Chapter 96: The redemption of the school bully (over)

Lu Shijin's words are very absolute, but the head teacher is confident that he has more than 20 years of teaching experience, and still doubts that Qin Yu's grades are not true.

Mr. Song looked at Lu Shijin without a smile: "Mr. Lu is right, then let Qin Yu come in to answer the questions, just as you are here, our teachers and parents will supervise together to see what Qin Yu's true level is. Yes. But I can say the ugly thing in front. If Qin Yu can't do it, his grades in the second-model test will be invalid. The school will not publicly announce criticism, but persuaded to return is a repeat, you think for yourself. "

Lu Shijin also had a faint smile on his face, "Yes, but what if he did it?"

Teacher Song patted his chest, "I, the head teacher, and those two students, apologize to Qin Yu in front of the whole class, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay." Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows and nodded in agreement.

The head teacher called Qin Yu, who was standing at the door, and told him the decision he made after negotiating with Lu Shijin. Then he took out a prepared paper from the drawer and put it on the desk, motioning Qin Yu to sit down and answer the question. .

"After discussing for a long time, you all came up with this method to prove whether I cheated?" Qin Yu was expressionless, standing beside Lu Shijin without moving, "I don't want to do it."

"Qin Yu!" The head teacher was a little sullen and slapped the table, "This is a chance for you to prove yourself. You don't know what's good or bad."

"Prove yourself?" Qin Yu slightly pulled his lips, and the corners of his eyes were full of sarcasm, "Is my second-model exam results not enough to prove myself? But you don't believe me, you said that you were giving me a chance, but in fact, you were wearing colored clothes. I look at people through glasses, and I subconsciously look down on students with poor grades. I don't believe that a poor student can get good grades, right? So, why should I prove myself to you guys?"

After Qin Yu finished speaking, the head teacher's face became darker and darker, and the fat on his face was shaking with anger, and suddenly raised the volume to attack Lu Shijin: "Mr. That's the way he speaks! Do you still look like a student? Did I hurt him by letting him do this paper? Don't I want to pay him back? But listen to what he said just now, it's arrogant and arrogant Extremely! This matter is also approved by you, what do you say!"

Lu Shijin didn't show his anger as usual, he loosened the button of a shirt at the neckline, and said in a leisurely manner, "It's the solution that I discussed with you, teacher, that's right, but since Qin Yu doesn't want to do it, I respect his choice, and I don't want to. Force him to do what he doesn't want to do."

Teacher Song was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Lu Shijin to have such a wild and rebellious attitude, so he couldn't help but laugh in anger.

"Okay, I understand. Since your parents have such an indifferent attitude towards their children's grades, what's the use of our school's strictness?" The head teacher grabbed the test papers and threw them into the trash , sneered and said, "In the next period of time, until the end of the college entrance examination, your Qin Yuai can learn how to learn, and I will not make a phone call to your parents!"

"Teacher, don't be angry," Lu Shijin was not affected in the slightest, and his speech rate was still unhurried, "Is this a world that is more than a month away from the college entrance examination? How is Qin Yu's grades? Naturally, everything is clear. You suspect that he cheated in the exam organized by the school. He is not so good at all. He even dares to cheat in the college entrance examination, right? Now is a critical period for children to prepare for the exam. , and I hope the teacher can understand.”

The head teacher sneered a few times and said coldly, "Yeah, anyway, the college entrance examination is coming soon. When the results come out, it will be clear whether it is Li Gui or Li Kui."

Lu Shijin lowered his head and smiled, without any further excuses.

Qin Yu suddenly raised his hand and said in a casual tone, "Teacher, I'm a little sick today. I want to take a leave of absence to go home and rest during my late self-study at night."

The head teacher glanced at Lu Shijin, saw that he was noncommittal, and agreed with a yin and yang snort: "Okay, your parents are here, he doesn't have anything to disagree with me."

With the approval of the head teacher, Qin Yu didn't grumble, he pushed Lu Shi Jin, turned his head and left the office.

After leaving the school gate and confirming that no one else around would hear them, Lu Shijin started to scold Qin Yu.

"You are really promising. You dare to contradict the teacher. If your uncle finds out, I'm afraid he won't cut you with a stick."

Qin Yu said with a smile: "Then you are still helping me fight the teacher?"

Lu Shijin snorted coldly: "I can't see how your teachers look at people with tinted glasses. Besides, I'm not really your parent, so I don't care what you do."

When no one saw Qin Yu, he pinched Lu Shijin's earlobe and smiled in a serious manner, "Why are you so angry all of a sudden, are you angry with Fatty Song or me? I shouldn't provoke you, right?"

Lu Shijin asked Qin Yu whether he liked him or not, but he actually had doubts about his disability in his heart, and he couldn't help but be a little bit bitter.

"Don't worry about why I'm angry, talk about yourself first," Lu Shijin put his arms around his chest and his face was frosty, "Did you cheat in the exam?"

"You ask me this question, don't you believe me?" Hearing Lu Shijin's questioning, Qin Yu couldn't help but get angry, he held the handle hard, the veins on his hand burst out, "Since you don't believe me, just now Why are you talking for me in the office? I don't need your fake trust."

"I believe you wouldn't do such a thing, but I want to hear from you, you didn't." Lu Shijin said coldly.

Qin Yu chuckled dismissively: "I don't have it. Either I don't take the exam, or I won't deceive myself if I do."

"So you didn't want to take the test before?" Lu Shijin heard the overtones and said, "You can do those questions, why pretend you can't?"

Qin Yu said lightly: "It depends on the mood. If I'm in a bad mood, I don't want to do it. And you see, even if I do, they will doubt whether I stole the results."

Lu Shijin could almost understand Qin Yu's mentality.

Since childhood, he has no father or mother, and lacks the care of his parents. Although the elders dote on him, the role of parents cannot be replaced in the child's growth experience.

Qin Yuxi grew up beside Qin Feibai, but Qin Feibai was only fifteen years older than him, and had no experience in parenting and disciplined children.

Qin Yu was rebellious by nature, and Qin Feibai's way of disciplining him was nothing more than intimidation and coercion, which aroused Qin Yu's rebellious psychology, so Qin Yu's life became what it is today.

If Qin Feibai was called by Qin Yu's head teacher today, Qin Feibai's first reaction would be to think that Qin Yu cheated in the exam, because Qin Feibai lacked trust in Qin Yu and did not believe that he would get better.

And the result can be imagined. With Qin Yu's character, I'm afraid that the jar will be broken, holding the "since you don't believe me, I will just keep falling down and show you, so you can always be satisfied" This kind of mentality wastes a lifetime.

The wrong way of education is enough to ruin a child's life.

When he got home, it was almost dark. Qin Yu didn't go to study at night today, but Lu Shijin also didn't allow him to watch TV and play games, and asked him to go back to his room to review the books after dinner.

After taking a shower, Lu Shijin went back to his room to rest. He lay down and played with his mobile phone for a while, and fell asleep in a daze so bored.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but suddenly he felt someone hug his waist from behind, and Lu Shijin opened his eyes and woke up.

"Have you finished your review?" Lu Shijin didn't look back. He could guess who it was just by smelling the shower gel on the person behind him.

Qin Yu buried his face on his shoulder and muttered "um".

"Then go to bed earlier." Lu Shijin moved his shoulders and pretended to turn over and leave Qin Yu's embrace.

Lu Shijin has become accustomed to Qin Yu staying on his bed every night, insisting on holding him to sleep with him, but after a long time, it will be a little uncomfortable.

They all came here when they were young. Eighteen or nineteen years old was when they were full of energy. If you really like someone and sleep in the same bed every night, how can you hold back.

So Lu Shijin became more and more suspicious that Qin Yu was kind to him and said that he liked him, but it was to complete the task, and he didn't really like him.

After all, if it were him, I'm afraid he wouldn't waste his great youth on an old man who was a dozen years older than him and who was half paralyzed.

Qin Yu noticed Lu Shijin's resistance, and stretched out his long arms to bring the man back into his arms.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?" Qin Yu stood up with his upper body up, looked down at Lu Shijin's expression for a while, and came to the conclusion, "You are just unhappy, why?"

Lu Shijin closed his eyes and didn't want Qin Yu to find the disappointment in his eyes, so he said lightly, "I'm not unhappy, don't guess."

"You can't hide it from me." Qin Yu's fingertips crossed Lu Shijin's eyebrows, "Open your eyes and look at me."

Lu Shijin turned his head, avoiding the itchy touch, "Don't look." After speaking, he closed his mouth tightly, as if he didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Don't look at me?" Qin Yu pinched Lu Shijin's nose like a prank, "That's mad at me, right? What did I do wrong to make you unhappy? You have to let me die, right?"

Lu Shijin closed his mouth and couldn't breathe through his nose. He was so angry that he could only open his eyes and stared at Qin Yu fiercely.

With a "slap", Qin Yu was slapped on the forehead, Lu Shijin's eyes were on fire, and he didn't speak well: "Go back to your own room."

"Don't get out." Qin Yu lay directly on Lu Shijin's chest, rubbing and hugging like a rascal child, "The experience of my predecessors tells me that if the daughter-in-law is angry and the husband doesn't coax the husband, then the husband will be finished. , waiting for him to decide whether it's a keyboard or a washboard, I'm not fooled."

Lu Shijin hit him again, embarrassed and annoyed, "Nonsense, who are you calling your wife and husband?"

Qin Yu raised his head and looked at him eagerly, "You, aren't you my daughter-in-law?"

"Fuck you, I'm your uncle." Lu Shijin sullen, but still doesn't give a good face, "Don't use sweet words to coax me, I won't eat this."

"Then tell me, which one do you eat?" Qin Yu looked humbly asking for advice, "What should I do to keep you from getting angry?"

Lu Shijin closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and finally lowered his face helplessly, "You don't have to do anything, it's not your problem, it's my own problem."

During the time the two have been together, it is the first time that Lu Shijin has shown such emotions to Qin Yu. Qin Yu is not a fool, and he can guess it after thinking about it.

After losing his legs, Lu Shijin has always had no desires, all he desires is a sense of security.

The age difference of the teens, the inferiority complex of the physical disability, the two of them will inevitably face opposition from everyone in the future.

These factors fell on Lu Shijin's appreciation like an invisible shackle, and it was no wonder that he would worry about gains and losses.

Qin Yu kissed Lu Shijin's lips, sighed softly, and said, "Do you know which university I want to go to?"

Lu Shijin didn't understand why Qin Yu suddenly asked him this, so he answered, "Which one?"

Qin Yu reported the name of the school, and Lu Shijin blinked. It is a well-known medical school, and its annual admission score is comparable to that of top universities.

Lu Shijin: "It's not that I want to break your cold water. Are your goals too high?"

Qin Yu laughed hoarsely: "I just said that I have confidence in me, but now I don't? Don't worry, as long as I want to take the exam, there is no one I can't pass the exam."

"Why do you want to study medicine?" Lu Shijin thought about it, "Don't you like the profession of a doctor?"

"I don't like it. Being a doctor is rigid and boring, not fun at all." Qin Yu thought of Qin Feibai and complained unceremoniously.

"Then you are still learning?" Lu Shijin was puzzled.

"Because of you," Qin Yu looked at him deeply, "I want to cure your leg, whether there is hope or not, I want to give it a try, even if it is not cured, I will definitely find a way to make you stand up , trust me, okay?"

When Lu Shijin heard the words, his heart was touched, and it was sour. It was impossible to say that he was not touched at all.

"There are so many medical schools, why do you have to take the exam so far?" Lu Shijin lowered his eyes and fell on the boy's bulging Adam's apple, "Your school is more than 1,000 kilometers away from here, there is no good medical school in the local area, you The one my uncle read was pretty good."

"Reluctant to let me go far?" Qin Yu brushed away the broken hair covering Lu Shijin's eyes and stared at him seriously, "I just plan to go far, take you with you, to a place where you don't know us, to a place where you don't know us. There is no place where no one can disturb us, just me. Brother, can I give you a home?"

Lu Shijin's eyes were slightly warm, and he felt as if something would burst out of his eyes, and immediately closed his eyes tightly.

The boy's kiss fell, and he licked and kissed his eyelids as tenderly as possible, sucking away the salty and wet liquid that had not yet flowed out.

"So, don't worry, I said I'd be nice to you, and I'll be nice to you."

"But..." Although Qin Yu had already assured him, there was still a knot in Lu Shijin's heart that couldn't be solved.

"But what?" Qin Yu asked.

"But..." Lu Shijin said more and more quietly, Qiqiai Ai said, "Why, why don't you touch me?"

"Don't touch you?" Qin Yu raised his eyebrows in confusion and pinched Lu Shijin's flushed cheeks, "Then what am I doing now?"

After speaking for a while, he suddenly figured it out again, and after understanding what Lu Shijin was referring to, he immediately turned over and lay on the bed, laughing uncontrollably.

Lu Shijin was also annoyed at why he asked this question so obsessively. Seeing Qin Yu smiling so proudly, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack to crawl in.

"Have you laughed enough?!" Lu Shijin was so embarrassed that he picked up a cushion and smashed it on Qin Yu's face, but Qin Yu quickly caught it.

"Don't be angry, I won't laugh anymore." Qin Yu sat up holding the cushion and tried his best to hold back his laughter, but the corners of his mouth couldn't hold back.

"No, get out." Lu Shijin turned his head and decided that if he said another word to the brat today, he would write his name upside down.

Qin Yu leaned forward again and hugged Lu Shijin's upper body in his arms, "It's not that I don't want to touch you, but I also want to, lying on the same bed with you every night, you don't know how much it means to me. Suffering." Qin Yu was afraid that Lu Shijin would not believe him, so he hugged him tighter, "but I don't want to be here and do that kind of thing to you at Qin Feibai's house. When we have our own home, and then, I tell you, you can't refuse even if you want to."

Lu Shijin's face was buried in Qin Yu's heart, and his heart was full of mixed feelings. It turned out that Qin Yu thought so, and he had already made all plans.

Take him out of here, give him a home, and help him heal his legs.

"Or, you can't wait to be hurt by your husband?" Qin Yucai was serious for a while, then became serious again, put his hand into Lu Shijin's pajamas, wandered around, and said with a wicked smile, "If you really can't wait, husband I can also satisfy you now, eh? Say, do you want your husband to love you? As long as you say what you want, your husband will give it to you. "

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't want to, take your hands away!" Lu Shijin feigned anger, took Qin Yuzheng's hand out of his pajamas, and pushed Qin Yu to get him out of bed.

Lu Shijin's strength, in Qin Yu's eyes, was like a little milk cat scratching people, not enough to see, he easily controlled Lu Shijin's hands and pressed them on top of his head.

"Don't doubt I know in the future?" Qin Yu pinched Lu Shijin's chin and grabbed his eyes, "I really like you, if you don't believe it, do you want me to cut my heart out and show you? "

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows and glared at Qin Yu, "Don't be open-mouthed."

Qin Yu pursed his lips disapprovingly, raised his eyes and stared at the wall behind the bed, wondering what he was thinking.

"Just wait, it's just over a month away from the college entrance examination anyway. When the college entrance examination is over, no one can control me anymore. No one can stop us from being together."

Lu Shijin stared blankly at the determined expression on the boy Yingting's face, and all doubts in his heart were dispelled. After all, he smiled relievedly, and said in a low voice, "I believe in you."


A month passed in a flash, and during the two days when Qin Yu took the college entrance examination, Lu Shijin was more nervous than he was in the college entrance examination that year.

When he finally finished the exam, he thought he was liberated, but found that the time to wait for the results to come out was even more tormenting.

Finally, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and looking forward to the day when the results are released, Lu Shijin doesn't dare to check the results.

In the end, it seemed that he was not the one who took the college entrance examination. Qin Yu, who was like no one, called to check the results.

A tier 550, Qin Yu actually got a 623!

According to the estimation of the admission score of the medical school in previous years, he had no problem applying for this score.

Not long after Qin Yu's score came out, Lu Shijin received a call from Qin Yu's head teacher.

The school checks the scores faster than the students. It must be that Teacher Song knew about Qin Yu's results, so he called to announce the good news.

Lu Shijin connected and pressed the speakerphone key, so that Qin Yu who was sitting next to him could also hear what his teacher said.

"Mr. Lu, good evening, have you checked your child's grades?" Teacher Song said straight to the point, "Qin Yu scored 623 in this test, which is beyond everyone's expectations!"

Lu Shijin pretended to be modest: "We also just found out, yes, this kid usually looks like a fool, but he is still stable when he gets to the big test."

Teacher Song went down the steps: "Who said it wasn't, I believed the students at first and suspected Qin Yu of cheating. Now that the college entrance examination results are out, they also gave me a loud slap in the face. It's my fault. You shouldn't look at people with tinted glasses. After teaching for so many years, I almost forgot my original intention of being a teacher. I should treat all students the same, and taught me a lesson. Qin Yu achieved such results, I I'm really happy for him."

Lu Shijin: "Don't say that, Qin Yu did well in the exam, and thanks to the careful guidance of the teachers, we should be the parents and thank the teachers."

After a chat, the teacher hung up the phone, and Qin Yu's proud tail was about to go up.

"I can imagine the wonderful expression on Song Fatzi's face when he sees my results, I'm afraid his jaw will drop."

Qin Yu did well in the test, and Lu Shijin let him be proud of it and didn't attack him.

Not long after the teacher's call was hung up, Mrs. Qin and Qin Feibai called again one after another. After hearing Qin Yu's score, they were all pleasantly surprised.

Mrs. Qin was so happy on the phone that she didn't know what to say. She kept reciting Qin Yu's father's name, crying and laughing. Finally, Mr. Qin snatched the phone over.

A veteran cadre who has been serious all his life, it is rare to hear a trace of waves in his voice.

"I did a good test this time, and it deserves recognition. Have you decided which school to apply for? With your score, you can enter the National Defense University, as long as you are willing..."

"Grandpa, I have already thought about it." Qin Yu interrupted the old man, "I want to apply for the medical school of Capital University."

"You also want to study medicine?" Mr. Qin was a little surprised.

Old Mrs. Qin helped: "Study medicine! Study medicine! His uncle studied medicine, what's wrong with studying medicine? It must be better than joining the army, is that where people stay? I can't bear mine The eldest grandson goes in and suffers!"

Grandpa Qin ignored his wife's nagging, and said to Qin Yu earnestly, "you can just think about it. Whether you are in the army or studying medicine, grandpa will support you."

"Thank you grandpa, grandpa is so nice." Qin Yu's mouth sweetened, "By the way, grandpa, I want to go to the capital early in the summer vacation to play and get used to the life there. I heard that there is a big difference between the north and the south, so I will also go to the capital. experience."

Mr. Qin happily agreed: "Okay, if you want to go, I will let someone arrange it for you. There are many old comrades of grandpa in the capital. If you go there, they can also take care of you."

Mrs. Qin interrupted: "if you need money, tell your grandfather that the eldest grandson has fought for our old Qin family, and grandparents will reward you well."

After hanging up the calls of the two old people, Qin Feibai's call came in again. No surprise, he heard Qin Yu's score, and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

As an uncle, Qin Feibai was of course happy for Qin Yu, and promised Qin Yu to reward him well when he came back.

Qin Feibai should have returned to China in two months, but there are some situations over there, and the peacekeeping medical team has to stay for a while.

Qin Feibai couldn't come back, which happened to give Qin Yu and Lu Shijin the opportunity to plan to "elope".

After Mr. Qin greeted his comrades in the capital, he quickly arranged a residence for Qin Yu in the capital.

The capital has been arranged, Qin Yu didn't want to delay for a moment, and without knowing it from everyone, he led Lu Shijin and left Qin Feibai's house together, leaving the place that made both of them sad.

The moment Lu Shijin was in a wheelchair and was pushed out of Qin Feibai's house by Qin Yu, his mood felt like he was flying in the clouds.

For the first time, I didn't feel that the heavy lower body was a drag, and for the first time I felt that my body and mind were very light and relaxed.

Maybe the protagonist's story is very exciting, but it has nothing to do with him.

He also has a new life of his own. Maybe this road will be very difficult, but as long as he and Qin Yu have a heart-to-heart bond, he is not afraid of anything.