Chapter 88: Gongdou I am a professional (over)

"How long will the disguise card on Lin Yongnian's body expire?" Lu Shijin grabbed a horse from the street and asked 711 while galloping towards the shore where the flower boat was docked.

711: "There is still an hour before it will be automatically lifted."

There is a bug in the disguise card, the effect cannot be removed remotely, beyond the distance, you can only wait for the card to expire, and the person who has been disguised will return to its original appearance.

Lu Shijin cursed in a low voice, "Fuck it."

If Li Chong treats Lin Yongnian as his rescue, Lin Yongnian will definitely take advantage of Li Chong's unpreparedness, which in turn will be detrimental to Li Chong.

Lu Shijin couldn't help regretting why he had to do this to Lin Yongnian. He shouldn't be soft-hearted and just threw this dog off the boat to finish the job!

711 Seeing that Lu Shijin was out of breath, he couldn't bear it: "Master, don't worry, should we go to the rescue first?"

Lu Shijin resolutely vetoed: "No, Lin Yongnian is already at the end of the road. If he angers him, what if he hits the idea of ​​dying with Li Chong?"

Fortunately, Li Chong still has an effect on Lin Yongnian, and Lin Yongnian is not bad for Li Chong now.

It's a pity that the system can only play an auxiliary role, and cannot do anything that would harm any character in the plot, otherwise Lu Shijin wouldn't have to be so troubled.

Riding out for a while on horseback, it happened to pass the back alley of Ningjun Wangfu.

And Zhu Rui, who was appointed by Lu Shijin as the guard that day, just went out and returned to the house, and was seen by Lu Shijin before entering the door.

Lu Shijin had a flash of inspiration, stopped his horse, pointed at Zhu Rui with his whip, "Little Ruizi!"

Zhu Rui turned around and saw that the master called him, so he hurried over to greet him: "My lord, what's the matter with the servant?"

Lu Shijin: "How have you been learning martial arts with your master recently?"

Zhu Rui scratched his head, "The master said that the minions have good talent and are suitable for martial arts, but the minions have not yet come home, so the master simply taught the minions a few tricks..."

"Will you kill someone?" Lu Shijin interrupted Zhu Rui impatiently and asked in a deep voice, "Do you dare to kill someone?"

Zhu Rui was stunned for a moment, looked up in disbelief and looked at Shanglu Shijin's cold eyes, and finally found that the prince in front of him at this time looked different from the prince who only knew how to play and play.

Lu Shijin sat high on the back of the horse, his expression was cold and solemn, his eyes darkened, and his whole body was filled with an awe-inspiring aura that looked down on the world.

"Raising soldiers for thousands of days and using them for a while, this king needs you to kill someone for me now, do you dare?"

Lu Shijin thought that Zhu Rui was in the original plot, but the later God of War had a husband who was a valiant man and a man who could not be brave.

Although Zhu Rui is young now, but since ancient times heroes have been young, Lu Shijin could not find a better helper for a while, so he could only gamble on Zhu Rui.

From the current situation, I am afraid that Li Chong has been countered by Lin Yongnian.

If Xingshi mobilized the public to find the Imperial Guards to rescue the car, I was afraid that it would anger Lin Yongnian. Lu Shijin planned to pretend to be alone to negotiate with Lin Yongnian, and then arrange for Zhu Rui to hide in the dark and wait for an opportunity.

Zhu Rui is also a loyal person. He didn't ask Lu Shijin who he wanted to kill himself. He clasped his fist and said firmly: "The servants are promoted by the prince today.

Lu Shijin smiled approvingly and said, "Very good, you are a loyal servant. If you can solve this king's urgent needs, this king will protect you for the rest of your life!"

After finding Zhu Rui as a helper, Lu Shijin's heart was relieved a little.

When we arrived near the flower boat, it was already dark, and red lanterns were lit on the flower boat. Only the sound of the silk and bamboo wind music on the boat was mixed with laughter and laughter.

Only the flower boat that Lu Shijin escaped from was quiet, and several guards were guarding the deck, and no one was allowed to approach.

After counting the time, the disguise card has expired, so Li Chong must have fallen into Lin Yongnian's hands.

Lu Shijin arranged for Zhu Rui to jump into the river, from the water to the vicinity of the flower boat, and climbed onto the boat from the back of the boat while the guards were not paying attention, and then he swaggered onto the springboard and shouted to the guards, "Where's Lin Yongnian? Let him get out of here and meet this king!"

The guards were a little surprised when they saw that Lu Shijin came here alone.

However, they had already received Lin Yongnian's orders in advance and knew that Lu Shijin would definitely return to the boat, so they all let Lu Shijin board the boat.

Several guards followed Lu Shijin eagerly, took him to the second floor of the flower boat, and returned to the room where he was locked in the daytime.

When he opened the door, Lin Yongnian was sitting in the room at his leisure, drinking tea slowly with a cup of tea.

"My lord, since you escaped, why did you come back to me? Are you reluctant to have my high bed and soft pillows here?" Lin Yongnian glanced behind Lu Shijin, "You are so brave, how dare you come here alone."

"Come to a place like this to find flowers and ask Liu if you want to bring someone from the army? Why, how many people do you expect to patronize your business?" Lu Shijin said sarcastically.

Hearing Lu Shijin's sarcasm, Lin Yongnian laughed instead of being angry, "King Ningjun's mouth is so powerful, but you can't tell, who is the knife and who is the fish?"

Lu Shijin didn't bother with him anymore. He raised his chin and sneered: "Stop talking nonsense, what about the emperor? What did you do to the emperor? This king advises you to hand over the emperor quickly, if the emperor is missing a hair. , this king will definitely dismember your five horses!"

Lin Yongnian sneered: "Do you think the emperor I finally caught could be released so easily?"

While dealing with Lin Yongnian, Lu Shijin asked 711 in his mind, "Where did Lin Yongnian hide Li Chong?"

711: "Under the bed board behind Lin Yongnian, there is a secret room, and the emperor is inside."

Lu Shijin wanted to rush over and lift the bed board to save people, but there were several strong men behind him. He was not a martial arts expert, and he couldn't solve so many people by himself.

"Then what should you do to let him go?" Lu Shijin looked at Lin Yongnian coldly and asked.

Lin Yongnian stood up and said unhurriedly: "I just wanted to arrest you to blackmail the emperor, but I didn't expect the emperor to be so affectionate and righteous to you, risking alone for you. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you, if not You, how can I possibly control the present day in my hands?"

Lu Shijin stepped forward and asked forcefully, "This king warns you that if you dare to hurt the emperor, you will not be able to escape yourself. If you are sensible, hand over the emperor quickly, and this king may be able to let you live."

"Hahaha!" Lin Yongnian laughed in the sky, his smile gradually distorted, and looked at Lu Shijin gloomily after laughing, "Why do you let me live? I'm dying, and you dare to give me alms like this. Talk? The dog emperor is in my hands now, if I want him to be born, he will be born, and if I want him to die, he will die!"

Lu Shijin shouted loudly, "You dare!"

"Why don't I dare?" Lin Yongnian stretched out his arms and was extremely proud, "Who made him stupid like a pig, he won't leave if there is a way to heaven, and there is no door to **** to break in? Both of you are now in my hands, I If you make any request, you say that the Queen Mother will not agree to her old man for the lives of her two sons?"

"Then what are you going to do to let the emperor go?"

Lu Shijin and Lin Yongnian drew his attention away from him, while observing the situation outside the rear window. When a black shadow flashed by, he knew that Zhu Rui had successfully boarded the boat.

Lin Yongnian seemed to feel that he was winning, but he didn't notice the movement behind him at all, and said excitedly: "What do I want? I want Li Chong to give up the throne to me! They are also princes, why can't I sit on this throne? Prince Ning, I won't arrest you today. You should go back and speak to the queen mother now. If you want the emperor to survive, immediately issue an edict. First, admit that I am the son of the late emperor. Second, let the emperor pass the throne to me. Otherwise, You don't want to see the emperor again, do you hear it clearly?!"

"You're dreaming!" Lu Shijin saw Lin Yongnian's chance to get carried away, and unexpectedly threw him down. After controlling Lin Yongnian, he shouted to the rear window, "Zhu Rui!

Zhu Rui broke the window in response, and when a few big men in the room saw someone sneaking up, they quickly raised their swords to kill Zhu Rui and Lu Shijin.

Zhu Rui's newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and he is also a genius of brute force.

Lu Shijin threw two punches on Lin Yongnian's temple quickly and ruthlessly, causing Lin Yongnian's dizziness to collapse to the ground. It was Li Chong, who was still in a coma after being **** by five flowers.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty!" Lu Shijin dragged Li Chong out of the dark grid again, loosened the ropes on Li Chong's body, and tried to wake Li Chong, but Li Chong was probably addicted to the drug, so let Lu Shijin call him out. , are unaware.

Lu Shijin was anxious to wake Li Chong, ignoring Lin Yongnian behind him, until he heard 711 shouting "be careful behind" in his mind, but it was too late to react.

Although Lin Yongnian received two punches from Lu Shijin, the two punches did not completely knock him out. He staggered up from the ground, lifted a wooden bench and smashed it at Lu Shijin. Hei knelt down on the ground, unable to restore clarity in front of his eyes for a long time.

Zhu Rui was still fighting with the guards and couldn't get away. Lin Yongnian ignored Lu Shijin and dragged the unconscious Li Chong out the door, planning to find someone to transfer Li Chong away.

When Lu Shijin supported the back of his head and regained his senses, Lin Yongnian and Li Chong were no longer in the house. He hurriedly chased them out, and before he went downstairs, he heard a shrill scream from the deck!

Lu Shijin, who didn't know what happened, was shocked and asked 711 anxiously: "Did something happen to Li Chong?!"

711, who was always in contact with 211, was busy comforting Lu Shijin and said, "No, it's Lin Yongnian!"

Lu Shijin stabilized his mind and chased the deck with rapid strides. There were two people lying on the empty deck in between, one was Li Chong and the other was indeed Lin Yongnian.

There was a woman standing beside Lin Yongnian. The woman covered her face, so she couldn't see what her face looked like.

Holding a hairpin in his hand, blood kept dripping from the hairpin, and he looked at Lin Yongnian lying on the ground at a loss.

Lu Shijin was stunned, what's the situation? Why did you kill a woman halfway through?

It happened that Zhu Rui lived up to his expectations and got rid of the thugs, and chased them down from the upstairs.

The knife in Zhu Rui's hand was stained with blood, and the whole person slaughtered with arrogance. Seeing Lin Yongnian lying on the ground, he raised the knife and prepared to go to chop people.

"Zhu Rui! Stop!" Seeing that the situation had changed, Lu Shi hurriedly stopped Zhu Rui.

Only when Zhu Rui heard Lu Shijin's voice did he wake up from the boiling killing intent, the hostility on his face slowly subsided, and he obediently stood behind Lu Shijin to protect him.

Lin Yongnian seemed to have been stabbed by the woman in the neck artery. He covered his neck with both hands, trying to stop the blood that was flowing out of his neck. At the same time, he stared at the woman fiercely, and asked every word with difficulty: " You, are, what, people!"

Hearing Lin Yongnian's questioning, the woman was so frightened that she threw away the weapon in her hand and took two steps back, but she seemed to feel that she should not be afraid of Lin Yongnian, so she took two steps forward.

"You don't even recognize me?!" The woman's voice was extremely hoarse, and she looked like a young woman, but her voice was similar to that of an old woman, "Lin Yongnian, do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment? ?! You have killed my life, ruined my life, and made my life worse than death. I didn't expect that one day, I will be able to take revenge on you with my own hands!"

Hearing the woman say this, Lu Shijin suddenly felt blessed and hesitated: "Are you... Liu Zhenhuan?!"

Liu Zhenhuan glanced at Lu Shijin, "Yes, it's me."

Hearing the words "Liu Zhenhuan", Lin Yongnian's expression was as terrified as if he had seen a ghost.

He was bleeding from aorta, and his life was on the line. He stared at Liu Zhenhuan but didn't even have the strength to speak. I'm afraid he would never dream that he would die in Liu Zhenhuan's hands.

The crisis has been resolved, Lu Shijin lifted Li Chong who was on the ground and shook his body vigorously, and the effect of the drug was over. Li Chong shook twice and finally woke up, opening his eyes full of confusion.

"Where is this? Zhen, what's the matter?" Li Chong stood up with his forehead, and saw Lu Shijin next to him, and some memory fragments came back to his mind, "I came to save you, but I drank you down. I passed out after a cup of tea, what happened?"

Li Chong didn't remember the cause and effect as the best, so Lu Shijin spared no time to explain the matter of Yi Rong.

Lu Shijin smiled lightly, "Your Majesty, I will explain this matter to you later. Now, let's settle the matter here first."

Lin Yongnian was paralyzed there, and there was only gas out but not in, Liu Zhenhuan kept watching him struggling with pain, his eyes were full of joy.

Suddenly, she took off the veil on her face. When Lin Yongnian saw it, his eyes widened in horror. Even Lu Shijin took a deep breath after seeing her face clearly.

There are several scars crisscrossing half of Liu Zhenhuan's face, and some of them are still turning pink new flesh, which must have just been cut.

"After I was sent to the Jiaofang Division, the people there asked me to sing songs and laugh, but I didn't want to. Our Liu family has ancestral teachings that women will never be prostitutes for concubines, so I ruined my voice with carbon." Liu Zhenhuan had a self-deprecating smile on his face, but because of those ugly scars, his face was particularly terrifying, "My throat is ruined, they want me to pick up guests, if I don't follow, they beat me badly, so I slashed with a piece of porcelain. I spent my face and turned into an ugly monster. Jiaofang saw that I had no use value and sold me on a flower boat as a slave. If not, Lin Yongnian, I am afraid I will never see it in my life. It's your turn, isn't it? God has eyes to tell you to die at my hands!"

As long as she is a woman, she cherishes her appearance. Liu Zhenhuan's face is ruined like this, no wonder she hates Lin Yongnian so much.

If it wasn't for Lin Yongnian's first-hand arrangement to let Li Chong meet Liu Zhenhuan in the imperial garden, Liu Zhenhuan might still be able to spend the rest of his life in the harem in peace, and he would not have been involved in these turmoils, let alone what happened later.

Liu Zhenhuan hated that Lin Yongnian had abandoned her after using himself, and the relationship was wrong. A woman became crazy, but it was more terrifying than a sword.

In the face of Liu Zhenhuan's accusation, Lin Yongnian couldn't say a word. Suddenly his legs struggled violently twice, his body froze, staring at Liu Zhenhuan's eyes, and in the end he was dead!

Counting the original plot and the plot that has been changed now, Lin Yongnian died in Liu Zhenhuan's hands twice, so don't provoke a woman if you provoke anything.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous it is, especially a woman who can be so cruel to herself, let alone provoke her.

As soon as Lin Yongnian died, 711 suddenly shouted: "Good news! The audience coolness value has reached 60%!"

It's no wonder that what was originally a great heroine drama turned into a story of revenge for the abusive heroine. How badly Liu Zhenhuan was hurt by Lin Yongnian, how much the audience hated Lin Yongnian.

Now that Lin Yongnian is dead, Liu Zhenhuan's revenge will be avenged, and the audience's coolness value will naturally rise rapidly.

However, this level is not enough. In order to complete the task, Liu Zhenhuan's life cannot just end like this.

Lu Shijin coughed, cleared his throat, looked at Liu Zhenhuan sincerely and said, "After all, it was Miss Liu who saved the emperor, and this king would like to thank you."

Liu Zhenhuan put on the veil again, and said coldly: "I didn't want to save anyone, but I happened to see Lin Yongnian here today, and wanted to come and kill Lin Yongnian."

Lu Shijin smiled and said: "But no matter what your original purpose was, in the end, the emperor was saved for you. The emperor's reward and punishment are clear. Miss Liu has done a good job in her rescue. What must be rewarded, the emperor, don't you think?"

Although Li Chong didn't know exactly what happened, Lu Shijin said so, so he had to nod in cooperation, "Yes, what reward do you want, just say it."

"In this case, I would like to ask the emperor to forgive my Liu family's full family," Liu Zhenhuan said indifferently, "At the time, my grandfather was convicted for his words, causing the entire family to be raided, and the family members were either exiled or entered the palace as slaves, but it was one person's fault, why? Involving the whole family, if the emperor really wants to reward me, please forgive them."

"Okay, then as you asked, pardon your clan." Before Li Chong agreed, Lu Shijin had already helped him down first, and asked Liu Zhenhuan, "What else? You don't ask for yourself. What kind of reward?"

Liu Zhenhuan: "No, I have nothing else to ask for. Now I understand that fathers, brothers, husbands, and children are all unreliable. People can only rely on themselves, and so on. Once my slave status is removed, I will leave the capital, and I will never come back."

Liu Zhenhuan has experienced ups and downs, and her mood will inevitably change, and a woman who has ruined her appearance and ruined her voice, no matter how beautiful things in the world are, to her, they are all clouds.

"Your Majesty, Prince Ning, the slave family will say goodbye." Liu Zhenhuan bowed to them and turned to leave. If you ignore the face below her face, she is still the graceful beauty, but it's a pity that she is unkind. , wrong for life.

Unexpectedly, this incident would turn into such an ending in the end, Lu Shijin looked at Liu Zhenhuan's back with a little sigh.

This time, Lu Shijin did not use the character's perspective change card to swipe the full coolness value and the plot completion, nor did he intend to interfere in the next plot around Liu Zhenhuan.

He believed that the story that happened to Liu Zhenhuan would never end here. Perhaps Liu Zhenhuan, who left the palace, would have a more exciting life.

Before that, he could spend a moment with Li Chongduo in this world.

A woman, if you keep it in a greenhouse, you can only be a delicate flower that clings to other people's existence, and can't stand a little bit of wind and rain.

But if it is driven in the countryside, after the thunder and rain, not only will the violent storm not destroy her, but it will also bloom even more gorgeously.

Lu Shijin glanced at Lin Yongnian, who had been dead for a long time on the ground, and looked away in disgust. When he turned around, he found that Zhu Rui was still staring at Liu Zhenhuan's departure direction, reaching out and waving his clothes in front of Zhu Rui. Sleeves, jokingly said, "Hey, have you seen enough? Stop watching, everyone is gone."

Zhu Rui, who was caught, hurriedly lowered his eyes and didn't know what to say, "My lord...I..."

Lu Shijin suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, stared at Zhu Rui and asked, "Do you think that girl Liu just now, is she beautiful or ugly?"

"Beautiful." Zhu Rui replied without thinking.

Lu Shijin asked amusingly: "Her face is like that, do you still think she is beautiful?"

Zhu Rui rolled his eyes, and said naively: "The servant thinks that beauty and ugliness cannot be just based on appearance. That girl Liu is brave and decisive, and she is more decisive than men... Therefore, the servant thinks... She and other girls are very different. Different."

Lu Shijin lowered his eyes and smiled, and patted Zhu Rui on the shoulder, "You are right. Little Ruizi, you have done a good job in saving the car this time. This king asks the emperor to give you some rewards, okay?"

Li Chong asked inexplicably, "What happened when I was dizzy for a while? Why is everyone who has helped me and has been rewarded with me?"

Lu Shijin leaned on Li Chong's shoulder and looked up at him with a smile, "Naturally, not only Miss Liu, Xiao Ruizi, but even the younger brother has been successful in rescuing him, Your Majesty, you can't miss any of your rewards! Come on, First ask Xiao Ruizi, what reward do you want?"

Zhu Rui hurriedly knelt down, "Go back to the emperor, the prince, the servant... I want to join the army! Go to war and make a fortune!"

"Tsk tsk tsk," Lu Shijin patted Li Chong's arm and raised his eyebrows proudly, "Look, Your Majesty, how loyal and patriotic servants have been trained by the ministers and younger brothers, and even the reward you ask for is to expand your territory for the Emperor. Why don't you agree quickly?"

Li Chongpi smiled and said without a smile: "Your slave is sensible, but your master doesn't understand. If you hadn't run around, how could I have taken risks to save you? You dare to ask me for credit, I will not punish you. , it is my tolerance!"

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes nonchalantly, "Your Majesty can't help but be reasonable. If you know what your younger brother has worked so hard to do when you go out of the palace, you'll have to laugh and wake up from a dream."

Li Chong said in disbelief, "Tell me, besides causing trouble for me, what else would you do to make me happy?"

Lu Shijin murmured against Li Chong's ear for a while. Li Chong's eyes lit up after hearing this. He grabbed Lu Shijin's hand and asked in surprise, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, things are still with me," Lu Shijin patted his chest and asked with a bright smile, "What is the emperor going to reward me with?"

Li Chong took Lu Shijin's hand, put a kiss on his lips, looked at him with a smile in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Jianjin has guarded the country for me, and I will share it with you, okay?"

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Is this true?"

Li Chong's eyes were as affectionate as the sea: "You have no jokes."

The author has something to say:

If you want to write about the world, all kinds of things, raise your hand if you want to see it.