Chapter 87: Gongdou I am a professional

Li Chong was in a hurry in the palace because Lu Shijin disappeared without a trace, while Lu Shijin followed Lin Yongnian out of the palace along the secret path.

Lin Yongnian took Lu Shijin all the way into the regent's mansion, and Shen Lingzhang had already left the palace and returned to the mansion for a long time, waiting for news from Lin Yongnian in the mansion.

When Lin Yongnian brought Lu Shijin to Shen Lingzhang, Shen Lingzhang was startled when he saw the person, and Lu Shijin also pretended to be puzzled, scratching his head and asking Lin Yongnian.

"Hey, isn't this Lord Regent? Eunuch Lin, you said that you were going to take this prince to find some fun. Why did you bring this prince to the regent's house?"

Lin Yongnian coaxed him without laughing: "My lord, please be calm, wait for the servant to chat with the regent, and take you to play as soon as the chat is over."

Lu Shijin stretched, covered his mouth and yawned, "Oh, okay, then you two hurry up, this king is a little sleepy."

Shen Lingzhang and Lin Yongnian walked aside and whispered with their backs to Lu Shijin. Lu Shijin didn't care what they said, and sat in the hall drinking tea and snacks to himself.

Shen Lingzhang lowered his voice and asked, "How is the secret passage investigation?"

Lin Yongnian: "Don't worry, sir, the villain has found the location of the entrance to the secret passage."

"That's good," Shen Lingzhang glanced at the dumbfounded Lu Shijin, and asked again with a frown, "but why did you take King Ning Jun out of the palace?"

Lin Yongnian smiled slightly and said, "My lord, before the villain offered to send a killer to sneak into the palace to assassinate the emperor through the secret passage, and if Li Chong died, in fact, for your dominance in the Spring and Autumn Period, lord, you can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause."

Shen Lingzhang: "How do you say this?"

Lin Yongnian said, "If Li Chong is dead, a new monarch will have to be established, but your lord, you are the one who worked hard for the sake of the Li family. Why should you let them sit back and enjoy the success? Don't you want to replace him?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Shen Lingzhang's face sank, and he said unhappily, "This king has never had the intention of usurping the throne."

"The villain understands that the lord has no intention of taking the throne, but he is afraid that the world will accuse you of being in the wrong position, and that other vassal kings will attack you in the name of Qingjun," Lin Yongnian said in a low voice, "but if you can justifiably board the Dabao What? Isn't the grown-up excited?"

Shen Lingzhang's complexion changed slightly, staring at Lin Yongnian, his lips pursed, obviously moved, "Do you have any plan?"

Lin Yongnian straightened up, "As long as you, my lord, help me ascend to the throne first, and then let me give way to you, isn't it justifiable to get the throne?"

Hearing this, Shen Lingzhang sneered as if he had heard a joke: "Lin Yongnian, it turns out that you are playing this abacus. Let's not say whether you are really the son of the late emperor, even if it is, the people who knew the inside story are no longer there. In this world, there is no basis and no evidence, how did you let this king block Yoyo's mouth and push you to the top?"

Lin Yongnian said neither humble nor arrogant: "The words of the dead naturally cannot be used as evidence, but if the current emperor admits that I am the blood of the royal family, who would dare not believe it?"

Shen Lingzhang sneered, "Joke! Why did you let that little emperor admit your identity?"

Taking advantage of Lu Shijin's lack of attention, Lin Yongnian pointed at him and smiled slightly: "Don't forget, the emperor's favorite person is now in our hands, if King Naning County threatens the emperor to force him to admit my identity, What do you think the emperor will choose?"

Shen Lingzhang looked at Lu Shijin, who was already in deep danger but still didn't know it, and was dozing off like a goose.

He has worked so hard over the years to get to where he is today. He has worked hard for the sake of the Li family. He is clearly the one who has made the greatest contribution to the country and society. Why should he be held down by that little emperor? Tell him how to be willing.

Seeing Shen Lingzhang's heartbeat, Lin Yongnian hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot: "Sir, since ancient times, you have become kings and defeated pirates. How can you know that you are not the son of destiny unless you try it? Besides, the situation is very favorable for us, Li Chong is still young, and there is no one in the court. Sincerely help him, a great opportunity is in front of you, you can't miss it!"

Shen Lingzhang closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them again, his eyes were full of light, he had already made up his mind.

"According to what you said, what should I do next?"


Lu Shijin opened his eyes again, and found himself lying on a bed. What he saw was a red gauze tent with gold embroidered phoenixes. He opened the tent and looked around. There was a picture of Diao Chan worshipping the moon on the wall. Below was a mahogany gilt dressing table. There is a hand-held carved silver mirror, several ebony jewelry boxes, and some bottles and jars that seem to be rouge gouache.

The incense burner on the table is burning with spices, and the room is full of fragrance. The furnishings in the room are like a woman's boudoir.

Lu Shijin got up from the bed, and suddenly the floor shook. He thought it was because he was not steady, and he held the edge of the bed to stabilize his body. Only then did he realize that the floor was shaking, but it didn't look like an earthquake.

Lu Shijin walked to the window and opened it to look out. All he could see was water. It turned out that he was on a boat!

He recalled what happened after he went to the Prince Regent's mansion last night. Shen Lingzhang and Lin Yongnian muttered behind his back for a long time, and they didn't know what they talked about, but it was definitely not a good thing.

He was bored waiting, and fell asleep before he knew it. When he opened his eyes again, he was already on the boat.

Looking at the sky outside, the sun has already slanted westward, so it must be past noon.

Lu Shijin was not a person who slept to death, and it was impossible for him to be taken from the Regent's residence to the boat without realizing it.

He guessed that Lin Yongnian must have used something like a drug to fascinate him, and then transferred himself to the boat.

As for why Lin Yongnian did this, you can guess without thinking. He just wanted to use him to blackmail Li Chong.

Lu Shijin opened all the windows in the room and saw the surrounding situation clearly. It seemed to be a famous fireworks place in the capital.

There are flower boats connected by iron cables all over the place, one by one, docked on the shore, but it is daytime, and before the girls come out for business, it is quiet everywhere, and you can't hear the usual singing, dancing, and laughter at night.

Lu Shijin thought that when Li Chong found out that he was missing last night, he must have been looking for him in a frenzy.

Looking for a person in the huge capital is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and the flower boat is mixed here, even if Li Chong sends the forbidden army to search the city, I am afraid that he will not be able to find it here for a while.

Lu Shijin roughly analyzed the current situation, calmed down, and was not in a hurry to ask Lin Yongnian to ask questions. He sat down at the table, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank it unhurriedly.

"Convenience store, contact your brother and send my location to Li Chong."

711: "No problem, in fact, 211 contacted me just now. It's just that you haven't woken up yet, and I'm not good at making an assertion, so I didn't tell it."

"Well done." Lu Shijin praised, "You keep in close contact with 211 and let it give Li Chong a reminder as I said, but don't find anything abnormal for Li Chong, understand?"

711: "Understood. But host, what are you going to do next?"

Lu Shijin turned the teacup in his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched lightly, "Lin Yongnian took so much trouble to set up the stage for me, wouldn't I betray the good intentions of others if I didn't accompany him to finish the play? Being able to guess his script is nothing more than blackmailing the emperor with me and forcing the emperor to meet his requirements, and this requirement, given Lin Yongnian's obsession with his status as the illegitimate son of the late emperor, might be forcing the emperor to admit that he is also a prince. In this way, in addition to Li Chong, Lin Yongnian also has the qualifications to inherit the throne, and Lin Yongnian can persuade Shen Lingzhang that old fox to help him, he must have promised Shen Lingzhang some benefits, and this benefit may be to abdicate and let the virtuous."

711 was surprised: "Lin Yongnian wants to be emperor?"

"I ask the people in the world, who doesn't want to be the emperor above ten thousand people?" Lu Shijin took a sip of tea and chuckled, "But Lin Yongnian may not be keen on the throne of the emperor, he just resents his origin and feels that he has suffered Because of the unfair treatment, I'm just jealous of Li Chong."

711 sighed: "Human jealousy, it's terrifying to attack."

"But why is he jealous of Li Chong?" Lu Shijin said coldly, "As a prince, Li Chong grew up in a cold palace, and his life was not as good as a favored servant. Lin Yongnian only saw that Li Chong was sitting on the throne now, but he I don’t know how much suffering Li Chong suffered before he took the throne, and I don’t know how Li Chong is sitting on this throne now, surrounded by wolves.”

711 was silent for a while, and then said: "I have already sent the location to 211, and the news from 211 is that Lin Yongnian really found someone to send a message to the emperor, saying that you are in his hands, if you want to save people, just Let the emperor go out of the palace alone to meet."

Lu Shijin: "How did Li Chong decide?"

711: "How else can you decide? You are in Lin Yongnian's hands. He has no choice but to do as Lin Yongnian said."

The temperature in Lu Shijin's eyes has cooled down, and let you be proud of this moment. When the time is right, I will definitely get the money back from you.

Lu Shijin was thinking about how to tidy up Lin Yongnian, saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, Lin Yongnian pushed the door and came in. He was not surprised to see Lu Shijin sitting at the table, and said with a smile, "Your Highness is awake?"

Lu Shijin put down the cup, frowned and asked, "Where is this? Why did you bring this king here?"

Lin Yongnian carried a lunch box, put it on the table, took out the food from it and placed it in front of Lu Shijin.

"Didn't the lord want me to take you out to play? This is the most lively and fun place in the capital. Is the lord hungry? Have some food first."

Lu Shijin stood up and patted the table and said angrily, "You must lie to this king! This king has already seen it. It's quiet all around here, and I can't even see a ghost. Where is the fun and excitement?! This king is going to disembark! "

Lin Yongnian stretched his arm to stop Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin glared at him, "What do you mean!"

Lin Yongnian was too lazy to pretend to be with Lu Shijin, and said with a cold face, "You'd better stay in this room for me. If you step out of this room, I can't guarantee that something terrible will happen."

Lu Shijin sneered secretly, if he could be obedient, would he still be called Lu Shijin?

"What if this king has to go out? Could it be that you, a dog slave, dare to kill this king?" Lu Shijin swept all the dishes on the table to the ground, kicked over a few stools with one foot, and made a lot of them. movement.

The guard outside the door heard the sound of the door opening and asked alertly, "What's going on?"

Lin Yongnian waved his hand, "It's alright, the child is just throwing a tantrum, let's go out, it's alright here, just keep the door closed."

The guards got Shen Lingzhang's orders to obey Lin Yongnian's orders, so they didn't ask any more questions, and went out obediently and closed the door.

Lin Yongnian helped Lu Shijin's overturned stools one by one, and said with a good temper: "My lord, do you know how much I envy you?"

Lu Shijin: "Why do you envy me?"

"I envy you, obviously the blood of a humble servant is flowing on your body, but because of the favor of the emperor and the empress dowager, he has become a high-ranking county king." Lin Yongnian pointed to himself and laughed at himself, "And I, obviously, is the genuine Li family. The bloodline has become the slaves of your masters to drink and drink! Why is God so unfair?"

"Then you have to ask God, how does this king know?" Lin Yongnian wanted to vent his anger, but Lu Shijin was too lazy to listen, and said dismissively, "Everyone has a life, it's not the blood in the body that decides, it's up to you. It's up to you how you want to live. Lin Yongnian, if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself. This king advises you to do it yourself."

Lin Yongnian didn't expect to be able to say these words from a fool's mouth, and he smiled coldly after being surprised, "I sometimes wonder if you are really stupid or fake, and you can hear these words from a fool's mouth, It's strange."

"You're stupid, your whole family is stupid! Are you finished? Please go out after that, this king is going to rest." Lu Shijin rolled his sleeves to drive away the guests.

Lin Yongnian didn't want to spend any more time with Lu Shijin, and turned around to open the door and leave.

Ever thought, just as he walked to the door, before his hand could touch the door, there was a sudden pain in the back of his head being hit by a blunt object, and then his eyes turned black, and Lin Yongnian's body fell down.

Lu Shijin was naturally the one who knocked out Lin Yongnian. Since he already knew Lin Yongnian's plan, there was no reason to sit still.

Lin Yongnian is just a chess piece, nothing to be concerned about. The main thing to deal with is the old thing Shen Lingzhang.

Lu Shijin dragged Lin Yongnian to the bed, quickly exchanged the clothes they were wearing, then tore the sheets into strips of cloth to tie Lin Yongnian up, and put a ball of cloth in his mouth to prevent him from calling someone after he woke up. Then order 711: "Convenience store, two disguise cards."

711 was already proficient in using the disguise card, and within a moment, Lin Yongnian lying on the bed had changed into the appearance of Lu Shijin, while Lu Shijin put on Lin Yongnian's face, opened the door and walked out.

Lu Shijin closed the door, imitating Lin Yongnian's voice, and ordered the guard in a deep voice: "King Ning is resting inside, wait, no matter what happens inside, don't worry about it, just guard this door and don't let anyone in. , did you hear that?"

Guards: "Yes."

Unknowingly, he left the flower boat, and Lu Shijin, relying on Lin Yongnian's identity, went all the way into the regent's palace.

Shen Lingzhang has been waiting for the news of Lin Yongnian in the mansion, and seeing that Lin Yongnian came back to see him, he thought things had progressed.

"How do you say, the emperor promised to come out to meet you?"

"Lin Yongnian" nodded, "The emperor treats King Ningjun like an eyeball, and when King Ningjun is in our hands, he will naturally do whatever we ask for."

Shen Lingzhang said cautiously: "This king still thinks it's inappropriate at this time. Even if King Ningjun is loved by the emperor, he is not blood relatives.

"It's up to people, if you don't do it, how do you know it won't work?" "Lin Yongnian" said with a slight smile, "After all, this matter was done by me alone, even if the matter is exposed, the emperor will not be able to take his anger on you, if it fails, I would like to Take the guilt with all your strength, and will never drag the adults down."

Shen Lingzhang snorted softly: "Of course, this is what you did alone, what does it have to do with this king?"

"Lin Yongnian" smiled faintly: "If this matter fails, it will only be the first thing for me, and it will not affect the adults in the slightest, but if it succeeds, you will achieve great things in the future, but don't forget my credit today. ?"

"Can you make it into the eight characters and haven't given it a word, but you are thinking of taking credit?" Shen Lingzhang sat down on the chair of the Grand Master, and said coldly, "Don't worry, if you are willing to obey this king obediently, this king will never do it in the future. I'll treat you badly."

"Then I would like to thank the lord first." "Lin Yongnian" bent down and bowed, "But sir, some things are unfounded, if there is no guarantee, I am worried that my future will also become a person who is told by others. A chess piece that is abandoned? I am afraid that I will not be able to serve you better, sir."

Shen Lingzhang looked at "Lin Yongnian" with a cold face: "What do you mean by that?"

"Lin Yongnian" straightened up and said calmly, "I want to ask the adults to set up a letter with me."

"Literature?" Shen Lingzhang laughed and said, "Do you really think you are a prince? If this king hadn't rescued you, you would have died in the Ye Ting Bureau that day, how could there be a chance to stand here and negotiate with this king?! "

"Lin Yongnian" said loudly: "Yes, I owe my life to the adults, so I am willing to spare no expense for the adults. But the clay figurine still has a three-point temper, and I risked losing my head, not just for myself. If something is accomplished, who will benefit the most, sir, you are well aware that I just want a future guarantee to ensure my prosperity and wealth in the rest of my life. Even the adults are unwilling to accomplish this. Are you ready to kill the donkey?"

"You!" Shen Lingzhang blushed with anger when he was poked at the center.

He did have the idea of ​​killing the donkey. Even if he supported Lin Yongnian to become the emperor in the future, and Lin Yongnian abdicated to him again, he did not plan to let Lin Yongnian live. After all, there is one more person in the world who knows how his throne is. Come, he will never sit still on the dragon chair.

Shen Lingzhang didn't expect Lin Yongnian to speak so directly, and he couldn't think of the rebuttal words for a while, like he was stuck in his throat.

"Sir, it's almost night, I'm going to see the emperor soon," "Lin Yongnian" bowed respectfully and said to Shen Lingzhang, "Please make an early decision."

"What if I don't want to write?" Shen Lingzhang asked sadly.

"Lin Yongnian": "If your lord refuses to write, I can't do anything about it, but if the villain's second half of his life is not guaranteed, and all the hard work will end up making wedding dresses for others, it's not worth it, and when the time comes to see the emperor Anyway, I can't guarantee it."

"You are very good, not only dare to threaten the emperor, but also dare to threaten this king." Shen Lingzhang suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed "Lin Yongnian" by the neck, "Do you know the consequences of angering this king? What are you? Without you , this world will sooner or later belong to this king!"

"Lin Yongnian" was grabbed by the throat, breathing hard, and he said intermittently: "Sir... I am not coercing... I just want to... find a way for myself, as long as the lord can give me a promise... I am willing to always be loyal to the lord... ...I hope you can see it clearly!"

Shen Lingzhang heard the promise of "Lin Yongnian", and thought for a while, no matter what happened in the future, he still had to stabilize him now and let him settle down and do his best for himself.

But he is a lowly born servant, and he can't make any waves.

Shen Lingzhang let go of his hand suddenly, threw "Lin Yongnian" on the ground, and sneered disdainfully: "Okay, being a slave like you is short-sighted and mercenary, don't you just want to get the promise of this king and protect your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life? This king promises you, just bring a pen and paper!"

Hearing "Lin Yongnian", his eyes lit up, he quickly got up from the ground, and went to the desk to get a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Shen Lingzhang Long Feifengwu finished writing the receipt, and generally threw it to "Lin Yongnian", "Take it, you can do things for this king well, if this king can ascend to the treasure in the future, you will be considered the best."

"Lin Yongnian" was grateful to Dade, "Thank you sir! Thank you sir! But sir, I am afraid that this piece of paper is not enough. The handwriting can be imitated, but it is not enough to prove it. If you can give me another token, I will feel more at ease. "

Shen Lingzhang glared at "Lin Yongnian" angrily, but because now he had to rely on him to do things, there was nothing he could do with him, and he hated him so much.

Shen Lingzhang hesitated for a moment, then tore off a jade pendant from his belt and threw it to "Lin Yongnian".

"Take it, this jade pendant is the king's personal possession. After following this king for decades, no one does not know that this jade pendant belongs to this king. Now you can rest assured?"

"Don't worry, don't worry! Thank you lord for your reward!" "Lin Yongnian" held the jade pendant in his left hand and the note in his right.

Shen Lingzhang was even more disdainful when he saw it, and sneered: "It's getting late, hurry up and prepare to see the emperor, think about what to say after seeing the emperor."

"Lin Yongnian" smiled and said, "Don't worry, my lord, I have already thought about what to say, so I won't disturb the lord, and the villain will retire."

After leaving the Prince Regent's Mansion and walking to a remote alley, Lu Shijin, who no longer had to disguise, could no longer restrain his pride and clapped his legs and laughed.

"With this note and this jade pendant, and then announce Shen Lingzhang's crimes to the ministers, even if Shen Lingzhang has a hundred mouths, he can't explain it clearly! Hahahaha! I'm so smart!"

711: "What should we do next?"

Lu Shijin put away the note and jade pendant like a treasure, and hummed a little song: "You're done, naturally, I'll go to my good emperor brother to ask for the credit."

"Not good!" 711 suddenly raised the volume, "Li Chong has quietly left the palace and set off on a flower boat to save you!"

Lu Shijin suddenly remembered Lin Yongnian who had become him on the flower boat at the moment. If Li Chong mistook Lin Yongnian for him and saved him, or if he found out that he would disguise himself, it would be bad!

Lu Shijin slapped his forehead, shouted "not good", and ran in the direction of the flower boat.

The author has something to say:

I went bald in the plot, and I wasn't satisfied with the writing. I'll fix it tomorrow.

Tomorrow this world will end, the next world will be the school bully attack X adoptive father (pseudo) accepted by everyone's vote