Chapter 89: Gong Dou, I am a professional (Extra)

In the third year of the new emperor's ascension to the throne, the regent Shen Lingzhang was accused of treason, and the ironclad evidence aroused public indignation in the court.

Half a month later, the emperor ordered the regent and his henchmen to be executed. Anyone in the court who spoke for them would be suppressed with thunder. The lighter ones would be dismissed and exiled. By.

Everyone also understands that they underestimated this young emperor from a cold palace, and how deep the scheming of this young emperor can be in a short period of time to remove the regent who has the power for a while!

There are many Shen sects who rebel against the Party. It took Dali Temple three months of trial before all the people involved were arrested and brought to justice. During these three months, everyone in the capital was in danger. People who like to watch the fun are all insensitive to beheadings.

Three months later, the situation was stable, and almost all the officials of the three provinces and six ministries were replaced by blood, and they were all replaced by the emperor's cronies.

In the spring of the third year after ascending the throne, after eradicating the rebellion, Li Chong finally ushered in pro-government.

There will always be people in the DPRK who follow the trend. Those royal relatives who were still watching the situation and didn't want to stand in line, when they saw that the emperor was already in power, all began to curry favor with the emperor.

Before the emperor was established, many people's eyes were fixed on the throne of the queen.

The ministers have petitioned the emperor to draft the empress, in order to secure the country, but the emperor returned all those who persuaded him to establish an empress, and declared that "I will never establish an empress, and whoever persuades me again will be fired." .

Since ancient times, no dynasty or generation has ever had an emperor without a successor. The queen is the emperor's wife. An emperor who does not marry a wife. How should the people talk about it?

What is even more strange is that not only did the emperor not stand as an empress, but even the harem seldom came in and out.

Those ministers whose daughters entered the palace as concubines couldn't sit still, and they all condemned the emperor for neglecting the palace, which chilled the hearts of the old ministers.

When Li Chong first met those excerpts, he would explain nicely when he was in the court: "I have just been in charge of the government, and I have to do everything myself.

As a result, those sour and corrupt officials criticized the emperor for "unfilial piety and no descendants", and they taught Li Chong that many dynasties in history were turbulent because the emperor had nothing to do, and Li Chong was so angry. Directly declare that "the widow has a disease" and silence them.

They are all men, and they all know what "the widow has a disease" means.

The emperor can't be humane, and they can't force the emperor to enter the harem and sprinkle salt on other people's wounds, right?

Several months later, the emperor suddenly announced the dissolution of the harem on his own longevity festival.

All concubines, those who are willing to leave the palace can go back to their parents' home, and they can marry in the future.

Li Chong and the Empress Dowager chose the sons of the royal family to adopt their names. After a hundred years of the future, the emperor will not be afraid that there will be no successor to the throne.

Whether the emperor can be humane, others don't know, but Lu Shijin is very clear.

Not only can, but very capable.

It was also thanks to Lin Yongnian that Lu Shijin knew that there was a secret passage from outside the palace to the emperor's Yongan Palace.

Everyone thought that the emperor's palace burned candles every night until late at night, because the emperor was busy with government affairs.

Who would have thought that King Ning Jun, the emperor's most favored brother-in-law, would enter the palace through a secret passage every night, be favored by the emperor on the dragon bed, and monopolize the emperor's rain and dew.

In the side hall of Yong'an Palace, the emperor backed away and instructed the servants not to come in and disturb him no matter what happened.

A cigarette rose from the incense burner, adding a fragrant fragrance to the room. In the birdcage made of thousands of pounds of pure gold, a drawing table was placed. Li Chong stood behind the table and drew a pen to describe something on the rice paper.

Lu Shijin, on the other hand, only wore the feather coat made of crane feathers, and sat on the golden crane. The mechanism was activated, and he swayed his waist up and down, left and right, following the laws of the golden crane's shaking.

Li Chong said it anyway, but Lu Shijin agreed to try the "little toy" that Li Chong designed for him.

The following organs were also activated. It was not enough for Li Chong to help Lu Shijin to sit down. He also asked Lu Shijin to make a "immortal riding a crane" on the bird's back. He wanted to draw Lu Shijin riding on a crane for collection.

Originally, according to Lu Shi's temperament, he would never agree to do such a shameful thing.

But the emperor disbanded the harem for him before, and Lu Shijin promised to satisfy the emperor's wish.

But who would have thought that Emperor Dog would make such a request with such a dirty mind in his head?

I didn't do anything but agreed, I promised myself, I would jump from the hole I dug myself with tears in my eyes.

"Have you finished the painting? How long will it take? I want to come down." Lu Shijin hugged the golden crane's neck, his face flushed, his eyes were full of spring water, and he stared at Li Chong with anger and resentment.

The golden touch was cold and hard, and the little crane swayed back and forth a few times, and Lu Shijin couldn't help urging Li Chong.

Li Chong finally coaxed people up, and he was willing to let him down easily, otherwise he would not live up to his careful design.

"Don't worry, dear, I just drew an outline, you sit firmly on it, if you move around, I will only draw slower and slower."

Lu Shijin scolded: "If a nail pierces your fart on the chair, can you sit still?! Stop and let me down!"

Li Chong still picked up the pen and dipped in ink, and devoted himself to scribbling and drawing on the rice paper. From time to time, he raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Shijin, admiring the innocent and helpless face of the boy who was being "tortured" by the little crane. The innocence can easily arouse people's shou sex.

"Emperor brother, good brother, please, let me down?" Lu Shijin looked at Li Chong and begged for mercy with a vibrato at the end.

Little Xianhedian was about to leave his body, and several times he couldn't sit still and wanted to jump from it, but Li Chong saw his intention and threatened him: "If you dare to come down, don't think of this cage tonight. "

One sentence stopped Lu Shijin's thoughts of running away.

He had experienced Li Chong's perverted methods, and resistance would only make him more excited and arouse his desire to conquer. In the end, it was Lu Shijin himself who suffered.

In addition to the little crane, Li Chong also designed a lot of strange props, which made Lu Shijin think that Li Chong was so busy at ordinary times that he was not dealing with national affairs and spent his time studying it.

"Brother Chong," Lu Shijin called pitifully, "I don't want to play this anymore, okay? Please spare me with your kindness?"

Li Chong finally put down his pen, picked up the bottle on the case, poured himself a glass of wine, walked up to Lu Shijin, put the wine in his mouth, and then fed it to Lu Shijin, Lu Shijin was unable to breathe and was forced to swallow a mouthful of wine After choking and coughing again and again, the ends of his eyes were flushed, and a few drops of tears were oozing out.

Li Chong looked at Lu Shijin's lovable appearance with satisfaction, and pushed away Lu Shijin's black hair that fell to his chest, revealing the style that was not covered under the feather coat, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

"I think Xiao Xiaojin is very energetic, you are obviously very comfortable, why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you, it's uncomfortable! It's really uncomfortable, not uncomfortable at all!" Lu Shijin grabbed Li Chong's sleeve and threw himself into his arms, "Don't play this, stop playing, good brother, let me down, Let's play something else, shall we? I will serve you well tonight!"

"What do you want to play?" Li Chong stroked the back of Lu Shijin's head and asked softly.

"Anyway, it's not this, I can do it!" Lu Shijin said indifferently.

"Really?" A chuckle escaped from Li Chong's throat, "If I let you down, you won't regret it again, right?"

As soon as Lu Shijin heard there was a play, he slid off the back of the little crane, knelt on the ground and hugged Li Chong's waist, "I won't go back if I don't regret it! My brother doesn't dare to deceive you!"

Li Chong glanced at Little Crane's back, and the place where Lu Shijin sat had become shiny, it was a pool of water stains, and he didn't know if it was sweat or something else.

Li Chong raised Lu Shijin's chin, curled his lips with a sinister smile, "Well, I just came up with a new way of playing today, so I can try it out for fun."

Li Chong's new way of playing is to take a book of Longyang first, and then throw it into the sky. When the booklet of Longyang falls on the ground, turn to any page and play according to the pattern drawn on that page.

Lu Shijin had already relieved himself on Little Crane once, and now he is completely weak, not to mention throwing books, it is difficult to raise his hand.

So Li Chong took his hand, and the two of them threw the Longyang Book up together. When the booklet landed, Lu Shijin fixed his eyes on the opened page, and almost lost his breath.

The picture above shows several ribbons hanging from the beams of the house, and a ring is tied under the ribbon. A person's limbs pass through the ring, and he uses his strength to hang his body in the air, just like swinging.

Lu Shijin hurriedly kicked the booklet away, and said with lingering fears: "Brother Chong, this is not good, we don't have the tools, we can't play."

"Who said no?" Li Chong picked up Lu Shijin, carried him into the inner room of the side hall, and whispered in his ear, "Didn't you always pester me to practice? Jun Wu joked, I promised to accompany you to practice. I will definitely accompany you to practice, the above moves, no matter which move you want to practice, I have already prepared it for you.”

Only then did Lu Shijin discover that a silk ribbon with a copper ring was hanging down from the beam of the inner room! Exactly as pictured in that booklet!

Li Chong gently put Lu Shijin's arms into the ring, then lifted his waist and coaxed him to stretch his legs in, fiddling with the ribbon, making Lu Shijin swing like a swing.


"Is this fun? You don't need to contribute today, and I don't have to contribute. You can tell me whether you want to slow down or hurry up today."

Lu Shijin didn't even have the strength to cry, "God emperor! Are you trying to kill me?"

Li Chong deliberately pulled the ribbon to sway even more, "I'm so daring, I don't even call me a good brother, I dare to call me the dog emperor, right?"

"It's wrong, it's wrong, Brother Dog Emperor, please spare me!"

The author has something to say:

If the dog emperor dares to bully Jinjin, the next world will let you call him Dad!