Chapter 80: Gongdou I am a professional

After Lu Shijin left the palace and returned to the mansion last night, he slept until the third day of the sun and woke up the next day.

After waking up, my back was still sore and my legs were weak. After all, I did so many squats last night, and no one could stand it.

When he thought that he worked so hard last night, Li Chong only knew how to lie down and enjoy, and maybe he woke up this morning and didn't remember what happened last night, Lu Shijin felt indignant.

Dog Emperor, in order to keep your innocence, this king is really heartbroken! And the body!

He wanted to continue to lie down and rest, but he was worried about the situation of the emperor in the palace, and was also afraid that Liu Zhenhuan would try to seduce Li Chong with other bad tricks, so he forced his tired body to get up and enter the palace.

He didn't think that Liu Zhenhuan, a young lady from an aristocratic family, could think of such an obscene means of taking medicine, so someone must have instigated her to do it.

Moreover, the harem palace is strictly regulated, and it is strictly forbidden to give and receive privately. Without the help of others, Liu Zhenhuan could not have obtained this superb aphrodisiac.

And this person, you can guess without thinking, it must be Lin Yongnian, who is unhappy after being demoted.

Lin Yongnian wanted to turn over and pushed his beloved woman onto the emperor's dragon bed. This kind of humiliation and burden was beyond human tolerance.

Since Lin Yongnian is so willing, Lu Shijin certainly can't let his efforts go to waste.

Lu Shijin entered the palace and went straight to the Ye Ting Bureau.

Everyone knows that Liu Zhenhuan has been given to the king of Ningjun to be his wife. Of course, the Ye Ting Bureau no longer regards Liu Zhenhuan as a palace maid, and will not arrange work for Liu Zhenhuan.

Liu Zhenhuan stayed in his room every day to write and paint, feeling sad for the spring and autumn.

"Sister Liu, are you here?" Lu Shijin asked Wang Xi to knock on Liu Zhenhuan's door, and shouted from the door, "This king is here to play with you!"

Liu Zhenhuan, who was practicing calligraphy in the house, heard that this unfortunate person came again, and he wanted to cry.

But he is a master and she is a slave, so even if he hates this foolish county prince, he can't show it outright.

Every time I see this evil star, it must be bad. What does he want to do when he comes to him this time?

Liu Zhenhuan felt a sudden chill in his heart, guessing, could it be that he found out that she gave the emperor medicine?

It shouldn't, the emperor didn't move, it's even more impossible for this fool to find out.

It must have been because the powder that was sprinkled yesterday was not much, so it had no effect on the emperor.

Liu Zhenhuan comforted herself like this, then she took care of her makeup, opened the door for Lu Shijin, and said, "Slave, please give peace to King Ningjun."

"Sister Liu, please get up!" Lu Shijin helped her up with a smile, "You are already this king's person, you don't need to be more polite when you see this king in the future."

Liu Zhenhuan asked cautiously, "I don't know why Prince Ning came to look for the servants?"

Lu Shijin: "I saw Sister Liu in Meiyuan yesterday, and I feel that you are thin again, Sister Liu. Did you not eat well in the Ye Ting Bureau? So I'm here to bring you something delicious, Wang Xi!"

Wang Xi presented the gift in his hand, "Liu Gongren, this is the bird's nest given to you by the prince. The best blood swallow is the most suitable for beauty."

Liu Zhenhuan heard that Lu Shijin was only here to give a gift, so he relieved and took it, "Thank you, my servant, for your love."

"It's alright, it's alright, there is a lot of this kind of stuff in the palace. If you marry in the future, you can eat it all!" Lu Shijin waved his hand boldly.

Liu Zhenhuan smiled perfunctorily, pretending to be grateful.

Lu Shijin lifted the hem of his clothes and sat down, "The queen mother said, I want this king to develop more relationship with you, so that we can get married in the future. Are you happy that this king is here to accompany you to talk?"

Liu Zhenhuan lowered his head and said, "Your Highness is joking, Your Highness and Princess Princess are the husband and wife, and the servant is just a concubine. The servant is grateful to the Lord for his love, but she does not dare to be coquettish. In the future, you will definitely remember the book of the concubine's room. Divide, serve the prince and princess well."

Lu Shijin praised the tunnel: "Sister Liu is really knowledgeable, gentle and obedient, don't worry, no matter who the princess will be married to in the future, you are my favorite woman!"

"Thank you lord." Liu Zhenhuan turned around and asked, "Did the lord enter the palace to greet the queen mother and the emperor? It's not too early for the servants to see the time, the lord might as well go earlier, so that the queen mother doesn't expect you."

"Hey, don't worry, the queen mother is paying homage to the Buddha, the emperor's brother is dealing with government affairs, and no one in the palace will play with the king, the king will be fast." Lu Shijin's eyes lit up, "Or, Sister Liu, play games with the king. ?"

"Ah? Playing games?" Liu Zhenhuan secretly complained that this fool was really hard to get rid of, but he still had to accompany him with a smile, "What does the lord want to play?"

"Or," Lu Shijin held the fan to his chin and thought for a while, "Let's play hide-and-seek? You come to hide, this king comes to find you, how about it? If you win this king, this king will reward you!"

Liu Zhenhuan rolled her eyes and thought, hide and seek? It seems not bad, even if it can hide from this plague **** for a while, it is good.

"Okay, since the prince wants to play, the slaves will play with the prince." Liu Zhenhuan said with a smile, "Then ask the prince to cover his eyes, count to two hundred, and then find the slaves again, okay?"

"Okay!" Lu Shijin happily covered his eyes, and asked Wang Xi to turn his back not to help, urging Liu Zhenhuan to say, "Sister Liu, hurry up and hide, if you are found by this king, this king will punish you. Oh!"

Liu Zhenhuan rolled his eyes, thinking to himself, I am more familiar with this court bureau than you. If you want to find me, how easy is it to hide from you!

Liu Zhenhuan went out to find a hiding place, and Lu Shijin honestly counted two hundred numbers in the room before opening his eyes.

Lu Shijin asked Wang Xi to turn around, stood up and commanded: "This king goes to the west to find it, Wang Xi, you go to the east and find Sister Liu, hurry up and report!"

Wang Xi obeyed the order, but when Wang Xi was far away, Lu Shijin did not follow him out, and began to search Liu Zhenhuan's house.

He guessed that the medicine Liu Zhenhuan gave to Li Chong should not be used up, so it must be hidden in the house, so he said to 711: "Convenience store, scan this place to see where Liu Zhenhuan hid the aphrodisiac medicine. "

711 scanned around and prompted: "I found it, in the interlayer of the jewelry box on the dresser."

Lu Shijin hurriedly went to look through the jewelry box. Sure enough, he pulled out a small medicine bottle and pulled the cork off. When he smelled it from a distance, it was exactly the same as the aroma he smelled on Li Chong last night.

"Where is Liu Zhenhuan hiding now?" Lu Shijin put the medicine bottle into his sleeve and asked with a sneer.

711: "She hid in the closet in the maid's room in the second row, third building on the east side, and she locked the house."

Lu Shijin shook his fan slowly, "I thought that if I locked up this king, I wouldn't be able to find you, naive. Okay, now go to fool Lin Yongnian and let him taste what it means to treat others in their own way. '."

Lin Yongnian was cleaning the toilet when suddenly a maid hurried over and put him a note.

Lin Yongnian felt inexplicable. He opened the note and saw that it was Liu Zhenhuan's handwriting. It said: Come to the second room in the east long room, we have something important to discuss.

Liu Zhenhuan asked him to meet? But why didn't you come by yourself and let a palace maid come over to deliver the letter?

Lin Yongnian felt that this matter was strange. The third party never knew about his meeting with Liu Zhenhuan, and after she failed to give the emperor medicine, there might be some fraud.

Lin Yongnian threw the note away, pretending he didn't know who sent it and couldn't understand the words on it, so he continued to work unmoved.

Lu Shijin, who was hiding in the dark to observe Lin Yongnian's every move, was very angry.

This old fox is really alert, and ordinary means really can't deal with him.

But you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder.

When Lu Shijin summed it up, I am afraid that only Liu Zhenhuan himself could come over to attract Lin Yongnian to take the bait.

"Convenience store, give me the appearance of Liu Zhenhuan."

Lu Shijin became Liu Zhenhuan, and then walked out in small steps.

"I asked someone to bring you a letter, why didn't you come to find me when you saw the letter?" As soon as they met, "Liu Zhenhuan" questioned Lin Yongnian directly.

Lin Yongnian stopped what he was doing and said in surprise, "Is it really the letter you sent me just now?"

"Liu Zhenhuan" said angrily, "Otherwise who else would there be? Can't you even trust me?"

"Of course not, it's just that I don't recognize the palace maid, I'm afraid there is a fraud." Lin Yongnian explained.

"Liu Zhenhuan" stomped his feet and said, "Okay, my eyebrows are on fire. I don't care about you anymore. This is not the place to talk. Come with me quickly, I have something to show you!"

Lin Yongnian had seen "Liu Zhenhuan" himself, and naturally followed her with confidence.

When the real Liu Zhenhuan was hiding, Lu Shijin disguised as "Liu Zhenhuan" pushed open the door, turned around and said to Lin Yongnian, "Go in first."

Lin Yongnian asked suspiciously, "Aren't you coming in?"

Lu Shijin lost his patience, and pushed Lin Yongnian directly into the room, "Stop talking nonsense, just enter if you want!"

Before Lin Yongnian could react, he was pushed by Lu Shijin and staggered and almost fell to the ground. When he turned around, the door was already closed. Lu Shijin quickly locked it, and no matter how much Lin Yongnian pushed it, he couldn't open it.

"Huan'er? What are you doing? Why are you locking me in the house? Let me go out!" Lin Yongnian shouted loudly in shock and anger.

Lu Shijin stood outside and ignored him, but Liu Zhenhuan in the cabinet really heard the movement outside, pushed open the door of the cabinet and walked out, seeing Lin Yongnian's face pale in surprise.

"Why are you here?!"

When Lin Yongnian saw that there was another Liu Zhenhuan in the room, his eyes widened in shock, thinking that he was dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes desperately, and after confirming that Liu Zhenhuan was standing in front of him, he pointed to the door again. incredible.

"Aren't you outside?!"

Liu Zhenhuan wondered: "What's outside? I've been hiding in the closet and never went out. By the way, who was talking to you just now?"

"It's not good! It's a trick!" Lin Yongnian's back was shady for a while, and the matter has come to this point, there is no need to investigate why there are two Liu Zhenhuan, that person spent a lot of time to deceive him and Liu Zhenhuan It must have been fully prepared.

It's over, he fell into someone else's trap!

Lu Shijin, who was standing at the door, sneered silently in the room. It wasn't too stupid to react so quickly.

He pricked a small hole in the window paper and blew the lit elixir into the house through a reed pipe, and the house was soon filled with the scent of aphrodisiacs.

Liu Zhenhuan didn't feel anything when he smelled it, but the medicinal power of this medicine was overbearing for men.

Ren Lin Yongnian realized that it was too late to cover his mouth and nose!

Lu Shijin slipped away after doing "good things". He is a fool, so he can't let people find out that these things were planned by him.

Anyway, these two will be discovered by others sooner or later, and Lu Shijin just needs to wait and watch the show.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the maids who lived in the house where Lin Yongnian and Liu Zhenhuan were locked came back.

Before the palace maids came back, Lu Shijin removed the lock, so the palace maids easily entered the house.

And they were greeted by a pair of naked mandarin ducks on the bed who did not know what heaven and earth were!

The palace maids screamed in horror, and someone rushed to inform the steward's nanny and eunuch.

Such a big crime of promiscuous harem, this is not something their servants can handle, especially one of them is the future wife of the king of Ningjun.

The housekeeper hurriedly sent someone to block the door, and then went to report to the queen mother in person, and asked the queen mother to come over and deal with it in person.

When the queen mother heard that such a scandal had happened in the harem, she trembled with anger.

In the important harem, not only did a fake **** sneak in, but the fake **** also had an affair with the future princess of the county king!

If this is spread out, what will be the face of the royal family? !

As soon as the queen mother arrived, she first ordered people to seal up the Tuck Court Bureau, and ordered that no one leaked this matter, whoever dared to leak half a word would be killed!

Then, of course, to deal with Liu Zhenhuan and Lin Yongnian, the adulterer and the prostitute, the queen mother didn't want to look at it, for fear of contaminating her eyes, she only asked people to gag the mouths of the two, drag them out and beat them to death Just do it.

But Liu Zhenhuan and Lin Yongnian were just dragged out, and before the board fell on them, the Prince Regent suddenly arrived!

"I see the Empress Dowager." The Prince Regent, with a white face and long beard, is about forty years old. Although he is a powerful minister, he has a refined air about him, "I heard that there was a major incident in the Ye Ting Bureau, which made the Empress Dowager angry, so I deliberately Come and see what's going on."

The queen mother understood that when the regent came over, he must have gone to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and snorted coldly: "The regent is busy with the affairs of the previous dynasty, why does he even want to intervene in the affairs of the harem?"

The king regent smiled gently: "The queen mother is the master of the harem. Naturally, the queen mother is the one who decides the affairs of the harem, and the minister does not dare to be special."

"Then why are you here?" the queen mother asked in a bad tone.

The prince regent said: "The late emperor's birthday will be in a few days. The minister just feels that at this time, he should not do anything to see blood in the harem, so he should pray for the late emperor. It's just that the two servants made a mistake, and the small punishment and the big order are just the same. Well, what does the Queen Mother think?"

The empress dowager sneered: "promiscuous harem, can this be a small mistake?!"

The prince regent said calmly: "Of course it's not a small mistake, it's just that Eunuch Lin is the former chief executive, Eunuch Zhang's godson, Eunuch Zhang has gone through three dynasties, worked hard and made great achievements, and entrusted his ministers to take care of him in Beijing before returning to his hometown. , since the minister has promised him, there is no reason to break the trust of others. According to what I see, it must be this palace maid who has the intention to seduce Eunuch Lin, Eunuch Lin is in the way of this palace maid, and please ask the empress dowager to investigate!"

"Aiqing needs to know that a slap won't make a sound," the queen mother said angrily, "is this matter is Liu's seduction of Lin Yongnian, or whether the two have an adulterous affair, Aijia can distinguish clearly, and there is no need for the regent to teach mourning. No matter how clear the family is, the Regent's hand is too long and too wide!"

"Then if the minister must take care of it, can the queen mother give the minister this thin face?" The prince regent stroked his beard, neither humble nor arrogant.

The Prince Regent is so domineering that he even interferes in the affairs of the harem. The Queen Mother's silver teeth almost shattered, pointing at the Prince Regent with anger, "You!"

But whoever made the regent the king's power, the power is high, and the emperor's foundation is unstable, even if you are the empress dowager, you can only sigh.

Just when the queen mother and the regent were confronting, Li Chong and Lu Shijin arrived.

Someone had already told the emperor the whole story. After Li Chong arrived, his face was calm, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

The queen mother grabbed the emperor's hand and said with a pale face: "Emperor, you came just in time, these two slaves are so daring, they dare to be in the promiscuous palace, what do you think should be done?!"

Li Chong calmly said: "Mother, calm down, don't hurt your body. In my opinion, they are just two insignificant servants, not a big deal. Since the regent wants Lin Yongnian, then give Lin Yongnian to him. I believe that the regent will deal with it fairly and will not condone raising a traitor."

The Prince Regent smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty's lesson."

The queen mother was angry: "The emperor even you-"

Li Chong patted the Queen Mother's hand and whispered soothingly: "The Queen Mother, don't be impatient, it's not appropriate for us to turn our backs on Shen Lingzhang now, just bear with it for a while."

The emperor has said so, but the queen mother can only give up when she gets angry again, "Okay, Lin Yongnian's Aijia can be handed over to you, but this Liu family, who has been married to King Ningjun before, is already a royal person, the regent should be Don't you want to support her too?"

Prince Regent: "This is a family affair of the royal family. Naturally, the minister will not interfere. I would like to thank the emperor and the empress dowager for giving Wei Chen such a thin face.

The two guards lifted Lin Yongnian from the ground, Liu Zhen's mouth was blocked, and he could only open his eyes wide in horror, whimpering and crying, trying to get Lin Yongnian to take her with him, because she knew Staying by yourself is definitely a dead end.

It's a pity that Lin Yongnian can't protect himself. The regent's willingness to protect him also has ulterior motives. How could he manage the life and death of a palace maid, so Lin Yongnian can only turn a blind eye to Liu Zhenhuan's cry for help.

Seeing that Lin Yongnian refused to save her, Liu Zhenhuan burst into despair and fear. Who else can save her now?

She looked at the emperor first, and the emperor's face was cold, he just glanced at her and looked away in disgust.

She looked at King Ning Jun next to the emperor again, hoping that Lu Shijin, who kept saying that she liked her, could help her, but Lu Shijin didn't even look at her.

The last life-saving straw was also broken, and Liu Zhenhuan realized that when it comes to life and death, no one can be trusted!

"Liu Shi, since you like to hook up so much, Aijia will fulfill you," the queen mother ordered with a sullen face, "come here, send this shameless **** to the Jiaofang Division!"

Once you enter the Jiaofang Division, you become an official prostitute. It is a dark place. From then on, a pair of jade arms will be used by thousands of people, and there will be thousands of people who will taste the slightest bit of red lips.

Liu Zhenhuan fainted after listening to the Queen Mother's decision to him, and was dragged out of the Tuck Court by several palace maids like a piece of rags.

After disposing of Lin Yongnian and Liu Zhenhuan, Li Chong and Lu Shijin sent the Queen Mother back to Ci'an Palace.

Back in the palace, the empress dowager's face hadn't calmed down yet. Lu Shijin slapped the empress dowager on her back and pinched her shoulders.

The queen mother pulled Lu Shijin to her with her backhand. "You are the best. In the end, you are the one who has been wronged the most in this matter. The queen mother really loves you, but she can't take out this nasty anger for you."

Lu Shijin smiled and said, "It's okay, the son is not wronged, as long as the mother doesn't get angry."

"Emperor, the Liu family's affairs are still in the way for you today," the empress dowager looked at the emperor and said solemnly, "If you had accepted Liu's beauty as a beauty, it would be you who lost all face at this moment!"

Li Chong said: "Yes, Erchen understands that Erchen will definitely make up for Jinjin and make up for the grievances he suffered today."

The queen mother snorted coldly, "It's almost the same."

"Brother Emperor, is what you said true?" Lu Shijin asked with bright eyes.

Li Chong smiled and said, "Of course it's true, you have no jokes."

Lu Shijin said excitedly: "Then I want to go to the emperor's brother's private library to see! Is that okay?"

"You monkey Jinger turned out to be the idea of ​​my private library." Li Chong tapped Lu Shijin's forehead and smiled dotingly, "Okay, you are allowed to enter my private library, and you can choose all the treasures in it. ."

"That's great! Let's go now!" Lu Shijin couldn't wait to pull Li Chong out, not forgetting to say to the queen mother, "Empress mother, my son has retired!"

The emperor's private treasury was located in the secret room of Yong'an Palace, where countless rare and precious treasures were piled up from various places, and Lu Shijin was dazzled by it.

There are only two people in the private library, Li Chong and Lu Shijin. Li Chong stood with his chest folded, looking at Lu Shijin's straight eyes, he couldn't help laughing: "If you like something, you can take it yourself, but you are only allowed to take one. "

"Give me one piece for so many, the emperor's brother is really stingy." Lu Shijin complained dissatisfiedly.

Li Chong eloquently said: "Do you understand the truth that if you are too greedy, you will lose it? Are there fewer rare treasures that I usually reward you?"

Lu Shijin was too lazy to argue with him. After reading the gold and silver jewelry, he suddenly saw many booklets on a shelf behind him, and went over to open them curiously.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I'm startled when I see it, it's actually all **** pictures!

The emperor has three thousand beauties in the harem, and there are naturally many collections of these sensual objects in the palace. Lu Shijin has flipped through them, and any one is exquisitely painted and lifelike. It can be called a peerless rare book!

Lu Shijin flipped through the pages again and discovered the New World. These booklets not only contained pictures of the Erotic Palace, but also Longyang Books!

He rolled his eyes, took a copy of "The Secret Art in the Longyang Room", and handed it to Li Chong as if offering a treasure, "Brother Emperor! Look, what is this?"

When Li Chong saw it, his face almost turned green, and he almost forgot that there were still these hideous things hidden in his private library, but he actually asked Lu Shijin to see it.

"Brother Emperor, what are these two villains doing?" Lu Shijin pretended not to see Li Chong's face, and asked for advice seriously and humbly.

Li Chong cleared his throat and lied without changing his face: "They are practicing."

"Wow, is this a martial arts secret book?" Lu Shijin asked in surprise.

Li Chong: "Yes, yes."

"In this picture, what are they practicing?" Lu Shijin pointed to a picture of two men hugging and kissing, and asked Li Chong enthusiastically.

Li Chong lowered his eyes and looked at him, "Oh, it's transmitting infuriating energy."

"Really?" Lu Shijin held his chin and thought thoughtfully, and suddenly tiptoed and kissed Li Chong's lips.

Li Chong was suddenly kissed by his cheap brother, his scalp numb, and his body stiffened in place.

And Lu Shijin pressed his lips against his, looking at him with clear eyes seriously, and said vaguely, "Brother Emperor, try it, can you transmit your true energy to me?"

If you lie about yourself, you will end up with tears.

Li Chong had to pretend to blow into Lu Shijin's mouth, then pushed the person away, "Okay."

Realizing that he had lied to the fool's younger brother's first kiss, Li Chong's face was on fire, and he was so embarrassed that he almost couldn't help covering his face with his sleeves.

"What, I don't feel any real anger, this trick doesn't seem to work."

Lu Shijin, who had taken advantage of it, just ignored Li Chong's micro-expression, lowered his head and made a slight tick, and continued to focus on the study of "martial arts secrets".

"What about this? What kind of martial arts are they practicing?"

Lu Shijin turned another page and put the booklet in Li Chong's eyes for him to read.

This picture is in the post-ru style. The picture is too fragrant. Li Chong just glanced at it and felt that his lower abdomen began to feel hot. He wondered if the medicinal properties of last night had not passed yet?

Li Chong said in a hoarse voice, "This is to spread the power."

"Chuan Gong? It sounds like it's very powerful!" Lu Shijin held back his laugh, bent down with his back to Li Chong, lifted his clothes, raised his **** and patted, "Brother Emperor, I also want to learn martial arts, let's try it out. How is it good to spread the practice?"

The author has something to say:

Man, you are playing with fire!