Chapter 83: Gongdou I am a professional

Concubine Wang Xian returned to the palace, and after thinking for a while, she felt more and more that what Lu Shijin said just now made sense.

That's right, that Shen Guiconcina just despised her so much, but it was only because of the support of the Regent.

But her father was born and died outside for the imperial court, and there were no military generals outside to settle the country. How could these civil servants who exercise power and power in the capital be so secure?

The generals died in a hundred battles, and the strong men returned for ten years. Her father kept the northern Xinjiang peaceful for more than ten years. He worked hard and made great contributions.

Concubine Wang Xian thought, fortunately, my father will be returning to the dynasty from the Northern Xinjiang class next month, and the emperor will definitely reward their royal family greatly.

With her father back to support her, Shen Guiconcun, this little slut, don't try to climb on her head!

In the current state of affairs, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the regent is in control of the state, and the emperor has no real power in his hands.

But if the emperor falls, she will not be able to be a virtuous concubine, let alone a successor.

Therefore, Concubine Wang Xian has already made up her mind to persuade General Fuyuan to stand on the emperor's side. If their Wang family can help the emperor bring down the regent, the Wang family will be the first reliance of the emperor's men in the future!

At that time, the throne of the queen must belong to her, and the child she gave birth is also the prince, the future emperor, then their royal family will become the most prosperous family in the capital except the royal family!


Li Chong recited the scriptures in the Kanghua Hall, unaware that just outside the hall, Lu Shijin's few words caused Concubine Wang Xian to start thinking about the queen's dream.

He has read the scriptures in the past few days, and learned a lot of philosophy of life from the Buddhist scriptures.

Li Chong had some doubts whether his cheap younger brother, King Ning Jun, was really stupid or fake.

You say he's not stupid, but his words and deeds are naive, not much different from a yellow-haired child.

Call him stupid, but sometimes he is smarter than a monkey, and I see him taking advantage of others, how can I see him suffer?

The original plot said that Lu Shijin had a high fever and burned his brain when he was a child, so his IQ will always stay at the state of an eight-year-old child.

Li Chong couldn't help but wonder if the medical level in ancient times was low and the diagnosis was wrong. Could it be that Lu Shijin's IQ is only eight years old by taking a pulse? It's not scientific at all!

And looking at Lu Shijin's shrewdness, how can he look like an eight-year-old child? Li Chong thinks, at have to be thirteen years old!

Li Chong was reluctant to admit that he was fascinated by a fool and couldn't help it.

So he decided to find an opportunity to test Lu Shijin to see if the cheap brother was really stupid or just pretending.

If the result of the test is really stupid, then he can only admit it himself, there is nothing to say, just beasts.

But if it was pretending... Li Chong curled the corner of his mouth, it would be interesting.

Seven days later, when the blessing was over, Li Chong didn't have to go to Kanghua Hall every day.

After returning to Yong'an Palace, the imperial physician came over to ask for the Ping'an pulse as usual, but when Lu Shijin learned that Li Chong had returned to the palace, he immediately came to look for his emperor's brother.

"Your Majesty's pulse is stable and there is no serious problem." The imperial doctor said after the pulse diagnosis, "It's just hard to pray for good luck. Although the emperor is young and strong, he should pay more attention to rest these days. , after taking it, it is better to reduce the feeling of fatigue."

"Okay, I can trust the medical skills sentenced by Feng Yuan, so I will do as you say." Li Chong glanced at Lu Shijin, who was sitting next to him drinking tea, and suddenly said, "By the way, it happens that Prince Ning is also here, and Feng Yuan sentenced him as well. Let him take the pulse of peace."

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, how could this have anything to do with him?

"The minister obeys the order." Feng Yuanjian walked to Lu Shijin's seat, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Your Highness, please stretch out your hand, and this old minister will take the pulse for you."

"Oh." Lu Shijin didn't know why Li Chong suddenly suggested this, but he thought it was just a pulse, so he obediently stretched out his hand.

Feng Yuan sentenced his **** to the pulse gate of Lu Shijin. He narrowed his eyes for a while, then withdrew his hand and said with a smile, "Is your stomach feeling full and acid reflux recently?"

Lu Shijin nodded: "Yes, yes."

Feng Yuan sentenced: "I'm afraid it's because I usually eat too many sweets. I have to control it in the future, but the rest is fine."

Li Chong lowered his face and said solemnly to Lu Shijin, "Did you hear? The imperial doctor told you to eat less sweets in the future. From now on, you will only be allowed to eat a bunch of candied haws every day."

Lu Shijin said with a bitter face, "Why is this? If I knew earlier, I wouldn't let the imperial doctor take the pulse. If you can't find out about the disease, you can pretend it doesn't exist."

"What absurdity, do you think it's Schrödinger's cat?" Li Chong said, his eyes kept on Lu Shijin's face, observing his expression.

Of course Lu Shijin was not fooled, and pretended to be stupid: "Whose cat? Who owns a cat? Come and play with me!"

After Li Chong's trial, he secretly smiled to himself, how could Lu Shijin know who Schrödinger was.

Imperial Physician: "If the emperor has nothing else to do, Wei Chen will retire."

"Wait a minute, I have something to ask Feng Yuan's sentence." Li Chong first waved at Lu Shijin, "Today you go out first, I have something important to discuss with the imperial physician."

Lu Shijin pouted and went out reluctantly.

What, why is the Emperor Gou babbling about today, suddenly someone will take his pulse, and then he will be driven out, and I don't know what to discuss with the imperial doctor.

However, this kind of private communication with the doctor, who does not want to be known, generally exists in two situations.

One is an incurable disease, and the other is an unspeakable disease.

Incurable disease should be impossible, then there is an unspeakable possibility left.

No, Lu Shijin's eyes twitched. Could it be that there is something wrong with the Emperor Dog? ?

In Yong'an Palace, the emperor ordered both left and right to retreat, called the imperial doctor to the side hall, and asked mysteriously: "Feng Yuanjuan, I ask you, can King Ning's illness be cured?"

"Your Majesty, you mean your lord..." The imperial physician pointed to his head, "Is there a disease here?"

The emperor nodded.

The imperial doctor frowned and shook his head, "Children have fever and convulsions, brain damage is irreversible damage, the minister's medical skills are shallow, and he can't do anything about this disease, and according to the knowledge of the minister, there has never been a case where this disease can be cured, so …”

Li Chong also asked with the attitude of asking casually. For diseases that cannot be cured by modern medical techniques, he did not expect to be cured by ancient Chinese medicine.

"Then, Prince Ning's brain," Li Chong lowered his voice and asked, "Are you sure it's still bad?"

The imperial physician blinked twice, not understanding why the emperor would ask such a question.

"This... yes. The minister just checked the pulse of the prince, and the prince is still blocked by the heart meridian, and his mental development is extremely slow."

Li Chong was relieved, smiled slightly, and inadvertently expressed his thoughts: "That's good."

Hearing the words, the imperial doctor raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He said that the emperor and Ning Jun Wang had a good relationship. Hearing what the emperor meant, he seemed to wish that Ning Jun Wang was a fool. It was unpredictable.

After receiving a positive answer from the imperial physician that Lu Shijin was not well, Li Chong temporarily dispelled his doubts.

Think about it, even if Lu Shijin is mentally sound, why does he pretend to be a fool? It seemed that he was indeed suspected of being wrong.

The dog emperor and the imperial physician didn't know what they were talking about in the palace, but Lu Shijin couldn't hear it. He was bored waiting outside alone, so he simply went to the imperial garden to hang out.

As a result, when he arrived at the Imperial Garden, he saw Shen Guiconi ordering the maid to pick flowers there.

Shen Guiconcubine is a difficult master, Lu Shijin turned around and wanted to leave, but Concubine Wang Xian's sedan chair came from behind again.

Wow, there are wolves in front and tigers behind, I am a pure white rabbit caught in the middle, it's really a dilemma.

They all greeted him head-on, and he couldn't pretend he didn't see it. Lu Shijin politely greeted Concubine Wang Xian: "Concubine Xian, sister-in-law, peace."

Since she got advice from Lu Shijin, Concubine Wang Xian has figured out a lot of things, so she has a good impression of Lu Shijin.

Concubine Wang Xian got down from the sedan chair, and Pingting gracefully blessed her body, "Wang An of Ningjun."

"Is Concubine Xian's sister-in-law here to enjoy the flowers? Shen Guiconi is also inside. The king originally wanted to come to admire the flowers, but Shen Guiconc's maid picked all the flowers, and this king is planning to leave." Lu Shijin pointed Pointing to the back, he quietly fanned the flames.

As soon as Concubine Wang Xian heard this, her eyebrows twitched, "Why, she is the imperial garden just for her to stroll around alone? She wants to pick all the flowers, is she so beautiful and overpowering the crowd? It's really unreasonable!"

Concubine Wang Xian raised her chin and walked into the imperial garden like a proud peacock. Shen Guiconi saw Concubine Wang Xian coming from a distance long ago, and she deliberately turned her back to her as if she didn't see it, just to save the salute.

Concubine Wang Xian covered her lips with a handkerchief and coughed, and the maid next to her understood it, and immediately said loudly, "Concubine Xian is here! You guys still don't come to salute!"

Only then did Shen Guibi turn around slowly, and perfunctorily greeted Concubine Wang Xian, "It turns out to be Concubine Xian's sister. Just now, there was an old owl making a noise on the tree, and I didn't hear Concubine Xian's sister's footsteps." Before Concubine Wang Xian asked her to get up, Shen Guibi got up by herself, and ordered the other court ladies who were kneeling to get up, "Don't kneel, and continue to pick flowers for this palace."

Concubine Wang Xian smiled coldly, "In winter, there are not many flowers in the imperial garden. Is my sister planning to pick all the flowers so that the queen mother and the emperor can enjoy the bare branches when they come over?"

Shen Guiconi chuckled: "The imperial garden is so big, this palace just picks a few flowers to take a bath, don't take the queen mother and the emperor to press me, even if you sue the emperor, you think the emperor will be because of a few flowers. Do flowers and plants blame this palace?"

"It's impossible for the emperor to care about you because of this trivial matter, but your palace maid has already picked so many flowers, so it should be enough. You didn't notice that King Ningjun came to enjoy the flowers because of your disappointment? "Concubine Wang Xian raised her hand wearing a gorgeous armor and pinched a camellia, lowered her head and sniffed, and said casually, "He is the most favored person around the emperor. If you offend him, do you think the emperor will have a crush on you?" disgust?"

Lu Shijin, who was watching the show on the side, didn't expect the fire to burn on himself again. Concubine Wang Xian was going to pull him into the water together, so he was not so stupid to meddle in the war between these two women.

Lu Shijin had an idea and quickly ordered 711: "Convenience store convenience store, hurry up, make me a peony flower."

711 didn't know what Lu Shijin wanted to do, so he did as he did without asking.

In an inconspicuous corner of the imperial garden, all the peony branches were bare, but a big red peony with the mouth of a bowl quietly bloomed.

"Oh!" Lu Shijin shouted pointing in the direction of the peony flower, pretending to be extremely surprised, "What a beautiful peony flower! It's winter, why are there still peonies?"

Concubine Wang Xian and Shen Guibi looked in the direction that Lu Shijin was pointing, and when they saw the red peony that Ling Han had left alone, their eyes showed shock, and then they both wanted to take it for themselves. of greed.

However, Lu Shijin took off the red peony one step ahead of them. He looked down at the red peony in his hand and said, "It's so strange, only this one is open, is it some kind of vision?"

Concubine Wang Xian's maid was clever and said first: "It must be that the peony in the imperial garden knows that there are noble people coming, so they will bloom and welcome. Concubine Xian is of the highest grade among the concubines, and the peony must be opened for Concubine Xian!"

Shen Guiconi sneered a few times: "What nonsense are you talking about? The peony is after the flower, and it will welcome the queen. Could it be that your concubine Xian has already become the queen?"

Shen Gui's concubine's maid's voice: "It's the imperial garden that my concubine's concubine arrived first, and my concubine is also the first to welcome Peony."

"Not bad." Shen Guibi walked to Lu Shijin and smiled kindly to Lu Shijin, "My lord, could you please give this peony to Ben Gong? Ben Gong really likes it."

"The fragrant flowers should be given to the beauties, but," Lu Shijin glanced at the concubine Xian next to him, pretending to be embarrassed, "The king only has one flower. This king doesn't want to be a bad guy either, why don't you guys discuss, who is this flower for?"

"My lord is still fair." Concubine Wang Xian came over with a smile, "My lord, the father of the Japanese palace recently sent several good horses from northern Xinjiang to Beijing. If the prince can give this flower to this palace, the good horse prince in this palace will like it. Which one can be picked."

"What's so rare about a few beasts?" Shen Guibi rolled her eyes in disdain, and smiled at Shang Lu Shijin, "My lord, I heard that you like to read Huaben, right? If you give flowers to Ben Gong, Ben Gong There are several isolated copies left from the previous dynasty, all of them are treasures, how about giving them to you?"

"Wait, let me think about it first," Lu Shijin frowned for a while, then raised his head and said aggrievedly, "It's really hard to choose, I want a good horse, and I want it too, but there is only one flower. Duo, what should we do?"

Shen Guicon gave a wink to the maid, and the maid was instructed, and walked towards Lu Shijin with a smile on her face, "My lord, we have a lot of desserts in the palace of the concubine, or the lord will go to our palace first and eat while eating. After dessert, think about who to give this flower to?"

Concubine Wang Xian was so angry that she clenched her teeth tightly. This little slut's trick is really insidious, and she plans to rob someone outright, isn't she? !

Of course, she couldn't let Shen Guibi take Lu Shijin away, and she quickly signaled her maid to take action.

Concubine Wang Xian's maid trotted over and pushed Shen Guiconi's maid to the side on purpose, "My lord, there are many rare things in our palace that are only found in northern Xinjiang, but not even in the capital, but it's fun, you must like it, you'd better go to us Be a guest in the palace!"

"My lord is going to eat snacks in our palace, who wants to play with the barbarians in your palace!"

"Whoever doesn't have dim sum in the palace will be a treasure in your palace! It's like someone who has never eaten dim sum, with low vision and no knowledge!"

"Who are you saying you don't know?!"

"I'll tell you whoever answers. I want to invite the lord over for a few snacks. Who do you think of the lord? It doesn't feel shabby when you say it."

"Little bitch, watch me not tear your mouth apart!"

The two palace maids were arguing and actually moved their hands regardless of their image. When the other palace maids saw that their sisters were suffering, they also rushed to help. The two parties were arguing.

And Concubine Wang Xian and Shen Guiconi had long been holding back their anger, and they only wanted to be concerned about their identity and couldn't do it themselves, otherwise they would have slapped each other in the face long ago.

"What are you doing?! The emperor is coming, so don't hurry to kneel to greet you!" A shrill eunuch's voice sounded from behind everyone, and everyone hurriedly turned around to see the long and jade-standing bright yellow figure, and they were suddenly shocked. Soft, except for the three masters, everyone else knelt down one by one.

"Bless the emperor, the emperor is auspicious!"

Li Chong looked at the few court ladies who were fighting with disheveled clothes and messy hair, and sneered: "Auspicious? Where can I be auspicious? The Imperial Garden is a quiet place, what do you guys look like when you are noisy here? Concubine Xian , I and the empress dowager hand over the harem to you to manage, is that how you manage it for me?"

Concubine Wang Xian lowered her head: "I have no way to discipline my servants, please forgive me."

Listening to the emperor blaming Concubine Wang Xian, Shen Guibi raised her head in schadenfreude, looked at the emperor tenderly and said: "Don't blame Concubine Xian, the emperor, after all, it is the responsibility of the empress to manage the six palaces, and it will be a burden if you don't match your position. Concubine Xian doesn't have this ability, so it's excusable if she doesn't manage it well."

Li Chong looked blankly at Shen Guiconcubine, and said coldly, "What do you mean, I'm not good at looking at people, and I wrongly handed over the power to assist the sixth palace to Concubine Xian, right?"

Shen Guiconi shook her head again and again: "This is not what the concubine meant, the concubine made a mistake!"

"Hmph," Li Chong snorted coldly, "Tell me, why are you, a virtuous concubine and a noble concubine, letting the palace maids make trouble in the imperial garden?"

"Brother Emperor, they are fighting for the sake of the younger brother!" Lu Shijin raised his hand and reported triumphantly.

Li Chong glanced at him sideways, "For you?"

Lu Shijin smiled brightly, and patted his chest with great pride, "Yes, yes, they quarreled because they all wanted to invite their younger brother to be a guest in their palace. The concubine's sister-in-law said that she wanted to send the younger brother Liangju, and the concubine's sister-in-law said that she wanted to send the minister. What's the book of my brother's words!"

Concubine Wang Xian and Shen Guibi were so angry that they almost vomited blood, this fool! It really is a pot not to mention which pot to open!

"Really? I'm really curious, why are you rushing to invite Prince Ning to be a guest in your palace? Who will tell me?" Li Chong's eyes were cold and swept across Wang's and Shen's faces.

Lu Shijin held up the peony flower in his hand and showed it to Li Chong, "They want the peony flower in my brother's hand, but my brother only has this flower, and I really don't know who to give it to, so they quarreled. It just so happens that you are here, brother of the emperor, now, I will give you the flowers, you can decide who to give the flowers to."

The hot potato was thrown out, and Lu Shijin stepped aside, waiting to see what Li Chong would choose.

Li Chong took the beautifully blooming peony flower and turned around while pinching the slender stem with his slender fingers, while Concubine Wang Xian and Shen Guibi's eyes were fixed on the peony flower, hoping that they would be the one. The owner of the flower.

At this moment, this peony is more than just a flower. Whoever can get it means who of the two of them has more weight in the emperor's heart.

"In my opinion, this flower, I still give it to..." Li Chong took the flower and drew a circle in the air, and the heads of the two concubines followed his gesture. Who would have thought that Li Chong circled a circle The circle, actually put the peony hairpin on Lu Shijin's head.

Lu Shijin was stunned, raised his hand and touched the peony pinned to his bun, "Brother Emperor, what are you doing, why are you putting flowers on my head?"

Li Chong raised his face, "How many ministers want to get the flowers that I have given me, but I still don't get the flowers that I have given me. Today, I am putting on your hairpin with my own hands. Are you still not satisfied?"

A **** explained: "King Ningjun, the emperor's gift of flowers is a supreme honor, so don't hurry up and thank you."

"Oh," Lu Shijin bent down and bowed, "I thank the emperor for the flowers."

Neither Wang Xianfei nor Shen Guicon expected that the flower would fall on Lu Shijin and Lu Shijin in the end.

But it is reasonable to think about it, this flower emperor is not suitable for either of them, only the king of Ningjun can be impartial.

Forget it, they can't argue with a fool, anyway, as long as it's not for the other party's little slut.

Li Chong raised his eyebrows, and said impatiently to the two concubines: "You two have nowhere to go under your restraint, and you allow the servants to play in the imperial garden, return to their respective palaces, and stop for a month to meditate on your own life. The middle and upper classes will be fined for half a year!"

Knowing that they had made a big mistake, the two concubines did not dare to argue, and hurriedly took their servants and left the Imperial Garden in despair.

The culprit, Lu Shijin, touched his nose, oh, see, sometimes it's so simple to be a winner in life.

Seeing that Li Chong's face was not very good, Lu Shijin guessed that he was in a bad mood due to the quarrel of the two concubines. Retire first."

"Go." Li Chong nodded lightly in approval.

Lu Shijin left, but Li Chong stayed where he was, staring at Lu Shijin's back thoughtfully.

In fact, he had already arrived at the Imperial Garden, deliberately not letting the servants speak up, and seeing how Lu Shijin provoked the quarrel between Concubine Wang Xian and Shen Guiconi with just a few words.

Those two concubines thought that Lu Shijin was a fool, and would not think that Lu Shijin was deliberately fanning the flames and provoking them to confront each other.

But Li Chong, who is an outsider, is ignorant.

Although Lu Shijin's words did not sound inappropriate, in line with the childish language of a child, but every sentence was the fuse that caused the second concubine's quarrel.

If he didn't make a mistake, then he was too scheming to play everyone in the palm of his hand.

Li Chong watched Lu Shijin's back disappear from sight, and squinted his eyes with deep meaning. What is the truth?

Li Chong suddenly asked Eunuch Jiang beside him: "How about the golden bird cage that I asked you to find a craftsman to build?"

Eunuch Jiang: "It's almost finished. It will be completed before the birthday of King Ningjun. The bird that the emperor asked the minions to find has also been found. Not only can he learn how to speak, but he can also recite poetry. It is guaranteed to be the smartest in the world. The bird, Prince Ning will definitely like it."

Li Chong: "Don't need the previous one. Let the craftsman make a new cage. It should be bigger."

Eunuch Jiang asked hesitantly, "I don't know what size the emperor wants?"

Li Chong hooked his lower lip: "To be able to pretend to be someone else."

Eunuch Jiang: "...such a big cage? What about the birds?"

"No need." Li Chong slowly turned his wrist and chuckled, "I have found the smartest bird in the world."

The author has something to say:

Question: How many steps does it take to put a Jinjin in a bird cage?