Chapter 99: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

Lin Junchen walked towards Lu Shijin. Lu Shijin was wondering why Lin Junchen told himself that there was a fox sleeping on his bed, but not only could he not speak, but his body seemed to be filled with lead, unable to move.

Until Lin Junchen bent down, with the excitement of seeing something rare on his face, he reached out and touched Xia Lu Shijin's head.

Lu Shijin felt offended, and was about to open his eyes and teach him to be arrogant, and then he saw his current appearance clearly in Lin Junchen's eyes—

The shuttle-shaped head is supported by two furry ears, the round black eyes are black and translucent, the fur is snow-white, and there is a huge tail drooping on the bed behind him.

Lu Shijin: ? ? ?

Is this fox him? !

How did he become a fox? !

Lu Shijin went crazy: "Convenience store! What's going on? Why did I become a fox?"

711 realized that he had made a big mistake, and stammered to explain: "Maybe... the mental method I gave you yesterday was too advanced... You are eager for success again... So... so you went crazy... "

Lu Shijin's mouth of old blood was suffocating in his chest, and he almost died of anger.

Lu Shijin: "I knew you were a fool, I shouldn't believe you... Now hurry up and restore me to my original shape! What if those brothers and sisters find me and kill me as a monster?!"

711: "I can't help you restore your original shape. You can only wait for you to restore it yourself, or someone else can help you instill the infuriating qi and guide the confused infuriating qi back into place."

Lu Shijin: "...I really believe in your evil!"

I don't know how long it will take to recover. He is the senior brother of Tianqingzong. If he disappears so vaguely, it will definitely cause other people's suspicion. It seems that he can only find other people to help him heal.

But who?

Lu Shijin met Lin Junchen's curious gaze, and first ruled out Lin Junchen.

The reason is because a monk once discovered that refining the nine-tailed fox into a cauldron can greatly improve his cultivation, so the human monks hunted the nine-tailed fox wantonly. A fox can sell a top-quality magic weapon on the black market.

So since Lin Junchen has a record of making him into a furnace, he must never let Lin Junchen know that he is a nine-tailed fox.

Lu Shijin thought about it for a while, the only person he could find was Master Zhongxiao who knew his true identity.

But his master is in retreat now, and he won't be able to come out for seven or eight years, so this way will not work either.

"Little fox, are you a spiritual pet raised by the senior brother?" Lin Junchen was still young and had no interest in playing. Seeing such a beautiful spirit fox, he naturally couldn't put it down, and rubbed Lu Shijin's head several times. " Do you know where the big brother went?"

Dissatisfied with being treated as a pet, Lu Shijin shook his head and shook off Lin Junchen's hand touching its head.

Lu Shijin: I am your senior brother! If you touch Lao Tzu's head again, believe it or not, Lao Tzu will kill you!

But Lu Shijin's fierce appearance not only did not deter Lin Junchen, but made him feel more interesting.

"Hey, it's quite fierce, don't be afraid of little things, I'm not a bad person, I'm your master's junior brother." Lin Junchen didn't touch Lu Shijin's head again this time, instead he scratched the little fox's chin with two fingers. .

Lu Shijin subconsciously wanted to lower his head and open his mouth to bite those two daring fingers, but only after being scratched twice by Lin Junchen, Lu Shijin's fox eyes narrowed involuntarily, his pointed mouth curled into a smile, and he made a pair of Enjoy the expression.

What the hell! So comfortable! Why is it so **** comfortable!

He didn't want to be so unprincipled, but being scratched on his chin is really comfortable QAQ!

Hey, Lin Junchen's methods are too sinister, and he actually picks on his weakness!

After Lin Junchen had enough foxes, he remembered that he still had to do business.

He stood up and walked around the room, muttering to himself, "Strange, it's already past noon, where did the big brother go? He usually tells me where he goes out, it's really strange today, shouldn't he? What happened?"

"Little fox, do you really know where your master has gone?"

Lin Junchen paced back to the bedside, starting from the head of the fox and stroking down the back to the tip of the tail. The smooth and smooth hair felt very good. Lin Junchen continued to smack it again and again, and he never got tired of playing.

Lu Shijin felt numb electric currents rising from his spine, his big fluffy tail was raised high, and his **** couldn't help but lift up, catering to Lin Junchen's action of licking him.

Damn, cool Laozi's scalp is numb!

Lin Junchen seemed a little ridiculous to ask a fox who couldn't speak, and shook his head helplessly.

"I'm stupid to ask you, but you don't know how to speak. What can you tell me? Forget it, I'll go find Senior Brother myself."

After speaking, Lin Junchen stood up and was about to leave. Lu Shijin thought about it, no matter what, Lin Junchen is the only person who can help him now. If Lin Junchen leaves, who else can he ask for help?

Lin Junchen took a few steps forward and suddenly found that there was a resistance behind him pulling him. When he turned around, it turned out that the little fox had bit his robe, and it seemed that he didn't want to let him go.

"What? Can't bear to let me go?" Lin Junchen smiled, lowered his eyes and thought for a moment. He went back to the bed and hugged the little fox on the bed, and said to himself, "Well, senior brother doesn't know what to do. I will take care of you first on behalf of the eldest brother, and I will return you to him when the eldest brother comes back."

This remark is in the middle of Lu Shijin's arms, and he obediently nestled in Lin Junchen's arms, expressing his willingness to go with Lin Junchen.

Seeing that the little fox was so obedient, Lin Junchen was even more happy, but he seemed to think of something, and suddenly he stretched his hands under the armpits of the fox's forelegs, and hugged Lu Shijin in the air like a little baby.

Then, Lin Junchen glanced under the soft belly of the little fox, and when he saw the characteristics that represented a male fox, his eyes showed a satisfied expression: "Fortunately, it is a male fox, and it seems to be a child, it looks a little bit. little."

Being taken advantage of by others does not count, but also being despised by the young Lu Shijin:  …

Hastily, hastily! Sooner or later, he will get the money back with interest!


Lin Junchen went up and down the mountain to look for Lu Shijin for three consecutive days, but couldn't find anyone.

How could he know that the little fox he brought back from Lu Shijin's room would be Lu Shijin himself?

I have been worrying about what happened to Lu Shijin. Lin Junchen has not been able to practice well in the past few days. The sect master found that his cultivation was not advancing but retreating, and he severely scolded him.

The head punished Lin Junchen to kneel in the Sanqing Hall and asked him to reflect on it.

Lin Junchen didn't dare to defend himself, so he just kneeled, risking the anger of the Sect Master again, and asked, "The Sect Master, Senior Brother has been missing for three days, is he really all right?"

Sect Leader: "Your senior brother's life light is on, what can happen?"

All the disciples of Tianqingzong have a lamp of life.

Lin Junchen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and the sect master continued: "I have always been stable today, and I won't disappear suddenly. It should be down the mountain due to an emergency. Your senior brother's cultivation is top-notch among his peers, and most people can't hurt him. , it's you!"

The head blew his beard, and slapped Lin Junchen on the back with his whisk, "Do you think you are pretentious because you have a little talent?"

Lin Junchen hurriedly lowered his head: "Disciple dare not!"

The head snorted coldly: "You don't dare to measure, this seat tells you that the only word that is most important in the journey of cultivation is diligence. No matter how talented you are, if you are too lazy to cultivate, you will still not be able to achieve fruitful results. Can you understand? "

Lin Junchen: "Disciples remember the teachings of the real master."

"But now that you're gone, you're lacking someone to guide you, and I'm going to go to Lingchi Immortal Venerable's Dao Discussion Conference soon, and I can't get out of my body to discipline you." Chen walked back and forth, "Well, I will let you, Master Zhou, teach you personally. Your Master Zhou has a high level of cultivation, and you are the number one disciple of my Tianqing Sect. You follow him and study the Taoist method well. Even if you learn a little bit, it will be enough for you for a lifetime!"

"Uncle Zhou?" Lin Junchen was stunned for a moment, "But after the disciples started, I have never heard of any uncle surnamed Zhou."

The head smiled and said, "You, Master Zhou, have been out of the world for a long time, so I don't blame you for not knowing. Others are cultivating in the mountain behind the Lotus Peak of the Tianqing Sect, and usually no one is allowed to go up to disturb them. He should accept you for the sake of this seat."

Lin Junchen thought about it, if he went to Lianhua Peak to practice with Uncle Zhou, wouldn't he be able to see Lu Shijin?

Immediately, there was some reluctance on the face, and the real master could guess what Lin Junchen was thinking at a glance, and scolded with raised eyebrows: "You still don't want to, don't you? If you don't want to make progress, you know that you are lazy. Playing slippery, this seat might as well expel you from the division now, so that you will lose the face of Tianqingzong when you go down the mountain in the future."

When Lin Junchen heard this, he quickly kowtowed to admit his mistake: "Sect Master calm down, the disciples dare not be unwilling, but obey the Sect Master's orders."

"It's not too bad," the head swung his whisk and handed a token to Lin Junchen, saying, "This is the token of this seat, you take this to the Lotus Peak to find your Uncle Zhou, and when he sees this token, You know what's going on, you're ready, and you'll be over tomorrow."

The matter of Lin Junchen going to learn Taoism with Zhou Xueyuan is settled.

After being punished for kneeling, Lin Junchen returned to his bedroom in despair.

Lu Shi is still in the form of a fox. He has been staying in Lin Junchen's room for the past few days.

When he saw that Lin Junchen came back like this, he knew that he must have been punished by the boss, and he couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune.

Lin Junchen sat down on the bed with a sad face, and the little fox immediately stood up, arched his back, and grinned to warn him not to come near him.

Lu Shijin had experienced the kung fu of Lin Junchen's men. He especially despised himself when he was slapped twice by Lin Junchen, and he forgot to resist and had no self-discipline, so after being brought back by Lin Junchen, he always resisted. Lin Junchen touched him again.

In the past few days, Lu Shijin occupied Lin Junchen's bed, so Lin Junchen could only sit on the ground with a futon and meditate.

However, when he thought of going to Lotus Peak tomorrow, and he didn't know when he would be back, Lin Junchen couldn't care less.

He ignored the little fox's warning, directly fished the little fox over and put it on his lap, smoothing the little fox's hair with a sad face.

Lin Junchen said, "Cub cub, Senior Brother still doesn't know when he will be back, and tomorrow I will go to Lianhua Peak to practice with Uncle Zhou. No one will take care of you in the future, what can you do?"

"Cub" is the nickname that Lin Junchen gave Lu Shijin in the past two days. Lu Shijin is very dismissive of such a name that is not domineering at all, so every time Lin Junchen calls him "Cub", Lu Shijin ignores it. he.

But this time, when Lu Shijin heard what "Uncle Zhou" was mentioned in Lin Junchen's words, he couldn't help but pricked up his fox ears and moved.

Lin Junchen mistakenly thought that it was because of his persistent feeding for the past few days that he finally developed a relationship with the little fox. The little fox was reluctant to go by himself, and was relieved.

Lin Junchen lowered his head and put his face on Lu Shijin's back, and said sadly: "I know you can't bear me, so why not, but the life of the head is hard to defy, cub, wait here for me to come back. , I will let other senior brothers feed you every day."

Lu Shijin's mind was full of the question "Master Zhou, which Master Zhou?", so Lin Junchen had to do it with him.

Uncle Zhou? He was cultivating at Lotus Peak again. Could it be Zhou Xueyuan? !

Lin Junchen is going to practice next to Zhou Xueyuan? Great opportunity! He can see his husband too!

Lu Shijin turned his head and grabbed Lin Junchen's sleeve, his black round eyes were wet, he looked at Lin Junchen eagerly, trying his best to show his reluctance.

Lin Junchen's heart softened when he saw it, he touched the soft flesh on the back of Lu Shijin's neck, forced a smile and said, "Cub, you're good, you're good, my brother will come down the mountain to see you when you have time, and give it to you when the time comes. Make roast chicken."

Lu Shijin resisted the urge to spit out the sleeves in his mouth, ah bah, they all call themselves "brother", who is taking advantage of it, stinky boy!

There is no way, who made him a fox who can't speak now, and if he wants to see Zhou Xueyuan, he has to rely on Lin Junchen.

Lu Shijin bit Lin Junchen's sleeve and didn't let go, and a mournful "woohoo" sounded in his throat.

The nine-tailed fox is good at seduction, not only in human form I feel pity, but fox form can also attract uncontrollable love in the heart.

Lin Junchen really took the bait, blinked, and understood the meaning of the little fox: "You want to say that you want to go to Lotus Peak with me?"

Lu Shijin nodded again and again, jumped off Lin Junchen's knees, stood up on his hind legs, hugged Lin Junchen's thighs with his forelegs, and rubbed his head.

In order to meet Zhou Xueyuan, this sacrifice was a big one, but he was willing to give up his old face, and even used the trick of being cute!

Lu Shijin secretly made up his mind, even if he killed Lin Junchen, he would not let Lin Junchen know that he was the little fox, and the little fox was him!

The little fox was so attached to him, Lin Junchen was both happy and worried.

He held the little fox in his arms, rubbed the little fox's head, and sighed: "Why don't I want to take you with me? Lianhua Peak is secluded, and it is said that there is no one on it except Master Zhou. You go, and you can accompany me, but I don't know if Uncle Zhou is easy to get along with, what if he doesn't like my pets?"

Lu Shijin thought, as long as you are willing to take me there, how can Zhou Xueyuan not like me!

Just kidding, that's my husband!

But he couldn't speak, so he could only hold his head to Lin Junchen harder, he had to pester Lin Junchen and promise to take him up.

"Alright, alright! You rubbish, I really can't do anything about you." Lin Junchen took the little fox's head out from under his arm, and couldn't help laughing, "Never mind, I'll take you there tomorrow, cultivator. It’s normal to keep one or two spirit pets around, if Uncle Zhou doesn’t like you, I’ll send you down the mountain if it’s a big deal.”

As soon as Lu Shijin heard that it was done, he immediately jumped back on the bed from Lin Junchen, and began to lick his paws, brush his hair and wash his face, pretending that it was not him who was entangling Lin Junchen just now.

Lin Junchen was a little dumbfounded, pointed at the little fox and shook his head: "You, you, how can you turn your face faster than a book?"


Early the next morning, Lin Junchen packed his bags and flew to Lotus Peak with Lu Shijin Yujian in the form of a little fox.

Lotus Peak was banned, Yujian could only fly halfway up the mountain, and then he could only walk.

Lu Shijin suffered an internal injury and was physically weak, and after walking for a while, he refused to leave. Lin Junchen had no choice but to carry him up the mountain.

It took about half a day to finally reach the top of Lotus Peak.

Although this mountain is called "Lotus Peak", it has nothing to do with Lotus.

The top of the mountain is covered with snow for half a year, and it is bitter, cold and clear. Except for monks who are looking for a clean place to practice, most people will never come here.

Lin Junchen is not afraid of hardship or loneliness. The only thing he can't let go of is that he may not have time to say goodbye to Lu Shijin.

I don't know if the senior brother is back, and will he be worried when he comes back and finds that he is not there.

Lin Junchen looked at the blue sky above his head that seemed to be within reach, and sighed deeply.

The road of cultivation is destined to be lonely.

There was a barrier where Zhou Xueyuan lived, and Lin Junchen couldn't get close.

Apart from the two simple thatched cottages, there is no other arrangement.

Zhou Xueyuan himself is a self-cultivator who is obsessed with love, pursues the unity of man and nature, and has no desires or desires. For him, those external things are all fetters.

"Excuse me, is Uncle Zhou here? Lin Junchen, the disciple of the disciple Chongxiao, pays respects to Uncle Zhou!" Lin Junchen knelt down outside the barrier and kowtowed three times respectfully.

"Chongxiao's disciple? Why are you looking for this seat?"

A deep voice sounded in the barrier. Lin Junchen thought that Uncle Zhou, like the head and master, should be an old man with immortal style, but he didn't expect the voice to be quite young.

He could only hear his voice but couldn't see him. Lu Shijin was in a hurry. Seeing Lin Junchen in a daze, he impatiently took a bite.

Lin Junchen woke up from the pain, and quickly took out the head token, holding his hands in front of his chest, and said: "The master retreated to understand the secrets, and the disciple came to Lotus Peak on the order of the head master, hoping to serve in front of Master Zhou's seat. , got the guidance of Uncle Zhou."

As soon as he finished speaking, the token in his hand disappeared out of thin air.

Lin Junchen looked at his empty hands and was shocked. He had only heard of the magic of taking objects from the air, but he had never seen it before. He did not expect that Master Zhou's cultivation had reached such a state of ecstasy.

After a while, the token that disappeared returned to Lin Junchen's hand, accompanied by a cold voice: "This seat has no time to preach to others, you can go back."

Lin Junchen: "..."

This Uncle Zhou has a big air. After all, he is still a member of the Tianqing Sect, and he doesn't even buy the head token.

Lin Junchen remembered that yesterday, the real head of the head swore in front of him that Zhou Xueyuan would definitely take his face and accept his own.

What would the head think if he knew that he hadn't even seen Zhou Xueyuan's face.

Since he was rejected by others, Lin Junchen thought that it was not good for him to be entangled with him, so he got up from the ground and prepared to go back the same way.

When Lu Shijin saw that the silly boy was about to leave, he quickly grabbed the hem of Lin Junchen's clothes and dragged him back.

Lin Junchen wondered, "What's the matter? It must be Master Uncle Zhou, his old man is too busy to teach me, so let's go back."

If it can't be done, Lu Shijin wants to roll his eyes.

Whenever a cultivator accepts an apprentice, he cares most about the sincerity of the apprentice, so he knelt down for so long, and when people let you go, you just go, the ghost is willing to teach you!

Lu Shijin had no choice but to use his short claws to imitate the posture of a human being kneeling and asking Lin Junchen to kneel again and kowtow until Zhou Xueyuan agreed.

Lin Junchen was just a little more sincere and not stupid, and was suddenly awakened by the little fox's actions.

He secretly said that he was too stupid to even understand this layer, so he quickly knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the thatched hut in the enchantment.

And secretly rejoiced, the spiritual pet is worthy of being a spiritual pet and knows human nature. Fortunately, this time he brought the little fox, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

When Lin Junchen knocked his head to the one hundred and twenty-ninth time, a creaking sound finally came from the barrier.

Lin Junchen didn't dare to stop, and continued to kowtow one by one, but Lu Shijin, who was watching the play on the side, relied on the fact that he was now in the form of a fox, and looked at the person who came out of the barrier without shyness.

The man was dressed in white, without a trace of dust, his black hair was scattered behind him like a waterfall, and he danced in the wind as he walked.

Approaching a closer look, the appearance is extremely handsome, the face is like a bright moon, the eyes are like stars, the eyebrows and eyes can't see sadness or joy, the long eyelashes hide all the emotions in the bottom of the eyes, and the temperament revealed by the whole body is one word - fairy!

If there are immortals in the world, it should be like this, right?

The little fox's eyes were straight, and the corners of his mouth were grinning stupidly.

"Enough, stop." Zhou Xueyuan coldly ordered, Lin Junchen had already kowtowed to the ground and bowed groggyly, "Thank you, Master Zhou, disciple."

Zhou Xueyuan stood with his sleeves behind his back, his frosty eyes swept over Lin Junchen, and then moved to Lu Shijin next to him.

Carrying the excitement of finally meeting his lover, Lu Shijin was so excited that his body was shaking, and his tail kept wagging behind him: Look at me, look at me! Husband look at me!

In Zhou Xueyuan's eyes, Lu Shijin's current appearance was no different from a big dog who saw its owner.

Zhou Xueyuan didn't even frown, he looked away, looked at the top of Lin Junchen's head and said softly, "You can stay, but this ugly fox can't."

Lu Shijin: ? ? ?

Lin Junchen raised his head and glanced at the little fox who was stiff in place, thinking that the little fox could not bear the blow of being separated from him, and decided to fight for the cub again.

"Uncle Qi, this fox is a spiritual pet raised by the disciple. He is very good and sensible. He will never disturb you, Uncle. I hope that Uncle can open up and stay by his disciple's side."

"Spiritual pet? Do you know the origin of the spiritual pet around you?" Lu Shijin saw that the corner of Zhou Xueyuan's mouth seemed to move, but it was fleeting, and he couldn't help thinking it was his dazzling eyes.

His body trembled, no way, could it be that his secret was discovered by Zhou Xueyuan?

Zhou Xueyuan flicked his sleeves and turned around, the barrier seemed to open a gap.

"Forget it, since you're going to be obsessed and no one will wake you up, come in with this seat."