Chapter 93: The redemption of the school bully

Lu Shijin's heart trembled.

The moment he raised his eyes, a call came suddenly, the chandelier above his head lit up suddenly, and the light hit his head and his face, losing the cover of darkness, and the eyes of the two were caught off guard.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle, and the two looked at each other for a few seconds, but it seemed like a world had passed for a long time, and there was a subtle electric current flowing in the glued eyes.

Qin Yu's pupils are very dark, his eyes are clear, his expression is serious, and he doesn't seem to be joking at all.

That's why Lu Shijin was even more flustered and confused.

Qin Yu looks very similar to Qin Feibai, but Qin Feibai is mature and stable, and treats people like a warm spring breeze. Qin Yu is young and flamboyant, he is like a jar of strong wine, spicy and spicy.

Like enjoying the spring breeze, of course it will make people feel comfortable, but when the spring breeze blows, just staying on the surface will not make people fascinated.

The spirits enter the throat and burn the heart, but the aftertaste is long and unforgettable.

"Eat it quickly, it will get cold if you don't eat the noodles." Qin Yu laughed, his long and narrow eyes curved into crescent shapes.

Lu Shijin came back to his senses and found that he had lost his temper. He quickly lowered his head and picked up the noodles with chopsticks and sent them into his mouth.

Qin Yu should just talk about it. At his age, he knows what it means to be distressed.

"Is it delicious?" Qin Yu watched Lu Shijin eat and rubbed his nose, "It's the first time I've cooked for others. If it's not delicious, don't force it."

It's just a bowl of plain boiled noodles, it can't be said to be delicious or not.

But Lu Shijin may be hungry. Now everything is delicious, and after a while, half a bowl of noodles will be eaten.

"It's delicious, but the noodles are a little softer after cooking for a long time."

Qin Yu: "Oh, it turns out that you like to eat more vigorously. Next time I will know, and the cooking time will be shorter."

Lu Shijin glanced at him with a smile, "Why, are you still going to cook noodles for me?"

"Do you like it?" Qin Yu looked at him with his head up, "I'll cook it for you if you like it."

Lu Shijin's heart moved, and he replied, "I like it."

Qin Yu's eyes lit up. For a boy of his age, happiness and unhappiness were all written on his face. It could be seen that when he heard Lu Shijin say "I like it", the light in his eyes was happiness from his heart.

"Then I will often cook it for you in the future. When I go back and study it, how to cook the noodles deliciously."

Lu Shijin couldn't bear to attack his enthusiasm, so he nodded in agreement, "Okay, thank you."

"It's okay, I'm just kidding. Besides, you were helping me in school today, so I should do something for you. By the way, why don't you eat it? You only ate half a bowl." Qin Yu pointed to the bowl face.

It wasn't that Lu Shijin didn't want to eat it, it was because the original owner was thin and had little appetite, so he felt suffocated after eating half a bowl.

"I'm full." Lu Shijin smiled apologetically, "I can't eat anymore."

"You're full after eating as much as you want? How come your appetite is like those girls in our class who shout about losing weight every day?" Qin Yu wrinkled his nose and expressed disbelief, "If you eat more, you will already be thin, so don't eat more. How do you grow meat?"

"I really can't eat it." Lu Shijin leaned back, rubbed his stomach, and showed Qin Yu, "Look, your stomach is bulging."

Qin Yu said: "that's because you usually eat less, so you'll be full after eating a little, I don't care, I'm taking care of you now, you have to raise the meat for me, if Qin Feibai comes back and finds that you've lost weight again, I thought I didn't take good care of you, I couldn't explain it to him."

"You little boy, do you really think I want you to take care of me?" Lu Shijin couldn't help laughing and crying, "I'll be thankful if you don't cause me trouble again. Did you have a good class at school today?"

"Of course, I haven't dozed off all day today, is it enough to live up to my expectations?" Qin Yu pushed the noodle bowl in front of Lu Shijin, "You also give me a little more power to eat all these, this is my heart, don't you? Failed."

Lu Shijin waved his hand, "I really can't eat it, I didn't lie to you."

Qin Yu pursed his lips unwillingly, picked up chopsticks and picked up a few noodles, "Then take another bite, can you give me this face?"

Lu Shijin can't help it, he can't be serious with a child, "Give me the chopsticks, I'll eat it myself."

Lu Shijin reached out and wanted to take the chopsticks from Qin Yu's hand, but Qin Yu avoided him and said stubbornly, "Open your mouth, I'll feed you."

Lu Shijin was a little embarrassed, it was shameful for someone to feed him, not to mention that the object was a child who was almost a year younger than him, he was really embarrassed to open his mouth to let Qin Yu feed him.

Seeing that Lu Shijin hesitated, Qin Yu became dissatisfied at first. He stuck his chopsticks to Lu Shijin's mouth and urged, "Hurry up, your face is getting cold."

Lu Shijin lifted his eyelids and looked at Qin Yu. The boy's serious face showed that he really wanted to be good for him, which made him feel that if he refused again, it would be a pinch.

So he opened his mouth and bit the chopsticks, quickly sucking the noodles away.

"That's right, I'll let you go today," Qin Yu grinned with satisfaction, "I'll have to eat more every day in the future, it's too thin and unhealthy."

Lu Shijin chewed the noodles in his mouth, and pulled the corner of his mouth slightly, as an agreement.

"There's so much left, so I can't waste it. I'll eat it." Qin Yu took the noodle bowl and brought it to him, and didn't care that Lu Shijin had eaten it, so he picked up the noodles and stuffed it into his mouth.

Lu Shijin opened his eyes slightly, subconsciously feeling that something was wrong, but Qin Yu was so fast that he couldn't stop him.

But seeing Qin Yu eating so deliciously, Lu Shijin swallowed what he wanted to say again.

Forget it, people don't mind, he's a hypocrite again.

"Your uncle called me in the afternoon and asked about your recent performance. I said you were fine." Lu Shijin said slowly after Qin Yu finished eating.

Qin Yu wiped his mouth, "Oh."

Lu Shijin couldn't help but say again, "What on earth are you thinking?"

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows to look at him, "What do you think?"

Lu Shijin: "Today, your head teacher suggested that you should repeat the class. Although I don't agree, you have to see the reality clearly. If you continue to mess around like this, you won't be able to get into the university. Are you going to repeat the class or plan to repeat the year? "

"I don't want to." Qin Yu said with a smile.

"Don't want to?" Lu Shijin restrained his smile and asked solemnly, "Could it be that you just want to graduate from high school? Where will you be if you don't go to college?"

Qin Yu said with a "tsk", "I didn't say that I couldn't go to university. Didn't you say today that there are still two months? Two months are enough for me to study."

Lu Shijin snorted coldly: "That's what I bragged in front of your head teacher. If you can really finish the knowledge in three years of high school in two months, you will already be a genius, and you can still take the last one in the exam?"

"What," Qin Yu pointed to his chest, "You don't have confidence in me? If you don't have confidence, you still brag for me, so you're not afraid of being slapped in the face?"

Lu Shijin clapped the table and straightened his face, "Tell you about business, don't be serious, first think about how your uncle will deal with you if you can't get into college. Anyway, you two months Study hard, and even if you fall off the list, it will be considered that you have worked hard. At that time, I will tell your uncle your performance in the past two months, which will help him to calm down a bit. "

"Che, don't use him to scare me, I'm not afraid of him at all." Qin Yu stood up, picked up his noodle bowl and walked towards the kitchen, "Don't underestimate me, in case I take the test in two months' time. What if you go to college?"

Lu Shijin turned the wheelchair and looked back at him: "Of course it would be better if you can pass the exam. Who wouldn't say big things, the question is can you do it?"

Qin Yu finished washing the dishes and shook the water from his hands, "What if I can do it? Uncle Lu, do you want to make a bet with me?"

Lu Shijin: "What are you betting on?"

Qin Yu twitched the corner of his mouth: "I study hard, you can reward me."

Lu Shijin wanted to laugh or not: "You study for your own future life, not for me, so why should I reward you?"

Qin Yu said confidently, "No reward, no motivation to learn."

"What reward do you want?" Lu Shijin asked compromisingly.

"I haven't thought about it yet," Qin Yu heard Lu Shijin's tone and seemed to agree, and his big white teeth showed again, "I'll tell you when I think about it."

"It's okay to reward, but don't overdo it." Lu Shijin said in a clichéd tone, "Also, I already have the phone number of your head teacher, and I will keep him informed about your situation in school. If you do not behave well, Don't talk about rewards, I'll tell you uncle, let him come back to clean you up."

"Hey," Qin Yu shook his shoulders disdainfully, "I didn't say that, Uncle Lu, a boring person like my little uncle, what do you like about him? Wearing a serious face all day long, he is boring. already."

"Go, the little brat is taking care of the adults." Lu Shijin controlled the wheelchair to go to the bathroom, not realizing that he was talking more and more like a parent with a child at home, "I'm going to take a bath, you give I'll go to bed after a while, do you hear me?"

"Do you want me to help you?" Qin Yu followed him enthusiastically.

"No need to thank you, I can do it myself." Lu Shijin closed the bathroom door mercilessly, but did not find Qin Yu outside the door poking his lips at the closed frosted glass door, as if he was bound to win.


After going through the matter of looking for his parents, Lu Shijin didn't expect Qin Yu to really reform himself, thinking that he would be Amitabha if he didn't cause any big trouble for himself.

Unexpectedly, more than a week later, he received a call from Qin Yu's head teacher, saying that Qin Yu's performance in class had improved a lot in the past week or so, and he could hand in his homework in time. Once inspired, I hope that parents will be able to enlighten, encourage and encourage their children again.

It is a good thing that Qin Yu doesn't give up on himself. No matter when, as long as he is willing to learn, it is never too late.

After Lu Shijin answered the phone, he couldn't believe what he heard.

Qin Yu has been a **** since he was a child, and is a frequent visitor to the teacher's office.

And Qin Feibai, who is Qin Yu's guardian, probably hears criticisms and blames on Qin Yu most often in the teacher's mouth.

If Qin Feibai heard the teacher praise Qin Yu one day, he would probably think that the sun is rising from the west today.

And when Qin Feibai was away, Qin Yu suddenly started to learn, how could Lu Shijin not be surprised.

It happened to be when Qin Yu's school was on the monthly holiday, and the third year of high school was so busy that he could only rest for half a day a week.

This time, the monthly holiday coincides with the Qingming Festival, and there are three full days off. However, the homework assigned by each subject has already been fully arranged during the holiday, and students are not given the opportunity to take a break.

On the Qingming Festival, it is customary to go to worship Qin Yu's parents who died early.

Lu Shijin hadn't married Qin Feibai yet, and the Qin family's tomb-sweeping had nothing to do with him, but Qin Yu was arguing that it would be boring for him to stay at home alone, so he might as well go out for a walk with him, and he had to go with him.

When they arrived at the cemetery, all the relatives of the Qin family were there, and Mrs. Qin was shocked to see Lu Shijin also coming.

In front of her relatives, she always refused to admit Lu Shijin, and she never let Qin Fei bring Lu Shijin home to see her relatives during festivals.

Now that Lu Shijin came to the Qin family's cemetery, I'm afraid the rest of the Qin family thought they had recognized Lu Shijin as the Qin family.

"Why are you here?" Mrs. Qin hurried to Lu Shijin, blocking the sight of the rest of the Qin family, and asked in a low voice.

"Grandma, I asked Uncle Lu to come." Qin Yu answered with help.

The old lady Qin glared at her grandson, as if blaming him for being ignorant.

Qin Yu didn't see it when he saw it, "I'll take Uncle Lu to see my parents. Grandma, leave me alone, I know the way myself."

Qin Yu pushed Lu Shijin and walked in front of the Qin family in a grand manner. Qin family relatives who had not met Lu Shijin himself looked at him with curious eyes, and whispered to each other from time to time.

"Is this the one who saved the second child?"

"It's a pity that this handsome young man can only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair."

"Who said it wasn't, it was thanks to him that he saved the second child regardless of his own life, otherwise the second child would have died. To tell the truth, if it were me, I might not be able to do what he did at the juncture of life and death."

"But I don't think my sister-in-law is too satisfied with him. I heard that she is engaged to the second child, but she has never brought it home to show us relatives."

"Hmph, the first day you met her? What a snobby person, how could you be willing to marry your son to a paralyzed man? I see her, and there are still others."

"But someone saved her son's life. It's a terrible thing to say. If it weren't for this, she would have no one to die. The grace of saving her life is that it is not an exaggeration to offer her as a bodhisattva. Disgusting that, I would be chilled to death if it were me."

"I was still engaged in ideological construction before retiring. My ideological awareness is so low and I am ungrateful."

Relying on her husband's high position and her son's high morale, the old lady Qin has always been arrogant and arrogant among her relatives.

Now that I have an opportunity to scold her, I naturally won't let it go. The seven aunts and eight aunts gathered together to make a sarcastic sarcasm. Although their voices were kept as low as possible, a few words inevitably fell into the ears of Mrs. Qin and Mr. Qin.

Old Mrs. Qin was so angry that her face turned red, but it was not easy to have a seizure, and her blood pressure rose steadily.

The old man Qin's face was also ashen. He usually had the best face, and put the words "act and sit upright" in his eyes.

Now he is about to be stabbed in the spine and scolded as a white-eyed wolf. If someone thinks that he treats his savior harshly, wouldn't the good reputation he has built all his life be ruined?

The old man Qin turned his head and glanced at the old lady Qin, so angry that the nostrils kept closing, and the lips and the beard were shaking.

Seeing that her husband was angry, Mrs. Qin didn't dare to say anything. She only complained about Qin Yu in her heart. Why did she bring Lu Shijin over, and gave those relatives who were jealous of his family a chance to play on the topic.

The tombs of Qin Yu's parents are in the corner of the cemetery. Qin Yu pushes Lu Shi to the front of the tombstone. The portraits of Qin Yu's parents are pasted on the tombstone.

After seeing the photo of Qin Yu's father, Lu Shijin realized that Qin Yu's character should be inherited from his father.

The exact same eyebrows and eyes are quite different from Qin Feibai, who has a restrained and calm personality.

Qin Yu put the flowers he brought in front of his parents' graves, and found that the tombstone was covered with dust, and he didn't think it was dirty, so he wiped the tombstone with his sleeve.

"You said, where do people go after they die?" Qin Yu asked suddenly.

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment. He originally wanted to say that he should have disappeared from now on, but thinking about himself, he was not sure, "I don't know."

"I think there will be another world, and the dead will all go to another world." Qin Yu turned to look at him, "They will look at us in that world, and maybe one day, they will be in another identity. , and reunite with us."

"This possibility is not ruled out." Lu Shijin smiled lightly, "If your parents knew that you are willing to work hard now, I believe they will be proud of you."

"I don't know if they will be proud of me, but," Qin Yu stood up and stretched his hand forward, "Where is my reward?"

Lu Shijin pretended to be confused and blinked: "What reward?"

"My reward for studying hard." Qin Yu said, "You don't want to default on your debt, do you?"

"What do I blame? The college entrance examination is not over yet, so you want to be rewarded?" Lu Shijin shook his head, "It's been so long since I've been in peace, and my tail is up in the sky."

Qin Yu hugged his chest and said in a plausible manner: "I made an appointment at the beginning, as long as I study hard, you will give me a reward. I didn't say that it will be cashed after the college entrance examination. There is a reward for each stage, which is why I have a steady stream of motivation. Do you understand? ?"

"It's arrogant," Lu Shijin smiled helplessly, "Tell me, what kind of reward do you want? Except for buying a mobile phone and buying a game console."

"I didn't want these things," Qin Yu squatted down and looked at Lu Shijin with excitement in his eyes, "Uncle Lu, shall we go to the playground?"

Lu Shijin didn't expect him to make such a request, "Playground? How old are you to go to the playground?"

Qin Yu was not convinced, "Who said that only children can go to the playground? You see, are all children playing in the playground? No matter how old you are, you have to maintain a childlike innocence. Do you understand?"

Lu Shijin looked down at his legs and fell silent.

It's true that both adults and children can go to the amusement park, but who has ever seen a wheelchair enter an amusement park?

When you go in, what else can you do except watch others play?

And it's a holiday now, with so many people coming and going in the playground, it's inevitable that no one will look at him in a strange way.

Lu Shijin is fed up with the doubts, explorations, sympathy in his eyes... I really don't want to make myself uncomfortable in the past.

Qin Yu saw Lu Shijin's worry, and patted Lu Shijin's legs with both hands, "I know what you are hesitating about, but don't worry, I am your leg, what others can do, we can too, I believe Am I okay?"