Chapter 81: Gongdou I am a professional

Although Lu Shijin is only eight years old, he has grown into a handsome and handsome boy.

In Li Chong's eyes, the beautiful young man's eyes were bright, handsome and handsome, and a narrow waist was tied under a jade belt to make it even more slender, only worthy of a grip, just as he thought.

At an untimely time, Li Chong's mind came to the image that poured into his mind in the morning, and his mouth suddenly became dry. His eyes lingered faintly on Lu Shijin's waist, and then moved to his round buttocks, unable to look away.

Li Chong! Keep your head up! What are you thinking? !

He is your brother! How could you have such thoughts of him? !

Are you still not human? !

"Brother Emperor, hurry up, I want to learn martial arts! Once I learn martial arts, I will not be afraid that someone will bully me in the future!" Lu Shijin bumped his body backwards on Li Chong, urging expectantly.

I don't know if Lu Shijin was intentional or not, but Li Chong's conditioned reflex almost jumped up when his **** hit the emperor's Long Mugen.

"You get up first," Li Chong grabbed Lu Shijin's arm and pulled him up, his face blushing, "The exercises in this martial arts book are too advanced, and I won't... If you practice rashly, you will... go crazy. Yes! The consequences are unimaginable! You better put this booklet back quickly, this is not something you can play with."

Lu Shijin put Longyang Book as a treasure in his arms, shook his head into a rattle, "I don't, I'm going to practice martial arts. Brother Emperor, you definitely don't want to teach me, so you perfunctory me! It's clear that as long as it's me You will give me everything you want, and now you regret it, right? I am going to tell my mother that you bullied me!"

Lu Shijin hid the Longyang book in his sleeve and was about to leave. Li Chong thought for a while, if the queen mother found out, he would show this to Lu Shijin, and he might have complained about how he brought up the broken child, so he hurriedly chased after him. Lu Shijin held it.

"Come back!" Li Chong rubbed his forehead and said helplessly, "Be good today, the mother's anger hasn't subsided, don't bother her old man. Isn't it just learning martial arts? I'll teach you."

"Really?" The anger came and went quickly, and Lu Shijin's face that was still annoyed just now burst into a smile, "Very good, then the emperor's brother will teach me now? Which trick should I start from?"

Seeing that Lu Shijin was going to flip through the book of Longyang again, Li Chong quickly held his hand and said solemnly, "It's not the time yet."

"When will we have to wait?" Lu Shijin asked with a frown.

Li Chong hesitated and said: "This, this exercise, it, it, can only be practiced at night! By the way, it can only be practiced at night. If you practice during the day, you will go crazy. I will teach you again."

"Oh, that's what it is!" Lu Shijin pretended to believe it, clapped his hands and smiled, "Okay, I'll wait until the evening for my brother and the emperor to practice together! I must practice hard, and when I learn kung fu, I will fight for the emperor's brother!"

Li Chong couldn't help laughing and pinched Lu Shijin's nose, "Okay, when Jinjin learns martial arts, I will definitely make you a general."

In addition to the Longyang Book, Lu Shijin took two more precious jade items, and then went out of the private library with the emperor and returned to the Queen Mother's Palace for dinner with the Queen Mother.

The queen mother asked Lu Shijin with a smile: "What good treasures did you find from your brother the emperor?"

On the way back, the emperor had told Lu Shijin several times not to tell the Empress Dowager about the "secrets of martial arts", and regarded it as their little secret.

Li Chong was afraid that Lu Shijin would forget, so he deliberately coughed.

Lu Shijin winked his eyes at Li Chong, and then took out the jade, "Mother, look, does this jade look good?"

The Queen Mother smiled when she saw it, "Ai's family thought you were looking for something good to come back, but it turned out to be two pieces of jade. You didn't take so many valuable treasures in the emperor's private treasury, but you took these two, shouldn't it be? Did your emperor's brother trick you on purpose?"

Li Chong spread out his hands and said, "Mother Mingjian, I didn't let him down, I let him choose everything. I chose these two pieces of jade today, so I can't blame me."

Lu Shijin put the jade in the hand of the queen mother, "Don't blame the emperor's brother, the empress, it was chosen by Erchen himself. Erchen heard from the mother who was serving the queen mother that the queen mother suffered from heart palpitations again recently, and she often couldn't sleep at night, so Erchen said. I just chose these two pieces of jade to give to my mother, hoping to give her a pillow."

When the queen mother heard this, she was very moved, with tears in her eyes, she pulled Lu Shijin to sit beside her, and hugged her heartily in her arms, "My son, you were wronged today, it should have been Aijia. Compensate you with the emperor, but it is difficult for you to remember that Aijia has heart palpitations. Your filial piety, the mother knows, as long as the mother is there for one day, we will never be wronged again in the future!"

Seeing the empress dowager weeping, Li Chong stepped forward to persuade her, "Don't worry, empress, I will definitely protect him."

The queen mother wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a veil, and gave her own son an angry look, "It's good for the emperor to think like this, but if he can polish his eyes in the future, it would be better if he didn't insist on accepting a charming woman."

Li Chong knew that he was wrong, touched his nose, pretended to drink tea, and did not dare to say more.

Lu Shijin looked at Li Chong's deflated appearance with gloating pleasure, and suddenly heard the queen mother say: "By the way, today I can think of giving jade to my mother for a pillow, and my mother also has something good for you."

Lu Shijin asked curiously, "What?"

"Go get the things." The queen mother said to the maid who was waiting on the side.

The palace maid entered the inner room and held out a long box. After opening it, all the picture scrolls were placed inside.

The empress dowager casually took one out, opened it and showed it to Lu Shijin. It was a lifelike picture of a beauty.

The beauty above has Liu Mei and almond eyes, holding a round fan in her hand, standing squarely, gorgeously dressed and graceful.

"Do you like the beauty in this painting?" The Queen Mother asked Lu Shijin with a smile.

Lu Shijin understood that these beauty pictures were probably the queen mother's favorite candidates for the princess of Ningjun, but he didn't want to marry any princess!

"Well..." Lu Shijin looked at the beauty picture, pondered for a while, then turned his head and asked Li Chong, "Brother Emperor, what do you think?"

Li Chong put down the teacup in his hand, glanced at the painting, and said lightly: "Beauty is beautiful, but painting is dead. Perhaps the artist's skills are not good enough. This woman seems to be a bit rigid and has no spiritual energy."

"Erchen thinks so too!" Lu Shijin echoed.

After listening to Li Chong's words, the Queen Mother took a closer look at the painting, as if it was true what the emperor said, the eyes of the beauty in the painting looked a little dull.

"It's okay, I don't like this one, there are many others, these are young ladies from various families, and all of them are well-educated ladies." The queen mother took out another painting with great interest and unfolded it for Lu Shijin to see, "You Look, there are all kinds of fat and thin, and you can always choose one that suits your heart."

Lu Shijin was afraid that the queen mother would be happy, so he decided to make his marriage final, rolled up the picture, rubbed his stomach, "Mother, my son is hungry, let's eat first, these paintings, please take them back and slowly Are you looking good?"

When the queen mother heard Lu Shijin's call to be hungry, she did not force him to make a choice. She got up and said, "Okay, let's have dinner first. You can take the paintings back and pick them slowly. Tell your mother which one you like, and the mother will decide for you."

Since ancient times, parents are the same, and they can't avoid worrying about their children's marriage.

But although Lu Shijin is a prince, who in the capital doesn't know that he is a fool, if not for the empress dowager, who would marry his good daughter to him?

After the three of them finished their dinner, Li Chong informed the Empress Dowager of his concerns by taking advantage of the convenient opportunity of going out in Lu Shijin.

Li Chong: "Empress mother, are you really at ease to let Jin Jin marry a wife?"

The Empress Dowager was inexplicable: "The emperor can't understand what the Aijia said, so why don't you feel relieved?"

"Today, his mind... is not as normal as a normal person. If he can marry a good wife, that's all. I'm afraid that his future princess doesn't really love him, and how can a marriage that is not mutually pleasing will be harmonious and happy?" Li Chong said, "I'm even more afraid of meeting a woman like Liu Shi again. Wouldn't that be a scourge for this life?"

The empress dowager raised her eyebrows, "With Aijia, who dares to see Aijia..."

Li Chong Wenyan interrupted the queen mother: "Empress mother, you can't protect his life after all, how his life will be in the future depends on him, and my son seems to be less interested in the matter of choosing a concubine today. , Emotional matters cannot be forced after all."

The queen mother pondered for a while, indeed, she was old, and even if she could protect this child for a while, she would not be able to protect her for the rest of her life.

The Empress Dowager sighed, "Then according to the emperor's wishes, is it just the matter of choosing a concubine for today?"

Li Chong said: "I don't mean that, Erchen means that the choice of Princess Ningjun doesn't have to be restricted to these young ladies from aristocratic families, and she has to like Jinjin herself, and the woman really likes Jinjin, so it's a good relationship. match."

"The emperor's words are reasonable, but the Aijia is anxious." After thinking about it, the queen mother agreed with Li Chong's idea, "Yes, as long as Jinjin likes it, that person is also good to Jinjin, no matter what status she is, Even if it is the daughter of a small household in the market, Aijia will agree to this marriage."

"My mother is wise." Li Chong complimented.

The queen mother looked at the emperor with relief: "It's hard for you to think so much for Jinjin, Aijia sees that the two of you are in such a good relationship, and she is happy in her heart, even if Aijia goes away in the future, with you taking care of Jinjin, Aijia can rest assured. already."

Li Chong hurriedly said: "Don't say such unlucky words, your mother, you are blessed with great blessings and will surely live a hundred years."

"The matter of choosing a concubine is put aside for now, Emperor, Aijia still has something to worry about." The Empress Dowager frowned and said, "The Prince Regent is really domineering. However, he is so powerful, even though you are the emperor, you are only someone else's puppet, Aijia is really worried about the future of our mother and son."

Li Chong smiled slightly and said, "The queen mother doesn't need to worry too much. My son has just ascended the throne, and his foundation is not stable, so he can only endure everything. The two sides have grievances and lead them to fight, we just need to watch from the sidelines."

The empress dowager said with a smile: "Since the emperor already has a plan in his heart, then Aijia can rest assured. Well, it's getting late, you can take Jinjin back to your palace, Aijia should rest."

Lu Shijin came back easily, and he didn't know what the mother and son were talking about in the room. Seeing that the emperor was leaving, he hurriedly retired with the queen mother and went out together. box.

Back at Yong'an Palace, Lu Shijin opened the box where the paintings were installed, opened the beautiful portraits one by one in front of Li Chong, and took Li Chong to appreciate them together.

"Brother Emperor, which of these beauties do you think is the prettiest?" Lu Shijin asked, tilting his head.

Li Chong swept over with a lack of interest: "I think either one is good, but you can't choose only the beautiful one, you have to choose the right one. I have already discussed it with the queen mother, and the matter of choosing a concubine for you will be put on hold for the time being, and so on. When you meet someone, you like her and she likes you, I will give you another marriage."

Lu Shijin didn't expect that Li Chong would make such a proposal with the Queen Mother. He was worried about how to shirk the matter of choosing a concubine with the Queen Mother, but Li Chong actually helped him solve it.

Lu Shijin's heart is full of sweetness, no matter what their identities are or what dynasty they are in, he still knows him best.

This kind of heart-to-heart feeling is really beautiful, and Lu Shijin can't help but feel a little emotional. His ink eyes stared at Li Chong deeply, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Emperor, as long as it is someone I like, will you fulfill me?"

Li Chong smiled lightly, nodded and said, "Of course, don't worry."

Lu Shijin asked, "What if the person I like is very different from mine?"

Li Chong said decisively: "I will not have prejudice against the status of the person you like. Only sincerity is the most rare in the world. As long as you like it, I will definitely support you."

"What if the two of us are together and not tolerated by the world?" Lu Shijin asked.

Li Chong seemed to think that Lu Shijin was thinking too much, and nodded Lu Shijin's head, "What are you thinking about in your little head, don't be tolerated by the world? Do you want to like the fairies in the sky?"

"No, the person I like is definitely better than a fairy," Lu Shijin pulled Li Chong's sleeve reluctantly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Chong smiled helplessly, "Even if my brother wants a fairy in the sky to be a princess, I have to build a ladder to the sky and grab the fairy! Now you should rest assured?"

"You have to remember what you said today, you are not joking!" Lu Shijin cheered softly, "Long live the emperor's brother! Long live! Long live! You are really the best brother in the world!"

Li Chong shook his hand, "Okay, don't give me the ecstasy soup, you go to take a bath and sleep well, I have to approve it for a while."

"Okay." Lu Shijin was satisfied today, and exited the study obediently.

After Lu Shijin finished bathing, he lay on the bed early, while Li Chong had been criticizing books in the study, and he had not returned to the inner room to rest.

Lying on the spacious dragon bed and rolling over and over, Lu Shijin bit the quilt, feeling like a concubine who came to serve the bed, but was treated coldly by the king.

He is not a real emperor, so why are you so diligent in government! I really thought this was your country!

The batch of documents, the batch of documents, and the batch of documents! I know the batches!

A few dashes, are they better-looking and more interesting than me?

Lu Shijin, who was so bored that he grew mushrooms, took out the Longyang book to pass the time.

Looking closely now, I am fascinated by the old driver Lu Shijin, wow, on the basis of basics, as expected, ancient talents are seniors, and they have a lot of tricks to play!

Lu Shijin had an idea in his mind, closed the booklet, and sneered silently, the Emperor Gou won't come to accompany me, right? Let's see how I will deal with you later.

Just when the candles in the bedside lamp were about to burn out, and when Lu Shijin squinted and was about to fall asleep, Li Chong finally returned to the inner room to sleep.

In fact, Li Chong had already approved the papers, and the reason he spent so long in the study was to wait for Lu Shijin to fall asleep.

After being drugged by Liu Zhenhuan last night, Li Chong and Lu Shijin were alone again, and he always felt uncomfortable.

Although he and Lu Shijin were not real brothers, he felt sorry for Lu Shijin, who was lonely and helpless. When he was a child, his brain burned out, and he always regarded Lu Shijin as his own younger brother.

That's why it's even harder for Li Chong to forgive himself. Even if he takes an aphrodisiac and is confused, he shouldn't treat Lu Shijin, who has always regarded him as his own brother, as the object of lust!

How is this different from a beast?

Every time I see Lu Shi's innocent smile today, Li Chong feels even more ashamed and shameless to face Lu Shijin, who trusts him wholeheartedly.

Li Chong thought that Lu Shijin was asleep, and lightly took off his boots and went to bed, but as soon as he lifted the quilt and lay on the bed, Lu Shijin opened his eyes.

Little Slick's eyes were sparkling under the candlelight, but it didn't look sleepy at all.

"Why haven't you slept at this hour yet?" Li Chong asked Lu Shijin's little eyes so that his heart jumped twice, but he pretended to be calm.

"I've been waiting for you," Lu Shijin passed by Li Chong, and asked Li Chong in a low voice, "Brother Emperor, shall we practice tonight?"

Li Chong almost forgot about this, dear mother, can this little ancestor give him some rest?

Li Chong choked, shook his head and refused: "No practice."

"Why? You promised me in the afternoon!" Lu Shijin said dissatisfied.

Li Chong closed his eyes and pretended to be tired, and said wearily: "Tonight I criticize Zhezi for being tired and want to rest. I'll wait for the next time. I'll practice with you next time."

"Excuse me!" Lu Shijin didn't buy it, he beat the bed with anger, and snorted, "I see that you clearly don't want to practice with me! Okay, if you don't practice with me, I'll find someone else to practice with tomorrow!"

"You dare!" Li Chong immediately opened his eyes and shouted at Lu Shijin, warning, "No nonsense! Can anyone practice this martial art? What should I do if I get into trouble?"

How could he let Lu Shijin find someone to practice the poses in the Longyang book? If the queen mother knew about it, she would have dared to kill his own son.

"You're not the only one who knows martial arts. Can I find someone who knows how to teach me?" Lu Shijin said plausibly, "Who told you not to practice with me."

Li Chong held a mouthful of old blood in his throat, not going up or down.

"Accompany me, I will accompany you to practice!"

Li Chong screamed in his heart, he must be the first emperor in history who was threatened by a fool and surrendered!

For the emperor to do this, he is also at home!

What is he doing wrong? tomorrow! Tomorrow, burn those Longyang books in the private library!

Li Chong stretched out his hand towards Lu Shijin dully, "Give me the booklet first, I will study how to practice, and then I will teach you."

I'll tear it apart when you get it! I let you practice!

give him? Can it be returned to him?

Lu Shijin wasn't really stupid, he saw through what Li Chong was paying attention to at once, of course he couldn't be fooled.

He had hidden the booklet long ago, and he had written down the poses on it anyway, hee hee hee.

"You don't need to read the booklet," Lu Shijin lifted the quilt and sat up, patting his chest triumphantly, "Just when the emperor's elder brother was approving the booklet, the minister and younger brother already wrote down all the moves in the booklet! I'm amazing!"

Li Chong: "..." How can a fool have such a good memory?

However, only a fool would believe that Longyang Book is a nonsense book of martial arts.

Lu Shijin rolled up his sleeves, stood up and moved his body, looking down at Li Chong, "Brother Emperor, I'll show you the moves right now, just in time for your exam, I'll remember right?"

Can I say no?

Li Chong lay on the corpse: "Okay." I am so tired, I want to sleep, why can't I let me go?

Li Chong had the words "I refuse" written all over his face, and Lu Shijin knew it like a mirror in his heart.

It's okay, keep it for a while so you can't refuse.

Lu Shijin stepped with his long legs and squatted across Li Chong's legs, but his thighs supported his upper body, and he did not sit directly on Li Chong's body.

With a curious expression on his face, Lu Shijin looked at Li Chong seriously and asked, "Brother Chong, what is the name of this move?"

The standard recipient is the "navel orange" position, Li Chong resisted the urge to cover his face and racked his brains to make up: "This is called... this is called... Zamabu! By the way, Zamabu!"

"So this is the squatting horse step?" Lu Shijin suddenly realized, in order not to let Lu Shijin come up with other tricks, Li Chong quickly and earnestly said, "Yes, the horse squatting, this is the basic skill, the horse's gait is stable, it is good Practice the following moves, straighten your waist, tuck your belly, and maintain this posture for half a column of incense time."

"Okay!" Lu Shijin agreed with high fighting spirit, but he couldn't hold it after squatting for a while, and sat on Li Chong's body, "No, no, no, I'm so tired! Brother Chong, let's change our moves. "

While talking, Lu Shijin twisted his buttocks. Where Li Chong couldn't help rubbing the most, he rubbed hard twice there.

And Li Chong had fantasies about Lu Shijin in the first place, how could he stand up to such provocation, and he reacted almost immediately.

"Stop moving!" Li Chong grabbed Lu Shijin's two restless thighs and warned in a deep voice, "Come down!"

"Don't come down!" Lu Shijin akimbo, shook his head and said, "Zhamabu is not fun, I won't play anymore."

Li Chong felt that his self-control would be blown up by this ignorant fool sooner or later. At that time, if he did something terrible, he would be no wonder.

Li Chong stared at Lu Shijin's love-hate face, what kind of pure little angel was that, clearly a little devil who did all kinds of evil.

Li Chong gritted his teeth and said, "Then what else do you want to play?"

"I want to play..." Lu Shijin suddenly leaned down, put his hands on both sides of Li Chong's head, and his lips were only a millimeter away from Li Chong's, "I still think faxing is relatively simple, and Zamabu is right to me. It’s too hard to say, Brother Chong, let’s try to fax it, you say, okay?”

Lu Shijin's voice was low and hoarse, Li Chong listened to his voice and could only see the red lips opening and closing in front of him.

From his angle, he could just see the bright red tongue inside, which looked very attractive.

As if being bewitched by something, Li Chong suddenly forgot all his concerns, and nodded his head in a mysterious way.

The author has something to say:

Can the **** bear this? Is it a man!