Chapter 84: Gongdou I am a professional

Lu Shijin went to Ci'an Palace, and told the Queen Mother about the quarrel between Concubine Wang Xian and Shen Guiconc whom he saw in the imperial garden as a new story, making the Queen Mother laugh so much that she laughed and scolded Lu Shijin for being a ghost.

Dinner was also served in Ci'an Palace. After dinner, he played in the Empress Dowager Palace for a while. Lu Shijin guessed that the emperor should also finish his government affairs, so he retired to the Empress Dowager and set off for Yongan Palace.

Li Chong hid from him for seven days under the pretext of chanting scriptures and praying for blessings, but after all seven days passed, Lu Shijin did not intend to let him go.

"Brother Emperor, here I come!"

Before Lu Shijin stepped into Yong'an Palace, Li Chong heard his voice inside.

Li Chong sat behind the imperial desk and placed two brushes on the table. The barrels were made of purple bamboo, and the nibs were made of high-quality white wolf tail hair. After being stained with ink, it was smooth and elastic, whether it was used for painting. Writing or writing is better.

Li Chong held one of the pens and turned it around casually.

He stared blankly at the tip of the pen, looking neither happy nor angry, not knowing what he was thinking.

There is also a handkerchief made of scorpion. The scorpion is thin and light, but it is extremely strong. It is rumored that the high-quality scorpion cannot be smashed by a knife, and the fire is constantly burning.

"Brother Emperor, what are you doing?" Lu Shijin walked in, greeted Li Chong with a salute, then walked over to him carelessly, saw that he was holding a brush in his hand but didn't write, and asked strangely, "What's so special about this one? Where is it? Why do you keep staring at it, Brother Emperor?"

Li Chong raised his eyes and glanced at him, then slightly hooked his lower lip, "It's nothing special, I was just thinking about something."

"Oh." Lu Shijin didn't think much about it, walked to the side and sat down, took a sip of the tea brought by the eunuch, "Brother Emperor, fortunately you came out, if you recite the scriptures in Kanghua Hall for a few more days, I will It's going to be boring."

Li Chong put down his pen and said in a low voice, "Didn't I tell you that I can't say the word 'death'? This is taboo."

"Oh, I forgot." Lu Shijin said with a smile, "Brother Emperor, do you still want to criticize books tonight?"

"No, why?" Li Chong looked at him.

Lu Shijin's eyes lit up: "Then let's play games?"

Li Chong put down his pen, "What do you want to play? Let's talk about it first, I won't play games that are too childish."

Lu Shijin pouted: "What is childish? Brother Emperor, do you dislike me for being stupid?"

"What nonsense? I never meant it like that." Li Chong smiled, "I meant games like kicking sandbags and hide-and-seek. If I don't play them, you should still ask the little **** to play with you."

"Hmph," Lu Shijin stood up on his hips and turned his head in disapproval, "Who said you want to play such children's games! I'm already an adult, so naturally I want to play adults' games!"

Li Chong also stood up, walked in front of Lu Shijin with a sleeveless sleeve, and looked down at him with interest, "Oh yes? Yes, I almost forgot, we have grown up today, so tell me, What games do adults play?"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes and said with a sly smile: "I just learned the drinking rules a few days ago, brother emperor, how about we drink and punch?"

"Huh, you can still draw a fist?" Li Chong put his hand on Lu Shijin's shoulder and patted it, "You finally learned the arithmetic within ten, didn't you?"

"Who do you look down on!" Lu Shijin clenched his fist and smacked the emperor's chest. "The arithmetic within 100 is not a problem! Brother emperor, just tell me if you dare! I have to drink you down today!"

Li Chong's eyes were deep, and the smile on his lips was even stronger, "Okay, it's true that you and I haven't had a good drink together for a long time, but it's just boring to drink, how about adding a little more color?"

"What else do you want to add?" Lu Shijin asked.

Li Chong thought for a while, and said, "If you lose the punch, in addition to drinking, take off a piece of clothing."

"Hey, what did I think it was," Lu Shijin waved his hands nonchalantly, "I and you are both men, what's there to be afraid of taking off your clothes, okay, take it off!"

Li Chong said to the little **** serving next to him: "Bring the wine, remember to bring the bottle from the northwest."

Soon the little **** brought a plate over, a one-foot-high white jade jug, two jade cups, and two or three plates of side dishes with wine.

Li Chong and Lu Shijin were already sitting cross-legged on both sides of the kang table. After the wine was served, Li Chong asked all the servants to step back, leaving him and Lu Shijin in the side hall.

The charcoal brazier under his feet was burning vigorously, and the temperature in the room was not low. Lu Shijin was sweating finely on his forehead, making his lips red and his teeth white.

Li Chong picked up the jug and filled both glasses with wine, then rolled up his sleeves, raised his eyebrows and said to Lu Shijin, "Let's start?"

"Come on!" Lu Shijin rolled up his sleeves boldly, eager to try.

He thought proudly in his heart, thinking that his father was known as the "Little Prince of Boxing" back then, and he never lost in boxing!

The dog emperor, still pretending to be a serious person, see how I clean up you tonight, you just wait for the drunken sex!

Both of them put their hands behind their backs, staring into each other's eyes, trying to guess how many fingers he would show from each other's eyes.

Suddenly, the two of them squinted at the same time, and they both stretched out a hand from behind as fast as lightning.

Li Chong shouted "six", Lu Shijin called "five", and then looked at the fingers above the table, they both stretched out three fingers at the same time, then Li Chong who shouted "six" naturally won.

Li Chong pointed at the wine glass in front of Lu Shijin and said loudly, "Drink!"

Wishing to admit defeat, Lu Shijin happily raised his glass and drank it, but he didn't expect the wine to be so spicy that it would burn like a fire as soon as it entered his throat, and the degree must not be low.

Lu Shijin frowned sharply, and the smell of alcohol rushed to his brain, making him dizzy, and it took him a while to recover.

Lu Shijin gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and saw Li Chong, who was smiling maliciously. He began to beat a drum in his heart. Damn, the Emperor Dog is going to play big with him!

"Come again!" Lu Shijin's competitive spirit was aroused, and he rolled up his sleeves again, "This time I will lose to you if I am careless, and I will definitely win the next game!"

"Don't worry, you only have to drink, you haven't taken off your clothes yet." Li Chong said with a smile.

Oh yes, I almost forgot about this one.

Lu Shijin blinked, the dog emperor wanted to see him laughing, but he refused to let him see it!

Lu Shijin took off his belt and threw it on the table, without changing his expression: "Okay, I'll take it off."

"Just a belt? Does it count as clothes?" Li Chong leaned forward and tapped his fingers on the table in dissatisfaction.

Lu Shijin raised his chin and looked like a rogue, "The belt is also worn on the body, why can't it be considered clothes? The rules are set by me, I say it's okay!"

Li Chong laughed, nodded approvingly, and said in a good-natured manner, "Okay, you can do whatever you want, come on, continue."

However, after guessing three times in a row, Li Chong tonight seemed to be patronized by the goddess of luck, and he never lost a game.

And Lu Shijin, the unlucky bastard, had already drank three glasses of spirits, his face was flushed, and his head was as hot as fire.

Not only that, after he took off the sweat towel, handkerchief, and socks as clothes, he finally had nothing else on his body that could make him play a rogue, so he could only choose to take off his clothes.

"Take it off?" Li Chong propped his head on the table with his elbows, and looked at Lu Shijin in a leisurely manner.

Lu Shijin wrinkled his nose, took off his robe and tossed it aside: "Take it off, I think that the robe is too tight, and it affects my performance. Come on, let's continue, brother emperor, I won't win the next round. , will not lose!"

Lu Shijin doesn't believe in evil, and there's no reason why he can keep memorizing it.

It was clearly he who proposed to play boxing, but Li Chong didn't even drink a glass of wine?

If this is said, then his title of "Little Punching Prince" will be lost! Gotta get the place back!

But sometimes, once people carry it up, they will carry it all the way to the end.

In less than ten rounds, Lu Shijin still drank seven glasses of high-strength spirits, and only a pair of obscene pants remained.

If you lose again, you will lose only the bottoms.

On the other hand, Li Chong only lost three hands, and he drank three glasses of wine without pain or itching, and his clothes were still neatly dressed.

Knowing that he regretted it at this time, Lu Shijin lay down and rolled on the kang, accusing, "Wuwuwu, brother emperor, you are bullying people. If you don't play, don't play anymore. This game is not fun at all!"

Li Chong said with a smile: "You said you were going to punch, why do you blame me instead? If you lose, you will be a rogue and stop playing. You don't want me to play with you again in the future."

Jiu Jin came up, Lu Shijin was drowsy in his head, lazy on his body, and weakly said: "Then you don't know how to let me? A game, you win alone, what's the point?"

"I didn't let you?" Li Chong said solemnly, "Didn't I leave you a pair of pants?"

"You!" Lu Shijin felt mercilessly ridiculed, sat up and slapped the table, his mouth flattened, "The emperor's brother is too deceiving, I won't play with you anymore, I'm leaving!"

While talking, he picked up the clothes that were thrown everywhere and put them on randomly. He got off the kang and wanted to put on shoes, but because he drank too much, he became dizzy and stretched his feet a few times, but he couldn't put them into the shoe shaft. Lu Shijin was so angry. He kicked the shoes away and shouted aggrievedly: "Even the shoes bully me!"

"It's all drunk, where do you want to go?" Li Chong took the kang table away and pressed the person back.

Lu Shijin couldn't exert any strength, and he couldn't resist being pressed by Li Chong, so he just lay down quietly, looking at Li Chong sadly.

The smell of wine reddened the end of the boy's long and narrow eyes, and there were tears in his eyes, and under the candlelight, there was a small wave of light floating.

The faint aroma of wine could be smelled between his breaths. Li Chong felt that he hadn't drank much. After smelling the youth's breath, he was already drunk.

"The emperor's brother bullies people, I don't like you anymore." Lu Shijin accused in a soft voice, his long eyelashes fanning, itching into the emperor's heart.

Li Chong pinched the young man's face and said with a small smile, "Then I will make up for you and continue to like me today, okay?"

Hearing that there was compensation, Lu Shijin's eyes lit up again, and asked with interest, "What compensation?"

Li Chong lowered his head and whispered in the boy's ear, "How about I practice with you?"

The corners of Lu Shijin's raised mouth froze, and he immediately shook his head and said, "Not much, my brother has drunk too much, he wants to sleep, and he doesn't want to practice!"

"No," Li Chong vetoed bluntly, pinching Lu Shijin's ears to falsely criticize, "If you want to practice kung fu well, you can't waste one day. You must finish your practice today before you can sleep."

Lu Shijin said anxiously and wisely: "But, I didn't bring my martial arts secrets, and I almost forgot the moves. Why don't I practice tomorrow?"

What happened to this dog emperor today? No matter how hard he had been grinding him before, he was unwilling to accompany him to "practice". Why did he suddenly take the initiative today?

Could it be that he was drunk and wanted to take the opportunity to wipe the oil? Come on, beast!

Li Chong shook his head gently, "It's okay, what I'm going to teach you today is not the moves in your booklet."

Lu Shijin felt bad, "What do you want to practice?"

Li Chong said warmly: "Today, let's practice endurance. If you endure hardships, you will be a superior person, and practicing qigong is also a truth."

Lu Shijin listened to what he said in the fog, and didn't know what he was going to do.

I saw Li Chong pulled out a kerchief made of scorpion, raised Lu Shijin's hands above his head, and wrapped the kerchief around his wrist to tie a knot.

"This... Brother Emperor, why are you tying me up?" Lu Shijin couldn't help opening his eyes slightly, twisting his wrists, trying to break free of the veil, but the veil looked thin, but it was very tough, Lu Shijin No effort was made to break free.

Li Chong sat on Lu Shijin's lap, restrained him from moving, and he didn't know where to find the two purple bamboo wolf pens that Lu Shijin saw just now, and turned them around in his hand.

Looking at the two pens, Lu Shijin had a bad premonition, swallowed and stammered, "You, you, what do you want to do?"

Li Chong smiled without saying a word, looked down at Lu Shijin's expression condescendingly, and saw fear in his eyes as expected.

How can a fool who drinks too much feel scared when he sees two brushes?

The answer is self-evident, so this "fool" must have guessed what he was going to do next, so he was afraid.

"Be good today, don't be afraid, it's just practice." Li Chong held a writing brush, pointed the tip of the brush at Lu Shijin's chest, and said softly, "Now it's time to exercise your endurance, and later, no matter what I do, you will Don't move or make a sound to know?"

what do you know? I don't **** know anything!

Lu Shijin shook his head desperately, and said in a pitiful tone: "No, brother emperor, I don't want to practice, I want to sleep, please, can you untie me?"

"No, you must practice, don't make a sound or move, otherwise, I will punish you." Li Chong was indifferent, the tip of the pen had already been pointed at the target and dropped, causing Lu Shijin to shudder uncontrollably.

The senses catalyzed by alcohol are already sharp, so how can they withstand the tossing of Li Chong? Lu Shijin felt that the two brushes were not scratched on him, but were scratched into his heart.

The feeling of numbness and numbness, like small insects burrowed into the body from the skin, and burrowed into the limbs and bones along the blood, but they could not grasp and scratch, and scratched and scratched, and the anxious Lu Shijin's eyes flowed out involuntarily. Physiological tears.

"Didn't you say you're not allowed to move?" Li Chong felt Lu Shijin's legs twisted twice, punishingly increasing the strength of his subordinates, two heavy strokes swiped on the young man's flawless skin, and a small whimper sounded. Uncontrollably burst out of his throat.

"Don't make a sound. If you don't obey, you should be punished." Li Chong held two pens in one hand at the same time, and raised them like chopsticks. In the mood to recite a poem, "Red beans are born in the southern country, and spring will send a few branches. I hope you can pick more, this thing is the most Acacia. Today, do you remember this poem by Wang Youcheng that I taught you to memorize? Come and memorize it to me. hear?"

Poetry? At this time, what do you think Lao Tzu has in mind to memorize poems?

Lu Shijin felt that he was about to be tortured mad by this man, the dog emperor, it's not a **** thing!

Take advantage of him while he's drunk, yet he's still playing such a perverted trick! Is he really stupid? !

But... I have to admit that the dog emperor's methods are still brilliant.

Under the catalysis of alcohol and the stimulation brought by the brush, Lu Shijin soon showed signs of fire.

The emperor's dark eyes narrowed unhappily, "Didn't I tell you not to move? It's really disobedient."

Lu Shijin defended himself in a low voice, "I didn't move."

The emperor twisted his hips and asked in a low voice, "Then what is moving here?"

Hearing this, Lu Shijin turned his head shyly and buried his face in his arms. He didn't want the Emperor Dog to be too proud, but Xiao Jinjin didn't keep his bottom line and betrayed him!

"I can't stand it at such a level, and still pestering me to practice martial arts? Say, will I practice in the future?" Li Chong asked jokingly.

After being so provoked by Li Chong, Lu Shijin committed an anti-bone disease again.

The dog emperor is too deceiving, how can he be so mad!

"Practice! I'm going to practice! I'm going to practice!" Lu Shijin shouted loudly, to let Emperor Gou know that he would not admit defeat!

"Hey, it seems that I still have a bit of backbone today. I underestimated you." Li Chong lifted the pen and dropped it, slowly twisting his wrist, as if he was tracing a plum blossom, outlining the flower shape "understatement". "Then let's keep practicing."

Lu Shijin couldn't stand the irritation brought by the fluffy brush, closed his eyes and mourned, "No brush... woo woo, it's too itchy, please, don't use a brush."

"If you don't want a brush, what do you want?" Li Chong asked in a low voice.

"I want... I want..." Lu Shijin didn't know what he wanted. He only knew that if he didn't come with something substantial, he would explode.

"how about this?"

As soon as Li Chong finished speaking, Lu Shijin felt that something slippery swept the place that had been repeatedly cared for by the brush.

It seemed that the brush was soaked in water, but it seemed not. It was hotter than the brush with no temperature, so hot that his heart trembled twice.

Although Lu Shijin closed his eyes and didn't see what it was, he suddenly had a picture in his mind. Immediately, all the blood and energy rushed to one place on his body.

Woohoo, the dog emperor is so good at playing, he can't even pretend to be a fool.

Is he going to open his thighs and beg the emperor's elder brother to see him? !

Just when Lu Shijin was caught in a war between heaven and man, hesitating whether to continue to endure or turn against the dog emperor, Li Chong suddenly stopped torturing Lu Shijin.

"Okay, let's practice here today." Li Chong untied the veil on Lu Shijin's wrist and put his clothes on Lu Shijin. "Your patience is not at home yet, so you need to strengthen training in the future."

Lu Shijin sat up in a daze, looking at the emperor in confusion, is this the end? Why not continue?

Just to this extent? Are you playing this game and not getting things done?

"What's wrong?" Seeing Lu Shijin's expression like being struck by lightning, Li Chong asked with a half-smile, "I still can't bear to get up, do you want to continue practicing? I want to accompany you, but the two pens are already broken. Now, I'm afraid of hurting you."

"..." Lu Shijin saw the two brushes in Li Chong's hands with messy and shapeless nibs, and his cheeks suddenly burned.

Damn dog emperor, this hatred never ends!

Since that night, after Lu Shijin was drilled for flirting without being rebellious, Lu Shijin didn't dare to flirt with Li Chong as much as before.

Lu Shijin felt that Li Chong's attitude towards him had changed. Before, he was worried that he was his younger brother and did not dare to attack.

But now, in Li Chong's eyes when he looked at him, there was not only the kind of love his brother had when he looked at his younger brother, but also a hunter who looked at his prey, which made Lu Shijin feel that he had no escape.

Time flew by, and finally it was Lu Shijin's seventeenth birthday.

That day, the Queen Mother announced Lu Shijin's entry into the palace early to celebrate his birthday.

The emperor went to the morning court, and also went to the queen mother's palace. The queen mother ordered the kitchen to make longevity noodles for breakfast. Just like when the mother and son were in the cold palace before, whoever celebrated his birthday, the three of them would eat a bowl of longevity noodles together.

After eating the longevity noodles, the queen mother asked her maid to take out the gift she had prepared for Lu Shijin.

"In a blink of an eye, we are all seventeen today, and we are adults. This is your mother's birthday gift. Open it and see if you like it."

It was a small wooden box carved out of delicate red sandalwood. Lu Shijin opened it and found a pair of jade bracelets inside. Judging by the color, it should be of the highest quality.

"Empress mother, Erchen is a man, why do you give Erchen the jewelry that this girl's family wears?" Lu Shijin asked inexplicably.

The queen mother smiled and said: "These jade bracelets were given to Aijia by the late emperor when Aijia gave birth to your emperor brother. At that time, in the cold palace, when life was difficult, Aijia didn't even want to take out the pair of jade bracelets for exchange. Silver. Now Aijia will give you this pair of jade bracelets, and then give it to your princess after you marry."

The old man is so good, he brought up the matter of marriage again.

Out of the corner of Lu Shijin's eyes, he caught sight of the emperor sitting next to him drinking tea silently, thinking about it.

"Empress mother, this pair of jade bracelets means a lot to you, but you only gave it to your son. The emperor's elder brother heard that, so you mustn't say that you are partial." Lu Shijin said cheerfully, "When I was in the cold palace, what was so good? Everything is divided equally between the two of us, and now there are two jade bracelets, just one for me and the emperor's brother! The emperor's brother, give it to you!"

Lu Shijin took out a jade bracelet from the box and handed it to Li Chong. He had no idea that Li Chong would accept it, but he didn't expect Li Chong to take it without changing his face. , Since the birthday stars said they would send me, then I would be disrespectful."

When the queen mother saw that the emperor took away the jade bracelet she gave to her future daughter-in-law, her nose almost crooked.

But today is Lu Shijin's birthday, no matter what he does, as long as he is happy, the queen mother can only let their brothers mess around.

"Can you bring your birthday gift, Emperor?" The queen mother glared at her own son and said angrily, "I haven't given my gift yet, but I received the birthday gift first. Is that how you are a brother?"

Li Chong replied to the Queen Mother's words, but he kept smiling at Lu Shijin and said, "Don't worry, Queen Mother, my gift has already been prepared, but because it's too big to get it, it's now in my palace until it's later. , go back to the palace with me today to get it."

The author has something to say:

Jinjin: Perverted brother is so scary, do you want to go?