Chapter 86: Gongdou I am a professional

Seeing that he was about to be dragged into the emperor's arms with the last few steps left, Lu Shijin thought a lot in these few short steps.

He thought of how he pretended to be mad and flirted with the emperor, causing the emperor to be filled with evil fires, but at the same time he had to blame himself for having evil thoughts towards Lu Shijin, who was regarded as his own brother.

In the end, the emperor found out that it was not that he was inferior to a beast, but that his younger brother was too good at playing and pretended to be confused.

On the bright side, he is ignorant and ignorant, but he is actually a ghost.

When Li Chong thought about the tricks Lu Shijin played, what martial arts secrets, and how he practiced kung fu in bed, his eyes darkened.

I'm afraid that every time his good brother sees him being flirted with emotions and enduring hard, he will laugh wildly in his heart, right?

He thought that Lu Shijin was a fool and didn't understand anything, so he tolerated Lu Shijin's various outrageous behaviors. What happened?

People are not stupid at all, the stupid person is him! Being played as a fool in the palm of your hand!

How can the emperor, who is the most respected of the nine-five, swallow his breath?

Lu Shijin looked at Li Chong's gloomy face, and a strong sense of crisis welled up in his heart.

Joy begets sorrow! Knowing that the dog emperor has so many perverted tricks, he would not dare to play with Li Chong like this with his courage!

And now the Emperor Dog doesn't know how many ghost tricks he has thought about to get back the losses he had suffered before! It's too late to regret!

It's over, what should he do now? !

Lu Shijin glanced at the side, anxious and wise, he quickly hugged the vertical bar next to him, and even though his right foot was pulled high by the golden thread, he shrunk back desperately, and refused to take another step closer to Li Chong with a look of resistance.

"Do you think that if you hold a pillar, I can't do anything about you?" Li Chong's eyes darkened, one hand behind him, and he walked towards Lu Shijin, who immediately appeared to be facing a formidable enemy, "You, don't come here! If you dare Bully me, I'll tell my mother!"

The corners of Li Chong's mouth were slightly raised, as if he heard some ridiculous joke, "Tell the mother? You dare to use the mother to press me? That's right, I might as well tell the mother how you climbed the dragon bed. , let her know how you and I are brothers and sisters."

Lu Shijin choked for a moment. Knowing that he was wrong, he lowered his eyes with a guilty conscience, "That's fine. My mother and her old lady are too old, so I'm afraid she won't be able to hear this."

"Heh." Li Chong snorted coldly, took a big step forward, and stood in front of Lu Shijin in an instant, looking down at him with a stern face, "Lu Shijin, you are really promising, I grew up with you, but I didn't notice it. , for so many years, you have kept a little fox by your side?"

"You are stupid and can't see it, so you can't blame me." Lu Shijin muttered softly.

Li Chong couldn't hear clearly, but he could tell that it was definitely not a good word. He bent down and stretched out his hand to grab Lu Shijin's chin, forcing him to look into his eyes.

"When did your illness heal?" Li Chong asked, looking at Lu Shijin's expression.

Lu Shijin's eyelashes trembled, "...If I said that I don't know when it will be better, would you believe it?" Li Chong frowned, and Lu Shijin quickly added, "It's just fine before you know it, maybe it's God. I have pity, so a miracle happened, with this explanation, are you satisfied with this explanation, brother emperor?"

Li Chong pursed his lower lip speechlessly and asked him, "What do you think?"

"Then there's nothing I can do if you're not satisfied. It just heals when you're sick. I don't know how it heals. Isn't it a good thing that I'm healed? Could it be that you want me to be a fool all the time?" Lu Shijin He is best at knocking back and asking plausibly.

Li Chong ignored his crooked reasoning and asked, "Since the illness is cured, why didn't you tell me and my mother?"

"I'm not..." Lu Shijin racked his brains to find an excuse, "I want to find a suitable opportunity to tell you again, and give you a surprise."

"Surprise? I think it's almost the same as a shock!" Li Chong raised Lu Shijin's chin higher, and moved his hand to the young man's fragile neck. "What do you mean by surprise is the woman who robbed me?"

Afraid that Li Chongzhen would choke him, Lu Shijin shook his head slightly.

"Your so-called surprise is to hold a book of Longyang and let me accompany you to practice martial arts?"

Li Chong's fingertips slid across Lu Shijin's Adam's apple, causing Lu Shijin's body to tremble slightly, and his head shook more firmly.

Li Chong suddenly raised the volume and asked in a deep voice, "What you call a surprise is to use an innocent face to do irritating things, to tease me, to play with me, right?!"

"No, no, no! I'm... just kidding with you!" Lu Shijin wanted to cry without tears.

"Just kidding?" Li Chong sneered, squatted down and looked at Lu Shijin, with a dangerous aura brewing in his black eyes, "I've already reached this stage, and I still don't want to admit my mistake, right? I don't think you can see the coffin. tears!"

"Don't go too far," Lu Shijin hugged the pillar tightly, glanced at the golden crane next to him in a hurry, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and loudly encouraged himself, "It's too much, I will resist! I thought this broken cage could trap me!"

"Naturally I didn't expect a cage to trap you, and I didn't want to trap you," Li Chong lowered his eyes, landed on Lu Shijin's belt, and smiled, "What I want is to let you I can’t leave you, and I am willing to stay by my side.”

"I do! I didn't say I didn't!" Lu Shijin immediately raised his watch loyally, "One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand of my brothers are willing! Really, my younger brother is willing to accompany the emperor's brother forever."

Li Chong wanted to smile or not, raised his eyebrows in disbelief: "Can I still believe what I say from this mouth today?"

Lu Shijin nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, as long as he was not allowed to climb on the yellow bird, he would say whatever the Emperor Dog wanted to hear!

"Then tell me why you robbed me of women? Do you really like Liu Zhenhuan?" Li Chong asked with a cold face.

"Of course not, how could I like her?" Lu Shijin rolled his eyes in disdain, "Isn't it because you have been hooked by her, afraid that you will get her way? That woman has a bad mind, and even prescribes medicine in order to compete for favor. I can do all the tricks I planted, if it wasn't for me..."

"What if it wasn't for you?" Li Chong grasped the key point and interrupted him.

Lu Shijin scratched his neck, and said in a righteous manner: "If it wasn't for me, you would have drowned in the bath long ago! Have you forgotten what happened in the clean room that night? Hmph, yes, I slept like a dead pig, and I did my best the whole time! Li Chong, let me tell you, you treat your savior like this, this is revenge!"

The emperor was not annoyed by Lu Shijin's rude remarks, he narrowed his eyes with interest, and seemed to be in a good mood.

"You mean, you solved the medicinal properties for me? However, you can obviously Xuan Imperial Physician come over to diagnose and treat me, so why do you want to... go into battle yourself? Are you," the emperor said with a quick pause, jokingly said, " Have you been greedy for my body for a long time?"

"Che, who's greedy for your body, I just like to help others, can't I?" Lu Shijin lowered his head angrily, bit Li Chong's finger, and didn't care that he bit the emperor's dragon claw to vent his dissatisfaction .

Li Chong didn't withdraw his hand and let him bite, but chuckled lightly, "So, it wasn't that I was dreaming."

"Dream? You actually thought it was a dream?" Lu Shijin grinned angrily and said vaguely, "I was so tired that night that my waist was about to break. You didn't spend any effort on it, and it was so refreshing to dream. Do you?! Do you think that you can default on your debts just by dreaming?"

"I don't want to default." Li Chong pulled out his finger, and Lu Shijin's saliva was stained on it, and there was a transparent line. Li Chong saw it, and his eyes darkened.

"Didn't you default on your debt?" Lu Shijin suddenly felt that he was right again and was no longer afraid. He let go of his hand holding the pillar and pointed in a circle with righteous indignation. In the broken cage, there is still this bird! What did you want to do with this thing?"

"You're doing a lot of tricks." Li Chong pinched Lu Shijin's face and said helplessly, "Don't you blame me for not doing anything that night? Now I'm giving you this bird. , from now on you don't have to work hard to be cool, isn't it great?"

What a shit!

Lu Shijin glanced at the golden crane that made him lingering in fear, turned his head in disgust, and waved his sleeves, "No, I don't like this, it's not fun to be cold, so I won't feel good, take it away."

"If I don't like this today, I still have a way." Li Chong whispered in Lu Shijin's ear, "I can also let Jin Jin not move and I can feel good. Do you like Jin Jin?"

Lu Shijin looked at his husband's handsome face with a little bit of evil in it, his heart trembled, and he shouted loudly in his heart, I like it! How not to like it! Don't pity me just because I'm a delicate flower!

"As long as it's not that bird," Lu Shijin suppressed the restlessness in his heart and said reservedly, "I think it's fine, my brother."

Hearing this, Li Chong couldn't bear it anymore, he directly lowered his head to seal Lu Shijin's lips, and exchanged a lingering passionate kiss with each other.

Without the previous guilt, Li Chong had no scruples, the kiss was fierce and urgent, looking at Lu Shijin's eyes with a blurry frenzy, as if he wanted to tear people apart.

"Little liar," Li Chong nibbled at Lu Shijin's earlobe and murmured, "My little liar, I lied all over the place, and I won't punish you..."

"How is the emperor's brother going to punish the younger brother?" Lu Shijin cooperatively pretended to be afraid.

"Punish you, don't let me leave my side again, do you hear me?" Li Chong pinched the soft back of Lu Shijin's neck and gritted his teeth, "Otherwise, I will lock you here, and you will never get out. "

Lu Shijin looked deeply into Li Chong's eyes, raised his lips slightly and smiled lightly: "Okay, I promise you, I will always be by your side."

Seeing that Lu Shijin had a good attitude of admitting his mistake, Li Chong softened his movements, and kissed him on the lips with satisfaction as a reward.

It was at the critical moment when the thunder struck the earth, and the arrow on the string was ready to go, when suddenly a voice came from outside the door.

"Your Majesty, the servants have something to report. The Prince Regent entered the palace late at night and said that he had something important to meet with you. How should you return to the Prince Regent, please ask the Emperor to express it."

Lu Shi is furious now, damn, this old man, he can't come to play early, but he chose to come when he and Lao Gong have warmed up their relationship!

What is it that burns the eyebrows so late and has to enter the palace to face the holy, lack of virtue!

Bad people are good things, and the old man is not afraid of cutting off his children!

Of course, Li Chong was very upset when someone interrupted his good deeds, but he could only hold back his anger for a while before he turned against Shen Lingzhang.

"What's the point of the Prince Regent?" Li Chong asked the **** who was passing the message in annoyance.

The **** said: "The regent only said that there was a problem with the military affairs in the northwest, and did not explain in detail."

The military situation is the first priority. As the emperor, Li Chong naturally cannot miss the important affairs of the country because he is indulged in the personal affairs of his children. Otherwise, he will give Shen Lingzhang a chance to play on the topic.

Li Chong frowned deeply. He first picked up the clothes on the ground to help Lu Shijin put them on, and then stood up and tidied up his clothes.

Lu Shijin sighed heavily, "What's the matter with Shen Lingzhang? Is there anything I can't talk about tomorrow? He didn't choose to come at this time, did he do it on purpose?"

"What? Can't bear to leave?" Li Chong rubbed Lu Shijin's face and said with a smile, "It's okay, it won't take long to say a few words, you wait here for me to come back, and then let's continue?"

Lu Shijin was dissatisfied and complained: "Continue to be a ghost, and I am so disturbed by him, I have no mood."

"You can't be angry with yourself for the sake of others." One end of the golden thread was still tied to Lu Shijin's ankle. Li Chong picked up the other end from the ground and made a loop around a post twice, "I put you Tie here, you are not allowed to run away, I will be back soon, you know?"

Lu Shijin sat lazily on the ground, covered his lips and yawned, "I know, where can I go so late, why are you worried? Go quickly, come back soon after seeing the old man, I'm so bored I want to doze off."

Li Chong sorted out his appearance and left the side hall to see the regent.

He promised Li Chong to stay where he was and wait for him, but Lu Shijin was so obedient that he didn't step out of the cage.

Fortunately, the crisis has been lifted, so although he is still in the cage, Lu Shijin feels a lot more relaxed.

Bored, he held his head and closed his eyes, while waiting for Li Chong and the Prince Regent to return from their discussions.

But I don't know what the regent's thief and the emperor were talking about for so long, Lu Shijin took a nap, but Li Chongren didn't come back.

After tossing around for most of the night, he felt a little thirsty. In this state, he was too embarrassed to ask someone to come in and pour water for him. After hesitating, he untied the gold thread on his ankle and walked out of the cage to find water for himself.

I found the teapot on the table in the side hall, opened the lid of the teapot and glanced, there was not even a drop of water in the teapot.

Lu Shijin drank wine tonight, his body was hot, and he was really thirsty, so he pushed open the door of the side hall and walked out, wanting to see if there was a little **** guarding outside, and asked the little **** to pour water for him.

But let alone the little **** on duty outside, half of the ghost shadow Lu has never seen.

The lanterns hanging under the eaves of the corridor were dim, the surrounding hall was silent, and the atmosphere was indescribably strange.

Lu Shijin came out without wearing a cloak. He was chilled by the cold wind, and his heart was inexplicably hairy. He was about to go back to the side hall and continue to wait, when he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the palace wall outside the side hall. sound.

Lu Shijin felt a little strange, stopped walking back, and curiously walked to the edge of the palace wall to check what was going on.

It was only after I walked over that I could hear it a little more clearly. Across a thick palace wall, there seemed to be someone digging something, and the sound of bricks and rubble falling to the ground kept coming.

Lu Shijin was afraid that he would be frightened by the grass, so he deliberately kept silent and kept standing at the corner of the wall, trying to see who was so bold and dared to dig the "corner" in the emperor's palace.

After about half a stick of incense, the sound stopped. Lu Shijin thought that the man had stopped digging, and was about to leave when suddenly there was an abnormal sound under his feet.

Lu Shijin looked down and saw that a floor tile was loose and was pushed up from below by two hands.

Then, a head came up from the ground, Lu Shijin couldn't avoid it, and stared at the man with big eyes, facing each other!

Lu Shijin took a closer look and recognized that the person was none other than Lin Yongnian, whom he hadn't seen for a long time!

"What the hell?" Lu Shijin looked at Lin Yongnian in shock. Is this person a mole? Will you still dig holes?

Oh, right! Lu Shijin immediately remembered, he said that at the banquet tonight, among those acrobatics performers, there was a figure who looked so familiar to him, isn't it Lin Yongnian!

In the Three Caves of Crafty Rabbit, Emperor Taizu, who built the palace at the beginning, ordered craftsmen to build many secret rooms in order to prevent accidents.

And under the Yong'an Palace that Li Chong had locked, there was also a secret passage that just happened to be hidden, leading directly to the outside of the palace.

Lin Yongnian's godfather had lived in this palace all his life, so he naturally knew where there were secret passages in the palace, and told Lin Yongnian these secrets.

After Lin Yongnian was rescued by the regent, in order to survive, he could only serve the regent.

And because General Fuyuan, the father of Concubine Wang Xian, who had returned to the dynasty not long ago, clearly favored the emperor, the regent began to worry that the emperor had military power, so he was out of his control and wanted to do wrong to the emperor.

However, the palace was heavily guarded, and the emperor did not leave the palace easily. The regent had never been able to find a chance to attack the emperor.

At this time, Lin Yongnian offered a plan to the regent, saying that he knew that there was a secret passage from Yongan Palace to the outside of the palace.

At that time, find someone to set fire in the palace, and while everyone is in a hurry to put out the fire, let the assassin sneak into the palace from the exit of the secret passage outside the palace and assassinate the emperor.

The Prince Regent accepted Lin Yongnian’s offer, but the secret passage had not been seen before, so he had to explore the way in advance, so the Prince Regent arranged for Lin Yongnian to enter the palace together with the juggling team, and let him find the entrance of the secret passage.

At the same time, the regent used the Forbidden City to enter the palace to face the saint, diverting the emperor's attention to facilitate Lin Yongnian's actions.

It was originally planned to be seamless, but Lin Yongnian never expected that when he just found the entrance of the secret passage and came out, he was actually stared at by Prince Ning!

The two looked at each other, neither of them spoke first, and the atmosphere was very awkward for a time.

In the end, Lu Shijin reacted first, thinking that there must be some conspiracy in Lin Yongnian's presence here at this moment.

Anyway, other people don't know that he is not really stupid, so they might as well just do it and see what Lin Yongnian wants to do.

Lu Shijin had a countermeasure in mind, tilted his head and put on a naive expression, looking at Lin Yongnian curiously.

"Hey, isn't this Eunuch Lin? How did you emerge from the ground?"

Lin Yongnian also reacted and breathed a sigh of relief, this Prince Ning is a fool who doesn't understand anything, so what if he sees it.

He also blamed him for being careless. He pushed the floor tiles away without noticing someone outside. Fortunately, it was Lu Shijin who saw him, not someone else.

Lin Yongnian got out of the tunnel with his hands on the ground, facing a fool, he didn't panic at all.

Noticing that Lin Yongnian was still wearing the costume of the juggling class, Lu Shijin thought for a moment, the person who can arrange Lin Yongnian to enter the palace is definitely not easy.

And tonight, Shen Lingzhang happened to come to face the saint by accident. It is impossible to say that he did not collude with Lin Yongnian.

So, what are these two conspiring? Do you want to deal with the emperor?

Lin Yongnian was afraid that the patrolling guards noticed the movement here, and his figure was hidden in the shadows.

He smiled kindly to Lu Shijin: "It's such a coincidence that I actually met the prince. It's hard for the prince to know the servant, and the servant is afraid."

Lu Shijin stuck his chin and asked puzzled, "Didn't you get kicked out of the palace by the emperor's brother? Why did you come back?"

When he mentioned this matter, Lin Yongnian's hatred was hard to disappear. At the beginning, he didn't know who was put together, and the queen mother was almost beaten to death.

Although they are all princes, Li Chong can sit high on the dragon chair, but he can only be a servant of the regent when he smiles. How unfair this is!

Lin Yongnian stared at Lu Shijin gloomily, and a poisonous plan suddenly flashed in his mind.

It is well known that the emperor and the empress dowager love Ningjun King. If Ningjunwang is tied up, the emperor will be brought to rescue.

At that time, when King Ningjun is in his hands, if the emperor wants to save people, he can only do what he says. Isn't it more pleasing than killing the emperor directly? !

Lin Yongnian immediately made a decision and said to Lu Shijin with a smile: "Your Highness doesn't know something, this servant has learned a new trick recently, as long as you pass through a door, you can go anywhere you want, it's amazing, you see, Didn't I just come into the palace casually?"

Hearing this, Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows, and cooperated with him in a very respectful manner, making an expression of sudden realization, "Is this trick of yours called 'Arbitrary Door'?"

"Ah? Arbitrary door?" Lin Yongnian made up nonsense casually. When Lu Shijin said it like this, he had to wonder if there was really such a trick in the world, but he quickly reacted and clapped his hands, "Yes, it's arbitrary. The door! Your lord is very knowledgeable!"

"Wow! It's amazing!" Lu Shijin pointed to the hole in the ground, "Can you go anywhere you want to go through this hole?"

Lin Yongnian: "..."

Lu Shijin clapped his hands and said happily: "I want to play, I want to play! You bring this king to play this trick! Let's walk, this king wants to leave the palace, can this work?"

Things were going so smoothly, Lin Yongnian couldn't help being a little sluggish.

I haven't started cheating yet, and the fool has taken the bait by himself? This is too deceiving!

Lu Shijin didn't care about the expression on Lin Yongnian's face, he had already jumped into the hole by himself, and waved to Lin Yongnian who was standing outside, "Why are you standing there? , this king has a lot of rewards!"

At the same time, the emperor finished dealing with the regent and returned to the side hall, only to find that the side hall was already empty.

He thought that Lu Shijin couldn't wait to go back to the dormitory to sleep, but when he found the dormitory, he was nowhere to be seen.

Li Chong is still angry, little liar, he clearly promised himself not to run away, but he is gone in a blink of an eye, catch it back and see how I will deal with you!

However, in the middle of the night, Li Chong ordered people to search all the places that Lu Shijin could go to, but still no one was found.

Li Chong suspected that he had left the palace, but all the guards at the palace gate reported that they did not see King Ningjun leaving the palace.

When Li Chong got the news, he was furious and threw the teacup out of his hand.

"How is it possible to find no one? Such a big living person can't be seen if he can't see it? Could it be that he can turn into a butterfly and fly away!? Find me again!"