Chapter 79: Gongdou I am a professional

On the fifteenth day of every month, Li Chong regularly went to the Empress Dowager's palace to accompany the Empress Dowager for dinner.

On this day, Lu Shi went to Ci'an Palace to greet the Empress Dowager early this morning. He ate some snacks in the Empress Dowager Palace. Seeing that the sun was already slanting west, after calculating the time, it should be the time when the emperor left the study. The queen mother retired and said that she would go to the imperial study to find the emperor's brother, and then come with him.

The queen mother was naturally happy to see that the two brothers were in a good relationship, but she heard that Lu Shi had been sleeping in the emperor's palace tonight, and she was still a little worried that Li Chong spoiled this younger brother too much, delaying the major event of the children.

"Jin Jin," the Queen Mother asked Lu Shijin with a kind face, "Why do you always sleep at the emperor's place lately?"

Lu Shijin said: "The emperor's brother's bed is bigger and more comfortable than mine. The emperor's brother can also tell me stories. I like to sleep with the emperor's brother."

The queen mother said angrily: "But you are all grown up, adults sleep by themselves, how can you still pester your brother to tell stories? Good, your emperor brother has business to do at night, you don't bother him at night in the future, do you know?"

Lu Shijin thought to himself that the emperor had something to do at night, not just flip the brand and sleep with a woman, hmph, it's impossible to open the harem behind his back!

"But Jin Jin is very good. I never disturb the emperor's brother when he is approving the memorial." Lu Shijin lowered his head and pulled the jade pendant on his waist, "I just don't want to sleep outside the palace alone, we used to be together. Yes, why do you want to separate now?"

The queen mother couldn't bear to think about it. This child grew up by her side since she was a child. Now that the emperor has ascended the throne, Lu Shijin is not easy to keep by her side because he is too old, so he can only leave the palace and live in another place.

But in the end, Lu Shijin's thinking ability is only an eight-year-old child, and suddenly separated from his most trusted mother and brother, and letting him live alone in a place where he is unfamiliar, he will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Well, anyway, the emperor is still young, and the issue of the heir depends on the destiny, and there is no urgency, so let's let the child adapt to the life outside the palace first.

"You are clamoring to sleep with the emperor now, and Aijia is waiting to see that after you marry the princess, you still can't pester your emperor's brother." The queen mother took Lu Shijin's hand and patted it in the palm of her hand, and said with relief, " You will be seventeen on the twenty-two next month, and the Aijia has already arranged for you to choose a concubine for you on your birthday, and to have a happy event in the spring next year, okay?"

"Ah?" Lu Shijin's eyebrows trembled, "Choose a concubine? So fast?" Damn, I'm not mentally prepared yet!

The queen mother wondered: "what's the matter? I was arguing about marrying a bride before, why are you unhappy again?"

"No, no," Lu Shijin turned his face to the side with a headache, and said unnaturally, "Erchen is too happy and a little scared."

"What are you afraid of? Aijia will decide everything for you!" The Queen Mother smiled and said, "You just need to choose what you like."

"Erchen thanked my mother," Lu Shijin thanked his kindness and found an excuse to get away, "Erchen will go to the emperor's brother first, and come back later!"

After coming out of Ci'an Palace, Lu Shijin took Wang Xi to the direction of the imperial study.

This is the only way to go from the imperial study to the Ci'an Palace, so if Li Chong comes over, he will definitely meet him.

Lu Shijin is a little melancholy, although it sounds beautiful to sit and enjoy the blessings of the people, but he doesn't like women.

The queen mother is eager to choose a concubine for him, what should I do?

You can't directly say that you are a broken sleeve, right?

An eight-year-old child with an IQ said that he was a broken sleeve. Would anyone believe him when he said it?

Lu Shijin tapped his forehead with a fan. It seemed that he had to figure out a way to make the matter of choosing a concubine a mess.

Lu Shijin frowned, thinking about how to push and reject the concubine, while Li Chong was already sitting in the emperor's sedan chair and driving the Ci'an Palace.

This season is already winter, from the imperial study to the Ci'an Palace to pass through a plum garden, where the plum blossoms have been blooming one after another.

Most of them are red plums. The branches are staggered and covered with buds. When you look at it from a distance, you can see a red glow lingering around. Before you get close, you can smell the refreshing fragrance floating in the air.

"Look, Your Majesty, how good the plum blossoms are over there." The **** next to Li Chong suggested, "The Queen Mother likes plum blossoms. If I break two branches and send them to the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother will be delighted."

Li Chong sat on the sedan chair and waved his hand, "Then you go and fold two branches," before he finished speaking, "Wait, getting off the sedan chair, your vision is worrying, I should choose it myself."

"Emperor Renxiao, if the empress dowager finds out that you folded the plum blossoms yourself, she will be happy." The **** patted his horse while walking towards the plum garden, "Be careful, emperor, don't let the branches hook your clothes."

Li Chong strolled in the plum garden, there were plum blossoms in full bloom everywhere, and the fragrance was overwhelming, and he felt relaxed and relaxed.

Suddenly, the **** noticed that there seemed to be a figure flashing in the depths of the garden, and immediately shouted: "Who is sneaking around there! Come and **** me!"

The guards immediately rushed over to surround the emperor, waiting in a serious line.

Li Chong didn't think that someone had the guts to assassinate in the palace, so he raised his hand and asked the guards to stand by.

"Who's there?" Li Chong looked over, the figure was slender and slender, like a palace maid.

A delicate voice came through, "Yes... it's a slave, the emperor forgives his sins, the slave did not know that the emperor would come to reward plums, and disturbed the holy car, the slave should die!"

Li Chong said to the **** next to him, "Why do you think this voice sounds so familiar?"

The **** said, "The servant also thinks, oh, it seems to be Liu Meiren—" As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly slapped himself, "The servant made a slip of the tongue, it was Mrs. Liu, the palace maid who had already given it to King Ningjun. ."

Li Chong raised his eyebrows, and he said, in such a remote place, it was almost sunset, how could there be a palace maid here.

It turned out to be Liu Zhenhuan.

I thought that giving Liu Zhenhuan to Lu Shijin would get rid of this trouble, but it seems that Liu Zhenhuan didn't plan to give up easily.

After all, she is the heroine of the big heroine drama. If she accepts her fate so easily, the next drama will not be worth watching.

Li Chong quickly figured out the reason. Liu Zhenhuan should have figured out that today he will definitely go to the Empress Dowager's Palace to have dinner with the Empress Dowager, so he deliberately chose such a time to appear in the plum garden to attract his attention. .

And Li Chong's character design is to fall in love with Liu Zhenhuan at first sight. Even if Liu Zhenhuan has been given to his younger brother, he should not forget Liu Zhenhuan so quickly.

"Why are you here?" Li Chong pretended to be interested and asked Liu Zhenhuan from afar.

Liu Zhenhuan knelt down and said, "Seeing that the plum blossoms are blooming well here, the servant girl wants to break two branches and place them under the Guanyin statue to pray for the emperor and the queen mother sooner or later."

Li Chong smiled and said, "Oh, why do you always pray for me and the queen mother?"

"Back to the emperor, the status of the slaves is low, and I received the grace to give the slaves to the King of Ningjun," Liu Zhenhuan said, "I also gave the status of the slaves and slaves. The slaves feel the kindness of the emperor and the empress dowager day and night, so sooner or later Pray for the emperor and the empress dowager in front of the Buddha, wishing the emperor and the empress dowager good health and all the best."

"You have a heart, and the Queen Mother and I will remember your heart." Li Chong waved, "Why are you kneeling there, come closer, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"My servant just stepped on the stone accidentally, and my foot got sprained," Liu Zhenhuan said sadly.

"Is it serious? Is it serious? Let's take a look." Li Chong hurriedly strode over, Liu Zhenhuan said pitifully, "Don't come over, the emperor, the servants have soiled their clothes, their hair is messed up, and their appearance is not neat. , it is really inappropriate to face the Holy Spirit."

"I've hurt my feet, so I don't care about appearance, don't kneel, get up quickly." Li Chong looked at Liu Zhenhuan and pretended to be distressed, "It's cold in the evening, why are you dressed so thinly? Come and get my cloak. !"

The little **** came over with the emperor's cape, Li Chong shook it off, and put it on Liu Zhenhuan himself. Liu Zhenhuan looked at Li Chong gratefully with tears in his eyes: "My servant, thank the emperor for your concern."

"Can you go by yourself? Do you want me to send someone to take you back?" Li Chong asked with concern.

"No, no, the servant can walk on her own." Liu Zhenhuan stood on tiptoe and tried to take two steps, but suddenly his body was twisted, as if he was about to fall, Li Chong quickly supported her, and Liu Zhenhuan fell on Li Chong's body. .

Then, Li Chong smelled a sweet fragrance on Liu Zhenhuan's body that was different from the plum fragrance around him.

Li Chong noticed that something was wrong with his body, and immediately understood that the fragrance on Liu Zhenhuan's body might be strange. It was probably an aphrodisiac drug, which was difficult to detect in the fragrance of plum blossoms in the garden.

"Your Majesty," Liu Zhenhuan was ruthless this time, he must make the emperor fall in love with her again, her voice was deliberately coquettish and charming, and her eyes were very charming, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for saving the slave, the slave is grateful, God It's freezing cold, and with the emperor's cloak, slaves will no longer feel cold."

Damn, I didn't expect that this woman would play the trick of drugging to seduce.

Li Chong, who was set up as a frame, couldn't push people away directly. Just as he was secretly gnashing his teeth and thinking about what to do, his good brother Lu Shijin finally appeared!

Lu Shijin came along the road and saw the emperor's imperial chariot parked outside the plum garden, but he did not see the emperor himself, so he also came to the plum garden.

Lu Shijin saw Liu Zhenhuan and Li Chong standing under the plum tree "Qingqing, me and me" across the distance, and a group of eunuchs and guards were far away, looking down at their noses and hearts, but couldn't see them.

"What are you doing?!" Lu Shijin was furious. Damn, he didn't watch anyone for a long time, but the **** emperor dared to steal the fish behind his back, and he even stole the "sister-in-law"!

Seeing that the savior was coming, Li Chong quickly pushed Liu Zhenhuan away to avoid suspicion, and coughed: "No, nothing. Why are you here?"

Why am I here? If I don't come again, a green grassland will grow on my head!

"I'm here to find you, brother emperor, ah, sister Liu is here, what are you two doing here?" Lu Shijin asked deliberately, pretending to be confused.

Li Chong had already taken an aphrodisiac, and his face began to flush. He tilted his head to cover it up and said, "It's nothing, I came to fold plum blossoms for my mother, and I happened to knock down Mrs. Liu and chat a few words."

Lu Shijin looked at Liu Zhenhuan, "Where's Sister Liu? What are you here for? It's not good to run around alone at such a late hour."

Liu Zhenhuan bowed his head and said, "This servant is also here to fold plum blossoms."

Lu Shijin clapped his hands and said, "It's all here to fold plum blossoms? What a coincidence? It seems that folding plum blossoms must be fun! I want to play too!"

"Okay, stop playing, the plum blossoms are already folded, you help me bring them back to my mother, it's getting late, you can go back to Ci'an Palace to accompany my mother for dinner." Li Chong motioned the **** to fold the folded plum blossoms. Hand it to Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin said strangely, "Brother Emperor, aren't you going with your younger brother?"

"No," Li Chong only felt a wave of enthusiasm surging from top to bottom, but his face did not show any signs of being affected, and said calmly, "I suddenly remembered that there is an important book that has not yet been approved. I won't go to my mother today to say goodbye, you help me make amends for my mother."

Lu Shijin pouted, "Okay, then wait until the younger brother accompanies his mother to finish dinner, and then go to the emperor's brother."

"Don't," Li Chong waved his hand. "Tonight, you will go out of the palace and go back to your own house to sleep. I have something to do tonight, and I don't want to be disturbed."

After Li Chong finished speaking, he got up and drove back to the palace, but his reason for refusing was too far-fetched. It's okay to deceive a fool, but Lu Shijin, who is smarter than a monkey, can't be deceived.

Lu Shijin looked at Li Chong's back, which seemed to be running away, and reasonably suspected that he should be dismissed and wanted to have a tryst with Liu Zhenhuan? !

"Sister Liu, are you going back? Do you want this king to send you?" Lu Shijin turned his head and asked Liu Zhenhuan, who was still standing there.

Liu Zhenhuan glared at the direction the emperor was going, gritted his teeth, and calculated that this foolish prince would suddenly come out. Now that's it, all the tricks are in vain!

"Without the king of Laoning County, the slaves can go back by themselves!" Liu Zhen was blessed and retired. He threw his sleeves angrily and walked away.

The more Li Chong didn't let him go at night, the more Lu Shijin felt that Li Chong must be hiding something from him.

After having dinner with the Queen Mother absentmindedly, Lu Shijin didn't leave the palace to go back to the mansion. He planned to take a look at the emperor's place and make sure that he was at ease.

When he arrived at Yong'an Palace, he didn't see the emperor. The **** beside him saw Lu Shijin coming and invited Lu Shijin into the palace with bright eyes.

The eldest **** shook his whisk happily, "Your Highness, you are here!"

Lu Shijin asked, "Where is my emperor's brother?"

"The emperor went to the clean room the first time he returned to the palace," the **** said with a bitter face, "the emperor locked himself in there and ordered no one to disturb him, but it's been almost an hour and the emperor has not come out, I don't know what is inside. What is the situation, the slaves are dying of anxiety!"

Lu Shijin heard clearly what was going on, and his heart was as expected. Li Chong didn't let him come tonight because something happened!

But what was he doing alone in the clean room?

Lu Shijin lifted his foot and walked towards the clean room, "This king will go and have a look."

Although the people who served the emperor were worried, they did not dare to go against the holy will and rush into the clean room. Now there is a fool who is not afraid of the sky and the earth. Of course, they are happy that someone stands in front of them.

"Okay, Lord, please come with the servants!"

The **** led Lu Shijin to the outside of the clean room, and pointed to the closed door, "Please go over to open the door yourself, the servants don't dare to disobey the decree."

Lu Shijin sneered: "A group of cowards, I will go if I go."

Lu Shijin pushed the door tentatively outside the clean room, and found that it could be pushed, so he pushed it open and walked in carelessly.

Looking back, he saw that the eunuchs were all poking their heads and looking inside. Lu Shijin made a face at them and closed the door again so they wouldn't see it.

"Brother Emperor? Are you there?"

There was a lot of water vapor in the clean room, and there were many curtains covering it. Lu Shijin couldn't see what was going on in the bathtub, so he asked in a low voice outside.

I only heard the sound of rushing water, but I didn't hear Li Chong's response.

No matter what else, Lu Shijin lifted the curtain and saw that Li Chong's entire body, except for the shoulders, was soaked in water, his eyes were closed, and he seemed to be unconscious.

"Brother Emperor?" Lu Shijin asked again tentatively, but Li Chong still didn't respond, which was strange.

The pool was full of water, but an hour had passed. Lu Shijin bent down and stretched out his hand to test the water temperature. The water was already cold.

Lu Shijin thought that Li Chong was asleep, so he walked around Li Chong and patted his shoulder. As soon as he touched Li Chong's skin, he felt that Li Chong's body temperature was different from ordinary people.

Omg, it's hot like a stove, is this a fever? No wonder he shouldn't be called no matter what, isn't he fainting?

Lu Shijin hurriedly rolled up his sleeves, stretched out his hands from Li Chong's armpits and wrapped his arms around Li Chong's body. Understand and do not resist.

After dragging the person ashore, Lu Shijin looked at the place where the emperor stood proudly, and finally found the key point of the matter.

After being soaked in cold water for so long, it is impossible for the little brother to be so energetic, and then look at Li Chong's body with an abnormal red tide.

Lu Shijin boldly guessed, no, someone gave the emperor medicine, right?

Who is so bold? !

Lu Shijin traced the context of the matter. The emperor was already on his way to Ci'an Palace, but after seeing Liu Zhenhuan in Meiyuan, he suddenly changed his mind and went back to the palace, and asked Lu Shijin to go back to his house tonight, and once Gong put himself in the clean room abnormally, and did not let anyone approach.

After all, there is only one truth!

It must be Liu Zhenhuan who prescribed Li Chong's medicine!

Lu Shijin patted the back of his head. Damn, he should have known that Liu Zhenhuan couldn't deal with it so easily. He could even do the trick of prescribing medicine for the emperor. If he hadn't arrived in time, maybe Liu Zhenhuan would have climbed up tonight. Dragon bed!

I don't know what medicine Liu Zhenhuan gave Li Chong. The medicine is so strong that after taking a cold bath for an hour, the signs of looking up have not disappeared at all.

This is how to do? Do you want to pass on the imperial doctor?

Lu Shijin rejected the idea almost immediately.

If the imperial doctor is passed on, it will surely alarm other people. If this aphrodisiac can only be solved by **** with someone, wouldn't that give the harem concubines a chance?

So... Lu Shijin frowned and looked at the emperor's Long Mugen again, he couldn't be cheap, he had to come in person!

"Hey, wake up, can you wake up?" Lu Shijin patted the emperor's face, trying to wake up Li Chong's consciousness, but it might be because Li Chong had been soaking in the pool for too long, forcing the medicinal properties not to vent. Bewildered by the domineering medicinal properties, no matter what Lu Shijin called, Li Chong didn't respond like a vegetative person.

"Damn, no response, what's the difference between me finding a fake and stabbing myself?"

While complaining, Lu Shijin unbuttoned his clothes, made preparations with warm water, and then slowly sat on Li Chong...


Another hour passed, and when the moon was in the middle of the sky, Lu Shijin finally walked out of the clean room.

Before he left, he had already changed Li Chong into a clean underwear, and ordered the **** who was guarding outside to carry Li Chong directly back to the palace.

"My lord, is the emperor okay?" the **** asked worriedly.

Lu Shijin said lightly: "It's okay, the emperor's brother just fell asleep while taking a bath. He must be too tired to deal with state affairs, so I didn't wake him up."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes in his heart, what could be wrong with Li Chong, what matters is whether he is okay!

He supported his lower back, if it wasn't for this young body that could stand the toss, his waist would be abolished!

"By the way, don't tell the emperor's brother that this king has been here." Lu Shijin did not forget to explain before leaving the palace.

The **** didn't understand: "Why?"

Lu Shijin: "Did you forget that when you were in the plum garden, the emperor's brother didn't let me come to him tonight? If the king is here, isn't that a rebellion?"

The eldest **** thought to himself, do you still want to resist, but he still responded with a smile, "Okay, my lord, don't worry, this servant will never tell the emperor what happened to you."

"Okay, this king is out of the palace." Lu Shijin waved his sleeves without taking away a cloud.

In the mentality of doing good deeds without leaving his name, he supported his waist and walked away with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

The emperor woke up the next day, lifted the quilt and glanced at it, and was relieved to find that the fire that he could not put down last night had subsided.

The **** watching the night found that the emperor was awake, and hurried over to serve him, "Your Majesty, you are awake, it's almost time for the morning court, the servants will wait for you to get up and change your clothes."

"Last night, wasn't I in the clean room? How did I get back to the bedroom?" Li Chong asked.

The **** replied: "Go back to the emperor, the emperor, you fell asleep in the clean room last night. It was Eunuch Jiang who ordered the servants to move the emperor to the dragon bed."

"Oh, it's alright, help me get up." Li Chong thought that the cold bath he took had an effect, so he didn't ask any more questions.

The little **** helped Li Chong up, but just as he stood up, his head suddenly dizzy, Li Chong hurriedly sat down with his head up, and several unfamiliar memory fragments suddenly flooded into his mind.

The angle of the picture seems to be looking upwards. The first target is a white and flat chest. It can be determined that it is a man and not a woman.

Then came the unbearably slender waist, and the slender thighs that straddled him.

Finally looking up, Li Chong saw a familiar face, no longer the innocent and innocent he had seen before, Qing Jun's face was full of confusion when he was emotional.

Who do these memories belong to? Shouldn't it really have happened?

"I ask you, last night," Li Chong's voice trembled a little, "Did King Ning come here?"

The little **** remembered Eunuch Jiang's advice and couldn't tell the emperor the truth, "No, no one came to Yong'an Palace last night."

Li Chong didn't believe it, and Shen Sheng asked again, "Really?"

The little **** hurriedly knelt down and said, "It's true, the servants dare not deceive the emperor."

Li Chong was silent, and Lu Shijin had never been there, so were the memories in his mind all dreams?

After taking an aphrodisiac, he imagined Lu Shijin as the object of relief?

Li Chong buried his face deeply in his palm, ashamed and remorseful.

Today, he is only an eight-year-old child! You have bad thoughts about a child!

Li Chong, you are such a beast!

The author has something to say:

With a swoosh, it's gone~