Chapter 85: Gongdou I am a professional

Everyone knows that King Ningjun is the most beloved person of the emperor and the queen mother. In the face of the emperor and the queen mother, many ministers and concubines also gave Lu Shijin birthday gifts.

They all knew that this Ningjun King was mentally retarded, and his IQ was like that of an eight-year-old child, so they thought that Ningjunwang should be playful, and most of the gifts he gave were things that children play with.

Lu Shijin counted the birthday gifts he received. Except for a very few people who gave gold and silver antiques, the others were all strange toys, the kind that could not be exchanged for a few money if they were pawned. This does not fool children. ?

"Why, looking at your expression, you don't like any of these?" The emperor watched Lu Shijin open the box while sitting and drinking tea. He frowned when he opened one, guessing that Lu Shijin should be dissatisfied with these birthday ceremonies. .

"Of course I don't like it! Brother Emperor, look at these, what are they?" Lu Shijin raised a small wooden sword and gestured twice in his hand, "Did they give these to this king to play at home? It's not sincere!"

"This is a peach wood sword, used to ward off evil spirits, not for you to play with." The emperor put down the tea cup and said lightly, "You don't like these, so what do you like?"

After reading the gift, Lu Shijin ordered Wang Xi to send everything back to the palace, and then sat down beside Li Chong.

Lu Shijin looked at Li Chong expectantly, and said with a smile: "Isn't the emperor's brother sent Jinjin's gift yet? As long as it is from the emperor's brother, I like it."

"Really?" Li Chong let out a chuckle from his nose, "You still don't know what I gave you, so dare you say you like it? Don't give it to you when you don't like it anymore, this is bullying. The crime of the king, do you know?"

Lu Shijin hesitated for a moment, rolled his eyes, stretched out his finger and poked the emperor's arm, and said in a flattering tone: "Then... Brother Emperor, can you tell me what kind of gift you gave me? Satisfy me. curiosity?"

Li Chong shook his head, "No, what's the point of saying it now, you'll know when you see it with your own eyes."

Lu Shijin glanced at the sky outside the door. The sun was still hanging above his head, and there were still several hours in the evening.

"But I'm really curious. I can't wait to find out at night. Brother emperor, good brother, can you tell me?" Lu Shijin held his head in his hands and put his head in front of Li Chong. A cute and charming smile, trying to seduce him with "beauty".

Li Chong's trick of calling him "good brother" to Lu Shijin was still useful. He glanced at him with a light smile, "I can't tell you what it is, but you are allowed to ask a few questions. I will only answer you yes or no."

Li Chong pretended to be so mysterious, and Lu Shijin's curiosity was even more aroused.

After all, the other party is the emperor, sitting on the world, the emperor shot, can the gift be normal? ! It must be a priceless treasure!

Get rich get rich! I don't know how much the big baby can be converted into. Wouldn't it be nice to convert it into reward value!

"Is it expensive?" Although this question is superficial, Lu Shijin is so straightforward.

Li Chong lowered his eyes and thought for a while. It was made of thousands of pounds of gold, which was naturally expensive, so he looked up at Lu Shi Jin and nodded.

Lu Shijin, who got the affirmative answer, suddenly lit up, immersed in the excitement that he was about to make a fortune, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Then, does it sink?"

Li Chong nodded again, "Very heavy."

Lu Shijin asked, "Is it big?"

Li Chong: "Big."

"Is it very rare?" Lu Shijin's eyes flickered with small flames.

"Naturally, there is nothing in this world." Li Chong smiled slightly.

pretty! Lu Shijin patted the table with joy. It is expensive, big and heavy, and it is rare. It must be a rare treasure!

In the end, he is the king of a country, and he is lavish when he makes a move!

Lu Shijin immediately forgot how Li Chong tortured him last time. The dog emperor finally acted like a man this time. He was right, hahaha!

"Do you like the gift I gave?" Li Chong asked quietly when he saw that Lu Shijin was so happy.

"I like it, I like it!" Lu Shijin was afraid that Li Chong would not believe it, and nodded vigorously to show his sincerity, "I like it as long as it is given by you, the emperor's brother!"

Li Chong raised his eyebrows slightly, "It's not to fool me, since I said I like it, then I can't deny it."

"How is that possible! What's so good about this?" Lu Shijin's eyes became crescent-shaped with a smile, "I can't wait to see the birthday present from the emperor's brother! I really hope it gets dark soon!"

Li Chong picked up the tea cup, lifted the lid, skimmed off the tea leaves on the cup, and lowered his head to take a sip.

"I hope too."

At night, the queen mother specially held a family banquet to celebrate Lu Shijin's birthday, and also arranged songs and dances to add to the fun.

The emperor sat on the throne, the queen mother sat on the emperor's right hand, and Lu Shijin's position was on the emperor's left hand. At a glance, you could see how favored Lu Shijin was.

All the concubines and concubines of the palaces sat below. The banquet began, and the concubines took turns to toast Lu Shijin and send blessings, which seemed to be happy.

If a concubine was sitting next to the emperor today, I am afraid that the concubines and concubines of the palaces would have already begun to feel jealous and jealous, and wished that they could pull people down from above and sit on their own.

But the person sitting today is King Ning Jun. They know very well that even if King Ning Jun is favored again, he is only the emperor's younger brother, not a relative, and will not hinder them.

Therefore, none of the concubines could be jealous of Lu Shijin. After all, who would be jealous of a fool?

The queen mother was very satisfied with the banquet she arranged, and asked Lu Shijin with a smile, "How is it? Are the songs and dances good today?"

"Good-looking!" Lu Shijin stood up and saluted the queen mother, "I thank my mother for her trouble."

"There are more fun things to come, just watch." The queen mother raised her hand and swung it back, and the **** behind her received her instructions and clapped her palms twice.

The music stopped in response, and the dancers dancing under the stage also stopped and exited the door. After that, several people with oil paint on their faces and various props in their hands walked in. Plates, spinning balls... The people watching are dizzying.

These people are all juggling entertainers on the market. They are raised in deep boudoirs. How can the concubines who usually stay out of the gate have a chance to see these unique skills. Two exclamations.

"Is it fun? This is much more interesting than singing and dancing, right?" The Queen Mother asked Lu Shijin with a smile.

"It's fun! It's fun! Thank you, Empress!" Lu Shijin looked energetic and kept clapping his hands to applaud the performers.

The queen mother said: "Don't thank Aijia, this idea is not from Aijia, or the emperor mentioned to Aijia that you like to watch street performers perform when you were a child, and Aijia found someone to arrange the best acrobatic team in the capital to perform in the palace. ."

When Lu Shijin heard the words, he turned his head to look at the emperor on the throne, and bowed respectfully, "The emperor's elder brother has been bothered by his younger brother's birthday."

Li Chong waved his hand, "Today's family banquet, you are a birthday star, as long as you are happy, you don't need to be too polite, sit down."

Lu Shijin took a deep look at Li Chong, although he was taking someone else's identity now, it's not really his birthday today.

But still moved by the various surprises Li Chong prepared for him today, Lu Shijin couldn't help but feel a little sweetness in his heart.

Lu Shijin sat down and continued to watch the performance. These folk skills used to shine in ancient times, but many of them have been lost in modern times. There are many performances that Lu Shijin has never seen before, which is amazing.

The performance under the stage was splendid and the climax was high. Lu Shijin was dazzled, and suddenly caught a glimpse of one of the entertainers playing the ball. Although the man was wearing a loose costume and had a mask on his face, he couldn't see his face, but Lu Shijin looked at the man. The figure gave birth to a sense of familiarity for no reason.

Just now, Lu Shijin was given a toast by turns, and he was a little drunk. He thought he was dazzled, and rubbed his eyes hard, trying to see the person clearly.

But the performance was over, and the performers all knelt down and couldn't see their faces even more. After the emperor said "reward", everyone stepped back one by one, giving Lu Shijin no chance to see people clearly.

Soon, someone came to toast again. Lu Shijin was so dizzy that he couldn't remember anything familiar.

"Okay, okay, don't give him alcohol," the queen mother said distressedly when she saw that Lu Shijin was a little unsteady, "he alone, how can he stand up to so many of you?"

Li Chong smiled to appease the queen mother: "It's just fruit wine, it won't be intoxicating if you think about it, don't worry, mother."

"Fruit wine is also wine, if you drink too much, you will get drunk. He is still a child, and he has never drank so much wine," the queen mother said angrily. Are you here?"

Li Chong nodded in agreement: "Okay, then I will send my mother back to the palace."

"You don't need to send it." The queen mother supported the eunuch's hand and got up, pointing to Lu Shijin, "Aijia remembers that you said that you have prepared a big gift for Jinjin. This child has been reading for a day. Before today is over, hurry up and send it away. Give it to others, save him from worrying about it."

Li Chong glanced at Lu Shijin. Although Lu Shijin was dizzy, he didn't forget that Li Chong wanted to give his big baby. He immediately clapped his hands with a smile, "Yes, yes, there is a gift from the emperor's brother, I have to go get it!"

The concubines sitting below heard it, okay, today the emperor is probably going to accompany his good brother again, and it is estimated that there is a high probability that he will not flip the brand, alas, there is nothing to them.

So the concubines got up and retire one after another, and went back to their respective palaces, each playing their own piano.

The banquet was over, and the palace where the banquet was held was not far from the emperor's Yongan Palace, so Li Chong and Lu Shijin did not take the sedan chair, but walked back to the palace.

When the cool wind blew, Lu Shijin's drinking was somewhat sober.

In front of them, there was a palace maid lighting the road. Lu Shijin and Li Chong walked side by side. Both of them were wearing big cloaks, but they were not bloated.

The lanterns illuminated the shadows of the two people on the road diagonally and overlapped.

Lu Shijin looked at the shadow on the ground, and cooperated with Li Chong to adjust his pace to be in line with him, and a sense of satisfaction gradually filled his heart.

Suddenly, I felt that it would be good if I could just go on like this.

I don't know when the snow fell in the sky, and Lu Shijin suddenly asked, "Is this the first snow this winter?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Li Chong asked.

The capital of this dynasty was located in the south, and snow was rare in winter.

Lu Shijin shook his head and looked up at the dark night sky, "Nothing."

It is the first snow. I heard that if you make a wish when you see the first snow, your wish will come true, and today is also his birthday.

Lu Shijin reached out his hand, caught the snowflakes falling from the sky, and silently made a wish in his heart.

"Brother Chong, I want to hold your hand, okay?" After making a wish, Lu Shijin stretched out his left hand to Li Chong, fearing that he would be suspicious, and added, "Just like when we were young, let's walk together hand in hand."

Li Chong looked at him for a moment, his eyes softened unconsciously, his hand stretched out from his wide sleeve to hold Lu Shijin, "Okay."

The emperor's palm is very warm, and the temperature is pressed into Lu Shijin's heart. Even if it is freezing cold at the moment, he will not feel cold.

"Brother Chong, what are you going to give me? Can you tell me now?" Lu Shijin shook Li Chong's hand and pleaded.

"No, you will naturally know when you are in the palace, don't worry, it will be there soon."

Li Chong was very mysterious. He was almost at the gate of the palace, but he kept it secret and refused to disclose it. Lu Shijin, who had been hanged for a day, snorted dissatisfiedly: "Cut, it's a mystery, okay, if you don't tell me, I'll see it myself."

There was still a hundred meters away from Yong'an Palace, and Li Chong suddenly grabbed Lu Shijin's hand to stop him.

Lu Shijin looked back in confusion, "Why didn't you leave?"

Li Chong took out a finger-wide ribbon from his sleeve and dangled it between his two fingers, "Blindfold your eyes."

Lu Shijin: "???"

Li Chong smiled: "Since it's a surprise, it's natural to maintain a sense of mystery. I've prepared a great gift for you, and I look forward to seeing its expression."

The dog emperor has so many tricks, Lu Shijin complained in his heart.

But for the sake of his good performance today, let's play this childish game with him.

Lu Shijin compared his eyes obediently, "Come on, come on, sigh, brother Chong, you are so old and you still play this kind of child's trick, I really can't stand you."

Li Chong covered Lu Shijin's eyes with a ribbon, tied a knot behind his head, then took Lu Shijin's hand and led him forward.

Lu Shijin was blindfolded and could not see anything. He lost his vision, but his hearing and touch became sharper.

He felt that Li Chong took him into Yong'an Palace, passed through the main hall to the left side hall, and then there was a sound of closing the door behind, and all the maids and eunuchs who were serving withdrew, leaving him and Li Chong in the side hall.

"Brother Chong, are you all right? When can I open my eyes?" Lu Shijin asked anxiously.

Li Chong grabbed Lu Shijin's two hands to prevent him from taking off the ribbon covering his eyes, soothed: "Right now."

Li Chong dragged him and continued to walk forward. Lu Shijin's ears moved a bit, and he seemed to hear the sound of opening the door again, but this door didn't sound like a wooden door, it seemed to be very heavy, and he couldn't help but wonder if the emperor was going to bring him. Where is he going?

The door opened and closed, Lu Shijin thought Li Chong was going to continue pulling him away, but he didn't expect Li Chong to stop.

"Arrived?" Lu Shijin asked suspiciously, "Can I open my eyes?"

Li Chong didn't answer him, he suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Lu Shijin horizontally. Before Lu Shijin could react, he volleyed into the air, causing him to exclaim in surprise.

Then he felt that Li Chong lifted him up on the back of something like something. Lu Shijin hurriedly stretched out his hand and touched it down. The bottom plate sitting underneath was cold and hard, and it should be made of some kind of metal.

"Brother Chong, what are you doing?" Blindness makes people fear the unknown, and Lu Shijin began to panic.

Li Chong still didn't answer him. Lu Shijin only felt that Li Chong had taken off his shoes and socks, and there was a chill on his ankles, and at the same time there was a slight crunch of metal hitting his ears.

Li Chong untied Lu Shijin's cloak and put another coat on him. The coat was fluffy, and Lu Shijin's neck was itchy from the fur on his neckline.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." Hearing that Li Chong was finally willing to open his eyes, Lu Shijin couldn't wait to take off the ribbon on his eyes in case of amnesty, and blinked twice to adjust to the light. Then he turned his head and looked around.

After seeing the situation in the room clearly, Lu Shijin's expression could no longer be described as shock. His widened eyes were full of disbelief, and he sent out the soul torture of "what the **** is this".

This is a huge "birdcage"-shaped hut made of gold. It is placed in the middle of the side hall. The vertical columns are all made of gold, glowing with dazzling golden light. The distance between each vertical column is only It can be passed through the side of a slender person.

In the center of the cage stood a crane made of pure gold that was about to fly. Lu Shijin was carried by Li Chong on the crane's back, and he was also wearing a feather coat made of crane feathers.

"Do you like this gift I gave you?" Li Chong stroked Xialu Shijin's face and smiled softly.

Lu Shijin: "..." I like your uncle!

The charming thoughts and anticipation of walking in the snow together at that point just now disappeared, and it turned into the anger of wanting to punch the dog emperor's head with one punch.

"Brother Chong, what are you doing? Why did you bring me here?" Lu Shijin said calmly.

Li Chong smiled lightly, and his temperament was as warm as jade. It was difficult for people to associate him with perverts.

Lu Shijin jumped up and down in Yintang, maybe the person who wanted to send this kind of "surprise" to him was not a pervert or something!

He began to regret it, is it too late? !

Li Chong said slowly: "I originally wanted to give you a birthday present. It is an extremely smart bird with a gentle and sweet voice. It can not only learn how to speak, but also read poetry. Do you like it today?"

Lu Shijin said weakly: "I like it, I like it very much. What about the bird? Brother Chong just give me the bird, and there is no need to prepare the rest."

Li Chong smiled and continued: "But no matter how smart that bird is, it can only learn tongues, and it is not new after listening to it. Later, I found a smarter bird, he not only can speak human words , but also talk nonsense and deceive people, even Zhen has been deceived by him, you say, is this bird interesting?"

"Hehe, hehe, hehe, there are such smart birds in the world. It can be seen that the world is full of wonders and it is true...Interesting and interesting..." Lu Shijin laughed guiltyly, and kept beating drums in his heart. Did the dog emperor find out that he was pretending Stupid? When was he discovered? !

What to do now? Continue to act stupid?

"Today, you said such an interesting bird, do you want to raise it and keep it beside me to play with? In the huge palace, there are not many people who can accompany me to talk to me, and it looks so funny and boring around me, what do you think?" Li Chong picked up a lock of Lu Shijin's hair and scratched his face.

"It's not good," Lu Shijin said solemnly, "the bird is locked in a cage and can't fly, how pitiful it is to lose its freedom? Let's let him go and let him fly freely in the sky."

Li Chong chuckled and said slowly, "But let him go, who will play with me? Are you today?"

Lu Shijin: "..." Why do you seem to be going around and wrapping yourself in?

"If you pity that bird today, I can let it go. Today, can I stay with you by myself?" Li Chong took Lu Shijin's waist, wrapped the man in his arms, and put his face against Lu Shijin's ear, hehe. Angrily, "After all, our mouths are more articulate than birds, and they taste sweeter. Isn't it more fun to keep you than a bird?"

"..." Lu Shijin's heart was on fire, his waist softened, and he leaned on the emperor's strong arm, "Brother Chong... When are you..."

In this case, the emperor has obviously seen through his disguise, and it is useless to pretend to be stupid. It is better to confess and expect leniency.

Lu Shijin was about to ask Li Chong when he found out that he was acting stupid, but Li Chong didn't give him the chance, and put his index finger on Lu Shijin's lips to prevent him from speaking.

"Jin Jin," Li Chong lowered his gaze and patted the smooth back of the golden crane, "This golden crane was specially built for you. It has a built-in mechanism and is very interesting. Do you want to play?"

Lu Shijin blinked, "This... how do you play?"

Li Chong went around behind Lu Shijin, not knowing what mechanism was turned on, the golden crane began to rhythmically rock back and forth, just like a toy rocking car that children like to sit on.

Li Chong looked at Lu Shijin with a smile in his eyes, "Is it fun?"

"Okay, it's fun." Lu Shijin held Xianhe's neck to stabilize his body, always feeling that it would not be so simple.

Li Chong whispered softly against his ear: "Sit tight, there is more fun."

"What's more fun?" Lu Shijin's body became weak by the golden crane, and he was so dizzy that he couldn't think of anything more fun.

Suddenly he felt a small board under the bird's back opened, and something poked him through his clothes...

Lu Shijin: "!!!"

"How's it going? Is this fun?" The tenderness in Li Chong's eyes disappeared quickly, and a frantic flame burned slowly. He stared at Lu Shijin with dark and dark eyes, like a giant man-eating beast waiting for an opportunity. .

"Ha, ha... it's alright..." Lu Shijin twitched the corners of his mouth, laughing harder than crying.

Li Chong hooked his lips: "It's just okay? That's not enough fun? Would you like to be faster?"

"Don't! Don't! Don't hurry! Brother Chong, will you let me down?" Lu Shijin grabbed Li Chong's sleeve and begged for mercy in a soft voice.

He tried to stand up to avoid the golden crane with his legs between his legs, but the golden crane was too smooth, and he tried several times without success.

It's really terrible for the dog emperor to be perverted. How many perverts does this have to be for people to create this thing? !

Lu Shijin decided that no matter what, he should get down from the golden crane first. Before Li Chong was unprepared, he pushed Li Chong away suddenly, then hugged the neck of the golden crane, turned over and got off his back, picked up his clothes and walked away!

However, before he could reach the door, he suddenly felt that his footsteps were being entangled by something, and he couldn't take a half step forward.

When Lu Shijin looked back, Li Chong stood there and didn't move, looking at the embarrassment of his failure to escape with a half-smile.

The emperor's slender fingertips wrapped around a circle of shiny gold threads, and he began to recycle them slowly.

Lu Shijin was dragged to Li Chong's side involuntarily, and finally realized that he had fallen into the trap carefully laid out by the hunter because of his complacency.