Chapter 90: The redemption of the school bully

"Now, the plane is about to take off, I have to go, you take care of yourself at home."

A gentle male voice awakened Lu Shijin's consciousness that he was still in a state of chaos because he had just left the previous world.

Lu Shijin opened his eyes, and what caught his eye was a handsome face with sharp edges and corners.

The owner of the face has a pair of deep eyes, the eyeballs are hazel, which also reflects Lu Shijin's appearance at this moment.

Lu Shijin saw himself in the man's eyes, and his face was good-looking, but his eyebrows showed a bit of morbidity.

The man kept the posture of bending over, but because he was too tall, it was difficult to keep his eyes level with Lu Shijin even if he bent over.

"If there is anything that can't be solved, you can call my mother, go to bed early at night, you are not healthy, don't stay up late." The man paused for a while, raised his eyes and looked behind Lu Shijin, as if he was with another The person said, "Don't think that no one cares about you when I'm not here. If you still dare to cause trouble in the school, you don't have to take the college entrance examination, and you can directly join the army to join the army, do you hear?"

A condescending voice replied: "I know, I know, don't scare me with the fact that you are in the army whenever you have something to do. Are there still few soldiers in our family? I don't worry about that."

The man straightened up and sneered, and said, "The army is not as comfortable as the school, and I won't let you be free and unrestrained. If it wasn't for your grandfather's protection, I would have thrown you into it for training. I advise you not to challenge my patience."

The man who answered was also sneered disdainfully.

Lu Shijin inexplicably listened to the conversation between the two, and suddenly felt a little sore in his neck. Only then did he realize that he had been looking up at the man with his head up, and his current posture was sitting—in a wheelchair superior.

Lu Shijin: "..."

He tried to stand up, but he couldn't feel his lower body, and his two legs grew on him like a decoration, completely ignoring the commands of his brain.

This is a bolt from the blue. He, this time, turned into a disabled person? !

"Convenience store!" Lu Shijin roared, "What the **** are you doing? What's the idiot plot this time?"

711 went online, and the voice said briskly: "Come on, come on, the plot is being transmitted, please check it!"

A white light flashed in Lu Shijin's mind, and the plot line of this world gradually became clearer.

This time, it is a military-themed romance drama, and one of the male protagonists is the man who spoke to Lu Shijin just now.

His name is Qin Feibai, and he came from a military family with roots in Miaohong, but Qin Feibai is not a soldier, he is the only son of the Qin family who is a doctor.

And Lu Shijin's current identity is Qin Feibai's fiancé.

Lu Shijin didn't have both legs disabled from the beginning. He was Qin Feibai's college classmate. He had a crush on Qin Feibai since college. After graduation, the two went to work in the same hospital.

The hospital cooperates with international peacekeeping organizations and sends doctors to war zones to treat refugees every year.

The Middle East was turbulent that year, and because of the countless refugees displaced by the war, the peacekeeping mission that year was extremely dangerous, and all doctors avoided it.

Qin Feibai was highly conscious and took the initiative to ask Ying to become a field doctor, while Lu Shijin was worried about Qin Feibai and signed up together.

Who would have thought that they were afraid of what to expect. On a mission to **** medical supplies back to the hospital, the two happened to encounter a conflict with the local armed forces.

In order to avoid the explosion, Lu Shijin turned the steering wheel toward him without hesitation. The car hit the building on the street and turned over. Qin Feibai was safe and sound, but Lu Shijin was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. spend on.

Later, Qin Feibai heard about Lu Shijin's feelings for him from others, and offered to marry Lu Shijin, willing to take care of Lu Shijin for the rest of his life.

But don't forget, the system that Lu Shijin is bound to is the "affectionate male supporting system", and it is destined that he will not be the person Qin Feibai really likes.

This time, the hospital has another peacekeeping mission. Qin Feibai has battlefield work experience, and the hospital appointed him as the captain of this peacekeeping team.

In this field trip, Qin Feibai will meet his true love, an international special forces soldier. The two of them will collide with the spark of love in the process of completing the task together in the field, and identify each other as the love of their life. .

As a supporting role, Lu Shijin, of course, can only choose to withdraw from this relationship and fulfill the true love of the two protagonists.

If things just developed to the point that Lu Shijin lost his legs and was ntred again, it would be fine, Lu Shijin would not have lost his life.

But the **** thing is that Qin Feibai's true love had a serious kidney disease after the mission was completed and returned to China. Luckily, only Lu Shijin's kidney matched his.

So, in order to save the sweetheart's sweetheart, Lu Shijin has to take the initiative to pay the price of a kidney with love and righteousness, in order to fully perform the role of "affectionate male support".

After reading the script, Lu Shijin rushed past 10,000 grass and mud horses in his heart...

It's a pity that the time when we passed by was already after the car accident. Otherwise, if it was the current Lu Shijin, he would definitely choose to turn the steering wheel in the opposite direction.

Qin Feibai, who hit him to death, dared to dig out Lao Tzu's kidney!

"Can my legs get better?" Lu Shijin asked 711 worriedly, "I'm not going to have to live in a wheelchair in this world, right?"

711 expressed sympathy: "Congratulations, you guessed it right."

Lu Shijin: "...I refuse! Hurry up and find a way for me! I want to stand up again!"

711: "This is the character setting, and I have no right to change it. Oh, by the way, there is unfortunate news to tell you."

Lu Shijin had a bad premonition, "What?"

711: "I received an email from the Lord God and found a serious bug. All systems must be maintained and temporarily stopped. Therefore, I will be offline for a while, and the tasks in this world can only be completed by yourself..."

Lu Shijin's black question mark face: "what???"

Fu Wushuang and misfortune do not come singly, and this is the current situation.

Lu Shijin is desperate. It's okay to have no legs. Now that the golden finger of the system is not there, this world is too **** difficult!

Lu Shijin thought of another point, and quickly asked, "What about my husband? What is his status in this world???"

711: "Sorry... 211 went offline earlier than me. I can't contact it now, so I'm not very clear."

The last straw was broken, and Lu Shijin just wanted to vomit three liters of blood, "Shark me!"

711 cheered Lu Shijin: "Don't be discouraged, host! You have completed so many tasks before, and I believe you can do it in this world!"

"I don't think it's possible, very impossible, very impossible!" Lu Shijin said indignantly, "What kind of gods are you idiots, right? Maintenance is maintenance? Regardless of the host's life or death? Game server maintenance and maintenance compensation! I No matter, I have to make up for it! Otherwise, the **** mission will not be done!"

711: "Then what compensation do you want?"

Lu Shijin thought for a while: "I want to know who my husband is!"

"Wait, I'll contact the Lord God and ask what it means," 711 was silent for a while, then said, "The Lord God said, you can't tell who you are directly, but it can help you eliminate an object."

Lu Shijin: "Damn! What kind of compensation is this? Remove a wrong answer?"

711: "This is the highest compensation I can get for the host. Other hosts are not compensated."

The arm can't twist the thigh, and Lu Shijin has nothing to do.

But something is better than nothing, and it would be nice to be able to get rid of a wrong object.

"Then tell me, who is the excluded wrong object?"

711: "Qin Feibai, he is not."

When Lu Shijin heard this, he was relieved. Qin Feibai was not the best. He was worried about what he would do if Qin Feibai was the person he was looking for.

He has no action now. Qin Feibai wants to fly abroad to find a good friend, but he has no ability to stop him.

However, if not Qin Feibai, who would it be? Also, what will his husband's mission be this time?

Qin Feibai raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, then lowered his head and smiled at Lu Shijin, "I should go, I'll send you a message when the plane lands." Then he raised his head and glared at the person behind Lu Shijin, "You give I'll be honest, don't make your Uncle Lu angry at home, you know?"

"I said Qin Feibai, why are you like a mother-in-law like a woman? Besides, why should I make him angry?" Lu Shijin felt the person behind him approaching, put his hand on the handle of the wheelchair, and a joke sounded above his head "I will definitely love and respect each other with Uncle Lu at home, so you can go on the road with peace of mind."

"The book has been read into the dog's stomach. I can't even figure out what it means to respect each other like a guest, but I dare to use it indiscriminately." Qin Feibai snorted coldly, turned and left the house.

After Qin Feibai left, Lu Shijin and the people behind him were left at home.

Lu Shijin twisted his neck and raised his head, finally seeing what the person behind him looked like.

A face exactly like Qin Feibai, but obviously younger, a bit like Qin Feibai's appearance in high school.

However, upon closer inspection, it doesn't look very similar. The owner of this face is full of flamboyant and uninhibited expressions that are impossible to appear on Qin Feibai's face with a warm temperament.

Lu Shijin remembered that this person was Qin Feibai's nephew, whose name was Qin Yu.

When Qin Yu was young, his parents died in a car accident, so Qin Yu was always raised by Qin Feibai.

Qin Yu just turned 18 this year. He was in his third year of high school and was at the most rebellious age. He was always good at fighting and skipping classes. Even Qin Feibai was invited to the school for training every three days. The relationship between his uncle and nephew was very tense. .

Qin Yu has always lived with Qin Feibai, and since Lu Shijin got engaged to Qin Feibai, he also moved to Qin Feibai's house, which formed a strange combination of three men under one roof.

Now that Qin Feibai is gone, Lu Shijin and Qin Yu are left with big eyes and small eyes.

Lu Shijin couldn't help but have a headache when he thought of living with a rebellious teenager.

Qin Yu found that Lu Shijin was looking at him, and a wicked smile evoked the corner of his mouth: "Uncle Lu, Qin Feibai is not coming back, you don't need to look like a dead husband, right?"

Lu Shijin: "..." Whose wicked child is this? Take it away now!

Qin Yu ignored Lu Shijin's expression and said to himself, "Alright, Uncle Lu, I promised Qin Feibai to take care of you, and I will definitely take care of you."

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes silently, it would be good if the stinky boy didn't cause me trouble, but I dare not expect you to take care of me.

"By the way, Uncle Lu, is it time for you to do rehabilitation every day?" Qin Yu held his chin and looked at Lu Shijin's legs with great interest, "Usually Qin Feibai gave you a massage, but he left. You can't stop, then I'll help you do it later?"