Chapter 94: The redemption of the school bully

Without saying hello to the rest of the Qin family, Qin Yu took Lu Shijin away from the cemetery and took a taxi directly to the largest playground in the area.

It was a holiday, and not long after the playground was opened, tourists were already flocking here, and laughter could be heard everywhere.

Lu Shijin was the only one who entered the amusement park in a wheelchair.

From buying tickets to checking in to entering the amusement park, even though Lu Shijin tried his best to ignore the curious glances that passersby cast on him, those eyes seemed to stick to him, wherever he went, those eyes followed.

I am afraid they are all curious, why does a person in a wheelchair come to the amusement park to play, and what can he play here?

Lu Shijin didn't like to be treated as a weak person, and began to regret his promise to Qin Yu to come out.

Qin Yu didn't realize that there was any problem, he pushed the landing like no one else was walking around in the amusement park, and when he saw a hawker selling balloons on the street, he couldn't walk. I would be happy if I squeezed into a group of kids and girls and bought one.

"Does it look good?" Qin Yu came over with a sky-blue helium balloon from afar. At a glance, among the people holding balloons, his balloon was the highest.

"Are you naive? Are you eight years old?" Lu Shijin didn't cheer.

"Yes, I'm eight years old today." Qin Yu handed the string of the balloon to Lu Shijin, who asked strangely, "Why?"

"Hold it for me. I saw that there are super-sized cones there, and there are many people queuing up. I'm going to buy it too." Qin Yu kept looking behind Lu Shijin.

"I don't, take what you bought yourself, I won't take this kind of child's plaything." Lu Shijin turned his face and refused coldly.

"I said, Uncle Lu, don't be such a spoiler, come out and have fun? It's rare to come to an amusement park, so what's the matter with being a child for a day?" Qin Yu grabbed Lu Shijin's hand and wrapped the balloon string around his wrist. , "Hurry up, hurry up, this balloon is 30 yuan a piece, it's expensive, don't throw it to me."

Qin Yu didn't give Lu Shijin a chance to refuse, so he tied a bow and ran away.

Lu Shijin looked up at the blue balloon floating around his head. Several times he wanted to untangle the rope on his wrist to let the balloon fly away, but when he thought of Qin Yu holding the balloon in his hand, the excitement on his face made him feel stubborn. hold back.

Forget it, forget it, you are an elder, don't bother with a child, if he throws a balloon and asks you to cry, you have to turn around and coax others.

Fortunately, Qin Yu came back soon after shopping, with a cone in one hand and a bright smile, more dazzling than the sun in the sky.

"Here, strawberry-flavored." Qin Yu handed a cone to Lu Shijin, and he took the chocolate-flavored one himself.

Lu Shijin was really thirsty, so he took it and ate it. Qin Yu pushed him to continue walking into the playground.

"You hold your balloon yourself." Lu Shijin licked a few mouthfuls of the cone, suddenly reacted, and raised his hand to signal Qin Yu to take the balloon rope from his wrist.

"You hold it for me first," Qin Yu said, "I have a cone in my hand, and I have to push you, I really can't spare it."

"Then why did you buy it?" Lu Shijin complained angrily, but Qin Yu said, "You don't seem very happy, but I bought it to make you happy."

Lu Shijin: "...You treat me as a three-year-old child? Use this to make me happy?"

"Isn't it only three years old? I didn't have a smile on my face just now, but I'm not smiling anymore?" Qin Yu finished eating the cone, smacking his lips and saying, "Today you are three and I am eight. Let's have a good time here, okay?"

Lu Shijin burst out laughing, slapped Qin Yu with his backhand, and said in a feigned anger, "no big or small, who do you want to be with? Uncle!"

Qin Yu leaned down and shook his head like a rogue: "No, no, Brother Lu, let's play the merry-go-round next, shall we?"

Lu Shijin has no room for rejection. Today's initiative is in Qin Yu's hands, and he can only follow Qin Yu's pace.


Lu Shijin moved his wrist while licking the sweet ice cream, and the balloon on it also swayed from side to side, as if he was nodding his favor.

It seems that the mood has really improved.

There were many people queuing in front of the merry-go-round. When it was Lu Shijin's turn, the staff noticed that there was a disabled person. When Qin Yu said that they wanted two people to ride a horse, they immediately arranged the largest wooden horse in the venue. give them a ride.

When Qin Yu carried Lu Shijin up, the staff next to him wanted to help, but Qin Yu refused. He knew that Lu Shijin didn't like others touching him.

Lu Shijin was also thin, and Qin Yu didn't have to struggle to hold him. After letting Lu Shijin sit firmly on the Trojan horse, he also stepped on the horse's back and put his arms forward to wrap Lu Shijin in his arms.

Because Qin Yu and Lu Shijin delayed the start of the machine, but the other waiting tourists didn't complain and waited for them quietly.

Everyone was in place, the machine started, and the carousel began to turn slowly, up and down, to the sound of the music.

Lu Shijin has been sitting in a wheelchair since he passed by, and he hasn't felt what other movements except sitting and lying down feel like for a long time.

Feeling that some emotion that was separated from his body was gradually returning, Lu Shijin closed his eyes and imagined that he was riding on a merry-go-round, flying on the clouds, and shuttled between the clouds.

The mood suddenly became relaxed and comfortable.

"Are you happy?" Qin Yu's low voice sounded in his ears. Lu Shijin felt the warm warmth on his back from the boy's broad chest. He was extremely at ease. He nodded and said, "Happy."

"Isn't it right to come out to play with me?" Qin Yu chuckled, with pride in his laughter, "I will make you so happy every day in the future."

Lu Shijin opened his eyes slightly, and suddenly a familiar feeling spread in his heart.

711 was being maintained, and he didn't have time to tell him who he was looking for in this world.

If it wasn't Qin Feibai, could it be - Qin Yu?

The fog was cleared away, and Lu Shijin's mind suddenly became clear.

By the way, in the original plot, the Qin family was very indifferent to the original owner, and Qin Yu had no reason to be so nice to the original owner, coaxing him to be happy and accompany him to relieve his boredom.

Qin Yu's attitude towards him changed after he passed through. If it wasn't for Qin Yu's intentions towards him, there would be only one possibility.

The soul in Qin Yu's body has also changed, and his task is likely to be related to himself.

Lu Shijin, who had reasoned out the cause and effect, was so excited that his heart was beating wildly, but he could only bear it, he couldn't show his emotions, and he couldn't ask Qin Yu the truth in person.

Without the help of the system, if they want to complete the task in this world, they can only rely on themselves.

It is a complete success only when satisfying the audience's coolness value and completing the plot, and at the same time helping Qin Yu to complete his task.

Guessing that Qin Yu was the person he was looking for, all those pessimistic and negative emotions were swept away, and there was an endless stream of hope and strength pouring into Lu Shijin's body, smoothing out the loss of his legs for him. anxiety and anxiety.

After getting off the merry-go-round, Lu Shijin's mood was very different from before going up.

He no longer resisted and resisted contact with the outside world, and no longer cared about the eyes of the outside world looking at him, and wholeheartedly was willing to trust the big boy in front of him who was trying to make him happy.

"What shall we play next?" Qin Yu squatted beside Lu Shijin's wheelchair, and took the map of the amusement park to study carefully what activities were suitable for the two of them to play.

Lu Shijin looked at the boy's serious expression and smiled lightly: "You can play whatever you like, I can do it."

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows in surprise, and looked at Lu Shijin in disbelief, "You didn't say that just now, and you said that you don't want to play anything, how did you change your attitude after playing a merry-go-round? So you It's the fun of the playground, right?"

"Yes," Lu Shijin looked around at the smiling faces of everyone around him, and finally his eyes fell on Qin Yu's face, "This place is full of joy, it's really fun."

Qin Yu snapped his fingers, "OK, it's best if you can think so, then let's go ride the Ferris wheel first. This is the least effort."

There weren't many people lining up at the Ferris wheel, so Lu Shijin and Qin could go up there directly when they met.

It was Qin Yu who carried Lu Shijin into the cockpit and asked the staff to keep the wheelchair on his behalf.

The Ferris wheel started to rotate slowly from the ground, the height slowly rose, and soon it reached half of the height, and the panoramic view of the playground was unobstructed.

Qin Yu looked out the window, and the person who had been talking just now suddenly became quiet, his eyebrows drooped, and he muttered: "I wanted to come to the playground when I was young, but the adults are busy with work and have no time to take me with them. Come. So one day, I sneaked into the playground alone and wanted to ride the Ferris wheel, but the uncle and aunt who guarded the Ferris wheel said that I was not accompanied by my parents and could not go up alone, so that day, I stood on the Ferris wheel Below, watching the small houses slowly rise up, I watched the whole day, and I was thinking, why do other children have parents, but I don't."

Lu Shijin persuaded in a low voice: "They definitely don't want to leave you, no parents don't want to watch their children grow up."

"I know, I don't blame them." Qin Yu turned his head to look at him and smiled lightly, "I figured out later that people can't be immersed in sadness for lost things forever, we live in the moment, everything is You have to look forward. I can't control the accident that happens to me, but I can control myself, live a day unhappy, and live a day happily, are you right?"

Lu Shijin also smiled, nodded and said, "Yes."

Qin Yu stared into Lu Shijin's eyes: "Then can you promise me to live happily every day in the future?"

Seeing the sincerity in the boy's eyes, Lu Shijin's heart softened, and after a moment of silence, he found his voice: "Okay."

"You promised me, but you can't go back." Qin Yu twitched the corners of his mouth and said confidently, "I'm not afraid of you going back, anyway, I'm here."

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Shijin pretended not to understand, and took advantage of his unpreparedness to quickly tap Qin Yu's forehead, "Little boy, you have such a big tone, give you some color and you can open the dye house. no?"

"I didn't brag, you just said, did I make you happy today?" Qin Yu grabbed his hand accurately, preventing Lu Shijin from retreating.

In fact, Lu Shijin didn't want to shrink. The boy's palm was hot, the temperature he used to be obsessed with, and it was so hot that his eyes were hot.

The cockpit space was already small, Qin Yu took his hand and narrowed the distance between the two.

The boy's eyes were dark and bright when he looked at Lu Shijin, and there seemed to be a mysterious starry sky hidden in it, and he could sink deep into it at a glance.

"Brother, tell me, Qin Feibai and I, who can make you feel happier?"