Chapter 100: Long Aotian and Leng Xianjun

Seeing that the barrier was open, Lin Junchen hurriedly walked in behind Zhou Xueyuan, but when he lowered his head, he found that something seemed to be missing.

Looking back, it turned out that the little fox was still stunned in place, with a stagnant expression, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

Lin Junchen lowered his voice and gave a low reminder: "Cub! Hurry up!"

Lu Shijin woke up like a dream, and hurriedly moved his four short legs to keep up with the pace of the two men in front.

Excessive, actually called him "ugly fox" the first time we met, Lu Shijin grinned at Zhou Xueyuan's back, Laozi is obviously a prosperous beauty, how ugly!

Even a cultivator has no ability to distinguish between beauty and ugliness, you!

When he walked to the two humble thatched huts, Zhou Xueyuan stopped, pointed to the slightly shorter thatched hut on his left and said to Lin Junchen, "This thatched hut will be your residence in the future, and this one will be my residence. Unless called by this seat, you are not allowed to approach without authorization."

Lin Junchen: "Disciple obeys."

Zhou Xueyuan glanced sideways at the little fox at Lin Junchen's feet, and said coolly: "And this fox you brought, take good care of it, if you dare to disturb this seat's cleaning, this seat will not be merciful."

Lu Shijin, who was suddenly named and threatened: "..."

Is it your father that I can't hold the knife, or are you starting to float?

Dog man, talk about it in detail, how do you "won't show mercy" to Lao Tzu!

Lu Shijin was so angry that he suffered an internal injury, his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were squeezed together in pain.

If eyes could kill, Zhou Xueyuan would have been riddled with holes.

"The disciple will definitely take good care of the cubs, Master Zhou rest assured." Lin Junchen said respectfully.

"Cub?" Zhou Xueyuan frowned slightly, this time Lu Shijin accurately caught the disgusting expression on his face, and also understood the meaning behind his expression-"This name sounds really tacky".

Lu Shijin wants to cry but has no tears, it's not that I want to call such a silly name, it's all Lin Junchen's fault!

"It's getting late today, and now it's too late to practice. You should go back to your room to clean up the housework. If I have time tomorrow, I will send you a voice transmission."

After Zhou Xueyuan finished speaking, he threw his long sleeves and strode back to the thatched hut that belonged to him.

After entering the house, he threw his long sleeves again, and the door of the thatched hut was closed.

When Lin Junchen heard that he didn't need to practice today, he couldn't ask for it.

This Uncle Zhou didn't seem to be easy to get along with, and he was too oppressive, and he was a little afraid.

For fear of accidentally angering Zhou Xueyuan and being driven down the mountain by Zhou Xueyuan.

Lin Junchen strolled around in the barrier, everywhere was covered with snow, no grass grew, and there was no smell of popular fireworks, and there was a sense of loneliness and desolation everywhere.

Fortunately, there is still a little fox to accompany him, and these long years of ascetic cultivation are not so boring.

Lin Junchen called out to the little fox lying on the ground: "Let's go, cub, go and have a look at our room."

Cubs, cubs, cubs!

It's all your name! This made Lao Tzu despised by Zhou Xueyuan!

The little fox got up, glared at Lin Junchen fiercely, quickly took a bite on his leg, and then jumped into the thatched hut, leaving Lin Junchen alone for no reason.

The little fox's temperament is also a little moody, right?

Entering the thatched hut, Lu Shijin saw that it looked like a bedroom, but it was just a wall and a layer of grass on the head.

Is this where people live?

The only decoration in the room was a wooden bed by the wall that looked older than him. The bed was covered with a layer of cold and hard cotton wool, and a thin quilt was added, that's all.

Lu Shijin rolled his eyes and immediately jumped onto the only wooden bed to lie down, declaring his sovereignty to Lin Junchen.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you the bed, I won't grab it from you, look at you stingy." Lin Junchen was used to the domineering of the little fox, and shook his head with a good temper.

He performed a dust cleaning technique, swept away the dust in the room, and took out the oil lamp from the storage ring. After lighting it, the dimly lit room finally brightened up a lot.

"Another day I'll go to the mountain to find some wood, make two chairs and then make a table, otherwise there won't be a place to sit, it's too inconvenient."

Lin Junchen seemed to be discussing with Lu Shijin, and seemed to be talking to himself, but Lu Shijin ignored him and was still sulking.

Lin Junchen took a futon, put it beside the bed, sat down on the futon, and touched the little fox's head, "Did you hear what Master Zhou just said? Don't run around here, especially don't go there. Disturbing Master Zhou Qingxiu, do you understand?"

The little fox raised his head and barked his teeth at him.

The conditions on Lianhua Peak were difficult, but fortunately Lin Junchen had already been fasted and did not need to eat and drink like mortals.

Therefore, he only needs a place to stay. Although the thatched hut is simple, it is enough to meet the minimum living needs.

And with the little fox by his side, Lin Junchen felt very satisfied.

One day of practice should not be wasted. Lin Junchen remembered that he had not practiced today, so he crossed his legs on the futon and began to meditate.

Lu Shijin saw that Lin Junchen had entered Ding, the room was silent, only the sound of one person and one fox's shallow breathing could be heard.

Humans are really contradictory creatures. When Lin Junchen talked to him, he was annoyed and liked to ignore it.

No one was talking to him now, and he felt strangely empty again.

The little fox rolled over on the cold and hard bed board, yawned boredly, and narrowed his eyes to feel sorry for himself.

Even if Zhou Xueyuan didn't recognize him, he still despised him for being ugly, too much!

And he himself doesn't know when he will be able to change back to human form, why is life so difficult!

The little fox's heart was cold, and he began to miss the soft and warm bedding at the foot of the mountain.

With resentment towards Zhou Xueyuan, Lu Shijin fell asleep scolding in his heart.

Lin Junchen also seemed tired from meditating, tilted his head, and unconsciously fell asleep on the edge of the bed.

The faces of one person and one fox are exactly opposite, and the little fox's pointed mouth is not too far from Lin Junchen's lips.

Slowly, there seemed to be an invisible gas from Lin Junchen's mouth that the little fox immersed in his sleep unconsciously sucked in.

Suddenly, a thunderstorm sounded outside the sky, and Lin Junchen was awakened by the sound of thunder. Yunyou opened his eyes, and after seeing the situation he was facing through the dim light in the thatched hut, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lu Shijin was woken up by Lin Junchen's voice, frowned impatiently, and complained with his eyes closed: "What's the noise in the middle of the night, it's deadly noisy!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Shijin suddenly realized that he could speak, and suddenly opened his eyes and got up from the bed, staring at Lin Junchen with big eyes.

Lu Shijin: "..."

Lin Junchen: "..."

There was a suffocating silence in the air.

What Lin Junchen was thinking was, why did the senior brother, whom he had been looking for for a long time but disappeared, suddenly appear in his room?

What Lu Shijin thought was that Lin Junchen must not know that he is a vixen!

In the end, Lin Junchen couldn't help but speak out first, and said dryly: "Senior brother, you..."

"I..." Lu Shijin sat on the bed and straightened his robes, looked at Lin Junchen and said solemnly, "I'm not your senior brother."

Lin Junchen was like a cloud: "Huh?"

Lu Shijin blinked, "You don't know me? I'm a little fox, you call me cub."

Lin Junchen: "???"

Lu Shijin raised his hand, covered his lips with his sleeves and coughed, then cleared his throat, "What's wrong? Are you surprised to see the spirit pet take shape?"

Of course, Lin Junchen was not surprised by the transformation of the pet, but because...

"However," Lin Junchen tentatively believed that the "person" with the face of the land in front of him came from the little fox flower shape, but what he couldn't understand was, "You change shape, you change shape, why do you want to become senior brother's? appearance?"

Lu Shijin raised his eyebrows and began to talk nonsense: "Our fox clan are good at legitimizing, reading people's minds, we will change the appearance according to the appearance of the person who is most eager to see the person who has been absorbed by the spiritual sense, you want to see the person the most in your heart. It's your senior brother, my master, right or not?"

Lu Shijin originally planned to deceive Lin Junchen, but he didn't expect that Lin Junchen really seemed to have been guessed and blushed after hearing his words?

He knows it! The younger brother has a bad heart for him!

Lin Junchen lowered his head unnaturally, and couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Lu Shijin.

It was true that he had indeed dreamed of the big brother in his dream just now.

The first time he met Lu Shijin when he entered the Qing Sect of Heaven, he was overwhelmed by Lu Shijin's handsome and handsome demeanor.

The stones are like jade, the pines are like green, and Lang Yan is unique. How can there be such a good-looking person in the world?

So he likes to follow behind the senior brother, as long as he can look at the senior brother every day, he is extremely satisfied.

Lin Junchen was a little embarrassed when his mind was pierced by the little fox, but he was more secretly happy.

Originally, he thought that he would go to Lotus Peak, and he didn't know when to see the senior brother, so he came with the spiritual pet of the senior brother, thinking that in the future, he would be able to see things and think about people and chat to comfort him.

But he didn't expect that the little fox could actually transform into the appearance of a senior brother, and he was almost as good as the thread, so why not make him happy?

Lu Shijin got goosebumps when he saw Lin Junchen's fiery eyes, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Why are you... looking at me like that?"

Lin Junchen smiled slightly, "It's nothing, I'm just surprised, you've become a big brother, even the demeanor and tone of speech are exactly the same."

Lu Shijin was in a cold sweat. Lin Junchen said so, did he believe it or not?

"Cub, can you become a senior brother in the future?" Lin Junchen stared at Lu Shijin and asked expectantly.

"This...I'm not sure," Lu Shijin didn't understand why he suddenly returned to a human form, always worried that he would turn back into a fox, he suddenly remembered something, and glared at Lin Junchen, "Also! Don't call me. My little cub! What a childish name, it doesn't match my domineering identity at all!"

Lin Junchen's expression was a little hurt: "Don't you like it? But I think 'cub' sounds good..."

"It doesn't sound good at all," Lu Shijin sneered.

Lin Junchen: "Then what am I going to call you? Do you have a name?"

"Yes, yes!" Lu Shijin's eyes were uncertain because of his guilty conscience, and his brain was running fast. What name should he give himself, "Of course there is, the master gave me a name, called, called..."

Lin Junchen frowned suspiciously: "What's it called?"

"It's called Xiaobai!" Lu Shijin said decisively in a hurry.

"Xiao Bai?" Lin Junchen scratched his forehead, "Is it called you because you are a white fox?"

Lu Shijin said confidently: "Yes, what's wrong? Isn't Xiaobai much nicer than any cubs?"

What Lin Junchen actually thought was that calling "Xiao Bai" was too casual, and it wasn't any better than "Cub".

But since it was the name given by the senior brother, it is not easy for him to change it.

"Xiao Bai, do you know where Senior Brother went? Why did he leave without saying goodbye?" Lin Junchen sat on the bed and asked with concern.

Lu Shijin: "I, no, the master has something to go down the mountain."

Lin Junchen: "When will you be back?"

"How do I know this?" Lu Shijin spread his hands, "I'm just a spiritual pet, and my master won't tell me everything. But you don't have to worry too much, my master has a high level of cultivation and looks so good-looking. Something will happen."

Lin Junchen: "..." He was silent for a moment, then asked, "Then why did you follow me to the Lotus Peak?"

"I'm bored in Tianqingzong, and you are willing to serve me with delicious food, so why don't you come to Lotus Peak to play with you." Lu Shijin pointed indignantly, "I came to know that this place is not fun at all. And your uncle, who has an ice-faced face all day long and has a quirky temperament, cultivates under his hands, you will be able to bear it."

Lin Junchen was like a big enemy, and he quickly reached out to cover Lu Shijin's mouth, "Silence! Stop talking! Be careful if Uncle Zhou hears you and drive you down the mountain."

Lu Shijin pushed his hand away and snorted in disdain, "Just hurry, do you think I want to stay here, sir?"

"But I want you to stay." Lin Junchen looked at Xialu Shijin deeply, and looked away a little embarrassedly, "Xiao Bai, I will take good care of you, can you stay here to accompany me to practice?"

Lu Shijin was just being quick-tempered. He had nowhere else to go, so he pretended to be embarrassed and said, "Okay, for the sake of serving you delicious food, I'll stay."

Lin Junchen was overjoyed, grabbed Lu Shijin's hand and put it in his palm, and asked him eagerly, "Then can you become a big brother and stay by my side in the future?"

Lu Shijin: "..."

He took his hand out of Lin Junchen's hand, moved his **** and sat a little further away from Lin Junchen.

Looking at Lin Junchen like this, I am afraid that his feelings for this big brother have not been a day or two.

But, although Zhou Xueyuan despised him, he didn't plan to find another new love for the time being.

So it is destined to be able to live up to the wishes of the younger brother.

Lu Shijin lowered his eyebrows and said, "I have limited spiritual power, so I can't transform for a long time, and it takes a long time to recover once I transform."

"That's it," Lin Junchen's tone sounded a little regretful, but he soon became happy again, "It's okay, whether you become a big brother or a little fox, I'm happy!"

"Ha, ha..." Lu Shijin's eyes twitched, Heyi lay down facing the wall, and said perfunctorily, "Well, it's getting late, I'm going to sleep, and I'll talk about it after dawn."

"Okay." Lin Junchen meditated on the futon again.

But when he knew that there was a "big brother" lying behind him, he couldn't concentrate.

Lin Junchen turned his head slightly, looked at Lu Shijin's back from the corner of his eyes, and a smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth.


Early the next morning, Lu Shijin woke up and found that he had indeed changed back into the form of a fox.

So last night he suddenly returned to human form, what happened?

Lu Shijin was puzzled.

Lin Junchen was called over to practice by Zhou Xueyuan's voice transmission a long time ago, and there was only a fox left in the thatched hut, Lu Shijin. Apart from that, not even a single bird feather could be seen in the enchantment.

Lu Shijin waited until the sun rose in the morning until the moon moved to Xishan before Lin Junchen finally returned to the thatched hut.

There was a happy smile on Lin Junchen's face, it should be Zhou Xueyuan's guidance that benefited him a lot.

"Xiao Bai!" Lin Junchen happily picked up the little fox lying on the bed, held it in the air and circled, "I didn't expect that Master Zhou just looked fierce, but he was actually very amiable! He patiently taught me that you can It is said that there is no limit to what I know and what I can say, and it won’t take long before my cultivation will make a great breakthrough!”

When Lu Shijin heard this, he felt sour in his heart.

Calling him an "ugly fox", but treating Lin Junchen so well, the fox is mad!

Lu Shijin took his anger on Lin Junchen, opened his mouth and bit him to vent his dissatisfaction.

Lin Junchen didn't care at all, he hugged the little fox on his knees and brushed his hair in a fancy way.

"Did Xiaobai miss me today?" Lin Junchen scratched the little fox's chin, "When will you be able to transform again?"

Lu Shijin rolled the fox's eyes, I was starving to death, how could I have the energy to transform! Why don't you bring me a whole roasted chicken!

Lu Shi, who is in the form of a fox, can't open up the valley, and he still has to eat and drink normally. He was hungry for a day, and just now he was held by Lin Junchen and turned in a circle, and he was already dizzy.

Seeing the little fox's lack of energy, Lin Junchen finally remembered that he hadn't fed the little fox today, so he quickly took out the fox rations prepared before going up the mountain from the storage ring, and fed the little fox something to eat.

At night, Lu Shijin was still sleeping on the bed, and Lin Junchen was still sitting on the futon meditating.

After Lin Junchen was tired from meditating and fell asleep, another invisible breath entered Lu Shijin's mouth from Lin Junchen's mouth.

The little fox on the bed slowly elongated his body, and was replaced by a man lying on the bed.

Lu Shijin turned over, half asleep and half awake, as if his hands and feet had grown back to his body, he suddenly opened his eyes and put his hands in front of him.

Damn, it actually changed back? Amazing! What is the rationale for this?

Lin Junchen was still asleep, and Lu Shijin didn't want to wake him up, so he got up and went down to the ground very lightly.

Afraid that Lin Junchen would wake up and find that he was gone, causing suspicion, Lu Shijin mentioned the little remaining spiritual power and gave him a drowsiness before leaving the thatched hut with confidence.

That's right, he is going to find Zhou Xueyuan, maybe Zhou Xueyuan can cure his injury.

Although Zhou Xueyuan had warned him and Lin Junchen, without his summons, no one was allowed to approach his thatched hut.

But if he is willing to be obedient, is he still Lu Shijin?

Lu Shijin stared at the dark night, like a thatched hut of a giant beast.

Dare to say that he is ugly in the form of a fox, then he will not believe it, if he stands in front of Zhou Xueyuan like this, Zhou Xueyuan can still talk nonsense with his eyes open, and call him ugly? !

Lu Shijin walked towards the thatched hut firmly. He thought that Zhou Xueyuan would set a restriction around the thatched hut, but he didn't. Lu Shijin walked unexpectedly smoothly all the way.

The door of the thatched cottage was closed, and Lu Shijin didn't dare to go in rashly. He knocked on the door twice, "Uncle Zhou? Are you there? Disciple Chongxiao, the eldest disciple, Lu Shijin, has something to ask to see Uncle Zhou."

After Lu Shijin finished speaking, he waited for a while, but there was no sound in the thatched hut, as if no one was there.

Logically speaking, a person with a high level of cultivation, within a radius of dozens of miles, even the movement of a leaf falling to the ground can't be concealed from that person's ears.

There's no reason Zhou Xueyuan didn't notice him coming.

But why is there no one in the house? Doesn't it mean that Zhou Xueyuan has been cultivating on the Lotus Peak for decades and has never stepped out of the Lotus Peak?

With his stomach full of doubts, Lu Shijin decided to push the door and go in to see what was going on.

But who knows, as soon as the door was opened, Lu Shijin felt that he was sucked into a vortex by a huge suction force.

When he landed top-heavy, he was shocked that he had entered an unknown space, and at first glance it was not the real world.

Why do you say that?

The sun, moon and stars are at the foot, but the mountains and rivers are overhead. What flows in the river is not water, but mellow and fragrant wine!

Where is he? !

"Who is here?"

A low and magnetic male voice came from all directions, and Lu Shijin immediately recognized Zhou Xueyuan's voice.

Lu Shijin was a little flustered, and bowed deeply into the air, saying, "Uncle Zhou, I don't want to offend you. The disciple is Lu Shijin, the eldest disciple of the Master Chongxiao. I beg Master Zhou for help."

"What do you need this seat to help with?"

Lu Shijin: "The disciple practiced a book of mind methods a few days ago, but he went into trouble because he couldn't understand the essentials. I also hope that Uncle Zhou can help the disciple heal. The disciple is grateful."

"Heh," Zhou Xueyuan snorted softly, "I don't know when Tianqingzong can accept the nine-tailed fox as a disciple."

Zhou Xueyuan really discovered his identity long ago, and Lu Shijin didn't hide it, and said generously: "The teacher has always felt that there is no difference in teaching. Besides, all living beings are equal, and all living beings in the world, as long as they are sincere, should have the opportunity to cultivate the Tao."

"What a eloquent mouth."

Zhou Xueyuan finally appeared, Lu Shijin heard the voice coming from behind him, he turned around quickly, and his eyes almost fell out of shock when he saw Zhou Xueyuan's appearance.

The Zhou Xueyuan in front of him was completely different from the man in white clothes yesterday.

He was wearing a large black robe, his long hair fell behind him, and his neckline was wide open, revealing a delicate collarbone and a sturdy chest.

It was said to be a black robe, but it was more like pajamas. It was loosely worn on the body, and it felt like it was about to fall from the body at any time.

His expression was also different from the frosty Zhou Xueyuan before. Now this person has a playful look in his eyes and an unruly smile. Only the words "evil charming and maddening" can describe him.

The face of Zhou Xueyuan is good, but it doesn't look like Zhou Xueyuan at all.

What the **** is going on here?

Lu Shi felt a chill on his back from now on.

Zhou Xueyuan made a wine glass out of thin air in his hand, raised his hand and scooped a glass of wine in the river above his head, drank it all at once, and slowly paced in front of Lu Shijin, sneering with his lips hooked, "This seat warned you not to approach this seat. Residence, why don't you listen?"

Lu Shijin felt that his IQ was not enough. Isn't Zhou Xueyuan a ruthless Daoist? Why is this situation now, it seems like a big villain?

"Uncle Zhou, this disciple doesn't want to disturb you. Since you have something to do, then you should go out first." Lu Shijin turned his head and left, but this is Zhou Xueyuan's territory. As long as Zhou Xueyuan doesn't let him out, where can he go.

"Little fox, I didn't expect you to transform into a human body, this skin is not bad." Zhou Xueyuan appeared in front of Lu Shijin like a ghost, and said leisurely.

"Where is it, Master Zhou praised it." Lu Shijin laughed dryly, turned around and fled in a different direction.

Zhou Xueyuan blocked his way again, looking at him with a half-smile, as if playing a game of cat and mouse.

"Where are you going? Didn't you just ask me to help you heal?"

Lu Shijin hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, Master Zhou, you are busy with you. I don't dare to bother you with this little problem of the disciple. You can let the disciple fend for itself."

Zhou Xueyuan ignored Lu Shijin's gag, and said leisurely, "Your nine-tailed fox's physique is yin. Your improper cultivation has damaged your yin qi. If you don't find someone to help you heal your injuries, you will worry about your life."

Lu Shijin was stunned for a moment, "Is it that serious?" I thought it was just an appearance, but it was so serious that I would die?

"But it's easy to cure." Zhou Xueyuan said slowly.

Lu Shijin asked urgently, "How to treat it?"

Zhou Xueyuan squinted at him, "Collection of yang to replenish yin, and collection of yang qi of men to replenish your yin qi, among them, young men are the best."

Lu Shijin: "..."