Chapter 82: Gongdou I am a professional

As soon as Lu Shijin lowered his head, the blue silk dangled from his shoulders, covering the dim candlelight in the room and covering their lips that were clinging to each other.

Both of them were breathing lightly, and the threads were entwined together.

There was no intense lingering of lips and teeth, a kiss that could not be more shallow, but a word suddenly popped out of Li Chong's mind.

As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will prevail, and there are countless people in the world.

Where the lips fit together, a burst of electricity surged, and the numbness spread from the mouth into the heart.

It also made Li Chong understand the fact that from this moment on, he was afraid that he would no longer be able to regard Lu Shijin as his younger brother.

Li Chong's heart was numb, and he didn't know how long it took when Lu Shijin took a light bite on his lower lip.

Li Chong opened his eyes and met Shanglu Shijin's cool eyes, which were filled with him.

His heart skipped a beat, and the imprisoned hungry beast in his heart was released, roaring and rushing towards its prey.

"Brother Chong, you give me some breath!" Lu Shijin let go and twisted his body to express his dissatisfaction.

Li Chong has been flirted with about to explode, and a little spark can easily cause a prairie fire.

There was a flame hidden in Li Chong's dark and dark lacquer eyes, staring at the cute person in front of him without blinking, suddenly reaching out to hug Lu Shijin's back, turning over and pressing Lu Shijin under him.

Afterwards, he kissed the red lips that Xiao had been thinking about for a long time, and kissed without a word, pried open the teeth of the person he once regarded as his own brother, and stuck his tongue in and drove straight in, absorbing every trace of it. Air.

Of course Lu Shijin was no stranger to kissing, but he couldn't take the initiative to respond to Li Chong and expose his flaws.

He had to forcibly suppress the restlessness in his heart, and was forced to endure the wanton plundering by the man in his mouth.

After a long while, there was a clear sound of candles bursting from the lampshade by the bedside. After hearing this, Li Chong's brain jolted, and he finally realized what he was doing, and hurriedly let go of Lu Shijin.

Li Chong walked away from Lu Shijin and sat down at the head of the bed, covering his eyes with one hand. He seemed to regret his actions just now, and looked annoyed as if he had done something extremely sinful.

"Brother Chong, what's the matter with you?" Lu Shijin just pretended to be ignorant, propped up half of his body with his elbows, and leaned lazily on the cabinet behind him, "Why don't you continue after practicing well? You just let me breathe. The time is so great, I almost couldn't breathe, but shouldn't you be the one who passed the air to me? Why do you keep sucking the air out of my mouth?"

Li Chong listened to Lu Shijin's "Tong Yan Wuji", if it weren't for the candlelight, he could imagine how red-faced he would be at the moment.

"It's like this. You have to go back and forth to pass the qi. You have to run the infuriating energy in the body for one week, and seven, seven, forty-nine weeks is a round." Li Chong finished the script in a serious manner, and began to swear in his heart. Own.

frenzied! Shameless scum! Better than beasts!

Li Chong scolded himself every swearing idiom he could think of in his heart. Lu Shijin trusted him so much, but he took advantage of his trust to do this kind of thing to him.

"So it is, I thought it was easy to pass the breath, so it is so profound? Brother Chong," Lu Shijin raised his foot and rubbed Li Chong's leg lightly, "Then let's continue?"

"No more," Li Chong said in a hoarse voice, "I'll practice here tonight. I can't chew too much. I'll practice the kung fu of crossing the qi first."

Lu Shijin pouted and said hesitantly, "But...but..."

Li Chong: "But what?"

"But, I really want to feel a little uncomfortable." Lu Shijin pulled his collar a little, and fanned the wind with his palm, "Brother Chong, did you have too much infuriating energy just now? I feel so hot. ."

"Is it hot?" Li Chong wrote lightly, "It's normal to be hot, it means that the infuriating energy in your body is working, so go to sleep, I'm tired after tossing so late."

"Oh, okay, good night, Brother Chong." Lu Shijin lay down obediently and closed his eyes.

Seeing that he was finally willing to sleep, Li Chong breathed a sigh of relief, opened his quilt and lay down.

But even when he lay down, he couldn't sleep, his mind was in a mess, like a ball of thread that became more and more chaotic.

Lu Shijin doesn't understand the matter of love between men and women, but he is very clear.

Taking advantage of others because they don't understand, Li Chong, you are so despicable!

After all, this is not the way to go. If Lu Shijin often teases him like today, Li Chong really can't guarantee how far he can endure.

Therefore, we have to find an excuse to let Lu Shijin go back to his house to sleep.

But before Li Chong could think of an excuse, he heard Lu Shijin call him pitifully: "Brother Chong, are you asleep?"

"Sleep." Li Chong replied dryly.

"Liar," Lu Shijin came over again, "Can you still hear me when you sleep?"

Li Chong sighed deeply in his heart, this little ancestor, who didn't sleep in the middle of the night, what did he want to do? !

Li Chong: "I'm going to sleep, you should go to bed soon. If you don't sleep again, I will punish you for copying books tomorrow."

"I want to sleep too, but Xiaoxiaojin doesn't want me to sleep, what should I do?" Lu Shijin said aggrievedly.

Li Chong didn't understand and asked subconsciously, "Who won't let you sleep?"

Lu Shijin whispered in a voice: "Xiao Xiaojin"

Li Chong frowned in the dark, "Who is Xiao Xiaojin?"

Lu Shijin faltered and pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Xiao Xiaojin, that's... Xiao Xiaojin, that's my little brother, he doesn't know what happened tonight, he's very energetic, he's been standing all the time, I've already I tried very hard to make it go away, but it didn't work, Brother Chong, I wonder if I have gone crazy with my practice?"

Li Chong: "..." He didn't want to move, he simply closed his eyes and pretended to be dead, praying in his heart that someone would come and take Lu Shijin away.

Lu Shijin waited for a while, but before Li Chong responded, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand from the quilt and pushed Li Chong, "Brother Chong, why don't you speak? I'll be fine, right?"

Li Chong swallowed hard and said nonsense: "It's okay, this is a normal reaction after practice. As long as you don't think about it, it will naturally soften after a while."

"Then brother Chong, is your little brother like this too?" Lu Shijin asked curiously.

"Yes," Li Chong said perfunctorily, "it will be fine in a while, so go to sleep now."

"I don't believe it, let me see." Lu Shijin got up and went over Li Chong's quilt, because he couldn't see clearly at night, so he just started to touch it.

How could Li Chong expect that Lu Shijin would strike so quickly and ruthlessly, and he was caught all over his hands, so frightened that he almost rolled out of bed.

"What the **** are you trying to do?!" Li Chong covered his vitals with the quilt, and the tone of his conversation with Lu Shijin became a little more serious.

"I knew you lied to me, your little brother is fine at all!" Lu Shijin complained first, "Brother Chong, the bad guy, I'm going to go crazy and you don't care about me!"

"I have already explained it to you, this is not an obsession, it's a normal reaction." Li Chong was exhausted, what happened tonight was more tired than the one day he approved.

"Then why are you alright?" Lu Shijin asked persistently, thinking that he was so seductive. If the Emperor Dog didn't respond, wouldn't he be useless.

Li Chong said helplessly: "That's because I have already eliminated it. Really, I won't lie to you."

Lu Shijin: "But I'm really uncomfortable right now. I can't sleep because of it. Brother Chong, can you teach me what to do?"

Li Chong has a headache, how should I teach this? Is it possible that you have to help him get it out?

Li Chong was taken aback by this idea of ​​his own, and before he could deny his idea, Lu Shijin was already glued to him.

Lu Shijin tried his best to rub against Li Chong, playing as a rogue, "Brother Chong, can you help Jinjin? Today is so uncomfortable. It seems like a fire is burning me down below.

The boy's voice was aggrieved, soft and glutinous, because he liked to eat cakes, there was always a sweet smell on his body, and it smelled very delicious.

Li Chong's heart began to shake again, and he couldn't bear to see Lu Shi's discomfort.

Or... just help him once?

"If you want me to help you, lie down first." Li Chong pushed away Lu Shijin, who was sticking to him, and ordered seriously.

"Okay!" Lu Shijin lay down numbly, with his feet together and his hands placed vertically at his sides, waiting for the emperor to come and serve him in person.

Li Chong looked at the soft body in front of him, his Adam's apple rolled, grabbed a handkerchief and threw it to Lu Shijin.

"What are you doing for me?" Lu Shijin picked it up and asked puzzled.

Li Chong said stiffly, "Bite it in your mouth."

Lu Shijin: "???"

Li Chong took off his trousers, hit Lu Shijin on the buttocks as if venting his anger, and said viciously: "No matter what happens later, don't cry out! Otherwise, I won't help you!"


On the second day, when Lu Shijin woke up from the emperor's dragon bed, the emperor went to court early in the morning.

Thinking of how Li Chong served him last night, Lu Shijin rolled on the bed with joy.

Hahahaha, this game of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is too fun!

What happened to the king of a country, and what happened to the honor of ninety-five, he was not eaten to death by a "fool".

Lu Shijin was extremely proud. Thinking of how Li Chong had been teased by him last night, he was filled with a sense of accomplishment, cool!

And when Li Chong was in court, he was thinking, what excuse should he find to get rid of Lu Shijin.

Because he was afraid that the two of them would sleep together again, and sooner or later he would sleep with this cheap brother.

It happened that a minister made a report, saying that the northwest region had been dry for several months, and many places had no grass, no food production, and starved to death.

After Li Chongzhun performed the performance, he took the initiative to propose that the people suffered, and as the ruler of a country, he should share weal and woe with the people, so he decided to go to the Kanghua Hall for the rest of the time except for the court, chanting sutras and praying for the victims, and fasting for a few days to show his sincerity and look to the sky The rain will fall as soon as possible, and save the people from water and fire.

Entering the Kanghua Hall in the morning and evening to recite sutras, this will give you a reason to not see Lu Shijin, and you can also establish an image of loving the people like a child. The best of both worlds!

After Li Chong thought of this clever plan, he felt relaxed. When he was having breakfast with the Queen Mother in Ci'an Palace, he pretended to casually tell his decision to take a bath and fast.

Praying for disaster victims is a good deed, and the Queen Mother naturally agrees.

"The emperor usually has enough work to deal with political affairs. This kind of chanting and praying for blessings should be done by the family." The queen mother said distressedly to the emperor.

Li Chong said with a smile: "The queen mother is not feeling well recently, it is better to rest in peace. The son and the queen are one body, and it is the same for anyone who does the blessing."

Lu Shijin listened next to him for a while, then raised his hand and said, "Mother, stepmother and queen, children and ministers can also go to chanting and praying for blessings!"

"What scriptures are you reciting? You can't even memorize the Three Character Classic," Li Chong glanced at Lu Shijin and said solemnly, "Kanghua Hall is a sacred and solemn place, not a place for you to fool around."

This time the queen mother also helped the emperor and persuaded Lu Shijin to say: "Be good today, your elder brother is doing business, not playing. Don't make trouble for him these few days. If you're bored, come to the queen mother, and the queen mother will accompany him. you play."

Lu Shijin understood, Li Chong was looking for an excuse to avoid him.

But why did Li Chong avoid him?

Isn't the answer obvious, either it's a guilty conscience, or it's a heartbeat!

Of course Lu Shijin felt that the latter was more likely.

Forget it, Lu Shijin thought mercifully, let's give the Emperor Dog some time to buffer, and don't push too hard, it would be no fun if the car overturned.

Li Chong started bathing and fasting on the second day. Except for the government and the courtiers to discuss politics, he spent the rest of the time chanting scriptures and praying for blessings in Kanghua Hall.

But the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind kept blowing, and knowing that the emperor was chanting sutras and praying for blessings in Kanghua Hall, the concubine who had been neglected for a long time in the harem could not sit still.

Since they were brought into the harem, none of them have ever been favored. The best years of women are only in the past few years. Do they have to sit and wait, waiting for the emperor to take care of them when they are old?

Among these concubines and concubines in the harem, two people have the most background.

One is the love queen of General Fuyuan, and the Wang family was chosen by the Queen Mother herself from among the noble ladies in the capital after Li Chong ascended the throne.

General Fuyuan has been guarding the northern border for many years. He has worked hard and has great military power. He has a high prestige in the court.

Li Chong has not yet established an empress, and Concubine Wang Xian is now the head of the concubines in the harem. Concubine Wang Xian was born in the door and has a arrogant heart. How could a small concubine meet her ambition and always take the throne of the queen as the ultimate goal.

Concubine Wang Xian is next to Concubine Shen, who is the distant niece of the regent Shen Lingzhang. After Li Chong ascended the throne, she was sent to the palace as a concubine by the regent. She was the eyeliner of the regent in the palace and acted for the regent. The king monitored the emperor's every move in the palace.

Shen Guiconcubine's family background is not low. His father is an official worshiper of Dr. Guanglu, and he has an uncle, the regent, as a backer.

Concubine Wang Xian and Shen Guibi both want to be queens, and you don't have to think about it to know that the relationship between the two is not that good, and it is common for them to pinch each other as soon as they meet.

After the emperor ascended the throne, he has always been cold to the harem. Concubine Wang Xian and Shen Guiconcubine are not keen on women's **** when they are still emperors.

But some time ago, the emperor suddenly fell in love with a palace maid, and also disobeyed the queen mother in order to admit that palace maid into the harem.

It turned out that the emperor did not like women, but did not like them!

Although it is said that Liu Zhenhuan was finally sent to Jiaofang Division by the queen mother, it did not threaten their status, but what about Zhang Zhenhuan and Li Zhenhuan?

If other women become queens, they will be held on their heads forever, so how can they swallow this breath.

But without Liu Zhenhuan, that fool Ning Jun Wang stayed in the emperor's palace every night, even if they had any skills, they would have nowhere to use them.

And this time, the emperor went to Kanghua Hall to recite the scriptures, and there was no one to accompany him.

After inquiring about the emperor's work and rest in Kanghua Hall, when the emperor finished chanting, Concubine Wang Xian and Shen Guibi were all dressed up and set off from their palace to Kanghua Hall. , the sedan chairs of the two people collided.

Shen Guiconcubine's rank is lower than that of Concubine Wang Xian, so she should get off the sedan chair and salute Concubine Wang Xian, but she sat high, and she didn't mean to come down, so she greeted Concubine Wang Xian lukewarmly: "Sister Concubine Xian, how can it be so coincidental? Here I met Sister Xian Fei."

Concubine Wang Xian had long been unaccustomed to Shen Guibi's arrogant and domineering appearance in the harem, relying on the backing of the Regent.

And her father, General Fuyuan, was far away in the northern Xinjiang and not in Beijing, so naturally he was not as famous as the Prince Regent in Beijing, so she could not attack on the spot in the face of Shen Guiconi's provocation.

Concubine Wang Xian: "Your Majesty has worked hard to recite sutras in Kanghua Hall. The Empress Dowager in this palace trusts her and temporarily takes a look at the affairs of the Sixth Palace. Come here to see if the servants here are serving them thoughtfully."

"That little sister really thought about going there with my elder sister. Ben Gong is also worried that the emperor is not used to living here, so he specially came to give things to the emperor." Shen Guiconi smiled softly, "Sister Xian has to manage the affairs of the Sixth Palace and has already Enough hard work, the emperor should leave it to this palace to take care of it, right?"

Concubine Wang Xian didn't look sideways, and said coldly: "Management of the Six Palaces is the responsibility of this palace, and it is not hard work. Before entering the Kanghua Palace, the emperor explained that no one should be disturbed. It is enough to have this palace to take care of it. The weather is cold. , my sister should go back to her palace to rest."

"Heh, are you trying to rush Ben Gong away?" Shen Guibi laughed and shook off the veil, "Tsk tsk tsk, there are some people in Bengong who don't sit on the queen's seat, so let's put them up first. When the queen's book is here, I'm afraid that when you enter this Kanghua Hall, the emperor will not bother to look at her, and then the bamboo basket will be empty, which will make people laugh out loud."

"You!" Concubine Wang Xian, who was born in the door, has a straightforward temperament, not as articulate as Shen Guibi, nor does she swear at others. She was ridiculed by Shen Guibi, and she was so angry that she was about to show Concubine Xian's money to teach her a lesson. But suddenly they saw Lu Shijin walking towards them not far away, and temporarily held back.

"Oh, isn't this the concubine Xian's sister-in-law and the noble concubine's sister-in-law? Please be safe to the two sisters-in-law." Lu Shijin approached and greeted them with a smile.

King Ningjun was the emperor's most distressed younger brother. Even if they knew that he was a fool, Concubine Wang Xian and Shen Guiconcun did not dare to neglect him, and finally got down from the sedan chair and greeted Lu Shijin.

"Wang An of Ningjun."

"Are you all here to see the emperor's brother?"

Two women are playing a show, and Lu Shijin saw their sedan chairs blocked at the door from a distance and no one would let anyone else, so he naturally guessed what was going on.

Shen Guibi had sharp teeth, glanced at Concubine Wang Xian, and said first: "Yes, this palace was going to accompany the emperor in chanting sutras and chanting Buddha, but who would have bumped into Concubine Xian's sister. Concubine Xian usually even knows poetry and books. I seldom read it, and I have read a few Buddhist scriptures. According to this palace, Concubine Xian is still in charge of the affairs of the Six Palaces, and things like chanting sutras and praying for blessings are left to this palace.”

Concubine Xian did not give in, "Everyone said that praying to God and worshipping Buddha is true. Although I read few Buddhist scriptures in this palace, I have a pious heart. Does praying for blessings read more Buddhist scriptures than anyone else?"

"Even if you are allowed in, how many words can you chat with the emperor?" Shen Guiconi sneered, "Don't forget, the emperor likes the woman who can accompany him to sing poetry and poems the most, so why do you want to humiliate yourself? "

Shen Guiconcubine's words were ugly, and Concubine Wang Xian was so angry that she could not tear her mouth apart. When Lu Shijin saw that Concubine Wang Xian was going to be angry, he quickly stood up and acted as a peacemaker.

"Okay, please stop arguing with the two sisters-in-law, didn't the emperor's brother say that? No one is allowed to go in to disturb him, and this king sees that the two sisters-in-law are dressed so brightly and gorgeously, it is not suitable for you to go in and worship the Buddha. Are you going back to the palace?"

"King Ningjun, then what are you doing here?" Shen Guiconi asked displeased.

"This king?" Lu Shijin pointed to himself, "This king was ordered by his mother to send the Buddhist scriptures she copied by herself to the Kanghua Hall for worship. Do you have any questions?"

Since it was the empress dowager's decree, Shen Guiconi naturally had nothing to say, and Concubine Wang Xian felt happy when she saw Shen Guiconi collapsed.

Concubine Wang Xian thought, anyway, in this situation, she didn't want to see the emperor, but she couldn't take the **** Shen shi easily.

So he simply spoke to Lu Shijin: "It turns out that the Queen Mother asked King Ningjun to come, and since that is the case, there is no need to enter this palace. If there is anything missing in Kanghua Palace, please ask King Ningjun to send someone to know. Meet Ben Gong, and Ben Gong will send someone over immediately."

Seeing that Concubine Wang Xian wanted to please even a fool in order to curry favor with the Queen Mother, Shen Guiconi sneered disdainfully, rolled her eyes, got on the sedan chair and ordered someone to carry the sedan chair away.

"Ning Jun Wang, you can go in, this palace has returned to the palace." When Concubine Xian saw that Shen Guiconi had left, she was about to leave, but Lu Shijin stopped her.

"Wait a minute, Concubine Xian, sister-in-law, this king has something to tell you."

Concubine Wang Xian was a little surprised: "I don't know what King Ningjun wants to say to this palace?"

"It's a whisper, you can't tell it to others, come here, I'll tell you!" Lu Shijin walked to a corner, away from the servants, and waved to Concubine Xian.

Concubine Wang Xian felt inexplicable about his actions, but she thought that the other party was mentally ill, and some childish actions were not surprising. For the sake of the emperor and the empress dowager, she still had to give him some face, so she walked over.

"King Ningjun, please speak."

Lu Shijin smiled slyly, lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "Actually, the queen mother asked this king to give you a few words for you. This backer, but if one day this backer falls, what will happen?"

When Concubine Wang Xian heard the words, Xingyan's eyes were slightly opened, as if touched, but she still had some doubts, "Is this really what the Queen Mother said?"

Lu Shijin blinked innocently, "Yes."

Concubine Wang Xian came back to her senses and laughed at her suspiciousness. Who else would have said this if the Queen Mother said it? Could it be the fool of King Ning Jun?

Yes, as long as the regent falls, will Shen Guicong be arrogant? Shouldn't she be allowed to handle it by then?

If you want to compete with her for the second position, is a **** also worthy? !

The author has something to say:

Jinjin: She doesn't deserve it, am I worthy?