Chapter 98: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

Such a soft warning did not deter Lin Junchen at all, not only that, but after hearing Lu Shijin's golden jade-like voice, it made him even more excited.

"Senior brother, your voice is really nice, even better than Xianle." Lin Junchen searched for words to praise Lu Shijin, eager to win the hearts of the people in front of him, "Senior brother, you are also good-looking, even better than the fairies in the sky. nice."

Lu Shijin bent his fingers and gave Lin Junchen a head-scratcher, "Who did you learn to be eloquent at a young age, when did you hear Xianle, and when did you see the fairy in the sky?"

Lin Junchen smiled insanely, and two flushed red like drunkenness floated up his cheeks.

Lu Shijin understands that this is the performance after being hit by the Nine-Tailed Fox Charming Technique. The person who uses the technique will be unconscious, and only the practitioner can be seen in his eyes.

Of course, practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine will also have desires for the practitioners, which is convenient for the practitioners to have **** with them, harvesting yang and replenishing yin.

The other party was only a 16-year-old boy, and Lu Shijin didn't even want to use seductive tricks on him or do anything worse than a beast.

He quickly restrained his scent, and according to the exercises he learned in memory, put his fingers together and injected a stream of infuriating energy at Lin Junchen's spiritual platform, awakening Lin Junchen's sanity.

Lin Junchen has been a beginner for a year, and his cultivation base is still shallow, so he just smelled a little body fragrance on Lu Shijin's body, and his mind was lost.

The infuriating qi injected by Lu Shijin broke through the fog that had engulfed Lin Junchen's mind, and Lin Junchen woke up as if he had been empowered.

Realizing that he had lost his way, Lin Junchen quickly loosened the hand that was hooping on Lu Shijin's waist, and his face became even redder.

"I'm sorry, Senior Brother, I, I don't know what's wrong... I didn't mean to..."

Lin Junchen bowed his head and apologized incoherently, recalling the ugly behavior he had just made in front of Lu Shijin. He was ashamed and embarrassed. He wished he could jump off the flying sword and fall into the abyss to die.

"It's alright," Lu Shijin patted his younger brother on the shoulder and said earnestly, "You may have been too impatient to practice the exercises recently, and your true qi has gone wrong. Let's go down first, you should not use your true qi to fly with the sword at this time. "

Lin Junchen obediently instructed the saber to land in a wilderness, the two jumped off the sword, and Lin Junchen put away his saber and put it back into the scabbard.

Lu Shijin paid attention to it. Lin Junchen's sword was completely white, with a sharp edge. It was a rare good sword.

In the original plot, Lin Junchen's sword was given by the head and named "Jinghan". After that, Lin Junchen was framed for practicing magic, and the head used this shocking sword to interrupt Lin Junchen's death. Hand tendons and hamstrings drove him out of the division.

After Lin Junchen became a Demon Venerable, he returned to the blood-washing division, retrieved his sword in the Wanjian Cave of the Tianqingzong, and used this sword to kill an unknown number of fellow disciples, and the Tianqingzong blood flowed into a river.

Since then, Jinghan Sword has been regarded as an ominous sword in Xianmen, and the monks have all changed their minds, and gave the Jinghan Sword another good name - "Blade of Shura".

And now, this sword has not drank blood, it is pure white as snow, crystal clear as ice, and it will not make people think that it will become a frightening evil sword in the future.

Lin Junchen wasn't enchanted either, he was the innocent little junior brother who liked to follow Lu Shijin's buttocks to ask questions.

Lu Shijin sighed, he was not interested in the position of the head or the junior sister, nor could he be jealous of Lin Junchen's talent, naturally he would not harm Lin Junchen.

He will not harm Lin Junchen, Lin Junchen will not fall into the devil's way, nor will he be blood-washed in the future, and he has also been arrested and returned to serve as a furnace.

So, as long as he gets along well with the younger brother, and cultivates the friendship of the same family, he will be able to retire when the merit of the younger brother is complete!

Lu Shijin looked at Lin Junchen with an old father's kindness in his eyes, and smiled gently: "Little Junior Brother, you are extremely talented, and in time, you will definitely become the best among the disciples of our Tianqing Sect, but your practice is accumulated over time. Don't be in a hurry to get things done. You just cultivated too quickly, and your true qi became disordered. If it wasn't for me, Senior Brother, you might have gone into a maddening situation."

The implication is, Junior Brother, Senior Brother saved you, you will be able to repay your kindness in the future.

Lin Junchen immediately clasped his fists and bowed: "Thank you, Big Brother."

"No need to be more polite, you and I are from the same family, and we should help each other." Lu Shijin raised his hand and looked at him kindly, "Senior brother will teach you the way of cultivation in the future, and wait for the day when the younger brother can become the Daoist. , don't forget to help Senior Brother."

"Where did the eldest brother say," Lin Junchen looked at Lu Shijin moved, "Junchen will never forget the kindness of the eldest brother's teaching to me."

Just don't forget, Lu Shijin got Lin Junchen's promise, and his worries dissipated a little.

"That's the end of today's practice for now, let's go back to the mountain first." Lu Shijin recalled his sword Lingfeng, straightened his clothes and prepared to use the sword to return to his teacher's door.

"Wait a minute," Lin Junchen stopped Lu Shijin and asked with a slightly embarrassed expression, "Eldest brother, did you really smell a strange fragrance just now? That smell is strange, and it does seem to be emanating from you."

"I didn't smell it. I'm not a woman. If I don't apply fat and powder, how could there be any fragrance on my body?" Lu Shijin looked calm, afraid that Lin Junchen would not believe it, raised his hand and waved his sleeves on his face, "You smell it now. , is there any scent?"

Being swept by Lu Shijin's sleeve, Lin Junchen blushed again, "No, no."

"Right," Lu Shijin said solemnly, "you just went crazy and had hallucinations. Well, don't think about it, it's getting late, and if you don't go back to the mountain, the mountain gate should be closed."

Lin Junchen said no more, and said "yes" respectfully. Following Lu Shijin's sword, the two flew towards the Tianqingzong Mountain Gate together.


At night, when Lu Shijin returned to his bedroom, he found a huge bronze mirror standing in his room.

Lu Shijin knew that cultivators paid attention to appearance, but with such a large mirror, for fear of missing a spot on the body, it would not pay attention to appearance, but narcissism.

Lu Shijin walked to the mirror and took a look, wow, the original owner did have the capital of narcissism.

He was holding a beautiful face that bullied Frost and Sai Xue. The two eyes looked like anger and affection, and glared at people. No matter whether they were male or female, their bones were half crisp.

This appearance is indeed a male fox spirit.

No wonder Lin Junchen was reluctant to kill the original owner in the end, so he had to make the original owner into a furnace.

Lu Shijin thought of a possibility. Lin Junchen likes to follow behind the original owner's ass. Apart from his brother's worship, will there be other feelings in it?

Thinking of this, Lu Shijin couldn't help shivering.

According to common sense, people who cultivate immortals do not need to sleep, and they can eliminate fatigue and restore their state only by meditating.

But Lu Shijin came here for the first time, and he was not used to his status as a cultivator. Besides, if he was alive, if he couldn't lie down and sleep, what's the point?

Didn't he really want to cultivate immortality and attain the Tao, wouldn't it have a big impact on meditating?

Not much.

So Lu Shijin lay down on the bed with peace of mind, resting his hands on the back of his head, and looking at his raised Erlang's legs, Lu Shijin felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

After sitting in a wheelchair for so long, it is such a wonderful feeling to stand up again and be able to run and jump.

He thought of the fate of the original owner's legs being cut off by Lin Junchen to make a cauldron, and his thighs couldn't help shivering.

Even for his two "lost and found" legs, he couldn't let this tragedy happen!

"Convenience store, since you're back, is your good brother 211 online yet?" Lu Shijin asked.

711: "It also came back."

Lu Shijin was relieved to hear that, "Then who is my husband in this world?"

711: "Not sure."

Lu Shijin: "Are you playing with me? What is uncertainty?"

711 explained: "211 said that this time the character its host wears has multiple incarnations in this world."

Lu Shijin: "??? I don't understand, please explain in detail."

711 said: "The character 211 is now bound to is called Zhou Xueyuan, your little uncle, and the most powerful person in the current Tianqingzong cultivation base..."

From the introduction of 711, Lu Shijin understood who Zhou Xueyuan was.

Zhou Xueyuan was a close disciple of Lu Shijin's master. He was the youngest, but his talent was the highest among his brothers, and his personality was also the most eccentric.

Tianqingzong is a sect of Jianzong, and all the disciples in the sect are swordsmen, but Zhou Xueyuan has a unique way and practiced the Tao of forgetfulness of love.

Taishang forgets love, forgets love, forgets love, has no desires, and is not affected by all the seven emotions and six desires in the world.

Therefore, only the monks with the strongest will and the most stable mind will choose to practice this way.

Because once there are distracting thoughts, the Dao Fa will backfire on itself, and it is only a matter of one thought to become an immortal and become a demon.

Zhou Xueyuan has been cultivating the Tao of Indifference to the Supreme Being for a period of time. He cut off his evil thoughts at the age of thirty, and cut off his good thoughts fifteen years later. His achievements are unparalleled among the cultivators of the world.

Both evil thoughts and good thoughts come from themselves, and if you want to attain the Dao, you cannot destroy them.

Zhou Xueyuan's high level is only one step away from ascension, but the distance of this one step is not inferior to ascending to the sky.

So, he turned his evil thoughts and good thoughts into human beings and put them into the human world to practice separately.

The three were originally one, and if they were not guaranteed in the future, the other two would be Zhou Xueyuan's body from the dead.

"So, there are actually three Zhou Xueyuans in the world?" Lu Shijin was already dizzy after listening to the 711 talk, and it was too complicated to cultivate an immortal, which sounded like a fantasy.

711: "Yes, the main body is Zhou Xueyuan of Tianqingzong, but I don't know who his evil thoughts and good thoughts are."

Lu Shijin: "You said, Zhou Xueyuan is practicing the Dao of Forgetting Love? Can't we talk about love?"

711: "Nature."

Lu Shijin: "..." What's the point of not being able to fall in love in this world?

Lu Shijin thought of something again, and asked, "What system is 211?"

711: "The 'No. 1 in the world' system."

Lu Shijin didn't even have the strength to laugh, the corner of his mouth was more ugly than crying: "Haha, it really fits my little uncle and his old man's pursuit."

"Is there really an immortal in this world?" Lu Shijin, an atheist, was caught in doubt about his worldview, "Then can I also cultivate to become an immortal?"

Since Lao Gong wants to become the best immortal in the world, what else can he do?

Of course, it is to follow the pace of the old attack, cultivate well, and become a couple of immortals in the future.

711: "In this plot, there are really immortals. Mortals and animals can also become immortals through cultivation."

Lu Shijin sat up straight, "Quick, I remember you have the 'Superior Immortal Men's Mind Method' there, don't you? Give me a copy, I'm going to practice right now!"

711 exchanged the "Superior Xianmen Mind Method" from the system mall, turned it into a physical book with a blue cover, and handed it over to Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin read it over and over again. With the knowledge he had in the past, he couldn't understand a word.

Fortunately, he still retains the memory of the original owner. With the original owner's understanding of the cultivation method, he can also understand a general idea of ​​this superb mind method.

Lu Shijin practiced all night according to his mental method, and he was extremely tired and fell asleep until dawn.

I didn't know how long I slept, when I suddenly heard someone calling him, Lu Shijin opened his eyes and wanted to respond, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, so he couldn't make a sound.

The man couldn't hear the response, he pushed the door and entered, Lu Shijin took a closer look, it turned out to be Lin Junchen.

After Lin Junchen came in, he called out tentatively twice, "Eldest brother? Are you there?"

Unable to get a response, Lin Junchen peeked around the room strangely. When he saw Lu Shijin's bed, his eyes lit up, and he pointed at the bed and said in surprise, "Hey, why is there a fox sleeping on my brother's bed?"

Lu Shijin's eyes widened: fox? what fox? !