Chapter 78: Gongdou I am a professional

"What? Don't you want to?" Seeing that Lin Yongnian was unhappy, Lu Shijin shook his fan unhappily, "That means what you said just now was all a lie to this king. This king hates others to lie to me the most, this king. Go tell the emperor's brother and let him punish you!"

"My lord, calm down! The servant is not unwilling!" Lin Yongnian hurriedly knelt down, "The servant was moved by the kindness of the lord, and was so pleasantly surprised that he didn't feel relieved at once!"

"Then are you willing?" Lu Shijin snapped his fan away, "Okay! I'll go and ask the emperor's brother to ask you to serve in my mansion."

"Your Highness!" Lin Yongnian still wanted to find an excuse to refuse, but Lu Shijin didn't give him a chance at all, and strode out of the Ye Court Bureau and went to Yong'an Palace.

It happened to be dinner time. Lu Shijin arrived at Yong'an Palace and started to pass the meal.

According to the rules, courtiers could not sit at the same table with the emperor, so there was another table next to the dining table, which was Lu Shijin's seat.

Lu Shijin stretched his neck and counted, there were more than 20 dishes on the dining table, all of which were eaten by the emperor alone.

Li Chong took a fancy to a dish, raised his finger, and the little **** who tasted the meal first tasted the poison and then put it on a plate and served it to Li Chong to enjoy.

Li Chong ate slowly and did not say that Lu Shijin would eat it together. Lu Shijin could only look at the aroma of the food in the room.

If you eat so many dishes by yourself, you are not afraid of dying! Lu Shijin scolded Li Chong countless times as a dog emperor in his heart, only to relieve his anger a little.

Li Chong glanced in the direction of Lu Shijin, and the little greedy cat stared at the dishes on the table that were full of color and fragrance. It seemed that his drool was about to flow down.

Li Chong hooked the corner of his mouth, and finally pointed to the three dishes that Lu Shijin had been staring at for the longest time, and gestured for the little **** to bring it to Lu Shijin's table.

Lu Shijin finally waited for his rations, and wrinkled his nose at Li Chong, thinking that you have a conscience.

He picked up the chopsticks and was about to start, and the little **** who was serving the dishes hurriedly reminded in a low voice, "King Ning, the emperor gave the dishes, you have to get up first and thank you."

Come on, there are so many rules for eating a meal, the ancients are trouble!

Lu Shijin got up reluctantly, saluted and thanked him: "Chen brother, thank Lord Longen!"

Li Chong waved his hand, "Sit down, tell me what else you want to eat."

Lu Shijin sat down, took two chopsticks, and tasted the dish, and he was very excited. The royal chef is the royal chef, and the dishes he made tasted better than what he had eaten before!

How else would everyone want to be emperor? This treat! It's great too! Hey, why isn't he dressed as an emperor?

Lu Shijin took a sip of the thick and delicious chicken soup, licked his lips, and said, "Brother Emperor, you eat alone every day. Can you finish so many dishes?"

Li Chong had finished his meal, and the little **** brought him a cup of tea to digest.

Li Chong picked up the teacup, stroked it with the lid of the teacup, took a small sip, and then said leisurely, "Why, what do you think?"

"Why don't my younger brother come to accompany the emperor's brother to eat every day?" Lu Shijin suggested cheerfully.

"You..." Li Chong hesitated, "Did you come here to fight the autumn wind? There are ten thousand households in the county king's food court, and there is not enough food for you in the county king's mansion. Do you want to come here to beg for food?"

"How can this be the same? My younger brother recently learned a poem from the master," Lu Shijin shook his head and recited the poem, "It is noon when hoeing crops, sweat dripping down the soil, who knows that every meal in the plate is hard work. You Look, you don't eat two bites of so many dishes on the table, and you don't even move at all, what a waste? Wouldn't it be good for one more person to help you eat? And how boring it is to eat alone, my brother is here Here, I can accompany you to talk to relieve your boredom."

"I just want to come here to eat free food, and I have a poem on my back. You are a little devil." Li Chong couldn't help but laugh, "Okay, for the sake of your willingness to study hard, I will allow you to accompany me to dinner every day."

Lu Shijin stood up immediately and thanked him happily.

As soon as the dining table was withdrawn, a **** suddenly came to report that the head of the internal affairs office, Eunuch Lin, was kneeling outside the gate of Yongan Palace and begging for the Holy Face.

Li Chong naturally knew what kind of person this Eunuch Lin was, so he quietly asked the eunuch, "It's so late, what does he want to see me?"

The **** sent a message: "Back to the emperor, Eunuch Lin didn't say anything, and the servant went to ask for an answer."

Lu Shijin stopped the **** who was about to go out and said, "Why is it so troublesome to come and go again and again, brother emperor, if you call someone in and ask if you have any questions, you will know?"

The corners of Li Chong's mouth twitched imperceptibly: "Announce him in."

After a while, Lin Yongnian was brought in by the **** who passed the message, and as soon as he entered Yongan Palace, he knelt down and kowtowed.

"The servant greets the emperor and asks the emperor for mercy!"

Li Chong put his hands behind him and walked up to Lin Yongnian, "I don't quite understand what you said, it's so good, what kind of favor do you want me to give you?"

Lin Yongnian: "Back to the emperor, the servants have grown up in the palace since childhood, and never left the palace. Only after receiving the emperor's favor can the servants take the position of chief of the house. The slave will stay in the palace to serve the emperor all his life, and he will be a bull and a horse for the emperor all his life. Today, the slave is fortunate to have the green eyes of the King of Ning County again. Thanks to the love of the king, the emperor also asks the emperor to allow the servants to continue to serve in the palace!"

After Li Chong listened, he turned to look at Lu Shijin, and found that Lu Shijin winked at him with malicious intent, and then he understood what was going on.

"However, King Ning Jun didn't ask me to serve you," Li Chong pondered, "Why did you say that?"

"I almost forgot if you didn't come here," Lu Shijin said gloatingly, "I even asked the emperor's brother to beg you, but you came first and refused. You are such a big servant."

"Ah?" Lin Yongnian glanced at Lu Shijin in a daze, and then suddenly realized that he was put together by this fool!

"This... this," Lin Yongnian hurriedly fell to the ground, "the servant is reckless, please forgive the emperor!"

"Wow, you Lin Yongnian," Lu Shijin's face sank, rolled up his sleeves, and pointed at Lin Yongnian angrily and scolded, "In front of this king, he said that serving this king was a blessing from his previous life, and he ran to the emperor. Brother here, he said that he doesn't want to serve this king, this king sees that you are clearly trying to fool me, thinking I'm a three-year-old kid?!"

"Bold servant, dare to deceive the prince, what's your crime?" The big **** beside Li Chong got Li Chong's wink and stood up to question Lin Yongnian.

How could Lin Yongnian think that what Lu Shijin said to his face was so true that he wanted to ask the emperor for him, but he didn't speak to the emperor at all.

Lin Yongnian acted cautiously every day. If he hadn't thought that Lu Shijin was an idiot, he didn't take Lu Shijin seriously and was careless. What Lu Shijin said he believed would not have fallen into Lu Shijin's trap so easily.

"Yeah, what should you be guilty of?" Lu Shijin said, "Brother Emperor, according to the younger brother, the two faces of this servant are definitely not a good thing. How can such a person stay by your side to serve you? You must punish him properly!"

"Lin Yongnian, do you know what's wrong?" Li Chong's face was calm, and his heart was secretly happy. It was great. He was worried that he would not have a chance to clean up this **** who gave him a cuckold. He didn't expect Lin Yongnian to bump into Lu Shijin himself. At the muzzle, this can help him solve a big problem!

This cheap brother is his lucky star!

Lin Yongnian was dumb eating Huanglian, and he couldn't tell the pain, so he could only kowtow and admit his mistake, "The servant knows his mistake! Please forgive me! The servant knows his mistake! Please forgive me!"

Li Chong wanted to laugh and said, "In my opinion, you are indeed not very competent as the chief of the internal affairs department, so I dismissed you from your post and sentenced you to serve in the Tuck Court Bureau while serving Jing Si and living your life!"

When Lin Yongnian heard this, his body froze, and he only felt that he had been splashed head-on by a basin of ice water, and his whole body was cold.

"Did you hear that?" The **** tapped Lin Yongnian's back with the whisk, "It was already the emperor and the King of Ning Jun who were kind to you without hitting your board. Hurry up and thank you!"

At this point, Lin Yongnian was just a low-level servant. Even if he was unconvinced, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and eat this dumb loss, kowtow and retreat.

"Humph," Lu Shijin rolled his eyes at Lin Yongnian's back, "Dogs look down on people."

Li Chong nodded his forehead, "Don't think I can't see it, you're just deliberately messing with him, right?"

"Yeah," Lu Shijin did not deny it, and said confidently with his akimbo on his hips, "My younger brother went to see Sister Liu today, but when I saw that Lin Yongnian entered Sister Liu's house, I just wanted to rectify him!"

Li Chong, who learned the truth, couldn't help laughing and crying, "...I didn't expect that we would be angry with the crown today."

"What's the crown, what's the anger? I don't understand." Lu Shijin stretched his back. "Brother Emperor, do you still have to deal with government affairs? The younger brother will go take a bath first."

"What?" Li Chong grabbed him, frowned and asked, "Do you still want to live here today?"

"That's right," Lu Shijin said as a matter of course, "Brother Emperor, your bed here is big and soft, and it's much more comfortable than the one in the courtier's mansion. What if you lend it to the courtier's younger brother for a few nights?"

"What's wrong?" Li Chong laughed angrily, stretched out his finger and pointed, "Ask me for a beauty, bully my servants, oh, I will also share my royal meal with you, and you are still interested in my dragon bed. Right? What else do you want next?" Li Chong pointed to himself, "I also give you the dragon chair?"

"Can you?" Lu Shi blinked today, pretending to believe it.

Li Chong was so angry that his nostrils were almost crooked, and just as he was about to reprimand him, Lu Shijin hurriedly rushed in front of him and said, "My younger brother is joking, my younger brother is not interested in the dragon chair, hehe."

What Lao Tzu is interested in is the person sitting on the dragon chair.

Relying on his burnt brain, Lu Shijin has left the shameless thing behind him, and said with a smile: "Brother Chong, don't be stingy, just sleep on your dragon bed, your dragon bed is so big, divide it with me What's wrong with the other half? When we were in the cold palace, we slept together, and my younger brother could warm the bed for you."

"Warm, warm the bed?" Li Chong's eyes twitched, "Who taught you the words?"

Lu Shijin said eloquently: "Wang Xi, he said that in the future, when the younger brother marries the princess, someone will warm the bed for the younger brother. The younger brother knows that the younger sister Liu will leave, and there will be no one to warm you up to the younger brother Chong. The bed is over, so now I will warm the bed for Brother Chong as compensation!"

Li Chong: "..." For a moment, he was speechless.

Forget it, Li Chong comforted himself, why am I being serious with a fool, he can live here if he likes it, and save himself from having to find all kinds of excuses every day not to flip the brand.

Just as he was talking, someone from the Respect Office came over with a plate containing the green heads of the concubines.

"Your Majesty, it's time to flip the brand."

"The emperor won't turn it over today, the emperor sleeps with this king today." Lu Shijin said first.

The **** in the respect office looked up at Lu Shijin in amazement, then turned to look at the emperor's face.

Li Chong waved his sleeves, "Take it, I'm busy with government affairs today, and I don't need anyone to sleep with me."

"Yes." The **** of the Respect Office was about to withdraw when Lu Shijin stopped him, "Wait a minute, don't go. Who are these signs written on?"

Lu Shijin picked up the green-headed cards and glanced at them one by one. Li Chong was only in the second year of his enthronement, and he had not yet established himself, so there were not many concubines in the harem. There were ten green-headed cards in total, and most of them were of beauty and talent.

"Make a sign for me another day and put it in there." Lu Shijin was not surprised.

The **** holding the plate shook his hands twice and asked incredulously, "What did you say, my lord?"

Lu Shijin: "Are you deaf? I said, make me a brand too."

"Nonsense!" Li Chong waved the **** down and scolded lightly, "You know what the green head card means, so I'm arguing that you want it too?"

"I know," Lu Shijin said, "whose brand the emperor flips will be the one who sleeps, right? Today's younger brother sleeps with the emperor's brother, isn't that just flipping the brand of the younger brother?"

Li Chong held his forehead and felt tired talking to the foolish younger brother, "You should take a shower quickly."

Lu Shijin pulled Li Chong's sleeves and shook it, acting like a rogue, "No, I want a brand! I want a brand!"

"No matter how foolish you are, you are not allowed to sleep here tonight!" Li Chong remained unmoved.

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes, raised his mouth and snorted disdainfully, and muttered in a low voice, "Stingy, if you don't give it, you won't give it, then I'll make a brand for you, you turn me, I turn you, it's the same anyway. "

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is!" Li Chong slapped his sleeves angrily, "No nonsense! I am the emperor, how can you flip my brand! What does it look like if you spread it out? The board hit you in the palm of your hand!"

Lu Shijin hurriedly retracted his hand, pretending to be afraid, "My younger brother has gone to take a bath, and my younger brother will retire."


In the Ye Ting Bureau, Lin Yongnian, who had been demoted to the lowest eunuch, flushed the toilet for a day and was exhausted and ready to go back to rest, but was stopped by two eunuchs who were a little older in grade and two attendants.

"Yo, isn't this Manager Lin?" a pointed **** said yin and yang, "How could Manager Lin, who has always been aloof at the top, do such a salty job as cleaning the toilet?"

Lin Yongnian took the seat of the house chief at a young age, and because of his good looks, the maids often gave Lin Yongnian things or something, and he was often envied by other eunuchs.

Now that Lin Yongnian is in trouble, it just gives them the opportunity to abuse people. Not only does Lin Yongnian do the dirtiest and most tiring work like cleaning the toilet, but he also deducts food from him, just because he doesn't want to make Lin Yongnian feel better.

They saw that Lin Yongnian had offended the emperor's most beloved Prince Ningjun, and they would never have a chance to turn over. They all wanted to step on it, and they were happy when Lin Yongnian was stepped into the dust.

Lin Yongnian ignored them, walked in with the bucket, and was stopped by the sharp-mouthed eunuch, "Wait, I'm talking to you, I just want to leave if you ignore people? Do you think you are still the powerful chief executive before?"

"I have never offended you before, why do you have to force each other?" Lin Yongnian asked.

The pointed-mouthed **** sneered, "Eunuch Lin, why are you so naive? If you don't ask for trouble, won't trouble come to you? In the past, your eyes were above the top, and you didn't even look at us, but now you are in our hands. , do you still want to have a good time?"

Lin Yongnian looked at him coldly, "Then what do you want to do?"

Another chubby **** stood forward, with his legs spread apart, and said with a smile on his hips, "If you want to go back, you can just get under our crotch."

Lin Yongnian sneered: "Dream!"

"Don't want to drill? It seems that Eunuch Lin's temper is still so big?" The sharp-mouthed **** moved his wrists, "I just don't know if Eunuch Lin, your precious body is as hard as your mouth! Hit me up! !"

The four swarmed up, and Lin Yongnian, not to be outdone, raised the wooden barrel in his hand and smashed at them, but his fists were no match for the eight hands. on him.

Lin Yongnian clenched his teeth and said nothing. His face was pressed against the mud, and the mud burrowed into his nose and mouth. The pain in his body made his mind clearer.

Why? Why was Li Chong aloof and enjoying supreme honor when he was trampled under his feet?

Why? Why is his life and death, his fate is a matter of those people?

Why? Why is it all the blood of the late emperor, so he can't see the light? Even a fool can be the king of the county, but he can only be a low-level person who cleans the toilet? !

I am not convinced! I want revenge! I'm going to trample all those people under my feet!

"What are you doing?!" A woman exclaimed, "Stop! I'm calling someone!"

When the eunuchs saw that it was Liu Zhenhuan, they thought that Liu Zhenhuan would soon be the wife of the prince, so they stopped beating Lin Yongnian for Liu Zhenhuan's face.

The sharp-mouthed **** said with a smile: "It's Miss Liu."

Liu Zhenhuan was also a little afraid of these eunuchs, but he held on to not show his timidity: "What are you doing? Who allowed you to beat people?"

The fat **** said, "Lin Yongnian has spoken rudely to us, so we naturally have to teach him a lesson, otherwise, he will think he is the chief executive."

"Fuck me!" Liu Zhenhuan screamed angrily.

"Miss Liu, I can persuade you, if you really do it for his own good, stay away from him. What do you think is the reason for his end today? It's not because Prince Ning saw the two of you alone in the same room. Is it?" The sharp-mouthed **** sneered and spat at Lin Yongnian, "Today, for Miss Liu's sake, I'll spare you first, let's go!"

The eunuchs left, Liu Zhenhuan saw Lin Yongnian who had been beaten on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Why do they do this?" Liu Zhenhuan's tears fell, "It's all my fault. If I didn't look for you that day, you wouldn't have offended Prince Ning because of me."

"It's none of your business." Lin Yongnian sat up, spit out the blood from his mouth, and stared at Liu Zhenhuan gloomily.

Liu Zhenhuan shivered at his terrifying eyes, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Huan'er, I'm no longer the chief executive, I can no longer protect you." Lin Yongnian smiled miserably, "but you are going to enter the Ningjun Wangfu soon, the Ningjun Wang is a fool, your days in the county are always It's better than the palace. We are all hard-working people, and I have no regrets if I can see you happy."

"You know, I don't want to marry King Ningjun at all, he's a fool, I won't be happy if I marry him." Liu Zhenhuan wiped away her tears with a handkerchief, "I just hate that I'm a girl, I can't do anything. Make up your own mind."

Lin Yongnian asked, "What if you could make your own decisions?"

Liu Zhenhuan frowned: "What do you mean by that?"

"Huan'er, marry the Prince of Ningjun and become the emperor's concubine, if you were asked to choose, how would you choose?" Lin Yongnian grabbed Liu Zhenhuan's hand and asked her.

Liu Zhenhuan shook his head again and again, "I, I don't want to choose! I just want to be with you! It would be nice if there was a place in this harem for us."

"Silly Huan'er!" Lin Yongnian embraced Liu Zhenhuan, and his tone became gentle, "Why don't I understand your thoughts, and I feel the same for you. However, there is no place for us here, you If you enter the county palace, I am afraid we will never meet again in this life. But if you become the emperor's concubine, it will be different."

Liu Zhenhuan was skeptical: "How is it different?"

"As long as you can become the emperor's concubine, with the emperor's love for you before, why can't you spoil the six palaces?" Lin Yongnian said slowly, "As long as you become the favorite concubine, your Liu family will be amnesty, think about you Do you have the heart to watch your elderly grandfather and father exiled in the frontier die in a foreign land? And your brother, do you want him to be a slave here forever, not even a dog?"

Liu Zhenhuan remembered the sudden change in the family, the separation of relatives, the sadness of these years, and the tears were even more fierce.

She was a little moved by what Lin Yongnian said, sobbing: "Is this the only way?"

"This is the only one." Lin Yongnian held her shoulders with a firm look in his eyes, "If you become a favorite concubine, we can still be together in the palace for a long time. This is the only way."

Liu Zhenhuan hesitated, "However, the emperor gave me to King Ningjun, which shows that he doesn't care much about me, I'm not sure, how much the emperor likes me, in case the emperor ignores me at all what should I do?"

Lin Yongnian stroked Liu Zhenhuan's face, smiled and said: "You have to believe in yourself, your talent, your beauty and intelligence, your gentleness and understanding, no man can refuse you, and these are the most important things for you. useful weapon."

Liu Zhenhuan bit his lip lightly, as if he had made up his mind, "What should I do?"

"I have an old friend at the Imperial Hospital, and I will find a way to get him to give me a dose of medicine," Lin Yongnian's eyes became ruthless, "The emperor will pass through a plum garden every day when he returns from the imperial study to Yong'an Palace, you are waiting here. There, try to attract the emperor's attention, and take the opportunity to give him medicine when approaching him, as long as he favors you, even if you were given to King Ningjun before, it will not be counted!"

Liu Zhenhuan was horrified, "This, can this be successful?"

Lin Yongnian held Liu Zhenhuan's hand in his palm, "Huan'er, there is only one chance, success or failure depends on you, our future depends on you."

The author has something to say:

Here it comes, the classic aphrodisiac terrier, here it comes!

I don't know who will be cheaper this time (#^.^#)