Chapter 92: The redemption of the school bully

Lu Shijin took the folded and crumpled paper and read it carefully.

With a full score of 150, Qin Yu only got thirteen points on the test, and he got two multiple-choice questions right. The remaining three points are the friendship points given by the teacher who wrote the trigonometric function formulas by default under the big questions.

Those two multiple-choice questions were both wrong, because the brat chose all C for each question.

Undoubtedly scumbag.

Lu Shijin sneered, no wonder the stinky boy was so attentive to him today, it turned out to be asking for him.

Lu Shijin: "You can only get 13 points in the 150 points test, and you are also a talent."

"Uncle Lu, don't praise me, I think I actually have room for improvement." Qin Yu's mouth opened wider, his big white teeth dazzling.

Lu Shijin shook his hand twice while holding the test paper, "Am I complimenting you?!"

Fortunately, this is not his child, otherwise he would have been served with sticks.

"I have improved from last time. Last month's test, I handed in a blank paper. This time my score broke through two digits, shouldn't I be praised?" Qin Yuyi said honestly, "And I put trigonometric functions It's all spelled right."

"You're quite proud of the test?" Lu Shijin released his hand and threw the test paper onto the quilt, "I won't sign it for you. If you don't take out the test paper when your uncle is here, is it expected that he will be angry? If I sign it for you now, wouldn't I be your accomplice."

Qin Yu sat down on the bed and leaned his upper body towards Lu Shijin, staring at Lu Shijin with bright and clean black eyes with a cynical smile.

"Uncle Lu, that's not enough for you. You promised to love and respect each other like a guest? You won't help me with such a trivial task?"

"Xiao busy? This is Xiao busy? You are a student, and your grades are the top priority for you. The college entrance examination is two months away. You only have such a score in the test. Which university will want you?" Lu Shijin shook his head angrily and sighed, "Also, the idiom of respecting each other like a guest is used to describe husband and wife, don't use it indiscriminately."

"Ah?" Qin Yu blinked and said with a smile, "Is it originally a description of a husband and wife? I thought it was meant to be polite."

Lu Shijin had some headaches. Not only did the bear boy not do well in mathematics, but also in Chinese.

Qin Yu tugged at the corner of Lu Shijin's clothes and flattered: "Oh, Uncle Lu, will you help me this time? As long as you sign for me, I promise to study hard and not cause trouble for you, okay? Treat it as a little secret between us. If you don't tell me, I won't tell you. How could Qin Feibai know about it? And there are still two months until he comes back. I don't believe it. You won't ask me for help in these two months. Right?"

"Are you threatening me?" Lu Shijin laughed instead of anger, and shook the phone in his hand, "Believe it or not, I'll call your uncle now, guess if he knew that you had this learning attitude, Will you be flying back right away?"

"Don't, don't, don't!" Qin Yu rolled over and held down Lu Shijin's hand that he was trying to dial the number. He couldn't resist because Lu Shijin was not as strong as him, so he hugged Lu Shijin's waist and buried his face in his chest to act like a rogue, "Leave a line as a human being, See you in the future, Uncle Lu, as long as you help me this time, can I cover you in this house in the future?"

"I need your cover?" Lu Shijin patted Qin Yu's back angrily, "You're going to be lawless as soon as your uncle leaves, right?"

Although the current posture of the two is a bit ambiguous, Qin Yu is Qin Feibai's nephew, and the two are one generation apart, so Lu Shijin has no other thoughts.

He tried to push away Qin Yu's big furry head lying on his chest, but Qin Yu was a scoundrel. No matter how Lu Shijin pushed him, he would not let go. If Lu Shijin didn't agree, he would not get up.

If it was normal, Lu Shi had kicked people with his feet early this morning, how could he allow the stinky boy to ride on his head to make a fortune?

But now, it can only be that the heart is more than enough.

"Get up, get up first!" Lu Shijin gave up his resistance and patted Qin Yu's shoulder to vent his anger, "I'm afraid of you, can't I sign it for you?"

Hearing Lu Shijin's answer, Qin Yu immediately got up, picked up the test paper, and took out the long-prepared pen from his pocket and handed it to Lu Shijin.


Even brought a pen, this is a premeditated ah.

"scheming boy." Lu Shijin whispered, and after scribbled his name on the test paper, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

It's best to keep a secret about signing things. It's not difficult to imitate a parent's handwriting to sign a name. Is it worth Qin Yu's troubles to please him?

"You," Lu Shijin stared at Qin Yu suspiciously, with a bad premonition, "could it be as simple as asking me to sign?"

Qin Yu patted his thigh, "Damn it, Uncle Lu, you are so smart! You guessed it at once!"

Lu Shijin: "..."

Qin Yu showed a standard smile with eight teeth, "The teacher asked me to invite my parents to the school on Monday, Qin Feibai is not here, so..."

"Are you really embarrassed to say that?" Lu Shijin interrupted him angrily, "Do you want me to go to school to accompany you to shame?!"

"Uncle Lu, what does it mean to be ashamed? You can't say it nicely." Qin Yu curled his lips, and his face was not ashamed.

Lu Shijin really wanted to roll his eyes, "Isn't it shameful? You feel honored to be invited as a parent, don't you? I don't want to go, don't even think about it, it's impossible for me to go, you ask your grandma to go to school with you ."

"No, the old lady has high blood pressure and can't stand this stimulation." Qin Yu persevered.

"Then I can stand the irritation?" Lu Shijin was so angry that his temples jumped, he beat his legs, and glared at Qin Yu, "You let me go to school with you like this? I'm afraid others won't know that I'm a cripple, right? ?"

"Don't get excited, I don't mean that." Qin Yu quickly restrained his smile and looked at Lu Shijin's eyes seriously, "What do you look like? You are only sitting in a wheelchair, you are not inferior, why can't you go out? You've met someone? You live for yourself, not for others, so why should you care what others think of you? Besides, you've become what you are now to save people. You're a hero. If anyone dares to laugh at you, I'll beat you up he!"

Qin Yu raised his fist as he spoke, and waved it bluffly in the air.

Lu Shijin didn't see that he was deliberately trying to fix himself, his anger calmed down a little, and he snorted coldly, "Your crooked reasoning is enough."

"I'm seeking truth from facts," Qin Yu tugged at the corners of his mouth mockingly, "Look at me, I have no father or mother since I was a child, and I don't think it's anything. If I care so much about what other people say and think, it's not enough. But?"

"So, this is the reason why you got 13 points in the math test?" Lu Shijin poked him in the chest with a pen, hating iron for not being tough, "Can you be more aggressive? It's not for others, but for yourself, for your dead parents, Can you fight for a bit of anger? You go to school, and you get a fraction of the test? Are your brains inherently dumber than others?!"

Qin Yu rubbed the spot that Lu Shijin had poked, and said dissatisfiedly, "Tsk, why are you talking to Qin Feibai? I just don't want to learn. If I want to learn, the score is not a random test."

Lu Shijin: "Oh, who can't talk big? When do you want to study in the third year of high school? Will you wait until the college entrance examination is over?"

"Don't talk about that, okay? Just say whether you will go on Monday." Qin Yu said stubbornly, "If you really don't want to go, I won't force you, and then I will tell the teacher, my father Mom died early, no one at home cares about me, I am a wild child and let me fend for myself."

"What nonsense brat is talking, if your grandma hears it, you'll have to whisper to me again." Lu Shijin pretended to be annoyed and beat him.

After getting along with him all day today, he also found out that Qin Yu is not a bad boy, just a little skinny.

Although he had never gotten along with the younger generation, he had also experienced his youth, and he was relieved to think that when he was eighteen years old, he was no more honest than Qin Yu.

After all, whose youth is not public.

Qin Yu asked aggrievedly: "Then are you going?"

Lu Shijin was helpless: "You've already said this, can I still not go? But I said yes, it's just this one time, it won't be an example next time! Do you understand?"

"OK!" Qin Yuxi made a gesture with a smile and stood up with the test paper, "Then you rest early, I won't disturb you. Good night, Uncle Lu~"

Lu Shijin shook his head at the closed door. I'm afraid this little magic star was not born to come down to fight him.

On Monday, Lu Shijin really followed Qin Yu to school.

As soon as you enter the school, you can hear the sound of reading aloud from various teaching buildings. This atmosphere immediately brings Lu Shijin into the memory of campus life.

When he was in school, he used to be a "problem student" in the mouths of teachers and parents, skipping classes to play games on the Internet, sleeping in class and reading novels.

But no child is born a bad boy. Sometimes they are mischievous, just want to vent their abundant energy and add a different color to the boring study life.

Youth only comes once, if you like it, try bravely, if you love it, you will love it bravely.

It will not wait until the edges and corners of the society are polished, and the edge is dim, recalling those green years, leaving only a black and white regret.

Qin Yu pushed Lu Shi Jin to his head teacher's office.

The class teacher's surname is Song, a short, fat male teacher. He was stunned when he saw Qin Yu pushing a man in a wheelchair in.

Qin Yu's attitude towards the teacher was quite respectful, "Mr. Song, good morning, my parents are here."

Teacher Song pushed down his glasses, looked at Lu Shijin, and asked suspiciously, "Hello, I'm Qin Yu's head teacher, who are you from Qin Yu?"

"He's my uncle." Qin Yu hurriedly replied.

Teacher Song: "Your uncle? How many uncles do you have?"

Thanks to Qin Yu's blessing, Qin Feibai came to the school a lot. The highest record is three times a week, and he has long been familiar with Qin Yu's teachers of various subjects.

Lu Shijin smiled, "I'm his uncle's lover. His uncle can't come when he goes abroad on business, so I can only come here. Will the teacher mind?"

"It turned out to be so, of course not." Teacher Song glanced at Lu Shijin's lap intentionally or unintentionally, frowning inadvertently.

Lu Shijin understood what this expression meant, but he probably couldn't understand it. Qin Feibai was so talented and young, how could he find a disabled person to marry.

I'm afraid I have to sigh for Qin Feibai when it's over.

This kind of gaze, Lu Shijin, a "fake disabled", would be reluctant to see it, and the original owner, I am afraid that he has experienced countless times, so he is afraid of contact with the outside world, and deceives himself and isolates himself from the outside world.

Qin Yu suddenly explained for Lu Shijin: "Mr. Song, you don't have to be surprised, Uncle Lu is not born with a disability, he became what he is now to save my uncle. At that time, they worked together as war doctors abroad and met terrorists. Thanks to Uncle Lu who sacrificed himself to save my uncle at that time, my uncle survived well."

Lu Shijin didn't expect Qin Yu to tell this kind of thing to a teacher he met for the first time.

Because of low self-esteem, the original owner was reluctant to tell others about the experience of why he was disabled. Therefore, people who didn't know the inside story saw that Lu Shijin and Qin Feibai appeared at the same time, they would only be worthless for Qin Feibai and feel sorry for Qin Feibai.

If this matter is not brought up, these people will not know that Qin Feibai's safe and sound is due to the price he paid for his legs. They should feel sorry for whom it is not worth it!

Sure enough, when Mr. Song looked at Lu Shijin again, his eyes became awe-inspiring, "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I was really curious about your relationship with Mr. Qin just now. Now that I know the situation, I really admire you. Ordinary people are dying. It's hard to make choices like yours at the moment."

Lu Shijin smiled lightly: "It's all in the past, don't mention it." After a pause, he raised his head and gave Qin Yu an angry look, "You child, why don't you talk about it."

Qin Yu shrugged disapprovingly, "Of course I have to say it. If I don't say it, how will people know?"

"Okay, since Mr. Qin is on a business trip, Mr. Lu is also Qin Yu's elder, so you are the same." Mr. Song sat down at the desk, took out a folder from the file shelf, and opened it for Lu Shijin to see, " This time I came to your parents to talk to you about Qin Yu's monthly test results."

Lu Shijin took it over and browsed it carefully. Except for English, all other subjects failed. There were 950 students in the whole grade, and Qin Yuyue's score ranked 949th.

As if seeing a joke, Lu Shijin snorted with joy: "With your grades, there are still people who can do worse than you?"

Miss Song didn't expect Lu Shijin to react like this, so he coughed: "The student missed the exam because of his health."

It was still number one.

Lu Shijin was a little embarrassed. He didn't have the experience of dealing with the teacher, so he had to recall what the parents used to reply to the teacher when he was called to the parents, and imitatedly said, "I'm sorry, teacher, I know, our Qin Yu must have been It's a hindrance to the class, don't worry, I will definitely supervise his study after I go back, and I will definitely discipline him strictly in line with the school's education method!"

"What you said, Mr. Qin has promised me countless times, but you see, does your family, Qin Yu, seem to want to study hard?" Teacher Song opened the drawer and brought up the things in the same way. "Just this month, I have confiscated his three mobile phones and these game consoles. He is either sleeping or deserting in class. He doesn't listen well at all. With so many students in the class, it is impossible for us teachers to keep our eyes on him all the time. , if he really doesn't want to learn, there's nothing we can do."

"Qin Yu, why are you like this? Do you still look like a student?" Lu Shijin raised his hand and patted Qin Yu's buttocks, feigning anger, "Apologize to the teacher soon!"

Qin Yu bowed honestly: "I'm sorry, teacher."

"Don't tell me I'm sorry, you are not sorry for me, you are sorry, do you understand?" Teacher Song glanced at Qin Yu with a look of abandonment, and then said to Lu Shijin, "Mr. Grades, taking the college entrance examination is basically meaningless, so I asked my parents to come over to discuss with you, whether to let Qin Yu stay in the first grade?"

"Retaining a grade?" Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, realizing the seriousness of the situation, "Teacher, you can't say it to this point, right?"

Teacher Song pointed to the transcript and smiled helplessly: "Look at it for yourself, his scores in these several subjects combined are far from the specialist line. Even if he takes the college entrance examination, he will not be able to get into a good school, so he might as well stay in the first grade. Learn from scratch.”

"Staying in the first grade means starting from the second year of high school?" Lu Shijin asked.

Teacher Song nodded, "Yes, he can't keep up with the progress of the third year of high school. I suggest starting from the second year of high school to lay the foundation again."

Lu Shijin looked up at Qin Yu, but Qin Yu had a nonchalant expression on his face.

"Would you like to discuss it with Mr. Qin? Anyway, don't rush to make a decision." Teacher Song thought that Lu Shijin didn't express his position immediately, so he couldn't make a decision.

Lu Shijin lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then raised his eyes to look at Teacher Song, "No, I don't agree to repeating the class."

Teacher Song was stunned when he heard the answer, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Lu Shijin said solemnly: "There are still more than two months before the college entrance examination. I will study hard in the next days, and my grades may not improve. How can I know if I don't try it, and I believe Qin Yu can do it."

Teacher Song couldn't help laughing: "I'm not saying that I don't want to believe Qin Yu, but we still have to be realistic, right? I've been a teacher for almost 20 years, and I've never seen a student who can climb from the bottom to the top in a short period of time. Above the undergraduate level, this is simply impossible."

"Kung fu pays off, as long as you work hard, nothing is impossible." Lu Shijin spoke very slowly, but firmly, "Your school should have indicators that the undergraduate rate and the junior college rate meet the standard? I understand that the teacher advised us Parents' psychology, but we also have our own considerations. The word repeating grades is not pleasant. I don't want Qin Yu to be labeled like this and suffer from the strange eyes of other peers. There is still time, and I will urge him to study. , I have confidence in him, I believe he can make a change, and I hope the teachers will not give up on him."

Mr. Song, who was guessed by Lu Shijin's intention, looked embarrassed, and twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly, and said, "I'm just giving a suggestion. The decision is still up to your parents. Since the parents don't agree, let's work hard together, but In the end, it depends on Qin Yu. After all, learning is his own business and cannot be replaced by others. Qin Yu, are you willing to study hard? "

Qin Yu grinned: "Ken."

It is estimated that Teacher Song is immune to Qin Yu's answer, and does not believe Qin Yu's guarantee.

"Then go back to the classroom first, it's almost time for class." Teacher Song shook his head, "I hope you don't talk about things this time, but take some practical actions."

Qin Yu pretended not to hear the teacher's complaint, lowered his head and said to Lu Shijin, "I'll push you out first, the car is still waiting at the school gate, can you go back alone?"

"It's okay, you study hard in school, don't make the teacher angry, do you hear?" Lu Shijin persuaded bitterly.

Qin Yu said with a smile: "Okay, if Uncle Lu doesn't give up on me, of course I can't give up on myself."


Back from Qin Yu's school, Lu Shijin went home alone.

He is a person in a wheelchair, and it is inconvenient to go out alone. Lu Shijin can only stay at home bored.

It is also the first time that I feel that time can be so long, and the world can be so quiet.

Every minute and every second of sitting in a wheelchair was a torment for him.

Perhaps in the original plot, the original owner finally chose to let go of Qin Feibai's love with others, because he was also desperate for such a world and didn't want to live.

Lu Shijin slept for an afternoon with a depressed mood, but when he woke up, he found that there was a power outage at home.

Lu Shijin called the property, and the property said that the line was out of order and was being repaired. He was not sure when the call would come, and asked him to wait patiently.

Originally, it was inconvenient to move, but now there is no light. Lu Shijin was so irritable that he wanted to beat people, but he couldn't find a target to vent.

Lu Shijin couldn't do anything in the dark, he could only lie on the bed with his eyes open and wait for the call.

The evening self-study of the third year of high school will last until 10:30 in the evening, and it is close to 11 o'clock when Qin Yu returns.

As soon as he opened the door, he was greeted by darkness and silence in the room. He quickly went to Lu Shijin's room and knocked on the door twice.

"Uncle Lu, are you there?"

Lu Shijin, who had been alone for a day, was extremely depressed.

Just when he was about to become depressed, he finally heard a long-lost voice and immediately opened his eyes: "I'm here! Is A Yu back?"

Qin Yu opened the door, "There's a power outage at home? Are you okay?"

"Fortunately," Lu Shijin struggled to sit up from the bed, "the circuit is being repaired, and I don't know when I will be able to call."

"Have you eaten dinner?" Qin Yu turned on his mobile phone and walked to Lu Shijin's bed by the light of the mobile phone screen.

Lu Shijin: "Not yet, I slept, and it was already dark when I woke up."

Qin Yu: "It will take time to order takeout. Shall I get you some noodles? Get up now? I'll take you outside."

In the darkness, Lu Shijin couldn't see Qin Yu's expression clearly, but he could hear a hint of tenderness in the boy's voice.

"Okay." Lu Shijin obediently hooked Qin Yu's neck and let Qin Yu pick him up. He was responsible for lighting with his mobile phone.

Qin Yu, who was usually carefree, was extra careful when holding Lu Shijin, and when he put him down, his movements were also very gentle.

"Wait here for a while, I'll go to the kitchen for you." Qin Yu went to the kitchen.

The kitchen is open and connected to the dining room. Finally, I can see a living person. I don't feel so isolated and helpless anymore. Lu Shijin is reluctant to look away from Qin Yu.

He adjusted his sitting position, staring at the dim light from his phone in the kitchen and the tall back of the boy busy at the cooking counter.

The boy quickly prepared a bowl of steaming noodles, brought it over, and put it in front of Lu Shijin.

It was just a very simple bowl of boiled noodles, covered with a poached egg, and strands of heat came out, making Lu Shijin feel a lot of warmth in his heart.

"Thank you." Lu Shijin's eyes were a little hot, he hurriedly picked up his chopsticks, and used noodles to hide his broken emotions.

"There's a power outage at home, why didn't you tell me?" Qin Yu suddenly asked in a low voice when he saw Lu Shijin eating noodles.

Lu Shijin swallowed the food in his mouth and pretended to say lightly: "You are in class, what's the use of telling you? I warn you, I am boasting in front of your teacher today that you will definitely be able to pass the college entrance examination, you have to give I will work hard and show some results to let those who look down on you and think you can't take a good look at it, don't slap me in the face, you know?"

"If something like this happens in the future, be sure to tell me," Qin Yu replied, lying on the table, looking at Lu Shijin with those eyes that could still see light even in the dark, and said seriously, "Look I'm so sorry for you."