Chapter 97: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

Without 711 and his legs, Lu Shijin thought the world would be very difficult, but Qin Yu stood in front of him like a tall wall, blocking all the wind and rain for him.

When the Qin family found out that Qin Yu went to the capital to go to school and even brought Lu Shi with him, they were as shocked as they knew Qin Yu's college entrance examination score.

At that time, Qin Feibai had already returned from abroad, found true love, and was about to find a way to break up with Lu Shijin, but he didn't mention the breakup, but he learned that his own nephew had kidnapped his fiance.

The moment I got off the plane, my feet didn't seem to be on the ground, but on the clouds, top-heavy and unreal.

The next development was just that the Qin family went to the capital to search for the whereabouts of Qin Yu and Lu Shijin.

They knew that Qin Yu's temper was as stubborn as a cow, and eight horses couldn't pull back on the decision, so their minds were on persuading Lu Shijin to let him leave on his own initiative.

It's a pity that Qin Yu knew the virtues of his family long ago, so he protected Lu Shijin very well and didn't give the Qin family a chance to find him.

Then Qin Yu went back to Qin's house by himself, while Lu Shi was in the capital, and he didn't know what happened after Qin Yu returned home.

When Qin Yu came back, Qin Yu brought him back good news, saying that the Qin family would no longer be able to control him in the future, and no one could stop them from being together.

There are also welts all over the back.

Lu Shijin is not as great as the original owner, and he sacrificed himself blindly for the future of his lover.

What's more, he knew that all this was fake, and he just wanted to be with Qin Yu in this world.

In the second year of Qin Yu's sophomore year, one day, Lu Shijin was taking a nap at home. In a dream, a familiar feeling of consciousness slowly being pulled from his body like quicksand came up.

In the haze, he realized that his mission in this world should have been completed, and he was about to enter the next world.

Because of the loss of 711, Lu Shijin could not know the progress of the task, so it was too late to say goodbye to Qin Yu.

However, he believed that in another world, the two would meet again soon.


Opening his eyes again, Lu Shijin felt as if he was lying and floating in mid-air, no, not floating, but flying fast, because the sky and clouds above his head were rapidly reversing!

He tried to move his body slightly, but there was no support anywhere, only a bamboo-like thing on his back was dragging him.

Lu Shijin turned his head and looked down. He was so frightened that he almost left his body. He really flew in the sky!

And it was at least several kilometers away from the ground, because he flew higher than a mountain!

You can see the mountains and mountains surrounded by clouds and mist, and the abyss that separates the peaks from each other. If you fall, you will be shattered!

Lu Shijin has never had the experience of flying in the sky after waking up. When a person encounters danger, he struggles subconsciously. When he struggles, he actually falls off the bamboo pole!

mmp, what the **** is going on here? Who can save him? If he doesn't pass through, he will die at the beginning!

"Quickly use the Imperial Sword Art!"

A familiar voice sounded in his ears, and Lu Shijin was still in shock, and subconsciously replied: "What is the Imperial Sword Art? How the **** do I know?!"

The voice said angrily: "Oh oh oh! Blame me, blame me, I haven't had time to transmit the information of this world to you!"

Lu Shijin realized who the voice belonged to, and suddenly didn't know whether to be sad or happy, and roared, "Convenience store! You idiot!"

"Elder Brother! I'll save you!"

However, before Lu Shijin could finish receiving the world's information, a hand appeared out of thin air and held Lu Shijin's waist, preventing him from continuing to fall.

Those hands hugged Lu Shijin and helped him stand up steadily. Lu Shijin stabilized his body and raised his head with lingering fears, caught off guard by a pair of clear and translucent eyes.

The owner of the eyes is only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, with a childish oval face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, red lips and white teeth, and some baby fat.

But it can be seen from the facial features that when he grows up in the future, he will definitely be a beautiful man.

The young man was wearing a blue Taoist robe, his hair was combed in a high bun, and a jasper hairpin was inserted upright.

When the teenager saw Lu Shijin looking at him in a daze, he showed a smile, "Eldest brother, why are you looking at me like this? I saw the senior brother fall off the sword just now, and the senior brother's Lingfeng sword didn't seem to help. When I am impatient, I can't help but take action, senior brother won't blame me for being troublesome, right?"

Lu Shijin regained his senses, quickly retracted his gaze, coughed unnaturally, and said, "Of course not, I fell asleep just now and fell off the sword accidentally. Feng Zhao came here, but thank you anyway, little junior brother."

Yes, the young man is Lu Shijin's younger junior brother named Lin Junchen, the hero of the show.

As for Lu Shijin's role, it is Lin Junchen's eldest brother from the same sect. The two of them both studied under a cultivator called "Tianqingzong".

Lin Junchen just turned sixteen years old this year, and only joined the Tianqing Sect last year to study art, and is a master with Lu Shijin.

However, their master thought that he would have a great catastrophe this year, so he went to retreat early to practice, and the responsibility of teaching the disciples naturally fell on the shoulders of the senior brother Lu Shijin.

Although Lin Junchen is young, he has the halo of a male protagonist, and he can learn everything quickly. He has only entered the Tianqing Sect for one year, and he has shown extraordinary talent in cultivation.

To know the journey of immortality, the most important thing is the word "comprehension", and this word is the most rare.

Some people spend a hundred years in their lives, and they can't understand the law of the Dao, and they can't become ascension as immortals. After all, they are still mortal.

And with good understanding, coupled with the orthodox cultivation method, you will be able to cultivate with divine help, and those monks who do not have understanding will only be unable to reach the dust after many years of hard work.

Lin Junchen is naturally a man of high comprehension. It takes people hundreds of times to comprehend the mental formulas. He often learns it two or three times, attracting the attention of the head of Tianqingzong.

Tianqingzong is also a major sect in the sect of immortal cultivation, but Tianqingzong has not cultivated into immortals for a hundred years, and if it goes on like this, it is not far from the decline.

After the head found out that Lin Junchen was talented, he naturally valued him very much. Not only did he often teach Lin Junchen to practice, but he also intended to betrothed his only daughter to Lin Junchen.

This is tantamount to telling everyone who will be the next head of Tianqingzong in the future.

The tree is big and attracts the wind, and Lin Junchen is the latest to enter, but he is so highly regarded by the head, and he is bound to be envied by others.

Among them, there is Lin Junchen's senior brother, Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin was originally the most outstanding disciple of this generation of Tianqing Sect disciples, but when Lin Junchen appeared, he stole all his limelight.

Moreover, Lu Shijin still adores the only daughter of the sect master, the younger junior sister of the Tianqing Sect for a long time, and even if the limelight is robbed, he must not accept the sect master's betrothal of the younger junior sister to Lin Junchen.

Not long after Lin Junchen entered the school, his master went to retreat and practiced. Usually, the senior brother Lu Shijin was teaching him, so Lin Junchen also had a good impression of Lu Shijin, and often liked to stick to the senior brother.

Therefore, Lu Shijin took advantage of Lin Junchen's trust in him, and taught Lin Junchen a set of exercises that had been tampered with, and would go crazy after practice, and asked Lin Junchen to practice well.

Lin Junchen did not doubt that he had him, and he honestly practiced according to the exercises given by Lu Shijin, and the result was no accident.

At this time, Lu Shijin stood up and reported to the head that Lin Junchen had colluded with demons to practice the magic way.

After Lin Junchen fell into the devil's way, he became a devil after some experience. The first thing he did after becoming a devil was to wash the Tianqingzong with blood.

He also took back Lu Shijin, the culprit who had trusted him the most and caused him to fall into such a situation, locked him at the top of the mountain, and made Lu Shijin his own furnace...

"That, what is a furnace?" Lu Shijin asked.

711: "In cultivating novels, furnace cauldrons generally refer to low-level monks who are used by powerful monks to harvest yang to replenish yin or yin to replenish yang."

Lu Shijin: "Harvest the yang and replenish the yin? Is that what I understand it to mean?"

711: "Yes."

Lu Shijin digested this information silently for a while, and suddenly sarcastically said: "...So you're still here, I thought you were dead."

711 Han Han smiled: "Host, what you said, I'm not human, how can I die."

"Haha," Lu Shijin smiled but didn't smile, "you leave me, a disabled person without legs, in the last world and ignore it. You almost killed me just now! I'm going to sue you!"

711 quickly flattered: "It was an accident in the last world, but without me, didn't you complete the mission? It means that you are a powerful host! And look, in this world, you not only have legs, but you can also fly with your sword. Isn't it great?"

"It's amazing how big you are! It's your turn to make a stove for others!"

Lu Shijin glanced at Lin Junchen again. The young man looked at him with a clear smile and a dimple on one side of his cheek. day to contact.

But thinking about it carefully, Lin Junchen can't be blamed for this. If the original owner hadn't framed Lin Junchen and went into trouble, Lin Junchen wouldn't have been perverted in the end.

Therefore, Lu Shijin decided to get along well with Lin Junchen, and he must lead Lin Junchen to the right path.

The position of the head? Give! little sister? Give!

Just don't let him be the stove.

"Senior brother, you smell so good." Lin Junchen closed his eyes and took a deep sniff. The hand still hugging Lu Shijin's waist suddenly tightened, and Qing Jun's eyebrows gradually showed an obsession.

Lu Shijin: "???" What the hell?

711 hurriedly said, "Host, your body fragrance leaked out!"

Lu Shijin collapsed a little: "What are you doing? I am a big man, why do I have body fragrance?"

711: "Host, you forgot? The original shape of your body is a nine-tailed fox!"

Oh, yes, the original owner is not a human, but a nine-tailed fox.

Lu Shijin's master believed in teaching without distinction, and he had some friendship with Lu Shijin's father, so he accepted Lu Shijin as a disciple.

Only Lu Shijin and his master knew about this matter. Lu Shijin acted cautiously on weekdays, so the rest of the Tianqing Sect were kept in the dark.

However, the nine-tailed fox is naturally charming, good at charm, and has its own body fragrance, whether men or women, they are crazy when they smell it.

Lu Shijin usually hides his body fragrance very well. He must have fallen off the sword just now and accidentally leaked it out in panic, and was smelled by Lin Junchen again.

Lin Junchen hugged him tighter and tighter, and he didn't know where the young man's body came from so much strength, the iron arm was so hard that Lu Shijin couldn't break free.

"Senior brother, why is your body so fragrant? It smells so good." Lin Junchen is slightly shorter than Lu Shijin, looking up at Lu Shijin, "Senior brother, I'm so hot, it seems like I'm on fire, I just practiced After a while, could it be that my practice went wrong? But I practiced strictly according to the mental method taught by my senior brother, and it should never be wrong..."

Lu Shijin pushed Lin Junchen's shoulders, not letting Lin Junchen's face come close to him, and said solemnly, "Little Junior Brother, let me go first, what's going on, you'll know when I get the pulse for you."

"I must have gone crazy, definitely yes," Lin Junchen's eyes blushed, looking aggrieved and remorseful, but he didn't mean to let go of Lu Shijin at all, he lowered his head and murmured, "Otherwise, how would I Will it give birth to the evil idea of ​​wanting to make the senior brother into a furnace?"

"..." Lu Shi's head froze for a while, and he warned with a trembling voice without any deterrent, "Little Junior Brother, calm down, if you keep talking nonsense like this, Senior Brother will be beaten!"