Chapter 77: Gongdou I am a professional

When the queen mother heard this, she was overjoyed.

She was worried that she couldn't find a reason to take Liu Zhenhuan away from the emperor. Lu Shijin's mention of it just happened to solve one of her worries.

"No!" Li Chong refused immediately, and the Queen Mother gave her a stern look.

"Why?" Lu Shijin put down his chopsticks and stared at Li Chong angrily, "Brother Chong is a bad guy. With Liu Meiren, you won't hurt me anymore. You used to let me do everything."

This is the first time that Li Chong has rejected Lu Shijin's request, so he comforted Lu Shijin and said, "Liu Meiren is not something, how can she let her come and go? Be good now, don't make a fool of yourself."

"Why are you making a fool of yourself today?" The Queen Mother sneered, "The emperor is right, and Ai Jia also sees that Liu Meiren is not a thing. If a criminal slave in Ye Ting has the ability to fascinate you, he must have a lot of scheming. This kind of woman, the Aijia will never allow her to stay with you, the emperor!"

"Queen Mother," Li Chong said solemnly, "Liu Meiren is not such a person."

The empress dowager looked straight ahead without looking at the emperor, and said coldly: "Don't forget, who bought the two lives of Aijia and you, and now your brother just wants a palace maid, you should be the emperor's brother. Yes, you won't give it, right?"

Lu Shijin pretended not to understand what the Queen Mother was saying, made a face at Li Chong and muttered in a low voice, "Brother Chong is a cheapskate!"

Li Chong said solemnly: "Empress mother, but Liu Meiren is already my concubine, how can there be a reason for the emperor to reward his concubine to his ministers?"

The queen mother retorted: "Liu Zhenhuan has not done the canonization ceremony, and has not served the bed, she is still a court lady, not a concubine, what's wrong with the emperor rewarding a court lady to a courtier? I see you clearly I was so fascinated by her beauty that I even forgot my brothers and sisters!"

Li Chong thought to himself, "Brother, friend and brother respect" is not the law of humility, there is no reason to give his own woman to his younger brother.

However, he really didn't want to accept Liu Zhenhuan. Since the fool's younger brother wants it, he can get it by pushing the boat.

Li Chong looked at Lu Shijin and said in a persuasive manner, "Jinjin, why do you have to make Liu Meiren your bride?"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "Because Brother Chong likes Liu Meiren, I think Liu Meiren must also be a good person. If you marry her as a bride, she will definitely not bully me in the future. Let me be the beauty. I live alone in such a big palace, except Wang Xi, no one wants to talk to me and play with me. I know, they must be laughing at me behind my back... laughing at me as a fool... "

When the queen mother heard this, she felt distressed, she slapped the table and became furious, "This group of dog slaves who follow the yin and the yin, dare to despise the master! Come on!"

The big **** who was waiting next to him stepped forward, "The servant is here, what is the Queen Mother's order?"

The Empress Dowager: "Go and spread the decree of Aijia Yi, all the servants in the Ningjun Wangfu, who have no respect, neglect their duties, each play 20 boards, and those who are contemptuous of the Ningjun Wang, all will be sold out of the capital, and they will never be allowed to return to the capital! Then! , you personally go and pick a few capable and sensible servants, and you will be responsible for taking care of King Ningjun in the future, but King Fanning is a little unsatisfactory, and the Ai family is the only one who asks!"

"Wang Xi is a good slave, don't hit him." Lu Shijin raised his hand hurriedly.

"Okay," the queen mother patted his hand and said to the big eunuch, "do you hear me, except for the little **** named Wang Xi."

"According to the order." The **** led the order to retreat.

"Emperor, look at how miserable he has been outside today. Even a servant dares not to take him seriously." The queen mother said sadly, "It's a pity that Aijia and you are both in the palace, and you can't always be in the palace. To take care of him, he must find a good-natured, kind and virtuous princess to accompany him, so that the Aijia can rest assured."

Lu Shijin blinked. In fact, he wasn't so miserable. The Queen Mother is too exaggerated.

Li Chong looked at Lu Shijin, his brows furrowed as if he couldn't bear it, but he couldn't bear Liu Meiren, and after hesitating for a while, he said slowly: "Okay, then... according to the meaning of the mother, I immediately issued a decree to seal Liu. Zhenhuan is the princess of Ningjun, and gave her marriage to Jinjin."

"She's not qualified to be the princess of the county king." The queen mother snorted coldly, "If she hadn't called her by name today, she would be a criminal slave, and she wouldn't be qualified to be a concubine in the prince's palace."

Li Chong was anxious, "Empress mother, Liu Zhenhuan is a slave, but before her family was convicted, she was also a young lady from a noble family, so she would never be willing to be a concubine! Are you trying to force her to death?"

"She hasn't said that she wants to find life and death, but you should be anxious for her first. Hmph, then Aijia just looked at the emperor's face and gave her the name of a lady." The queen mother didn't want to tear her face off with the emperor. Taking a step back, "As for the candidate for the princess, the Ai family has to carefully consider it, and we must choose the most virtuous one for Jinjin."

Lu Shijin listened to the mother and son discussing his marriage, and smacked his lips after eating a piece of hibiscus cake. He didn't expect to have a wife and a concubine after a meal?

Winner in life!

After breakfast, Li Chong and Lu Shijin left from the Queen Mother's Palace.

Li Chong had to go to the imperial study to discuss national affairs with the ministers, and he had no time to accompany Lu Shijin, so Lu Shijin decided to leave the palace and go back to his own county palace to have a look.

It had only been a day since Lu Shijin had been in the palace, and he had already fully seen the luxury of the ancient privileged class. When he returned to the Ningjun Palace, he was still shocked.

Lu Shijin wandered around in the palace. After all, the palace was a palace. Although it couldn't compare with the palace, it was full of carved beams and painted buildings. It was several times bigger than the Jiangnan gardens he had visited before. down.

When Lu Shijin was tired from shopping, he sat down in a pavilion, and immediately someone came over to bring tea and fruit.

He took a piece of fruit, put it in his mouth, took a bite, and asked Wang Xi, "I usually live alone in such a big place? What a waste?"

Wang Xi smiled and said, "No waste, no waste, the lord is not yet married, and now you are the only master in our county's palace. When you marry the princess, our palace will be lively."

Lu Shijin just wanted to get Liu Zhenhuan away from Li Chong, but he didn't really want to marry the princess.

Fortunately, the Queen Mother said before leaving the palace, there is no reason to let Liu Zhenhuan go first before the princess has entered the palace. It will not be too late to accept Liu Zhenhuan when Lu Shijin marries the princess.

So Lu Shijin doesn't have to worry about marrying a wife and taking concubines for the time being.

"Hey, who is that? What is he doing?" Lu Shijin heard a rustling sound behind him, and turned his head to look back.

Across the lake, there was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy in the uniform of the Prince's Mansion, holding a big broom, imitating the warriors to practice martial arts, and playing with the broom in a splendid manner.

Wang Xi took a closer look, walked over and shouted in a thin voice, "Bold servant! What are you doing if you don't work hard? What's your fault for disturbing the lord?"

The boy was playing, and he probably didn't notice when Lu Shijin came. He looked up at Lu Shijin, quickly lowered his head and knelt down, knowing that he had made a big mistake, and his thin body shuddered.

"What are you doing? Don't scare people." Lu Shijin raised his foot and kicked Wang Xi's ass, "Go, call that child to this king."

"Yes." Wang Xi rubbed his buttocks aggrievedly and waved to the boy, "You, come here, hurry up!"

The prince had an order, and the young man did not dare to neglect. He got up from the ground and walked nervously outside the pavilion, and knelt down again.

"Pray for your lord."

Lu Shijin asked with great interest, "What were you doing with the broom just now?"

"I...I..." The young man hesitated, and Wang Xihu pretended to be arrogant, "The lord asked you, what is it for you, answer honestly, or you will have good fruits to eat."

The young man lowered his head and said in a muffled voice, "The slave is practicing guns!"

"You're holding a broom. What are you talking about practicing guns, I think you're obviously lazy and slippery!" Wang Xi said.

"There is no slave, the slave has already swept the ground!" The young man defended himself.

Wang Xi still wanted to speak, but Lu Shijin kicked his **** again, Lu Shijin said angrily: "Shut up for this king, are you the master or this king is the master?"

"Of course you are the lord." Wang Xi bent down and slapped himself, "The minions talk too much, the lord forgives."

Lu Shijin ordered the boy: "Look up and show this king."

The young man slowly raised his head obediently, but he was also straight, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he was quite energetic.

"Why has this king never seen you before?" Lu Shijin asked.

The young man lowered his eyes and replied, "Report to your lord, the slave only entered the manor yesterday."

"No wonder," Lu Shijin asked the boy again, "what's your name?"

The boy replied, "The servant's name is Zhu Rui, and everyone else calls the servant 'Xiao Ruizi'."

Lu Shijin asked deliberately, "Little Ruizi? Why didn't they call you 'Little Zhuzi'?"

"Pfft!" Wang Xi couldn't hold back, he laughed, caught Lu Shijin's warning eyes, pursed the corners of his mouth to hold back his laughter, and said solemnly, "Your Highness is right, the servant also thinks that Xiao Zhuzi is better than Xiao Ruizi."

Zhu Rui blinked, his eyes were speechless, as if he didn't want to accept the new name.

"Ben Wang saw that you just danced with the broom twice, and it seemed that you were very powerful," Lu Shijin changed the topic, "You will show this king again."

"Yes." Zhu Rui stood up, picked up the broom and used it as a long spear, and played with great skill. It was really like that.

After watching Zhu Rui's performance, Lu Shijin clapped his hands and said, "Okay! Beautiful! Who did you learn this from?"

Zhu Rui knelt down again and said respectfully, "No one teaches the slaves, the slaves are the ones who watched it on the stage and figured it out for themselves."

"Not bad," Lu Shijin nodded, looking at Zhu Rui's eyes with admiration, he waved his hand and said, "I still lack a guard by my side, why don't you do it! It just so happens that I can play with this king!"

Zhu Rui raised his head sharply and looked at Lu Shijin in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that there was such a good thing that a pie fell from the sky and hit him.

"My lord, how can he be a stinky yellow-haired boy with the skills of a three-legged cat?" Wang Xi said quickly.

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes at Wang Xi, "Why, do you have a problem with this king's vision? Kungfu can't be learned, you will find a good kung fu master for Xiao Ruizi tomorrow. Yet?"

Wang Xi could only agree with Lu Shijin's intention, but he knew in his heart that it was true that he was a guard and found someone to play with him.

"Did you hear? You have to learn kung fu from your master," Lu Shijin pointed to Zhu Rui and said, "If you learn kung fu well, you can protect this king's safety, do you know?"

Zhu Rui was overjoyed. He came from a humble background, and he could have been a servant all his life. Now the lord has made him a guard, and he has also sent someone to teach him martial arts. He values ​​himself so much. This is a blessing that cannot be cultivated in several lifetimes. It's like the grace of re-creation!

Zhu Rui hurriedly kowtowed to Lu Shijin, one after another as if he didn't want money, "I thank the prince! Thank the prince! Thank the prince!"

"Okay, okay, get up." Lu Shijin waved his hand to stop Zhu Rui, "You must know that there is gold under the man's knees, you are now the king's guard, no longer a handyman, don't hesitate to kowtow and kneel. Yes, in the future this king will not let you kneel, you are not allowed to kneel, do you know?"

"Yes!" Zhu Ruili got up quickly, in the end he was still young, and the excitement on his face could not be concealed.

Lu Shijin yawned and shook his hand, "Okay, you go down first, this king is also tired."

Zhu Rui retreated, and Wang Xi helped Lu Shijin to get up and go back to the bedroom to rest.

When someone is a prince, they have to deal with official duties and worry about political affairs. For Lu Shijin's prince, besides eating and drinking, they have fun.

It is also a blessing to be a rice bug for a lifetime, but the mountains and mountains will fall, and everyone will run, so everything has to be fought for by yourself.

That Zhu Rui just now, Lu Shijin was not on a whim, he just hired a little servant as his guard.

But because he knew that Zhu Rui would be a famous person in the future.

Zhu Rui was originally a servant of the Ningjun palace in the original plot, but he has been interested in practicing martial arts and fighting since he was a child.

Later, the king of Ningjun was executed for murdering the emperor, the mansion of the king of Ningjun was raided for this reason, and all the servants were sold out of Beijing.

Due to fate, Zhu Rui was sold to the home of a military general in the frontier. The general saw that Zhu Rui was a good seedling in martial arts, and sent someone to teach him martial arts, and then allowed him to join the army.

Zhu Rui was also in high spirits, and he was desperate to fight, but after three years, he made numerous achievements in battle. He was promoted from a low-ranking soldier to an officer, and finally became a victorious general who made the enemy fearful.

After Liu Zhenhuan's son succeeded to the throne, Liu Zhenhuan became the queen dowager under the curtain.

Once people have tasted the sweetness of power, the desire for power will only increase.

And now that all national affairs are in the hands of the regent, Liu Zhenhuan must get rid of the regent if she wants to pave the way for her son to grow up and take control of himself.

Lin Yongnian is unreliable. Ever since Liu Zhenhuan knew that she would be favored by the late emperor Li Chong, it was designed by Lin Yongnian to seize power through her, and he hated Lin Yongnian, a hypocrite full of lies.

And as long as Lin Yongnian is alive, she will be coerced by Lin Yongnian, so Liu Zhenhuan first designed to get rid of Lin Yongnian.

Later, when Zhu Rui fought a victorious battle and returned to the court, at the celebration banquet, after hearing that Zhu Rui had a husband who was the hero of Guan Wanfu, Liu Zhenhuan moved his mind to make Zhu Ruina a minister under his skirt.

Zhu Rui holds the military power in his hands. As long as he is captured, he can not only check and balance the regent, but also protect the territory for her son.

Therefore, Zhu Rui was an important **** in Liu Zhenhuan's ruling career as the empress dowager.

But it is a pity that now Zhu Rui, Empress Dowager Liu will never be able to take it for her own use again.

Because he has become the guard of King Ningjun, all his honor and disgrace in the future will be rewarded by Lu Shijin.

After noon, Lu Shijin slept until Shen Shi, got up to pack up, and went to the palace to find his emperor brother.

"My lord, you only came back from the palace in the morning, why do you have to enter the palace again at night?" Wang Xi asked while helping Lu Shijin tie his belt.

Lu Shijin patted Wang Xi for a moment, "Crap, it's up to you to take care of where this king is going?"

"That's not what the servant meant, but you are going to sleep with the emperor tonight, right?" Wang Xi asked bitterly.

Lu Shijin asked naturally, "What's wrong?"

Wang Xi: "My lord, our emperor has three thousand beauties in the harem. Naturally, there are concubines to sleep at night. You rush over there. What's the matter? What emperors of which dynasty and generation have specially accompany their younger brothers to sleep? ?"

"I don't care what other emperors do," Lu Shijin raised his chin willfully, "Anyway, I want the emperor's brother to sleep with me at night."

Three thousand beauties in the harem? I bother! You are so beautiful!

Lu Shijin made up his mind, no matter what means he used, whether he pretended to be mad and foolish, cried, made trouble, or hanged himself, he kept Li Chong under his watch and didn't give him a chance to enter the harem!

Lu Shijin showed his fan and swaggered forward, "Let's go, enter the palace!"

When he arrived at the palace, Lu Shijin went to the queen mother's side to greet him as usual. The maid next to the queen mother found out that the emperor was still discussing matters with the ministers in the study, and Lu Shijin didn't bother.

Lu Shijin was not used to the Queen Mother's tone of coaxing children all the time to him. After talking with the Queen Mother for a while, he slipped out of the Ci'an Palace on the pretext of wanting to go to the Imperial Garden to play.

It was already night when he passed by last night. Before Lu Shijin had time to take a good look at what the palace was like, he walked all the way to see it. After walking for a while, he came to an unfortunate garden. The plaque outside the garden said " Tuck Court Bureau" three words.

Lu Shijin's eyes lit up, but he couldn't be seen that he could read, so he deliberately asked Wang Xi, "How do you pronounce these three characters?"

Wang Xi: "Back to the lord, these three words are 'Tuck Court Bureau'. This is where the palace maids and slaves live."

"Yeting Bureau..." Lu Shijin tilted his head for a while, and suddenly said happily, "Does that Liu Meiren live here?"

"My lord, please be quiet!" Wang Xi looked around, "Miss Liu has been given to you as a wife by His Majesty, you can no longer call her a "beauty"."

"Oh," Lu Shijin waved his hands unconcernedly, and with a flick of his sleeves, he was about to enter the Ye Court Bureau, "I've come here, this king just went in to see her."

Wang Xi anxiously shouted from behind: "It's impossible, you are the king of the county, how can you come to such a place!"

However, Wang Xi's hard-hearted persuasion didn't work for Lu Shijin at all. Lu Shijin went to the Tuck Court Bureau, stopped a palace maid and asked Liu Zhenhuan's residence, and went straight to him.

When I arrived at Liu Zhenhuan's residence, I could hear the cry of a woman from far away.

Lu Shijin stood outside the door for a while, motioning Wang Xi to keep silent, because there were not only women's crying, but also men's voices in the room.

I could vaguely hear Liu Zhenhuan saying words like "don't want to" and "don't want to marry", while the man persuaded her not to worry, he would definitely find a way.

After listening to the corner, Lu Shijin motioned for Wang Xi to call the door.

Wang Xi immediately shouted at the top of his voice: "Is Liu Gongren here? King Ningjun is here, so don't come out to greet him!"

After Wang Xi shouted, he heard the sound of panicked footsteps coming from inside, and after a while, the door opened, and Liu Zhenhuan, who was wearing a palace maid's uniform, came out.

There were still tears on Liu Zhenhuan's face, and the blisters were swollen. He had obviously cried, but because the pear blossoms brought rain, he looked pitiful, which could arouse a man's desire for protection.

There was also a man wearing an eunuch's uniform who also walked out. It was different from the clothes of other little eunuchs. The eunuch's uniform this man wore was of high quality, so it must be Lin Yongnian.

"Ningjun Wang Wanfu." Liu Zhenhuan was blessed.

"Pray for King Ningjun." Lin Yongnian knelt down and asked for peace.

The two saluted Lu Shijin at the same time. Lu Shijin didn't even look at Lin Yongnian's face, and asked Liu Zhenhuan with concern: "Sister Liu, why are you crying?"

Liu Zhenhuan hurriedly wiped his eyes with a handkerchief, "No, no, sand just got into the servant's eyes."

"Oh," Lu Shijin pointed at Lin Yongnian, who was kneeling on the ground with his fan, "then it must be this person who is blowing her eyes for my sister, right?"

"No, no!" Liu Zhenhuan flatly denied.

"Then why is he in my sister's room?" Lu Shijin said kindly, "My sister knows that you have been given to this king as a wife by the emperor's brother, and you can't meet other men in the future."

Wang Xi interjected: "My lord, this is Eunuch Lin who is in charge of the Internal Affairs Office. Actually, he can't be considered a man."

"Is that so," Lu Shijin looked at Lin Yongnian with a smile, "So you are an eunuch?"

Lin Yongnian's face changed a bit, as wonderful as being slapped, and finally he gritted his teeth: "It is indeed a slave."

"Even if he is an eunuch, you can't meet." Lu Shijin still didn't let Lin Yongnian get up, looked at Liu Zhenhuan and said seriously, "The emperor's brother gave you to this king, you will be this king's person in the future, you Do you have to keep your body like a jade for this king? This king likes you very much, what about you, do you like this king?"

Liu Zhenhuan was dumbfounded, how could there be someone like Lu Shijin, who casually put the word "guardian" on his lips, and even asked her directly if she liked him, what a shame!

It seems that Prince Ning's stupidity is worthy of the name. Even if she died, she would not want to marry a fool!

Liu Zhenhuan's face was pale, and she bit her lip and refused to make a sound. Lin Yongnian was afraid to annoy this moody and silly prince, so he couldn't help but help: "Prince, Liu Gongren naturally likes you, but she is too embarrassed to say it. Just now, Liu Gongren also told the servants that she is very happy to serve you, the servants, and the servants are also happy for Liu Gongren, the prince is benevolent and generous, and being able to serve the prince is a blessing from his previous life."

"You are a smart and talkative person," Lu Shijin smiled and raised his hand, "Get up."

Finally being allowed to get up, Lin Yongnian breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Lord."

Lin Yongnian stood up, and Lu Shijin saw Lin Yongnian's appearance clearly.

He is also the bloodline of the late emperor. If you look closely at his eyebrows, he vaguely looks at Li Chong.

The figure is taller and taller than the average eunuch, and he is also quite handsome.

No wonder, apart from the emperor, Lin Yongnian was the most popular in the harem, and finally he gave Li Chong a green hat and asked Li Chong to help him raise his son.

It's not enough to get Liu Zhenhuan away, this Lin Yongnian also has to find a way to get him away from Li Chong.

Lu Shijin suddenly had an idea and pretended to stare at Lin Yongnian obsessively, "I didn't expect Eunuch Lin to be so handsome, what did you say just now? Being able to serve this king is a blessing from a previous life, isn't it? That's good, This king is going to beg you to come over with the emperor's brother!"

Lin Yongnian was shocked, his steps staggered, and the eunuch's hat was crooked, "What, what?!"

The author has something to say:

Li Chong: All you need is the palace maid. Now you want the **** too? What more do you want? !

Jinjin: I still want the emperor!