperor can I save my mother and you, do you still want to go back? Go to the cold palace?"

"No, I don't want it." Lu Shijin tilted his head and thought for a while, "Then you should continue to be the emperor, at least my younger brother eats rock candied haws every day."

Li Chong laughed out loud, "You ah you."

"By the way, brother Chong," Lu Shijin looked up at him, "Did the maid serve you when you were bathing?"

"What's wrong?" Li Chong asked.

Lu Shijin pouted, "Don't let the maid serve you in the future."

Li Chongrao was interested: "Why?"

Lu Shijin: "They are women, you are a man, didn't the mother say that? Men and women... What's wrong with men and women..."

Li Chong: "I don't want to give you a kiss."

Lu Shijin clapped his hands: "Yes!"

"I can't see it, we still know about men's and women's defense today," Li Chong actually felt that it would be awkward to let the palace maid serve him in the bath, so he agreed with Lu Shijin's words, "Okay, I will replace all the servants here with little eunuchs in the future. , are you always satisfied?"

"No eunuch!" Lu Shijin objected.

"Why is the **** not working anymore?" Li Chong felt that his head was too big, and his cheap brother was too difficult to serve.

Lu Shijin said plausibly: "Didn't you just say that adults should do their own things by themselves, you are older than me, why can't you wash yourself in the shower?"

Li Chong: "..." This kid is so slippery, is he really stupid or fake?

"Is it okay?" Lu Shijin raised his wet hand and played a prank on Li Chong twice.

"Okay," Li Chong sighed softly, "As long as it's your request, anything will do."

After taking a shower, it was almost time for Hai.

Lu Shijin didn't bring any clothes, and the clothes he changed could no longer be worn, so the underwear he wore was Li Chong's.

And Li Chong was much taller than him, so the clothes on Lu Shijin made the boy's figure even more slender.

When it was time to go to bed, Lu Shijin stood in front of Li Chong's bed and hesitated. This is a dragon bed!

Excited, is he the first man who dares to climb the dragon bed? !

"Why didn't you come up to sleep?" Li Chong lay on the inside and beckoned to Lu Shijin, "Come up quickly, don't catch a cold when you wear so little."

Lu Shijin happily climbed onto the bed, lifted the quilt, got in and lay down.

With a sigh, it's a dragon bed, it's comfortable to sleep in!

The little **** who was on duty at night came in and put down the curtain of the bed. All the lights in the bedroom went out and only one was left. After the little **** left, the room was completely quiet.

"Brother Chong, can you tell me a story?" Lu Shijin squeezed beside Li Chong.

Li Chong closed his eyes: "What do you want to hear?"

Lu Shijin: "I want to hear... the story of Hua Mulan joining the army for her father!"

"Okay, I'll tell you." Li Chong supported the sleepiness and finished telling Lu Shijin the story, "Okay, the story is over, can you sleep?"

"Brother Chong, are you telling the story to be true?" Lu Shijin was very energetic, lying flat on the bed with his hands on his chest, chatting with Li Chong, "But aren't all men in the barracks? Mulan is a woman. , won't it be discovered?"

Li Chong couldn't find a reason to explain for a while.

"The story is just a story, don't think too much, go to sleep, I have to go to bed early tomorrow."

But Lu Shijin didn't let him go, lifted Li Chong's quilt, and got in, his furry head arched beside Li Chong's shoulder.

"Don't sleep, don't sleep, brother Chong, why don't you accompany me to talk to my son."

The boy's body was unusually soft, and there was a faint sweet fragrance on his body.

You can guess without asking, this kid must have been stealing pastries before going to bed.

Li Chong said lightly: "If you don't sleep again, I will punish you not to eat candied haws tomorrow."

"Why are you doing this?" Lu Shijin wailed, wrapping his hands and feet around Li Chong, "No, no, you bully me, I'll tell my mother tomorrow!"

Li Chong was entangled by him and couldn't break free. What was even more difficult was that he didn't know whether this kid was intentional or not. He rubbed his thighs on Longmugen several times, causing Longmugen to faintly raise his head.

"You!" Li Chong's head was sweating anxiously, he avoided Lu Shijin's "attack" sideways, and warned, "If you continue to make a fool of yourself, I will sleep in the side hall tonight! Don't want me to sleep with you again in the future, Let go! There are still legs!"

"Okay, okay, I'll stop making trouble," Lu Shijin finally let go of Li Chong obediently, and obediently returned to his bed, "Brother Chong, don't be angry."

"Go to sleep, I will leave the morning tomorrow, and I will greet the mother with you."

Lu Shijin: "Okay! Good night, brother Chong, I'm sleeping."

Lu Shijin said that he would sleep, but he really didn't make any small movements.

But the little magic star fell asleep, but Li Chong, who was rubbed out by him, lost his sleepiness.

It's really shameful to say it. He, a mature-minded adult, can't hold back when he is rubbed twice by a stunned boy whose hair has not yet grown.

Li Chong naturally couldn't admit that his will was not firm and he had an inappropriate reaction to his younger brother.

If you want to blame... I blame this silly boy for ignoring the importance and messing about!

Li Chong closed his eyes in the dark, clearing his brain and trying to calm himself down, but his thoughts were out of control. Although this kid is a little stupid, his body is really soft, softer than a woman, fragrant, like a delicious cake...

Thinking about it this way, the restlessness that was finally calmed down has actually started to reignite again!

Lu Shijin slept sweetly, but Li Chong didn't fall asleep until the middle of the night.

At the fifth watch, Li Chong got up and was dressed by the eunuch. When he looked back, Lu Shijin was hugging the quilt and sleeping soundly.

"Don't wake him up, let him sleep." Li Chong explained to the **** in a low voice, "I'll change the quilt that I slept on last night."

Lu Shi had a good dream tonight and slept until the end of the hour before waking up, just as Li Chong also went to court.

"Little slacker, finally know you're awake?" Li Chong took off his crown and dragon robe, and changed into a light uniform. "Get up, and go to greet the mother together."

"Get up now." Lu Shijin rubbed his sleepy eyes to get up, and immediately a **** came to wait on him to dress and wash.

Lu Shijin's clothes were also delivered from the county prince's mansion early in the morning. After dressing neatly, Lu Shijin took a picture in the bronze mirror and was very satisfied.

The object he wore this time, except for a brain problem, was fine.

The dignified king of the county, the rich and the idle, the empress dowager loves the emperor, Yilai stretches out her hand for food and opens her mouth, it is simply a fairy life.

Of course, the premise is to keep Li Chong's emperor's throne.

Lu Shijin and Li Chong went to Ci'an Palace to greet the Queen Mother.

The queen mother is less than forty years old, but because she has worked hard for many years in the cold palace, she is not as pampered as other concubines who are good at maintenance, and the traces of wind and frost can be clearly seen on her face.

However, the queen mother was in good spirits. As soon as she saw the two sons coming in, she had a kind smile on her face.

"Greetings to the Queen Mother."

"No gifts, no gifts," the queen mother greeted them to sit down after breakfast had been set, "come here today and sit beside my mother."

"Yes, Queen Mother." Lu Shijin sat down, and the Queen Mother gave him a piece of cake herself, "Your favorite hibiscus cake, the Queen Mother heard that you stayed at the emperor's place last night, and asked the kitchen to make something new in the morning. Try it. "

Lu Shijin picked it up and took a bite, the mouth was soft and sweet, as expected of a royal meal!


"Eat more if it's delicious." The Empress Dowager looked at Lu Shijin and said with a smile, then turned her head and glared at Li Chong complaining, "I heard that Emperor, you flipped over Liu Meiren's sign last night and sent Liu Meiren back. ?"

Li Chong slowly swallowed a mouthful of porridge, "Yes."

The queen mother snorted coldly: "There are so many concubines in the harem, but none of them can get into your eyes? I just look at the most inferior criminal slave, what kind of coquettish kung fu did that Liu Meiren use to fascinate you?"

Li Chong said: "The queen mother should know that the concubines in the harem are nothing more than eyeliners placed by others. How can I favor a woman who is not devoted to me."

Empress Dowager: "How can the emperor be sure that Liu Meiren is devoted to you?"

Li Chong: "Although Liu Meiren is a slave of sin, she is not stained out of the mud. What is even more commendable is that she does not want to be my woman just like ordinary women because I am the emperor. I don't want a woman because I am an emperor. I am the emperor and love me, but love me as a person."

"Pfft—" Lu Shijin took a mouthful of porridge, and after listening to Li Chong's words, he couldn't help but spit it out.

The tone of this pair of Jack Su's really fits the character of Li Chong's love-brained emperor, but unfortunately you missed it.

"Eat slowly," the queen mother patted Lu Shijin's back distressedly, and held the tea cup to his mouth, "Come on, have a drink."

"Queen Mother," Lu Shijin pushed away the Queen Mother's hand embarrassedly, being taken care of as a three-year-old child, "I'll do it myself."

The queen mother smiled with relief: "I'm still sensible today, and I don't need to worry about Aijia at all."

The empress dowager did not like Liu Meiren, for fear that the emperor would accept her, and she would be criticized for being low-born, but she favored a palace maid who was also low-born.

She was also afraid that this Liu Meiren would be pregnant with a dragon descendant. She also hoped that the emperor would favor a powerful concubine of a family, so that after giving birth to the emperor, the future of their mother and son would be guaranteed.

Her son, she listened to everything else, but only in the matter of Na Liumei, she insisted on doing her own thing, and she was so angry that she couldn't sleep at night.

But in the middle of the night, a palace maid came to report, saying that King Ningjun entered the palace suddenly, clamoring to sleep with the emperor, Liu Meiren's Fengluan Chun'en car had arrived at the gate of Yongan Palace, and was sent back by the emperor. The queen mother is not happy.

The queen mother looked at Lu Shijin kindly. This child has an outstanding appearance and a gentle temperament. If his mind hadn't been damaged by the high fever as a child, at his age, after studying hard for a few years, I'm afraid he would have already made a name for himself in the gold list. He Chou does not have a bright future. .

But now, he is still like a child all day long, he only knows how to play.

The Empress Dowager suddenly felt blessed and glanced at Li Chong, "Today, today, and next month, I will be seventeen, and it is the age to get married. The Aijia decided to choose one of the women of the appropriate age from each family and give them marriages. What does the emperor think?"

Li Chong and Lu Shijin ate the chopsticks at the same time.

What Li Chong hesitated was, which minister would be willing to marry his daughter to a fool? He just wanted to talk to the queen mother about the time and then discuss it later, but Lu Shijin rushes ahead of him to speak.

"Queen Mother, are you going to choose a concubine for your son?" Lu Shijin asked enthusiastically.

The Queen Mother smiled and nodded, "Yes, would you like it?"

"Yes! Of course I do! Great, I want to have a bride!" Lu Shijin danced for a while, then stopped and said seriously, "But mother, can Erchen choose his own bride?"

"Oh?" the queen mother asked with interest, "we have our favorite girl today? You said, the queen mother will decide for you!"

Lu Shijin applauded: "It's that beauty Liu! Erchen wants to marry her as a bride!"

The author has something to say:

Li Chong: You've finished teasing me, and you still want to wear a cuckold?